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My Puglia - Guida Offline 3.0.3
MyPuglia è la prima guida turisticadellaPuglia gestita da persone del posto, completamente gratuitaeoffline.Scopri le mappe offlineBellissime e leggerissime (~20 MB) Mappe Offline di tuttalaregione!Scopri AmerigoUn rivoluzionario sistema per suggerirti cosa fare in basealcontesto (ora del giorno, la tua posizione, condizionimeteo,..)Questo quello che puoi trovare:- oltre 500 punti di interesse- cosa vedere- dove mangiare e bere- dove dormire- shopping- servizi- tempo libero- nightlife- news- eventi- meteoQuesto quello che puoi fare:- spostati e consulta la guida e la mappa offline senzacostiaggiuntivi- prenota un ristorante o un hotel dall'applicazione- trova immediatamente quello che che cerchi grazie al motorediricerca- trova un luogo nella mappa e ottieni le direzioni- usa l'applicazione ovunque e offline- condividi contenuti con i tuoi amici- si aggiorna quando trova una connessione a internetMyPuglia is thefirsttourist guide of Puglia run by local people, completely freeandoffline.Discover offline mapsBeautiful and very light (~ 20 MB) Offline maps of theentireregion!Discover AmerigoA revolutionary system to suggest what to do based on thecontext(time of day, your location, weather conditions, ..)That's what you get:- More than 500 points of interest- What to see- To eat and drink- Where to stay- Shopping- Services- Free time- Nightlife- News- Events- WeatherThat's what you can do:- Moved around and look at the guide and the offline map atnoadditional cost- Book a restaurant or a hotel application- Find immediately what you are looking for thanks to thesearchengine- Find a place on the map and get directions- The application uses offline and everywhere- Share content with your friends- Upgrade it when she finds an internet connection
Where's Up? - Events in Italy 2.0.22
where's up?
Where's Up - Live your free timeWould you like to go out and try new places, but are unsurewhereto go? Pick up your smartphone and look up what’s happeningin yourlocal area!Find interesting events using the WHERE’S UP app. It’s easytouse, intuitive and totally free!Aperitifs, club nights, gigs, parties, cultural events,shows,fairs and much more. All at your fingertips! Find eventsandinteresting things to do in Milan, Rome, Venice, Florence,Napleand every italian city.If you have a complaint, please contact us atteam@wheresup.combefore making any negative judgements andunderstand that we aredoing everything we can to offer you the bestpossible service.Go to http://wheresup.com to see the full project.Principle functions of Where’s up:- events displayed contemporaneously on a map and in alist- search events by location, date and category/key word- create events with personalised tags according totheircategory- share events on social networks- import events from Facebook- create promotional events- buy coupons to have specials discount and services
MrFogg Puglia 2015.10.01
Your Guide to discover culture and entertainment in every cityinApulia
Puglia in Rosé 4.0
Visitate la Puglia percorrendone gliitinerarienoturistici in Rosè, che vi condurranno in alcune dellezonevitivinicole più importanti della nostra terra. Scoprirete comesielaborano e che sapore hanno vini rosati conosciuti sempre piùintutto il mondo. Inoltre potrete scoprire il patrimonioculturale,naturale e gastronomico di tante province, molto diversetra loro,ma legate da una caratteristica comune: il buon vinorosato.Gli itinerari enoturistici in Rosè, offrono proposte di svagopertutti i gusti. Percorreteli e vivrete un'esperienzagratificante.Scegliete la meta e gustatevi il vino rosato e laPuglia in un mododavvero speciale.Visit the Apuliastrollingthrough the wine routes in Rosé, which will take in someof the mostimportant wine of our land. Discover how you processand taste haverosé wines known increasingly worldwide. You canalso discover thecultural, natural and gastronomic of manyprovinces, very different,but linked by a common feature: the goodrosé wine.The wine routes in Rosé, offer opportunities for leisureforeveryone. Percorreteli and enjoy the experience rewarding.Selectdestination and enjoy the rose wine and Puglia in a veryspecialway.
Le Strade del Vino - Puglia 1.0
Xenia S.r.L.
Apulia boasts an ancient wine tradition thatina very good way symbolizes the human feeling of belonging toaterritory.The App “The wine Roads” allows a journey to discover Apulianwines;a thousand shades of colour, aromas and flavours.Exploring the application you get information about thegrapevarieties (also autochthonous) and the wines that havebeenrecognised DOC, IGT and DOCG. All this wines represent amedaloffered to Apulian peasants and entrepreneurs, who havebelieved inthe potentialities of this territory and where theyhavesucceeded.Surfing the App “The wine Roads” you can identify the wineriesinApulia using two different criterias: the typology of wine andthekind of territory.Thanks to geolocation system you can easily reach the wineriesandtaste your favourite wine.A specific section of this application hosts videos andpicturesabout wines and territory in order to anticipate thewonders thatyou can visit in Apulia.Finally, the Events section, inform you about all eventswhosethemes are the wine and the wine tradition.The App “The wine Roads” is a guide for tourists who areinterestedin discovering the area and in tasting high qualitywines.