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Избей Политика 1.3
Hohol Soft
Все играли в "БОСС" и "Избей Януковича",теперьвы можете избить больше политиков! Встречайте главных героеввсегомира, на главной аренах для пыток. Янукович уже тут, скоро ивсеостальные будут на своем месте! Политики, президенты, министрыввашей власти - мучайте избивайте и пытайте их. Онизаслужили!▶ Избей кучей оружия!▶ Пытай в разных комнатах!▶ Выбери своего подопытного!Авторитетные мнения, Авторитетных изданий:...◈◈◈ Потрясающе! Я набрал 3 кило мышечной массы во времяигры!10/10◈◈◈-Рязанцев Иван, журнал "FAT GYM"...◈◈◈ Через два часа игры из моих глаз текла кровь! ОпределенноИГРАГОДА! 9/10 ◈◈◈-Мартин Клещ "DICK-GAMES"...◈◈◈ Я думаю ИНДИ разработчики должны умереть! И эти тоже8/10◈◈◈-Леонидас Сирота "GAME OUTSIDE"...PS: Из Украины с любовью!All played in "BOSS"and"Izbey Yanukovych", now you can beat more politicians! Meetthemain characters of the world, the main arenas fortorture.Yanukovych has already here, and soon everyone else will bein theright place! Politicians, presidents, ministers in your power-torment beaten and tortured them. They deserve it!▶ Izbey lots of weapons!▶ tries in different rooms!▶ Choose your guinea!Authoritative opinions, reputable publications:...◈ ◈ ◈ Awesome! I gained 3 pounds of muscle during the game! 10/10◈◈ ◈-Ivan Ryazancev magazine "FAT GYM"...◈ ◈ ◈ After two hours of play out of my eyes bled! Definitelygameof the year! 9/10 ◈ ◈ ◈Martin Mite "DICK-GAMES"...◈ ◈ ◈ INDI I think developers should die! And these, too, 8/10 ◈◈◈Leonidas-orphan "GAME OUTSIDE"...PS: From Ukraine with love!
F18 3D Fighter Jet Simulator 1.5
Are you a real fighter jet pilot? prove it with 3D fighterjetsimulator!
Run, Yanukovych, Run! 1.2
Timeidea Studio
Oops. It's time to escape! Allgoldenloavesfell into the Black Sea, return them! But remember thatevilriotswait to assail you!LITE VERSION WITH ADS.
Спроси Кличко 1.0
** ВНИМАНИЕ! Данная игра не несёт всебеникаких политических предпочтений или оскорблений! **Известный на весь мир спортсмен, украинский политик илюбимецпублики. Узнаёте? Встречайте - Виталий Кличко! Теперь у Васестьневероятная возможность спросить совета не только уПрезидентаРоссии Владимира Владимировича Путина, но и ВиталияКличко.Он без труда ответит на все Ваши не только лишь вопросы изавтрашниепросьбы, используя при этом свои уникальные, всемизвестныевыражения.Не можете узнать, что делать в сложившейся ситуации?СпроситеВиталия! Поехать отдыхать в Кипр или Грецию? СпроситеВиталю!Поиграть Agar.io или Hook? Спросите Виталика, и он попроситзадатьвопрос ещё раз!P.S.: помните, что это всего лишь шутка. Отнеситесь к игресюмором и пониманием. :)** ATTENTION! Thisgamedoes not carry any political preference or insults! **World famous athlete, Ukrainian politicians and thepublic'sfavorite. Do you recognize? Meet - Vitali Klitschko! Nowyou havethe incredible opportunity to ask the Board not only ofRussianPresident Vladimir Putin, but Vitali Klitschko.It is easy to answer all your questions are not onlytomorrow'srequests and, using its unique and remarkableexpression.Can not find what to do in this situation? Ask Vitaly! To gofora vacation in Cyprus or Greece? Ask Vital! Play Agar.io orHook?Ask Vitaly, and he will ask ask again!PS: remember that this is just a joke. Take the game withhumorand understanding. :)
Flappy Yanuk 1.1
iNdevour Games
Mr. Yanukovich learns to fly. Tap thescreentofly and help Mr. Yanukovich avoid the barricades setbytheopposition. Collision is dangerous, but is generallygoodforUkraine. Be warned that mastering the game can helpMr.Yanukovichflee to Russia and lead to some unexpected eventsinCrimea.Peace!
Семкоед 1.9.5
Фартовый нежданчик для басоты: теперьсемкоедина андроиде! Самый пацанскийспособ прожигать время в лоховозах, на метреидругихтягомотинах.Суетите пацанчика, двигая по экрану пальцем и ловитесемкиртом"наПятаке", "Раёне", "в Инстике", "в Опорке", "Питейке"имногихдругихкозырных местах.Лузгайте семки в реальных объемах иоткрывайтеновыхпацанчиков,соревнуйтесь с корешами! Десяток ровных поциков и убойнаямузякаждутсвоихигроков.От души в душу душевно ребятушки!LuckyfornezhdanchikBasotho: semkoed and now on android!Mostpatsanskyway to burn time in lohovozah, on the meterandothertyagomotina.Patsanchika bustle, moving your finger across the screenandcatchSemyon mouth "onPenny "," RANS "," in Instike "," in Walkers "," Piteyke"andmanyotherstrump places.Semyon nibble in the real volume and open new patsanchika,Compete with pals! Potsikov dozen smooth and waitingfortheirslaughter Muzyakaplayers.From soul to soul soul lads!
Vector Full 1.4.2
Join the breathtaking chase!
Копатель Онлайн 1.189
Dmitriev Game Studio
В этой игре вам доступно 249 уникальныхвидовстроительных блоков! Более 100 различных декораций! 25уникальныхперсонажей!Вы можете создавать уровни игры со своими друзьями,путешествоватьпо чужим картам и легко оценивать их. В игре естьтоп-лист карт,который позволит лучшим картам бытьзамеченными.In this game youhaveavailable 249 unique types of building blocks! More than100different scenery! 25 unique characters!You can create levels of the game with your friends, surf thealiencards and easily evaluate them. The game has a top list ofcardsthat will allow the best cards to be seen.
Helicopter 3D flight simulator 1.8
New Helicopter 3D flight simulator - strap on tight and take offtothe sky!
Metro Simulator FREE 1.13
• Metro Simulator FREE •Become a subway operator and drive subway trainsinundergroundtunnels in the unique METRO SIMULATOR FREE gameforAndroid.Improve your trains and metro lines, choose yoursponsor,deal withthe problems like vandalism or suicides, observeyourspeed and tryto arrive to stations on time. Don´t forget thatyourpassengersare your customers, so keep them satisfied in ordertoreceive asmany points as possible at the end of each ride.Surpass your score, buy improvements wisely and simplyenjoythefeeling of being the subway operator.• No ads• Real sounds of metro trains• one basic subway line and train• Plenty of options and improvements for each train, lineetc.• Score counter and achievements - try to surpass yourfriend´sscore:)FOR MORE OPTIONS DOWLOAD FULL VERSION
Limousine 3D Driver Simulator 1.6
Watch out for this free limousine 3Ddriversimulator. You can pick up beautiful looking famouspassengers,celebrities, in nice clothes in the realistic city andbring themto their destination in this free limousine car parking3d game.They will get out of the vehicle and people will startmakingpictures of the famous people. Park the limo in the perfectspotafter you drove them through the city in this driversimulator.Children will watch you while you pick up passengers,because theylove to see a vehicle like this. Also for adults thiscar can beamazing to see, you don’t see one every day. If you parkthe limofast enough you will get the most out of it. Watch out forthetraffic lights. Only go when they’re green, otherwise you cangetin an accident and would need to start all over again with yourjobin this driver simulator: pick up passengers.Game features:- Realistic graphics in this city- Pick up passengers, famous celebrities, to bring totheirdestination- Different parking challenges to park the limo in thisdriversimulator- This car parking 3D game is free to playPick up passengers like famous people in this driversimulatorand bring them to the red carpet. After that you will needto findthe perfect spot to park the limo. Avoid vehicles in thecity,avoid the red light of the traffic lights and all other thingsthatare coming on your way.Please give us some support by rating our game on Google Playorfollowing us on:Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/VascoGamesTwitter - https://twitter.com/VascoGamesYouTube - http://goo.gl/HChVVx
Спроси Путина 4.0
** ВНИМАНИЕ! Данная игра не несёт в себе никакихполитическихпредпочтений или оскорблений! **Знакомы с Владимиром Владимировичем Путиным? Мы -небольшаякомпания энтузиастов уверены, что знакомы. А если нет, томыпознакомим Вас с ним!Предстоит сложный выбор? Не можете решить, что Вам делать? Монетка-это прошлый век. Спроси у Путина!Да-да, теперь у каждого есть возможность посоветоватьсясПрезидентом, и узнать, что он думает о вашей проблеме.Поехать на метро или автобусе, купить молоко или кефир?ВладимирПутин поможет Вам в этом нелёгком выборе! Ведь именнопоэтому он иПрезидент России.P.S.: помните, что это всего лишь шутка. Отнеситесь к игресюмором и пониманием. :)**ATTENTION! This game does not carry any political preferenceorinsults! **Familiar with Vladimir Putin? We - a small company ofenthusiastsare sure that they are familiar. And if not, we willintroduce youto him!A difficult choice? You can not decide what you do? Coin - thislastcentury. Ask for Putin!Yes, and now everyone has the opportunity to consult withthePresident, and find out what he thinks about your problem.Ride the subway or bus, buy milk or yogurt? Vladimir Putin willhelpyou in this difficult choice! After all, that's why he andthePresident of Russia.PS: remember that this is just a joke. Take the game withhumorand understanding. :)
Украинские бега 1.0.4
EQ Studio
21 ноября 2013 года, в Украинеподвоздействиемразных внутренних и внешних политических силначалосьчерти что.Америка, Евросоюз и Россия начали упорную борьбузапрекраснуюздравницу Крым и прочие территории. НоваяполитическаяэлитаУкраины, жаждущая терпкого вкуса другой жизни,превратиламолебен вфарс.Эта игра - субъективное мнение и правдивыйпрогнозсобытий,происходящих на Украине и за ее пределами.Пощечинаголодным илитрусливым политическим зверям.Игра дает возможность сыграть за самых яркихфигурсобытийЕвромайдана.Особенности:- Простое управление: swipe вверх - прыжок, swipe вниз-подкат- Хорошо знакомый формат игры под острым соусом политики- Забавная графика во всех красках реальных событий- Дерзкая, интересная, смешная и правдивая играпрополитическиебегаNovember 21,2013,inUkraine under the influence of various internalandexternalpolitical forces began the devils. America, EuropeanUnionandRussia began a bitter struggle for the excellent resortsofCrimeaand other areas. The new political elite of Ukraine,thirstybittertaste different life, prayer turned into a farce.This game - a subjective opinion and truthful predictionofeventstaking place in Ukraine and abroad. Slap hungry orcowardlypoliticalbeasts.The game gives you the opportunity to play for themostprominentfigures Evromaydana events.Features:- Simple controls: swipe up - jump, swipe down - tackle- The familiar format of the game under the spicy saucepolicy- Fun graphics in all colors of real events- A provocative, interesting, funny and truthful playaboutpoliticalraces
Hohol Soft
Say in unison - "Lady Ju Stop!":-Build-biggest rocket!-Reach peak heights!-Send Lady Ju-away into space!From Ukraine with love!
Trolls: Crazy Party Forest! 3.5.0
Ubisoft Entertainment
It’s time for the BIGGEST, LOUDEST,CRAZIESTparty ever!Build an awesome Troll village in a fuzzy world bursting withcolor!Fill it with unique Trolls, then get ready to throw thecoolestthemed-parties with your favorite characters fromDreamWorksAnimation’s “Trolls”!BUILD YOUR OWN TROLL VILLAGE:- CUSTOMIZE your village with lively crops, activitycenters,trampolines, swimming pools, snazzy dancefloors, andmore!- GROW AND FARM FANTASTICAL GOODIES including colorfullollipops,sour stripe candies and oversized berries.- ENHANCE your forest with quirky critters that producewhimsicaltreats and hair products for the Trolls.- UNLOCK cozy new pod homes in various shapes, sizes, andfundesigns!THROW AWESOME THEMED PARTIES TO ATTRACT NEW TROLLS- HOST THE BEST PARTIES AROUND from events like Bouncing Beats,PutYour Hair in the Air, Heat Wave pool party and many more!- SHOW OFF your Trolls’ talents in the spotlight, and get thepartyjammin’ by playing exciting mini-games!- ATTRACT NEW TROLLS by amazing the party crowds to join andinhabityour village!- COLLECT THEM ALL and complete each unique Troll family tounlockTrolltastic rewards!INTERACT WITH TROLLS FROM THE MOVIE & BEYOND:- PLAY AND PARTY with all your favorite Trolls from the movie–Poppy, Branch, DJ Suki, Guy Diamond and the entireSnackPack!- BOOST THEIR ENERGY with delicious sweets, cupcakes, pastries,andplenty of haircare!- INTERACT with all the individual Trolls in their stylishpodhomes.- LEVEL-UP each Troll to develop their incredible talentsindancing, DJing, yoga, scrapbooking and more!PARTY WITH YOUR FRIENDS:- VISIT your friend’s village every day to receive gifts!- INVITE your friends to join the Crazy Party Forestcommunity!SHARE your in-game achievements on Facebook!PLEASE NOTE:This game is free to download and play but some game items canbepurchased for real money. You can disable in-app purchases inyourdevice's settings.
Minecraft: Pocket Edition
Explore randomly generated worlds andbuildamazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandestofcastles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources orminedeep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons andarmor tofend off the dangerous mobs.Create, explore and survive alone or with friends on mobiledevicesor Windows 10.
Osmos HD
“Named as Game of the Year for a reason,Osmosis a fantastic game. A combination of physics, survival andclassiceat em up” — WeDoCodeEnter the Darwinian world of a galactic mote. To survive,absorbsmaller organisms and grow—but beware of larger predators!Winnerof multiple "Game of the Year" awards, Osmos featuresuniquephysics-based play, stellar graphics, and a hypnoticsoundtrack ofambient electronica. Ready to evolve?“The ultimate ambient experience” — Gizmodo“Beyond doubt, a work of genius” — GameAndPlayer.netNote: This single version is optimized for both tablets andphones.Enjoy on all your Android devices. (Requires multitouch and2.2 orhigher. For more info, pleasevisithttp://www.hemispheregames.com/faq-android/#tech_devices)THE CRUX:you must grow by absorbing smaller motes, but to propel yourselfyoumust eject matter behind you, causing you to shrink. Fromthisdelicate balance, Osmos leads the player throughfloatingplaygrounds, competitive petri dishes, deep solar systems,andmore.Whether you're a child at heart who likes mucking aboutwithsingle-cell organisms, or a strategist with a physics degree,thisgame will appeal to everyone.”AWARDS / recognition:* Editor's Choice — Google, Wired, Macworld, IGN, GameTunnel,andmore...* #1 Top mobile Game — IGN* Game of the Year — Create Digital Music* Best in Show — IndieCade* Vision Award + 4 IGF nominations — IndependentGamesFestival* Coolest Atmosphere — IGN* Best Soundtrack — IGN* Most Innovative Game — Best App Ever Awards, Pocket Gamer* Many top lists including Kotaku, PAX, TouchArcade,iLounge,APPera, IFC, and more...FEATURES:* New: Multiplayer! (more info below.)* 72 levels spanning 8 distinct worlds: Ambient, Antimatter,Solar,Sentient, Repulsor, Impasse, Warped Chaos, andEpicycles.* Award-winning electronic soundtrack by Loscil, Gas, HighSkies,Biosphere, Julien Neto, and more.* Seamlesss multitouch controls: swipe to warp time, tap anywheretoeject mass, pinch to zoom…* Endless replay value: play random versions of any level inArcademode.* Time-warping: slow down the flow of time to outmaneuveragileopponents; speed it up to raise the challenge.* Earn 14 single-player and 18 multiplayer achievements, withGooglePlay Services integration.★ NEW MULTIPLAYER ★* Play against your friends and enemies, locally (via wi-fi),orover the Internet via Google Play Services (wi-fi only)!* 6 distinct Arenas: Ambient, Impasse, Solar, WarpedChaos,Epicycles, and introducing… Antimatter Impasse.Reviews:4/4 ★, Must Have - “We are more than overwhelmed by Osmos… Thegamedesign is thoughtful and intuitive, new level structuresareflawless, and the visuals are stunning yet simplistic… Youjustwon’t find another experience quite like it.” — Slide ToPlay“a beautiful, absorbing experience." — IGN5/5 stars ★, Macworld Editor’s Choice - “One of the best gameswe’veplayed so far this year. An utterly serene, yetfiendishlycomplicated game...”“Osmos is a must-play...” -MTV Multiplayer5/5 stars - “Osmos is an absolute must that will change the wayyouthink of games, and what you expect from them.” -AppAdvice“Brilliantly clever” -Co DesignHappy Osmoting! :)
Granny Smith 1.3.8
Catch the apple thief!