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Caixa Trabalhador 3.24.0
Caixa Econômica Federal
Utilizando o aplicativo CAIXA Trabalhador você tem acessoainformações dos benefícios ao trabalhador de maneira fácil,práticae rápida. Compartilhe essa ideia! As informações que vocêprecisasaber sobre Seguro-Desemprego e Abono Salarial estãonesseaplicativo desenvolvido especialmente para você pela CAIXA.Comapenas alguns toques, você visualiza a situação dos seusbenefíciose as informações de pagamento. Deseja simular o valorprovável derecebimento do seu Abono Salarial? Use a Calculadora doAbono.Temno App! Para conferir a data correta de recebimento do seuAbono,acesse o calendário disponível no ícone Informações AbonoSalarial.As informações do seu NIS podem ser visualizadas ecompartilhadascom os aplicativos do seu celular. Assim, sempre queo empregadorsolicitar o comprovante do seu NIS você terá acesso aele na palmade suas mãos. O aplicativo também reúne as perguntasmaisfrequentes sobre cada benefício para que você não tenhadúvidas,use o menu de Ajuda que preparamos pra você! Com tudo napalma damão, você fica mais seguro e informado! Aproveite!
EMSPIS 0.0.1
Niems IT Team
App EMSPUBLICINFOMATIONทำให้ข้อมูลทั้งหมดสำหรับกรณีฉุกเฉินอุบัติเหตุที่เกิดขึ้นในประเทศไทยข่าวเหตุการณ์ ต่าง ๆ อยู่ในมือคุณพร้อมสำหรับรับเหตุ และทันทุกข่าวทุกวันผ่านมือถือที่คุณใช้งานคุณสมบัติ:- ง่ายต่อการใช้ภาษาไทย-ทำตามเหตุฉุกเฉินเกิดขึ้นทุกวันในประเทศไทยจากระบบของเราที่ครอบคลุมทุกเครือข่ายของโรงพยาบาลในประเทศไทยและทีมงานEMSทั่วไทย-สามารถเขียนบันทึก,ส่งภาพถ่ายที่ส่งวิดีโอหรือเสียงส่งไปยังระบบของเราApp EMSPUBLICINFOMATIONall data for emergencies. The accident happened inthenews eventsin your hand for some reason. And on all the newseveryday on thephone you use.Features:- Easy to use Thailand.- Follow emergencies happen every day in the UK from ournetworkthatcovers all of the hospitals in Canada and the teamEMSinThailand.- You can write notes, send photos, video or audio is senttooursystem.
국회랭킹 1.36
국회의정종합모니터 전문단체인 '법률소비자연맹'이 제19대 국회 4년동안국회의원의의정활동에 대해 13개 항목으로 계량화하고 정밀/분석/평가한, ‘제19대국회 종합 의정활동평가 결과’를 앱으로만들었다.국민의 대표기관인 국회의원이 얼마나 충실한 의정활동을 하는지를 계량화하여 제대로 분석ㆍ평가하는 것은 유권자인국민의권리이자 의무이다.국민의 대표들이 얼마나 성실하고 충실하게 의정활동을 하고 있는지를 국회 회의출석, 법안 발의,국정감사,대정부질문등대정부통제기능 수행,예산통제(예결활동)수행활동 등 13개 평가분야로 나누어서 조사하고 이를 최대한 계량화 하고,정량평가와 정성평가를 병행하여 공천기준등국회의정활동 종합평가의 자료로 활용하는데 있다.#국회 #국회랭킹 #국회의원 #의원 #투표 #선거 #19대 #제19대 #20대 #제20대Parliamentlegislativeoverall monitor professional organization called the lawConsumersUnion, the 19th National Assembly quantified with 13entries forthe legislative activities of the National Assembly forfour years,and precision / analysis / evaluation, "the 19 AssemblyGeneralAssembly activities evaluation ' made by app.It is to quantify how much the nationalrepresentativeorganization, the National Assembly regular sessionof the faithfulto analyze and evaluate properly the rights andobligations of thenational electorate.How faithful representatives of the people and faithfullyattendedthe regular session of the National Assembly meeting thatthelegislation initiative, parliamentary audit, such asinterpellationinterpellation perform control functions, budgetcontrol(yegyeolActivities) carried out research activities, divided into 13areasevaluated and quantify them as much as possible, and is toserve asdata for quantitative evaluation and qualitativeevaluationparallel to the nomination criteria parliamentarylegislativeactivity assessment.Congressional lawmakers ranking # # # # Congressionallawmakersvoted # # election # 19 # 20 # 19 # the first 20