6 Похожие SoloMon

Silence Premium Do Not Disturb
If you forget to mute your phone andcallsrings or notifications chime during important meetings orwakes youup at night, then this Do Not Disturb app (DND) is foryou. EnableCalendar and Night mode, and forget about having to playwithvolume control to silence your phone.Several features set this app apart from others in thecategory.This application was written with security in mind. Assuch, itrequires just a few permissions to read user's contacts,calendarand to send and receive SMS. Most other apps requirenetworkpermissions, and some need access to SD storage, whichallows themto transfer any of the personal data from the phoneunnoticed. Thisapp can't do that, so you can rest assured that yourpersonal datais safe.This app offers a lot more than Do Not Disturb Mode on the iPhoneorSamsung’s Blocking Mode:* It can silence the phone for the night and/or during officehour,meetings or calendar appointments* Instant silent mode timer can be started with just 1 click,* Instant timer can also be activated via the widget by thevolumebar* It can keep the phone on silent + vibrate all day andgocompletely silent for the night* It mutes phone calls and all audible notifications duringquiettime, except alarms* Day and night time schedule can be programmed separately foreachday of the week* Calendar selection is configurable, and only Busy eventsaremuted* Supported calendars include Google calendars, Exchange* SMS and call exceptions are supported while the phoneismuted* You can allow separate groups of contacts to ring at nightand/orduring the day* Enable Emergency mode to let repeated calls from the samenumberring* Use No Exceptions mode to block calls from allowed contactsforthe duration of an important meeting* Use Respond via SMS to let the caller know to call back againifit's urgent* Optionally disable Bluetooth handsfree during quiet time* Cancel mute when you wake up early or the meeting endsearlyCertain Samsung phones have issues with vibrate mode. If yourphonedoesn't vibrate when you enable vibration in this Do NotDisturbapp, change vibration settings in your phone'ssystemsettings/sounds menu.Please don't block this app's notifications on your phone, itcancause the app to not work correctly. Also note that if you haveatask killer/booster type of app installed on your device, addthisDo Not Disturb app to the list of exceptions. Finally, makesureyou don't have other apps that manipulate the speaker runningatthe same time.Recent reviews:AndroidCentral-http://www.androidcentral.com/apps-week-sorcery-crazy-taxi-imsa-and-moreAndroidPit-http://www.androidpit.com/do-not-disturb-blocking-modeTwitTv - http://twit.tv/show/all-about-android/162This app was previously called Silence Scheduler Premium.
Спасение должника 1.4
БОЯТЬСЯ КОЛЛЕКТОРОВ, МФО и БАНКОВ больше НЕ ПРИДЕТСЯ!!!Естьотличноерешение долговых проблем! Дорогие пользователисмартфонов,Вашемувниманию представляется совершено новое, неимеющее аналоговв мире,приложение по защите прав заемщиков идолжников "Спасениедолжника".Если у Вас есть: - действующийкредит, займ или другойдолг, -беспокоят банки или коллекторы, -предстоит знакомство ссудебнымприставом, - замучили долги, -предстоит процедурабанкротства; -нарушены права в сферекредитования изаимствования... немедленноустановите нашеПриложение себе нателефон и начинайте его изучать! Унас естьготовые решения длявсех перечисленных проблем. Уделяйтеизучениюприложения 5 минут вдень и через 15 дней проблемы начнутотступать,а через 3 месяцабольшинство из них бесповоротно уйдут впрошлое.Один из создателейприложения – ДОЛЖНИК с ДЕСЯТИЛЕТНИМСТАЖЕМ ИМНОГОМИЛЛИОННЫМДОЛГОМ, положительное из его опыта мыпостаралисьперенести ииспользовать в Приложении. Множествополезнойинформации, решениядолговых проблем, готовыепроцессуальныедокументы для судов ибанков, образцы исковыхзаявлений, основызаконодательства -простым и доступным языком,реальные историилюдей, попавших вдолговую яму, тактика переговоровс коллекторами имногое другое.Если приложение не содержитнеобходимой для Васинформации - мынезамедлительно дополним его! Несовершайтеюридически значимыхдействий во взаимоотношениях скредиторами, покане посоветовалисьс приложением. Безвыходныхситуаций не бывает!Каждый месяцполезная информация в Приложениибудет пополняться. Незабывайтеотслеживать установление обновленийна телефон. Мы будемждать отВас обратной связи! Если Вы чего-то ненашли, не поняли, счем-тоне согласны или хотите поделиться своимположительнымилиотрицательным опытом – ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ПИШИТЕНАМ!!!Анонимностьгарантируется. Адрес электроннойпочты:zachita-doljnika@yandex.ruлибо через форму обратной связи всамомприложении.
Zareklamy Ads - Build your brand's reputation 1.9
Zareklamy Ads is an advertising platform where you can createyourown ad and increase likes, followers, subscribers, views,websitevisitors, reviews and much more. If you are looking for morepeopleto follow your page – Zareklamy Ads is your solution. Youcantarget your ads to people from any country, area or city. Alsoyoucan select age, gender, language, interests, demographics ofyourtarget group to help you reach the people you need. Everyactioncomes from our second application – Zareklamy. People getpaid forevery action like leaving a like or follow. Each ad youcreate onZareklamy Ads will be visible on Zareklamy app and websiteto thetarget group of your choice. You set your own budget, so yourcostsdepend on what you want to achieve with the ad. Only payforresults, e.g. likes, followers, comments, reviews, salesorbookings. For influencers, artists, businesses: ○ Instagram○YouTube ○ TikTok ○ Facebook ○ Twitter ○ LinkedIn ○ Reddit○Pinterest ○ Spotify ○ Soundcloud ○ VKontakte For ownersofrestaurants, salons, services: ○ Google Maps ○ Tripadvisor ○YelpFor sellers: ○ Amazon ○ Etsy ○ Shopify ○ eBay ○ AliExpressForproperty tenants: ○ Airbnb ○ Booking For business professionals:○Trustpilot ○ Capterra ○ G2 ○ Glassdoor ○ Product HuntForstreamers: ○ Twitch ○ Dlive ○ Ustream ○ Smashcast ○ LivestreamForowners of mobile applications: ○ Google Play ○ App StoreForfreelancers: ○ Fiverr ○ Upwork ○ Freelancer ○ PeopleperhourFormedium and small businesses: ○ Website visitors ○ Websitecomments○ Registrations ○ Newsletters ○ Surveys For any questionsorcomments, feel free to contact us at: feedback@zareklamy.com
Агент 2.0.7573
Руслан Хут
Sales agent, application for receiving orders from buyers.
Nights Keeper (do not disturb) 2.8.2
If you fed up to be worried by call or SMS during sleeporimportantmeeting - this app designed specially for you.NightsKeeper blocksall calls, but “white list” contacts will beable togo through. Youcan specify separate contacts or groups inyourexceptions list. Youcan create several profiles for differentweekdays and time. Inaddition to the night profile, you can createtheday profile too.It's important for those who work at night orliketo take a napafternoon. If you work by shifts app has solutionforyou as well.If you decided to take in a movie or haveimportantmeeting, you canuse «Don't disturb» profile that can bemanaged byhome screenwidget. App can automatically send SMSnotification tothe blockedcaller just to let him know that you areok. And if youare worryabout urgent call from a contact notspecified in your"white list",you can use «Emergency call» option.In this casecaller will gothrough after several attempts. You canspecifynight ringtone,special volume level and ascending ring. Appcanhelp you to saveyour battery life by turning off Auto Sync,MobileNetwork, Wi-Fiand Bluetooth at night. Some features availableonlyfor PROversion. The license can be purchased by in-appbilling.Supportdeveloper and get all application features on allyourdevices.Price is about $2.99. If you have any questions,please,visit ourFAQ page first:http://www.nightskeeper.com/?page_id=29
Native 2.6.31
Premise Data
App for Native's On-Demand Collector Network