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Design of Steel Structure - Civil Engineering 6.2
Engineering Apps
* Best civil app for learning and quick revision on DesignofsteelStructure. * All the important topics likecurvatureanalysis,structural analysis, steel calculation, steelstructuresandstructural design can be covered in just a minute pertopic. *Thiscivil app contains all the Design of Steel Structurerelated160topics in 5 chapter in very simple and informativelanguagewithsuitable diagrams which helps Civil Engineering (CE)studentstoscore good marks in exams. * Very Helpful for lastminpreparationfor Exams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviewsforcivilengineering students. *Through the search functionalitywithintheapp one can review any subject related concept instantly.It isthemost useful App for last minute preparations forcivilengineeringstudents. Some of the topics Covered in the ebookappare: 1.Degrees of Freedom and Indeterminacy 2.StaticallyIndeterminateStructures -Direct Stiffness Method 3.MemberStiffness Matrix 4.Coordinates Transformation 5.DisplacementTransformation 6.Assembly of Structure Stiffness Matrix7.Calculation of MemberForces 8. Treatment of Internal Loads9.Treatment of Pins 10.Temperature Effects 11. TemperatureGradient12. Elastic andPlastic Behavior of Steel 13. Moment -CurvatureRelationship in anElastic - Plastic Range 14. Elastic -PlasticBehavior 15. FullyPlastic Section 16. Plastic Hinge 17.Comparisonof Linear Elasticand Plastic Designs 18. Limit StatesDesign 19.Overview of DesignCodes for Plastic Design 20.GeneralElastoplastic Analysis ofStructures 21. Reduced PlasticMomentCapacity Due to ForceInteraction 22. Shear Force 23. ConceptofYield Surface 24. YieldSurface and Plastic Flow Rule 25.Derivationof GeneralElastoplastic Stiffness Matrices 26.ElastoplasticStiffnessMatrices for Sections 27. Stiffness MatrixandElastoplasticAnalysis 28. Use of Computers forElastoplasticAnalysis 29. Effectof Force Interaction on PlasticCollapse 30.Distributed Loads inElastoplastic Analysis 31. TheoremsofPlasticity 32. ContinuousBeams and Frames 33. Application toPortalFrames 34. Calculationof Member Forces at Collapse 35.Introductionof Limit Analysis byLinear Programming 36. LimitAnalysis Theoremsas Constrained 37.General Description of theDiscrete Plane FrameProblem 38. ASimple MATLAB Implementation forStatic Limit Analysis39. A Noteon Optimal Plastic Design of Frames40. Plastic RotationCapacity41. Plastic Rotation Demand 42. Effectof Settlement 43.ModifiedEnd Actions Due to Settlements 44. Effectof HighTemperature 45.Critical Temperature Evaluation inElastoplasticAnalysis 46.Second-Order Effects 47. ServiceabilityLimit StateRequirements48. Ultimate Limit State Requirements 49.IntroductiontoMetallurgy 50. Strengthening structural steels 51.Inclusionsandalloying elements 52. Mechanical properties of steel53.Corrosion54. Corrosion protection to steel structure elements55.Steelstructures subjected to fire 56. Introduction to LimitStateDesign57. Bolted connections 58. Bolts and bolting The DesignofSteelStructures is part of Structural Engineering DesigninCivilEngineering education courses and technology degreeprogramsatvarious universities.
Concrete Technology 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of ConcreteTechnologywhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news& blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material& digitalbookfor Civil & environmental engineering programs&degreecourses. This useful App lists 60 topics withdetailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material,thetopics arelisted in 8 chapters. The app is must have for alltheengineeringscience students & professionals. The appprovidesquickrevision and reference to the important topics likeadetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabusquicklybefore an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning,setreminders, edit thestudy material, add favourite topics, sharethetopics on socialmedia. Use this useful engineering app asyourtutorial, digitalbook, a reference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, projectwork, sharing your views on the blog. Someof thetopics Covered inthe app are: 1. Cement 2. Manufacturingprocess ofcement 3.Chemical composition of Cement 4. Grades ofCement 5.Tests andPhysical Properties of Cement 6. Concrete 7.Admixtures 8.MineralAdmixtures 9. Chemical Admixtures 10. Usage ofAdmixtures11.Introduction to Aggregates 12. AggregateCharacteristics13.Fitness Modulas 14. Maximum size vs. Nominalmaximum sizeofaggregates 15. Adsorption and Moisture content ofaggregates16.Specific gravity, Bulk density and porosity ofaggregates 17.Shapeand Texture of Aggregates 18. Deterioussubstances inaggregates19. Alkali aggregate reactivity 20.Soundness test foraggregates21. Introduction to Workability 22.Factors affectingWorkability23. Measurement of Workability 24.Segregation andbleeding 25.Manufacturing of Concrete 26. Quality ofmixing water27. Water/cement ratio 28. Gel-space ratio 29. Maturityconcept ofconcrete30. Influence of properties of coarse aggregateon strength31.Relation between compressive and Tensile strength32.Acceleratedcuring test 33. Aggregate cement bond strength34.Testing ofhardened concrete 35. Factors affectingcompressivestrength 36.Compressive strength test 37. Flexurestrength test 38.Splittingtest 39. Nondestructive Quality Test 40.Pull out test41.Elasticity 42. Poisson’s ratio 43. Shrinkage 44.Creep 45.Mixdesign 46. Factors affecting Mix design 47. ExamplesofConcreteMix proportioning 48. Durability of Concrete49.Acceptancecriteria for Concrete 50. BIS method of Mixproportioning51. Lightweight aggregate 52. Autoclaved Cellularconcrete 53. Nofinesconcrete 54. High Density concrete 55. Fibrereinforcedconcrete56. Polymer Concrete 57. Polymer Concrete 58.Types ofPolymerconcrete 59. High performance concrete 60.Self-compactingconcreteEach topic is complete with diagrams,equations and otherforms ofgraphical representations for betterlearning andquickunderstanding. Concrete Technology is part ofCivil&environmental engineering education courses andtechnologydegreeprograms of various universities.
Concrete Hub 1.4
Giatec Scientific Inc.
Concrete mix design, dictionary, calculator, knowledgeresources,andmuch more!
Concrete Mix Design IS-10262 4.18
Design concrete mixes and calculates the volume required foryourprojects.
Structural Analysis - II 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of StructuralAnalysiswhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news &blogs onthecourse. Download the App as a reference material &digitalbookfor Civil & environmental engineering programs&degreecourses. This useful App lists 110 topics withdetailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material,thetopics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for alltheengineeringscience students & professionals. The appprovidesquickrevision and reference to the important topics likeadetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabusquicklybefore an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning,setreminders, edit thestudy material, add favourite topics, sharethetopics on socialmedia. Use this useful engineering app asyourtutorial, digitalbook, a reference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, projectwork, sharing your views on the blog. Someof thetopics Covered inthe app are: 1. Development of PlasticAnalysis 2.Interpretationof Stiffness Matrix 3. Truss ElementStiffness Matrix4.Introduction 5. Mohr’s First Theorem (Mohr I) 6.Mohr’sSecondTheorem (Mohr II) 7. Application to DeterminateStructures8.Finding Deflections 9. Application to IndeterminateStructures10.Find the location of the maximum deflection 11.ContinuousBeams:Introduction 12. Analysis of Continuous Beams13.Incorporation ofMoment Due to Reactions 14. Pressure Line duetoPrestressing Force15. METHOD OF CONSISTENT DEFORMATION:BasicConcept 16. Choice ofReleased Structures 17.CompatibilityEquations for General Case18. Vector of kinematicalconditions 19.METHOD OF SLOPE-DEFLECTIONEQUATIONS 20. Computationof Fixed-endMoments 21. THE MOMENTDISTRIBUTION METHOD 22.DISTRIBUTION FACTOR23. STEPS INVOLVED INMOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD24. Strain Energy25. Beams 26. Analysisof two-hinged arch 27.Influence line diagram28. Symmetrical twohinged arch 29.Temperature effect 30. Torqueand thrust force indrilling 31. MODELOF DRILLING 32. Introductionof SuspensionBridges 33. StructuralSystem 34. Design of suspensionbridge 35.Wind-Resistant Design 36.Design of Cable Section 37.FieldMeasurement and Coatings 38.Introduction of Stiffening Girder39.Design of Girder End 40.Fabrication Technology 41.ErectionTechnology 42. All-Hinge ErectionMethod 43.Moment-shearinteraction of longitudinally stiffenedgirders 44.EUROCODE DESIGNPROVISONS 45. FINITE ELEMENT MODELING 46.NON-LINEARFINITE ELEMENTSTUDY 47. Alternative Form ofSlope-deflectionEquations 48. SignConvention 49. Computation ofFixed-end Moments50.Slope-deflection Equations for Special Members51.Slope-deflectionEquations for Special Members 52. SymmetricmemberandAnti-symmetric member 53. Analysis ofStructuresbySlope-deflection Equations 54. End rotations and swayangleofmembers 55. Determination of sway angle by instantaneouscenterofrotations (ICR) 56. Set up equilibrium equations57.Equilibriumequations associated with sway degrees of freedom58.Equilibriumequations associated with sway degrees of freedomEachtopic iscomplete with diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.Structural Analysis & control is part ofCivil&environmental engineering education courses andtechnologydegreeprograms of various universities.
Engineering Drawing 1.0.4
Engineering Hub
Engineering drawing notes for civil engineering students.
Building Design & Drawing 1.0.4
Engineering Hub
Building design & drawing notes for civil engineering students.
RC Design for Tablets 3
Alden Paul D. Balili
Reinforced Concrete Design for Tablets.Doaquick check of your designs with this convenient app!
All Design 191302
A free convenient App that helps you keeptrackof all things design related — from your favorite sources.Get updated news and information from powerful designresourceslike:• Adobe• Communication Arts• Creative Freelancer• Designer Digest• Dezine Blog• Freelancer Switch• Imprint Magazine• Lynda.com• Smashing Magazine• And many moreAll designers should use the “All Design” App.
Machine Design 2 : Mechanical Engineering 7
Engineering Apps
This free App covers most important topics in simpleEnglishanddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the timeofExams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the mostusefulApp forlast minute preparations. The best app for school,collegeandwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot.ThisusefulApp lists 152 topics in 3 chapters, totally basedonpractical aswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledgewithnotes writtenin very simple and understandable English.Considerthis App as aquick note guide which professors use in aclassroom.The App willhelp in faster learning and quick revisionsof all thetopics. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1.FrictionWheels 2.Classification of Gears 3. Terms used in Gears4.Condition forConstant Velocity Ratio of Gears - Law of Gearing5.CycloidalTeeth 6. Involute Teeth 7. Comparison BetweenInvoluteandCycloidal Gears 8. Interference in Involute Gears 9.MinimumNumberof Teeth on the Pinion in Order to Avoid Interference10.GearMaterials 11. Beam Strength of Gear Teeth - LewisEquation12.Permissible Working Stress for Gear Teeth in the LewisEquation13.Dynamic Tooth Load 14. Static Tooth Load 15. Wear ToothLoad16.Causes of Gear Tooth Failure 17. Design Procedure forSpurGears18. Spur Gear Construction 19. Design of Shaft for SpurGears20.Design of Arms for Spur Gears 21. Terms used in HelicalGears22.Face Width of Helical Gears 23. Equivalent NumberofTeeth,Proportions for Helical Gears 24. Strength of HelicalGears25.Types of Worms and Worm Gears 26. Terms used in WormGearing27.Proportions for Worms and Worm Gears 28. Efficiency ofWormGearing29. Strength of Worm Gear Teeth 30. Wear Tooth Load forWormGear31. Thermal Rating of Worm Gearing 32. Forces Acting onWormGears33. Design of Worm Gearing 34. Introduction of BevelGears35.Classification of Bevel Gears 36. Terms used in BevelGears37.Determination of Pitch Angle for Bevel Gears 38.FormativeorEquivalent Number of Teeth for Bevel Gears–Tredgold’sApproximation 39. Strength of Bevel Gears 40.ForcesActing on aBevel Gear 41. Design of a Shaft for Bevel Gears42.Brakes-Introduction 43. Energy Absorbed by a Brake 44. HeattobeDissipated during Braking 45. Materials for Brake Lining46.Typesof Brakes 47. Single Block or Shoe Brake 48. Pivoted BlockorShoeBrake 49. Double Block or Shoe Brake 50. Simple BandBrake51.Differential Band Brake 52. Band and Block Brake53.InternalExpanding Brake 54. Classification of Bearings 55. TypesofSlidingContact Bearings 56. Hydrodynamic Lubricated Bearings57.WedgeFilm Journal Bearings 58. Properties of SlidingContactBearingMaterials 59. Materials used for Sliding ContactBearings60.Lubricants 61. PROPERTIES OF LUBRICANTS 62. TermsusedinHydrodynamic Journal Bearing 63. Bearing CharacteristicNumberandBearing Modulus for Journal Bearings 64. CoefficientofFrictionfor Journal Bearings 65. Heat Generated in aJournalBearing 66.Design Procedure for Journal Bearing 67. SolidJournalBearing 68.Split Bearing or Plummer Block 69. Design ofBearingCaps and Bolts70. Oil Groves 71. Footstep or Pivot Bearings72.Collar Bearings73. Advantages and Disadvantages of RollingContactBearings OverSliding Contact Bearings 74. Types of RollingContactBearings 75.Types of Radial Ball Bearings 76. StandardDimensionsandDesignations of Ball Bearings 77. Thrust Ball Bearings78. TypesofRoller Bearings 79. Basic Static Load Rating ofRollingContactBearings 80. Static Equivalent Load for RollingContactBearings81. Life of a Bearing Mechanical or machine Designis partofMechanical engineering education courses andtechnologydegreeprograms of various universities. Machine DesignincludesCAD/CAM,electrical and electronics, fastening and joining,fluidpower,manufacturing, engineered materials, mechanicalengineering,andmotion control
Machine Design - Mechanical Engineering 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Machine Designwhichcoversimportant topics, notes, materials, news & blogs onthecourse.Download the App as a reference material & digitalbookforMechanical engineering programs & degree courses.ThisusefulApp lists 149 topics with detailed notes,diagrams,equations,formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in4chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringsciencestudents & professionals. The app providesquickrevision andreference to the important topics like a detailedflashcard notes,it makes it easy & useful for the student oraprofessional tocover the course syllabus quickly before an examsorinterview forjobs. Track your learning, set reminders, editthestudy material,add favourite topics, share the topics onsocialmedia. Use thisuseful engineering app as your tutorial,digitalbook, a referenceguide for syllabus, course material,project work,sharing yourviews on the blog. Some of the topicsCovered in theapp are: 1.Classifications of Machine Design 2.GeneralConsiderations inMachine Design 3. General Procedure inMachineDesign 4. S.I. Units(International System of Units) 5.Force,Absolute andGravitational Units of Force 6. Moment ofForce,Couple, MassDensity 7. Mass Moment of Inertia 8. Torque,Work,Power 9. Energy10. Classification, Selection of MaterialsforEngineering Purposes11. Physical Properties of metals 12. CastIron13. Effect ofImpurities on Cast Iron 14. Wrought Iron 15. Steel16.Free CuttingSteels 17. Alloy Steel 18. Indian StandardDesignationof Low andMedium Alloy Steels 19. Stainless Steel 20.HeatResisting Steels21. High Speed Tool Steels 22. Aluminium Alloys23.Copper Alloys24. Types of springs 25. Material for HelicalSprings26. StandardSize of Spring Wire 27. Terms used inCompressionSprings 28. EndConnections for Compression HelicalSprings 29. EndConnections forTension Helical Springs 30. Stressesin HelicalSprings of CircularWire 31. Deflection of Helical SpringsofCircular Wire 32.Buckling of Compression Springs 33. Surgeinsprings 34. Stress andDeflection in Helical Springs ofNon-circularWire 35. HelicalSprings Subjected to Fatigue Loading36. Springs inSeries andParallel 37. Concentric or CompositeSprings 38. HelicalTorsionSprings 39. Flat Spiral Spring 40. LeafSprings 41.Construction ofLeaf Spring 42. Equalised Stress inSpring Leaves(Nipping) 43.Length of Leaf Spring Leaves 44. StandardSizes ofAutomobileSuspension Springs 45. Types of Screw Threadsused forPower Screws46. Torque Required to Raise Load by SquareThreadedScrews 47.Torque Required to Lower Load by Square ThreadedScrews48.Efficiency of Square Threaded Screws 49. MaximumEfficiency ofaSquare Threaded Screw 50. Efficiency Vs Helix Angle51.OverHauling and Self Locking Screws 52. Efficiency ofSelfLockingScrews 53. Coefficient of Friction 54. Acme orTrapezoidalThreads55. Stresses in Power Screws 56. Design of ScrewJack57.Differential and Compound Screws 58. Material Used forShafts59.Manufacturing of Shafts 60. Maximum PermissibleWorkingStressesfor Transmission Shafts 61. Shafts Subjected toTwistingMomentOnly 62. Shafts Subjected to Bending Moment Only Eachtopiciscomplete with diagrams, equations and other formsofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.Machine Design is part of mechanicalengineeringeducation coursesand technology degree programs ofvariousuniversities.
IS 456 1.0
Depak Muniraj
IS 456-2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete-Code of Practice is an Indian Standard code of practice forgeneralstructural use of plain and reinforced concrete. This codeuses thelimit state design approach.It contains five sections and eight annexures:Section 1: GeneralSection 2: Materials, Workmanship, Inspection and TestingSection 3: General Design ConsiderationsSection 4: Special Design Requirements for Structural MembersandSystemsSection 5: Structural Design (Limit State Method)Annexure A: List of referred Indian StandardsAnnexure B: Structural Design (WORKING STRESS METHOD)Annexure C: Calculation of deflectionAnnexure D: Slabs spanning in two directionsAnnexure E: Effective length of columnsAnnexure F: Calculation of crack widthAnnexure G: Moments of resistance for rectangular andTsectionsAnnexure H: Committee compositionJust download and keep it in your device...You will find it useful in every day.
Structural Analysis 6.0
Engineering Apps
This free App covers most important topics in simple Englishanddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the time ofExams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most usefulApp forlast minute preparations. The best app for school, collegeandwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot. ThisusefulApp lists 90 topics in 5 chapters, totally based on practicalaswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledge with noteswrittenin very simple and understandable English. Consider this Appas aquick note guide which professors use in a classroom. The Appwillhelp in faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics.Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1. Introduction &Units2. Forces in Mechanics of Materials 3. Concentrated Forces4.Moment of a Concentrated Force 5. Distributed Forces - ForceandMoment Resultants 6. Internal Forces and Stresses -StressResultants 7. Free Body Diagrams 8. Equilibrium -ConcentratedForces 9. Equilibrium - Distributed Forces 10.Equilibrium -Internal Forces and Stresses 11. Displacement andStrain 12.Hooke’s Law in One Dimension - Tension 13. Poisson’sRatio 14.Hooke’s Law in one & Two Dimensions for IsotropicMaterials 15.Thermal Strain 16. Fiber Reinforced CompositeLaminates 17.Solutions from the Theory of Elasticity 18. Derivationand Solutionof the Governing Equations 19. The StaticallyDeterminate Case 20.The Statically Indeterminate Case 21. VariableCross Sections 22.Thermal Stress and Strain in an Axially LoadedBar 23. ShearingStress in an Axially Loaded Bar 24. Analysis andDesign of PinJointed Trusses 25. Work and Energy – Castigliano’sSecond Theorem26. Summary and Conclusions 27. Nodes, Elements,Shape Functions,and the Element Stiffness Matrix 28. A GeneralMethod - DistributedApplied Loads 29. Analysis and Design ofPin-jointed Trusses 30.Torsional Displacement, Strain, and Stress31. Derivation andSolution of the Governing Equations 32. Solutionsfrom the Theoryof Elasticity 33. Torsional Stress in Thin WalledCross Sections34. Torsional Stress and Stiffness in MulticellSections 35.Torsional Stress and Displacement in ThinWalled OpenSections 36. AGeneral (Finite Element) Method 37. ContinuouslyVariable CrossSections 38. Area Properties - Sign Conventions 39.Derivation andSolution of the Governing Equations 40. TheStatically DeterminateCase 41. Work and Energy - Castigliano’sSecond Theorem 42. TheStatically Indeterminate Case 43. TheGoverning Equations in TwoDimensions - Plane Stress 44. Solutionsfrom the Theory ofElasticity 45. Variable Cross Sections 46. ShearStress inNonRectangular Cross Sections - Thin Walled Cross Sections47.Design of Beams 48. Large Displacements 49. Nodes, Elements,ShapeFunctions, and the Element Stiffness Matrix 50. TheGlobalEquations and their Solution 51. Distributed Loads in FEM52.Summary and conclusions 53. Transformation of Stress inTwoDimensions 54. Principal Axes and Principal Stresses inTwoDimensions 55. Transformation of Strain in Two Dimensions56.Strain Rosettes 57. Stress Transformation and Principal StressesinThree Dimensions 58. Allowable and Ultimate Stress, and FactorsofSafety 59. Fatigue 60. Orthotropic Materials - Composites61.Review and Summary of Slender Bar Equations 62. TorsionalLoading63. Bending in One Plane 64. Bending in Two Planes-When IyzisEqual to Zero 65. Bending in Two Planes-When Iyz is Not EqualtoZero 66. Introduction 67. Bending and Torsion in Thin WalledOpenSections - Shear Center 68. Bending and Torsion in ThinWalledClosed Sections - Shear Center 69. Stiffened ThinWalled Beams70.Introduction to the Principle of Virtual Work 71. StaticAnalysisof Slender Bars by Virtual Work 72. Static Analysis of 3Dand 2DSolids by Virtual Work Structural Analysis & control ispart ofCivil & Environmental engineering education coursesandtechnology degree programs of various universities.
R+m.Design (ROBOTIS)
Steam Education Association
R+m.Design is a 3D based assembly player provided by ROBOTIS.
UI Design for Android 1.0
Boopathy Raja.S
You can also Download the SourceCode of this applicationthroughthisthelinkhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7oRqmtxqe1kSmtSWTlEOTZNYVU/edit?usp=sharingUIDesignfor Android helps the android application developer todesigntheapplication with following features 1. Navigation Drawer2.Animation3. Arc Menu 4. Chart 5. Drag & Drop 6. ListView 7.Map8. Paint9. Picker 10. PopUp 11. Text2Speech 12. ViewFlow 13.Wheel
Concrete Structures 5.4
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Design of concretestructureswhich covers important topics, notes, materials, news& blogs onthe course. Download the App as a reference material& digitalbook for Civil engineering programs & degreecourses. Thisuseful App lists 70 topics with detailed notes,diagrams, equations,formulas & course material, the topics arelisted in 5 chapters.The app is must have for all the engineeringscience students &professionals. The app provides quickrevision and reference to theimportant topics like a detailedflash card notes, it makes it easy& useful for the student ora professional to cover the coursesyllabus quickly before an examsor interview for jobs. Track yourlearning, set reminders, edit thestudy material, add favoritetopics, share the topics on socialmedia. Blog about engineeringtechnology, innovation, engineeringstartups, college research work,institute updates, Informativelinks on course materials &education programs from yoursmartphone or tablet or athttp://www.engineeringapps.net/. Usethis useful engineering app asyour tutorial, digital book, areference guide for syllabus, coursematerial, project work,sharing your views on the blog. Some of thetopics Covered in theapp are: 1. Introduction of design of ConcreteStructures 2.EXPLANATION OF SOME DURABILITY CONCEPTS 3. GENERAL 4.BASICFORMULATION OF DURABILITY DESIGN 5. DESIGN WITHPERFORMANCEPRINCIPLE WHEN R AND S ARE NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED 6.DURABILITYDESIGN WITH LOG-NORMAL SERVICE LIFE DISTRIBUTION 7. THEMEANING OFLIFETIME SAFETY FACTOR 8. LIFETIME SAFETY FACTORS ASDETERMINED BYSTOCHASTIC METHODS 9. DETERMINATION OF LIFETIME SAFETYFACTORS FORSTRUCTURAL DURABILITY DESIGN 10. Determination oflifetime safetyfactors by the separated safety principle 11.FORMULATION OFLOAD-BEARING CAPACITY WITH TIME 12. Column 13. Beam14. PROPOSEDPROCEDURES FOR STRUCTURAL DURABILITY DESIGN 15.Durability design16. Final design 17. TYPES OF DURABILITY MODELS18. Durabilitymodels for some degradation processes 19. ABRASION OFCONCRETE BYICE 20. CORROSION OF REINFORCEMENT 21. Initiation timeof corrosion22. Propagation period 23. DURABILITY DESIGN IN THISDESIGN GUIDE24. Introduction to various Design Philosophies 25.Introduction tovarious Design Philosophies 26. Design ofRectangular Singly andDoubly Reinforced Sections by Working StressMethod 27. Assumptionsin Limit State Theory 28. Assumptions inLimit State Design Method29. Design of Rectangular singly beam bylimit state method 30.Numericals on Singly Reinforced beam by LSD31. Design ofRectangular Doubly beam by Limit state method 32.Numericals onDoubly reinforced beam 33. Design of T and L beams 34.IS codespecifications for designing 35. Four different cases fordesigningT and L beams 36. Numericals on T and L beams 37. Concretemakingmaterials 38. Properties of concrete 39. Mix design 40.Testing ofConcrete 41. Behaviour of RC beams in shear 42. Design ofbeams inshear 43. Minimum and Maximum shear reinforcements 44.Curtailmentof tension reinforcements 45. Numericals on Shearreinforcement 46.Introduction to Development length 47. Anchoringreinforcing bars48. Flexure Bond 49. Design for combined bending,shear and torsion50. Requirement of Reinforcement in combinedbending, shear andtorsion 51. Numerical on combined effect ofbending , shear andtorsion 52. Introduction to columns 53.Reinforcement detailing inColumns 54. Assumptions in the design ofcolumns Each topic iscomplete with diagrams, equations and otherforms of graphicalrepresentations for better learning and quickunderstanding. Designof concrete structures is part of Civilengineering educationcourses and technology degree programs ofvarious universities.
Structural Beam (DEMO) 59
Angelo Bilancia
A fast Calculator for Structural Calculations
Civil Engineering MCQ 2.0
Rakesh Talwar Tutorials
Civil Engineering Q&A is a simple app with all thelatestquestions in Civil Engineering. It contains over 1500questionscovering all topics including Fluid Mechanics, BuildingMaterials,Construction, Structural Analysis, Design of SteelStructures, SoilMechanics, Highway Engineering, AirportEngineering, FoundationEngineering, Surveying, Water Resources,Irrigation, ConcreteTechnology, Design of Concrete Structures,Railway Engineering,Environmental Engineering, Design of MasonryStructures, AppliedMechanics, Tunnel Engineering, Graphic Statics,Docks, HarbourEngineering, Strength of Materials, etc.We add new questions with each new version. Please email us incaseof any errors/omissions. This is arguably the largest and bestappfor Civil engineering multiple choice questions and answersonGoogle Play. As a student you can use it for your exam prep.Thisapp is also useful for professors to refresh material.App features :- Latest questions- more than 1500 questions.- Simple user interface- Detailed review of every question with color coding- Score card for all quizzes at a glance- Search any quiz by nameYou will see periodic ads in the application. The download isfreeso this is the way we monetize the app.
Civil Engineering Reviewer 1.12
Super Awesome
FREE on the go reviewer for Civil Engineering Concepts and Theories
Need4Rebar v3
You can easily calculate Total Weight ofRebarWeight. Here you have to input1. Your desire unit (meter or foot)2. Length of rebar3. Area or width of Rebar4. Spacing of rebar in that area or width.Remember spacing is applicable in one direction in area. Sayifspacing is "s", length is "L" and area is "A" then Total lengthisL X (A*1000/s+1). From this total length this apps willcalculatetotal weight in KG.