10 Похожие Moj Kalkulator

Graphing Calculator + Math PRO 2023.07.165
Mathlab Apps, LLC
Graphing calculator with algebra. Essential tool for schoolandcollege.
Percentage Calculator app 1.1
Percentage calculator is a free appthatallowsyou to:- calculate a percent- calculate a percent change- add a percetage- subtract a percentage
Calculator 1.1
Damian Muca Hoymm
Calculator works as normal on portrait,andasscientific on landscape mode. When on scientificmode,containsmany useful math functions.
Solid Geometry Calculator 2.3
Solid Geometry Calculator is made for education purpose, whichtohelp student understand and memorize the formula of SolidGeometry.You just need to type in the known values like diameter,length,width, height, then the app will calculate automaticallytheVolume, Surface Area, Lateral Area of the figure. Enrichedwithformulas and drawings, so students can learn while memorizing:-Formula of Cylinder / Tube Volume & Surface Area - FormulaofCube Volume & Surface Area - Formula of RectangularPrismVolume & Surface Area - Formula of Sphere Volume &SurfaceArea - Formula of Cone Volume & Surface Area - FormulaofPrisms Volume & Surface Area - Formula of Pyramid Volume&Surface Area This application can also help teachers to checktheanswers of their students, whether it is right or wrong. Thisappis made to ease the calculation as simple as it can, you onlyneedto type in the value of diameter if you don't know the radius,evenyou don't need to type in the slant height of cone as long asyoutype in the height. This Solid Geometry Calculatorwillautomatically calculate the volume, surface area and lateralareaof the figure. I hope this app will be helpful for studentswhowant to study solid geometry. If there is any suggestion tomakethis app even better, please email me graceonlyby@gmail.com.Noneed to leave bad rating just to make your suggestion noticed.Iwill try to improve this app to be more and more helpfulforstudying Geometry
Kalkulator szkolny 1.0.6
Makalu Media
The only calculator that besides the result will show you theentireprocess of problem solving
Kalkulator Energi
Erwandy - Tactoo, Inc
--Indonesian--Kalkulator Energi adalah aplikasi berbasis androidyangdidalamnyaterdapat fitur-fitur menarik seperti:perhitunganenergifisikadasar (Energi kinetik, Energi potensial, EnergiMekanik,Energipanas dan Energi Listrik), kamus fisika , latihansoal-soalfisikadasar dan materi fisika dasar.Apliaksi ini sangatcocok untuksiswayang sedang menempuh pendidikan di tingkat SMP danSMAterutamayang sedang mempelajari tentang energi fisikadasar.Kunjungi halaman facebook kami:https://www.facebook.com/Kalkulatorenergi--English--Energy Calculator is based android application in whichthereareinteresting features such as: calculation of the basicphysicsofenergy (kinetic energy, potential energy,mechanicalenergy,thermal energy and Electrical Energy), adictionary ofphysics,practice questions of fundamental physics andbasic physicsofmatter.This application is suitable for students whoarestudyingin junior high and high school who are studyingprimarilyon thebasic physics of energy.Visit our Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/KalkulatorenergiYang BaruV 1.1.2-Logo dan Ikon Baru-Desain Yang lebih bagus-Perbaikan Font-Bugs Fixed-Terhubung dengan halaman facebook kami.V 1.1.3-Perbaikan Pengalaman Pengguna- Indonesian -Energy Calculator is a android based application in whichthereareinteresting features such as: calculation of the basicphysicsofenergy (kinetic energy, potential energy,mechanicalenergy,thermal energy and Electrical Energy), adictionary ofphysics,practice questions of fundamental physics andbasic physicsofmatter. apliaksi is suitable for students who arestudyinginjunior high and high school who are studying primarily onthebasicphysics of energy.Visit our facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/Kalkulatorenergi- English -Energy Calculator is based android application in the whichthereareinteresting features such as: calculation of the basicphysicsofenergy (kinetic energy, potential energy, mechanicalenergy,thermalenergy and Electrical Energy), a dictionary ofphysics,practicequestions of fundamental physics and basic physicsofmatter.Thisapplication is suitable for students who arestudyingin junior highand high school who are studying primarilyon thebasic physics ofenergy.Visit our Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/KalkulatorenergiWhat's NewV 1.1.2-Logo and New IconsThe better-Design-Repair Font-Bugs Fixed-Connect with our facebook page.V 1.1.3-User Experience Improvements
Calculator 1.0
EmeraldLake Studio
If you are looking for simple and easytousecalculator this application is for you!
Geometry. Calculator 1.0
The application includes the standard model figures and solids.Thisallows to calculate the basic parameters of the figures andsolids.
Kalkulator 3D 1.0
Pesantren Programmer
Aplikasi kalkulator 3D adalahkalkulatoryangberfungsi umtuk menghitung luas dan volume bangunruang.Dalamaplikasi ini terdapat empat jenis bangun ruang yaitu:Kubus,Balok,Kerucut dan Bola.
Division(remainder)Calculator 0.6.2
Cc Inc
Specialized calculator with the "'division' button" !