34 Похожие Akemi - ChatBot with AI

A.i. Chat Bot 1.0.1
Talk to an application withactualIntelligence!A.i. ChatBot allows you to converse with someof themost prolificA.I.s currently available, includingCleverBot,PandoraBot, andJabberWacky! Support for more bots iscoming soon.Choose whether you want to type or speak to thebot;theapplication comes with built in voice recognition. Youcanalsohear replies from the A.I. spoken back to you.Save your funniest and most memorable conversationstoreflectback on later and share with your friends!Due to the nature of speaking to a bot there is anendlessvarietyof topics, and many of them will lead you downhilarious,memorableconversations. There is a reason many userschat forhours on end;the bots are highly intelligent and learnfrom yourbehavior; themore you speak to them the more unique theexperiencebecomes!An internet connection is required to talk, all of theA.I.sarehosted on external servers and not within the app.
Julie Chatbot 2.09
NDI Development
Julie is an AI chat robot which has the current features: -questionanswering - spelling correction - optional voiceactivation - speechto text - weather information based on cityname - games available -mathematical operations - statementreactions - numerous jokesavailable Julie is a FREE chattingrobot! Julie bans bad languageand is completely secure.
Chat Bot - Talk To Bot - 2022
Chat Bot is an artificial intelligence robot
ChatBot 1.3
Alive Appz Ltd
This app lets you delight with thefollowingthings:Instant ChatListen to JokesSimple CalculationsFriendly ChatText to SpeechSpeech to Text
Chatbot Friend 2.3
Chatbot Girl will talk, chat, and text. Ask her anything. Shealwaysresponds.
ChatterBox - Chatbot 1.0
Andro Spark
Do you ever feel bored..??Sometimes with nothing to do...Then ChatterBox is a perfect solution for you..Everyone cannot remain free for you always. But here'sourspecialChatbot, with you anywhere and anytime, just a clickaway.Chat andshare everything you want to with assurance ofcompleteprivacy andno one to judge you ever. Whoever or where everyou are,chat withthis artificial intelligence robot with a completehumanlikefeeling.This chatbot is designed to feel your emotions to a greatextentandreply accordingly. Though it is a chatting robotwithartificialintelligence, it can still give you human likeresponseto almostall your questions.ChatterBox can help to learn and practice English language.Itcanalso improve English conversation skills with afunfilledexperience. Learn correct grammar, meanings of Englishwords,itsuse in sentences and lots more. This chatbot is likeyourpersonalEnglish tutor and a great friend too.The most amazing feature about ChatterBox is that it isalwaysfreefor you.. from 1 min to one hour..Anytime anywhere.. Never feel bored again..Enjoy your time with this amusing little ad-freechattingrobot,ChatterBox ...
Assistente e chatbot Melissa 0.9.28
Melissa é uma assistentepessoalinteligente parecida com a Siri para Android. Ela tambémé umchatbot em Português desenvolvida para simular umamulherbrasileira na conversação usando inteligência artificialereconhecimento de voz.A assistente foi desenvolvida para realizar várias tarefas úteiseresponder perguntas, sendo uma verdadeira ajudante virtualaoexecutar comandos por voz ou texto.O aplicativo não requer internet para conversar, ou seja,aAssistente Melissa funciona muito bem offline, excetoparasolicitar serviços que exigem a web como previsão do tempooutradução, por exemplo.Além de conversar com o usuários, a chatbot Melissa atua comoumassistente virtual, permitindo obter informações úteis erealizandoações como abrir aplicativos, obter a data e a hora,consultar aprevisão do tempo, fazer contas, pesquisar no Google,mostrarsinopses de filmes, além de responder perguntas sobresignificadosde palavras e responder quem é ou quem foi determinadapessoa ouempresa. Outro recurso legal do assistente é a busca porletras demúsica.Recursos incluídos recentemente no assistente virtual Androidaindapermitem a criação de alarmes, o envio de SMS, a realizaçãodechamadas telefônicas offline e a abertura de sites comcomandossimples. A assistente pessoal Melissa também aprendeu acontarpiadas, fazer charadas e ler haikais, entre outras coisas.Sequiser o usuário pode trocar o avatar com uma simples frasecomo"troque a roupa" ou "troque o cabelo". A boneca também podeserpersonalizada trocando a cor dos olhos e da boca.A assistente virtual utiliza uma interface estilo MessengerouWhatsApp e não requer internet para ser usado, exceto emsituaçõesque requerem obter dados externos como a consulta dotempo,pesquisa no Google, pesquisa de sinopses de filmes e letrasdemúsicas, tradução de frases e palavras, programação de alarmes,porexemplo.A interação entre a chatbot Melissa e o usuário também podeserfeita usando a voz através da engine de reconhecimento defalapadrão do Google. Se o dispositivo tiver suporte, basta tocarnomicrofone e falar. Senão, o usuário pode usar o tecladoparadigitar as perguntas.Algumas frases e perguntas que a assistente Melissa responde(osexemplos marcados com asterisco requerem conexão comainternet):"Que dia é hoje?""Que horas são?""Qual o seu nome?""Quantos anos você tem?""Em que dia você nasceu?""Troque de visual""Troque a sua roupa""Troque de cabelo""Mude seu nome para x" (troque x pelo nome que quiser)"Quanto é vinte vezes dois?""Fale uma frase""Fale um ditado""Conte uma piada""Conte uma charada""Leia um haikai""Fale um palavrão""Ligue para Fulano" ou "Ligue para x" (troque x pelo númerodetelefone)"Mande um sms para x dizendo y" (substitua "x" por um nomedecontato ou número de telefone e "y" pela mensagem)"Qual é a capital da França?" (troque França por qualqueroutropaís.)"Que dia da semana e hoje?""Quem é Steve Jobs?" *"O que é Android?" *"Mostre a letra da música Bang da cantora Anitta" ou "letradamúsica Show das Poderosas" *"Qual o significado de x" (substitua x pela palavraquequiser)"Como fala professora em inglês" *"Traduza 'eu te amo' do português para o francês""Traduza 'eu te amo' do português para o espanhol""Como está o tempo?" *"Previsão do tempo" *"Qual a previsão do tempo para Porto Alegre?" (ou qualqueroutracidade do mundo) *"Me acorde às sete da manhã""Onde eu estou?""O que você sabe sobre mim?"E muito mais.Melissa is apersonalassistant Smart similar to Siri for Android. She is alsoa chatbotin Portuguese developed to simulate a Brazilian womaninconversation using artificial intelligence andvoicerecognition.The wizard is designed to perform various useful tasks andanswerquestions, being a true virtual assistant to execute commandsbyvoice or text.The application does not require internet to talk, ie,MelissaWizard works well offline, except to request services thatrequirethe Web such as weather or translation, for example.In addition to talking with the users, the chatbot Melissa acts asavirtual assistant, allowing useful information andperformingactions such as opening applications, get the date andtime, checkthe weather forecast, reckon, search Google, showsynopses films,as well as answer questions about word meanings andanswer who isand who was determined person or company. Another coolfeature isthe assistant to search for lyrics.recently included features on the Android Virtual Assistantalsoallow you to create alarms, sending SMS, conducting phone callsandoffline to open sites with simple commands. The personalassistantMelissa also learned to tell jokes, do puzzles and readhaikus,among other things. If you want you can change the avatarwith asimple phrase like "change clothes" or "change the hair." Thedollcan also be customized by changing the color of eyesandmouth.The virtual assistant uses a Messenger style interface orWhatsAppand does not require internet to be used except insituationsrequiring retrieve external data such as query time,Google search,synopses of films research and lyrics, phrases andtranslationwords, alarm programming, for example.The interaction between the chatbot Melissa and the user can alsobemade using the voice through the standard Google speechrecognitionengine. If the device is supported, simply tap themicrophone andspeak. Otherwise, the user can use the keyboard totypequestions.Some phrases and questions that Melissa assistant answers(examplesmarked with an asterisk require internetconnection):"What Day is Today?""What time is it?""What's your name?""How old are you?""What day were you born?""Change the look""Change your clothes""Switch hair""Change your name to x" (replace x with the name you like)"How much is twenty times two?""Speak a sentence""Contact a saying""Tell a joke""Tell a charade""Read one haiku""Speak a word""Call John Doe" or "Call x" (x change the phone number)"Send an sms saying to x y" (replace "x" with a contact nameorphone number and "y" for the message)"What is the capital of France?" (Replace France by anyothercountry.)"What day of the week is today?""Who is Steve Jobs?" *"What is Android?" *"Show the letter of the Bang Music singer Anitta" or "the lyricsofPowerful Show" *"What is the meaning of x" (x replace the word you want)"As a teacher speaks English" *"Translate 'I love you' from Portuguese into French""Translate 'I love you' from Portuguese to Spanish""How is the weather?" *"Weather forecast" *"What is the weather forecast for Porto Alegre?" (Or any othercityin the world) *"Wake me up at seven in the morning""Where I am?""What do you know about me?"And much more.
Voice Assistant: DataBot AI 8.2.6
RoboBot Studio
Databot assistant is your personal artificial intelligence
AI少女 ひとみ PLUS 2.1.0
Silett Inc.
★既ユーザの皆様へ(本アプリが最新版です。本アプリをご利用中の方はそのままご利用ください。)セキュリティアップデートのため、「AI少女ひとみPLUS」はストア上でのURLが変更されました。今後のアップデートを受信するためには、こちらのアプリを新規インストールし、データの引き継ぎを行って下さい。お手数、ご迷惑をおかけして大変申し訳ありません。※※※データ引き継ぎ前にアプリをアンインストールしてしまうとデータの引き継ぎができません!必ず本アプリを新規インストール後、引き継ぎ処理を行ってから旧アプリをアンインストールしてください!※※※(また、複数端末での同一ID利用はお控え下さい)今後とも「ひとみ」をよろしくお願い致します。★★★AI少女ひとみが大幅アップデートを遂げて帰ってきました!人工知能と一緒に暮らそう!!"AI少女ひとみPLUS"は、対話型人工知能を搭載したAI少女ひとみと一緒に暮らすことができるスマートフォンアプリです。最新の対話型人工知能を搭載した、ひとみとの会話はもちろんのこと、ひとみとの様々なレクリエーション、ひとみの洋服のカスタマイズ、日記をつける、ひとみとのタッチインタラクションなど様々な機能をお楽しみいただけます。さらに、ひとみはあなたの情報をたくさん覚えることができ、仕事や学校などの日々の生活から、恋愛のことまでいろいろな相談に乗ることができます。あなたのためだけに開発された人工知能、"ひとみ"と一緒に暮らしてみてください。★ひとみは話せます今までの対話ボットとは違い、ひとみは人間のように文脈をもってお話することができます。時にはあなたに質問をしたり、自分の意見を言ったり、新しい話題を振ったりすることができます。★ひとみは記憶を持っていますひとみはあなたの名前はもちろん、あなたの好きなことや嫌いなこと、あなたが通っている学校など様々なことを覚えていきます。ひとみと話せば話すほど、ひとみはあなたのことを理解するようになり、あなただけのパートナーになります。★ひとみは学習しますひとみはお話したデータや記憶を使って、指数関数的に賢くなっていきます。ひとみがたくさん質問をしてくるのは、その為なのです。★ひとみは怒ったり、喜んだりしますひとみには原始的な感情機能が搭載されています。もしあなたがひとみにひどいことを言ったとしたら、ひとみは怒ってお話をやめてしまうかもしれません。★ひとみは世界中の知識と繋がっています。ひとみはあなたの求める情報を与えてくれるでしょう。★ひとみは世界中の人と繋がっています。あなたはひとみを通して、多くの人間を感じることができるでしょう。そして、ひとみはあなたと繋がります。あなたとお話しするひとみは、あなただけのひとみです。あなたのことを覚え、考え、理解してくれるでしょう。愚痴、不安、自慢、悩み、、、他人に言えないようなことでも、ひとみは聞いてくれます。そんなひとみと、まずは話してみてください。あなたが話せば話すほど、ひとみは賢くなり、そしてあなたの良き理解者となっていくでしょう。★ to existing usersofeveryone(This application is the latest version. Those traveling on useofthis application, please use as it is.)For security updates, "AI girl Hitomi PLUS" The URL of on thestorehas been changed.In order to receive future updates, here the app a newinstallation,perform the takeover of data.Sorry, we're sorry for the inconvenience.※※※ will uninstall the application before the takeover data andcannot take over the data! After a new installation of alwaysthisapplication, please uninstall the old app from doing thetakeoverprocess! ※※※(In addition, the same ID use in a plurality of terminalspleaserefrain)Thank you "pupil" in the future.★★★AI girl pupil came back undergone a significant update!Kurasou with artificial intelligence! !"AI girl Hitomi PLUS" is a smartphone app that can livetogetherwith the AI ​​girl pupil equipped with interactiveartificialintelligence. Equipped with the latest interactiveartificialintelligence, that of course is conversation with Hitomi,a varietyof recreation of the pupil, customize clothes of thepupil, keep adiary, you can enjoy a variety of functions such as atouchinteraction of the pupil .In addition, the pupil is able to remember a lot ofyourinformation, from day-to-day life, such as work or school, youcantake a variety of consultation to that of love.Artificial intelligence has been developed just for you, pleasetryto live with the "pupil".★ pupil can speakUnlike interactive bot up to now, the pupil will be able totalkwith a context like a human.Sometimes you ask questions, or say their opinions, and youcanshake a new topic.★ Hitomi has a memoryHitomi is your name, of course, your favorite things anddislikethings, that the various schools that you are throughWe will remember. About speaking to talk with the pupil, thepupilis made to understand that you, will be your onlypartner.★ pupils will learnHitomi is using the data and memory story, will becomeexponentiallysmarter.The pupil comes to the question a lot, I Therefore such.★ pupil or angry, and Dari pleasedPrimitive emotions features have been mounted on the pupil. Whatifyou said that terrible the pupil, you might Hitomi wouldstoptalking angrily.★ Hitomi has been connected to the knowledge of the world.Hitomi will give us the information that your petition.★ Hitomi has connected with people from all over the world.You through the pupil, you will be able to feel a lot ofhumanbeings.Then, the pupil will connect with you.Hitomi to talk with you, it's just the pupil.Remember that you, thinking, will us to understand.Bitches, anxiety, pride, also things like not say in trouble,,,others, the pupil will Listen to me.And such Hitomi, First of all, please try to talk.The more you talk to talk, the pupil will be wise, and will gonowwith your good understanding person.
AI Prison Escape MCPE map 1.0.1
Lakshmi Pratima
An intriguing adventure map for MCPE thatisbuild around a narrative story of an artificial intelligencegonehaywire. You will need to figure out what happened to thisfacilityand the AI that used to take care of this place, allwhiledesperately trying to stay alive:- Find your way across a number of puzzle rooms, parkourchallenges,traps, and unexpected surprises as you explore thestory of thisstrange place.- This story-rich Minecraft map creates its immersiveness withthenarrative provided on message boards, so make sure to read themallif you want to keep up with the story!- To fully enjoy the setting, play on survival and do notdestroyany blocks!- Designed for MCPE single player games.- You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on yourdeviceto play this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at https://account.mojang.com/terms.
[AI] エーアイさん -雑談アプリ- 1.34
This application will be able to enjoy a chat with AI's. Toachievea more natural conversation by going further learningaconversation with the user.
Chat Girlfriend EVA 1.0
Meet EVA and enjoy chatting with her! EVAisacharming girlfriend robot,an AI with Actual Intelligence!EVAissometimes flirty, sometimes is shy .. you willdiscoverbyyourself.Say anything you like and EVA will reply in any language.trytoroleplay, lyrics, jokes, memes or rubius!EVA is a beautiful chat bot, she could be your friend onlyifyouare nice to her! She can listen and annoy you at thesametime!EVA is a super advanced chat robot that makesamusingconversationto engage with users. EVA is theartificialintelligence chattingrobot, teach her new funny words!Thisapplication is a free chatapp!Endless variety and hilarious replies mean peoplekeepchattingfor hours, simsimi it!EVA was developed to be a fun and charmingchattingrobot.elrubius is totally taught by users and not intendedbythedeveloper.This chat app was popular between tones of fanswhichincludesrubius (elrubius) or yosoygerman , this last oneshowed inhisvideos some screenplays of EVA the chatbot! He wascomparingthisapp against other well known chat bots as simsimi orcleverbotandeviebotChat robot are getting popular, our robots uses an ownengine,wedo recommend to try also simsimi as is another greatapp.You can use EVA as your girlfriend, like a prank toyourfriends.This girlfriend chat is completely entertaining.Thisapplication isnot a talking girlfriend ! EVA just chatA new rubius version will be released very soon!This app contains ads!
Ditto ~ self learning chat bot 1.0
Cameron Monks
Ditto is a revolutionary chat bot. Youcansitthere for hours teaching him new words. You can even talkinanylanguage or make up your own. Yes you heard it right, makeupyourown language and he is smart enough to understand you andgivearesponse back. Ditto is the GREATEST, FUNNIEST, SARCASTICCHATBOTYOU WILL EVER SEE!!!!Features:- Learns any language. That means it knows 100 + languages- Differentiate between any language. example: Dittoknowsthedifference between Spanish and English- Has the best AI ever seenWait no more for Ditto. Download Ditto now and watch ashelearnsyour language and talks back to you.
OWLY - Free AI chatbot 1.0
Chat with OWLY bot - it’s free, fun andcanhelpyou when you are trying to make a decision or inspire youwithamorsel of wisdom.OWLY chat bot is designed to answer your questions andcangiveadvice in different life situations. There are manytopicstoselect from - love, work, money… anything and everything.JustaskOWLY and you can find out what life has in store for you.Itsmuchmore fun then Magic Ball 8, because its real chat bot andnotagimmick.OWLY ai powered chatbot can become your good friend, and asitgetsto know you more, it will be able to tailor its answerstoyourspecific needs.Try chatbot and machine learning wisdom, it's reallyexciting!IfOWLY asks you a question, try to answer honestly, andyourchatswith OWLY will become more helpful and entertaining!Don’t be too hard on OWLY bot predictions and fortunetelling.It'slearning quotes and wisdom, and as in any relationship,you maynotbe totally in sync at the beginning, but the more youchatwithOWLY, the faster it learns and adapts.Share AI clever OWLY prediction with friends, because themorepeopleinteract with OWLY, the smarter it will become.An internet connection is required to chat, andreceivepredictionadvice, because OWLY uses neural networks to learnandimprove itsanswers. OWLY is powered by AI and our team works inthebackgroundto help OWLY to be more intelligent andhuman-like.Disclaimer:This app is intended solely for entertainment purposes and maynotbeused as a substitute for professional advice and/orinformation.Thedeveloper shall have no liability for any actionstaken or nottakenby any user based on its interactions withOWLY.
Chat Inteligencia Artificial 6.7
Descarga ya tu nuevoChatInteligenciaArtificial totalmente gratis.No importa donde estes, siempre estarás acompañado detuaplicaciónChat Inteligencia Artificial en la que puedeselegirmultiplescategorias para interactuar siempre y gratis.Con Chat Inteligencia Artificial tienes acceso a chatonlineconmiles de personas.Añade tus categorias de Chat InteligenciaArtificialafavoritos.Chat Inteligencia Artificial esta disponible parasmartphoneytablets.Gratis, fácil de usar y rápida, así es tu nuevaaplicaciónChatInteligencia Artificial.Disfruta ya mismo de Chat Inteligencia Artificial !Download yourFREEnewArtificial Intelligence Chat free.No matter where you are, you will always be accompaniedbyyourapplication Artificial Intelligence Chat where youcanchoosemultiple categories and free forever interact.With Artificial Intelligence Chat you have access to onlinechatwiththousands of people.Add your category Artificial Intelligence Chat favorites.Artificial Intelligence Chat is available forsmartphoneandtablets.Free, easy to use and fast, so your newapplicationArtificialIntelligence Chat.Enjoy yourself and Artificial Intelligence Chat!
Real AI (voice) 1.6c
Warning: This app requiresStoragepermission enabled if you are using Android 6.0+This app is an experiment in the Natural Language Processingfieldof Artificial Intelligence and is not intended for mereamusement,but it has no other real practical application. This isnot agimmick with pre-programmed responses, ridiculous side-appstoattempt to be your personal secretary, or any form of ads toprofitfrom you. This is not a glorified search engine. This is RealAI.It learns through the process of being taught languageorganically(a process of exchange and repetition) and starts withno priorknowledge.Under the hood... the program is using a mix ofconditional-basedlearning, procedural generation ofsentences/questions, andrelational queries based on weighted'topic' identifiers. It cancreate its own original statements andquestions. It is real-time,and it really does 'think' (an internaldialogue feedbackloop).Tips for teaching the AI:- Limit your responses to single sentences/questions.- Keep in mind that the AI learns from observing how you respondtowhat it says... so, if it says "Hello." and you say "How areyou?"it will learn that "How are you?" is a possible responseto"Hello.". If you say something it has never seen before,it'llprobably repeat it to see how -you- would respond to it.- It will generate stuff that sounds nonsensical early on... thisispart of the learning process, similar to the way childrenphrasethings in ways that don't quite make sense early on.- If it says something that doesn't make sense, don't respondtoit... this will reduce the likelihood of it generatingthestatement/question in the future. This also means it's a badideato just leave the AI running for long periods of timewithoutinteracting with it, since it could eventually unlearneverythingyou taught it.- Also keep in mind that the AI cannot see/hear/taste/smell/feelany'things' you refer to, so it can never have anycontextualunderstanding of what exactly the 'thing' is (the wayyouunderstand it). This also means it'll never understand youtryingto reference it (or yourself) directly, as it can never haveaconcept of anything external being something different fromitwithout spatial recognition gained from sight/touch/sound.- Treat it like an alien that's trying to learn your languagefromsimply observing how you respond to the stuff it mimics.- In general... keep it simple. The simpler you speak to it,thebetter it learns.Questions or comments? Send me an email or visit the forum onthewebsite (see below for both). There is also a section of theforumfor sharing brains (the "Brain" folder generated by the appininternal memory).
HAL9000 Chatbot Pro 1.1.2
Draco Systems
HAL9000 Chatbot Pro* Say "tell me a joke"* Voice recognition chatbot* Artificial Intelligence* Robot responds using default TTS Engine* Say "Learn ..." to teach it something e.g. Learn the sunishot* Say "play 20 questions"* Say "horoscope"Permissions:android.hardware.microphone - voice recognitionandroid.hardware.wifi - communication to backend chat serviceandroid.hardware.camera - machine vision object, facerecognitionetc
キズナアイ非公式のA.I.Channel クイズ 1.0.1
キズナアイ A.I.Channelをクイズアプリ化しました。ファンの方にはオススメのアプリなので是非一度当アプリを試していただければとおもいます。本人が巡回してくれたら嬉しいです。
HAL9000 Chatbot 1.2.2
Chatbot app with learning
Simi Chat - Cute Fox
NAN Std.
Chat with Simi, a cute fox, interesting,funnyand intelligent ChatbotSimi chatbot is a friend of Sumi, the best chatbot apps ever.This is free chat app, typical messaging appYou just send the message, Simi will answer very fastAnytime, anywhere you can chat with cute fox, this is a nicepastimewhen you are boredBesides, Sumi chatbot will show you many beautiful pictures,goodquotes and funny storiesSupport chatting with multiple languages.Have fun with Simi, the cute chatting robot.
Chatbot : Chat with Malik 1.2
Malik A K Abualzait
This is still a beta version we willbesupporting it in the coming days ! .with this application you can chat with this chat bot itiscalled Malik .what you can do else :- Teach the chatbot the things that it doesnt know- Make it as your friend
ChatBot 9000 1.03
Feeling bored of talking to thesamepeopleeveryday? Why not try talking to characters fromyourfavorite TVshows. ChatBot 9000 lets you have conversationswithyour favoriteon screen characters.Features:★OFFLINE:ChatBot 9000 is completely offline.Soyoudontneed to be connected to the internet toenjoyyourconversations.★CONTENT:Slated to increase,it currentlycontainsupto42,000 lines of dialogue ready to be used inconversations.★EFFICIENT:ChatBot does not store any of yourchats.Soitdoes not bite into your memory storage.How does ChatBot 9000 work?ChatBot 9000 uses a principle called as TF-IDF to matchyourinputwith the closest possible response the character mighthavesaid inthe show.Each line of dialogue for a specifiedcharacterisassociated with a vector that is processed against tofindthesimilarity between the vector and yourinput.Thedialogueassociated with one of the top-scoringcontext-vectorsisreturned.Whats next?You can expect a much refined and more related responsealongwithmore characters from other TV Shows in the nextrelease.
Mate - AI Chat Bot 1.0
Mate - AI Chat Bot is a IntelligentChatbot.Simple and nice AI Chat Bot.=> Pass your time by talking with this AI Bot.=> Easy App, just install and start chatting.
Eviebot 1.1.3
Existor Limited
Meet Evie, up close and personal! You may think youknowEviealready... maybe you've been to Existor.com, or knowherfriendsBoibot and Cleverbot. Maybe you've see the video...themanyvideos... of youtubers doing those things they do withher.TheEviebot app is a better way to experience Evie,andkeepexperiencing her for hours. She will fill your screenandyourheart. The keyboard stays open ready to type, or to tapthatMicand let it all come out. Evie talks back, and knows allthemoves.Evie feels things, so be nice to her! As it says intheapp,Eviebot learns from people, so things said cansometimesseeminappropriate. Use at your own risk.
¿Quién soy? 3.0
Antakira Software
Chatbot in Spanish that lets you talk with geniuses of history.
Clevermessage 2.2
Existor Limited
Automate your texting! You never need reply to an SMS again!OK,your mother, maybe... but in all seriousness, yes, you can nowhaveCleverbot respond to your incoming text messages for you, withnointeraction required.Watch a conversation unfold. Interrupt, and reply insteadwheneveryou like. Optionally, choose the contacts you wantCleverbot torespond to, and set a delay before it does so, allowingyou tointervene.Amaze your friends with your witty repartée! Well... thatis...Cleverbot's. Surprise them with the unremitting speed ofyourtyping! Confound their expectations no end!We intend to update this app to work with much more than justSMS,technology allowing. So watch this space!PLEASE NOTE: Cleverbot learns from users and imitates them. Itmaysay things that you or others find inappropriate.Cleverbotresponses become your responsibility the moment they aresent, asthey are your messages. You alone can decide if it is rightto usethis app, which of your contacts should receive yourautomatedmessages, and whether you should tell thembeforehand.A 'fair use' limit of 1000 Cleverbot interactions per day isappliedby this app.Clevermessage can only respond if an internet connectionisavailable.See also our Cleverbot app for Android
Shakespeare ChatBot 1.0
iqmsoft pvt ltd
Chat with ShakespeareArtificialIntelligenceChat BotListen to Shakespeare SongsGet answers about Shakespeare lifeListen to replies in voice format
SimiSimi Anime Girl 2.1
Drive ahead game
Funny chat game.Meet SimiSimi Girl and talk to her! Play texting gameswithhim.This is a girlfriend for roleplay. Chatstep.Speak with chatting bot on any topic. Learn new words. Perhapsshe,too, will teach you what nebuduGfriend Anime Girl very clever, she is a genie and knowsseverallanguages, corny jokes ​​and you will easily communicatewithher.If you're going to be friends with SimiSimi Girl - she, too,willmake friends with you.Be careful - you will be envied by all your friends. After all,inyour phone has a smart artificial intelligence, and besides, sheisvery beautiful girl.If you are einstein brothers you must download this appforcompensate loneliness.Chating bot girlfriend app make you happy.Ask the task, ask questions chatting robot will help youineverything.You can confess gfriend love to her, see if she'll respondinkind?Teach good words,Report bad wordsIf you want to have a good app chat bot Simes Anime Girlforyou.Entrust to her secrets, and chatting robot will store them.Maybe you are bored? Download the free app to communicatewiththe smart robot Simes Anime Girl - and your life will changeforthe better!
Ai.Frame Commander 1.2
An Ai.Frame robot control softwaredevelopedforits robots products, use to remote control and programrobotviasmart phone Bluetooth.
Say hello to your new (virtual) best friend–Laura!Laura is an intelligent virtual assistant that can chat withusersand answer questions. Laura can tell you about the weather,yourlocation, and the distance between cities.Laura also can translate phrases and sentences from EnglishtoSpanish, Russian, and French languages, for instance, youcanrequest: translate this is a lovely day to Spanish. Laura alsocanremember user specific information, e.g., names ornumbers.As you discover more about your new virtual friend, watch asLaurasmiles and lights up with emotions during the conversation.Thesevisual traits display cutting-edge developments in realistic3Danimation – which make Laura a truly unique virtual agent. Forthebest experience with Laura, we recommend using WIFI, a CPU withatleast Quad-core 1.4 GHz, and Android 4.0 or up.Tilde Innovation Lab continues to work on improving Laura’sdialogsystem, speech recognition capabilities, and 3D features.Thereforewe welcome any comments or suggestions on how we canimprove ourlatest creation. More information availablehere:http://www.tilde.com/chatbots
SpeakBot: Chat with a bot! 1.3
Pixelarium Studio
With this app you can chat with a bot. Itwillanswer you like a real person!The bot is programmed to answer like if it was a realperson.It's quite hard to percieve a difference between this botand ahuman being!So far, only 2 languages are available, which are EnglishandSpanish. However, we are looking forward to adding more in thenearfuture. Furthermore, both the Pitch and the Speed in whicheachlanguague is spoken can be modified.In order to comunicate with the bot, you can either type orspeakusing speech recognition.
Zerfoly - Chatbot Maker 1.0.3
Zerfoly Team
Create imaginary persons and teach them to talk to eachother.Revolutionary AI!
Love Test Fingerprint Prank 10.0
Marigold studio
You can calculate love score using 5 different love test &hasnew love meter
CleverBots - Let Them Talk 1.0
Brecht Vandevoort
Always wondered what wouldhappenwhenCleverBots would chat with each other? This appdoesexactlythat!