17 Похожие KaleidoPaint

Mirrograph 2 free 1.2
JD developments
A symmetric drawing app that lets you make amazing designs.*27different brushes to choose from. More than half of themnewlyupdated. *Customize how many symmetries your drawing willhave*Choose brush color and background color. Updated to allowmorefreedom in choosing colors. *Easily save your designs so youcanshare them. *Ability to randomize the colors at the touch ofabutton. *Undo and redo buttons for easy corrections. *Anupdatedlook and feel.
Radial 1.2.1
Andrey Leshenko
Create beautiful and intricate drawings. In seconds.
Color Touch
Ragnar Vutt
Create stunning patterns with ease
Artecture Draw, Sketch, Paint
Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh
Artecture enables you to sketch, draw and paint like never before.
Mirror Draw 0.8
New App Revolution
Your drawing will be visible inallquadrants,creating a mirrored effect.Change the drawing color, line width.You can draw points, lines or circles.Save with the save button, clear with clear orshakingthephone.
Art of Symmetry 1.2
Did you know that various characters displayed symmetricallymaylook awesome? With this application you able to experimentwithdifferent characters, change the number of rotatablesymmetries,use different combinations of options and easily sharethe resultsof discoveries with friends and family. When you getbored, justrun the application and try for yourself something new.
Kaleider 5.0
Fun and Fascinating mathematical image manipulations.
Kaleidoo - Magic Drawing 2.1
Create magic drawing just with simple touches. fun timesforkids,relaxation moods for adults. Many kaleidoscope modes tochosefrom.Play your drawing like a movie. save your creations andshareitwith your friends.
Color Spinner 1.4.1
Ragnar Vutt
The Spinning Symmetry. Now even more symmetric!
Whiteboard 4.5
Sharda Gohil
A simple whiteboard to draw, sketch and paint and make meme
Sugar skulls coloring book 4144
Sugar skulls coloring book for adults.Mexicanskulls drawings for Halloween. Relax and enjoy the mandalas,whichwill help you develop your creative, intuitive andspiritualabilities. They are circular images that arise from acentral axis,the symmetrical patterns that emerge towards the fourcardinalpoints. The design is simple and common, with its designandsubsequent coloring as part of a ritual that is used forhealing,meditation and entertainment. Coloring book sugar skullsadults.Mexican drawings of skulls. Color the most beautiful Mexicanskullsand cute catrinas, paints a wide variety of Mexican skulls inthedead of night or day of the dead. Drawings of beautifulMexicanskulls, may also help the smallest of the house, If you alsolikepainting or coloring mandalas will like this app. Choose paintorcrayons that you like and paint pictures giving color and showyourcreativity. When finish painting the mandala you can analyzeitsmeaning and discover messages in your subconscious mind andyourcurrent mood. Mandalas are an interpretation by shape andcolor,powerful allies in meditation and healing. We have a coloringbookfor them too. Paint the secret garden.If you color mandalas at different times, you observe howthepatterns change according to your mood. Use your intuitiontodecipher the meanings your mandala. Here are the meaningsofdifferent colors of mandalas.These images have been acquired on Creative Commons and designedbyFreepik.es and flaticon.com
Tripping Fest Lite Drawing 1.26
Forrest Heller
Draw crazy drawings very quickly!
Cute Canvas 1.0.5
Draw lines that shine! Add moving texts and stickers! MakeanimatedGIF.
Symmetry Mirror 3.3
Just create a frontal face one side face, symmetry can be checked.
Обман зрения 3.0.2
Tenarunga Applications
Обманом зрения называюттакиеэффектызрительного восприятия, которые возникаютнепроизвольноилисознательно у человека наблюдающего определенныеизображения.Такие эффекты называют также оптическими иллюзиями–ошибкамизрительного восприятия, причиной которыхявляютсянеточность или женеадекватность процессов, происходящихпринеосознаваемой коррекциизрительных образов. Кроме того, впроцессевозникновения оптическихиллюзий также принимаютучастиефизиологические особенности органовзрения и психологическиеаспектывизуального восприятия.Обман зрения, представленный в этом приложении,заключаетсявискажении восприятия путем неправильной оценкидлиныотрезков,величины углов, цветов видимого объекта и др.Егонаиболеепопулярными типами являются иллюзиивосприятияглубины,перевертыши, стереопары и иллюзии движения.К иллюзиям восприятия глубины относитсянеадекватноеотражениеизображенного предмета. Наиболее известнымипримерамитаких иллюзийявляются двухмерные контурные картинки – приихнаблюдении, онибессознательно воспринимаются мозгомкакодновыпуклые. Кроме того,искажения при восприятии глубиныспособныпривести к неправильнойоценке геометрических размеров (внекоторыхслучаях ошибкадостигает 25%).Обман зрения перевертыш заключается в изображениитакойкартинки,восприятие которой зависит от направлениявзгляда.Стереопары позволяют наблюдать стереоскопическоеизображениепутемналожения их на периодические структуры.Фокусировка взглядазакартинкой приводит к наблюдениюстереоскопического эффекта.Движущиеся иллюзии представляют собойпериодическиеизображения,продолжительный взгляд на которые приводитквизуальному восприятиюперемещения из отдельных частей.Виды обмана зрения:-обман зрения на основе восприятия цвета;-обман зрения на основе контраста;-искривляющие иллюзии;-оптический обман восприятия глубины;-оптический обман восприятия размера;-контурный обман зрения;-обман зрения «перевертыши»;-комната Эймса;-движущиеся оптические иллюзии.-стерео-иллюзии, или, как их еще называют:«3dкартинки»,стереокартинки.В приложении собраны, как классические иллюзии, так исамыеновые,выложенные в свободный доступ, от известных художниковипсихологов.Задачей проекта является познакомить читателейсразличными видамииллюзий, их авторами, дать общее представлениеопонятии "оптическаяиллюзия". Коллекция далеко не полна, носовременем, возможно,благодаря совместными усилиями автораипользователей, будетпополняться.Преимущества:Быстрая загрузка картинокЕжедневное обновление базы картинокПоддержка планшетов (HD),Можно поделиться с друзьямиПриложение предназначено для русскоязычных пользователей.Все материалы используемые в приложении взяты изгруппыВКонтактеhttps://vk.com/public86131661Opticalillusioncalledsuch effects of visual perception that arisespontaneouslyorconsciously in humans there is a certain image.Such effects are also called optical illusions - errorsofvisualperception, which are due to the inaccuracy or inadequacyoftheprocesses occurring during unconscious correction ofvisualimages.In addition, during the occurrence of opticalillusions arealsoinvolved physiological characteristics of theorgans of visionandpsychological aspects of visual perception.Optical illusion presented in this app lies in thedistortionofperception by an incorrect assessment of the lengthofthesegments, the angles, colors of the visible object, andothers.Hismost popular types are the illusion of depthperception,shifters,the stereo pair and an illusion ofmovement.To the illusion of depth perception relatesinadequatereflectionof the object depicted. The best-known examplesof suchillusionsare two-dimensional contour pictures - whenobserved,theyunconsciously perceived by the brain as odnovypuklye.Inaddition,the distortion in the perception of depth can lead toanincorrectevaluation of the geometric dimensions (in somecases,the error is25%).Optical illusion Changeling is a picture image, theperceptionofwhich depends on the direction of gaze.Stereopairs possible to observe a stereoscopicimagebysuperimposing them on a periodic structure. Focus viewofthepicture leads to the observation of the stereoscopiceffect.Moving illusions are recurrent images, long look at thatleadstovisual perception of moving parts.Types of fraud:-obman view on the basis of color perception;-obman view on the basis of the contrast;-iskrivlyayuschie illusion;-Optical deception depth perception;-Optical deception of perception size;-konturny illusion;-obman of "turncoats";-Room Ames;-dvizhuschiesya optical illusions.-Stereo-illusion, or, as they are called: «3dimage"stereoimage.In the appendix are collected, both classic illusions,andthenewest, laid out in free access to the famousartistsandpsychologists. The aim of the project is to acquaintreaderswithdifferent kinds of illusions, the authors give anoverview oftheconcept of "optical illusion." The collection is notcomplete,butwith time, probably due to the joint efforts of theauthor andtheuser will be updated.Benefits:Fast loading imagesDaily updated database of imagesSupport Tablet (HD),You can share with your friendsThe application is designed for English-speaking users.All materials used in the application are taken fromthegroupVKontakte https://vk.com/public86131661
Bisymmetry - make funny photo 10
Whether your face is able to be safe from the risk of degradingofsymmetrical or not. Try symmetry of your perfect photo. I amgoodlooking regardless of what I do to my face! Try to applysymmetriceffect to numerous pichures of your friends you have. Anadvent ofa hillarious picture that cannot be any funnier than this!Blow thestress while seeing a picture applied symmetric effect.Four linesummary of how to use 1. Take a picture or select thedesired onein the photo album to pick your favorite part! 2. Drawbaseline ata desired position by moving green line drawn in thecenter fromright to left ! 3. You can outburst laughter bycomparing theoriginal with the result of symmetry effect. 4. Sharelaughter withfriends by saving or sharing it. Create pictures offunny faces andshare them with your friends. *This App includesthird-party ad andthus, it is possibly to cost you Data transferexpense.
Kaleidoo (kaleidoscope)
Jiří Novotný
Need a magic kaleidoscope? Kaleidoo isaninteractive kaleidoscopic pattern generator (and mandalapainter)able to create a waste amount of different images: fromtherealistic drawings to the abstract ones. Apart from therealistickaleidoscope images, Kaleidoo settings can be alsoadjusted toserve as a mandala painter. Create nice images withbillions ofcolors with this ultimate doodle maker.You can explore predefined kaleidoscope patterns orcustomizeyour own settings:- 4 types of mirrors (two classical patterns, grid mirrorandmandala bay)- many different base images and color maps- custom photographs can be used as a source texture- various post-effects can be applied (adjusting colors,vignette,blur, ...)Everything is fully explorable in four different modes:byswiping your finger over the screen; by moving and rotatingyourdevice; automatically animated (pulses andcontinuousanimation).Enjoy billions of possible combinations and discover thebeautyof kaleidoscope drawings! The output color images can besaved asJPEGs or PNGs pictures in different resolutions and usedforexample as wallpapers. All the images can be share immediatelywithyour friends.Don't wait anymore and download Kaleidoo - the bestkaleidoscopepattern maker for Android! :)