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Gospel Preaching 福音傳講版 4.5.8
Gospel Preaching Material行動裝置的多種福音傳講版,內容絕大部分取材於李常受弟兄的著作,提供聖徒能用不同,靈活的方式像人陳明受侵真理,配以簡單,輕鬆的插畫方式呈現;此外,思路清晰是此產品一大特點,人人接可在最短時間內上手。適用於馬路福音,家聚會,福音小排等各式傳福音場合。Gospel Preaching MaterialVarious materials for gospel-preaching are now availableonmobile devices. Most of the content is taken from thedirectwritings of Witness Lee. Presented with clear illustrationsandstories, these materials help saints to understand andclarifyvarious aspects of the truth e.g. baptism. The stories alloweasyreading for all and include relevant Scripture. This productisapplicable to gospel-preaching on the street, in the homemeeting,and in all occasions alike.1. 關於我們- 詳細介紹本app的創立來源與使用方式。2. 福音傳講版- 介紹福音內容,以圖文方式簡單易讀。3. 聯絡我們- 如有各類問題,歡迎填寫email表單詢問。4. 推播- 最新消息公布。5. 語音傳講版- 詳細語音傳講版。6. 記名單- 記錄對福音有興趣者的名單。Gospel Preaching MaterialA variety of gospel preaching Edition mobile devices, basedonthe contents of most of the writings of Brother Lee, the saintscanprovide different flexible way as a man Chen involvementtruth,together with the simple and easy way to presentillustration;furthermore clear thinking is a major feature of thisproduct,everyone can take to get started in the shortest possibletime.Suitable for street gospel family gatherings, and other kindsofsmall row Gospel evangelism occasions.Gospel Preaching MaterialVarious materials for gospel-preaching are now availableonmobile devices. Most of the content is taken from thedirectwritings of Witness Lee. Presented with clear illustrationsandstories, these materials help saints to understand andclarifyvarious aspects of the truth eg baptism. The stories alloweasyreading for all and include relevant Scripture. This productisapplicable to gospel-preaching on the street, in the homemeeting,and in all occasions alike.1. About Us - detailed description of the sources and uses ofappcreation mode.2. gospel preaching Version - Introduction gospel content tographicway easier to read.3. Contact us - if all kinds of questions, please fill out theemailform to ask.4. Push - News announced.5. voice preaching edition - Details voice preaching edition.6. Note List - A list of record for the gospelinterestedpersons.