18 Похожие Human Resources SPHR PHR Sim

SPHR PHR 100 Questions app 1.0
Nonprofit APPs: 100% of your purchase willbedonated to find a cure.Includes key changes to employment laws. A total of 100 UniquePHRand SPHR questions. In association with The Society ofHumanResource Management (SHRM). Highly realistic PHR and SPHRsamplequestions and exercises based on questions from previousPHR/SPHRexams. The largest database of realistic questionsavailable.becomes limited, users permitted to install on multiplecomputers.Question Breakdown: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, WORKFORCEPLANNING ANDEMPLOYMENT, HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, TOTAL REWARDS,EMPLOYEE ANDLABOR RELATIONS, RISK MANAGEMENT.
PHR SPHR Sim 1,000 Questions 1.0
Nonprofit APPs: 100% of your purchase willbedonated to find a cure.SPHR PHR Study System Professional in HumanResourcesCertification Comprehensive 1,000 Sample QuestionsSimulationapp1,000 total questions for the SPHR and PHR Professional inHumanResources Certification exam. Updated for 2013, includes newexamchanges. Includes instruction on all 6 sections:Strategic Management: Formulation of HR objectives, practicesandpolicies to meet the short/long-range organizational needsandopportunities, guide and lead change, evaluate HR'scontributionsto organizational effectiveness.Workforce Planning and Employment: Ongoing evaluationofrecruiting, hiring, orientation and organizational exit, toensurethat the workforce will meet the organization's goalsandobjectives.Human Resource Development: Meeting current andfutureorganizational and individual needs throughdeveloping,implementing, evaluating activities and programs,employeetraining, development, change, performance management andneeds ofemployee groups.Total Rewards: Evaluation of a total compensation andbenefitssystem for all employee groups consistent with humanresourcemanagement goals.Employee and Labor Relations: Evaluation of theworkplacerelationship between employer and employee, maintainingeffectiverelationships, working conditions that balance theemployer's needswith the employees rights to supportobjectives.Risk Management: Evaluation of programs, practices andservicesto promote the physical and mental well-being ofindividuals in theworkplace and to protect individuals, workplacefrom unsafe acts,working conditions andviolence.Study system based only on official SHRMcertificationrequirements.Fluff-free presentation covering only essential "need toknow"information to be tested. No Filler. Course includes 1,000samplequestions simulation.
고용노동부 HRD-Net 훈련생 출결관리 01.08.00
출결체크 이제 스마트하게 찍으세요.수강중인 훈련과정과 시간표를 조회 하여 훈련기관 입실 후에 찰칵~ 찍으면 끝!- 개인이 수강중인 훈련기관 및 훈련과정 정보를 조회- QR코드 스캔기능으로 출결(입실/퇴실) 정보 전송- 전송이력 조회/전송실패건 재전송 기능- 과정정보 상세조회 기능Attendance Check NowShootsmart.When you take snap-end to query the timetable and thetrainingcourse after being admitted training institutions!- View the training institutions and training course informationisbeing taken private- QR code scanning functionality attendance (entrance /departure)information transfer- Transfer history inquiry / s transmissionfailureretransmission- Detailed course information query functions
고용노동부 HRD-Net 및 출결관리 2.1.18
Provision of information on various vocationalcompetencydevelopment projects supported by the Ministry ofEmployment andLabor, such as training courses, traininginstitutions, andtraining expenses, and QR attendance and beaconattendance systems
굿러닝 M-HRD 1.01
==============================굿러닝의 강의를 이제 모바일로 만나세요!굿러닝 회원사를 대상으로 하는 M-HRD에서는 굿러닝에서 제공하는 eHRD 시스템의 학습관리기능과 동일한환경의관리가가능합니다.수강중인 과정 확인 및 학습을 완료한 과정 확인이 가능하며, 현재 이수한 시간 및 학점 확인도 가능합니다.모바일로 관리하는 eHRD 시스템! “굿러닝 M-HRD”와 함께 하세요.* 기본 베타 버전 이용자는 반드시 새 버전으로 재 설치를 하셔야 합니다.* 정식버전 업데이트 사항- 인정학점,인정시간 관리 기능 추가- 모바일 외부교육인정 신청 기능 추가- 학습진행 여부 확인 기능 추가- 기타 웹 연동 부분 수정==============================----개발자 연락처 :02-944-8858==============================Good learning lessons to meet your mobile now!M-HRD Good Running members in the same environment, themanagementoffunctions and a learning management system to providea goodlearningeHRD.Courses are courses you have completed the checkandlearningprocess, and check the current time and completedcreditscan alsobe identified.To manage Mobile eHRD system! M-HRD "" Good learningwithyourBasic beta version users, you need to re-installthenewversion.* Full version updates- Additional credit granted time managementcapabilities,admitMobile external training application forrecognitionfeatureadded- Checking whether the learning process is added- Other Web interlocking partial modification==============================
Management Encyclopedia 1.0
Top of Learning
Management Encyclopedia covers 22 business management topics&255 Notes & Terms
ePathshala 3.0.7
The ePathshala, a joint initiative of Ministry of Education&NCERT.
PMP Preparation Note 100 Qns 9.2
PMP Preparation one page formula Free Version + 100 PMPMockQuestions PMP Preparation Notebook by TechFAQ360 PMPPreparationNotebook Contains ( This is pocket book for PMP Exam) 1)100 PMPMock Questions 2) PMP One page formula important notesandinput/output for 3) Project Scope Management 4) ProjectCostManagement 5) Project Risk Management 6) Time Management7)QualityManagement 8)Procurement Management 9)CommunicationsMgmt10)Professional Conduct and Ethics 11)HumanResources12)Integration Management 13)Stakeholder ManagementAdvantages :1)One time Install. No further internet connectivityrequired. 2)Anywhere , Anytime ( while traveling , at a doctorsappointment,even while waiting for an interview, watching TV etc)keepyourself up to date. 3) High Quality Questions.
HRM Dictionary Lite 1.0.1
Vapari Systems
A collection of over 1400 terms used in Human ResourceManagementjargon.
HR Interview Tutorial 1.0.1
HR Interview Tutorials application givesyouawide range of questions that can be asked during anInterview.It’sa great collection of HR interview questions. Builtundertheguidance of very experienced HR Software developers.Recommended for all HR Software Engineers and those whowantstomake career in Human Resources Management.HR Interview Tutorials is a MUST HAVE application for:- Students and engineers preparing for HR interview.- Getting ready for new HR job.- New or Experienced HR Executives.- Any one related to Human Resources looking to brush upbasicHRknowledge quickly.HR Interview Ques & Ans app has beendesignedbyAppiZoo.AppiZoo is a creative agency specializing in completedesign&web solutions. We assist ventures in building auniquebrandidentity that helps them create a strong footingforthemselves ina dynamic and competitive market.At AppiZoo, we love to discuss about unique app ideasorbuddingtalents. Feel free to drop us an email or saya“Hello!”If you need to get in touch with us usethisemail:info@appizoo.comFind us on the web at:www.appizoo.com
FREE MBA Learn Human Resources 1
PJP Consulting LLC
QVPrep Lite Learn Human Resources Management-for MBA students, HR Professionals, Exam preparation andConceptReviewThis is our app title # 41 out of a total of 42 appsreleasedtill date.This app helps you learn Human Resources Management (HRM).Topics Covered in QVprep Lite MBA Learn HumanResourcesManagement include[1] Human Resources Planning[2] Recruitment and Selection[3] Induction and Training[4] Compensation and Benefits[5] Performance Appraisal[6] Employment Contracts[7] Health and Safety[8] Motivation[9] Managing Conflicts[10] Discipline and Grievance[11] Industrial Relations[12] Data Record KeepingQVprep Lite Learn Human Resources Management is ideal for* Anyone who wants to learn Human Resources Managementindetail* MBA students* HR Professionals* Corporate Training* Exam preparation for HR ManagementFeatures:A) LEARN MODEThe app allows you to learn and review Human ResourcesManagementconcepts in a very simple and user friendly manner. Inthe "Learn"mode of the app, you click on either the "Concepts"button or the"Video" button to review the "HR concepts" and thenanswer multiplechoice questions related to the concept that youjustreviewed.If you answer wrong, a detailed "answer explanation" willbedisplayed, which will reinforce learning. Proceed in this mannertocomplete a particular topic at your own pace.Thus, by referring to the "Concept text" or "Concept Video" andthenanswering multiple choice questions, your learning is fasterandcomplete.The QVprep Lite Learn Human Resources app has limited contentandallows you to buy the paid version.B) TEST MODEIn the "Test" mode, the app does not show the context text orvideosto help you. Instead, you use your learnings from the appandattempt multiple choice questions. Again, the app prompts youwithdetailed answer explanation in case you answer wrong. Thisprovenprocess again reinforces learning.The QVprep Lite Learn Human Resources app has limited contentandallows you to buy the paid version.QVprep Lite Learn Human Resources Management is useful for* Exam preparation for Human Resources Management* Preparation for job interviews* Revision of concepts related to HR Management that you wouldhaveforgotten* Human Resources Concepts Review* Conducting Corporate training for HR traineesandprofessionalsPJP Consulting LLC* Our mission is to develop educational apps for everysubject,every country, every school and college so that today'smoderntechnology like smart phones and tablets is used foreducation andlearning of school, college and academiccurriculum.* This app is ideal for learning at your own pace, on the go.http://hrm.Qvprep.com
PHR Practice Exam 5.0
Tortoises Inc
500+ PHR multiple choice practice questions
GPSC General Studies 2.10
Sparrow Education
GPSC (Gujarat Public Service Commission) is one of thereputedexamsand thus it is very important to crack the exam withthehighestscore. General Studies Quiz App for GPSC is a veryusefulapp toprepare for the GPSC. You can test yourself and checkforyourknowledge. We know that Practice Makes Men Perfect sothisrule alsoapplied to this app. You can test as much as possiblesothat moreknowledge can be gained. There are many categorieswhichhelp you toprepare yourself for all the questions relatedtoGeneral Studies.Some of the categories are mentioned asbelow:Categories: •Geography of Gujarat • The Government policies,welfare schemes andthe problems and issues related to thefollowingmatters • Educationsystem in Gujarat • Human ResourceDevelopment •The Constitution ofIndia • Disaster Management •Development andEnvironmental issuesand mitigation measures •Important – Nationaland Internationalevents • Sports and Games •The important eventsbefore and afterthe independence of India •General science •Currentevents.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wewouldlove to hear any suggestions, questions or comments and wearewarmlywaiting for your preciousresponse:ashvin@sparrowsofttech.com--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
الادارى لتنمية الموارد البشرية 1.0.0
khaled saif saeed
في عالم متغير و متسارع يحث الخطىنحوالتكنولوجيا والمعرفة وفي خضم هذا البحر الهائل والكم المتدفقمنالمعلومات عبر خطوط الشبكة العنكبوتية ، حيث ينظر البعض إلى أنالعالمقد أصبح اليوم قرية صغيرة يتم التواصل فيما بينه عبر لمسة زر أوكبسةمن فأرة الحاسوب . وإيمانا منا نحن ... الإداري لتنميةالمواردالبشرية ، بالمشاركة في التنمية الشاملة التي تشهدها دولةالإماراتالعربية المتحدة على وجه العموم ، والارتقاء بمستوى العاملينعلى وجهالخصوص ، فإنه لابد لنا من المشاركة في هذه التنمية من خلالهذهالمؤسسة حتى نصل إلى الغاية المنشودة والهدف المطلوب .In a changing worldandrapidly urges paced toward technology and knowledge in the midstofthe sea, the sheer quantum flow of information across the linesofthe World Wide Web, where it is seen by some to be the worldhasbecome today a small village is communicating with him throughthetouch of a button or touch of the mouse. And our belief we...Managing human resource development, to participate inthecomprehensive development witnessed by the UAE in general,andraise the level of workers, in particular, it has to be for ustoparticipate in this development through this institution inorderto reach the desired end goal required.
K-SPACE 스마트러닝 2.053
When and smart learning system that can be usedconvenientlyanywhere. Meet now!
메가HRD 스마트러닝 1.3
megaNEXT Co., Ltd.
메가HRD 스마트러닝 모바일 어플리케이션입니다.다운받으셔서 누구나 사용하실 수 있습니다.Mega HRD smartlearningmobile application.Anyone can use the screenshot down.
랜드스쿨(LANDSCHOOL) 1.3.8
[ 새로운 기능 ]배속조절 가능구간반복 기능북마크 기능강의 다운로드 가능HD 플레이어 적용[ 설명 ]No.1 부동산교육 "랜드스쿨" 언제 어디서나 편리하게 스마트폰으로 강의를 수강하세요!21세기는 지식정보의 시대이며, 평생교육을 통한 개인들의 자기개발이 부단히 추구되어야하는평생학습의시대입니다.랜드스쿨은 ㈜유비온의 부동산교육 전문 브랜드로써 회원님들께 전문지식을 갖춘 부동산 전문가로 발전해나갈 수있도록평생교육을함께 실천해 나갈 것입니다.[ 랜드스쿨 소개 ]평생교육 선두주자 ㈜유비온의 공인중개사, 주택관리사 자격증교육 전문 브랜드15회, 16회, 19회 공인중개사 수석합격생 배출최고의 강사진 보유[ 회사 수상내역 ]한국HRD 대상 우수교육 프로그램 부분 수상(특허등록) 온라인테스트 평가관리시스템 및 방법우수교육훈련 프로그램 경진대회 원격훈련부분 은상고용노동부 원격훈련기관 8년 연속 A등급2014 신규상장기업[ 랜드스쿨 신규 앱의 파워풀한 기능 ]데이터 걱정 이제 그만! – 인터넷 강의를 와이파이 존에서 다운로드 하고 데이터 걱정 없이 수강하세요!배속조절 기능 이제는 기본 – 배속 조절을 통해 핵심 내용을 빠르게 학습선명한 강의 화질 – 판서까지 선명하게 보이는 HD고화질 강의 지원구간반복 기능 - 원하는 범위만큼 지정하여 구간 반복 재생 가능북마크 기능 - 원하는 부분에 북마크 기능을 사용해 보세요![ 이용방법 ]PC에서 랜드스쿨 회원가입스마트폰에서 랜드스쿨 어플리케이션 다운로드랜드스쿨 앱 실행 후 로그인 하여 동영상 수강"랜드스쿨"이 합격의 지름길을 안내합니다.지금 "랜드스쿨" 앱을 통해 만나보세요!----개발자 연락처 :1600-0052[New Feature]Adjustable speedAB repeat functionBookmarksLectures available for downloadApply HD player[Description]No.1 Real Estate Education "Land School" lectureanytime,anywhereeasy to take your smart phone!The 21st century is the era of knowledge andinformation,andself-development of individuals through life-longlearningshouldbe pursued constantly by this era of lifelonglearning.Rand School of Real Estate Education yubion ㈜deulkkeyourprofessional brand as a knowledgeable real estateprofessionaltohelp evolve will continue to practicewithcontinuingeducation.[Land School Introduction]The leader in continuing education ㈜ yubionrealtor,housecertification training professional brandmanagers15 times, 16 times, 19 times a realtoremissionsseniorhapgyeoksaengThe best teachers hold[Company Awards]Excellence in Education Award program, part of thetargetHRDKorea(Patent pending) online test assessment managementsystemandmethodContest excellent education and training programs partsilverremotetrainingEmployment and Labor Class A remote training facilityforeightconsecutive years2014 new listed companies[Land School features a powerful new app]Data worry Stop It Now! - Internet Wi-Fi zone, alecturecoursewithout having to worry about download yourdata!Speed ​​control function is now the default -speedadjustmentquickly learn the core contentClear teaching quality - clearly visible fill up theriversupportsHD (High Definition)AB repeat function - AB repeat playback by specifyingthedesiredrange as possibleBookmark function - you want to use a portion of yourbookmarks![How to Use]Sign in PC Land SchoolDownload the application from your smartphone Land SchoolLog in to land after running video apps attend school"Land School" is a shortcut to guide you pass.Now "Land School" Meet the app!
현대HRD 1.0.0
2015년 현대그룹 혁신스쿨에 여러분을 초대합니다.[교육목적]★ 조직 내의 일과 개인의 삶에서의 역할과 정체성을 찾을 수 있습니다.★ 긍정적 업무 태도를 갖추기 위한 조직 내 기본 예절행동을 습득할 수 있습니다.★ 업무 효율화를 위한 기본과 원칙을 준수하고, 비효율적인 업무를 제거할 수 있습니다.★ 팀 활동을 통해 주도성과 도전정신을 회복할 수 있습니다.We invite you toHyundaiGroup Innovation School in 2015.[Educational purposes]★ You can find the role and identity of the work in the livesofindividuals within the organization.★ You can learn the basic etiquette organization Actionforequipping a positive work attitude.★ adhere to the basic principles for the work and efficiency,andto remove inefficient business.★ You can recover the initiative and challenge throughteamactivities.