36 Похожие Juventus - Notizie di Calcio

Juventus 4.7.6
Juventus Football Club S.p.A.
New Juventus Official App: Match Center Live, exclusivevideos,previews.
Bianconeri Live: App di calcio 3.7.1
Tribuna Trading Ltd.
App per tutti i tifosi della Juventus. Risultati,Calendario,Notizie, Video.
TJ - Notizie Bianconere
TC&C srl
TJ: notizie di calcio sullaJuventus,risultati, rassegna stampa e molto altro ancora.Altre funzionalità:- Classifica e Calendario- Live testuale delle princiale partite- Archivio foto e video- Widget Orologio (non funziona spostando l'app su SD)www.tuttojuve.comTJ: Juventusfootballnews, results, press releases and much more.Other features:- Rankings and Calendar- Live text of princiale games- Archive photos and videos- Widget Clock (does not work by moving the app to SD)www.tuttojuve.com
Canale Bianconero
TC&C srl
Canale Bianconero: notizie di calciosullaJuventus, risultati, rassegna stampa e molto altroancora.Altre funzionalità:- Classifica e Calendario- Live testuale delle princiale partite- Archivio foto e video- TMW Radio (disponibile solo con Android 4.1 e successivi)- Widget Orologio (non funziona spostando l'app su SD)Canale Juventus di TuttoMercatoWebChannelBianconero:football news on Juventus, results, press releases andmuchmore.Other features:- Rankings and Calendar- Live text of princiale games- Archive photos and videos- TMW Radio (only available with Android 4.1 and later)- Widget Clock (does not work by moving the app to SD)Channel Juventus Tuttomercatoweb
جديد : شبكة اليوفنتوس العربية 1.2
[ يرجى متابعة الشرح و الصور ] نسخة جديدةمميزةلتطبيق شبكة اليوفنتوس العربية !* يجب تحديث نسخة الاندرويد الى 4 و اكثرحصرياً مع شبكة اليوفنتوس العربية : التطبيق الاول الخاص فينادياليوفنتوس الايطالي في اللغة العربية !يرجى مشاهدة الصور و الاطلاع على الشرح التالي حسب ترتيبالصورةبالاعلى :-1- بالصورة الاولى و الصفحة الاولى تظهر المشاركات الاخيرةبمختلفالاقسام و بشكل عام2- بالصورة الثانية توضيح لطريقة التحديث لمعظم صفحات التطبيق كماهوالحال في معظم التطبيق عن طريق الفلت او غيرها3- بالصورة الثالثة , القائمة التي تظهر بعد الضغط على زر القائمةفيالهاتف و منها بامكانك الضغط على تسجيل الدخول اذا كانت لكعضويةسابقة لتسجيل الدخول بها او التسجيل في المنتدى لتسجيل عضويةجديدة اوخيارات اخرى مثل استعادة الكلمة السرية و استعراض لقائمةالمنتديات (التي سنوضحها لاحقاً ) و اضافة لخيار تغيير اللونبالتطبيق( بالطبع لا يمكنك المشاركة فيما بعد سوى بعد التسجيل )4- بالصورة الرابعة , خيارات ايضاً لتسجيل الدخول او التسجيلبعضويةجديدة او استعادة الكلمة السرية : هم بنفس الغرض من الخياراتالسابقةلكن هذه تظهر بالسحب بالشاشة5- فاذا اادت تسجيل الدخول ستظهر لك كما بالصورة الخامسةلادخالبياناتك 6- اذا اردت التسجيل سيظهر لك كما بالصورة السادسةلادخالبياناتك التي ستسجل فيها من اسم و بريد و كلمة سر و بقيةالبياناتالاضافية منها فريقك و لاعبك المفضل7- ثم سنعود للتطبيق , بالضغط على الديوانية بعدها سنضغط على كلمةهنابالاحمر للدخول على الديوانية8- هنا ستظهر لكم الديوانية التي هي ستكون مثل الشات و الحوارالمفتوحطوال الوقت كما هو موضح بالمشاركة الاولى ، و انتقل مباشرةللصفحةالاخيرة للدخول بالحوار مباشرة بعد ان تشاهد التعريفالاولي9- هنا مثال للصفحة الاخيرة في لحظة التصوير10- ثم سنشاهد خيار مهم اخر بالاعلى و هو اجدد المواضيع الذي منخلالهيمكنك مشاهدة اخر المواضيع بالمنتدى ، و اذا اردت الدخوللاخرالمواضيع بقسم معين مثل قسم اخبار اليوفنتوس فقط شاهد الصورتين 16و1711- بالصورة 11 , يتضح لنا خيار الاحصائيات بالاعلى سواء عددالمشاركاتاو المواضيع او المتواجدين الان12- بالصورة 12 , نعود للخلف للضغط على زر القائمة لكن هذا بعدتسجيلالدخول : ( حيث يظهر عدة خيارات مثل كتابة موضوع جديد و الذي يجبانيتم قراءة القوانين قبلها خصوصاً لقسم مثل الاخبار - ثم خيارلوحةالتحكم للملف الشخصي - ثم ايضاً يظهر خيار قائمة المنتديات)13- بحال الضغط على الملف الشخصي , سيظهر كما بهذه الصورةلمشاهدةالملف و الرسائل و تعديل البيانات و تعديل الصورة بالاعلى والالبوم وغيرها14- هذه مثال لصفحة تعديل بيانات الملف الشخصي15- هذا مثال لصفحة الملف الشخصي و بالاعلى يظهر خيار الانتقاللرسائلالزوار و الالبومات او الاصدقاء ، و مع التحريك او القائمةتظهرخيارات ان دخلت ملفات اخرى لطلب صداقتها او غيرها16- كما اشرنا لكم سابقاً , هنا يعرض الاقسام و هذا يظهر بعد الضغطعلىقائمة المنتديات بالخيارات الاولى ، و منها تظهر اقسام المنتدى واولهاقسم اليوفنتوس17- بالصورة هذه , يظهر مثالاً لعرض قسم اخبار اليوفنتوس ان كنتتريدفقط جديد اخبار اليوفنتوس / بكل قسم بالاعلى هناك خيارلمشاهدةالمواضيع المثبتة التي تثبت احياناً بالاقسام لاهميتها18- الصورة 18 , هنا البحث بالمنتدى و يظهر اعلى الاقسام اواعلىالمنتدى بالبداية في اليمين بصورة المنظار* كما ذكر بالصورتين 16 و 17 اذا اردت فقط مشاهدة جديداخباراليوفنتوس ادخل على قسم اخبار اليوفنتوس في قائمة المنتدياتمن خلال التطبيق و تصفح المنتدى بشكل مميز فيه ستتمكن منالاطلاعالمستمر طوال الساعة على اخبار اليوفي و مشاركتنا فيها برايكاضافةلامكانك الدخول في النقاشات المطروحة و الديوانياتالبيانكونيريةالمتواصلة و مشاهدة صور الفريق و الاطلاع و المشاركةبالاقسام الاخرىمثل قسم الاسطورة اليساندرو ديل بييرو ، و اقسام اخرىسواء قسم اخبارالكرة العالمية او التصاميم او العام او التقنيالصفحة الرئيسية للشبكة : http://www.juve1897.net/موقع شبكة اليوفينتوس العربية : http://juve1897.net/Juve-Site/تابعنا على تويتر : http://twitter.com/#!/Juve1897_netصفحتنا على الفيسبوك : www.facebook.com/121259994617396The First App In Arabic Language for the Juventus FootballClubto see the last news for the Juve and his Players daily ..Juventus Juve Del Piero Buffon Vecchia Signora PirloVidalMarchisio Chielliniاليوفنتوس اليوفي ديل بييرو بوفون السيدة العجوز البيانكونيريماركيزيوكيليني فيدال بيرلو[Please followtheexplanation and images] distinctive new version of theapplicationof the Arab Juventus network!* Copy must be updated to Android 4 and MoreJuventus exclusively with the Arab Network: yourfirstapplication in Italian club Juventus in the Arabiclanguage!Please see the photos and see the following explanation intheorder image above: -1. The first image and the front page latest posts invariousdepartments and in general show2. The second image explanation of how to update the pages ofmostof the application as is the case in most of the applicationbyFilt or other3. The third image, the menu that appears after you press themenubutton on the phone and of which you can click to log on ifyouprecedent membership login or registration in the Forum fortheregistration of new membership or other options such astherestoration of the secret word and review of the index (whichspellout later) and in addition to the option to change thecolorapplication(Of course you can not participate later onlyafterregistration)4. The fourth image, Options also log in or register anewmembership or restore the secret word: They are the same purposeofthe previous options but this show by dragging the screen5. If confirmed log will appear to you as the fifth image toinsertyour data if you want 6. Date will appear to you as the sixthimageto insert your data to be recorded from the name and apassword andand the rest of additional data, including your teamand yourfavorite player7. Then we will return to the application, by clicking ontheDiwaniya, then we will click on the word here in redforentry-Diwaniyah8. Here you will Diwaniya, which is going to be like all thetimechatting and open dialogue as shown in the first to take part,andgo directly to the last page to enter dialogue immediatelyafteryou see the initial definition9. Here is an example of the last page in a momentofphotography10. Then we will see another important option is above andthreadsthrough which you can watch the last threads renew theforum, andif you want access to the latest threads particulardepartment suchas the Department of Juventus News only witness thetwo images 16and 1711. image 11, is clear to us Mini option above, whether thenumberof posts or threads or Total Online12. as 12, we return back to press the menu button but thisafteryou log in: (where several options such as writing a new topicandwhich should be read laws before especially for the departmentsuchas news - appears and panel profile control option - and alsoshowsthe option Board index)13. any way pressure on the profile, this will appear as theimageto view and modify data and messages and modify the imageabove andalbum and other14. This is an example of the edit page profile details15. This is an example of the profile page and above the optiontomove messages Visitors and Albums or friends appears, andwithstirring or Options menu appears that entered the other filestorequest friendship or other16. As we indicated to you previously, here it displays sectionsandit shows after pressing the first Board index options, andwhichshow sections Forum and the first of section Juventus17. This image, an example of a display section News Juventusthatyou only want a new Juventus News / above each section there isanoption to watch the sticky topics which sometimes prove totheirimportance to sections shows18. 18's, here Search forum and appears at the top sections orthehighest Forum onset in the right manner endoscope* As mentioned Balsourtin 16 and 17 if you want to justwatchJuventus News Enter the new section on the news Juventus inthelist of forumsThrough the application and browse the boardcharacteristicallyit will be able to continued exposure throughouttime on JuventusNews and our participation in your opinion Add toauthorized toaccess in the discussions at hand and diwaniyasAlbijankonnerahongoing and watch the team and see and Photos Postto sectionsother such legend Alessandro Del Piero section, andOtherCategories of Global News, both the ball or designs orpublictechnical orHome Network: http://www.juve1897.net/Juventus Arabic Network site: http://juve1897.net/Juve-Site/Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Juve1897_netOur page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/121259994617396The First App In Arabic Language for the Juventus FootballClubto see the last news for the Juve and his Players daily ..Juventus Juve Del Piero Buffon Vecchia Signora PirloVidalMarchisio ChielliniJuventus Juventus Del Piero, Buffon old lady BianconeriChielliniMarchisio Vidal Pirlo
Serie A 3.260.0
Football from the Italian Serie A.
Serie A Calcio 3.1.18
H&A Software
Follow the most favorite Europe's football leagues. All live...
Tuttocampo - Calcio
Tutto il calcio dilettantisticod'Italia...enon solo!Tuttocampo ti permette di avere a portata di manorisultati,classifiche, marcatori, rose, news e ogni informazionepossibile sututte le squadre di calcio d'Italia, dalla Serie A allaTerzaCategoria, passando per campionati giovanili, femminili,calcio a5, amatori e tornei minori.Numerose sono le funzionalità che offriamo:☆ Risultati, con possibiltà di inserimento e consultazione intemporeale☆ Classifiche, suddivise in varie tipologie☆ Scheda partita con marcatori, formazioni, commenti, videoeimmagini, pronostici☆ Pronostici di tutte le partita☆ Marcatori☆ Rose delle squadre☆ Tutte le informazioni sulle squadre, comprese immagini emappainterattiva del campo☆ Tutte le informazioni sui giocatori☆ Possibilità di inserire loghi delle squadre e fotodeigiocatori☆ News sui campionati☆ Squadre preferite☆ Notifiche in tempo reale sui risultati delle squadrechesegui☆ Motore di ricerca squadre e giocatori☆ Archivio storico delle stagioni precedentiPuoi interagire con i nostri servizi grazie alla funzionalitàdiinserimento dei risultati, anche in tempo reale!Inviando i risultati della partita della tua squadra si potràavereun servizio in tempo reale e sempre aggiornato.Un semplice ed efficiente sistema di notifiche ti permette diesseresempre informato sui risultati: scegli una o più squadre enonappena i risultati di queste saranno aggiornati ti arriveràunanotifica.Non sai dove si trova il campo di una squadra? Nessun problema!Puoicliccare sul nome di ciascuna squadra per ottenereinformazionidettagliate su di essa: dalla mappa del campo aicolori sociali, dallogo ai recapiti telefonici! Inoltre basta unclick per avviare ilnavigatore ed arrivare subito al campo digioco.È possibile acquistare la Versione Premium di Tuttocampochepermettere di utilizzare l'app senza la presenza dibannerpubblicitari.Per ogni regione troverete i dati di questi campionati:• Serie D• Eccellenza• Promozione• Prima Categoria• Seconda Categoria• Terza Categoria• Juniores Nazionali• Juniores Regionali e Provinciali (non in tutte le regioni)• Allievi Regionali e Provinciali (non in tutte le regioni)• Giovanissimi Regionali e Provinciali (non in tutteleregioni)• Calcio a 5• Femminile• AmatoriInoltre mettiamo a disposizione i dati dei maggioricampionatinazionali:• Serie A• Serie B• Lega ProL'applicazione si appoggia al sito http://www.tuttocampo.itAll amateur footballinItaly ... and beyond!Tuttocampo allows you to have on hand results, standings,scorers,roses, news and everything you know about all the footballteams ofItaly, from Serie A to the third category, through youthleagues,women's, soccer 5, amateurs and smaller tournaments.There are numerous features that we offer:☆ results, with the possibility of real-time insertionandconsultation☆ Charts, divided into various types☆ game board with markers, formations, comments, videosandpictures, predictions☆ Predictions of all game☆ Markers☆ Rose teams☆ All information on the teams, including images and interactivemapof the area☆ All information on players☆ Ability to insert team logos and player pictures☆ News on championships☆ Favorite teams☆ Real-time Notifications on teams that follow results☆ Bot teams and players☆ Historical archive of previous seasonsYou can interact with our services thanks to the functionalityofentering results, even in real time!Sending the results of the match of your team you can haveareal-time service and up to date.A simple and effective system of notification allows you tobeinformed on the results: Choose one or more teams, and as soonasthe results of these will be updated will notify you.You do not know where is the field of a team? No problem! Youcanclick on the name of each team to get detailed information onit:from the field plan to colors, from the logo to thetelephonenumbers! Also just a click to start the browser and getright tothe playing field.You can purchase the Premium version of Tuttocampo that allow youtouse the app without the presence of banner ads.For each region you will find the data of thesechampionships:• Series D• Excellence• Promotion• First Category• Second Category• Third Category• Junior National• Junior Regional and Provincial (not in all regions)• Students Regional and Provincial (not in all regions)• Juniors Regional and Provincial (not in all regions)• 5-a-side football• Female• AmateursIn addition we provide the data of the majornationalchampionships:• A league• B series• Pro LeagueThe application relies on the site http://www.tuttocampo.it
Nerazzurri Live: App di calcio 3.7.0
Tribuna Trading Ltd.
Unofficial App for Inter fans - Results, News and Transfers.
Cagliari Calcio 2.0.7
The official application of Cagliari Calcio
Calcio Napoli 1926 15.0
Celeste Maione
Site Information on Napoli Calcio
Soccer Predictions tips bets 2.3.1
Football results predictions app. FT, HT, BTS, GOALS.
Calcio Dilettanti 1.2.7
3 Italia
Calcio Dilettanti è l’app di 3 e DataSportcheraccoglie i campionati DILETTANTI, dall’ECCELLENZA finoaiGIOVANISSIMI in una sola applicazione.L’app offre copertura di risultati e classifiche deicampionatiEccellenza e Promozione di tutte le regioni d’Italia edicampionati relativi ai Giovanili Nazionali: Primavera,Berretti,Juniores, Allievi e Giovanissimi.E se non trovi il campionato della tua squadra del cuorepuoirichiedere il calendario!COME FUNZIONAL’app permette agli utenti di partecipare aggiornando illorocampionato del cuore attraverso l’inserimento dei risultatidellepartite direttamente dall’app. Per questa funzioneoccorreeffettuare la registrazione:• Per i campionati non presenti nell’applicazione, gliutentipossono RICHIEDERE il calendario del campionatoattraversol’apposita area dell’app. Bastano 10 segnalazioni su unostessocampionato la redazione inserirà il calendariorichiesto.• Gli utenti possono INSERIRE i risultati delle partite dacuideriveranno in automatico le classifiche.• Gli utenti possono CONFERMARE o SMENTIRE il risultatoinseritoda altri utenti• Per segnalazioni riguardanti anomalie nei campionati,gliutenti potranno scrivere alla redazione attraverso l’appositolinkpresente nell’app.Amateur football istheapp of 3 and DataSport that collects AMATEURS championships,fromexcellence to the GIOVANISSIMI in one application.The app provides coverage results and rankings ofExcellencechampionships and promotion of all the regions of Italyand theNational Youth Championships related to: Spring, Caps,Juniors,Students and Juniors.And if you are missing the championship of your favorite teamyoucan request the calendar!HOW DOES IT WORKThe app allows users to participate in updating their heartsampledthrough the inclusion of the results of the games right fromtheapp. For this function, the recording must be taken:• For the championships does not exist in the application,userscan ASK the league schedule through the appropriate area of​​theapp. It takes 10 reports on the same league the editing willinsertthe required timetable. • Users can INSERT match results from which will derive thechartsautomatically.• Users can confirm or deny the result entered by otherusers• For reports concerning anomalies in the championships,userscan write on the drawing using the appropriate link providedin theapp.
Calcio Live 2.6.2
balins7 developer
Soccer with you
Calcio Live 19.0.2
Con questa App potrai restare aggiornato sui risultati intemporeale, anche con delle notifiche che è possibile disattivareoscegliere solo le squadre di interesse. Potrai scegliereleimmagini dei calciatori completando le squadre con tuttelefigurine. Inoltre visualizzerai tutti i risultati conleclassifiche delle squadre e dei marcatori e le statistichedeicalciatori.
SpazioJ 1.0
Cierre Media
L'app che ti guida ora per ora nel lungo viaggio deibianconeriverso i traguardi più ambiziosi: news, calciomercato,video, foto,esclusive e tantissima interazione con il nostropubblico! Anche tupotrai mandarci foto e video che pubblicheremosul nostro sito e lanostra app! La nuova versione, inoltre, prevedela creazione di unacommunity che ti permetterà di chattare econoscere altre personecon la tua stessa magica passione: potraiorganizzare il viaggioverso lo Stadium assieme ad altri tifosi chevengono dalla tuastessa zona, grazie alla geolocalizzazione, oppureorganizzareviaggi e trasferte assieme agli altri in vista dellaChampionsLeague! Una novità unica nel suo genere!
News on Juventus - Unofficial 4.2.0
Keep up with the latest Juventus F.C. news throughout their2023schedule!
Pronostici Calcio 1.2
Sei uno scommettitore? Alloradeviassolutamente avere con te quest'applicazione!Scarica quest'app per avere sempre a portata di mano tuttiipronostici di tutte le partite di Serie A, Serie B, LegaPro,Champions ed Europa League, Premier League, la Liga Spagnola,Ligue1, Bundesliga, Eredivise, Coppa Italia, QualificazioniMondiali2018 Russia da giocare con le migliori società di scommesseevedere le quote calcio.Pronostici sul calcio scommesse vincenti e gratis con Over, Underetutti in italiano affidabili aggiornati sempre; giorno per giornoe24h su 24 e tutti i consigli per le scommesse sportive conlemigliori previsioni per giocare la bolletta ufficiale.Ricordiamo che il gioco è vietato ai minori di 18 anni ediconsultare le probabilità di vincita per guadagnare online conilbetting, 10 e lotto, superenalotto, win for life, turistapersempre, gratta e vinci, forex, trading.You're a gambler? Thenyoushould have with you this application!Download this app to always have at hand all the odds of allthematches of Serie A, Serie B, Pro League, Champions LeagueandEuropa League, Premier League, La Liga, Ligue 1,Bundesliga,Eredivise, Italian Cup, WM 2018 Russia to play with thebestbetting company and see the football odds.Betting on winning free bets and football with Over, Under andallin Italian reliable up to date; day-to-day and 24 hours at 24,andrecommendations for sports betting with the best weatherforplaying the official bill.Recall that the game is available to persons age 18 and toconsultthe odds to earn online with your betting, 10 and lotto,lottery,win for life, tourist forever, scratch cards, forex,trading.
MBN Mondo Bianconero 4.3
Juventus Football News Calendar Live Textual games. UnOfficial APP.
Tutto sul Calcio 1.2
Se vuoi essere sempre informato sulleultimetrattative di Calciomercato e vuoi avere sempre con te ilmegliodelle notizie dai campi della serie A, Premier League, Ligue1,Liga, Serie B, Lega Pro ed avere consigli sull'asta perilFantacalcio scarica gratis questa applicazione!Tutte le notizie di tutte le squadre italiane (Juventus,Inter,Napoli, Milan, Inter, Lazio, Fiorentina, Roma, Udinese,Torino,Genoa, Sampdoria, Palermo, Atalanta, Bologna, Carpi, ChievoVerona,Sassuolo, Frosinone, Empoli e molte altre) e dellesquadrestraniere (PSG, Manchester United e City, Barcellona, RealMadrid,Chelsea, Liverpool, Leicester, Bayern Monaco, BorussiaDortmund emolte altre), quindi puoi avere tutte le notizie sulcalcio inun'unica app! Tutto Calcio !Sei un super tifoso sfegatato di calcio? Quest'app è d'obbligopertutti i tifosi come te! Tutto il calcio in un'app!If you want to beinformedon the latest negotiations League and want to always havewith youthe best of news from the fields of Serie A, PremierLeague, Ligue1, La Liga, Serie B, Lega Pro and get tips on the rodfor PHPdownload free this application!All news of all Italian teams (Juventus, Inter, Napoli, ACMilan,Inter Milan, Lazio, Fiorentina, Roma, Udinese, Torino,Genoa,Sampdoria, Palermo, Atalanta, Bologna, Carpi, ChievoVerona,Sassuolo, Frosinone, Empoli and many others) and foreignteams(PSG, Manchester United and City, Barcelona, ​​RealMadrid,Chelsea, Liverpool, Leicester, Bayern Monaco, BorussiaDortmund andmany other), then you can have all the football news inone app!All Football!Are you a super huge fan of football? This app is a must forallfans like you! All the calcium in an app!
Bianconeri News24 2.1
RedCat Studio
Sempre aggiornati con le notizie sullaJuventusdirettamente nel tuo smartphone con un unica applicazionesemplice eveloce e non hai più bisogno di navigare in internetalla ricerca dinotizie sulla Juve.Con Bianconeri News24 sei sempre in contatto con il mondojuventinograzie ad un continuo flusso di notizie sulle partite,ilcalciomercato, le interviste ed i commenti relativiallasquadra.Dedicato a tutti gli juventini alla ricerca di notiziesempreaggiornate sulla vecchia signora.(Nota: Bianconeri News24 sostituisce la nostra precedenteappJuventus News24 e Juve News24.Suggeriamo a tutti gli utenti di passare a Bianconeri News24per avere sempre un app aggiornata, con nuovi contenutiefunzionalità).Come funziona:Bianconeri News24 è un aggregatore intelligente di notizie.Ilsoftware ad ogni avvio o refresh scansiona gli RSS dei sitideigiornali più importanti e con un algoritmo specifico filtrainmaniera intelligente solo le notizie riguardanti laJuve,organizzandole in una lista semplice ed intuitiva. Trovatelenotizie è possibile leggere una breve descrizione e poi tramiteillink passare al sito della notizia, che viene apertoall'internodell'applicazione stessa tramite il browserintegrato,permettendoti lo swipe (scorrimento) delle notizie inmanierafacile e veloce.Caratteristiche:-Tasto di Refresh per aggiornare in qualsiasi momentolenotizie-Tasto di condivisione per condividere le notizie con ituoicontatti e/o sui Social Networks-Browser integrato con funzione di scorrimento (swipe)-Skin JuveNote:Questa applicazione non è una applicazione ufficiale dellaJuventusF.C. S.p.a. e non è in nessun modo collegata alla JuventusF.C.S.p.a.Tutti i marchi riportati appartengono ai legittimiproprietari;marchi di terzi, nomi di prodotti, nomi commerciali,nomicorporativi e società citati possono essere marchi di proprietàdeirispettivi titolari o marchi registrati di altre società esonostati utilizzati a puro scopo esplicativo ed abeneficiodell'utente, senza alcun fine di violazione dei dirittidiCopyright vigenti.Always up to datewithnews on Juventus directly in your smartphone with auniqueapplication simple and fast and you no longer need to surftheInternet in search of news about Juve.With Juventus News24're always in touch with the worldJuventusthanks to a steady stream of news on matches, the transfermarket,interviews and comments on the team.Dedicated to all Juventus looking for updated news on the old lady.(Note: Bianconeri News24 replaces our previous app andJuveJuventus News24 News24.We recommend all users to move to Juventus News24to always have an app updated with new contentandfunctionality).How does it work:Juventus News24 is a smart aggregator of news. The softwarewillscan each time you start or refresh the RSS of the sites ofmajornewspapers and with a specific algorithm intelligently filtersonlythe news about Juve, organizing them in a list simpleandintuitive. Find the news you can read a short description andthengo through the link to the website of the news, which isopenedwithin the application itself via the built-in browser,allowingyou to swipe (slide) of the news in an easy and fast.Features:-Key Refresh to update at any moment the news-Key Sharing to share the news with your contacts and / or onSocialNetworks-browser Integrated with scroll function (swipe)-skin JuveNotes:This app is not an official application of Juventus FC S.p.a. anditis in no way connected to Juventus FC S.p.a.All trademarks mentioned belong to their owners;third-partybrands, product names, trade names, corporate names andcompanynames may be trademarks of their respective owners orregisteredtrademarks of other companies and have been used solelyforinformation purposes and for the user, without implying aviolationthe rights of copyright regulations.
ФК Ювентус Турин - 2022 6.2.15
The main app about FC Juventus! News, videos, statistics andmatchresults.
Diretta Goal Livescore - Diret 4.0.4
NextmediaWeb s.r.l.
Live Score in Real Time with Live Live Updates on Direttagoal.it
Calcio Live 1.1.3
Pocket Widget, S.L.
Calcio Live, the most completeapplicationofthe Italian Serie A league in your Android: results ofalltherounds, live comments, league tables, fixtures, statisticsandthebest player comparer.Have access to every piece of news about the league,Milanl,Juventusor your favorite team of the Italian League inrealtime.If you are a fan of the Italian league, download thisappforfree!
Sport Prediction
Rubén Manzaneque Díaz-Hellín
Daily sports predictions for all sports with great success rate
Skores - Live Soccer Scores
SKORES Livescore
★★★★★Discover SKORES, the most completesportsapp with easy to follow scores live!★★★★★New Name, New Icon, New App, but still the BEST LIVE SCORE APPwithwhich to follow your favorite sports!LIVE RESULTSSupport the Three Lions Now, live Copa America and EURO2016live!Follow all the live scores and receive customized alerts onscoresand goals for teams and games of your choice.9 SPORTS LIVENever miss a sporting moment: Live Soccer (champions league,europaleague, liga, serie a, ligue 1, world cup....), Tennis,Basketball,Rugby, Football, Baseball, Handball, Volleyball, andHockey.+ OVER 5000 COMPETITIONSFind the American and International league for live soccer(liga,serie a, europa league, ligue 1, world cup, champions leaguelive),rugby, handball, volleyball, tennis, basketball, football,baseballand hockey!FREE LIVESCOREFollow all the scores in real-time for all sports on your mobileanddo not miss the results of your favorite teams!Other highlights for «SKORES - Live Soccer Scores plus 8othersports" are:- The fastest Livescore service available compared tootherlivescore apps- Goal alerts and notifications as it happens with our livescoreservice- Direct Soccer Scores plus 8 other sports in real-timetofollow- Highlights of the matches- Match Summaries- Sports Statistics- Rankings for all competitions- Upcoming match schedulesLive SportsOur livescore covers 9 live sports and more than 5000competitionsincluded Champions League, Europa League and Liga!Live Soccer and also Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball,Rugby,Baseball, Handball, Hockey and Football.The American championships to international competitions andcups,whatever sport you like, you can follow the latestresults.Live Soccer fan, test us out, our Soccer livescore servicehaseverything you need! Our App uses the renowned live scoresservicetechnology from the Sporty Trader applications for WindowsPhoneand SKORES (SportyTrader) for iPhone!Other Features of our Live ScoresApp:- LIVESCORE: Scores in real-time- SCORES: All the live results for every match- ALERTS: Notifications for changes in scores with ourlivescoreservice- RANKINGS: Rankings and league tables for tournaments aroundtheworld for Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, Handball,Rugby,Hockey, Baseball & Football- SCHEDULES: Match schedules available for Soccer,Basketball,Tennis, Volleyball, Handball, Rugby, Hockey, Baseball&Football.- SUMMARY: Summary of live match commentaries- STATISTICS: Analyze your favorite teams and players statsandperformance- FAVORITES: Customize your alerts for the teams and players ofyourchoiceSKORES is the new name chosen by SportyTrader for its app. Tryusout today, discover our FREE and incredibly FAST and ACCURATEFREELIVE SCORE service
Calcio TV 5
Calcio TV: news, radio e video dellesquadredel campionato.Segui la tua squadra su Calcio TV: aggiornamentiquotidianidirettamente dai canali ufficiali delle squadre e daiprincipalinetwork di informazione sportiva.Questa applicazione referenzia le homepage dei canaliYouTube™delle principali squadre del campionato.Migliora questa applicazione con i tuoi suggerimenti.Football TV: News,radioand video of the teams in the league.Follow your team on Football TV: daily updates directly fromtheofficial channels of the teams and the main sportsinformationnetworks.This application references the homepage of YouTube ™ channelofthe main teams in the league.Improves this application with your suggestions.
TC&C srl
TUTTO Mercato WEB è un sito di notiziesportive(calcio) particolarmente attento al CALCIOMERCATO.Altre funzionalità:- Risultati partite in temporeale (con notifiche push) conrelativacronaca delle principali partite- Classifica Serie A / Serie B / Lega Pro- Calendario Serie A / Serie B / Lega pro- Archivio foto e video- TMW Radio (disponibile solo con Android 4.1 e successivi)- Widget Orologio (non funziona spostando l'app su SD)www.tuttomercatoweb.comALL WEB Market is asportsnews website (soccer) especially attentive to thetransfermarket.Other features:- Results in games TempoReale (with push notifications) withitschronicle of the main games- Serie A / B Series / Pro League- Calendar Series A / B Series / Pro League- Archive photos and videos- TMW Radio (only available with Android 4.1 and later)- Widget Clock (does not work by moving the app to SD)www.tuttomercatoweb.com
Metodi Scommesse Calcio PRO
Today revolutionizes the way you bet!
Football TV Live Streaming HD 1.3
Salman Syed
Watch live football on your mobile phone for free. Enjoylivestreaming of Football-soccer matches without worrying aboutthehassle of monthly subscriptions and fees. Get yourselfupdatedabout football scores, news and much more from the footballworld.Watch all international League matches on this free FootballTVchannel in HD quality. This live streaming of Football willcoverthe following League matches: World cup Football 2018 inRussiaEnglish Premier League (England) La Liga(Spain)Bundesliga(Germany) Serie A (Italy) Ligue 1 (France) UEFAChampionsLeague Europa League Your favorite club is in the list?Thisapplication is a must download for you! - Germany - Argentina-Netherlands - Brazil - Colombia - Belgium - France - Costa Rica-Chile - Mexico - Switzerland - Uruguay - Greece - Algeria -UnitedStates - Nigeria - Ecuador - Portugal - Croatia - BosniaandHerzegovina - Italy - Spain - Russia - Ghana - England -SouthKorea - Iran - Japan - Australia Note: We are legalrepresentativeof the live streaming of channel which we are playingin this app.In case of any legal issues please drop us an emailmentioned onthe page. In return we will send you the LegalAuthority Letter.
Bianconeri News 2.4.0
Nonstop Football
For all soccer fans of Juventus! Nowyoucanfollow all the news of your most favorite team, whereveryouare!★ News from all around popular web.★ Pick as favorite, you can save news for later reading.★ Push notifications for prominent news.★ Live update scoreboard for the matches.All competition with participation of Juventus★ Serie A★ UEFA Champions League★ Coppa Italia★ Super Cup★ International Champions Cup★ Friendly MatchesA team of professional developers is creating this app.If you have anything you want us to include in the future,letusknow by mailing us.(Unofficial App)
FootballScore-Serie A 1.8
The app contains:-Italian SerieA Live Score and Match Details.-Complete Serie A 2016/17 Fixtures.-Italian Serie A table standings.-Latest soccer news from Serie A Italian league.The "Serie A LiveScore" application is completelyFREEandincludes the following features:=========================-This is a multilingual Serie A live score appsupportingEnglish,Español, Deutsch, Português , Français andItaliano.- Push Notifications (alerts) for Goals, own goals, yellowcard,redcard, substitution, half time and full time.- Match Schedule time are shown according to installeddevicetimezone- Configurable Push notification- Follow favorite team- Match Schedule- Match Lineup- Serie A news- Team Standing- Top assist- Top ScorerSerie A 2016-2017 Live Football Score of allteamsincludingJuventus, A.C. Milan, Inter Milan, A.S. Roma,Napoli,Fiorentina,Lazio, Sampdoria, Genoa, Udinese etc.Enjoy the Italian League Serie A Soccer 2016/2017 season.
Tuttosport.com 3.0.52
Sport Network S.r.l.
Tuttosport.com the application official website of thenewspaperTuttosport.
Juve Gol 1.0
AriaChiara Web
App non ufficiale che raccoglie lenewssullasquadra dello Juventus Football Club da diverse fonti:- Tutto Juve- Vecchia Signora- Tifosi Bianconeri- Tuttosport- Gazzetta dello SportE in più nella sezione "Esplora" potrai aggiungere tuttelefontiche vorrai, come il Corriere dello SportRiceverai una notifica sul tuo smartphone quando newsdeibianconerisaranno disponibili (disattivabile).Forza Madama ! Forza Zebre !Unofficialappthatcollects news on the team of Juventus Football Clubfromdifferentsources:- Everything Juve- Old lady- Tifosi Bianconeri- Tuttosport- Gazzetta dello SportAnd more in the "Explore" you can add as many sources asyouwant,as the Corriere dello SportYou will receive a notification on your smartphone when newsoftheBianconeri will be available (can be disabled).Force Madama! Force Zebras!
Rojadirecta Tv Online:Tarjetarojaonline,LaLiga BBVA, Champions League, Barcelona vs ParissaintGermain,Bayern Munich vs Porto, Real Madrid vs Atlético MadridyMónaco vsJuventus en Directo Online Gratis este es el link paravertuhorario del partido del real madrid atleticodelmadridbarcelonaRojadirectaTvOnline:Tarjetarojaonline, La Liga, Champions League, BarcelonavsParisSaint Germain, Bayern Munich vs Porto, Real MadridvsAtleticoMadrid and Monaco vs Juventus Live Online Free This isthelink tosee your schedule Real Madrid match atleticomadridbarcelona
Lineup11- Football Line-up 1.1.6
LINEUP11 is the best application for making your ownfootballline-up.