27 Похожие Love Paradise

后宮三千人 2.2
一款超高自由度的全性向宮鬥遊戲,上百種結局任你選擇。你可以一路撕逼爭寵打怪升級當皇后,也可以一言不合開啟百合耽美BG線愉快地私奔,還可以因為宮裡套路深我要回農村開啟種田線。深情皇帝霸道皇后高冷王爺蘿莉公主面癱侍衛……只要好感度到了,誰都可以被你抱走。只有一點,一定要記得多存盤!A high degree offreedomof the whole aptitudes palace fighting game, hundreds ofkinds ofoutcomes you want.You can tear all the way to force the rivalry Daguai upgradewhenthe Queen,You can also open Yiyanbuge lily slash BG line happilyeloped,Also because I want to return to the palace Routine deepruralfarming open line.Affectionate Emperor overbearing Queen Princess Lolita highcoldprinces facial paralysis guards ...... Just to favorability,and noone you can be taken away.Only a little, we must remember to save!
熹妃傳-第一部可以玩的宮鬥小說 1.2.1
Palace Games Technology Ltd.
"Biography" is a mobile game specially designed for women. It isaperfect interpretation of the love and hate in the Qing Dynasty.
武媚娘之後宮風雲錄 3.6.2
主公不可以之夢回三國  3.3.8
《主公不可以》是一款以穿越為背景的三國卡牌遊戲。主公可以通過任務、副本、活動獲取強力的穿越武將、裝備以及各種神力道具,以此來提升自己的戰鬥力,並最終擊敗邪惡的張角勢力,拯救因時空錯亂而混沌的三國亂世!東漢末年,天下三分,群雄四起!來自現代的你,該怎麼在這混亂的戰場中立足?招兵買馬,強化士兵,打造鐵血之師;神將召喚,各路諸侯助你一臂之力;更有強力裝備附身,展現你逆天的戰力~神秘的七星壇,讓你體會自然的力量!卡牌進階、裝備強化、裝備洗練等各種玩法,讓你在稱霸三國的路上不再孤獨,最重要的是還有來自的現代的三國美女武將伴你左右喲!【遊戲特色】1. 豐富的排陣通過招募等方式收集三國名將,名將可同時放置多個陣容,玩家通過陣型佈陣上陣武將和士兵,最多可以佈置3個主將和6個偏將,3種不同的士兵,變幻多樣的陣法排列,出其不意,給敵軍致命一擊!3.千锤百炼出猛将作為一款模擬真實沙場的手遊,将领和士兵的培養也是非常重要的。積累到一定等級,将领可以通过进阶、升级、七星坛属性洗练提高将领战斗力,同时穿越幻将还可变身解锁新姿势哦;强大的军队士兵也是必不可以少的進階,升级后戰力將大幅度提升,为攻城掠寨打下坚实的基础.4.豐富多彩的卡牌玩法系統卡牌是遊戲裏面專門為英雄服務的一種資源,卡牌具有等級和品質的屬性,玩家可以將卡牌進行強化和進化,從而提升卡牌的等級和技能。強化後的卡牌將為英雄提高更多戰力。5.史上第一人当你和一群COS美女一起穿越到了三國,上到名将下到指路MM都变身成了真人美女,个个战力惊人,举国的倾城佳人你会中意哪一个?真正做到指挥美女三军,运筹帷幄战天下的史上第一人!6.七星圣坛洗筋练髓幻將進階到一定品质,并且达到等级要求,就可以在七星壇使用魂印刷新屬性,當前面4個欄位屬性等級刷到10級並且4個屬性相同時,可以啟動第5個位置屬性,可以有效地提升武將屬性,如不满意属性还可以重复刷新次数不限制,多重魂印让您的能力上天入地。                            7.义结金兰福祸同当公會聚集了各路志同道合的英雄好漢,他們並肩浴血,共用成功的喜悅。公會系統中還可以對強者膜拜以獲得體力。齊心協力通過公會副本全公會都可以贏取豐厚的獎勵哦。【系統介紹】--武將養成系統三國裏面的幾百位名將和現代穿越過去的18個頂級神將,我們還原三國裏面的武將造型並加入現代美女卡牌的概念,根據遊戲背景的設計打造人物個性定位。遊戲中的武將作為玩家的重點培養對象,即可參與城堡防守戰鬥,也可以參與進攻戰鬥;我們可以在”佈置”裏面設置參與戰鬥的英雄,玩家每次最多可以攜帶3名英雄作為主將和6名武將作為偏將出戰或者進行天梯防禦。偏將最多可以上陣6個,上陣個數根據等級解鎖,上陣偏將屬性10%會疊加到主將身上(偏將星級越高疊加屬性百分比越高,6星為15%),上陣的偏將能夠與主將產生緣分,達到滿足條件的緣分會啟動緣分百分百加成。每個武將可以裝備六個裝備(有2個暫時未開啟”),從而提升英雄的戰鬥能力,裝備通過寶箱開出,寶箱可以在遊戲中掉落,各種活動贈送等等。武將擁有一個主動技能和多個被動技能,主動技能會在武將進階時候升級,被動技能則根據進階次數來逐步開放。每一個武將都擁有一個陣型,目前總共6大陣型,分別是長蛇陣、構型陣、鶴翼陣、雁形陣、圓形陣、錐形陣,陣型不一樣玩家佈置出戰的效果也不一樣。--士兵養成系統遊戲提供給玩家3種類型的士兵,分別是步兵、騎兵、弓箭兵,玩家可以通過消耗材料來強化士兵和進階士兵(士兵進階形象會發生變化)。士兵之間存在在克制關係,攻擊被克制的士兵有額外百分百傷害加成,根據階級不一樣,士兵加成傷害也不一樣。--戰鬥系統玩家佈置好陣型後就可以進入戰場了,進入戰場前,可以通過戰前準備瞭解敵方資訊,包含陣型、武將,如果覺得自己現在的陣型對敵方不佔優勢,可以點擊佈陣重新調整。點擊開戰後就可以進入戰場了,戰場中根據敵我雙方的陣型,自動電腦邏輯控制戰鬥,玩家可以通過點擊武將頭像來釋放技能,同玩家也可以使用自動戰鬥。戰鬥勝利玩家會獲得對應掉落物品和獲得經驗,戰鬥中每死亡一名武將減少一顆星級評價,若武將全部死亡則戰鬥失敗,星級可用於兌換星級獎勵。--卡牌系統卡牌星級《主公不可以》中的卡牌分一星到六星6個級別,星級越高,卡牌的屬性就越強大。卡牌進階卡牌既是武將本身也是武將培養需要消耗的一種資源,目前武將進階前期不需要消耗卡牌只需要材料,進階由神開始,需要消耗一張和自己相同的卡牌作為材料。玩家可消耗一張卡牌作為材料卡牌,使目標卡牌獲得經驗值,從而獲得等級的提升;卡牌洗練進階到真及以上階段的卡牌可以在七星潭進行洗練屬性,洗練屬性需要消耗符印或者20元寶,點擊刷新就能獲得屬性加成,每次刷新均會重新隨機一次屬性類型,有概率提高屬性等級當後面4個屬性為相同屬性,且等級達到10級時,可以解鎖第1個欄位,並且第一個欄位獲得與4個屬性相同的一個10級屬性。不一樣的三國~不一樣的戰場的!豐富多樣的活動,讓你快樂的闖蕩三國世界!更多神秘篇章等您來探索!一不留神就回到三國啦!貂蟬助你過關斬將!小喬陪你英雄試煉!諸葛邀妳七星壇聚!周瑜與你一戰天梯!三國名將化身美女,你會赴誰的約呢?
落櫻散華抄Remake 2.1.2
2019/12/17本日因故進行伺服器搬移,如於2019年12月17日前下載遊戲之玩家,請重新安裝遊戲,造成您的不便還請見諒。校園生活全新再開!不可思議的校園冒險AVG遊戲,結合【戀愛約會】【打工經營】【卡牌戰鬥】,歡迎您來櫻華學園體驗不可思議的校園戀愛奇幻生活!!●純愛冒險、豐富故事,超乎想像的劇情展開! ● 戀愛育成、踏實學習,戀愛與學業兩者兼得! ●打工經營、閒聊約會,驚喜不斷的學園生活! ●卡牌激戰、策略組合,封印失控的魔界妖物! ● 魅力女角、帥氣式神,收集五百種華麗卡牌!●累積好感、展現羈絆,和心儀女角一起奮戰!櫻華學園,充滿貴族氣息與頂尖設施的高級學校。因為父母工作的關係,你轉入了櫻華學園,不但成為了眾所注目的轉學生,更因此與眾女角們展開了綺麗的邂逅,但是等待你的不只於此,潛藏在現代社會檯面下的世界,妖怪與人類的戰爭更是將你捲入其中……是要用功讀書成為品學兼優的好學生?抑或是成為眾人簇擁的學園明星? 還是成為人類最後的一線希望? 一切都取自於你的選擇!◎◎◎遊戲特色◎◎◎ ◎魅力滿點的戀愛模式戀愛模式中除了讓人心動的情節外,女角們更採用了最高級的3D技術制作,她們將因你的選擇產生不同的心境轉變,栩栩如生的動作與細膩表情將緊抓你的心!◎輕小說般的主線劇情透過輕小說規格的豐富劇情,搭配AVG模式的演出,讓你能徹底融入故事背景,不管是隱藏在人群中的妖怪之謎,抑或是千年的愛恨情仇,故事情節高潮迭起,絕對讓你欲罷不能!◎3D+2D的完美結合。除了有舒適的2D介面跟卡片,我們更採用了Unity3D引擎技術製作出可愛的角色跟貴族氣息的櫻華學園,3D與2D的完美結合肯定能讓您盡情徜徉在學園之中。◎魅力十足的人物風格頂尖的日系萌系人設配上重金禮聘知名日本聲優獻聲,絕對讓你耳目一新,陷入 戀愛的漩渦!!◎卡片系統!自由搭配、潛力無窮!角色卡、裝備卡、寶具卡、道具卡、應援卡,再加上和女角之間的羈絆!各式各樣的卡片隨你挑選!數百種不同能力、不同效果隨你搭配!完全的自由配置,讓你打造出專屬於你的獨特隊伍!守護你心儀的女主角!◎輕鬆的讀書打工系統!想要獲得高學力卻煩惱自己沒有過人的天賦?想跟女角們約會卻愁金錢不足?簡單快速的讀書打工系統,讓你只要利用閒暇的時間快速消耗能量即可提高自己的學力以及賺取金錢!輕鬆自在的獲得美人心!!
Battle Odyssey 1.0.0o
Raise the sail and set course for a fresh and freepuzzle-RPGadventure!Welcome to Pondera, a fantasy world far beyond the ocean,lushwith magic, but being corrupted by evil. Your elemental powerscansave this land, but you’ll need to collect brave Allies totakeaction by your side!FORM A HEROIC CREW• Recruit and collect over 500 Allies belonging todifferentfactions.• Each Ally has an Elemental Affinity, and some have a uniqueskilland battle ability.• Enhance and evolve your Allies to set free their full power.BATTLE IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE!• Drag your finger to link like-colored Orbs or spend ActionPointsto link different-colored Orbs for powerful combos.• Special Patterns add strategy by allowing you to healAllies,delay enemy attacks and more.• Unleash each Ally’s ability, from poisoning your enemiestosummoning down a rain of fire.EXPLORE A GORGEOUS WORLD• Every character is brought to life in stunning 2D animeart.• Discover an RPG adventure through fantasy lands, from asunnyocean paradise to a magic city in the sky.DUEL IN REAL TIME!• Real-time Versus Battles with advanced matchmaking fortheultimate test of puzzle skill and strategy.• Rise to the top of the Leagues to collect great rewards.BEYOND THE HORIZON• Regular limited-time events with great rewards.For fans of free puzzle games, PvP, ocean adventures, cardgames,strategy, fantasy RPGs, and action heroes._____________________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at http://glft.co/GameloftonTwitter or like usonFacebook at http://facebook.com/Gameloft to get moreinfoabout all our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers on http://www.youtube.com/GameloftDiscover our blog at http://glft.co/Gameloft_Official_Blog fortheinside scoop on everything Gameloft._____________________________________________This app allows you to purchase virtual items within theapp.Privacy Policy : http://www.gameloft.com/privacy-notice/Terms of Use : http://www.gameloft.com/conditions/End User License Agreement : http://www.gameloft.com/eula/
進擊的宮鬥 1.0
宮廷Q傳 2.3.0
【遊戲簡介】史上最Q最萌的宮廷系列卡牌手遊《宮廷Q傳》震撼來襲!遊戲內以詼諧的對話重新詮釋了人們耳熟能詳的經典宮鬥劇情,將五款熱門宮鬥劇合為一體,絕對是宮廷迷們的最愛。同時彙集了角色扮演、養成、卡牌三種流行要素,配上超細緻的萌系畫風和無厘頭的爆笑劇情,絕對能帶給你不一樣的宮廷體驗!想要爆笑穿越宮廷?想要後宮佳麗三千?一切盡在《宮廷Q傳》!【遊戲特色】1、超萌角色畫風,堪稱卡牌遊戲史上最萌。2、多部經典宮鬥劇情逐一體驗:玩一款遊戲,看五部宮廷劇!3、後宮陣營派系林立,這不單是女人的天下,男人才是掀起腥風血雨的根源!4、漫漫宮廷路,形單影隻未免太過淒涼;有伴我最強,結親姻緣攜手遊戲之旅。5、遊戲角色卡牌多達數百款,涵蓋各宮鬥名人大家,甚至還有意想不到的驚喜角色!喜歡誰,就用誰!6、卡牌組合效果千變,想要強,不再只侷限一種搭配!7、跨伺服器多人副本齊闖關,與好友一起並肩作戰吧!官網:http://www.funmobi.com.tw/game/PalaceCard粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/PalaceAppQ[Game Description]History of the most Meng Q most court series card hand tour"palaceQ Biography" shock struck! Game with witty dialoguereinterpretedpeople familiar with the classic story house fighting,the fivepopular Palace play fighting as one, absolute favorite offanspalace. While a collection of role-playing, to develop, cardthreepopular feature, coupled with ultra-detailed MengDepartmentnonsense style and hilarious story can certainly give youadifferent court experience! Want hilarious through the court?Wantthree thousand concubines? Everything in the "palaceQBiography"![Game Features]1, Super Meng role style, called the card game in the history ofthemost Meng.2, many of the classic story house fighting each experience: Playagame, watch five court drama!3, harem camp factionalism, this is not just a woman's world, manisoff the root of the reign of terror!4, the long court road, all alone and too desolate; there withmystrongest hand in marriage matchmaking game trip.5, the game character cards up to hundreds of models, coveringallGong Dou celebrity everyone, and even the role of anunexpectedsurprise! Like who, who can use!6, the combined effect of a card-changing, you want strong, notonlythe limits of a single match!7, more than a copy Qi checkpoints across the server, andfriendsfought together now!Official website: http: //www.funmobi.com.tw/game/PalaceCardFans: https: //www.facebook.com/PalaceAppQ
DrawCardLife 1.38
fork wang
A strategic survival card game. Use your talents to survive.
體驗養成的樂趣,感受真實的聲音,升級版的攜帶女友之女神養成計劃來啦!國內首個二次元3D分階段養成遊戲粉墨登場!無論是天真的蘿莉期,還是羞澀的少女期,亦或是迷人的女神期,只要妳堅持養成,就會看到她從小到大的蛻變。妳可以為她添加記憶,讓她變得聰明;妳可以讓她表演才藝,讓她為妳解悶;妳更可以為她購買新衣服,打造屬於妳的獨版女神!愛養成的妳還在等什麽,快讓她住到妳的手機裏吧!Develop a funexperience,feel the real voice of the goddess carrying hisgirlfriend plan todevelop an upgraded version coming! China's first3D phasedsecondary yuan to develop games on stage! Whether it isnaiveLolita period, or shy girl of about, or the goddess of charm,aslong as u adhere to develop, will see her transformation fromsmallto large. U can add to her memory, let her become wise; u canmakeher acting talent, let her cheer u; u more to buy new clothesforher to create a single version of the goddess belonging tou!Fostering love u What are you waiting, quickly let her live touthe phone now!
新征途-喜結良緣 1.4.0
《征途》正版授權手游,持吾手中劍,稱王擁結衣!全新版本【喜結良緣】今日開啟,快來結識伴你一生的人!只要你能在遊戲中稱王,就有機會與女神『波多野結衣』親密接觸,『波多野結衣』首次為遊戲原聲配音,親自指導新手,就在你耳邊呢喃私語,馳騁疆場豈不更加爽快,結衣在遊戲里等你喲!【秦漢之戰】歷史兩大最強皇室戰爭登場,加入您敬仰的國家,體驗千人同屏、萬人國戰的激情,百人連斬、補刀收人頭的快感。【全民刀塔】MOBA與攻城完美結合,三路進攻推塔攻城,用您的智慧與勇氣的帶領您的國家走向勝利;【家族爭霸】爭奪國王至尊權利,實現統一霸業夢想,稱王更能擁得結衣美人歸;【美人助戰】波多野結衣領銜後宮三千妃子,為您助戰新征途,伴您踏上稱王之旅;【玄獸坐騎】擁有上百種酷炫坐騎、個性玄獸,獨創玄獸繁殖系統,讓您擁有獨一無二的個性寵物;【裝備傳承】不必再為更換裝備煩惱,只需一套裝備即可享用終生。粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/nztfans問題回報:nztfans@gmail.com- 本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔13。- 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣,物品等付費服務。
엠페러 게이트 1.1.0
엠페러 게이트 Test ver. 0.93장르 : RPG플레이 타임 : 4~6시간완성도 : 90%============ 스텝롤 ============제작(시나리오, CG, 배경, 도트, 스크립트)★루리코 (azusa85@naver.com)CV (성우)★냐링 (xeda0612@naver.com) : 뮌하우젠★랑제 (launt_ze@naver.com) : 랑제, 쿠소게몬★아롱 (arong_yumi@naver.com) : 리코, 쿠소게몬★히라(woo_ouo@naver.com) : 키리스★오도령 (seenoo1217@naver.com) : 쿠소게몬====================================본격 패러디 RPG취미로 게임을 제작하고 있는 동고 고등학교의 제1 게임 제작부 '엠페러 게이트'엠페러 게이트의 부장이자 매드 프로듀서인 '뮌하우젠'은 멤버(부원)들과 이른바 갓게임을 제작하기 위해바라는것을들어준다는 엠페러(성배)를 알현하기 위한 의식을 시작한다.알 수 없는 지진과 함께 이공간에 들어온 엠페러 게이트 멤버(부원)들.이공간에서는 정체 불명의 쿠소게몬들이 그들을 공격하는데...======================================엠페러 게이트는 테스트 버전으로 버그나 밸런스 부분이 아직 완벽하지 않습니다.따라서, 플레이 하시고 발견되는 버그들이나 밸런스 문제들에 대해서 글을 남겨주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다.(__엠페러 게이트는 테스트 버전에서 지속적으로 업데이트를 해서 완결낼 생각입니다.======================================패러디 항목======================================Ib마녀의 집아오오니매드파더앨리스 인 더 다크니스빨간망토 다크사이드이니그마판다 반복되는 남자투명인간Leave무서운걔임야한게임우산형 저택탈출금색과 비취LOL (리그 오브 레전드)칸코레코노스바슈퍼마리오스트리트 파이터KOF세븐나이츠옥도사변동쪽의 꼬마신령----개발자 연락처 :+821055773798azusa85@naver.comEmperor Gate Testver.0.93Genre: RPGPlay time: 4-6 hoursMaturity: 90%Roll ============ ============ stepProduction (scenario, CG, background, dots, script)   ★ ruriko (azusa85@naver.com)CV (voice)   ★ nyaring(xeda0612@naver.com):mwinOberhausen   ★ rangje (launt_ze@naver.com):rangje,Mon-kusoge   ★ ahrong (arong_yumi@naver.com): Rico,monkusoge   ★ Hiratsuka (woo_ouo@naver.com): keyless   ★ five doryeong(seenoo1217@naver.com):Mon-kusoge====================================Authentic parody RPGThe bundle of high school in one game and making games asahobbyjejakbu 'Emperor Gate'Director and producer Mad 'mwin Oberhausen "TheEmperor'sGatewill begin the ceremony for the Emperor to the throne(HolyGrail)Giving an example, hoping to produce a so-called gameandfreshlymembers (Fuyuan).The Emperor unknown coming into this space with thegatememberearthquake (Fuyuan).Ku soge driven to an unknown attacked them in this space ...======================================Emperor Gate is a bug or not yet fully part of thebalancewiththe test version.Therefore, leave a post about the bug or balance problemsplayandwe'll find prices very much. (_ _Emperor gate is thought to be completed by theconstantlyupdatedtest version.======================================Parody items======================================IbWitch's houseAo OniMad FatherAlice In The DarknessRed Riding Hood Dark SideYinigeumaMale pandas are repeatedThe Invisible ManLeaveScary gyaeimErotic GamesUmbrella mansion escapeGold and jadeLOL (League of Legends)Kahn CollectionKonoseu BarSuper MarioStreet FighterKOFseven nightsOkdo AffairsKid spirit of the East
EastStar Games TW
《美人無雙》名將化身美女,完美的展現了三國時代的女神秀場,獨特戰鬥系統,九宮格佈局,玩家自行選擇下次出戰的武將,在領略美女武將英姿時,更可體驗豐富的策略樂趣。  【美女任你劃】戰鬥過程中,用指尖劃動你心愛的美女頭像即可釋放技能,不同的劃動姿勢會有不同效果,給你前所未有的戰鬥體驗。不僅有網紅韓國主播樸妮嘜代言,還有美玩堂美女主播們一起陪玩遊戲!妹子多多,福利多多,客官留步,子龍別走~  【名將收集】多樣的收集玩法,收集三國歷史上各大美女名將,呂布貂蟬環伺在身旁,劉關張整裝待發,總有一款你最愛!快樂遊戲,輕鬆收集,自由搭配,演繹不同的三國人生!  【玩法豐富】歷史情節幽默化,漫畫表現華容道捉曹,輕鬆愉快的氛圍,團體挑戰兇猛BOSS!熊貓妹子惹人愛!登錄大禮天天有!過關斬將戰沙場,競技場里分雌雄!激情演繹每場戰鬥!  【寫實美女任你挑】9名后宮美女武將同時上陣,戰鬥效果華麗,人物栩栩如生,極具策略性!!新穎的武將培養方式,增加武將收集和培養的樂趣,自由搭配,自由成長!重複的武將不再浪費!官方Facebook主頁:https://www.facebook.com/mmsanguo/官方Line客服:mmsanguo
Saber's Edge - Puzzle RPG
Role playing action, adventure, and epicquestsawait in an epic new game with the perfect pirate crew!Adventure meets RPG combat and deep storytelling in Saber’sEdge.Equip and upgrade your team in a universe where magic andtechnologycollide. Match wits with the Empire in combat across theSevenSkies.FREE to download, Saber’s Edge is easy to pick up and play, buthasinfinite layers of depth, and hours of stories to experience,andunlimited jewels and treasure to collect. Moving battlefieldsand3D animated characters add beauty and depth, and bring Saber’sEdgeto life.Saber’s Edge features:Collect the ultimate crew!* Recruit pirates, heroes and warriors!* Forge the perfect band of rebels. Make choices based onclass,faction, combos,and more.* Match different team members for each battle based ontheirstrengths.* Summon new characters through winning battles andcollectingshardsRPG Quests, Battles, and Exploration* Explore hundreds of islands filled with adventures, bonusquests,daily bounties, and more.* Combat tons of different enemies on the battlefield. Everyfightis different.* Combos, spells, melee attacks and more* Puzzle combat meets fast action* Boss Battles put your pirate team to the ultimate test* Adventure on the ultimate epic quest. New stories andcontentadded regularlyEquip your pirate crew!* Strategy matters. Choose upgrades based on character traitsandteam needs.* Forge rare weapons from your old gear and loot. Upgradeyourarsenal!* Evolve characters and make them more powerful. Max outtheirlevels to unlock new skills and unleash their dark side.NEW! PVP Multiplayer events* PVP Head to Head battles* Compete against other pirate crews* Win Medals and win special PVP treasure and rewardsLike us on Facebook!http://www.facebook.com/sabersedgegameGot feedback? We’d love to hear it!support@sabersedgegame.comThis game is free to download and play, but does offerin-apppurchases. You may disable in-app purchasing using yourdevicesettings.An Internet connection is required to play.
Avakin Life - 3D Virtual World
Lockwood Publishing Ltd
Meet people and chat with friends in the virtual world ofAvakinLife
RPG Toram Online - MMORPG 4.0.12
Asobimo, Inc.
The MMORPG of a massive and magnificent fantasy! Let's exploretheMMO world!
Magic: Puzzle Quest 6.4.1
505 Go Inc.
Magic: The Gathering meets The Original Match-3 RPG!™
艾澤英雄傳—部落衝突全民魔獸卡牌掛機手遊 10.0.0
《艾澤英雄傳》是一款魔獸題材的Q版動作卡牌手遊,擁有雙陣營對抗、職業樹無限進階、裝備動態AVATAR、個人要塞及戰爭等特色玩法。純手繪精美角色設計,超千張特色冒險地圖,八大職業112種進階專精,任意搭配隨心組合!立即加入聯盟或部落,為了榮耀而戰吧!FB粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/azheros客服郵箱:azheros@fantingame.com遊戲特色:◆日韓頂級畫師 1080P超清絕美畫質◆純手繪精美角色設計,超千張特色冒險地圖,寂靜幽深的寒霜湖、積雪覆蓋的丹夏爾、乾燥狂野的貧瘠之地,彙集日韓頂級畫師打造2015最華麗魔幻Q版手遊◆輕鬆點擊無限養成 次世代掛機玩法◆派遣英雄探索外域征戰地下城,輕鬆收集海量金幣與史詩材料,離線掛機放置養成,您的英雄們每分每秒皆在戰鬥!◆戰法牧德薩騎 史詩英雄無限收集◆八大職業112種進階專精,收集史詩英雄打造最強陣容;近戰、遠端、治療、輸出,任意搭配隨心組合,沒有最強的職業只有最強的玩家!◆聯盟VS部落 世界戰爭領土爭奪◆艾澤大陸戰火不息,加入戰爭爭奪領土,控制資源登頂為王,為了陣營的榮耀、你的加入將決定一切!◆鍛造附魔寶石加工 生活採集自由冒險◆在激烈的戰鬥之餘也要重視生產技能的磨練,只有不斷精進及探索方能打造出令世人震驚的寶物,別忘了野外採集也會隨機遇到奇遇喔!
Crusaders Quest 7.5.1.KG
NHN Corp.
Nostalgic dot-aesthetic of classic RPG! A tale where childhoodmeetsadulthood.
銀の聖戦 アルテミス【無料カードRPG】 1.0.22
Nextory, Inc.
 仲間との「絆」が世界を救う!! 魔王軍をぶったおせ!! ■ 「リアルタイムバトル」を体感しよう!!  ギルドメンバーと協力して相手ギルドの幻獣を撃破しよう!!  コンボを繋いでより多くの幻獣を撃破すれば勝利!! ■ 「ジョブ」と「アビリティ」を駆使して戦おう!!  聖戦士や暗黒騎士など、魅力的なジョブがいっぱい!!  キミだけのジョブとアビリティで戦いに挑もう!! ■ 「美麗カード」でデッキを「強化」!!  多くの美麗カードの中から好きなカードを見つけよう!!  カードにはスキルや属性があるので戦略も大事!! ■ 「仲間」と多くのイベントを「制覇」しよう!!  毎月5本以上のイベントが開催されている!!  そのすべてに参加して豪華報酬を獲得しよう!!==================================【あらすじ】 魔王来たりて、かの大地を滅ぼさん…平和だった「アルテミス大陸」を取り戻すため、【絆】と【勇気】が今、試される!!  超絶美麗なキャラクターを駆使し、幻獣と共に魔王に立ち向かえ!【推奨対応機種】 Android4.0以降を搭載した機種With peers "bond"issavethe world! !The Bu~tsutaose the devil army! !■ Let's experience the "real-time battle!" !Let's destroy the phantom beast opponent Guild incooperationwiththe Guild members! !Victory if the phantom beast defeated more by connectingthecombo!!■ I will fight to make full use of a "job" and "ability"!!Such as the dark knight or holy warrior, job charming full! !Let psyched to fight with ability jobs and only you! !■ In the "beautiful card" and "strengthen" the deck! !Find your favorite card from the beautiful many cards! !Also important strategy because there is a skills andattributestothe card! !■ a "companion" and "Let's win" many events! !Events of five or more each month is being held! !The races for luxury rewards participating in the all! !==================================[Synopsis]In order to Te forth Satan, to regain was Horobosan ...peaceKanoearth the "Artemis continent", now, [courage] is triedandbonds[!]The full use of transcendence beautiful character, andstandupagainst the devil along with the phantom beast![Recommended Compatible models;Models equipped with Android4.0 or later
全民無雙 1.6.0
——遊戲介紹——2016重磅出擊!傾力打造最龐大的無雙世界!3D MMORPG手機遊戲《全民無雙》!——遊戲特色——【三大職業x四大副本】仙武—物理攻擊,血厚,太靈-超高傷害大範圍群攻,神羽-遠程攻擊。劇情副本-讓玩家融入到全民無雙的世界中,探索這個龐大的世界。還有日常副本、組隊副本、封妖谷副本等豐富內容。【九大系統x十大日常】煉器、成就、試煉、山海經等九大系統等你一一體驗。十大日常,輕鬆獲得大量經驗值、裝備、材料,助你快速升級。還會有多種限時活動,獎勵拿到手軟!【百變造型x華麗翅膀】換裝備等於換造型,越高級越酷炫。超霸氣翅膀,不僅自帶BUFF,還能升級換造型。真人動作捕捉技術,超華麗特效,超震撼!【3D古風x龐大地圖】全3D東方唯美古風,呈現最美麗的修真世界。以Unity 3D引擎精心打造,超清畫質,帶來視覺頂級享受。結合細微粒子特效,讓玩家身臨其境。【社交系統x PK系統】加入工會,或創建工會,呼朋引伴,和好友們打造全服第一工會。隨時隨地都能PK,單挑,群毆,多人同屏激戰,爽快戰鬥,釋放激情。好友系統、仇人系統,隨時知曉他們的動態。FACEBOOK粉絲頁:www.facebook.com/hf.dream官方網站:happyingame.com/客服郵箱:service@happyingame.com本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十二歲級本遊戲部份角色穿著凸顯胸、臀之服飾;部份內容需另行支付費用,請避免沉迷遊戲。--gameintroduction--2016 heavy attack!Unparalleled effort to build the world's largest!3D MMORPG mobile game "National Warriors"!- Game Features -Four copies of three professional [x]Wu Xian - physical attack, blood thick, too Ling -ultra-large-scalegroup attack hurt, God Yu - long-rangeattack.Drama copies - allowing the player into the world ofuniversalunparalleled explore this vast world.There are daily copy of a copy of the team, the demon sealedcopyValley and other rich content.Nine systems [x] Ten dailyRefining, achievements, trials, and other nine systemsshanhaichingyou one experience.Ten daily, easy access to a lot of experience, equipment,andmaterials to help you quickly upgrade.There will be a variety of activities limited time, awards togetsoft!Variety shape [x] gorgeous wingsFor equipment equal to change shape, the more advanced themorecool.Super domineering wings, not only comes BUFF, but also changetheshape of the upgrade.Live motion capture technology, ultra-gorgeous specialeffects,stunning![3D antiquity x large map]Full 3D Oriental aesthetic antiquity, showing comprehension oftheworld's most beautiful.Unity 3D engine to carefully crafted, ultra-clear picturequality,bringing top-visual enjoyment.Combined with fine particle effects, allowing the playeranimmersive.[Social System x PK System]Join a trade union, or create a union, their friends, andfriendsare the first to create a full-service unions.Anytime, anywhere PK, singled, gang fights, people fighting thesamescreen, brisk fighting, the release of passion.Buddy system, the enemy system, always be aware oftheirdynamics.FACEBOOK fan page:www.facebook.com/hf.dreamOfficial website:happyingame.com/Customer Service Email:service@happyingame.comThis software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach classified as: counseling twelve gradeThis game is part of the role dressed highlight the chest,hip'sclothing; part of the contents to be subject to pay the cost,avoidindulging in the game.
レガシーコスト -ハクスラRPG- 3.3.23
Effortless auto battle RPG with many challenging elements
SRPG Pocket Lord 2.7.0
The full-scale simulation RPG "Pocket Load", which you can playforfree, The retro dot picture characters move around in acomicabletempo. Once upon a time is a nostalgic mind game to betickled. #What is Simulation RPG (SRPG / SLG) It is a role playinggame thatmakes full use of strategy and tactics. # game how toproceed -Let's complete the quest with the strategy - Units got inrewardand summons Let's organize a party to remember - Compensationanditems that were placed in a hand summons Let's use and equipmenttothe unit - In the quest ask them to support the unit of otherusers- Feel free to other users Let's friend request - Theunitsynthesized and you can increase the level - Unit skill youcantake over - Yourself you can develop a high degree of freedomunitof only - When the user-level will be 5 There is also amini-gameto raise the castle Let's acquire items with mini gamesthatnurture castles and towns and nurture units. Ideal for thosewhowant to play SRPG games with a little free time. It is astrategyand tactics game that you can play for a long time. Humanbeings,monsters, dragons, swords and magical fantasy overlookingtheworld. Retro Simulation RPG pixel art.
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