20 Похожие Gas/Oil Fuel Mix Calculators

FillUp - Gas Mileage Log
William D. Kraemer
A simple, easy to use application tocalculateand track your gas mileage (fuel economy/efficiency). Whenyou buygasoline, just enter the amount you purchased and yourcurrentodometer value. FillUp will calculate your gas mileage,maintain alog of your purchases, and display plots and statisticsfor yourdata.Features:• Manages data for one or more vehicles.• Calculates and plots average gas mileage.• Calculates and plots monthly totals for gas purchased anddistancedriven.• Stores all data on the device – doesn’t use your data plan.• Can import/export your data to CSV files on your sdcard.• Share the CSV files with other Apps for cloud backup!(Dropbox,e-mail, etc.)• Share statistics as an HTML report file.• Totally FREE!! No ads!• Open sourceSelectable units of measurement - can calculate:• miles per gallon (MPG)• kilometers per liter (KM/L)• liters per 100 kilometers (L/100KM)• miles per imperial gallon (UK MPG) – from miles and liters.• miles per imperial gallon (UK MPG) – from kilometersandliters.• kilometers per gallon (KPG)Selectable data entry mode – when adding fuel data, choosewhichvalues to enter:• Enter Total Cost and Fuel Amount, FillUp will calculateFuelPrice• Enter Fuel Price and Total Cost, FillUp will calculateFuelAmount• Enter Fuel Price and Fuel Amount, FillUp will calculateTotalCostWe’re always looking to improve - have a problem, suggestionorcomment? E-mail it to wdkapps@gmail.com or post a review.Source code: https://github.com/wdkapps/FillUpSummary: gas mileage log, gas mileage tracker, gasmileagecalculator, fuel economy tracker, fuel economy calculator,fueleconomy log, fuel use log, gasoline log.
DriverDiary Pro - Gas Mileage 3.0
***YOU MUST ALSO HAVE DRIVERDIARYFREEINSTALLED IN ORDER TO USE THE PRO VERSION. THIS IS ONLY A KEYFILETO UNLOCK THE PRO FEATURES WITHIN DRIVERDIARY AND DOES NOT OPENORHAVE A LAUNCHER ICON. IT WILL NOT APPEAR IN YOUR APP DRAWER,ONLYIN YOUR MANAGE APPS MENU***Sync your data between multiple devices! DriverDiary Pro isthefirst and only vehicle tracking app to incorporatesyncfunctionality.Do you know how much it costs to drive your vehicle everyday?Find out with our comprehensive stats as you enter and trackyourfill ups, service costs and expenses. DriverDiary has afamiliar,user friendly interface and conforms to Androids lateststandardsunlike most other similar apps.DriverDiary is compatible on all devices running Android 2.1andup including tablets. It has an unsurpassed feature list inthefree version, including unlimited vehicles and recordsandimport/export/backup functionality. Where other apps limit youandcharge, DriverDiary is fully functional and UNLIMITED for FREE!Webelieve that the data you enter is yours and you should be abletoexport it, back it up and do whatever you want with it wheneveryouwant without having to pay an additional charge to get toit.If you encounter any bugs or errors, please email us or usethe"Report" button so we can attempt to resolve the issuebeforeleaving a bad rating and/or a bug report in the comments. Wecan'treply to the comments to help you or notify you when the bugisfixed. We fix bugs quickly when they arise and we want youtocontact us. We pride ourselves on our customer service andquickresponse times.PRO Features-All standard features plus...-Sync your data to the SweyPro server for easy restore of dataandsyncing to multiple Android devices-Automatic Sync-Automatic backup††-Use GPS/Network location to populate location addresses andattemptpre-populate of gas station-Backup/Restore to Dropbox, Box and Google Drive-Add multiple attachments to any item including imagesandfiles.-Get EPA fuel efficiency ratings for your vehicles†-Map view of fill ups and trips that contain addresses-Add vehicle by VIN†††-Recalls and TSB's viewable for vehicles added by VIN†††-Factory service types and reminders for vehicles addedbyVIN†††-AD FREE!-Warm fuzzy feeling of supporting the dev :)†EPA fuel efficiency ratings currently available ONLY for USsoldvehicles dating back to 1984. Some upcoming model yearvehicles maynot yet have ratings available.††Automatic backup and service reminders use your devices builtinalarm manager and NOT a constantly running backgroundservice.DriverDiary is resource and battery friendly!†††Adding a vehicle by VIN, recalls, TSB's and factoryservicescurrently available ONLY for vehicles dating back to1990Please leave a review for DriverDiary Pro if you download itanduse it. Let others know what you think!Any comments or suggestions for future versions, please emailusand let us know! We want your feedback!This app is acar fuel log.Driver Diary fuel mileage tracker
Simply Auto: Car Maintenance
Over 0.5 Million trust us to track their fillups,services,reminders & mileage.
Gas Mileage Calculator 1.05
James Johnson
Please Note: This app is no longerbeingdeveloped or supported.A simple to use Gas mileage calculator. Figure out your car'sgasmileage and cost per mile. Just enter the number from yourlastfill-up and press the calculate button to see the results.SupportsNorth American and European units. (Sorry, English only atthistime.) Please send us your comments and feature requests.
Fuelio: Gas log & costs
Fuelio is simple, easy to useandroidapplication to track your mileage, gas consumption and gascosts.Using this App you can track car expenses, auto service,yourfill-ups, fuel consumption, car´s mileage, gas costs/gas pricesandsave money.See the overview of mileage, gas costs for one or morevehicles.Supports different fuel types and now also bi-fuelvehicles. Canvisualize your fill-ups on Google map.The app will also show you fuel prices and nearestgasstations.Fuelio: Gas log & costs is using full tank algorithmtocalculate fuel consumption. Thanks to this, the app cancalculatehow many litres/gallons of fuel you have used betweenfill-ups.When you buy fuel just enter the amount you purchased andyourcurrent odometer value. Fill-up will calculate yourfueleconomy/efficiency, maintain a log of your purchases, anddisplayplots and statistics for your data.The app provides statistics as total and average number offill-ups,fuel costs and mileage in a nice-looking, easy to useinterface andin visual charts.Fuelio app stores your data locally but any time you want, youcanconnect it to the cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive) and make sureyouwon’t loose your data even after loosing or crashingyourdevice.FEATURE LIST:- Easy and clean design- Mileage log (track your fill-ups, gas costs, fuel economy,partialfill-ups, gps location)- Costs tracking (auto service)- Vehicle management - fuel costs- Multiple vehicles- Bi-fuel vehicle tracking (with two tanks eg. Gasoline +LPG)- Useful statistics (total statistics, fill-ups, costs,average,fuel economy stats)- Distance unit: kilometres, miles- Fuel unit: litres, us gallons, imperial gallons- Import/Export to SD (CSV)- Show your fill-ups on Google Map- Charts (fuel consumption, fuel costs, monthly costs...)- Dropbox Backup- Google Drive Backup - Reminders (date, odo counter)- Flex vehicles supportNOW PRO FEATURES ARE FREE (no ads!):Dropbox Sync (official API)Auto-backup with Dropbox (while adding fill-ups or costs)Google Drive Backup (official APIv2)Auto-backup with Google Drive (while adding fill-ups orcosts)Shortcut (widget) for faster fill-ups addingCosts module you can track other expenses of your car (notonlyfuel)Cost stats - you can define your own category (likeservice,maintenance, insurance, wash, parking...)Summary and each category statsCost charts (fuel vs other costs, categories, totalmonthlycosts)Reporting module - create report for your car, save it to TEXTfileand share it!You can find us:Official site: http://fuel.ioFacebook: https://goo.gl/XtfVweTwitter: https://goo.gl/e2uK71
Gas Cost Calculator 1.2
Nicholas J. Paris
Save on gas - starting now!
Pure Gas 3.0.2
AutoLean, Inc.
Find Ethanol Free Fuel Near You!
Essence&CO 2.15.0
Ripple Motion SARL
Compare fuel prices at nearby stations or on route.
2 Takt Gemisch Rechner - 1.03
Gemisch einfach mit wenigen Klicksdirektberechnen.Tankgröße und Germischarten AnpassbarDie APP benötigt keinerlei Rechte!Mixture calculatedeasilywith just a few clicks.Tank size and Germischarten AdaptableThe app does not require any rights!
GAS Station Finder 1.3
Techspawn Solutions
The Gas Station Finder makes it easy tofindyour nearby Gas Station.Just what you need if you're lowonfuel.No need to type anything , No login procedure. Just Install GasPumpFinder , Open app and It will do the rest within fewseconds!Features :-• Quickly find nearby gas stations,petrol pump with a singletapusing Gas Station Finder.• Gas Station Finder Works worldwide.• Gas Station Finder locates your phone with GPS also workswithoutGPS and then provides you withthe top local searches sorted by minimum distance nearby so youcanfind where you need to go.• It will provide contact details, address, distance, websiteandlocation of each place and overall user rating fortheirservice• You also can write review for the particular Gas station• It will help to Get directions with Map with estimated timeanddistance.
Fuel Calculator
Oleg Vedernikov
The useful application “Fuel Calculator”wascreated specially for drivers.This app will help you to calculate:- fuel consumption of your car;- fuel cost and fuel volume, necessary for trip;- distance, which you can drive after refueling.Different units - mpgUS, mpgImp, km/l, l/100km etc.Usability is the main feature of the application.The application allows to calculate some parameters duringdriving(by GPS, so it needs the location permissions)The permission "Record audio" is used fo input values byvoicecommands only.Install “Fuel Calculator” for simplification offuelcalculations.Key words: fuel economy, consumption, trip
Prezzi Benzina - GPL e Metano
Prezzi Benzina
Con Prezzi Benzina trovi subitoildistributore di carburante più economico vicino a te!Seleziona il tuo carburante (Benzina, Diesel, Metano, GPL,Dieselspeciale o Benzina speciale) e in base alla tua posizioneoall'indirizzo cercato individua subito i distributori più viciniepiù economici nella tua area, sia che facciano partedellecompagnie più conosciute (come Eni/Agip, Aquila, AlRisparmio,Auchan, Benza, Beyfin, Carrefour, Conad, Costantin,Enercoop, Ego,Energas, Energyca, Esso, Europam, Fiamma 2000, H6,Ies, IP/Api, IPMatic, Loro, Noaloil, Petrol Gamma, Q8, Q8easy,Repsol, Retitalia,San Marco Petroli, Sia Fuel, Shell, SettePetroli, Tamoil,TotalErg, TE 24/24 e Vega) o siano dei distributoriindipendenti("Pompe Bianche" o "No Logo"). E una volta che haiscelto ildistributore ti ci puoi far portare dal tuo software dinavigazionepreferito!Guarda i prezzi di ogni singola stazione di servizio eaggiornarlitu stesso.Prezzi Benzina vuole rendere i prezzi dei carburantipiùtrasparenti. La qualità del servizio migliora con lacollaborazionedi ogni singolo utente, quindi più utenticollaborano, più i prezzisaranno precisi e i risparmi disponibili atutti.Prezzi Benzina è un progetto che nasce dallacollaborazionetra Federconsumatori, Adusbef, Adiconsum ePrezziBenzina.it.Alcune note:- i voti ai distributori non vengono aggiornati immediatamente,madopo qualche minuto- gli aggiornamenti dei prezzi inviati vengono processati ogni5minuti- le distanze chilometriche sono calcolate in linead'aria,rappresentano quindi una stima per difetto della distanzareale dapercorrere- per qualsiasi informazione o segnalazione di errorecontattateci,saremo più che lieti di risponderviandroid@prezzibenzina.itVuoi diventare beta tester? Clicca qui:https://play.google.com/apps/testing/org.vernazza.androidfuelWith Gasolinepricesimmediately find the cheapest gas station near you!Choose your fuel (petrol, diesel, CNG, LPG, special orspecialPetrol Diesel) and depending on your location or the addresssoughtimmediately identifies the closest and cheapest distributorsinyour area, whether they are part of the companies known (suchasEni / Agip, Aquila, Al Savings, Auchan, Benza, Beyfin,Carrefour,Conad, Costantin, Enercoop, Ego, Energas, Energyca, Esso,Europam,Fiamma 2000, H6, Ies, IP / Bees, IP Matic, they, Noaloil,PetrolRange, Q8, Q8easy, Repsol, Retitalia, San Marco Petroli, BothFuel,Shell, Seven Petroli, Tamoil, TotalErg, TE 24/24 and Vega) orareindependent distributors ( "pumps White" or " No Logo "). Andonceyou've chosen the distributor you can let us bring fromyourfavorite navigation software!Look at the prices of every single gas station and updatethemyourself.Gasoline prices want to make prices more transparent fuel.Thequality of service improves with the cooperation of eachindividualuser, so the more users collaborate, the more prices willbeprecise and the savings available to all.Gasoline prices is a project that is a collaborationbetweenConsumers Association, Adusbef, AdiconsumandPrezziBenzina.it.Some notes:- Vows to distributors are not updated immediately, but after afewminutes- The change posted prices are processed every 5 minutes- The distances are calculated as the crow flies, thustheyrepresent an underestimate of the actual travel distance- Contact us for any information or error reporting, we will bemorethan happy to answer android@prezzibenzina.itWant to become a beta tester? Click here:https://play.google.com/apps/testing/org.vernazza.androidfuel
My Cars (Fuel logger++)
Vehicles management:fueltracker/services/bills/tripsIf you are asking yourself one of next questions, then My Carsisthe app for you• How much cost my vehicle (car, bike, etc....)? By year,bymonth, by mile/km, etc...?• What is the min/avg/max fuel efficiency of my vehicle?Doesit depend on the season?• How could I not forget to check if I have enough oil? Can Isetreminders for services and/or bills?• How can I manage my trips with costs?• How can I have the history of the fuel prices I paid?My Cars is intuitive and highly customizable to fityourneeds. You can customize fuel subtypes, bill types, servicesandmuch more.You will be surprised on how much costs your vehicles. With MyCarsyou will better understand the costs and then it will allow youtocontrol them.Type of vehicles supported• Cars• Trucks• Bikes• Boats• Tractors or any vehicle that uses hour as main counterCore featuresData records• Fuel tracker with many options. Supports partial refuels,missedrefuels, refuels with gauge.• Services management with ability to setup reminders• Bills management with ability to setup reminders• Car records with details like insurance number, made,pictures,etc...• PRO: Trip management (start/end location with address,triptype, trip cost, etc...)• Many fuel typessupported:Gasoline/Diesel/LPG/CNG/Hybrid/Flexfuel/Electric/etc...Statistics• distance (total, by year/month/day)• min/average/max fuel efficiency• cost per day/month/year (breakdown including bills,services,fuel)• cost per mile/km (breakdown including bills, services,fuel)• min/avg/max/total fuel quantity (breakdown by fuel type)• min/avg/max fuel priceCharts• Fuel efficiency overtime• Fuel efficiency aggregated by month (is fuel efficiency higherinwinter?)• Costs per months• PRO: Compare computed fuel efficiency againstonboardcomputed values• Costs by km/mile• Autonomy estimation of your car• Odometer overtimeCharts include:• average lines• ability to edit values (like refuels)Reminders• Reminders/events management (service/bill/other)• Example: setup a reminder for checking oil levelBackup, import, export• Automated backup on internal storage• PRO: Automated backup to Dropbox• Export to CSV/XML. CSV can be open with Excel• Import from CSV/XML (to transfer data from one device toanotherone, or to import data from another application)PRO only features• PRO: Backup/restore from/to Dropbox• PRO: Currency management with exchange rates• PRO: Google Cloud Print support• PRO: Trip management• PRO: Customize driving style, road types and moreHow to enable PRO mode•Buy My Cars Pro Key app.Seehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aguirre.android.mycarpro•Activate ads. After 7 days you can remove ads if you don'twantanymore PRO mode.Support/user guidesYou can find documentation with many tipshere:http://www.davagdroid.com/mycars/how-toIf you face a crash, we recommend using Android crash reportandcontacting supportSocial networkshttps://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Cars/198039030229278https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/117688382581159052629/https://twitter.com/davagdroid
FuelLogPro License Key 1.0.0
Simon Morgenthaler
Save money by tracking your fuel consumption, costsandmaintenances.
Alcool X Gasolina 1.1
O Alcool X Gasolina, apesar de simples,éextremamente eficiente quando a necessidade é tomar umadecisãorápida na hora de escolher qual combustível colocar em seupreciosocarro FLEX!Preencha o valor da gasolina e do álcool, clique em calcularepronto!Você terá a proporção EXATA em relação ao alcool e a gasolina,eo aplicativo te indicará qual a melhor opção baseadonesteíndice!Caso enfrente algum problema com nosso aplicativo, ao invésdepostar um comentário negativo no Android Market, encaminheume-mail com seu problema e/ou sugestão que teremos o maior prazerematendê-lo.Esperamos suas sugestões para podermos incrementar cada dia maisoaplicativo.Meus sinceros agradecimentos,Walisson C. FerreiraThe Alcool XGasolina,although simple, is extremely efficient when the need isto take aquick decision when choosing which fuel put into yourprecious FLEXcar!Write the amount of gasoline and ethanol, click calculateandgo!You will have the EXACT proportion to alcohol and gasoline,andthe app will show you what the best option based onthiscontent!If you experience any problems with our application ratherthanposting a negative comment on the Android Market, please sendanemail with your problem and / or suggestions that we will behappyto serve you.We hope your suggestions in order to improve more and moretheapplication day.My sincere thanks,Walisson C. Ferreira
Gasolineras Baratas
Ahorra Euros en cada repostaje, encontrandolagasolinera más barata cercana a tu posición en España.Precios de combustibles actualizados diariamente.- Gasolina sin plomo 95, sin plomo 98, diésel, biodiésel ..- Ahorra con consejos para una conducción más eficienteyrespetuosa con el medio ambiente.- Guarda tus gasolineras favoritas.- Ordena por precio las gasolineras.Escuchamos mejoras a través del Feedback de la aplicación :)Save Euros ateachrefueling, finding the cheapest gas station near your positioninSpain.Fuel prices daily.- Gasoline unleaded 95, unleaded 98, diesel, biodiesel ..- Save with tips for a more efficient andenvironmentallyfriendly.- Save your favorite stations.- Sort by price gas stations.We hear improvements through the application Feedback:)
Price Coach 2.3.7
Megaditta Apps
Price Coach is the app that lets you quickly check the pricesofGas,Diesel and LPG of every Italian, French, Spanish andGermanservicestation. You can find the cheapest station near toyou orvirtuallynavigate all the country to search for betterprices!With PriceCoach you can also check the prices trend forevery kindof fuel inevery town and compare it with the nationalaverageprices. On PriceCoach you can find these brands: Agip,Aquila,Auchan, Benza, Beyfin,Carrefour, Conad, Coop, Costantin,Ego,Enercoop, Energas, Energyca,Eni, Esso, Europam, Giap, H6, Ies,IP,Keropetrol, Loro, Lukoil,Noaloil, Oil One, OMV, Q8,Repsol,Retitalia, Shell, San MarcoPetroli, Sia Fuel, SPEnergiaSiciliana, Tamoil, Total Erg, Vega andmany otherindependentbrands The prices displayed are communicateddirectly bythestations managers to the Ministry of EconomicDevelopmentforItaly, to the Ministry of Economy and Finance forFrance, totheMinistry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda forSpain andtoTankerkönig (www.tankerkoenig.de) for Germany. Thereforewe donotassume responsibility for the reliability of theprovidedprices.
Gasoline and Diesel Spain 3.2.7
Quadbits SLU
Find the filling stations with the best prices around you and inaroute
Mais Gasolina 2.1.28
Mais Gasolina
Fuel prices in Portugal. Find the cheapest fuel stations near you!
Gas Now - Prices comparator 4.4.54
03 July Apps Creator
Gas Now, gas prices and price comparator! Don't run out of gasandsave money!