21 Похожие Inventario Free

Gestor de Inventarios 1.2
ASC Enterprise Ltda
Application to manage movements of inventory items / goods.
Stock Controller - inventories 5.2.1
XNR Sisbi
Need to manage your business inventories? This is the right appforyou.
SDM warehouse inventory 2.9
Sidematica, S.L.
Tool to count inventories with barcode reader included.
Inventory 1.4
Alessio Mangoni
The app Inventory allows you to recordgenericobjects by assigning code, name, date, price, currency,number,label and notes, store them and edit and consult them. Thelabelscan be set in a special section accessible from the menu andthenretrieved while entering a new object or editing.NEW You can also insert images of items (they must remain inthedevice)!Will be updated and improved continuously and in the futurewewill introduce additional options and features. Report any bugsorsuggestionsNew! HD icon and pictures!New! Notification for insertion, etc..
Inventory & Barcode scanner 7.35
Marcos Redondo
Inventory & Barcode scanner & collection & WIFIbarcodescanner
TST Warehouse Inventory Free 3.9
TST Informática
It is very easy to use:To read the barcode´s item you can use either an externalbluetoothscanner or the smartphone´s cam.Then you can start to usetheApp.Firstly import your products to the App, from an xls or a csvfileformat.Finally, when you finish the reading process, the App willexportyour inventory in an xls or csv file format.All what you need now is to process this xls or csv file fromyourE.R.P. software and then you´ll get your inventoryupdated.This free App version has a limit in 50 items. If you needmoreplease download the Pro App
Alexa Inventario TRIAL 2.0
Alejandro Maceda León
Funciona para todos los tamaños de pantalla.Contenido:Inventario de productosScaner de codigo de barras usando la camaraBusqueda por filtro de categoriasEditar, borrar y guardar productosImagenes en los productosDudas y comentariosmaceda.alejandro@gmail.comWorks for allscreensizes.Content:Product InventoryBarcode Scanner using the cameraSearch by category filterEdit, delete and store productsImages in productsQuestions and commentsmaceda.alejandro @ gmail.com
CromoSoma Ink.
Control your INVENTORY. Make your own quick and easy inventory.
Código de Barras Inventario 0.0.2
Barcode reader with inventory database
MOBI - inventario 2.0.5
Gioele Buonadonna
"MOBI - inventario" è l'App ideal perchihanecessità di effettuare un semplice inventario inmobilità.Grazie alla possibilità di importare ed esportarerispettivamenteidati base di magazzino (Codice articolo -Descrizione - UM-Barcode - Quantità - Prezzo) e l'inventarioeffettuato,diventafacile "agganciare" l'applicazione aqualunqueproceduragestionale.La nostra struttura (Essegi Computer S.r.l.) è anche ingradodioffrire personalizzazioni "adhoc" per chi lorichiedesse,inmaniera da garantire comunque un prodotto "cucito"intornoalleesigenze di ogni cliente.Al momento è stata testata con ottimi risultatisuiprodottiPartner-Tech, palmari Android dotati dilettorebarcode.Contattaci alla email info@sgcomputer.com peraveremaggioriinformazioni o per richiedere l'acquisto dellalicenza."MOBI - inventory"Appisideal for those who need to carry out a simpleinventoryinmobility.With the ability to import and export, respectively, the databaseofstock (Article number - Description - UM - Barcode -Quantity-Price) and the inventory carried out, it becomes easy to"hook"theapplication to any management procedure.Our structure (Essegi Computer Srl) is also abletooffercustomized "adhoc" for those who require it, so astoguarantee aproduct "sewn" around the needs of each customer.At the time it was tested with excellent resultsonproductsPartner-Tech, Android handhelds with barcode reader.Contact the info@sgcomputer.com email for more informationortorequest the purchase of the license.
Physical Inventory 2.0.5
Physical inventory management with barcode.
My Business 6.16.1
Application to manage small businesses.
Mobile Inventory 4.6.5 - Breithorn - pr
Bino Solutions
*Recommended for Small and Medium-sized businesses Somefreefeatures available: - Stock management - Take stock - Takestockfrom Stock management - Locations management - Import in batchoradd items one by one - Barcode / QR code scanner & Searchtoquickly identify items - Filter items by category / counted /tags/ custom fields / locations - Built-in calculator - Userdefinedtags - Operations history - Custom fields - Change productslistdisplay - Switch Barcodes / QR codes between inventoriesPremiumfeatures: - Export data to .xls / .xlsx file - NFC support-External barcode scanner support - Backup & Restore dataMobileInventory is an easy to use application that helps you tomanageyour inventory and do from time to time "take stock"operations.Why Mobile Inventory? Because it's simple, intuitive anddoes itsjob! STOCK MANAGEMENT: 1) Populate your products list It'syourdecision how to do it: add products one by one, import fromanexcel / csv list or get the products from another inventory.2)Manage stock entries Beside products, inventory managementneedsentries to be added. In a very quick manner you can addinputs,outputs and movements between locations 3) Manage inventorybylocations Your inventory could have one or more locationstomanage. That why Mobile Inventory allows you to definelocations,manage transactions and extract reports by location. 4)Get realtime stocks and navigate easily through transactions Realtimeentries mean real time stocks ... Analyze the entries byusingfriendly tools: filters, sort, quick search, etc. 5)Exportinventory - stocks and entries Transfer your work to an excelfile(locally, on drive, shared via email, etc.) TAKE STOCK 1)Getproducts from Predefined lists / Stock management or Addproductsmanually Populate products list by choosing from thealternatives:importing from a predefined Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv)product list,taking over from Stock management at a certain date,addingproducts manually one by one. 2) Count items Addcollectedquantities by using: barcode scan, quick search, categoryfilter,calculator, tags, counting history, batching factor. 3)Exportcounting results (excel file) Capitalize your work andexportinventory list in a .xls /.xlsx format file. The exportedlist isespecially designed for following matching processes and canbesaved locally, on drive, shared via email, etc. Fordetailedinformation visit http://mobileinventory.netandhttp://blog.mobileinventory.net . If you have additionalquestionsabout the application, improvement suggestions or feedbackpleasecontact our support team at support@mobileinventory.net
Inventory Counter 3.7
Fernando Haro
Inventory Counter was developed to help you to make yourinventoryona easy way. You can export your inventory to afile(Excelcompatible). Features: - Count, calculate, register andstoreyourstocks. - Add photo to your data. - Scan bar codesifnecessary. -Location by GPS (please wait for GPS iconstopblinking, to getcorrect location). - List and search inyourinventory. - Exportvalues by email, bluetooth, dropbox,commaseparate value format(data separated by ";" ) Excelcompatible. -Optional vibration forcounter. - Email settings foreasy export.Counter and calculatorconnected to data sheet.
Rapid Inventory 2.7.5
Manage inventories and stock lists with up to 100 itemsforfree!Rapid Inventory was optimized for fast and smoothoperationonsmart phones and tablets; particular emphasis was placedonsimpleand intuitive operation. The integrated dataexchangefunctionsallow you to import existing stock lists or to usethecollecteddata for further processing (Google Drive, CSV, XML).Ifnecessary,the item capacity can be extended at any time.SIMPLIFIESYOURINVENTORY Use Rapid Inventory for Android tosimplifystocktakingand inventory management tasks. Create, manageorcontrol your itemlists, partial lists, inventory, serialnumbers,supplies, CD andDVD collections, etc. in no time Thebuilt-inbarcode scanner andthe integrated support forindustry-gradeBluetooth scanners allowyou to manage your item datain as littletime as possible.FEATURES ◾ Clearly arranged item listwith searchfunction ◾ Customfields (various datatypes, low/highresimages,multiple quantities,multiple expiration date fields) ◾Adjustablesort order ◾ Tagitems with labels ◾ Data import and dataexportfunctions (CSV,XML, Google Drive) ◾ Supports Bluetoothbarcodescanner (BluetoothSPP devices) ◾ Built-in camera barcodescanner ◾Optimized forsmart-phones and tablets SUPPORT In case ofproblems,questions orrequests please contactsupport@tec-it.com,TECITSupport (Skype).Don’t forget to rate theapp. We highlyappreciate your feedback!
Inventarios & Stock 4.9.0
Leandro Ariel La Polla
Inventarios & Stock es una app para gestionar de formasencillay rápida los inventarios de tu negocio... en cualquierlugar... acualquier hora y en todo momento. Sencilla de manejar eintuitiva!No necesitas perder tus datos de nuevo, grabarlos en lanube ydisfruta. Inventarios & Stock te permite scanner codigoQR yBar Code, de manera que podes scannear éste tipo de códigossinnecesidad de comprar periféricos carisimos. Inventarios &Stockes la herramienta ideal para las personas que quierenllevarcontrol de inventario de sus comercios. Se agrega un chatpara quelas personas que comparten la app puedan conversar entresí. Solohay que crear una SALA DE CHAT desde el perfil del usuarioycompartirlo con quien quieras chatear. Con esta aplicaciónpuedes:- Trabajar online u offline, tu decides. - Crear múltiplesusuariospor cuenta - Crear almacenes, tipos de productos,proveedores,clientes, productos y transacciones. - Alerta de stockminimodefinido por producto - Administrar los inventarios dealmacén -Selecciona fotos del producto en la galería del teléfono otoma unafoto - Estadísticas por sección ... Y mucho más
Inventory, expense tracking and order fulfillment 2.3
Billion Hands Technology
Simple & powerful multi user &multi-platforminventorymanagement solution. MAJOR MODULES: 1)InventoryManagement 2)Purchase Order & Sales Order Management3)Supplier &Customer Management 4) Import Data & ExportData5) ExtensiveReporting with export to Excel/CSV 6) InventoryrelatedIncome& Expense Management 7) Barcode Scanning WithInventoryPro, -People from your organization can access companyinventorydatafrom their mobile devices and desktops. - Itofferscompleteinventory management features including barcodescanning,stocktaking, stock adjustments, inventory valuation,inventorymovement,low stock alerts, graphical reports, dashboardsetc. - Youcangenerate, manage and print purchase orders and salesorders. -Youcan manage and communicate with your suppliers andcustomers. -Youcan record partial or full delivery against purchaseorder orsalesorder. - You can also manage other income and expensesofyourorganization. Noteworthy Features: - Create Purchase OrderorSalesOrder and print with your company logo, name, and addressetc.-Get email notification when any item goes into low stock.-LowStock quantity can be configured for each item separately.-Multilevel taxes, item level tax & discount can be addedtoPurchaseorder and Sales Order. HOW DOES IT WORK? With 3simplesteps youcan start using Inventory Pro for your organization.STEP1:Download Inventory Pro App and register as an administratorofyourorganization (You can also registerbyvisitinghttp://inventorypro.billionhands.in/signup/plans.php)STEP2:Choose the plan as per number of users you need. We offer7daysfree trial period. STEP 3: Invite users of yourorganizationfromthe menu. They receive link in emails to join.Please notethat,the invited users don't need to subscribe. Yourplanincludesaccess for the selected number of users. Contactusoninventory.pro@billionhands.in for any questions.UPGRADEFROMINSTANT INVENTORY APP: Our existing subscribersofInstantInventory App can upgrade to this enterprise editionbycontactingus at inventory.pro@billionhands.in. We will assistinmigratingtheir existing inventory data to Inventory Pro. Feelfreetocontact us via email. We have excellent support recordandnoquestions will be ignored –inventory.pro@billionhands.inOfficialWebsite:http://www.billionhands.in/InventoryPro.htmlYouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_fTMXejfpOp5GXbYDqVf6wLikeus onFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/BillionHands Follow usonGooglePlus:https://plus.google.com/110680888336091329732DownloadInventory Proapp now & manage inventory on yourfingertips.Change Logs:Version 2.1 (March 06, 2019) - Addedprintfunctionality. Version2.0.2 (February 21, 2019) -Improvements tobarcode scanning feature.- Updated build tools.Version 2.0(January 05, 2018) - Added supportfor Android 8 andabove Version1.9.1.1 (September 11, 2017) - Minorbug fixes.Version 1.9.1(February 07, 2017) - Added support forAndroid 6 andabove.Version 1.9 (June 01, 2016) - Added inventoryimport withSellingPrice. - Minor bug fixes. Version 1.8 (April 14,2016) -AddedImport Income and Expense feature. Version 1.7 (March27,2016) -Performance & UI improvements. Version 1.6 (March1,2016) -Brand new home page for easy navigation. - OtherminorUIimprovements. Version 1.5 (Jan 29, 2016) - Now supportsAndroid6.0- Auto populate Product ID by enabling it from Settings.-AddedDelivery date in Purchase/Sale orders. Version 1.4 (Dec24,2015) -Search products while adding items in Purchase/Saleorders.- AddedShipping Cost while adding Purchase/Sale orders. -AddedSellingPrice for Inventory Items. - Can choose date forStockIn/Outtransactions. - Company admin can configure who allshouldreceivelow stock emails.
Mi Inventario 2.1.0
Llamas Co.
Manage your business from your cell
Eureka Inventario 2.0.0
GDP Italia srl
Inventory management related to the management software eureka
Inventory Manager
ginstr GmbH
Seamless and quick recording of products on stock with bar codeorQR code
Inventario Pesonal Inventario
Arnet Apps
Inventario Personal esta diseñadaparaobtenerla información de sus productos y servicios. De estaformapodraverificar inventarios, precios, Ubicaciones de losarticulosen sualmacen, peso y volumen de los diferentes empaques.Visualicelaimagen del articulo , mantenga a sus clientesinformados.Esta app maneja los datos de los tres tipos de empaque mascomunes(Unitario, Inner, Master)Busque los articulos por codigo, ubicacion, o codigodebarraInner.Importe la informacion desde un archivo de excel ymantengasuinformacion al dia. O cree manualmente sus articulos.Puedecargarlas fotos de sus articulos para mayosvisualizacion.Descargue el instructivo y plantilla de carga de articulosen:http://www.arnetapps.com/bodega.html.PersonalInventoryisdesigned to obtain information on their products andservices.Thisway you can check inventories, prices, locations ofthe itemsinyour store, weight and volume of the differentpackaging.Displaythe image of the article, keep yourcustomersinformed.This app manages the data of the three most common typesofpackaging(Unit, Inner Master)Look for items by code, location, or bar code Inner.Import the information from an Excel file and keepyourinformationcurrent. Or manually create your articles. Youcanupload photos oftheir items for viewing Mayos.Download the instructions and template loading items in:http://www.arnetapps.com/bodega.html.