10 Похожие Ultimate Kirchhoff

Lois de Kirchhoff 1.0
Les grandeurs électriques de type tensionetcourant sont mesurées pour trois circuits simples, afin demettreen évidence les lois fondamentales qui régissent lescircuitsélectriques:- loi d'Ohm- lois des nœuds- lois des maillesPour chaque circuit, un graphe permet de suivre l'évolutionducourant en fonction de la tension pour différentes valeursderésistance.Déplacer les curseurs pour fixer une valeur de tension etderésistance.Electrical quantitiesofvoltage and current type are measured for three simple circuitstohighlight the fundamental laws that governelectricalcircuits: - Ohm's Law - Laws nodes - Laws meshFor each circuit, a graph is used to monitor the currentversusvoltage for different values ​​of resistance.Move the sliders to set a value of voltage and resistance.
EveryCircuit 2.26
All joking aside, this time you willunderstandhow electronic circuits work."I stumbled upon some serious gold" - GeekBeat.tv"This app takes design to a whole new level of interactivity"-Design NewsBuild any circuit, tap play button, and watch dynamicvoltage,current, and charge animations. This gives you insight intocircuitoperation like no equation does. While simulation isrunning,adjust circuit parameters with analog knob, and thecircuitresponds to your actions in real time. You can even generateanarbitrary input signal with your finger!That's interactivity and innovation you can't find in bestSPICEtools for PC like Multisim, LTspice, OrCad or PSpice(trademarksbelong to their respective owners).EveryCircuit is not just an eye candy. Under the hood itpackscustom-built simulation engine optimized for interactivemobileuse, serious numerical methods, and realistic device models.Inshort, Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws,nonlinearsemiconductor device equations, and all the good stuffisthere.Growing library of components gives you freedom to design anyanalogor digital circuit from a simple voltage divider totransistor-levelmasterpiece.Schematic editor features automatic wire routing, andminimalisticuser interface. No nonsense, less tapping, moreproductivity.Simplicity, innovation, and power, combined with mobility,makeEveryCircuit a must-have companion for high school scienceandphysics students, electrical engineering collegestudents,breadboard and printed circuit board (PCB) enthusiasts,and hamradio hobbyists.Create an account to unlock the full functionality for alimitedtime. The full version will employ all of your imagination,and allthe screen area of your tablet. Join EveryCircuit cloudcommunityto store your circuits on cloud, access them from any ofyourdevices, explore public community circuits and share yourowndesigns. The app requires a permission to access your accountforauthentication in EveryCircuit community.Thanks to Prof. N. Maghari for technical discussions, feedback,andhelp with designing circuit examples.Features:+ Growing public library of community circuits+ Animations of voltage waveforms and current flows+ Animations of capacitor charges+ Analog control knob adjusts circuit parameters+ Automatic wire routing+ Oscilloscope+ Seamless DC and transient simulation+ Single play/pause button controls simulation+ Saving and loading of circuit schematic+ Mobile simulation engine built from ground-up+ Shake the phone to kick-start oscillators+ Intuitive user interface+ No AdsComponents:+ Sources, signal generators+ Controlled sources, VCVS, VCCS, CCVS, CCCS+ Resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers+ Voltmeter, amperemeter, ohmmeter+ DC motor+ Potentiometer, lamp+ Switches, SPST, SPDT+ Push buttons, NO, NC+ Diodes, Zener diodes, light emitting diodes (LED)+ MOS transistors (MOSFET)+ Bipolar junction transistors (BJT)+ Ideal operational amplifier (opamp)+ Digital logic gates, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR+ Relay+ 555 timer+ Counter+ 7-segment display and decoderNext:+ More componentsIf you like it, please rate, review, and buy!
Kirchhoff's Laws 1.0
Electrical quantities like voltage andcurrentare measured for three simple circuits to demonstratethefundamental laws governing electrical circuits:- Ohm’s law- node laws- circuit lawsFor each circuit, a graph allows us to follow the developmentofcurrent intensity as a function of voltage for different valuesofresistance.Move the voltage and resistance tabs to change their values.
JFET Voltage Divider Bias 2.3
Nathan Chao
This app has 2 modes of operation. In mode1youput in all the circuit values and tap solution to getatutorial onhow the bias Q point is determined graphically fromaplot ofShockley's equation and the straight line plot forVgsversus Id fromKirchoff's voltage equation.In mode 2, the user can vary either R2 or Rs up and down by10%andsee dynamic changes to the plot and Q point to gaininsightoncircuit behavior and design.
Solve My Circuit 1.0
Ashish Gaurav
Circuit solving app with basic features ofDCand AC 1-frequency calculations."Solve circuits the simple way. Draw them and tap Solve to getthemsolved."This application uses Kirchoff's Voltage Law and commonconceptsof mesh analysis to solve circuits. Just draw the circuit,and foreach loop, keep adding in whatever is needed (R,L,C,V) viathe bluedots until they meet and become black. No blue dots meanall loopsare complete.Features in version 1.0 -1. Draw-it-yourself approach to make the circuit.2. DC calculations for complex-interlinked loops.3. AC calculations for single frequency circuits, which canbeeasily solved via phasor interpretation.4. AC results shown in A < B format where A is the magnitudeofphasor and B is angle of phasor with reference.5. Components available - inductor, capacitor, resistor, DCsource,AC source.6. Reset circuit option.**Advice for useNew connecting wire can be drawn only from where you ended thelastconnection.UPDATE: The application might not work properlywithlow-resolution Android devices. The sensitivity is suitedtohigh-res devices. I regret the inconvenience caused.Solve My Circuit v1.1 coming soon!
Circuit Jam
Meet Circuit Jam, an amazing new puzzlegamefrom creators of EveryCircuit. We’ve gamified circuitlearning,making is super fun, challenging, and rewarding.Packed with sophisticated graphics and simulation technologies,thisapp makes electronic circuits remarkably interactiveandapproachable. There are over 100 puzzles that will take you forafun and exciting ride. No... no getting deep into formulasorequations... just cool circuit games that take you from theverybasic to keep-you-up-all-nighters. You will learn aboutvoltage,current, resistance, capacitance and declare victory eachtime youwin!★ Challenge yourself with over 100 puzzles★ Discover 10 essential circuit components★ Check your homework answers★ Invent your own circuits in sandbox★ Get ready to smile as you learnThe objective is to build circuits that generate electronicsignalsof some shape. You will get to make connections, setcomponentvalues, and operate switches to solve the puzzles. CircuitJam willalso teach you how to add and divide voltages and currents,workout equivalent resistance and capacitance, and use Ohm's lawandKirchhoff's laws. As you complete puzzles, new sandboxcomponentsare unlocked.Sandbox mode lets you build any circuit you can imagine outofunlocked components. With sandbox you can simulate examplesinclass, animate textbook circuits, understand how they work,andcheck homework answers. Or maybe you'll just have a brilliantideaand invent a new circuit.Five exciting puzzle collections are included, and the first oneisFREE!Essential components can be unlocked by solving puzzles:• Resistor• Capacitor• Lamp• Switches• Voltage source• Current source• Voltmeter• Amperemeter• Ohmmeter
Basic Electrical Engineering 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of BasicElectricalEngineeringwhich covers important topics, notes,materials, news& blogson the course. Download the App as areference material&digital book for electrical engineeringprograms &degreecourses. This useful App lists 100 topics withdetailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material,thetopics arelisted in 5 chapters. The app is must have for alltheengineeringscience students & professionals. The appprovidesquickrevision and reference to the important topics likeadetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabusquicklybefore an examsor interview for jobs. Track your learning,setreminders, edit thestudy material, add favourite topics, sharethetopics on socialmedia. You can also blog aboutengineeringtechnology, innovation,engineering startups, collegeresearch work,institute updates,Informative links on coursematerials &education programs fromyour smartphone or tablet orathttp://www.engineeringapps.net/.Use this useful engineering appasyour tutorial, digital book, areference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, project work,sharing your views on the blog. Someof thetopics Covered in theapp are: 1. Introduction ofelectricalengineering 2. Voltage andcurrent 3. Electric Potentialand Voltage4. Conductors andInsulators 5. Conventional versuselectron flow 6.Ohm's Law 7.Kirchoff's Voltage Law (KVL) 8.Kirchoff's Current Law(KCL) 9.Polarity of voltage drops 10. Branchcurrent method 11.Meshcurrent method 12. Introduction to networktheorems 13.Thevenin'sTheorem 14. Norton's Theorem 15. MaximumPower TransferTheorem 16.star-delta transformation 17. SourceTransformation 18.voltage andcurrent sources 19. loop and nodalmethods of analysis20.Unilateral and Bilateral elements 21. Activeand passiveelements22. alternating current (AC) 23. AC Waveforms24. TheAverage andEffective Value of an AC Waveform 25. RMS Valueof an ACWaveform26. Generation of Sinusoidal (AC) Voltage Waveform27.Concept ofPhasor 28. Phase Difference 29. The CosineWaveform30.Representation of Sinusoidal Signal by a Phasor31.Phasorrepresentation of Voltage and Current 32. ACinductorcircuits 33.Series resistor-inductor circuits: Impedance34.Inductor quirks35. Review of Resistance, Reactance, andImpedance36. Series R, L,and C 37. Parallel R, L, and C 38.Series-parallelR, L, and C 39.Susceptance and Admittance 40. Simpleparallel (tankcircuit)resonance 41. Simple series resonance 42.Power in ACCircuits 43.Power Factor 44. Power Factor Correction 45.QualityFactor andBandwidth of a Resonant Circuit 46. GenerationofThree-phaseBalanced Voltages 47. Three-Phase, Four-Wire System48.Wye anddelta configurations 49. Distinction between lineandphasevoltages, and line and phase currents 50. Powerinbalancedthree-phase circuits 51. Phase rotation 52. Three-phaseYand Deltaconfigurations 53. Measurement of Power in Threephasecircuit 54.Introduction of measuring instruments 55.Variousforces/torquesrequired in measuring instruments 56. GeneralTheoryPermanentMagnet Moving Coil (PMMC) Instruments 57.WorkingPrinciples ofPMMC 58. A multi-range ammeters 59.Multi-rangevoltmeter 60. Basicprinciple operation of Moving-ironInstruments61. Construction ofMoving-iron Instruments 62. ShuntsandMultipliers for MIinstruments 63. Dynamometer type Wattmeter64.Introduction toPower System 65. POWER TRANSMISSION ANDDISTRIBUTION66. MagneticCircuit 67. B-H Characteristics 68.Analysis of Seriesmagneticcircuit 69. Analysis of series-parallelmagnetic circuitEach topicis complete with diagrams, equations andother forms ofgraphicalrepresentations for better learning andquickunderstanding.Electrical engineering is part ofengineeringeducation courses andtechnology degree programs ofvariousuniversities.
PT - Kirchoff 0.0.1
Maria Nicula
Physics Testbed - Kirchoff applicationisintended to be a lab tool for high school students. Itprovidessupport to physics classes on Krchoff's laws.
ZRLC(Circuit solver) 1.17
Calculation of the electrical circuits of DC and AC
Learn Physics 1.0.15
Paul Cotarlea
Learn Physics with core concept tutorials, formulas calculatorandquizzes.