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Quotes: Sayings & Quote
Collection of quotes and sayings sent byappusers! Share your favorite quote, rate and comment on quotessharedby members of the Waluu community.★★★ First social application on Quotes ★★★You will love this social app exclusively focused on quotes.Morethan 200,000 members worldwide have already joined us! Enjoythewisdom of Chinese proverbs, poetic Indian quotes and deepBuddhistphilosophy, not to mention your own creations!✓ Browse all community quotes✓ Share them on Facebook and Twitter✓ Vote and comment on each quote and saying✓ Add friends and easily find their quotes✓ Search by quote category or keyword★ Quote Categories ★Quote categories:✓ Saying / Sayings : Quote / Quotes✓ Love quote, life quote, friendship, and passion quotes✓ Motivational quote and quote of the day✓ Entrepreneur and personal development guru quote✓ Happiness quotes✓ Rhyming phrases, poems, poetry and slam✓ Speaking (related speech /discourse)✓ Chinese proverb, American proverb, African proverb,Spanishproverb, Italian proverb, Japanese proverb, Mexicanproverb,Canadian proverb, French proverb etc.★ The best quotes from the application ★"Remind yourself that it’s ok not to be perfect.""Yesterday and tomorrow do not exist. So live yourlifetoday.""Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.""Don’t wait for perfect moment take the moment and makeitperfect.""Don’t judge me by my PAST. I’m not in the past anymore.Acceptme for who I am because this is me TODAY.""I don’t go crazy. I am crazy. I just go normal from timetotime.""Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, butyouknow they’re always there.""LEARN from yesterday. LIVE for today. HOPE for tomorrow.""If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. ifyoucan’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving." -Dr.Martin Luther King JR."One day you’ll love me, the way I loved you. One dayyou’llthink of me the way I thought of you. One day you’ll cry forme,the way I cried for you. One day you’ll want me, but I won’twantyou.""Forget your past, whether simple or compound, and participateinyour present so that your future can be more thanperfect<33""We do not measure the love of a person by the desire tosleepwith her but by the pleasure of sleeping by her side.""Many people appear bright until they reveal theirstupidity.This is so because the speed of light is greater thanthat ofsound.""Be the wife of one man, the princess of your father, theprideof your brother and the succession of your mother."★ Definition ★The word quote designates the action of quoting:✓ In Literature, quote refers to the reproduction of ashortextract from a prior speech or writing in a text or in someform oforal expression.✓ In the legal domain, quote is synonymous with "notification"or"meaning". Likewise, the right to brief quotation is anexception tocopyright.✓ In the military domain, a quote is the honorablecommendationof an exemplary act. In the US, according to the extentof theaction rewarded, an honorable commendation is given in theArmyorder; a minor action in a division or unit order.★ Sample quote ★"It is good to read books of quotations because quotations,asthey imprint in our memory, lead to good thoughts." -WinstonChurchill"Challenge Accepted!" - Barney Stinson"To build up high, you have to dig deep.""Finally, it is better to fight than to be afraid.""You laugh at me because I'm different but I laugh at youbecauseyou're all the same.""Just a little patience ... And all will go wrong.""10 liter of sweat are far better than 1 liter of blood.""We must take risks, we must always take risks. There isalsorisk in waiting.""It is not necessary to hope to undertake, nor to succeedtopersevere."