15 Похожие Spainsh jokes quotes & videos

Pocoyize 1.0.4
Zinkia Entertainment, S.A.
Would you like to give a nice touch to your social networkswithaPocoyize avatar online? If you always use the sameprofilepicturesor caricatures and you want to try somethingdifferent,downloadthe app Pocoyize. You will be able to create afun avataronlinewith similar characterization of Pocoyo foryourself and useit inFacebook and other social networks. You canalso use it toplay atworld Pocoyo. With Pocoyize App you cancustomizeyourcharacterization, making it look as much as similar toyou.Withthis app you will have in your Smartphone a versionofyourfavorite cartoon characterization very similar toyourstyle.Forget the old cartoons and typical profile picturesforyoursocial networks. Use avatar online of Pocoyo. In addition,ifyouwant to have the agenda of contacts coolest, also you cancreateacharacterization for each of your friends and savethecaricaturesin your mobile to identify them when they call you.Ifyou loveyour creations, you can share them by email ormultimediamessages.Once you have the app in your device, if youwant createan avataronline for your profile pictures, you can setthe languagewhichyou want for the app. Look up available languages,as well asotherimportant details in the tab or the description ofthe appthat islocated in your app store. Begin to enjoy alreadywithyourcharacterization of Pocoyo in your profile pictures. Youwillbethe envy of your friends. Characteristics: • The toolthathasrevolutionized the net, with over 6,000,000 people"pocoyized".•Support your national team by wearing its colors,there are 32tochoose from. • Save all your characters and changethemwheneveryou want. • Send images of your creations via e-mailorMMSmessage. • Share your creations with your friends on Facebook.•Inaddition, enjoy 10 days with all the advantages of ClubPremiumatPocoyó World (www.pocoyoworld.com). Pocoyo series,logoandcharacters ™ & © 2005-2015 Zinkia Entertainment SA
Talking Pocoyo Football
Enjoy and play with TalkingPocoyoFootball!In this brand new app you can dress Pocoyo in your team colorsandcheer on your team as they rise to the top of the ranks!.Enjoy the wonderful Pocoyo videos as he repeats phrases afteryou,plays with the ball and encourages your favorite team!If you like football just as much as Pocoyo does, in this appyouwill find fun activities that you can share with yourwholefamily.Talking Pocoyo Football is an interactive game where you can:Interact with Pocoyo: Tap on Pocoyo so he can show you hisflashyfootball moves. You can also talk to him and he willrepeateverything you say using a variety of funny voices.Support your team: Cheer on your team by playing Pocoyo´smusicalinstruments.Celebrations: Celebrate when your team scores a goal withPocoyo´ssignature celebration moves!Don't let the ball touch the ground: Help Pocoyo show youhisbrilliant kick up skills and see how many times he can kicktheball without it touching the ground!Team Colors: Dress Pocoyo in your favorite team colors with up to50different Shirts.Record everything and share it!Once you try this brand new app you won't be able to tearyourselfaway from your favorite character!
Best Kid Songs Surprise Eggs 1.0.0
Kids Fun Club
Best Kid Songs is a youtube channel.Yourchildren will find their popular cartoon characters fingerfamilyand alphabet or abc songs. Every day new children songsareuploaded to best kid songs app.Also you will find surprise eggs videos and play doh videos.Enjoy it!
VideoKids - Vídeos para niños 1.0
Link To Media
La aplicación VideoKids ha sido diseñadaporunequipo de pedagogos que ha trabajado en la seleccióndelcontenido yla usabilidad de la aplicación para crear elentornoeducativo y deentretenimiento ideal para niños y niñasmenores de12 años. Todo elcontenido publicado se ha revisado deforma manualpara asegurar queen ningún caso llegan a manos de tushijos,hijas, sobrinos, onietos contenido no apropiado para ellos.VideoKids no es una herramienta devídeosseleccionadosautomáticamente, ni tu ni tu hijo osencontrareisnunca vídeos queno sean totalmente aptos para ellos.

Para facilitar la exploración, los vídeos de la aplicaciónsedividenen siete categorías: Series de Televisión,Manualidadespara niños,Música, Juguetes, Gameplays, Cuentos ehistorias,Maquillajes paraniñas y mucho más de los personajespreferidos delos niños: PeppaPig, Peppa Pig en inglés, Pocoyo, PawPatrol(patrulla canina),canciones de la granja, Frozen,Violetta,Minions, Play doh, Teo,Barbie, Dora, Minnie, Playmobil,BobEsponja y muchos más. Las seriesde televisión que hay en laappson las que miran tus hijos en CLAN,BOING, DISNEYCHANNEL,etc.VideoKids está pensada para que los niños máspequeñospuedaniniciarse a la lectura, cantar, divertirse, jugar yasífacilitarel aprendizaje y dejar volar su imaginaciónviviendofantásticosvídeos.APP DISEÑADA PARA NIÑOSNuestros ingenieros han desarrollado una aplicación 100%pensadaparaque los niños la puedan usar sin problema, conbotonesgrandes, pocotexto para los más pequeños de la casa, confiltrospara los padres yuna navegación muy intuitiva y fácil paratodos.La aplicación estáoptimizada para teléfonos inteligentes yparatabletas. Verás que lavisualización de los vídeos es óptimaenambos casos. Dibujosanimados y series infantiles, unaincreíblevideoteca de contenidopara niños.Los vídeos son elegidos cuidadosamente para ofrecerunaprogramaciónde alta calidad y control parental. Los vídeossoncatalogados yorganizados por temas en una interfaz cómodayamigable. Ademáspodrás añadir los vídeos favoritos de tus hijosenuna listapersonalizada y con un sólo click podrás acceder aellos,olvídatede perder tiempo buscando los vídeos que le gustan atushijos.¿A QUIÉN VA DIRIGIDA?Aplicación para niños de diferentes edades donde podrásfiltrarlosvídeos que se muestran según sea tu interés. Las edadesvandesdevídeos para menores de tres años, donde podrán vercancionesdecuna, canciones para que los niños se despierten ysusprimerosvídeos, por ejemplo episodios de la Peppa Pig y másseriesdetelevisión. También canciones para aprender elabecedario,lasprimera palabras, tanto en español como en inglés.Paralasiguiente franja de edad entre 3 y 6 años tenemoscontenidomásinteractivo: manualidades, las canciones más famosasdel momentoymucho contenido que entretendrá a tus hijos.Finalmentetenemoscontenido para niños de 6 a 9 años, y para mayoresde 9años:vídeos educativos y de entretenimiento, como hemosdicho,siemprerevisado por expertos.VÍDEOS EDUCATIVOSHay un gran volumen de vídeos con componente educativo,estosvídeosbuscan a parte de entretener a los niños, formarlosytransmitirconocimiento básico para su desarrollo. Además,algunosvídeos estánen inglés y son muy interesante para que elniñoaprenda inglésmientras ve vídeos en nuestra aplicación.TOTALMENTE GRATUITALa aplicación es totalmente gratuita y no tiene publicidad.¡Por fin ha llegado la aplicación ideal para ti yparatushijos!TheVideoKidsapplicationhas been designed by a team of teachers who hasworkedin theselection of content and usability of the applicationtocreate theeducational environment and ideal for children under12yearsentertainment. All published content has been checkedmanuallytoensure that in no case reach the hands of yoursons,daughters,nephews or grandchildren content inappropriate forthem.VideoKids is not a tool selected videos automatically,neitheryounor your son will never find videos that are not fullyfitforthem.VIDEOS FOR CHILDRENTo facilitate the exploration, videos of the applicationisdividedinto seven categories: TV Series, Crafts for Kids,Music,Toys,Gameplays, tales and stories, Maquillajes for girls andmoreof thefavorite children's characters: Peppa Pig , PeppaPigEnglish,Pocoyo, Paw patrol (patrol dog), songs farm,Frozen,Violetta,Minions, Play Doh, Teo, Barbie, Dora, Minnie,Playmobil,SpongeBoband many more. The television series is in theapp arewatchingyour children CLAN, BOING, DISNEY CHANNEL,etc.VideoKids is designed so that younger children can begintoread,sing, have fun, play and facilitate learning and livingletyourimagination fantastic videos.APP DESIGNED FOR CHILDRENOur engineers have developed a 100% designed for children mayuseitwithout problem, with large buttons, little text forthesmallest ofthe house, with filters for parents and averyintuitive and easynavigation for all. The application isoptimizedfor smartphones andtablets. You will see that viewingvideos isoptimal in both cases.Cartoons and children's series,anincredible library of content forchildren.The videos are carefully chosen to offer high qualityprogrammingandparental control. Videos are cataloged andorganizedthematically ina comfortable and friendly interface. Youcan alsoadd your favoritevideos of children in a custom list witha singleclick you canaccess them, forget about wasting timelooking forthe videos youlove your children.WHO IS ADDRESSED?Application for children of different ages where you canfilterthevideos shown as interest. The ages range from videosforchildrenunder three years, where they can view lullabies,songsforchildren to wake up and their first videos, for example,thePeppaPig episodes and TV series. Also songs to learn thealphabet,thefirst words in both Spanish and English. For the nextagegroupbetween 3 and 6 years we have more interactivecontent:crafts, themost famous songs of the moment and a lot ofcontentthat willentertain your children. Finally we have contentforchildren 6 to9 years, and for over 9 years, as we havesaid,alwayspeer-reviewed educational and entertainmentvideos.educational videosThere is a large volume of videos with educationalcomponent,thesevideos seek to part of entertaining children, trainandtransmitbasic knowledge for development. In addition, somevideosare inEnglish and are very interesting for the child tolearnEnglishwhile watching videos in our application.TOTALLY FREEThe application is free and has no advertising.has finally reached the ideal application for youandyourchildren!
Sea animal games 15.6.10
Ancorma Apps
Funny memory game application to matchpairs,weoffer two options:• Scratch sea animal is a fun app that consists indiscoveringthehidden picture by quickly sliding the finger on it.Yourchildrenwill have a great time discovering and guessingtheselovelydrawings of fish or octopus and mermaid turtles orsharks,crabsand turtles seabed.• Memory games with tale cards are laid out face down; youhavetofind the pair. You have to turn one card over, memorizethepictureand look for the same picture turning a second card over.Ifyoulike fish and Bob, sponge or bottom of the sea you'lllovethisgame. If the two cards match, they'll remain flippedoverandyou'll be able to keep searching other pairs. If thecardsdon'tmatch, they are turned back over and you'll have anotherturn.Youhave to be very fast because there's a time switch! Thisapphasseven difficulty levels available: 2x2, 3x2, 4x3, 4x4, 5x4,6x5and6x6.For children who attend nursery and primary school.Perfectforchildren ages 0 to 6. Slide your finger over the imageanddiscoverthe picture. You can choose between differentmarkers’thicknesses.A sparkle of stars shines when you discoverthepicture! Train yourchildren’s brains, imagination andcreativity.Perfect for thedevelopment of different fine motorskills andabilities. Share theapp via Facebook, Twitter, textmessage or anyother program thatyou have on your phoneWe’ve drawn these images especially for this app and holdallrightsreserved. If you are going to use them withcommercialpurposes, askus before, please.
فانوس رمضان اشكال والوان بكار 1.2
- جزء جديد من فانوس رمضان حيث يجتوي عليفوانيسشخصيات بكار وبوجي و سبونج بوب و فتوتة حيث لعبة مسلية لطفلكاجعلهينير الفانوس بالضغط عليه ويستمع الي اغنية رمضان من 5 اغانيمختلفةكرمضان جانا ووحوي ياوحوي و بوجي وطمطم وبكار وغيرها- A new part ofRamadanlantern where an in-house lanterns figures Bakkar, BujiandSpongeBob and his boyhood as an entertaining game for yourchildmake it illuminates the lantern by clicking on it and listento thesong of Ramadan from 5 different songs Kramadan committeesandOuhoa Aaouhoa and Buji, Tamtam and Bakkar and other
Nursery Rhymes Player 1.0
The Nursery Rhymes Media Player is exactlywhatis says on the tin, The lovely people at "Slapps" have put allyourFavourite Children's Nursery Rhymes in a Music and VideoMediaplayer.Enjoy the very best Nursery rhymes using the built in MP3player,Absolutely amazing for when it comes to getting your kidsoff tosleep or for singing along to with the rest of the family,therereally is nothing like the good old traditional nurseryrhymes tobring joy and happiness to your children's lives.And if thats not enough we have compiled the very best youtubenursery rhyme videos so you can also visually entertainyourchildren some of the videos also have lyrics included.If you are feeling a little old and have forgotten thelyricsyourself, fear not we have also included a lyrics list to themostpopular nursery rhymes dating all the way back to yourchildhoodand beyond.(Please check out the rest of the Apps from "Slapps"Whichinclude Kids/Childrens TV Shows safe search, Nursery RhymesPlayer,Justin Bieber droid, Urbandroid for Urban Music, Learningwithmusic for kids, along with our Many other apps inspiredbychildrens Shows like Peppa Pig, Horrid Henry, Pocoyo, Ben&Hollys little kingdom, Zingzillas, Thomas the tank engine andYoGabba Gabba.)
Hellokids en español 1.0
Desde hace 10 años, Hellokids siguesiendolareferencia digital para los peques.Con vídeos para niños, dibujos para colorear, juegosenlínea,manualidades, tutoriales para aprender a dibujar y milesdeideascreativas para divertirse y aprender, Hellokidsproponeuncontenido que conviene tanto a los niños como a lasniñas.Gracias a las colaboraciones de Hellokids con grandesmarcas,podemosofrecer contenidos gratuitos a nuestros usuarios taly comodibujospara pintar o juegos Barbie, Disney, Skylanders,AngryBirds, ToeiAnimation, Bob Esponja... pero también unamultitud devídeos ypelículas.En Hellokids encuentra ideas para salidas en familiaoinfórmatesobre la actualidad, los eventos, los estrenos decine,los nuevosvideojuegos. Filtramos las noticias adaptadaseinteresantes paralos niños.En Hellokids participa en numerosos concursos parallevartemegapremios y regalos.Además Hellokids existe en 7 idiomas y tiene presencia enelmundoentero.Visitar el sitio web: http://es.hellokids.comVisitar lapáginaFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/hellokidsEsLeer nuestra políticadeprivacidad:http://es.hellokids.com/c_1956/footer/politica-de-privacidadFor 10years,Hellokidsremains the digital reference for children.With videos for children, coloring, onlinegames,crafts,tutorials on how to draw and thousands of creativeideas forfunand learning, Hellokids proposes a content that suitsboth boysandgirls.With Hellokids collaborations with big brands, we canprovideourusers with free content such as coloring pages gamesorBarbie,Disney, Skylanders, Angry Birds, Toei Animation,SpongeBob... butalso a multitude of videos and films .In Hellokids find ideas for family outings or learnaboutnews,events, movie premieres, new video games. We filteroutthesuitable and interesting for kids news.In Hellokids he participates in numerous competitions totakemegaprizes and gifts.In addition Hellokids exists in 7 languages ​​and hasapresencein the world.Visit the website: http://es.hellokids.comVisit the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hellokidsEsRead ourprivacypolicy:http://es.hellokids.com/c_1956/footer/politica-de-privacidad
Frases Willyrex 1.0
Pegate las risas con tus colegas conlasmagnificas frases del youtuber WillyrexPegate laughs withyourcolleagues with the magnificent phrases youtuber Willyrex
Willyrex Videos 1.0
Cepillito xD
Guillermo Díaz, mejor conocido comoWillyrex,es un youtuber español que de nació el 09 de Mayo de 1993(21años). Abrió su canal el 9 de agosto del 2009 y su segundocanalfue abierto el 26 de enero del 2011. Se lleva bien conmuchosyoutubers conocidos como: VEGETTA777, Alexby11, BysTaXx,LuzuVlogs.Tiene un libro con su "compañero" Vegetta777 llamado"Wigetta" (Wide Willyrex y getta de Vegetta).Frases personales:Hey buenas a todos aquí Willyrex comentando y estamos devueltaen... [Juego que esté jugando]¡Me cago en todo lo cagable, en Notch y en las tortugas...!¡Me cago en todo chaval!Me cago en...Te la estás jugando eh...Ostras Julián... ostras, JuliánUna historia ilustrada e interactiva que se inspira en elmundode los videojuegos y en el universo de los autores. El libroseplantea como un relato salpicado por ilustraciones y al queseincorporarán también los iconos más representativos del universodeestos dos gamers con el que sus fans están tanfamiliarizados.Su princi­pal intención es buscar la participación dellector,animándole a intervenir en el desarrollo de unahistoriaapasionante. Ambos nos proponen un juego interactivo,buscan lacomplicidad del público y confían en obtener de susseguidores unarespuesta entusiasta a esta llamada a implicarse enun proyecto tanpeculiar.CanalesWillyrex-0WillyrexEs su canal principal. Cuenta con más de 5.600.500suscriptores.En este canal sube mucha variedad. Sube usualmente Garry'sMod,GTA V, ARK: Survival Evolved, y algunas veces, uno que otrojuegorandom. Como Goat Simulator, por ejemplo. En este canal,casisiempre juega con sus amigos, como Alexby11 y sTaXx.ThewillyrexFoto de perfil en este canal.Es su canal secundario. Cuenta con casi7.300.000suscriptores.En este canal, sube como contenido principal Minecraft yHappyWheels. En Minecraft, suele subir Reviews de mods,Mini-Juegos, suserie de mods Apocalipsis Minecraft con Vegetta777,tambiéncarreras de Wipeout y carreras de LuckyBlocks con sTaXx.Guillermo Diaz,betterknown as Willyrex, is a Spanish youtuber that was born on May9,1993 (21 years old). He opened his channel on August 9, 2009andits second channel was opened on 26 January 2011. This alongwithmany youtubers known as VEGETTA777, Alexby11, BysTaXx,LuzuVlogs.Has a book with his "partner" Vegetta777 called "Wigetta"(WiWillyrex and getta of Vegetta).Personal phrases:Hey everyone here Willyrex good commenting and we're back in...[Game is playing]I shit on everything cagable in Notch and turtles ...!I shit on all boy!I shit on ...You're playing the uh ...Oysters oysters Julian ... JulianAn illustrated and interactive story that is inspired bytheworld of video games and the universe of the authors. The bookispresented as a story dotted with illustrations and which willalsoincorporate the most representative icons of the universe ofthesetwo gamers with their fans are so familiar.Its main intention is to seek the participation of thereader,encouraging him to intervene in the development of anexcitingstory. Both propose an interactive game, seeking thecomplicity ofthe public and rely on their followers get anenthusiastic responseto this call to engage in such an unusualproject.ChannelsWillyrex-0WillyrexIt is their main channel. It has more than 5.6005millionsubscribers.In this channel goes much variety. Usually goes Garry's Mod,GTAV, ARK: Survival Evolved, and sometimes one or another randomgame.Goat Simulator as, for example. In this channel, often playswithhis friends, as Alexby11 and staxx.ThewillyrexProfile photo in this channel.It is the secondary channel. It has nearly 7.3millionsubscribers.In this channel, go up the main content Minecraft and HappyWheels.In Minecraft, usually up Reviews of mods, Mini-Games, thenumber ofmods Minecraft with Vegetta777 Revelation also Wipeoutracing andracing LuckyBlocks with staxx.
Vegetta777 Memes 1.4.3
watch youtubers
Podras enviar memes graciosos detusyoutubersfavoritos vegeta y willyrexTodos los memes tanto los de vegetta777 como willypuedenserenviados por whatsapp/facebook/messenger/skype/gmail oelsoftwareque tu quieras utilizar con tus amigos!Memes graciosos de minecraft y vegeta, agregaremostodaslassemanas nuevos! Muere de risa con las frases de vegettaenestosdivertidisimos memes para compartir!You can sendyourfavoritefunny memes youtubers vegetate and willyrexAll memes both of vegetta777 as willy can be sent bywhatsapp/facebook / messenger / skype / gmail or software that youwanttouse with your friends!minecraft funny memes and vegetate, add all the newweek!Dielaughing with phrases vegetta in these hilariousmemestoshare!
Vídeos TheWillyrex 3.0
Bio Studios
Se el primero en ver el último vídeoquesubaWillyrex a su canal de Minecraft.En esta aplicación siempre estarán los vídeos al momento,paraqueasí podaís disfrutar de este joven youtuber, y de susvídeos delamejor forma.Be the first toseethelatest video that Willyrex up your Minecraft channel.In this application will always be the videos at the time,sothatyou may enjoy this young youtuber, and their videos inthebestway.
Dibuja & Colorea Lite 1.0
Iván Quijada
Draw & Paint permite que tushijospuedandibujar libremente o colorear sus personajes favoritosdepelículasy televisión. Se pueden colorear personajes de Disney,BobEsponja,Frozen, Angry Birds, Toy Story y múltiples dibujosdeanimales,árboles y muchos más.También se puede pintar sobre fotos de la galería del teléfono.Características:- Dibujar desde un lienzo vacío.- Colorear dibujos de los personajes preferidos de tus hijos.- Dibuja sobre fotos de la galería.- Cambia el tipo de pincel (color, tamaño, enfoque, etc).- Guarda el dibujo.- Comparte el dibujo con quien quieras.- Pon el dibujo como fondo de pantalla con sólo un clic.Actualizaciones periódicas con NUEVOS dibujos a colorear.Envíanos tus peticiones de dibujos para incluirlasenpróximasactualizaciones.Draw & Paintletsyourchildren can freely draw or color their favoritecharactersfrommovies and TV. Can be colored Disney characters,SpongeBob,Frozen,Angry Birds, Toy Story and many drawings ofanimals, treesandmore.You can also paint over photos gallery phone.Features:- Draw from a blank canvas.- Coloring pages of your children's favorite characters.- Draw on photos in the gallery.- Change the brush type (color, size, focus, etc).- Save the drawing.- Share your drawing with anyone.- Put the picture as wallpaper with just one click.Regular updates with NEW drawings to color.Send us your requests for drawings for inclusioninfutureupdates.
Thug Life Videos 0.0.3
Coffee Cup Solutions
We all love the new trend of Thug Lifevideos.This app brings the best videos together and has a niceratingsystem to let everyone know which videos are the best towatch!There will be lots of updates to this app coming soon, this isanearly beta!So sit back, relax and enjoy these videos.
Chistes Buenos 1.1
Aplicación con cientos de chistesbuenosparaque disfrutes con tus amigos. Chistes y bromasdepepito,borrachos, abogados, parejas, viejitos etc. Una App conmuybuenhumor.- Podrás compartir todos los chistes con tus amigos deformafácily rápida.- Disfrutaras de un chiste nuevo todos los días con lafunciónChistedel día!Applicationwithhundredsof good jokes for you to enjoy with friends. Pepitojokesandjokes, drunk, lawyers, couples, old people etc. An Appwithgoodhumor.- You can share all the jokes with friendseasilyandquickly.- Will enjoy a new joke every day with the Joke oftheDayfeature!