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Online Java learning by Udemy 1.9
As a college student who did not have the best professor in myintroto java course, I understand the important of visual handsonlearning. So I kept in mind, when formatting this course, howIwould have best understood something initially and the orderIwould have comprehended best.This course covers the basic concepts of Java to get youstartedand comfortable programming. You shouldn't rush too fastthroughthe course, but rather use some of what I am teaching andpluggingin different values or using the concepts in differentways. Also,code things that interest you. Explore the Java API tosee what allyou can do with objects already available in Java'svastlibrary.Java is arguably the best language to start off learning nowadays.*YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*• To have a basic understanding of Java and feel comfortablewithprogramming• Have a strong foundation to be able to get into a morespecializedfields in Java such as Desktop programs, WebDevelopment, etc.*FEATURES*• Lifetime access to 48 lectures and 13 quizzes• 5+ hours of high quality content• A community of 3000+ students learning together!• Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.• Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ON UDEMY *"Fantastic Course, Everything is well explained. Lookingforwardto starting the Advanced Java course!"-(Conor Wright) ★★★★★"This is my third java course on udemy as I attempt to tryandlearn coding from the internet. This course is fantastic asheexplains thoroughly many of the details required to learn java!Iwish this would have been the first course I had taken as itwouldprovide a great foundation for programming Java."-(Erick Hern) ★★★★★"I am not a beginner in Java but I wanted to brush up a bit.Ireally liked how you showed a few ways to do same thing,whichsometimes confused me when professors only teach you one wayandyou see someone else do something another but you really broughtitall together for me. I highly recommend this course and I amalsotaking your advanced course and that is already great! Keep upthegood work!"-(JMart) ★★★★★"Awesome tutorials! Very clear and start to finish"-(Kuldeep Acharya) ★★★★★Instructed By : Michel McAlexanderMichel has created many programs and help fellowstudentsconstantly. He has a great understanding of Javaprogramming and ifhe doesn't know the answer/solution off the topof his head, heknows how to find it and grasp it.Install the "Online Java learning by Udemy" app now and joinover4 million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Make Money Online Course 1.9
Learn how to make money from home with my step-by-step plan tobuilda $5,000 per month passive income website portfolio (basedonbuilding 10 websites that make at least $500 per montheach).Online passive income is the ultimate dream. Making money whileyousleep. Everybody wants it. But is it really possible?The short answer is "yes." The longer answer is "yes, butitisn't easy to accomplish."If it was, wouldn't everyone be doing it?In this course, you will get a step-by-step plan on howtodevelop a passive income website portfolio and show you howmakingmoney online actually works.The specific plan is designed to make you $5,000 per monthinpassive income earnings, based on 10 websites, with eachwebsitehaving a targeted earnings level of at least $500 each. Onceyouunderstand the process though, you can decide to build 20 ofthesewebsites, or 100!When you stop is up to you (and yes, there are people makingtensof thousands of dollars per month on the Internet based ontheseconcepts - they just love the work and don't ever stopbuilding newwebsites or expanding their current ones!).You can also learn my entire lesson plan in book form. Tolearnhow to build a $5,000 per month passive income websiteportfolio,completely step-by-step in book form.*YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*- Over 24 lectures and 9.5 hours of content!- To make a website or start a blog using WordPress on yourowndomain.- To build a $5,000 / month passive income website portfolio.*FEATURES*✔ Lifetime access to 24 lectures✔ 9+ hours of high quality content✔ A community of 7600+ people trying to learn the same thing!✔ Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.✔ Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE*"I am so happy I found this course. I now have a good foundationofwhat I need to know of starting an online business. Mike doesanexcellent job of breaking down step by step of what needs tobedone to succeed. Don't assume this is a get rich quick scheme!MikeDoes emphasize several times throughout the course that thereis agood amount of work required. Also, You ideally want tobecomfortable with the online world and being a little tech savvyisbeneficial. Bottom line, If you're looking to start abusinessonline with little overhead, I would definitely recommendyou takethis course."- (John Waller) ★★★★★"I am blown away by the level of value provided in thiscourse.No BS, no sales pitch, just solid how-to content. Agreatfind"- (Martin Goldberg) ★★★★★"Super easy to follow, really helpful, and very clearwhenexplaining what he's doing. Love the course no doubt!"- (David Martin) ★★★★★Instructed By : Mike Omar | Online EntrepreneurMike Omar is the owner of Make Money from Home LIONS CLUB. Heisa big fan of entrepreneurship and primarily interested inhelpingothers create small businesses (that can eventually growinto largebusinesses!). He has been self employed for over fiveyears and hasdone business consulting on the side for severalbusinessstart-ups.Install the "Make Money Online Course" app now and join over4million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Udemy Web Design Course 1.9
Excuses cause inaction and thus limit progress. Some excuses Ihearall the time about web design is:-"I don't have enough time"-"I don't have the money for to hire web designer"-"I'm not technical"-"It's too hard"Let's say you were just starting out to play Basketball.Howwould you do it? A lot of excuses to not play basketballmightbe:-"I don't have enough time"-"I don't have the money for to hire a coach"-"I'm not athletic"-"It's too hard"We could adjust the above excuse for almost any skill.So, how would you learn the basics of basketball?1. Copy someone else while learning the basics-- perhapsgettingsome advice from someone who knows how to play alittle.2. Practice on your own (a lot). Realize you sucked at walkingwhenyou first tried (even though it's hard to remember.3. Get Advanced Coaching ? Start a team? Join a team? PlayRealGames? Start a league?#3 Is where you start having new options. #3 is where I wanttobring you with this course, except, not with basketball butwebsitedesign.Are you ready to begin?*YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*- Over 8 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!- Learn HTML- Learn CSS- Learn basic Javacript- Build your project's website*FEATURES*• Lifetime access to 8 lectures• A community of 3500+ people trying to learn the same thing!• Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.• Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ON UDEMY *"If you know nothing about web design this class really helpsalot. Downside: the videos are blurry and you can't always seewhathe is typing when he types it. However, he does provide copiesforyou. He has a nice voice."-(Lori Grace) ★★★★★"This was a nice, basic introductory course that provided aquickoverview of how you would approach designing a new businesswebsite.Obviously can not include all website things to considerbut doesprovide some broader tools and ideas to decideupon."-("Zoom" Doug Van Le) ★★★★★Instructed By : Justin MitchelIt all started with an idea. I wanted freedom... badly.Freedomfrom work, freedom from boredom, and, most of all, thefreedom tochoose. This simple idea grew to define me; it made mebecome anentrepreneur.Install the "Udemy Web Design Course" app now and join over4million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Learn C++ Programming by Udemy 1.9
C++ is the most popular OOPS implementation and can utilizedtocreate video games, small apps, desktop application and evensystemdrivers too.Master the C++ programming language with this affordablecoursethat is very interactive and is not like traditional longandboring lectures. Things are taught in short and simple way inthiscourse.Programming is fun and is very easy if you start to implementitwith small example and this course is ideal for it, So Jumpintothe course and Learn with Mr Hitesh Choudha*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*1. overview of C++ programming language2. Installation of c++ on windows3. Installation of c++ on Linux4. Hello world in C++ programming5. Data types in C++ programming6. Variables in c++ programming7. Variables scope in C++ programming8. constants in c++ programming9. modifying the data types in c++ programming10.arithmetic operations in c++ programming11. what is Object oriented programming AKA OOPS12. Outro for c plus plus lite version*FEATURES*✔ Lifetime access to 12 lectures✔ A community of 3200+ students learning together!✔ Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.✔ Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ON UDEMY *"Very enjoyable course"-(Zaster) ★★★★★"I must say the way it is explained in these videos makes iteasyto learn and understand!"-(Stretso) ★★★★★"I think this is one of the better courses i have tried:D"-(Estro) ★★★★★Instructed By : Mr. Hitesh Choudhary | InformationSecurityExpert and ProgrammerHitesh is an information Security Expert and Programmer. Heisalso trained as an Electronics Engineer and mastered ascomputernetwork and renowned Author.Install the "Learn C++ Programming by Udemy" app now andjoinover 4 million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Mind Control Course 1.9
Oxford Physicist, Internationally Published Author and'ThoughtEngineer', Tom Cassidy, has created a system for helpingpeoplecrack the deepest issues of their lives: self-worth,self-belief,goal-achieving, feeling good, achieving sustainablehealth anddeeply fulfilling relationships.Tom has combined the wisdom of hundreds of years of the studyofglobal philosophies, human effectiveness, modern findingsofbehavioral science, recent breakthroughs in the understandingofbrain physiology and even the results of quantum mechanics intoapractical system for getting things done.The system takes 'One thing at a time' to a new level:it'smonotasking-on-steroids. In addition, best of all, it requirestheleast willpower of anything you've ever tried. Other thansittingon the couch, of course!*What You Are Going To Get From This Course*• Over 35 lectures and 6.5 hours of content!• In the course you will learn what the 13x4 system is, why itworksso well and how it can be used to masteranything and everything.• Lifetime access to 35 lectures• 6+ hours of high quality content• A community of 35200+ people trying to learn the samething!• You can watch courses on the go and offline.*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*- How To Use This Course- The Background to the 13x4 and Why it Works So Well- The 13x4 and Success in Business- The R.A.S. - Reticular Activating System- The Master THOUGHT Algorithm - The Script- The Master ACTION Algorithm - The Sausage Machine- How is this Quantum Mechanics?- The QMR - Quantum Mechanics Reframer- The CAT - Cognitive Alignment Tool- Tom Live in Austin, Texas Part 1- Tom Live in Austin, Texas Part 2- How to set up your OWN 13x4 System for whatever you wanttoachieve.- Examples of How We Use This Approach in Life/Career Design- Downloadable Audio Recordings for iPhones etc- Downloadable Text Resources- Examples of some personal results- Related Books Info* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE*"Top Class - I'm in the middle of the course but just toshoutout that it’s so so amazing... The concept and motivationisexcellent. Thanks for making and publishing thiscourse.highlyrecommended"- (Code Breaker) ★★★★★"Brilliant!!! - Thank you for this course, it's very usefultohelp you reach your goals, and I think it'sjustbrilliant!!!"- (Antonia) ★★★★★"Delivers more than you expect. - Short enough to work throughinone sitting but enough material to revisit and learn somethingnew.Simple, new ideas that can be implemented right now. Plenty of“a –ha!” moments for me."- (Cathy) ★★★★★Instructed By: Tom Cassidy & Angela R LoebTom Cassidy - Internationally Published Author, ThoughtEngineer,Reasonable Polymath, using algorithms to help peoplecrack thedeepest issues of their lives: self-worth, self-belief,goalachieving, feeling good, achieving sustainable health anddeeplyfulfilling relationships.Angela is a Self-Development Consultant. Writing is hermainpassion, and so far, he has published 3 books and hundredsofarticles about life purpose, mind mastery, goalachieving,spirituality and career.Install the "Mind Control Course" app now and join over 4millionstudents who are already learning on Udemy.
Learn PHP & MySQL by Udemy 1.9
PHP and MySQL are incredibly powerful open source technologiesthatallow people to create functional websites and apps that gowaybeyond basic HTML.While it can seem intimidating to someone with no backgroundincoding, working with PHP is much easier than many realize. Withtheright guidance and a desire to learn, most people can learn howtoput together a functional web app in a few days!*WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*- Over 157 lectures and 10.5 hours of content!- How to download and install PHP and MySQL tools andframeworksonto a server and home machine.- How to configure relevant setting to match the needs ofyourproject.- How to work between a user interface and a database back-endthatstores critical information.- How to plan and apply PHP and MySQL to specific examplesandfinally your own real world projects.*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*SECTION 1: Intro to Beginners PHPSECTION 2: Getting StartedSECTION 3: Our First Look at MySQL and PHPSECTION 4: Outputting and Processing DataSECTION 5: Dealing With VariablesSECTION 6: Inserting and Using Database DataSECTION 7: MySQL JoinsSECTION 8: PHP Errors and SecuritySECTION 9: Building a Template PageSECTION 10: PHP FunctionsSECTION 11: Using External Files, And ImagesSECTION 12: Email with PHPSECTION 13: Real Life PHP IntroductionSECTION 14: About the Author*FEATURES*- Lifetime access to 157 lectures- 10+ hours of high quality content- A community of 28300+ people trying to learn the same thingonUdemy!- Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.- Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!*WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ON UDEMY *"Highly recommended"- (Trudy Messingham) ★★★★★"This is one of the best tutorial for PHP and MySQL"- (Monir Hossain) ★★★★★"Covers everything u need to know to design a MySQL database withaPHP designed front-end."- (Michael Ryan) ★★★★★"I appreciate the free course and how in two short eveningsofstudy I am already querying my MariaDB database fromwithinPHP."- (Justin Brown ) ★★★★★"The instructor is a pleasure to listen to, and goes out ofhisway to explain extra tidbits of information (just enough topiqueyou interest)."- (Brent Connor) ★★★★★Instructed By: Infinite Skills | High Quality TrainingInfiniteSkiles is a Canadian based company that offers anevergrowing range of high quality E Learning solutions that teachusingstudio quality narrated videos backed-up with practicalhands-onexamples. The emphasis is on teaching real life skills thatareessential in today's commercial environment.Install the "Learn PHP & MySQL by Udemy" app now andjoinover 4 million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Udemy WordPress Tutorials 1.9
This course features over 24 lectures and 1+ hours offreevideocontent which will help you get started withlearningWordPressquickly.* FEATURES *- You can watch courses on the go: video lectures,audiolectures,presentations, articles, and anything insideyourcourse.- You can watch your course offline: Save coursesforofflineviewing so you can watch them while you're on aplaneorsubway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE *"Very effective. After going taking the course, Ibecomeconfidentand published a website." - Suad G. ★★★★★"Clear concise lectures! Thank you. I recommend thistoallbeginners. " - Marry W. ★★★★★Install the "Udemy WordPress Tutorials" app todayandstartlearning. You will get the chance to join over 4millionstudentswho are already learning on Udemy.
Learn Cisco CCNA by Udemy 1.9
Over 90% of people who embark towards the Cisco CCNAqualificationquit. Most quit because they become overwhelmed withthe sheervolume of subjects they need to master and how much timetodedicate to each one.After helping well over 4000 students with classroom andonlinecourses Paul finally discovered the missing piece of thestudyjigsaw.This app tells you what to study every day. It includesexams,revision time and lots of hands on lab time and in this freetasteryou can try out this revolutionary study method foryourself.* WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*- The basics of IP addressing- How To Use IP Addresses- The easy way to subnet- IP Addressing Lab- How to configure NAT (Network Address Translation)- Static NAT lab.- How To create a pool of NAT addresses- Port Address Translation lab- How to configure access lists*FEATURES*- Lifetime access to 19 lectures- 3+ hours of high quality content- A community of 11800+ people trying to learn the samething!- Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.- Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE*"I am very grateful now that I have really understood whatACLsare and how to configure them apart from that...subnettingmadeeasy"- (Charles Chioko) ★★★★★"Nice taste to CCNA material good work"- (Sami Mechkor) ★★★★★"I am very happy to learn this course. Thanks for teachmeonline. It’s very nice experience."- (PALAK PATEL) ★★★★★Instructed By: Paul Browning | Cisco Engineer andInternetEntrepreneurPaul worked in the police in the UK for 12 years as apatrolofficer and detective. While he was in the job he helpedteach thenew e-mail system to other officers. He took a few moreexams withvendors such as Cisco and Microsoft and got a job workingfor Ciscofor two years.Install the "Learn Cisco CCNA by Udemy" app now and join over4million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Learn ios Programming by Udemy 1.9
This iOS course is aimed to provide a through andclearunderstanding of the iOS programming.We start with basic Hello world for iOS and cover themostimportant topics which will provide you a firm base to buildyouriOS Apps. This lecture uses the latest IOS SDK and uses anexamplebased approach to teaching. We have kept the learning curvesimpleand focus is on conceptual learning rather than just teachinghowto use a particular API.After completing the course you will understand theprinciplebehind the API patterns and why a particular controlbehaves theway it does. We will cover topics like:✔ Objective C Concepts✔ Controls and Templates in iOS✔ Xcode interface✔ Views and View Controllers✔ Target Action and Controls in iOS✔ Delegation✔ Navigation Controllers✔ Categories and Extensions*YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*- Over 36 lectures and 6 hours of content!- To understand the basic concepts used in iOS Programming- To learn objective C features- To learn the use of views and view controllers- To get a tour of the design patterns used in iOS Programming*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*• SECTION 1:Introduction to iOS Programming• SECTION 2:Templates, Views and Controls in iOS• SECTION 3:Target Action and Controls Coding• SECTION 4:Other Important Features• SECTION 5:Summary*FEATURES*✔ Lifetime access to 36 lectures and 4 quizzes✔ 5+ hours of high quality content✔ A community of 7800+ students learning together!✔ Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.✔ Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE*"For those who jumped into developing iOS starting with iOS7world be thinking this course is outdated. I'm telling youthiscourse is still applicable as the instructor pointsoutbehind-the-scene things and how everything works. Very good,thankyou so much!"- (Jakkrit Szz) ★★★★★"I come from Java and Android world and this course is greattoknow the basics of iOS. Thanks!"- (Andrés Santibáñez) ★★★★★"It covers all the basics right from Objective-C to iOS. Allthetopics that are touched are clear and detail. Thanks."- (Karthik Palanivelu) ★★★★★Instructed By: Eduonix Learning Solutions | TheKnowledgeEdgeEduonix creates and distributes high quality technologytrainingcontent. They have professional team of trainers fortechnologiesranging from Mobility, Web to Enterprise and Databaseand ServerAdministration. They have a team of industryprofessionals who havebeen training manpower for more than adecade.Install the "Learn ios Programming by Udemy" app now andjoinover 4 million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Learn Udemy JavaScript Basics 1.9
Until now you scanned the web to findtutorialsor a fast script that did something close to what youwanted. Beinga task-oriented soul, you started to develop a hatredfor thelanguage mainly because you just didn't get it. It seemedhard asyou just took a deep dive into it and hoped for the best.You're creative, right? You probably think you'll never beagreat developer as you don't use that particular space inyourhead: you think visually. Stop that negative thinking!*YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*- Over 19 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!- Get started with JavaScript- Understand what are variables- Learn how to work with Numbers- Learn how to work with Strings- Explore Boolean values- Start working with Functions*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*• How to real start?• How to get up to know Primitive Variables?• How to Work with JavaScript Functions?• How to Work with Objects?• What to do next?*FEATURES*✔ Lifetime access to 19 lectures and 3 quizzes✔ A community of 8500+ people trying to learn the same thing!✔ Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.✔ Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE*"Its very easy to understand, as beginner i dont knowaboutjavascript but after taking this course i am sure about i canplayaround with javascript. That much confident i have got fromthiscourse... thanks to Ben and Udemy "- (Shiju Muzhangil) ★★★★★"Ben is a good teacher, and it was easy to follow hisdirections.Not too basic, not too advanced for a "basics" course.I also likedhow the course built toward a goal. Made it easier tofollow than ifit had been just descriptions of variables,functions, etc. If Idecide to do a more in-depth tutorial (paid)later, I'd probablylook for one of Ben's because he understandsthe subject well andcan explain it clearly."- (Phil Ellsworth) ★★★★★"This course is an excellent choice for someone who wishestounderstand the basics of JavaScript. Ben Fhala has a great waytoexplain the course!"- (Natasa Orphanidou) ★★★★★"This course covers all the basics for Javascript. "- (Gonçalo Lourenço) ★★★★★"This course is everything you need to kick start JS. Verywelldone and very well explained. It was very useful forme.Thanks!"- (Miguel Herrnsdorf) ★★★★★Instructed By: Ben FhalaBen Fhala is an Adobe ACP and part of the Adobepre-releasemembers. Owner of 02Geek and the author of the bookHTML5 Graphingand Data Visualization. He is also a award winningdeveloper. Mostof all a guy that really loves learning and teachingwhen ever hecan.Install the "Learn Udemy JavaScript Basics" app now and joinover4 million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Learn HTML: Udemy Course 1.9
This course is an overview of the HTML web programmingstandard.Thecourse is intended for those who have never doneanything withHTMLor web pages and would like to build this basicknowledgeforstarting a career as a web developer or for learninghow toprogramHTML for web pages.By no means will you be a world class UI developer at theendofthis course, but you will have the basic understandingofbuildingpages with HTML and HTML5, and at the end of thecourseyou'll gainknowledge about where to go next to furtheryourfront-end webdevelopment skills*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*✔ Why a Text Editor is a good idea✔ Installing Microsoft Expression Web [Free Version]✔ Markup Language✔ Tags, Attributes✔ The Head, The Body✔ The Form , Comments✔ Headings , Paragraphs and Line Breaks✔ Ampersand, Greater Than, and Less Than✔ Lists, Ordered Lists, Unordered Lists✔ Links✔ Tables, Rows, Columns, and cells✔ Images✔ Input, and User Submission✔ HTML 5 Enhancements✔ HTML5 Media And Graphics✔ Further Exploration and Wrap Up✔ Cascading Style Sheets [CSS]✔ Javascript & JQuery*FEATURES*• Lifetime access to 54 lectures• 3+ hours of high quality content• A community of 8000+ students learning together!• Watch courses on the go: video lectures,audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything insideyourcourse.• Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewingsoyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ON UDEMY*"Great short course for beginners needing an intro into HTML.IfIhad to make a suggestion, it would be to spend a bit moretimeonexamples for the basic elements."-(Janelle Payne) ★★★★★"I loved your class! I hope you make more in the future.Ilearnedsome new things in your class as opposed to someotherhtml/css introcourses. thank you for passing onyourknowledge"-(Bri) ★★★★★"As the title says, it's an introduction. Made me motivatedtogetinto work, and try to gain as much knowledge aboutwebprogramming asI can."-(Tibor Boruzs) ★★★★★Instructed By : Brian Gorman | Software EngineerandComputerScience InstructorBrian Gorman is an experienced .Net developer, certifiedasanMCSD.net in C#.net. He owned and run MajorGuidance,atraining,consulting, and audio and video production company.Install the "Learn html: Udemy Course" app today and joinover4million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Forex Basics - Udemy Course 1.9
This is a beginners course on the Forex Market. It isintendedtohelp the curious investor get a better look at what isinvolvedintrading for themselves. Not everyone is cut out fortradingForexand this is designed to help people make an informeddecision.The course covers the basics of the market and whatskillsandtools are required to trade actively. It also includesacompletetraining on the most popular trading software MetaTrader4(MT4).It is completely free and available to anyone with aninterestinknowing more about Forex.*YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*• Over 26 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!• By the end of this course you should be able to makeawelleducated decision on wether or not to continue studyingtheForexmarket.• You should also be pretty up to speed on using the MT4platformtotrade.*FEATURES*- Lifetime access to 26 lectures- 3+ hours of high quality content- A community of 6900+ students learning together!- Watch courses on the go: video lectures,audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything insideyourcourse.- Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewingsoyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ON UDEMMY *"This is a very good basic overview to see if forex tradingisforyou or not. Thank you for designing this course !"- (Ingrid Welch ) ★★★★★"The forex education is not easy,Jared make complexthingssimpleand I thank him for that.I recommend taking thisstartupcourse andother courses he has."- (Hatim Asaad) ★★★★★"The instructor is easy to follow and givesindependentreviewfrom past experience of being self forex trader.He givesfirsthand experience on do's and don'ts to limit the risk /rewardandmoney management along with emotional well being which iskey tobesuccessful in any trading esp. forex. "- (Vishal) ★★★★★Instructed By : Jared Passey | Teaching ForexTradingsince2004My trading styles focus on manual price actiontrading,whichmeans that I don't look at trading robots orautomatedsystems. Ibelieve in creating trading strategies that haveboth ahighprobability of success and the average wins are greaterthanthelosses.Install the "Forex Basics - Udemy Course" app now and joinover4million students who are already learning on Udemy.
How To Focus 1.9
Finally, a highly effective Method that Shows You How to CreateaLaser Sharp Focus to Getting Things Done. You will learn howtocustomized own self by breaking your own habits. You CanTakeComplete Projects that Have Been Causing You Regrets andFinallyGet the Success You've Wanted to Achieve.If you have any focus attention deficit then this coursewillteach you about your focus and train you to be clearer andcalmer.This course helps to gain awareness of your attentioncontrol sothat you can use that control in daily life. You can alsouse thiscourse as an attention trainer. In today’s world ofconstantdistraction you need to have better control of yourfocus.This course developed to help you learn to use yournaturalability to easy focus and become in-sync with your mind andbody.So, if you want to be filled with greater self-assurance, andbebetter equipped to make positive changes in your life, you'llneedthis course.Focus can be lost in many ways, and in this video trainingcourseyou will learn how to focus your mind on how to get thingsdone inrelation to you and how you tick. Focus test lessons helpyouunderstand your ability in a better way.* WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*- How to Getting Things Done- How to find out your personality- How to understand the Way Your Process Data- How to understand your habits- How to analyze your spending time- How to free From Your Bad Habits- How to remind yourself about your main focus- How to set Realistic Goals- How to be Accountable to Yourself*FEATURES*- Lifetime access to 10 lectures- A community of 14500+ people trying to learn the samething!- You can watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.- You can watch courses in offline: Save courses for offlineviewingso you can watch them while you're on a plane orsubway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ON UDEMY *"Personality profiling and SMART Goals, Love the methodoftracking a project. Simple and effective. Nice course."- (Geoff Skeats) ★★★★★"This course is so amazing. I am finally found who I am and howIhave to be to do things. Thank you so much Mr. Roy Brown"- (Byambasuren Ganbaatar) ★★★★★"Thanks, I’ve learned a lot about myself and how to breakmyhabits. Usually I want to break several habits at the same timeandalways fail. Now I am going to try what you teached!"– (Xiangling Zhuang) ★★★★★"This has been a really great course to begin. It shows youtheway to organize yourself; the things you need to take intoaccount,what you need to know and how to keep up the work. I'dhighlyrecommend to anybody."- (Igor Rodríguez) ★★★★★Instructed By: Roy Brown | Internet Marketer and WebmasterRoy is passionate to teach people the basics of setting upandrunning a profitable website, and about online marketing:SEO,marketing with email, marketing with video, social mediamarketing,and so much more.Install the "How To Focus" app now and join over 4millionstudents who are already learning on Udemy.
Udemy Google Adwords Tutorial 1.9
Google adwords is a hugely powerful tool for marketing. Howeveritcan also quickly lose you money if you don't know how to setupyourcampaigns and ads in the correct manner.This course gives you the core essentials you need tounderstand,consider and apply before you begin, or as means tochanging any adcampaigns you run. By applying these techniques youshould ensurethat you can test and track the performance of yourads withoutspending alot of money with no return on yourinvestment.*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*✔ Getting an Adwords account✔ Keyword Match Types✔ Its all about Relevance✔ Landing Pages✔ Quality Score✔ Keywords and Ad Groups✔ Split-Testing✔ Campaign Settings✔ Geo-targeting✔ Negative Keywords✔ Adwords Editor✔ What we Covered✔ Document containing the tips*FEATURES*• Lifetime access to 14 lectures• A community of 1400+ students learning together!• Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!• Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.*WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE*"This is an essential guide for someone that has not usedAdwordsbefore or is looking for ways to optimize theiradvertisingefforts."-(Woody Hynes ) ★★★★★"really recommended for people who wants to get the depthofgoogle adwords"-(Anggoro H. ) ★★★★★Instructed By : Gary Kind | Developer, Author, MarketeerGary Kind is a highly experienced IT professional with over 25yearsin and around software development.Install the "Udemy Google Adwords Tutorial" app now and joinover2,000,000 people who are already learning on Udemy.
How To Develop Game in Python 1.9
This course features over 10 lectures and 1+ hours of freevideocontent that will teach you how to create your own computergame.* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE *“FINALLY! A great Python course! This is very in-depth.Don’texpect to finish this course in a few hours because it’sverycomprehensive! It’s extremely detailed and perfect forthosewanting to learn as much about Python as they can! The labswerehugely helpful, as well. Now I feel like I can do anything!” -SaraT."This course is very valuable. From the anatomy of aPythonScript to working with Loops and Input to Creating Modules.Ipersonally recommend this Course!” - Ashley M.* FEATURES *- You can watch courses on the go: video lectures,audiolectures, presentations, articles, and anything insideyourcourse.- You can watch your course offline: Save courses forofflineviewing so you can watch them while you're on a planeorsubway!* WHAT YOU WILL LEARN *• Game settings• Create a start menu• Make your characters, including your player (protagonist) andamonster (antagonist)• Assign jobs and locations to your characters and items• Make sure your items and characters don't run intoeachother• Ways to make the game more exciting for the player• How to win the game• Work with Python Modules• Execute Python Debugging StrategiesInstructor: ALEX BOWERSInstall the "How To Develop Game in Python" app today andjoinover 4 million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Financial Future Course 1.9
In this eye-opening presentation, noted investor,entrepreneur,educator, and author Robert Kiyosaki and investor/RichDadEducation instructor Katie O’Brien will give you an introductiontohow financial education can transform your life and put you onthepath to financial freedom.Today, the middle class all over the world is under attack.Whilethose at the top have seen their wealth grow to almostobscenelevels, those in the middle have actually been losing groundwithstagnant or falling wages. The old advice of "go to school, getajob, stay out of debt, and live below your means" could beputtingyou in real danger!The purpose of Rich Dad Education is to bring this typeoffinancial education to people like you. During this freetraining,you will be introduced to several financial strategiesthat canhelp you:• Create Income from Real Estate without Using YourOwnMoney• Invest in Real Estate without Using Your Own Credit• Elevate Your Financial IQRobert will share his personal story of how financialeducationlifted him from the middle class to multi-millionairestatus andwhy he’s now on a crusade to share this same informationwith asmany people as possible.You will also get information on:• A Cash Flow Formula to Build Long-Term, Sustainable WealthinYour Own Life• 5 Life Lessons That Can Build Wealth in Your Own Life• 3 Keys to Financial Success• The Next Steps You Can Take to Achieve Financial FreedomThe goal of this presentation is to show you that you can getoutof the rat race and onto the fast track where you can achieveyourdreams.*YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*• Over 15 lectures and 52 mins of content!• An information-packed 48-minute presentation featuringacclaimedfinancial expert Robert Kiyosaki -(Rich Dad Poor Dad)andinvestor/financial trainer Katie O’Brien*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*✔ Cash Flow✔ Financial Education Crisis✔ Keys to Success✔ Cash Flow Quadrant✔ Sources of Cash✔ Hard Money Disadvantages✔ Hard Money Advantages✔ A Solution to Every Problem✔ Wholesale✔ Training Recap✔ Buy and Rent✔ CASHFLOW✔ Seller Finance✔ A Weekend Could Change Your Life✔ Quiz: What did we learn?*FEATURES*• Lifetime access to 15 lectures and 1 quizzes• A community of 7900+ students learning together!• Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.• Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ON UDEMY *"Great course that education on Financial literacy, and howtoused and making money work for the smart way, highlyrecommendedfor people who serious want to create wealthy forthemselves."-(TREVOR DENNIS ) ★★★★★"I learned that there are so much things i am missing thanjustearning the money and buy things... this course just helpedmerealized that this world has so much to offer, we just don'tknowwhat, where, who, how and sometime when. "-(GiLL CONCHA ) ★★★★★"This course shows the failure of getting a job to besuccessfuland shows you a better path that the truly successfultake.Awesome"-(Greg Arthur) ★★★★★Instructed By : Rich Dad Education | Elevating theFinancialWell-being of All HumanityFor over twenty years, Rich Dad Education has been aleadingglobal provider of educational training seminars,symposiums,conferences, and services designed to improve thefinancialwell-being of its students.Install the "Financial Future Course" app now and join over4million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Udemy Free 1.1
Gostay Asia
List of free courses on the followingsubjects:✔ Programming (swift, java, android, python, php, ruby,rails,html, css, and more)✔ Entrepreneurship✔ Photography✔ Marketing✔ Make money online✔ Design (Photoshop, 3D Max, and more)… and everything in between!
GainBitCoin App 4.0
We @ GainBitCoin combine BTC CloudMining&Network Marketing to produce a world classopportunity.Contrary topopular belief, Bitcoin Cloud Mining andNetworkmarketing are bothvery successful processes in their owndomain.If handled smartlyboth of the process can provideimmenseopportunity.The Application provide you all necessary resourcestocollectinformation about:- What is Bitcoin- How Bitcoin Mining & Cloud Mining Works- Applications & Benefits of Bitcoin- Nearby Locations for people to help you understandpersonallyaboutBitcoin- Current Bitcoin Buy / Sell RatesPlease Note: The Application is purely aninformationbasedapplication and should be used as is.
Game Development Tutorials 1.9
Discover how easy it is to create your own mobile game foriOS&Android in this Game Development Course for Beginners!If you're interested in 2D mobile gamedevelopment,you'veprobably heard of the Corona SDK framework --because it'sfreakingawesome!In this online game development crash course forbeginners,we’regoing to dive in and create a simple game. Along theway,you'llmagically learn how to use the core concepts ofCoronaSDK.✔ Animation✔ Tap and Touch Events✔ Playing AudioSo put the dog outside, send your kids to the neighbor'stoplay,tell your spouse you need some "me time" -- and thendiveinto thiscrash course and find out just how easy and how muchFUNmaking yourown game can be!*YOU ARE GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE*- Over 22 lectures and 1 hour of content!- Discover How Much Fun Making Your Own Game Can Be!- Find Out How To Use The Core Features Of TheCoronaSDKFramework!- Follow Along As We Make A Game For Your iOS Or AndroidTabletOrPhone!*WHO WILL BE BENEFITED*- People Who Wanna Make Games!- Either minor coding experience (Javascript? PHP? BASIC?) orjustapassion for diving in and exploring!- Folks Who Have Heard About Corona SDK And Want ToUnderstandAllThe Excitement!- Folks Who Have Never Heard Of Corona SDK, But Want ToMakeGames,Darn It!*WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*- How to install the SDK Framework- How to install the Outlaw IDE- How to Download the Sample Code- How to Inspect the Project Files- Lua Programming Refresher info- Space Oddity info- How to Move On Down the Road- How to Tweaki the Display Objects*FEATURES*• Lifetime access to 22 lectures• A community of 23000+ people trying to learn the samething!• Watch courses on the go: video lectures,audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything insideyourcourse.• Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewingsoyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE*"This course is a great introduction to Corona SDK and Iwouldhighlyrecommend it. The author is very easy to listen to anddoesa greatjob of explaining concepts in a short period of time.Thisis one ofthe best free courses I have come across and is 100%thebest freeBeginner Corona SDK course I have seen. Thanks foryourtime spent onthis."- (Chris) ★★★★★"If you looking for iPhone or Android game developecourseforFREE! from basic to advance, easy to understand, IT Here!.Thiscourse will help you, Thanks J.A. for free course."- ( B.T. Panubon) ★★★★★Instructed By: J. A. Whye | Course InstructorJay has been programming professionally since 1988,startingwithgame programming and then over the years movingtointernetprogramming with a major Seattle telecommunicationsfirm.Jay is aCertified Developer with Corona SDK, which is theframeworkused inthis course.Install the "Game Development Tutorials" app now and joinover4million students who are already learning on Udemy.
Learn Android Programming tuts 1.9
The course provides an introduction to Android Programmingandallows someone with a basic knowledge of programming tostartcreating Android Applications. It is a light course tocoverfundamentals of Android.It will teach you the Android programming Paradigm and howtothink while creating an Android program. We will cover topicssuchas Installation, Activities, Layouts, List Views, SQLite,ServicesMultimedia and Google Play.It will be a fun learning course that is sure to help yougetgoing with Android programming.* WHAT YOU WILL LEARN*SECTION 1: Introduction to Android ProgrammingSECTION 2: Activities And IntentsSECTION 3: User Interface Layouts and ControlsSECTION 4: List View and SQLliteSECTION 5: Services in AndroidSECTION 6: Multimedia and Google Play*WHAT YOU WILL GET*- You will be able to create Android applications based onyourideas- Able to choose the best layout for your apps- Learn the concept behind Android constructs- Design your android app properly*FEATURES*- Lifetime access to 22 lectures and 5 quizzes- 3+ hours of high quality content- A community of 12900+ people trying to learn the samething!- Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audiolectures,presentations, articles and anything inside yourcourse.- Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing soyoucan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!* WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE*"If you want to get you feet wet with Android app development,Iwould highly recommend this course. I particularly like theformat,I.e., great initial discussion followed by hands-on example.Greatwork!"- (Miguel Pimenta) ★★★★★"I didn't get bored while watching videos coz the speed isjustperfect. Materials and topics well designed and plannedtounderstand and catch up as much as possible. 5 stars for thenicetutorial from me!"- (Mohsen Ahmadvand) ★★★★★"Very nice and helpful tutorial"- (Md. Mostafizur Rahman) ★★★★★Instructed By: Eduonix Learning Solutions | TheKnowledgeEdgeEduonix creates and distributes high quality technologytrainingcontent. They have a professional team of trainers fortechnologiesranging from Mobility, Web to Enterprise and Databaseand ServerAdministration.Install the "Learn Android Programming tuts" app now andjoinover 2,000,000 people who are already learning on Udemy.