19 Похожие aTides - unsupported

DSS (Deprecated)
Deeper, UAB
This is an older Deeper App. Use FishDeeper App instead.
SonarPhone by Vexilar 4.0.6_230423
Vexilar, Inc.
Now you can turn your phone or tablet into a powerful touchscreenfish finder.
Fishing Points - Fishing App 4.0.3
Fishing Points d.o.o.
Uncover best fishing times and angler spots using maps, tide&weather forecast.
Raymarine Wi-Fish 0.6.26
• The Enhanced Wi-Fish™ mobile appwithaugmented reality Wi-Fish™ targets your favorite hunting areaswithaugmented viewing technology ‘Go-2-Fish’ view• Arrive at your fishing destination and open Wi-Fish™ andselectthe target waypoint where you want to target fish• Power toward the fish target using the Field of view targetfinderand augmented view; you simply ‘point and shoot’ towardsyourhunting zone and distance count downs as you approachyourtarget• Target guide arrows, to keep you on track when target is notinyour field of view• View the fish on the Dragonfly or connected Wi-Fish™ sonarview;then cast your line and bring in those fish• Waypoint sync and editing at home, with additional map view toseeall your waypoints• Go-2-Fish augmented targeting, guides you towards the zone, soyoucan focus on catching fish, rather than looking for them!• Enhanced augmented reality Dual sonar Channel RaymarineWi-Fish™mobile app (Requires the latest Dragonfly firmware V12.10forwaypoint synchronization)• Note: Minimum requirements, Android 4.0; this applicationcanstill be used with the Wi-Fish, Black box CHIRP DownVision™sonarmodule, but will automatically configure to display theDownVision™sonar only & will have no waypointsynchronizationExisting features remain, the application transforms yoursmartphoneinto a powerful Dual Channel CHIRP conical andDownVision™sonar:• Anglers can stream Dragonfly Pro Dual Channel CHIRP sonardataright to their smartphone and tablet with the RaymarineWi-Fish™mobile app• The Wi-Fish™ mobile application displays both Dragonflyconicalsonar and our award DownVision™ technology, to put crystalclearphoto-like fish images, right in the palm of your hand• You can independently Pause, Zoom, Rewind and capture sonarimagesto share online with friends• Raymarine’s Wi-Fish™ unique view switcher, allows userstoseamlessly display both CHIRP Downvision™ & Conical Sonarorcombine these onto a powerful split screen view.• For the first time, you have the power to Pause, Zoom,Rewindmultiple sonar data on multiple smartphones andtablets,independent on what is shown on the Dragonfly 4, 5 or 7Pro.• Imagine a scenario of navigating to your fishing hotspot withtheDragonfly Pro, whilst simultaneously having the power todisplayCHIRP conical sonar on your phone and rewinding DownVision™sonaron your tablet• Powerful Multi-screen CHIRP Sonar technology withRaymarine’sunique view switcher, gives the fish nowhere tohide!
Tankenmaru SMART 1.0.2
本アプリは、ワイヤレス魚探アプリ「TankenmaruSMART」です。(無料)魚探とは、魚群や水底の地形を探知し、その様子を確認することができます。アプリ対応の探見丸親機搭載の遊漁船やTankenmaruSMARTFISHFINDER(探見丸スマートフィッシュファインダー)で使用できます。探見丸とは、親機魚探からの魚探映像を無前でキャッチし、手元で魚探映像を見ることができる画期的なシステムです。■アプリ対応の探見丸親機搭載船情報・・・http://fishing.shimano.co.jp/fishing_info/tanken_shipinfo/■TankenmaruSMARTFISHFINDER(探見丸スマートフィッシュファインダー)製品説明・・・http://fishing.shimano.co.jp/product/reel/3834 TankenmaruSMARTFISHFINDERの特徴は、小型ワイヤレス魚探です。小型で持ち運びが便利で、活躍できる釣種が豊富。ワカサギ、波止、ボート、カセ、筏、バス、磯、へらなど。探知可能水深は70m。【主な機能】■魚探機能・水深の表示・水底、魚の位置が一目でわかります・アキュフィッシュ(魚のサイズがわかります)※1 ただし、親機がアキュフィッシュ対応製品に限ります。・おさかなマーク(魚のサイズ表示はありません)※2・魚群通知(アラーム/バイブ)・水温の表示(水面温度)※2■魚探画面保存(動画/静止画) ■カメラ機能■匹数カウンタ機能※電動リールとの無線通信機能はございません。※1 アプリ対応の探見丸親機搭載船のみ ※2 TankenmaruSMARTFISHFINDER(探見丸スマートフィッシュファインダー)のみhttp://fishing.shimano.co.jp/tool/tankenmaru_smart/index.html
Fisher 4.10
Fisher - your successful fishing.
Fishingspace 1.1.9
Приложение Fishingspace - это социальнаясетьрыбаков в вашем телефоне!Рыбалка - увлечение многих. Присоединяйтесь к рыбакамРоссии,Украины, Беларуси, Германии, Израиля, Латвии, Молдавии,Казахстана,Болгарии, Узбекистана, Германии, ОАЭ и других стран!Общайтесь и обменивайтесь опытом с друзьями и коллегамипоувлечению в любое время и в любом месте. Пользуйтесь картойглубинводоемов и отмечайте точки вокруг себя!Fishingspace - победитель в номинации лучший информационныйресурспо версии выставки «Охота и рыболовство на Руси 2015»,ВДНХМосква.Приложение Fishingspace простое и очень удобное дляобщения,кроме этого в нем нет рекламы.В приложении вы можете:- обмениваться сообщениями и делиться фотографиями;- подписываться и следить за новостями других рыбаков, компанийирыболовных сообществ;- смотреть, оценивать и комментировать самые интересныеотчетыдругих рыбаков;- писать личные сообщения другим пользователям;- видеть на карте глубины водоемов и добавлять новые;- искать в ленте по сообщениям и отчетам.Формат социальной сети позволяет участникам свободноразмещатьотчеты о рыбалке, обзоры снастей, водоемов, магазинов ирыболовныхбаз, новости компаний и форумов. Поэтому в своей ленте выможетеувидеть новости и отчеты от журнала «Рыбачьте с нами»,многихкомпаний из мира рыбалки (Normark, Aiko, Minenko,Salmo,Spinningline и другие), а также известных форумов и сообществорыбалке (Rusfishing, Fion, Мой Хопёр, Fishingclub.by,Рнарод,Альпийская Деревня) и многих других.С помощью мобильного приложения Fishingspace общение сдругимирыбаками стало максимально простым и удобным! Будьте насвязи домаи на рыбалке, оперативно узнавайте ситуацию с клевомнаинтересующем Вас водоеме, читайте новости различныхрыболовныхфорумов прямо со своего планшета или смартфона!Посетите наш официальный сайт fishingspace.com, чтобыпервымиузнавать о всех новых "фишках" в нашей соцсети.Сообщения о проблемах, вопросы и пожеланияотносительноприложения присылайте на почту info@fishingspace.comAppendix Fishingspace -asocial network of fishermen in your phone!Fishing - hobby of many. Join fishermen in Russia,Ukraine,Belarus, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Moldova, Kazakhstan,Bulgaria,Uzbekistan, Germany, UAE and other countries!Communicate and share experiences with friends and colleaguesonhobby anytime, anywhere. Use the map and note the depth ofthewater points around you!Fishingspace - winner of the best resource for information ontheversion of the exhibition "Hunting and fishing in Russia2015",Moscow Exhibition Center.Appendix Fishingspace simple and very convenientforcommunication, besides there is no advertising.Within the app you can:- To exchange messages and share photos;- Subscribe to and watch news other fishermen, fishing companiesandcommunities;- Watch, rate and comment the most interesting reports fromotherfishermen;- To write private messages to other users;- See on the map the depth of ponds and add new ones;- Look at the tape of messages and reports.The format of the social network allows participants tofreelypost reports about fishing gear reviews, ponds, shoppingandfishing bases, company news and forums. Therefore, in yourfeed,you can see the news and reports from the magazine "Fishingwithus," many companies from the world of fishing (Normark,Aiko,Minenko, Salmo, Spinningline and others), as well aswell-knownforums and communities about fishing (Rusfishing, Fion,My Hopper,Fishingclub.by, Rnarod, Alpine Village) and manyothers.With the mobile application Fishingspace chat withotherfishermen was as simple and convenient! Stay connected at homeandon a fishing trip, the situation quickly learn to nibble on youareinterested in a pond, read the news of various fishingforumsdirectly from your tablet or smartphone!Visit our official website fishingspace.com, be the firsttolearn about all the new "chip" in our social networks.Bug reports, questions and suggestions regarding theapplicationsend e info@fishingspace.com
Fish Logger Lite 2.2.3
936 Media
Fish Logger Lite for Android allows youtoquickly and easily document your fishing trips on yourAndroidpowered device. Fish Logger is the most feature rich Androidfishlogging application on the market. It is also the mostextensivelydocumented and most regularly updated app available.It's theultimate fishing tracker!A detailed user guide is available at: www.logyourcatch.comTry it for free today!If you like this app and would like to remove the ads,pleaseconsider purchasing Fish Logger Pro from the AndroidMarket.Fish Logging- Track the fisherman, fish species, bait, length, weight andaphoto of each fish caught.- Record additional details for each catch in the notesfield.- Automatically records the date, time and location ofeachcatch.- Utilizes GPS satellites for accurate position data.- Automatically includes the current weather conditions foreverycatch.- Plots each catch on a Google Map.- Choose from either map or satellite view.- Display up to 9 previous trips on the map at one time tovisualizecatch patterns.- Supports metric and US standard units of measure.Edit Logged Fish- Make a mistake while logging a catch? No problem!- Edit all catch details for each catch at any time.- Select a different catch photo from the Gallery.Save Time on the Water- Set up your data before the fishing trip.- Preset bait, fisherman, waterways, fish and trips.- Select data from simple drop down lists when logging a catch.Data Security- Back up your data to the SD card.- Optionally copy it to your PC for safe keeping.Data Exports- Export all of your catch data as a spreadsheet.- Export all catch data as a KML file and open it inGoogleEarth.Moon Phase- Includes a moon phase (solunar) calendar that shows the moonphasefor your location.Weather Forecast- Check the current conditions and the weather forecast foryourupcoming trip!- Weather includes location, condition, wind speed anddirection,pressure, humidity and visibility.- Displays the current sunrise and sunset times.- Contains a 5 day weather forecast.Bait Details- Include bait type, make, model, length, weight, color and aphotoof the bait.Trip Details- Includes the trip date, fishermen on the trip, water clarityandgeneric trip notes.Trip Reports- View detailed trip reports for every fishing trip.- Trip reports include all data collected during the trip.- Click to display a full size photo of every fish caught.- Catches by Bait Report- Catches by Angler Report- Catches by Species Report- Catches by Trip Report- Send any trip via email to a friend.- Send a nicely formatted trip report by email that includesallfish caught on a trip.User Interface- Simple, modern user interface.- Highly contrasting colors for excellent visibility indirectsunlight.Visit us on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fish-Logger/313379945363335Add us to your circle on Google+:http://plus.google.com/108274128064734115012Permissions:INTERNET - Download Google Map data, downloadweatherinformation.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Download Google Map data, downloadweatherinformation.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Store Catch photos to the SD card.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - Provide accurate GPS location formarkingfish catches.Coming soon:- Enhanced GPS navigation for use on rivers, lakes and theocean(saltwater).- Setup waypoints and navigate back to them.- Display waypoint location, bearing, time to arrival, distanceandspeed.- Fish finder tool.- Enhanced fishing log book for use by tournament andrecreationalfisherman alike.- Keep a detailed fishing journal.- This app will become your electronic fishin' buddyandcompanion.- Mobile fishing advisor to help you chose the correct lureandtackle.- Support for additional species: perch, smallmouth bass,largemouthbass, walleye, striped bass, trout, salmon, northernpike, muskie(musky), catfish, crappie, drum, gar, sauger,bluegill, rock bass,carp, sunfish.
SMC(Smart Camera) 3.4
Salix Technology Co., Ltd.
You canremotepreview/record/playback/settingour SMC(Smart Camera) onyourAndroid device.You can remotepreview/record / playback / setting our SMC (Smart Camera) onyourAndroiddevice.
Fishing Guide - Angel App von Anglern für Angler 3.2
Tobias Schöning
Endlich hat die lange Suche ein Ende! Ob Brandung, TeichoderKutter: Mit der Angel App "Fishing Guide" finden Sie jetztimmerschnell und bequem Ihren nächsten Angel-Spot. Das Beste daran:Siehaben direkt auch alle weiteren wichtigen undnützlichenInformationen auf einen Blick. Wie zum Beispiel:-Informationenüber Bestände -Kartenausgabestellen-Behindertentauglichkeit derAnlagen -wichtige Hinweise undBeschränkungen -Öffnungszeiten-einen perfekten Blick aus derVogelperspektive So sind Sie vor undwährend jedes Angeltripsbestens informiert und ausgerüstet. OderSie nutzen die Möglichkeitmit dem Fishing Guide, einfach undbequem neue Angel-Spots für dasnächste Abenteuer zu entdecken.Egal on Sie Teischanlagen befischenmöchten, Angeln am Strand ander Ostsee sowie Nordsee. SelbstBootsangeln auf der Hochsee odernahe der Küste mit einemAngelkutter oder ein selbst gemietetesAngelboot. Finden Sie ganzeinfach die nächste Möglichkeit in IhrerNähe zum Hochseeangeln oderden nächsten Bootsverleig /Bootsvermeitung. Der Angel-Spot an demSie gerade fischen, istnicht auf der Karte verzeichnet? Nutzen Siedie Möglichkeit mittelsGPS, über den Button"NEUER PLATZ" ein neuesGewässer zum FishingGuide hinzuzufügen. Wenn Sie einen entferntenAngelplatz zumFishing Guide hinzufügen wollen, können Sie dies auchdurch eingedrückthalten der Karte am jeweiligen Ort machen.Anschließendöffnet sich ein Dialog. Mit einem Klick auf weiter,können dann dierestlichen Informationen eingetragen werden. NachÜberprüfung wirddas hinzugefügte Gewässer im Fishing Guidefreigegeben. Wenn Siegerade einen schönen Fisch gefangen haben,können Sie dieKamerafunktion im Fishing Guide aktivieren und einFoto in dieGalerie hochladen. Selbstverständlich können Sie auchein schonvorhandenes Bild vom Handy auswählen und hochladen. Siewollen dieNutzung weiterer toller Zusatzfunktionen wie z.B. dieAnzeige vonKartenpreisen und eine Routenfunktion genießen? Dannschauen Siesich auch gerne die Premium-Version des Fishing Guidean. Holen Siesich jetzt die Angler App Fishing Guide! Von Anglernfür Angler!
Precision Trolling Data 5.5
Precision Trolling Data App
Dubbed “Troller’s Bible” by the tens of thousands of anglers whousethis info
FishFinderFlorida 1.9
SaltWater Edition:Helps you Find Florida's Bait & Tackle, FishingPiers,BoatRamps, Fishing Holes, Fishing Charters,Dock Access.Fish Images, (Basic Regulations) Know how to measure thefish?Shownon diagram with each Fish Image.Compass With Bearing, Heading, Distance and your Speed. ThisisaMust Have App. For any Fishermen!Florida's Fishing regulation Information, isupdatedregularly.Tap each list for Info and tap again for directions ,compassandimages. also with images you can turn phone soimageislarger.We Hope, We can help you Catch your Big ONE!TAGS: fishing,bait and tackle,bait and tackleFlorida,fishingholes, boat ramps,fish,dockaccess,baitshops,compass,DroidFlorida's fishing buddy, FishingBuddy,Compass,Fishing, Boat Ramp,Ramps, Bait,Tackle, Charters,Fish, Fish Image,fish Images, Sport,Fish Finder, Fish Id,Regulations, FishRegulations,FloridaRegulations, Florida FishRegulations, Sizes,measuring tips, Dockaccess, Seasons, FishSeasons, Sportfishing,Fish Sizes, FloridaVisitor, Visiting Florida,Water FrontRestaurants, compass , GPS,FishOn, Fish On, bait shopsfl, boatramps Florida,Florida fishing,HotelsWithDockAccessDISCLAIMER: We attempt to provide fishing regulationsingoodfaith, but it is a daunting task to remain current withFlfishregulations for they update regularly and unnoticed, allthoughwehope to have the most updated regulations from FWCthefloridawildlife comission. Do not rely on the regulationspostedhere. Wecan not be held liable for any damages from yourrelianceon them.If you notice any inconsistencies, please contactusatcaptian@fishfinderfl.com.Also please consider: You must wait at least one minute toclickanoption because for some reason the GPS will not catchuprightaway.BUT I am working on this and soon there will beHugeUpdates,(all FREE) with major improvements, now that I havegottensomeserious schooling in computer programming. Keep in mind Iamamason with a good idea and I taught myself everything youseehere.I just want to encourage anyone with an idea to try andfigureouthow to code by yourself, I lost a lot of money trying togetitsomeone to do it for me and I still couldn't figure out allofitso I did go to school for two years and now I am ready togiveyoumy best App yet! God Bless & Have a great Day! If youhaveanyquestions or complaints or even suggestions please feelfreetocontact me with Anything. lorberdeveloping@me.comThis is a Must Have App. For any Fishermen!Florida's Fishing regulation Information, isupdatedregularly.Tap each list for Info and tap again for directions ,compassandimages. also with images you can turn phone soimageislarger.We Hope, We can help you Catch your Big ONE!
Time2Fish 4.1
Bad Daddy Apps
Time2Fish is the premier Android appforgettingthe daily fishing forecast.Uses complex solar, lunar & weather data to calculatethebesttimes to go fishing.Shows monthly/daily/hourly fishing forecasts,sunrise/sunset&moon phase.Allows you to pick locations from a map and evensavethelocations.Great for freshwater & saltwater fishing!
My Fishing Spots 0.0.4
The ultimate fishing spots app that notonlyallows you to easily manage your fishing trips and save spotsbutwill also navigate you to it! That's right the only app onthemarket that will guide you to your destination showing youthebearing and distance to the spot. A must have for openseafishermen.Save your fishing spots from your current location or byprovidingknown latitude and longitude, press on navigate button andoff yougo! This little app will take you to your spot withoutbreaking asweat. No need to spend hundreds of dollars on buyingexpensive GPSequipment, sonar or fish finder download this app toyour androidphone or tablet and off you go!Features:- Save spots from current GPS coordinates- Save spots from known GPS coordinates- Settings allow you switch between distanceunits(kilometers/miles)- Edit created spots- Spot accuracy meter when saving (no bad GPS coordinates!)- View your spot on the map- Navigate mode that will guide you to your spot- Distance to the spot- Bearing to the spot- Map and bearing view in navigate mode- Browse your spots on the map- Tide level graph- Moon phase graphIt doesn't matter what your target species are, Tuna,Bass,Salmon, Trout or Shark this app works for fresh water as wellasfor salt water!Don't wait, download this app and enjoy worry free fishingallyear round!* Note: requires Adobe AIR which wil beinstalledautomatically
Ondřej Brichta
Aplikace pro všechny rybáře nabízí:Unikátní atlas rybRybářský řádRevíry ČRS a MRSLokalizace revírů dle GPS polohyZobrazení revíru pomocí mapyPro výkonější zařízení doporučujeme plnou verziaplikaceSmartCHYTEJ, která obsahuje vlastní mapové podklady,diskuzní forumwww.chytej.cz a další vylepšení.smart chytejPokud jste na cestách u vody a chcete rybařit, stačí sispustitnaší aplikaci a vyhledat si nejbližší revíry patřící podČeskýRybářský Svaz a nebo Moravský Rybářský Svaz. Veškeré novéčlánkywebu chytej si můžete pohodlně zobrazit, určit druhulovenérybyBudte u vody chytri!Mame pro vas pripraveno:Atlas rybRybarsky radClanky z www.chytej.czrybarske reviry CRS a MRSVyhledavani reviru dle GPSPokud jste na cestach u vody a chcete rybarit, staci si spustitnasiaplikaci a vyhledat si nejblizsi reviry patrici pod CeskyRybarskySvaz a nebo Moravsky Rybarsky Svaz. Muzete si snadno urcitdruhulovene ryby dle unikatniho atlasu
Tide Prediction
Simple tide prediction app.
Global Tide 4.2.26
A query software that provides global weather and tide information.
UFindFish 3.10
You can create and track your own fishing Hot Spots .
Tide Guide 5.043
Greg Dickson
Easy to use and configureTidePredictionProgram.No adds or dubious permission requirements, this is truly FREE.Tide Guide calculates the Tides, Sun/Moon rise andsettimes,Lunar phases for any date.Easily select any date past or future with thesimplecalendarwidget.Simply select from 2517 ports.I am sorry but because of legal reasons many portshavebeenremoved.If anyone has legal, free access to harmonics for other portsIwillgladly incorporate them into the program.But if you live in a country where this is not available thentalktoyour countries tidal authority.I have not done much in the way of Help.However the way program works should be pretty obvious.The program uses hot spots on the screen tomovedaysviewed.Check out the menu.Initially there is an overlay to show the hot areas andwhattheydo (this overlay can easily be turned off in thehelpmenu).The code is based on work I started in 1994. I beganusingtheAdmiralty Manual of Tides Australia and adaptedvariousalgorithmsfrom Meus later I have incorporated some ofthealgorithms fromXTide code (basically some code forcalculatingastronomicalarguments). Unlike XTide and it'sderivatives, the codecalculatesall astronomical positions on thefly.It is difficult to know if this makes it more or lessaccurateasthe original calculations for all port constituents havebeenbasedon Almanacs and speeds over a 12 month period.Howevertideprediction without incorporating atmosphericpressurelevelsspecifically can only ever be a guide at best.This program is not for navigation or to be used in anywaywherelife or property is at risk.I wrote this program primarily for myself.If it is useful to you wonderful (then I also wrote this foryou,andwill help you improve your experience with it, if Ican).If the program is not useful just uninstall it it didn'tcostyouanything (I am not really interested inyournegativeopinions).