11 Похожие iBus_金門縣

金門航空站 2.6
金門航空站app提供以下功能1.即時到站2.即時離站3.候補名單4.即時車位5.固定航班6.航空氣象7.最新消息8.機場單位聯絡電話9.找尋機場Kinmen airportappoffersthe following features1. Instant station2. Instant offsite3. The waiting list4. Instant parking5. Secure Flight6. Aeronautical Meteorology7. Latest News8. Unit Tel Airport9. Find Airport
iBus_宜蘭勁好行 1.4
原宜蘭勁好行1.提供宜蘭縣市區公車即時動態資訊,快速查詢預估到站時間。2.提供目前位置附近公車站牌搜尋,顯示公車預估到站時間。3.站牌google map地圖顯示,輕易獲得站牌位置。資料來源:宜蘭縣政府Former YilanJingoodline1. To provide real-time dynamic Ilan county, citybusinformation,quickly find the estimated arrival time.2. Provide current location near the bus stop search,displaytheestimated arrival time of the bus.3. The stop sign google map map display, easy access tobusstoplocation.Source: Yilan County Government
BusTracker Taiwan 1.73.0
Bus tracker provide different kind of transportation informationforTaiwan.
iBus_公路客運 2.5.8
Are you still worried about not knowing when the passengerwillarrive? What bus number do I have to take to reach mydestination?[iBus_Road Passenger Transport] provides you with themost completeand real-time passenger information query service, andprovides anumber of intimate quick query functions
桃園公車 3.9.0
Taoyuan city buses provide instant dynamic information fromTaoyuanCity Hall Department of Transportation.
高雄iBus公車即時動態資訊-高雄市政府交通局 3.7.3
The ibus Kaohsiung Bus Dynamic Inquiry System APP developed bytheKaohsiung City Government Transportation Bureau andQuandingTechnology Co., Ltd. is the best choice for you to takepublictransportation in Kaohsiung City!
iBus_新竹市 1.6.4
「竹塹交通資訊網」與「iBus_新竹市」App已正常提供查詢服務。「新竹公車動態」提供新竹市公車動態資訊,功能包括:到站時間查詢、附近站點查詢、我的最愛(含到站提醒)、轉乘查詢,說明如下:1. 「到站時間查詢」:查詢公車何時到站,於適當時間前往等車,不需在站牌處久候。2.「附近站點查詢」:查詢目前所在位置附近公車站牌位置及行經路線,另可輸入地標關鍵字,查詢該地標附近公車站牌及行經路線資訊。3.「我的最愛」:可直接查詢「我的最愛」清單中各站牌的公車預估到站時間,當公車抵達我的最愛中列表的前5站時,自動傳送車輛已抵達的訊息提醒,避免錯過班車。4. 「轉乘查詢」:提供如何搭乘公車往返新竹市各主要地標景點,可事先進行搭乘路線規劃,以提高觀光旅客轉乘公車之便利性。「竹塹交通資訊網」與「iBus_新竹市」App已正常提供查詢服務。
iBus_新竹縣 2.1.4
提供新竹縣內公車動態資訊查詢,功能包括:公車客運資訊、臨近站點景點、我的最愛、高鐵/台鐵資訊、國道路況、停車費查詢、旅運規劃、新竹縣其他APP服務,說明如下1. 公車客運資訊:可查詢新竹縣市區公車、長途客運、國道客運路線、站點、動態到站時刻2. 臨近站點景點:透過GPS定位及手動搜尋服務,查詢附近站點、景點,並提供站點公車到站時刻和景點觀光資訊3. 我的最愛:公車站點設定加入我的最愛後,提供上車提醒、下站提醒服務4. 高鐵/台鐵資訊:提供高鐵/台鐵時刻表便民服務連結5. 國道路況: 提供國道路況便民服務連結6. 停車費查詢: 提供竹北市停車費查詢網站便民服務連結7. 旅運規劃:提供GOOGLE旅運規劃服務,方便民眾規劃交通參考行程8. 新竹縣其他APP服務:提供新竹縣觀光便民App服務連結
iBUS Orari Trentino 3.7.0
Questa "app" a cura diTrentinotrasportiesercizio S.p.A. ti permette di accedere agliorarisempreaggiornati di tutto il trasporto pubblico Trentino,fareunaricerca percorsi e visualizzare gli orari delle fermatepiu'vicinea te, visualizzare le informazioni del trasportobicicletteedisabili.Trentino trasporti esercizio S.p.A. è l'azienda chesvolgeilservizio di trasporto pubblico, urbano, extraurbano,ferroviarioefunivia Trento Sardagna per l'intera ProvinciaAutonomadiTrentoThis "app" byTrentinoSpAtransport operation allows you to access up to dateschedulesof allpublic transport Trentino, do a search paths andview thescheduleof stops more 'near you, view the informationtransportbicycles anddisabled.Trentino transport operation S.p.A. is the companythatcarriesout public transport, urban, suburban, railway and cablecarforthe entire Sardagna Trento Autonomous Province of Trento
iBus Alicante
Tecnologia Siam
¿Cuánto falta para que llegue el bus? Conestaaplicación podrás conocer el tiempo falta para que llegueelautobús.Cada Poste y Marquesina tienen asignado un númerodeparada,introduciendo ese número en el iBus te mostrará lostiemposen tiempo real de los autobuses que van a hacer laparada.La interfaz de usuario se ha simplificado al máximo para quesearápida ni iconos ni imágenes pesadas.How long before thebusarrives? With this application you needed to know the time thebusarrives.Each pole and canopy are assigned a number of stop typingthatnumber in the iBus will show you the real-time time the busesgoingto make the stop.The user interface has been simplified to the maximum to bequickor heavy images or icons.
宜蘭找車行 1.0
Synn Wang
常常臨時機車故障卻找不到附近哪邊有機車行嗎?這是一個擁有所有宜蘭地區機車行資料的應用程式,透過程式內選擇區域,可以快速找到您所在地區的機車行,也可以透過排氣檢驗站按鈕的篩選快速找到宜蘭縣政府環境保護局核可的排氣檢驗站。Often temporarylocomotivetrouble but could not find which side organic dealersnearyou?It is a locomotive line has all information Ilan application,selectthe area through internal programs, you can quickly findyour areamotorcycle line, you can quickly find the Yilan CountyGovernmentEnvironmental Protection Agency approved through thefilter exhausttest station buttons exhaust inspectionstation.