23 Похожие Job The Righteous Arabic

Feast Of Epiphany Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
عيد الغطاسH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Psalm 6 Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
المزمور السادس...يا رب لا تبكتنى بغضبكH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Experiences In Life V2 Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
خبرات فى الحياة - الجزء الثانىH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
How To Relate To Children Arab 1.0
Christ's servant
كيف نعامل الأطفال؟H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books.
Jesus Christ Parables Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
Contemplations on our Lord JesusChristParablesH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. MarkPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Jehovah Witnesses Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
شهود يهوه وهرطقاتهمH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
Love Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
LoveالمحبةH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of the SeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
Feast Of Resurrection V1 Arab 1.0
Christ's servant
تأملات فى القيامةH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Fear Of God Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
مخافة اللهH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
Spiritual Questions Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
سنوات مع أسئلة الناس - الأسئلة الروحية H.H. Pope ShenoudaIII,Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of the See of St. Mark الباباشنودةالثالث Please, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesabout the new books
أسئلة الناس مع البابا شنوده 4.0
Secret Whispers
هذا التطبيق الذى هوعبارة عن أسئلة وأجوبةوردتفى سلسلة كتب لقداسة البابا شنودة الثالث بأسم سنوات معأسئلةالناس والإجابات عن مجموعة من الأسئلة التى وردت فىالاجتماعالعامبالكاتدرائية ، أو أثناء محاضرات فى الكلية الإكليريكيةبالقاهرةأوالإسكندرية أو فى معهد الرعايةو ذللك لما شعرناه بضرورة الاستفادة من خدمة قداسة الباباشنودهكذلكللاجابة عن بعض الاسئلة التى قد تكون غامضة أومحيرةلمعظمنافى جميع الأجزاء ننشر لك إجابات كما أوردها قداستهفىشتىالمجالاتوختاما نرجو لك من الرب استفادة من هذا التطبيق وليكن الرب معك فىكلماتقرأتستطيع اضافة اى سؤال الى مفضلتك أو مشاركته مع أصدقاءك عنطريقجميعبرامج التواصل الاجتماعى مثل: facebook- twitter- whatsappاوemail ,Bluetooth أو بأىمن طرق الأندرويد المتوفر كما يوجد بهخاصيةتكبير أوتصغيرالرب معكم.نرجو الصلاه من أجل استمرار خدمتناThisapplication,whichgive rise to questions and answers contained in aseries ofbooksto His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, the name of theyearswithpeople's questions and answers a series of questions,whichwerereceived in the general meeting of the cathedral,orduringlectures at the seminary college in Cairo or AlexandriaorinWelfare InstituteAnd Zllk what Harnah need to take advantage of HisHolinessPopeShenouda service as well as to answer some questionsthat maybeambiguous or confusing for most of usIn all the parts you publish the answers as cited by HisHolinessinvarious fieldsIn conclusion, we hope you take advantage of the Lordofthisapplication and the LORD with you in everything youreadYou may add any question to your favorite or share itwithyourfriends through all the social networking programssuchas:facebook- twitter- whatsapp or email, Bluetooth orAymanwaysavailable as Android has a zoom in or zoom outfeatureThe Lord be with you.Please pray for the continuation of our service
Coptic Reader 2.98
Coptic Reader, more than just a text reader.
Coptic Seneksar 2.3.8
Simon Karmy
Coptic Seneksar, don't miss your daily saints
Divinity Of Christ Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
Divinity Of Christ Arabicلاهوت المسيحH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books
Sermon On The Mount Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
العظة على الجبلH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Agpeya Audio الأجبية المسموعة
Antoine Megalla
Coptic Orthodox Agpeya in both arabic audio and text.الأجبيةالقبطية المسموعة
One Coptic Library مكتبة قبطية 1.9
One Coptic Library
ALL BOOKS ARE FREE NOW!كل الطقوس بكل اللغات فى برنامج واحدA multilingual (including English,Coptic,عربى,German andsoonFrench) Coptic app that holds a full collection of booksrangingfrom liturgies/kholagy, doxologies to tasbeha and more.Being able to take your church wherever you go is somethingthatwe have all wanted to do but the inconvenience of carrying allourCoptic church’s rituals, liturgical readings, hymns and so onhasmade it impossible. Now with this application you nowhaveeverything gathered in one place and on one single device.FeaturesDisplay text in multiple languages(includingEnglish,Coptic,عربى,German and soon French)Choose the order of your languagesChange background color and font sizeAssign custom colors to different roles (Bishop, Priest,Deacon,Congregation, etc…)Hide/Display comments and inaudible prayersSimply tapping two NFC capable devices together opens the samepageon both phonesNew Page transition effectsDynamic fontsize feature, so all languages willendtogetherSupported LanguagesEnglishCopticعربىGermanArabish (Arabic in English letters)Coptish (Coptic in English letters)Coptic mo3arab (Coptic in ARABIC letters)Who Are We?One Coptic Library is an international youth based initiativebySt. George and St. Shenouda’s Church in Jersey City, NJUnitedStates and St. Antonius Monastery Kröffelbach, HessenGermany.Our main goal is to promote unity throughout the Copticchurchesthrough the standardization of all Coptic literature in asmanylanguages as possible.
The Anger Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
The Anger book is the third one ofthespiritualwarefare series.H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. MarkPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
Daoud Lamei
maged shoukry
This Application has been approved andblessedby Father Daoud Lamie.Special Thanks for the following contributors to this APP:1) www.fatherdawoodlameysermons.com2) www.st.markos.orgTHE APP IS LARGE IN SIZE BECAUSE IT CONTAINS ALL MP3LECTURESDIRECTLY UPLOADED ONTO IT AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BROWSE THEMP3sOFF OF A YOUTUBE WEBSITE.YOU CAN USE IT WITH YOUR WIFI OR 4G NETWORK!!!!!The App was designed by a group of Father Daoud Lamei's Servantsinorder to spread god's holy word through Abona Daoud Lameifamousand holy words. The app is composed mainly of all FatherDaoud'slectures, famous sayings, and hymns in BOTH, VIDEO FORMATAND MP3FORMAT.The APP comes as a great tool for many Christians all over theworldto listen and learn to the "Billy Graham" of the CopticChurch, asFather Daoud Lamei is considered as one of the greatestEvangelicalPreachers in the HISTORY OF EGYPT.
Fruit Of The Spirit Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
ثمر الروحH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
ذكصولوجية 1.0
Coptic Apps
يحتوى هذا التطبيق على جميع ذكصولوجياتالقديسينو ذكصولوجيات جميع المناسبات و الأعياد و أيضا ذكصولوحية باكرTags:ذكصولوجية , ذوكصولوجيا , coptic , zoksologeya , إبصالمودية,تسبحةThis applicationcontainsall the saints and Zksologgiot Zksologgiot all occasionsandholidays, and also Zksolouhah PackerTags:Zksologih, Dhuksologgio, coptic, zoksologeya, Abesmodah, praise
Feast Of Annunciation Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
عيد البشارةH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeofSt. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to getupdatesaboutthe new books
How To Start A New Year Arabic 1.0
Christ's servant
كيف نبدأ عاما جديداH.H. Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Pope of the Patriarch of theSeeof St. Markالبابا شنودة الثالثPlease, follow me on twitter @Christservant10 to get updatesaboutthe new books