12 Похожие Deodex Checker

GravityBox Unlocker 1.9.0
Ceco Apps
A donation package for GravityBox Xposed module
Greenify (Donation Package) 2.3
Oasis Feng
Support the developer and activate powerful experimental featuresinGreenify.
ROM Toolbox Pro 6.6.0(6511)
Maple Media
ROM Toolbox is THE MUST HAVE APP for every root user.
Xposed Additions Pro 1.0.1
This is an Pro Extension to XposedAdditionswhich will add more features to the module. You will beable toassign even more actions to each button, launchapplications,blacklist application in rotation settings, TaskerTask Launch andmore.NoteYou need to have the regular Xposed Additions packageinstalledin order to use thisUnlocked FeaturesDouble/Triple EventsCombo EventsShortcut LaunchApplication Launch on Key ActionApplication Specific Re-mappingApplication blacklist option in rotation settingsTasker Task Launch
App2SD Pro: All in One Tool [R 16
Vicky Bonick
App2SD/Link2SD is all in one tool to manage your device and linkappto SD card
Multiple Users (Xposed mod) 0.94.140313
Droid Mate
Enable multiple users/multiple profilesxposedmod on phoneRequirements- Android 4.2+ running on AOSP ROM- Xposed FrameworkPlease reboot your phone after enable this mod.Tablet already supports multiple usersKnow issue:- Phone app does not work on new created users- Work with AOSP keyguard onlyDiscussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=50965784
Xposed On/Off Toggle 1.0.20140419a
Mindfeed Labs
Thanks for your generous support! Pleasesendme suggestions on what you'd like to see in the paid app, Iamkeeping a list of things to implement in updates, in aprioritybased on user feedback.Requires ROOT & REBOOT to disable Xposed.:|[ REBOOT DISCLAIMER ]|:*Always* close important apps & docs before proceeding,toprevent data loss. Please cancel if you do not agree atthistime.|[ USAGE ]|:So your favorite app doesn't work when Xposed is installed?This workaround reboots your device and temporarilydisablesXposed, so you can run your app without completelyuninstallingXposed.Ordinarily to retain module configurations, you'd need to gointoXposed Installer and uncheck every module then reboot. Doingit wastedious, I was constantly doing that to play Puzzle &Dragons.So I figured out how to save and revert Xposedmodules'configurations and made this app to simplify it all into1-click.Then I polished it up for you.:|[ RE-ENABLING XPOSED ]|:Launch this app again to revert & reboot.*Thank you* for supporting me as a developer. Enjoy!
Xposed LED Control Unlock Key 1.0
Requires Xposed Framework and XposedLEDControl module!This is an unlock key for Xposed LED Control, it unlockstheability to set the color for more than 5 apps.Module details here: http://repo.xposed.info/module/com.mohammadag.xposedledcontrolAdvantages over other apps that don't use Xposed:• Select any color you want, or type in a hex code, as long asyourhardware supports it, it works.• Lower memory usage, no services running in background.• Doesn't require Android 4.3+ or an accessibility service,allowingyou to have more services for other apps (e.gTasker).• Won't get killed by Android since it runs within Android.• Works with all notifications, including ongoing ones.• Compatible with all Android versions from 4.0.3 to 4.4.2.
XNotifications License 1.3
This is the license for XNotifications application,nottheapplication itself. You must have Xposed frameworkinstalledforXNotifications to work. The license unlocks allXNotificationsprofeatures. XNotifications is an Xposed module thatlets youcontrolnotifications behavior in many aspects.XNotifications has 2modes- basic (free) and pro (fully functionalfor 10 days). Thebasicmode lets you (all is configurable): ☆ Makeallnotificationsclearable ☆ Make all notifications expandable☆Automaticallyexpand all notifications XNotifications promode(fully functionalfor a 10 days period) adds the followingoptions:System-wideoptions: ☆ Enable / disable heads-up globally oron aper-app basis(requires Lollipop and above) ☆ Changeheads-upduration (requiresLollipop and above) ☆ Change heads-upopacity(requires Lollipopand above) ☆ Show / hide notificationsiconsglobally or on aper-app basis (requires Lollipop and above) ☆Setquiet-hoursglobally or on a per-app basis (requires Lollipopandabove)Notifications rules: Lets you create rule based onanycombinationof: Notifying app, notification title,notificationticker andnotification text. Notification rules letsyou apply thefollowingactions on notifications: ☆ Hide / Show oncebetweendevice boots ☆Hide notification icon (requires Lollipop andabove)☆ Hidenotification ticker, title and / or content ☆ Selectwhethertomute the notification or apply default / custom soundforthenotification ☆ Select whether to disable orenablenotificationvibration Specific applications hooks:Addsspecificfunctionalities to specific apps. additional hooks willbeadded inthe next versions. Currently available: ☆ Mark as readforWhatsapp- lets you mark Whatsapp conversations as readdirectlyfrom thenotification ☆ Quick reply for Whatsapp - lets yousendquickreplies directly from Whatsapp notifications☆Ungroupnotifications by contact ☆ Mark as read for Hangouts -letsyoumark Hangouts conversations as read directly fromthenotification☆ Mark as read for Google Messenger - lets youmarkmessages asread directly from the notificationNotificationscontext menu onlong-click (requires Lollipop andabove): ☆ Clearpersistentnotifications ☆ Snooze notifications for acustomizableperiod ☆Mute or hide notifications for a customizableperiod oruntil nextdevice boot ☆ Create a notification rule basedfromthenotification For any questions, suggestions orissuespleasecontact us at Taptigo.Dev@gmail.com
Material Power Menu 2.0
Naman Dwivedi
*Requires Root to actually reboot*
Fly Tweaks 2.0 beta
Различные твики для Fly IQ 440.Подойдет на все прошивки(Android 4.0.4 , Android 4.1.1 ,Android4.1.2 , LewaOS , MIUI OS , BAIDU OS) .Вот только смена локскрина будет работать только на офф прошивках,или на кастомных , которые были основаны на офф прошивках.Тоестьна портах смена локскрина не будет работать.Нужен ROOT!Смена локскрина(для FlyIq440)Смена локскрина работает только на офф прошивках и основанных наоффпрошивках кастомах(не важно ODEX или DEODEX).Ускорение поиска спутников для GPS(поддержка России , Белоруссии , Украины)Запуск ogbatterymod для тех , у кого не появился пункт вменюНастройки->экран (не нужен рут доступ)Удаление статистики использования батареи(Настройки-Батарея)Запуск инженерного меню (не нужен рут доступ)Маскировка телефона под Samsung galaxy s2 для маркета.Добавлена возможность отключения и включения звука затвора камерывовремя съемкe.Добавлена возможность прошивания с /sdcard/recovery.img(киньтевsdcard нужное recovery.img) .После прошивки телефонавтоматически перезагрузится в recovery.Добавлена возможность прошить logo.bin из/sdcard/logo.bin(логотиппри загрузке)Логотипы искать тут(дял 440ого, для других устройств ищите всвоейтеме) , либо сделать самомуДобавлена возможность установки любого цифровогозначениялокскрина.Для Fly iq 440 это значения (1 или 2,403)Для Fly iq 256 это значения (1 и 2)Для других телефонов спросите у себя в теме или выложитемнеframework/android.policy.jar и framework-res.apkИзменена тема оформления на белуюДобавлена возможность сменить раздел памяти, которыймонтируетпрограмма как system(для адекватной работы приложения)(какразделsystemмонтируется у вас вы можете узнать в темесвоеготелефона)Возможность настройки макс громкости до 155 (как в инж меню) ификсуровней громкости.(только для Fly IQ 440!)(работает на всех прошивках)Возможность сбросить уровни громкости до стандартныхБэкап и восстановление mac address wifi(мак адрес вафли)Бэкап и восстановление ImeiПерезагрузка в recoveryПрошивка boot.img из /sdcard/boot.imgВозможность смены imei на свои значенияПосле выполнения каких либо функций в программе теперьбудетвыводиться сообщение об успехе ("Готово")Varioustweaks for Fly IQ 440.Suitable for all firmware (Android 4.0.4, Android 4.1.1,Android4.1.2, LewaOS, MIUI OS, BAIDU OS).That's just a change of lokskrina will only work on firmware off,orcustom, which were based on off proshivkah.To have to changetheports lokskrina will not run.Need ROOT!Change lokskrina (for FlyIq440)Change lokskrina only works on firmware and off based offkastomovfirmware (no matter ODEX or DEODEX).Speeding the search for GPS satellites(Support of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine)Starting ogbatterymod for those who do not appear in the menuitemSettings-> Display (Root access is not needed)Removing the battery usage statistics (Settings-Battery)Running engineering menu (Root access is not needed)Masking phone by Samsung galaxy s2 for market.Added option to turn off and turn on the camera shutter soundduringsemke.Allowed flashing with /sdcard/recovery.img(kinte in sdcardrightrecovery.img) .After firmware phoneautomatically reboot into recovery.Added the ability to flash logo.bin of/sdcard/logo.bin(logotipboot)The logos look here (dyal 440th, look for other devices inyourtheme), or do it yourselfAdded ability to set any numerical value lokskrina.To Fly iq 440 is the value (1 or 2,403)To Fly iq 256 are values ​​(1 and 2)For other phones ask yourself in the subject line or lay outmyframework / android.policy.jar and framework-res.apkChanged the default theme on whiteAdded the ability to change the section of memory that theprograminstalls as a system (for adequate application) (assectionsystemmontiruetsya you you can learn in the subject line ofyourphone)Ability to customize the max volume to 155 (as in theUtilitiesmenu) and fix the volume level. (Only for Fly IQ440!)(It works on all firmware versions)The ability to reset the volume levels up to standardBackup and restore mac address wifi (MAC address waffles)Backup and restore ImeiReboot into recoveryFirmware boot.img of /sdcard/boot.imgAbility to change imei to their valuesAfter performing any functions in the program will now bedisplayedsuccess message ("Done")
Xposed Call Blocker Unlock Key 1.0
Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh
Requires Xposed Framework (ROOT) and Xposed Call Blocker Thisisonlya key! A trial version is available here, please confirmitworksbeforebuyingthis:http://repo.xposed.info/module/com.mohammadag.xposedcallblockerXposedCallBlocker is a call blocker implemented on the lowestcommonuserspacelevel. This means that it's better than any otherapp atblockingcalls without diverting them through the network.Otheradvantagesinclude minimal RAM usage, since there's noservicecontinuouslyrunning in the background. Features: * Blockincomingcalls on aper-number basis. * Internal call log thatstores whichcalls wereblocked. * No notifications when a call isblocked,unlike OEMimplementations, this allows you to have acompletelysilent block. *Block outgoing calls to the numbersspecified above.* Block callsfrom private numbers. * Low RAMusage. Tested on (allrunning lateststock ROMs) * Samsung GalaxyNote 3. * Sony Xperia Z1* Nexus 5