21 Похожие Цифровой уровень

Bubble Level, Ruler 3.25
Level, Plumb bob (camera mode) and Ruler. Measuring length,anglesand slope.
Cool Spirit Level (Smart tools 2.0.0
The new cool spirit level. Nice designed and very user-friendly.
Bubble Level 1.28
Gamma Play
Best leveling tool for your Android device. Hang paintings likeapro.
Bubble Level, Spirit Level
Level (waterpas), ruler. Measuring angles and slope.
Cool Bubble Level (Clinometer) 2.0.0
The new cool bubble level free app. Nice designed andveryuser-friendly.
Spirit Level
Spirit Level. Great Graphics. Enjoy.
Строительный уровень LevelApp 1.1.8
220 Вольт
Уровень – простое приложение дляопределенияугла наклона поверхности. Установите его на телефон,чтобыизмерительный инструмент всегда был под рукой!Как пользоваться?Цифровой уровень полностью дублирует настоящий Bubble level.Простоприложите смартфон к любому предмету – и приложение покажетуголотклонения от горизонтальной или вертикальной плоскости.Функционал мобильного уровня- Имитация пузырькового строительного уровня длявизуальногоконтроля- Поворотная шкала для измерения любого угла наклона- Удобный просмотр через камеру – вы сможете определитьуклонудалённого объекта- Не требует калибровки- Можно установить на SD картуМы с удовольствием сделаем уровень для Android ещё удобнее.Ждёмваши мнения и пожелания на почту vopros@220-volt.ruLevel - asimpleapplication to determine the angle of inclination of thesurface.Install it on your phone to a measuring instrument wasalways athand!How to use?Digital level completely duplicates the real Bubble level.Simplyattach your phone to any subject - and the app will showthedeviation angle from the horizontal or vertical plane.The functional level of the mobile- Simulation of the construction bubble level forvisualinspection- Bezel to measure any angle- Easily view through the camera - you will be able to determinetheslope of a remote object- Does not require calibration- Can be installed on SD cardWe are happy to make the level more convenient for Android. Welookforward to your opinions and suggestions to thepostvopros@220-volt.ru
3D Measurement App - Plumb-bob 06.16.00
Distance measurements. Vertical and horizontal alignment checks.
Расчет площади кровли 2.0
Программа позволяет произвести расчет площади возводимойкровлиповыбранному виду и указанным размерам.Внимательнозадавайтеразмеры. Размеры строения в метрах, остальноесогласноподписям.Указав стоимость кровельного материала можнорассчитатьобъемфинансовых затрат на возводимую кровлю. Расчетобрешетки истропил.При использовании результата расчета досокучтите чтопрограммаберет общую длину досок, требуемых для обрешеткиистропил, неучитывая обрезки. Внимание!!! Расчетные данныеносятинформационныйхарактер. Используя результаты расчета незабывайтепро небольшойзапас на обрезь материала, нахлесты пристыках. Группапообсуждению моих приложенийhttps://vk.com/manatin_progs Если увасесть предложения пишите напочту. Партнер проекта -проффкровля.рфПонравилась разработка,уделите пару минут, напишитеотзыв. Помогипроектуhttp://manatin.ru/progs/helpmyproject/Выражаюблагодарность: Тимуру(Tamerlan'u) за чертежи крыш. СергеюПащенкоза консультации построительной части, углубленноетестирование,выявленные ошибки исвоевременное указание на них.P.S. ЕслиПриложение вылетело,напишите письмо с указаниемпоследовательностидействий, которыепривели к вылету. Если выпишите негативный отзывили ставите плохуюоценку, пожалуйстапредоставьте обоснованиевашей позиции.
bubble level 1.1
Simple bubble level
Pocket Bubble Level 2.5.04
ExaMobile S.A.
Pocket Bubble Level simple, accurate & always handy
Расчет строительных блоков 2.0
Calculating the number of building blocks
Perfect Level (Bubble & Laser) 3.1.2
Netigen Tools
Measure the surface precisely with Perfect Level application!
Bosch Toolbox 6.13.1
Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH
Plan projects, measure & convert units, connect powertools.Your free tool app.
Ruler And Level Tools
Reticulum Studio
Screen Ruler, Caliper and Water (Bubble, Spirit) Level foryoureveryday needs!
Compass Level & GPS
Take advantage of accurate andintegratedcompass, level and gps tools in one screen.For lovers of D.I.Y. and fans of self-assembling: this makes youanexpert in placing furniture, hanging up a shelf or frame.For tracking, hiking and camping fanatics: now you will never beoffcourse, always having the right position and direction.This tool is handy and very accurate - try it yourself!Advice: for a better accuracy, first calibrate once.✓ Compass Usage• Find and keep track of the right heading• Get information of your current position or atargetposition• Find your parked car through the target position feature.✓ Level Usage• Proper positioning of furniture• Straight installation of a shelf or a frame• Quickly level out your motor home or caravan✓ Features• Automatic horizontal and vertical level display• Choose Sound and/or Vibration when level• Manual compass and level calibration available• 'Hold / Release' button, for easy readout• Screen Capture: no notes, just copy• Sensor sensitivity and update-cycle adaptable• Powerful GPS feature: set target position, and find thedirectionand distance.✓ Remarks (Compass)• Sensor accuracy may differ depending on the device used• For better accuracy, keep away from magnetic fields andelectronicdevices.** Usermanual:http://lemonclip.blogspot.kr/2014/02/compass-level-user-manual.html• If you encounter any problem with this App or incorrectwording,please contact us via:- https://www.facebook.com/CompassLevel- jeedoridori@gmail.com
Bubble Level - Spirit Level
Mobile Essentials
Bubble level also known as spirit level is a free,handy,accurate,simple to use and incredibly useful tool for yourAndroiddevice. Aspirit level or bubble level is an instrumentdesigned toindicatewhether a surface is horizontal (level) orvertical(plumb). Vialson modern level meter have a slightly curvedglasstube which isincompletely filled with a liquid, usually acoloredspirit oralcohol, leaving a bubble in the tube. Atslightinclinations thebubble travels away from the center position,whichis usuallymarked. Bubble Level app tries to mimic the reallevelmeter anddisplays the data as real level meter would. Anextensionof thespirit level is the bull's eye level: acircular,flat-bottomeddevice with the liquid under a slightlyconvex glassface with acircle at the center. It serves to level asurfaceacross a plane,while the tubular level only does so inthedirection of the tube.Bubble Level app tries to mimic therealbull's eye level anddisplays the data as real bull's eyelevelwould. Where any why useBubble Level? A bubble level is adeviceused in construction,carpentry and photography thatdetermines ifobjects on whichyou're working are level. Usedproperly, a bubblelevel can helpyou create flawlessly level piecesof furniture,staircases andhomes. A bubble level is also helpfulwhen setting upa tripod forphotographs or when hanging paintings orother items onthe wall.
Bubble Level XL
A simple, easy to use and accurate bubblelevel(or spirit level). With this app you can measure the tilt ofan edge(in degrees) with your mobile phone or tablet. Theapplication usingthe accelerometer. No more sloping tables norwrong frames, you canline up everything!
Bosch Site Measurement Camera 1.3
Robert Bosch GmbH
Site Measuring Camera- Input of measured values (e.g. measures of length, angleetc.)directly into a picture- Marking of specifics (wiring, connections, ventilation etc.)andaddition of side notes (voice recording, text, video)- Creation of new projects and folders- Send via e-mailThis app is provided free of charge by Bosch Professional,theleading manufacturer of power tools for trade and industry.Bosch Professional provides many other free digital toolsforyour smartphone. We summarized these in the "Bosch toolbox",theapp with many useful functions for craftsmen andotherprofessionals, including apps like a translator formeasurementunits.Naturally all Bosch Professional apps come in the usualhighBosch quality.Real Bosch! Real professional! Blue power tools: For tradeandindustry.
Vibration Meter 1.6.16
Smart Tools co.
Measure phone's vibration and the earthquake with your phone.
Bubble Level 2.0.1
Water, Bubble Level