22 Похожие The Guild of Thieves
sheltermanager 1.2
This app is a companion tothesheltermanager.com website. To use this app, you needasubscription to sheltermanager.com. If you would like to try ademoof sheltermanager.com, login to the app with account"demo",username "demo", password "demo".sheltermanager.com is a complete online service foranimalshelters, rescue groups and animal control facilities. Itcoversall aspects of managing the organisation, including animalintake,adoptions, medical treatments and vaccinations, diary,payments,wishlists, trap loans, citations, licensing and a lotmore.App features include:* Remembers your sheltermanager.com credentials forquicklogin* Self-contained navigation* Fast animal photo uploads using the camera or gallery* Fast access to smartphone and desktop/tabletbrowserinterfaces* Optimises sheltermanager.com for efficient touch device usebydisabling visual effects and unwanted drag/drop behaviours
Appgate SDP 5.4.3-23863-release
Appgate SDP provides users with secure access toenterpriseandcloud-based resources. This Client app is part ofanoverallAppgate SDP environment and will not operate unlessthebusinessadministrators have configured thesupportinginfrastructure. Oncesuccessfully deployed, Appgate SDPdynamicallycreates a secure,encrypted “segment of one” tailored foreach usersession. Accesscriteria precisely control which resourceseach usercan accessbased on variables such as the user’s device,location,time of dayand operating system revision. Appgate SDPalsointegrates withyour business systems to create truly dynamicaccessrules. Forunauthorized users, your resources are invisibleandcompletelyinaccessible, dramatically reducing the attack surfaceoftypicalflat corporate networks. Appgate SDP even cloaksitself,furtherprotecting your security posture. Appgate SDP isbuilt likethecloud – massively scalable, distributed andresilient.Itimplements the Software-Defined Perimeterarchitecture,allowingorganizations to adopt a Zero-Trust securitymodel formobile anddesktop users, across on-premises, hybrid, andcloudenvironments.For moreinformationsee:https://www.appgate.com/software-defined-perimeterFor the EndUserLicenseAgreementsee:https://www.appgate.com/legal/product-and-service-terms-and-conditions