10 Похожие Purinrechner

Gout Medic - Manage Your Gout 1.0
Medic App Pro
Gout Medic is an easy to use app thattracksyour purine, ph level, inflammation and calorie intake.- Contains the digital version of the book Out With Gout Now! andissold on Amazon.- Approx 1000 foods from the USDA food database- Calculates the purines based on food and serving size.- Logs meals, snacks and activities- Log your daily pain levels, your weight, results from uricacidtests and ph levels- Provides useful Statistical Data to help manage Gout.- Supports Android 3.0 and higher- Stand alone app does not require internet connectivityThe author of the book Out With Gout Now! and this app, is alsoagoutsufferer of several years.Getting rid of Gout is a lifestyle. The accompanying bookandthis appwill help you get on track to freeing yourself from thepainfulGoutand give you your life back.
Gout Diet Lite 2.1
Light weight and easy to use appcenteredaround the level of uric acid (mg uric acid / 100g of food)whichwill be produced by common food items.- > 300 food- 8 categories- Android 4.0 UI- quick access- able to work without an internet connectionGout is a painful inflammatory form of arthritis(goutyarthritis) where joints become swollen as a result from animmuneresponse to uric acid crystals. This typically happens nearthe bigtoe, but can happen at other joints too. When it comes togout,there is a lot of mention of purine and it is metabolized intouricacid. What is usually failed to mentioned is that there aremanykind of purine, and not all are effective in increasinguricacid.Gout Diet is a one stop app to quickly browse through a listofcommon food items and identify if these food will result inhighlevel of uric acid (mg uric acid / 100g of food).**Ad SupportedKeywords: gout, food, list, common, everyday, uric acid, high,low,diet
Triät-App 1.0.0
Becker Joest Volk Verlag
Hallo Challenger,herzlichen willkommen bei der Triät-App. Es ist dieoffizielleVegan-App, mit der ihr an meiner bundesweitenReformhaus-Challengeteilnehmen könnt. Als Teilnehmer könnt ihr vorOrt in denteilnehmenden Reformhäusern ab dem 02.Februar 2015 fürmindestens 1Jahr lang kostenlos euren Antioxidantien-Status checkenlassen.Dieser Wert gibt Auskunft über das VerhältnisernährungsbedingterAbwehrkraft (z. B. aus Superfoods, Obst, Gemüse,Gewürzen, Nüssen,Samen, Sprossen etc.) und persönlichenStresslevel, präzisegemessen auf der Haut. Das Messergebnis isteine Zahl zwischen 1und 10, wobei die äußerst seltene 10 derTop-Score ist. Die Messungist für den Probanden nicht wahrnehmbar,da der Messwert nur übereingestrahltes und dann reflektiertes Lichtam Handballen mit Hilfeeines biozoom-Scanners ermittelt wird. DieMessung ist medizinischvalidiert und sehr präzise.Die Features:• Ihr erhaltet 8 kostenlose Testrezepte• Ihr könnt Rezepte zukaufen (5 weitere Rezepte für 0,89 €)• Rezepte, die ihr aus dem Buch Vegan for Youth bereitsbesitzt,könnt ihr kostenlos freischalten• Ihr könnt Rezepte bewerten, ergänzen, aufPersonenzahlenhochrechnen• Ihr könnt Einkaufslisten kürzen oder ergänzen• Ihr könnt euren Antioxidantien-Status eintragen undgrafischauswerten• Ihr bekommt Videos und Hintergrundinfos• U.v.a.m.Um Eure Werte zu verbessern, bietet euch meine kostenloseAppwertvolle Hilfe bei der Zubereitung vonAntioxidantien-reichemEssen und beim Einkaufen. So habt ihr EureRezepte unterwegs immerdabei, könnt Einkaufszettel erstellen,Favoritenrezepte markierenund teilen und eure aktuellen Messwertespeichern. Zudem könnt ihr,falls ihr Vegan for Youth bereitsbesitzt, die Rezepte aus dem Buchkostenlos freischalten.Wer sich über einen längeren Zeitraum nach „Vegan forYouth“ernährt, wird nicht nur seine Blutwerte dramatischverbessern,sondern auch massiv Übergewicht verlieren, beweglicherwerden undaktiven Stressabbau betreiben. Vegan for Youth gilt alsoptimaleErnährungsform z. B. für die Fastenzeit oder bei hohemÜbergewichtauch für längere Zeiträume: besonders empfohlen beiÜbergewicht,Bluthochdruck, hohe Cholesterinwerte, beierhöhtemBlutzuckerspiegel und drohender Diabetes Typ II,chronischenVerdauungsbeschwerden, bei Gicht und vielenanderenernährungsbedingten Krankheiten.Über 800 Mitarbeiter in den teilnehmenden Reformhäusern habenaneiner Zusatzschulung der Reformhausakademie teilgenommen, umEuchrund um die Messergebnisse qualifiziert zu allem Frage undAntwortzu geben.Weitere Infos und die eine Suche nach demnächstliegendenteilnehmenden Reformhaus findet ihr unterwww.triaet.deHello Challenger, warm welcome to the Triät app. It is the official Vegan app thatyoucan participate in my nationwide health food challenge. Asaparticipant, you can spot in the participating health foodstoresas of 2015 02.Februar be long for at least 1 year for freecheckyour antioxidant status. This value provides information abouttherelationship of diet-related defenses (eg. As from SuperFoods,fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts, seeds, sprouts, etc.)andpersonal stress level, precisely measured on the skin.Themeasurement result is a number between 1 and 10, wheretheextremely rare 10 of the top score is. The measurementisimperceptible to the subject, as the measured value isdeterminedonly emitted and then reflected light at the palm of yourhand withthe help of a biozoom scanner. The measurement ismedicallyvalidated and very precise.  The features:• You receive 8 free test recipes• You can buy recipes (5 other recipes for € 0.89)• recipes that owns her from the book Vegan for Youth already,youcan unlock for free• You can rate recipes, supplement extrapolate numbersofpeopleReduce or supplement • You can shopping lists• You can enter your antioxidant status andevaluatedgraphically• You will receive videos and background information• U.v.a.m. To improve your values, you my free app provides valuable helpinthe preparation of antioxidant-rich foods and shopping. So youhaveyour recipes on the go wherever you go, you can create, selectandshare favorite recipes and save your current readingsshoppinglist. In addition, you can, if you have already Vegan forYouth,the recipes from the book free unlock. If you eat over a longer period for "Vegan for Youth", will notonlyimprove its blood levels dramatically, but also massivelylosingexcess weight, become more flexible and operate activestressreduction. Vegan for Youth is considered optimal form ofnutritionfor example for Lent or at high overweight for longerperiods oftime. Especially recommended for obesity, high bloodpressure, highcholesterol, increased blood sugar levels and thethreat of type IIdiabetes, chronic indigestion, gout and manyother diet-relateddiseases. About 800 people in the participating health food storeshaveparticipated in a health food store additional training academytogive you round the measurement results to all qualifiedquestionand answer. More information and a search for the nearest participatinghealthfood store can be found at www.triaet.de
Advanced Vibrational Healing 1.0
Bio Q
Three simple steps using Advanced Vibrational Healing to treatthefollowing Illnesses, Protection and Clearings:Alcoholism & Drug AddictionAsthmaBack InjuryBronchial and Lung InfectionChronic GoutEnhancing the Immune and Defense SystemHeadachesMigraine HeadachesMinor InfectionsOrgan RegenerationBlood PurificationRoom/House Clearing from Bad EnergyShield of Life (Protection from Bad Energy and Illness)Strengthening and StimulatingSuicidal TendenciesToothacheWeight loss and ObesityAll FreeWe set out on this path to put a commercial applicationtogetherthat we would charge peopleto use so that we could further our works helping others.However; all people should be well and protected fromthetroubles of this world. This is our offering to youour fellow human beings.Advanced Vibrational Healing comes in the form of PranicHealing.We were able to capture the energy frequency onto a soundtrack andplace them onto a music bed, and here they are. To seeliving proofof what transpired in the studio the day these trackswere made goto: http://youtu.be/FdoVY69mPoIPranic Healing Big Pranic healing is a no-touch modalitywhereall types of illnesses can be treated. It is a highlydeveloped andtested system of energy-based healing techniques,using “prana" –the vital energy life-force to balance, harmoniseand transformyour body's energy processes. The Chinese refer tothis subtleenergy as "Chi" in acupuncture. It is also called "Ruha"in Hebrewor the "Breath of Life" in the Old Testament.Pranic Healing AuraPranic healing influences your naturallifeforce to bring about a healthier physical body and is appliedonyour bio-electromagnetic field known as the aura, whichcontainsthe mold and blueprint of your physical body. Yourbio-plasmic bodyabsorbs life energy and distributes it to yourorgans and glands.Diseases first appear as energetic disruptions inyour energy fieldbefore manifesting as ailments in your physicalbody.Master Dangel’s techniques include locating your blockages,tocleanse, energise and revitalise the area with new prana sothatyour body can heal itself naturally.Pranic Healing is a no-touch modality where all typesofillnesses can be treated using ‘chi’ or pranic energy.Master George Dangel, Australian based healer to the stars,regardedby many as a ‘MIRACLE HEALER’ is the first CaucasianMaster PranicHealer to reach the position of number one in theworld in hisprofession, and is also the first ever AustralianMaster of PranicHealing.In 1985, he met and trained under GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui,theGrandMaster of Pranic Healing who brought this modality totheworld, and Master Dangel’s vast experience, spanning more than30years, has made him one of the world’s foremost authoritiesinpranic healing technology, becoming Assistant totheGrandMaster.Master Dangel said: “I’ve had incredible results with peoplewithsevere, debilitating conditions, including quadriplegia,maculardegeneration, blindness, deafness, strokes, motor neuronedisease,paralysis etc.”Patients flock from all over Australia and the world toseeMaster Dangel at his Brisbane-based clinic.His thirty years of study has taken him to China,India,Philippines, Hawaii, USA and Tahiti.To see more of Dr. Dangel's great works through testimonialsgoto: http://masterpranichealer.com/testimonials.htmlThe information on this application describes the productsandservices Bio Q offers. The information is not offered asmedicaladvice and should not be considered medical advice.Nothingcontained on this application is intended to be used formedicaldiagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of aphysician orother qualified medical professional regarding anymedicalcondition or treatment. If you have any questionsproceduresinvolving the Bio Q systems, contact a qualifiedphysician. Or,contact us on our website www.bioq.com.au
Food Inspector 1.0.6
neapptrix GmbH
The Food Inspector reveals allnutritionalvalues. From now on you know what you're really eating.Simple - quick - easy to useFind out what your food really contains. The Food Inspectorshowsaround 140 nutritional values (alcohol, cholesterol, protein,fat,fructose, lactose, uric acid, calories, minerals,micronutrients,vitamins, etc.) of over 17,000 foods. All valuesare taken from theGerman Food Database(Bundeslebensmittelschlüssel) published by theMax Rubner Instituteand are being updated on a regular basis.How it works:- On your home screen at the top right corner click thesettingsicon and select those nutritional values you are interestedin andwould like to be shown (e.g. vitamins, minerals,carbonhydrates,etc.) - by default, all 140 values areactivated.- Select a nutritional group / nutrition from the list(eg.pasta, salad vegetables, potatoes, hard cheese).- Receive the average nutritional value of amiddle-seizedportion of the selected nutritional group.- If necessary, change the quantity of the respective food(eg.to50 or 200g).Click on the flag icon and you can switch the app'slanguagebetween English and German.Click on the star icon and evaluate the app on PlayStore.What additional value does the PRO-version offer?- Have a detailled look into the nutritional groups: Do notjustget average nutritional values of the respective group, buttheexact nutritional values of a specific food (e.g. eggnoodlescooked, cauliflower steamed, potatoes cooked, Gouda min. 45%fat(dry matter)).- Click on the search icon in order to use the simplesearch,filter and sorting function:Search for your desired nutrition / food via text search, filterallfood for upto 3 nutritional values (e.g. < 200 kcal AND <30mg cholesterol AND < 10 g carbonhydrates) or sort the foodbynutritional value in an ascending / descending order(e.g.ascending vitamin B12-cobalamin).- Use the app without annoying advertisement.You can check the following nutritional values (excerpt):Energy (kcal), Energy (kj), Water, Protein, Fat,Carbohydrate,available, Fibre, Ash, Organic Acids, Alcohol (ethylalcohol),Vitamin A-Retinol equivalent, Vitamin A-Retinol,VitaminA-Beta-Carotin, Vitamin D-Calciferole, VitaminE-Alpha-Tocopherolequivalent, Vitamin E-Alpha-Tocopherol, VitaminK-Phyllochinon,Vitamin B1-Thiamin, Vitamin B2-Riboflavin, VitaminB3-Niacin,Nicotinic acid, Vitamin B3-Niacin equivalent, VitaminB5-Pantothenacid, Vitamin B6-Pyridoxin, Vitamin B7-Biotin (VitaminH), VitaminB9-folic acid total, Vitamin B12-Cobalamin, VitaminC-Ascorbicacid, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus,Sulphur,Chloride, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Fluoride,Iodine,Mannitol, Sorbitol, Xylitol, Sugar Alcohols total,Glucose(dextrose), Fructose, Galactose, Monosaccharides (1 M),Sucrose,Maltose, Lactose, Disaccharides (2 M), Sugars(total),Oligosaccharides, available (3 - 9 M), Oligosaccharides,notavailable, Glycogen (animal starch), Starch, Polysaccharides(>9 M), Cellulose, Lignin, Dietary Fibre, water-soluble,DietaryFibre, water-insoluble, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine,Methionine,Cysteine, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Threonine,Tryptophan, Valine,Arginine, Histidine, Amino Acids, essential,Alanine, AsparticAcid, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Proline, Serine,Amino Acids, notessential, Uric acid, Purine_N, ButyricAcid/Butanoic Acid,Hexanoic Acid /Caproic Acid, Fatty Acids, totalsaturated,Tetranoic Acid, Pentadecenoic Acid, HexadecenoicAcid/PalmitoleicAcid, Heptadecenoic Acid, Fatty Acids, totalmonounsaturated, FattyAcids, total polyunsaturated, Fatty Acidsn-3, Fatty Acids n-6,Glycerol and Lipoids, Cholesterol, BreadUnits, Salt, total
Menüfahrplan Genericon 2.0
Amit GmbH
Der Menüfahrplan Genericon bietetdieMöglichkeit, Ihren individuellen Ernährungsplan fürdieErkrankungen Hoher Blutdruck, Hohes Cholesterin, Diabetes,Gicht,Osteoporose, Hohe Triglyceride zu erstellen.Sie können beliebig viele Krankheitsbilder kombinieren underhalteneine Auswertung, die die unterschiedlichenErnährungsempfehlungenberücksichtigt. Ihre persönlicheMenüempfehlung ist nach demübersichtlichen Ampelsystem (Rot = nichterlaubt, Gelb = Vorsicht,Grün = erlaubt) aufgebaut. Dadurch ergibtsich für Sie einkompakter und stets verfügbarerErnährungsplan.The menu roadmapGenericonoffers the possibility to create your individualnutrition plan fordisease High blood pressure, high cholesterol,diabetes, gout,osteoporosis, high triglycerides.You can combine any of many diseases and receive an evaluationthattakes into account the different dietary recommendations.Yourpersonal recommendation menu (not allowed = red, yellow =caution,green = allowed) after the clear traffic light systembuilt. Thisresults in a more compact and always available dietplan.
Pijat Refleksi 1.6
Aplikasi ini berisi informasi penyembuhan dengan cara pijatrefleksi
プリン体チェッカー~写真を撮って、プリン体含有量をチェック~ 1.0.5
foo.log Inc.
掲載されているいくつかの料理の中で、プリン体含有量数値に、使用食材のマカロニスパゲッティのプリン体数値が合算されていない事が判明いたしました。謹んでお詫び申し上げますとともに、内容について改めて精査し、近日中に訂正と共にお知らせいたします。2016年2月8日プリン体を気にしているあなたに朗報です!料理の写真から簡単にプリン体の含有量をチェックできるアプリができました!写真を撮る、またはアルバムから選択するとその料理1人前に含まれるプリン体目安量が表示されます。料理の写真は記録できるので過去に登録した料理もチェックできます。また、写真をアプリに記録させることで判定の精度もアップ!食べる前にプリン体を調べたい方は「プリン体辞典」がおすすめです。In some listed cuisine,inpurine content numerical value, we found that the purinenumericvalue of macaroni spaghetti of use ingredients have notbeencombined. Respectfully with apologize, again scrutinizethecontents, it will be announced along with the soon corrected.February 8, 2016To you that are concerned about the purine is good news!App that can check the content of easily purine from a photographofthe cooking was able!Take a picture, or purine Estimated amount included to and inthecooking one person selected from the album will bedisplayed.A photograph of the cooking will also be checked disheswereregistered in the past because it recorded.In addition, the accuracy of the determination by to recordthephoto to the app up!If you want to examine the purine before eating it isrecommended"purine Dictionary".
Thay thuoc cua ban 1.0
Phần mềm chăm sóc và bảo vệ sức khỏe gia đình* Tính chỉ số BMI: Chỉ cần bạn nhập đầy đủthôngtin về cân nặng và chiều cao, phần mềm sẽ giúp bạn tính chỉsố BMIcủa cơ thể và đưa ra mức cảnh báo nếu bạn đang đứng trongtop nguyhiểm do thừa cân hoặc suy dinh dưỡng. Từ đó một chế độ ănuống hợplý sẽ được phần mềm giới thiệu để bạn có thể tự chăm sócvà bảo vệsức khỏe của mình.* Phần mềm tính ngày rụng trứng: Xác định chínhxácngày rụng trứng có vai trò quan trọng trong việc sinh con theoýmuốn. Phần mềm tính ngày rụng trứng được xây dựng dựa trênnhữngnguyên lý về số học, lý học, y học do đó chỉ cần nhập ngày đầutiêncó kinh và vòng kinh, phần mềm sẽ xác định tương đối chính xácngàyrụng trứng, bên cạnh đó người phụ nữ cần theo dõi những biểuhiệntrên cơ thể từ đó chọn ngày quan hệ giúp tăng khả năng thụthai.Ngoài ra phần mềm tính ngày rụng trứng cũng là cơ sở để bạn cóthểtránh thai an toàn, tự nhiên. Phần mềm được cài đặt sẵn ứngdụnglưu tự động nhằm giúp bạn theo dõi chu kỳ kinh nguyệt một cáchdễdang nhằm phát hiện sớm những dấu hiệu, thay đổi bất thườngtrongcơ thể.* Phần mềm Chế độ ăn uống kiêng kị: Ngay từ xaxưay học đã đánh giá rất cao vai trò của chế độ ăn uống đối vớisứckhỏe của mỗi người. “Bệnh từ miệng vào” cho thấy những gì chúngtaăn, uống hàng ngày có quyết định trực tiếp tới sức khỏe củachúngta. Y học hiện đại ngày nay cũng đồng quan điểm: Dinh dưỡngtốt,sức khỏe tốt là hai yếu tố luôn song hành cùng nhau. Vậy chế độănuống, kiêng kị như thế nào là tốt nhất, cần thiết nhất cho cơthể?Phần mềm thaythuoccuaban.com là một kho kiến thức đầy đủ nhất,chitiết nhất về chế độ ăn uống, kiêng kị giúp phòng và chữa cácbệnhthường gặp như: vô sinh, cao huyết áp, gout, tiểu đường, ...haychế độ dinh dưỡng cho người mang thai, trẻ em còi xương, phụ nữởtuổi mãn kinh,… .* Phần mềm Chế độ ăn uống kiêng kị với phiênbảndành cho điện thoại di động giúp người dùng dễ dàng download,càiđặt và cập nhật những thông tin cần thiết về chế độ dinh dưỡngtốtnhất cho bạn và người thân.Mục đông y trị bệnh là một cuốn cẩm nang về bệnh, nguyên nhân,triệuchứng các phòng ngừa và các bài thuốc đông y gia truyền điềutrịbệnh được sưu tập từ khắp các vùng miền cả trong vàngoàinước.Ngoài ra phần mềm thaythuoccuaban.com được tích hợp tính nănggửimail tự động, giúp người dùng có thể trò chuyện trực tiếp vớiLươngy quốc gia Nguyễn Hữu Toàn, được lương y tư vấn, giải đáp mọithắcmắc về sức khỏe và cách điều trị.* Trải qua quá trình kiểm định và xét duyệt nghiêm ngặt từphíaGoogle Play, Apple Store phần mềm Thaythuoccuaban.com tự hàotrởthành một trong số 5 phần mềm tốt nhất, tiện ích nhất và uytínnhất về sức khỏe. Hơn nữa phần mềm thaythuoccuaban.com luôn giữvịtrí dẫn đầu về số lượng người dùng download, cài đặt trong sốnhữngphần mềm về sức khỏe.Truy cập nhanh chóng, dễ dàng, tiện lợi mọi lúc mọi nơi, phầnmềmthaythuoccuaban.com giúp bạn và gia đình chăm sóc và bảo vệsứckhỏe tốt hơn.Software protectionandcare of family health* The BMI : Just enter your full information onweightand height, the software will help you calculate your BMI andbodygive a warning if you're standing the top or the dangersofoverweight malnutrition. Since then, a reasonable diet willbeintroduced to software that you can take care of and protecttheirhealth.* The ovulation Software : Correctly identifyingovulationplays an important role in childbirth as desired. Softwarefeaturesbuilt ovulation based on the principles of arithmetic,physiology,medicine, so just enter the first day of menstruationand within,the software will determine fairly accurately ovulation,Besides,women should monitor the expression of the body from whichselecton the relationship helps increase fertility. In addition,thesoftware is also ovulation basis so you can safely avoidpregnancynaturally. The software is pre-installed applicationssavedautomatically to help you keep track of menstrual cycles iseasy todetect early signs, abnormal changes in the body.* Diet Software taboo : From ancient medicine hasgreatlyappreciate the role of diet on the health of each person."Diseasesof the mouth to" show what we eat, drink daily decisionsdirectlyto our health. Modern medicine now also view: goodnutrition, goodhealth is the two factors go hand in hand together.So diet, howabstinence is the best, most essential for the body?Software as arepository of knowledge thaythuoccuaban.com mostcomplete, mostdetailed diet, abstinence to help prevent and treatcommon diseasessuch as infertility, high blood pressure, gout,diabetes, ... ornutrition for pregnant women, children rickets,women in menopause.... * Diet Software taboo with a version for mobilephoneshelps users to easily download, install and update thenecessaryinformation about the best diet for you and yourfamily.Section medicine treatment is a handbook about the disease,causes,symptoms and prevention of post heirloom orientalmedicinetreatment collected from all regions of both domesticandforeign.In addition integrated software thaythuoccuaban.com sendmailfeature automatically help users to chat directly with theNationalHerbalist Nguyen Huu Toan, the consulting physician, toanswer anyquestions about health and treatment.* Over years of testing and rigorous approval from GooglePlay,software Apple Store Thaythuoccuaban.com proud to become oneof the5 best software, utility and most prestigious health.Furthermorethaythuoccuaban.com software keeps the leading positionon thenumber of users download, install the software ofhealth.Access fast, easy, convenient, anytime,anywhere,thaythuoccuaban.com software to help you and your familycare andbetter healthprotection.
Purina Pet Health 3.0.1
Nestle Purina PetCare
Keep your furry friend (or friends!) intip-topshape with the Purina® Health & Wellness app. You cankeep allof your pets’ pertinent health information at yourfingertips righton your phone. Is a veterinarian appointmentcoming up? Enter it andyou won’t forget. Want a reminder when it’stime to visit a groomer?No problem! Even detailed pet-specific andhealth historyinformation can be entered so you can keep track ofall of yourcat’s or dog’s medical and wellness needs. Plus, youcan even findthe closest veterinarian or pet hospital in case ofan emergency.Show your pets how much you care with the Purina®Health &Wellness app.