6 Похожие Taxi Freising

Zoomy: NZ's rideshare app 5.11.0
Zoomy Limited
Low cost on-demand rides
Enjoy Taxi 4.00
Enjoy Taxi is the application that allowsyouto order a taxi anywhere in the world. It's easy, quickandfree.Ideal for both taxi drivers & travellers.It's very easy. Only with select Map App origin of your route,youwill be notified quickly if taxi drivers in the area andquicklywill contact you to pick in seconds.www.enjoytaxi.comHow it works?Enjoy Taxi detects your current position with GPS, WiFi or 3GFIRST: Select the origin point of the trip on the map.SECOND: Select the services you want. (Credit cards, taxi for6,that the driver knows English, having baby stroller thatsupportsor dogs).THIRD: In one second closer Taxi driver will contact youtopick.The application is 100% free to the traveler.Payment is made upon completion of the service directly to thetaxidriver.Already a Taxi Driver?This application is perfect for you, in just a few seconds youwillbe registered as a taxi driver in the application andbeginreceiving travel demand in your area.How to register as a taxi driver?FIRST: You enter your profile details, name, license, ...SECOND: Select the services you offer. (Credit cards, taxi for6people, understand English, hold baby stroller oradmitdogs).SECOND: Select on the map your taxi driver stop. We arrivedclaimstravel to point of origin within a few miles of thispoint.THIRD: Wait till you reach the demands of travel.What does it cost for taxi drivers?The application is free for taxi drivers. You can registerandreceive claims travelers for free.If you are interested in making the trip, accepts the race andwewill send the travel details and contact information forthetraveler after paying a few euro cents which are delivereddirectlyto the mobile within the application through the secureplatformGoogle paying. Very easy and quick.You can get more information on our website www.enjoytaxi.comoremailing info@enjoytaxi.com
Freedom Taxi 3.17.0406
Freedom Taxi
Freedom Taxi is a leading provider ofTaxiservices in Philadelphia. We are pleased to offer ourvaluedclients the very latest in smartphone booking technology withourfree Freedom Taxi application.Key Features of the Freedom Taxi application include:• Book a reservation in as few as 3 clicks• Get a fare estimate by entering both pickup anddestinationaddresses• Receive a confirmation number for your reservation immediatelyonbooking• Receive notifications including vehicle number onceyourreservation has been dispatched• Monitor the progress of your vehicle on a map• Create a list of favorite addresses and assign a custom nameforeach• Select an address from your list of telephone contacts• Specify the number of passengers, vehicle type andpreferredpayment method• Review all reservations you have made over the past 30 days• Provide feedback related to the application and/or serviceyoureceived• Call Freedom Taxi with the push of a buttonTo begin using the Freedom Taxi application today:• Download the free app• Create an account (Email, Name, Phone # and Password)• Validate your account (via the confirmation emailyoureceive)• Login to the app (Email & Password)• Enter your pickup address• Enter your destination address (this allows us to provideanestimated fare amount)• Book your trip (reservations can be immediate or for afuturetime/date)On booking a reservation, you will immediately receiveaconfirmation number, along with an update when your vehiclehasbeen assigned. From here you can monitor the progress ofyourvehicle as it moves towards your pickup location.The Freedom Taxi application retains a history of yourpreviousreservations (up to 30 days) for expense management and toquicklyrebook the same trip with the push of a button. You may alsocreatea list of favorite locations (Home, Work, etc.) to speedthebooking process.You can also customize your orders by selecting the numberofpassengers, preferred vehicle type, and preferred methodofpayment. These preferences can be saved to your account profileforfuture bookings.At Freedom Taxi, your comfort and safety are our top priorities!Letus know how we can serve you better by providing feedback viatheFreedom Taxi application or by emailing usatappsupport@freedom-taxi.comWe look forward to adding many exciting new features to theFreedomTaxi application in the months ahead, and are alwaysinterested inwhat you have to say!
Такси 444444, Ижевск 5.0.50
The program for taxi 444444 Izhevsk
遠鉄タクシー 1.2.1
いつでも どこでも スマホで呼べる!Android向けのアプリケーション「遠鉄タクシー」は、お客様のスマートフォンから、地図を使った簡単な操作で配車の依頼やご予約が可能です。場所説明が不要!!通話料も不要です!!(※注1)受付完了、配車完了、注文したタクシーの位置をスマートフォンで確認することができますので、安心してご利用いただけます。事前の登録は不要です。ダウンロードしたその場からご利用いただけます。■本アプリの配車可能地域浜松市、磐田市、及び掛川市青森県八戸市(提携会社の三八五交通が配車されます)福岡県福岡市、春日市、大野城市、古賀市、太宰府市、筑紫野市、糸島市、糟屋郡、筑紫郡(提携会社の明交タクシーが配車されます)=====================================特長=====================================1.地図を使って、タクシーのお迎え先を指定することができます。本アプリの配車可能地域からご注文いただけます。2.お客様の所へ最も早くお迎えに上がれるタクシーを選び出し、配車いたします。タクシーは、浜松市からは1台口から5台口まで、磐田市、掛川市からは1台口から2台口まで注文することができます。3.約1時間後から1週間までの間、ご希望の到着時刻(以下、予約日時)を指定して予約することができます。4.お迎えにあがるタクシーの場所を、リアルタイムに確認することができます。5.[その他] [周辺タクシー表示]機能を使って、現在地から半径3km以内にいるタクシー位置を把握することができます。6.順次、対応エリアを拡大する予定です。=====================================タクシー注文の流れ=====================================1.[各種設定]から、お客様情報(携帯電話番号とカナ氏名)を設定いただき、利用規約をご確認の上ご同意願います。2.[タクシー注文]から、[拡大して場所を指定する]ボタンを押し、[ココに呼ぶ]マークをタクシーのお迎え先に合わせてください。3.タクシーを1台呼ぶ場合は、[すぐにタクシーを1台呼ぶ]ボタンを、予約日時や台数、タクシーの付け場所を指定する場合は[詳細注文]ボタンを押してください。4.よろしければ[注文]ボタンを押してください。お近くのタクシーを探し始めます。5.タクシーの手配が完了した時点で、タクシーの無線番号、到着予定日時をお伝えします。これで注文は完了です。6.ご予約の場合、お迎えするタクシーの無線番号、到着予定日時は、予約日時の約15分前から本アプリで確認いただけます。7.予定の到着時間を見計らって、お車の到着確認をお願いします。ご乗車の時点で、乗務員がお名前をお伺いしますので、各種設定に設定された氏名をお答えください。=====================================注意点=====================================1.本アプリは通信をします。通信費は利用者様のご負担です。2.本アプリは位置情報を取得します。気象や電波状況等により利用者の位置情報を正確に取得できない場合があります。3.交通事情等にもよりますが、お客様の所へ最も早くお迎えにあがれるタクシーを探します。本アプリで指定した場所が分かりにくい場合やタクシーを停車できない場合など確認が必要なときは、配車センターからお電話させていただくことがあります。4.キャンセルは、配車センターで承ります。キャンセルした場合、本アプリに状態が反映されるまで、時間がかかる場合があります。5.このアプリは端末に設定されている電話番号を、取得する機能が含まれています。■対応機種:スマートフォンAndroid端末(Android OS 2.2以降)■動作確認済み:Xperia arc(SO-01C),MEDIAS(N-04C),OPTIMUSPAD(L-06C),REGZAPhone(T-01C)、LYNX3D(SH-03C)、OPTIMUSCHAT(L-04C),GALAXYS(SC-02B)、GALAXY Tab(SC-01C)I can call inthesmartphone anywhere, anytime!From your smart phone, application for Android "Totetsutakushi"ispossible reservation requests or dispatch by a simpleoperationusing the map.Location Description is free! ! Call charge and requires no! !(※1)Because you can see in the position of the smartphonetaxiacceptance completion, dispatch complete, ordered, you can useitat ease.Pre-registration is not required. Available from the place thatyoudownloaded.■ dispatch possible area of ​​this applicationHamamatsu, Iwata, and KakegawaHachinohe, Aomori Prefecture (three hundred eighty-fivetraffictie-up company will be dispatch)Fukuoka, Kasuga, Onojo, Koga, Dazaifu, Chikushino,Itoshima,Kasuya-gun, Tsukushi County (Akira交 taxi partners willbedispatch)=====================================Feature=====================================1. You can use the map to specify the destination of thetaxipick-up. You can order from dispatch possible area of​​thisapplication.2. Picked a taxi to pick up Agareru earliest to place thecustomer,we will dispatch. The taxi, up to five ports from onemouth, youcan order up to two ports from one opening Iwata, fromKakegawafrom Hamamatsu.3. A period of one week from about 1 hour later, you can bookbyspecifying arrival time of your choice (below, reservation dateandtime) a.4. You can see in real time, the location of the taxi go up topickup.5. [Other] You can use the [Peripheral taxi display feature,tograsp the taxi position who is within 3km radius from thecurrentlocation.6. We will sequentially, to expand the corresponding area.=====================================Flow of taxi order=====================================1. From [Settings], I have set the (Kana name and mobilephonenumber) your information, please agree on the check the termsandconditions.2. From the taxi order], press the [specify the location toexpandbutton, please according to the destination of the taxipick-up [isreferred to here] the mark.3. If you call one a taxi, please press the [order details]buttonto specify the location and the number with date andtimereservation, taxi, [one call a taxi immediately button.4. Please press the [Order] button if it is good. I startedlookingfor a taxi near you.5. At the time the arrangement of taxi is complete, I will tellyouthe number of radio taxi, the arrival date and time. Order isnowcomplete.6. For reservations, number of radio taxi to pick up, thearrivaldate and time, you can check this application from about 15minutesbefore the reservation date and time.7. It and tries to perform scheduled arrival time, please checkthearrival of the car. At the time of boarding, crew so I wouldliketo ask your name, please answer the name that is set in thevarioussettings.=====================================Notes=====================================1. This application to the communication. Communication costisborne by the user like.2. This application gets the position information. You might notbeable to get exactly the position information of the user bytheradio wave conditions such as weather.3. Depending on the traffic conditions, etc., and it looks forataxi to pick up Agareru earliest to place your. If you are inneedto be confirmed and if you can not stop a taxi or ifconfusingplace as specified in this application, it is possiblethat I amallowed to call from the dispatch center.4. Cancellation, I will hear the dispatch center. If you cancel,youmight state to be reflected in thisapplication,time-consuming.5. Ability to obtain, the phone number set in the terminalisincluded in this app.■ Compatible models: smartphone Android devices (Android OS 2.2orlater)■ Tested: Xperia arc (SO-01C), MEDIAS (N-04C), OPTIMUS PAD(L-06C),REGZA Phone (T-01C), LYNX3D (SH-03C), OPTIMUS CHAT (L-04C), GALAXYS (SC-02B), GALAXY Tab (SC-01C)
Merr Taxi Tirana 1.0.5
MerrTaxi Tirana
Get a taxi in Tirana 24/7 with a simple taponyour smartphone. Merr Taxi APP is the most simple, butyetadvanced, taxi app in Tirana!Your taxi will be there where you are in 5 minutes.Merr Taxi is the biggest taxi company in Albania, operating24/7in the capital city of Tirana.Our operators are available anytime at the toll-free phonenumber:0800 5555