33 Похожие Draw Dots

Learn To Draw SLP 1.0
Art of Knowledge
Meet new application for drawing allofyourfavorite cartoon characters!Are you bored and you do not know what you do - then we knowhowtoentertain you! We suggest you take a fun drawing withthenew«Secret of Pets» mobile application. We teach you howtodrawcartoon and games characters and do it perfectlybeautiful,youshould only install the app on your phone ortablet.Theapplication works in such a way that after installation,youwillhave access to an extensive catalog of images. Chooseacharacterthat you want to draw, and start your fun drawingrighthere andnow. You can choose who you draw first; it could beanycartooncharacter! After selecting your favorite hero you get astepbystep drawing tutorial, each the lesson contains about10"steps",just repeat them and you will get the perfect picture,thatwasdrawn by you own! And your drawing will be successful. Evenifyoudraw the first time in your life, we will teach you how todoitperfectly beautiful!Here you can learn how to draw Life of Pets characters, suchas:Max,Gijet, banny and many others!The advantages of our application are obvious:-Comfortable Interface to draw a fun and easy!- app available for offline use!-All Of your favorite characters are collected in one app!We have already prepared a step by step instructions fordrawingeachcharacter, all you need - is to download Secret PetsLife appon yourmobile device and start your fun drawing!Draw Secret Life of Pets is not associated,affiliated,endorsed,sponsored or approved by IlluminationEntertainment,(Secret Lifeof Pets creators).All The Secret Life of Pets images and contentfromwikia.comtaken under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlikeLicense 3.0(unported) (CC-BY-SA).This application complies with the guiding principles oftheUSCopyright law "fair use".
draw girl 1.01
We'll tell you how to draw a girl ! Thislessonis not first about girls , but apparently our artists justliked todo a lesson devoted to these wonderful creatures . Today,the way wehave on the agenda of the girl painted in the style ofcomics.
How to Draw 3D 3.5
Learn to Draw Step by Step Lessons
Learn to draw 3D pencil sketch illusion step by step with howtodraw 3D drawing
How to Draw Desserts 5.3
Sweefit Studios
An app that teaches you how to draw cakes, cupcakes, sweets stepbystep
Learn to draw 2.3
Pavel Badun
Appendix "Learn to draw" it containsexamplesofturn-based drawing all sorts of characters.These step by step drawing lessons go both small children -youcanjust srisovat and more adult.Since all images are stored on the server - you do not needtospenda lot of traffic to get acquainted with it, chooseyourfavoritehero - and paint it! All downloaded characters remaininthe memoryof your tablet and there is no need to downloaditagain.
Learn To Draw 3.5
Learn to draw step by step for beginners
Learn To Draw Suiside Squad 1.0
Simple Gra-phic
Now you can not only watch Suside Squadbutalso feel like a real artist and draw all your favoritecharactersby your own.Let’s draw your favorite comics characters step by step in anewapplication for mobile drawing! We offer you an extensivecatalogof Suside Squad movie characters that you choose a characterthatyou like and start to draw. Our proposal offers you to diveinto awhole new world with the help of your smartphone. Theapplicationhas access to the catalog of Squad heroes and invitesyou toimmerse yourself in the incredible world of superhero withthe helpof your smartphone. So you get the instructions to drawingyourfavorite characters like The Joker, Harley Quinn, Deadshot stepbystep and we will help you to do this easily and confidently!Amazeyour friends with your drawing skills! Benefits of thesusidesquaddrawing application:- Drawing tools right at your fingertips-Catalog of the characters a very extensive and varied-The app is available to one click Downloading-You can draw in offline mode!You can draw all joker movie characters. In this case youonlyneed to repeat the "steps" that were already drawn by ourartists.When one of the characters will be drawn - you can go tothenext.Drawing develops patience, fine motor skills and helps you tohavefun time!So let’s fun with Suside Squad 2016 characters!Learn to Draw Suside Squad is not associated, affiliated,endorsed,sponsored or approved by David Ayer, (Suside Squadcreators).All Suside Squad images and content from wikia.com takenunderCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0(unported)(CC-BY-SA).This application complies with the guiding principles of theUSCopyright law "fair use".
Тату хной 1.9
Данная программа даст хорошие навыкивобластикак рисовать хной. Тату из хны информация по этойтемепомимо этогоесть в этой программе. В добавок к этомуприложениеокажетподдержку по теме рисунки хной. В добавок к этомуданнаяпрограммаокажет помощь в области хна рисунки. Татубесплатноинформация поэтой теме вдобавок есть в нашем приложении.Если вамблизкатематика эскизы тату вы обратились по адресу. Тату налицеэта темазаодно размещена в этой программе. Заодно нашапрограммаокажетпомощь по теме как рисовать мехенди. Тату хнойинформация поэтомувопросу вдобавок находится в нашей программе.Если васинтересуетвопрос как сделать себе татуировку здесь вынайдете это.Татуэскизы и картинки эта информация также размещена вэтомкаталоге.Тату каталог информация по этой теме заодно есть вэтойпрограмме.Для ищущих тему как рисовать тату хной вы обратилисьпоадресу.Рисуем тату эта тема помимо этого может быть найденавнашейпрограмме. Учимся рисовать тату поэтапно эта тематакжеразмещена вэтой программе. А еще программа даст хорошие навыкивобласти хна.Ко всему прочему данная программа окажет помощь потемеузоры хной.Тату мания информация по этому вопросу ко всемупрочемуразмещена вэтой программе. Тату на фото для девушекинформация поэтой темезаодно размещена в этом приложении. Тату назапястьеинформация поэтому вопросу также находится в нашемприложении. Татупоэтапно этаинформация вдобавок размещена в этойпрограмме. Помимоэтого нашапрограмма окажет помощь по теме урокихны. Для ищущихтемуприложение для того чтобы ставить тату выобратились по адресу.Дляищущих тему как рисовать тату поэтапно вэтом приложении вынайдетето что вам нужно. Фотошоп тату на тело этаинформация ковсемупрочему находится в этом приложении. В томслучае, есливасзаинтересовала тема как нарисовать татуировку здесьвы найдететочто вам нужно. Если вы ищете как рисовать татуировкумыпредложимвам именно то что вам нужно. Для интересующихсятемойобозначениетату здесь вы найдете это. Тату салон эта темапомимоэтогоразмещена в этом приложении. Для интересующихсятемойкакнарисовать татуировку на руке мы предложим вам именно точтовамнужно. Рисовать тату информация по этому вопросу заодноможетбытьнайдена в нашем приложении. Хочу тату информация поэтомувопросупомимо этого может быть найдена в нашем приложении.Вдобавок кэтому приложение будет хорошей подмогой касательнотемыхна нафото. Рисуем тату хной информация по этому вопросу ковсемупрочемунаходится в нашей программе. Тату и их значениеэтаинформациявдобавок представлена в нашей программе. Тату эскизыэтатемавдобавок есть в нашей программе. Уроки рисованиятатуинформация поэтой теме помимо этого может быть найдена вэтойпрограмме. В томслучае, если вас заинтересовала тема какнарисоватьтату в этомприложении вы найдете то что вам нужно. Есливам близкатематикаменди здесь вы найдете это. Тату рисовать этатема помимоэтогоможет быть найдена в нашей программе. В добавок кэтомуданнаяпрограмма окажет помощь насчет вопроса рисуем хной. Есливыищетекак нарисовать тату без интернета это приложение неоставитвасравнодушным. Тату на фото эта тема вдобавок может бытьнайденавнашем приложении. Тату цветы информация по этойтеметакжеразмещена в этой программе. Если вас интересует вопроскаталогтатуи их значение вы обратились по адресу. Если вас волнуетвопроспотематике пошаговые уроки рисования тату в этомприложениивынайдете то что вам нужно. А еще эта программа поможет вобластихнакак рисовать. Так же данная программа окажет поддержкувобластихной. Если вы ищете игры татуировка это приложениенеоставит васравнодушным. Так же наше приложение окажетподдержкунасчет вопросахна на руке.This program willgivegoodskills in how to draw henna. Tattoo henna information onthistopicin addition to this there is in this program. In additiontothisapplication will support on drawings with henna. Inadditionto this,the program will assist in the henna drawings.Tattoofreeinformation on the subject in addition have in ourapplication.Ifyou close subjects sketches tattoo you to the rightplace.Tattooson the face of this topic is available at the sametime inthisprogram. At the same time, our program will provideassistanceonhow to draw mehendi. Henna Tattoo information on thisisinaddition to our program. If you are wondering how to makeatattooyou'll find it here. Tattoo designs and images,thisinformation isalso available in this directory. Tattoodirectoryinformation onthis topic at the same time there is in thisprogram.For thoseseeking the topic how to draw a henna tattoo, youhavecome to theaddress. Drawing the tattoo this topic is beyondthatcan be foundin our program. Learn to draw a tattoo in stages,thistheme isalso available in this program. And the program willgivegoodskills in henna. Everything else the programwillprovideassistance on henna designs. Tattoo Mania informationonthis issueto everything else available in this program. Tattoosforgirls inthe photo information on this topic is available atthesame timein this app. Tattoos on the wrist information onthissubject isalso in our app. Tattoo phased addition, thisinformationisavailable in this program. In addition, our programwillprovideassistance on henna lessons. For those seeking athemeapplicationto put the tattoo you've come to the right place.Forthose seekingthe topic how to draw Tattoo step by step in thisappyou will findwhat you need. Photoshop tattoo on the body,thisinformation iseverything else in this application. In thatcase, ifyou areinterested in the theme of how to draw a tattoo hereyouwill findwhat you need. If you are looking for how to drawatattoo, we willoffer you exactly what you need. Forthoseinterested in thesubject of the designation of tattoo you'llfindit here. Tattooparlor, this theme beyond that available inthisapp. For thoseinterested in the subject of how to draw a tattooonhis arm, wewill offer you exactly what you need. Drawingtattooinformation onthis subject at the same time it can be foundin ourapplication. Iwant a tattoo information on this subject inadditionto this canbe found in our application. In addition to thisappwill be a gooda help about threads henna on the photo.Drawinghenna tattooinformation on this everything else is in ourprogram.Tattoos andtheir meaning in addition, this information ispresentedin ourprogram. Tattoo designs have this issue in additionto ourprogram.Drawing lessons tattoo information on this topicinaddition tothis can be found in this program. In that case, ifyouareinterested in the theme of how to draw a tattoointhisapplication, you will find what you need. If youclosesubjectsmehndi here you will find it. Tattoo draw this issuebeyondthiscan be found in our program. In addition to this, theprogramwillsupport about the issue draw henna. If you are lookingfor howtodraw a tattoo without the internet this app will notleaveyouindifferent. Tattoo pictured this topic can be found inadditiontoour application. Tattoo flowers information on this topicisalsoavailable in this program. If you are interested inthequestiontattoo catalog and value you've come to the right place.Ifyou areconcerned about the issue on the subject step bystepdrawinglessons tattoo in this application, you will find whatyouneed.And this program will help in how to draw henna. Aswell,theprogram will provide support in the field of henna. Ifyouarelooking for a tattoo games this application does notleaveyouindifferent. As our app will support about the issueathandhenna.
How to Draw Anime Manga 2.23.0
Do you want to learn draw anime manga? Then installthisapplication, "how to draw anime manga"! Many simple andclearlessons for the beginner in the drawing area. With its easyandinteresting lessons, step by step we will teach you to createyourown unique masterpieces from scratch and teach how to drawanimemanga!
Draw for Equestrian Girl 1.0
Rhythm of Science
Let’s draw and paint all the“EquestrianGirls”characters in the mobile app for the step ofdrawing!Theapplication is built so that the paint will not only befun,butalso convenient. By setting «EquestrianGirls» onyourmobiledevice, you get access to an extensive catalog ofcharactersincomics and film. And heroes like Applejack, Fluttershy,PinkiePie,Reynbowdesh, Rarity will be right on the screen of yourphoneortablet! You no longer need to spend money for teachersofart,because now you will learn to draw the mobileapplicationfordrawing. Now your lesson will be held only by yourrules.Justthink how nice can be your lesson, because you will learntodrawyour favorite My Little Pony: Equestria Girls characters!Onceyoudownload the application can use it any time youwant.Moreover,the application can work even offline! Draw on thewayfrom home towork, in the boring line at the bank. You can drawaportrait ofcartoon characters and publish your art work onyourpages onsocial networks and surprise your friends and followersbyyourremarkable ability! Learn how to draw cartooncharacters,comicbooks and movies, and later you can even paint thefaces ofpeoplefrom nature! Expand your talent with a mobilepainting «MLP»,infact be able to draw - this is a wonderful skill!Some peoplethinkthat to paint the eyes, lips and hair styles ofpeople -it'sdifficult, but we will convince you otherwise! Ourartistshavecreated for you step by step drawing lessons, eachlessonconsistsof 10 "steps" and each of them will lead you tothesuccessfulcompletion of your painting process. These skillsintheapplication you can also use a drawing on paper. You canofferMyLittle Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks a game topaintandalso to your friends, and you can compete with them intheartisticmastery. Check out which of you know how todrawMyLittlePonyperfectly. Choose drawing app, because we know howtoteach you todraw a perfectly beautiful! The advantages of ourgamefor thedrawing:- Simple and intuitive interface, even a beginner can draw- All drawing tools at your fingertips- You can choose your favorite character from the directoryofourapplication- The app even works offline!Amaze your friends, show them how beautiful you candrawyourfavorite characters!Draw Equestrian Girls is not associated,affiliated,endorsed,sponsored or approved by Hasbro Studios and DHXMedia, (MyLittlePony: Equestria Girls creators).All My Little Pony: Equestria Girls images andcontentfromwikia.com taken under Creative CommonsAttribution-ShareAlikeLicense 3.0 (unported) (CC-BY-SA).This application complies with the guiding principles oftheUSCopyright law "fair use".
Learning to Write. Calligraphy
Agustín José Muñoz Pérez
Learn to Writing, Calligraphy course inSpanishis an Application for Smartphones and Tablets for Learningto Writein Spanish.Mission: Learning to Write. Full Calligraphy Course inSpanishFacilitating the learning of writing in children who learn towrite,using a tool that will make them Learn to Writeplaying.Description: Application for Learning to Write in Spanish. Theappis a complete course in Spanish Calligraphy. From 3 years oldoryounger.This Primer is not just a course for Learning to Write letters,itis a complete course in Spanish to learn calligraphy writing,usingthe typeface commonly used in school.There are 3 ways to learn to write:- Full Assist Mode: Guide your child learn to correctly tracetheletters. Guidance of successive points are used. As the childisdrawing the letter tells what is the next point that has tobejoined by a numbering system and through a system ofenhancedtarget point.- Assisted Simple Mode: Same as above but the points areappearingonly when the above points attached correctly- Free mode: The child can freely write the letterYou can switch easily between Case SensitiveIt is organized by 4 types of exercises:- Presentation of Letters and Syllables- Construction of sentences ordered by the hieroglyphsfotosilábicomethod- Construction of Ordered phrases using Syllables and Letters- Construction of Disordered phrases using Syllables and Letters:anadded difficulty as they progressFULL COURSE OF CALLIGRAPHY (12 Booklets )The full Calligraphy Course consists of over 1,700 writingexercisesdistributed in 12 BookletsCOURSE 1 ( Ex. 80 )1 a,e,i,o,u2 ma,me,mi,mo,mu3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 2 ( Ex. 80 )1 ta,te,ti,to,tu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 3( Ex. 75 )1 na,ne,ni,no,nu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences4 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 4( Ex. 75 )1 pa,pe,pi,po,pu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 5 ( Ex. 75 )1 es2 la,le,li,lo,lu3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 6( Ex. 80 )1 el2 da,de,di,do,du3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 7 ( Ex. 160 )1 sa,se,si,so,su2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 ra,re,ri,ro,ru6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 8 ( Ex. 160 )1 en2 va,ve,vi,vo,vu3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrases6 ba,be,bi,bo,bu7 ordered sentences hieroglyphs8 ordered sentences syllables9 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 9( Ex. 160 )1 za,ce,ci,zo,zu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 ja,je,ge,ji,gi,jo,ju6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 10 ( Ex. 160 )1 ga,gue,gui,go,gu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 ca,que,qui,co,cu6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 11 ( Ex. 235 )1 fa,fe,fi,fo,fu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 lla,lle,lli,llo,llu6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrases9 ya,ye,yi,yo,yu10 ordered sentences hieroglyphs11 ordered sentences syllables12 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 12 ( Ex. 245 )1 ha, he, hi, ho, hu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 cha , che, chi, cho, chu6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrases9 ña,ñe,ñi,ño,ñu10 xa , xe , xi, xo , xu11 ordered sentences hieroglyphs12 ordered sentences syllables13 Unordered phrases
Cursive Calligraphic ABC 1.5
Learn basics of Cursive & Calligraphic writing skills
Draw and Paint Pad 1.01
Painter Com
For anyone who likes to draw and wanttoimprovein this skill we have created something really newandexciting!Learn to draw at any time and in any place when you want.Draw by yourself and offer a fun activity your friends orkidsandhave fun!You can draw directly on the screen of your mobile device!The advantages of our application:• You can use the app in two modese: drawing and coloring!• the application is available for one click downloading andcanworkeven when you are offline!• You can save the finished image to your device and shareitwithyour friends on social networks• Use the zoom - if you have a small screen, or you needtopaintsmall parts - just increase the necessary partofthepicture.• All drawing tools: Palette, Contour tool or erase toolarealwaysat your service Draw and paint your favorite characters in comicsandcartoonsand have fun!
Learn to draw animals for Kids 3.0
Building Examples
Back to pencil and paper with goodexamples!Youngsters and small children love to draw. This developstheirmotoric skills. Nothing is better for them than to learn todrawwith good examples and step by step instructions.Very simple animal drawings for children age 5 up to 10yearsold. They will enjoy the simple interface withstep-by-stepinstructions. Children only have to slide to see thenextinstruction.Draw a cow, duck, elephant, goat, cat, chicken, tiger,dog,horse, monkey, snake and many other animals. You will seetheproudness in their eyes when they finish these pictures. Havefun.My kids did!Take a picture and post the creation online. Happy faceswillfollow and your family and friend club will enjoy.Let your creativity go and try alternative colors or addsmallchanges. Let the youngest play and be surprised with theresults.Help your child as a parent and you will be surprised howfast thechildren will pick up the game.If you like to draw, then this challenge is definitely foryou!Have fun with these great examples.Features:- Easy and clean user interface- Free puzzles- Nice graphics- For all ages- Share creations on social media
Learn To Draw Dragon 1.1
ElMurjee Studio
Learn how to Draw Dragon is an application which givesnumerousthoughts of how to draw winged serpent regulated forfledgling.Draw Real Dragon Dragon are amazing animals, regardlessof thepossibility that they're just in dream. But since you willnevermotivate one to posture for you, all things considered(andpossibly not even in your creative energy) it can be elusive aspotto begin in the event that you need to draw one. Here are afewthoughts that can help you acquire parts of creatures thataregenuine to make a reasonable mythical beast drawing. How toDrawEasy Dragons Essentially, there're two sorts ofimaginationmythical serpents that you need to observe. Easternmonsters andwestern mythical beasts look altogether different. Someway oranother, through the ages, individuals have come toacknowledgedistinctive pictures of the mythical serpent. What's thecontrastbetween the two? How to Draw Dragons for Beginners Easterndragonshave advanced into a slim looking animal with short legs.The headis regularly the range of center with grand looking hairandantennas. It has short legs, and normally appear to besimplycoasting around. It'll be elusive a photo of an easternmythicalserpent strolling on the ground. How to Draw a RealisticDragonBeginning with its head, a mythical serpent is normallydelegatedwith horns. You might need to draw a couple each on theleft andright sides. Before you do that, notwithstanding, it isbest toprofile the whole state of the head like a channel or ashorttrumpet, the narrowing shaft being its face and nose.DrawingDragon Tutorial Draw the horns of a dragon's head straightandcorner to corner. Investigate the example of horn development.Youmay have the longest ones planted at the temple with a movementofminimal ones setting off to the sides, or the a different way.DrawDragon tutorial Dragons have a restricted prolonged nosethandinosaurs for regurgitating fire. In connection tothisextraordinary capacity, draw its nostrils wide. DrawingDragonslikewise have thicker temples edges that ensure expansiveeyes. Asa result of its part as a fortune watchman, you might needto makethe viewer feel that these eyes could dish to a reasonableparallelseparation without moving its head. Learn to draw dragonThe mostideal approach to start your attracting is to draw itsoftly with apencil, then once you begin seeing the outcome youlike in therepresentation, you begin putting more weight to thepencil on thelines that you like.
Kana Mind
Zeh Fernando
Are you studying or learning Japanese? Doyouwant to be able to read words in Japanese aloud?Well, you're in luck! Kana Mind is a completely freeeducationalgame that helps you practice recognizing the symbolsused inKatakana and Hiragana, the first two alphabet styles used intheJapanese language.But it is not a simple matching or "flash card" game! It usesanintelligent, adaptive memorization algorithm focused onteachingthe character combinations, and measuring the player'ssuccess witheach pair. You will progress at the right pace for you,regardlessof whether you're learning the language, or justpracticing whatyou already know!Do you want to achieve 100% proficiency in the Kana? You will dosobefore you even realize it!OTHER FEATURES• Two modes: learn reading and/or writing recognition• Learn the complete Hiragana and/or Katakana alphabet• Store multiple player profiles• 3 different romanization styles: Hepburn, Nippon-shiki,andKunrei-shiki. Pick from what your country/school uses!• Groups of characters can be toggled on or off for morefocusedexercises• Free application: no ads, no personal user datacollection,no in-app purchasesRead more about the motivations behind Kana Mind here:http://zehfernando.com/2011/kana-mind-a-mobile-air-application-to-help-you-learn-japanese/If you have suggestions, questions or bug reports, please sendanemail to zeh at zehfernando.com. And thanks so much to ourkindreviewers for comments and suggestions!
Draw graffiti 3D 3.1
CR Software
In this free app you can learn to drawgraffiti3D!Easy step by step lessons easily give you the opportunity tolearnto draw! To do this you need a piece of paper and a pencil!Eachlesson consists of a 15-30 step by step instructionsf9540fb6f1
Draw cartoon hero on the step 2.9
julia kolomijets
Learn to draw step by step theSovietcartooncharacters Winnie the Pooh and his friends as well asViking- aunique app that will teach you how to drawcartooncharacterseasily with simple step by stepinstructions!Drawing is considered to be very difficultzanyatiem.Urokisuitablefor self-study for the development ofchildren, adults, andit isjust a way to just draw cartooncharacters, or to draw comicsandboast in the family or in front ofyour friends!The essence of the step by step instructions are verysimple.Youchoose the picture that you want to draw. Then repeateachstepinstructions to create a full picture step by step. Youcandrawanywhere and anything. Paint the house on paper, or intheschoolboard or in your notebook, if you like - Chalkonthesidewalk!Draw can learn, even young children. Each drawing is dividedinto6to 8 steps.Maybe go back to the previous step or skip the current one.Draw free!
Long Division Calc 1.2
Koliuzhnov Viacheslav
Calculator check your arithmetic calculations: Long Divisionandothers.
How to Draw Monster Hi 1.0
Awesome Lab
Let's Learn How to Draw Monster Hi !FEATURES OF THIS APP:★ Easy to use★ Collections of drawing/sketches of characters (Draculaura,Abbeyand more )★ Can be used as mobile phone wallpaper background★ Have sharing function★ 100% FREE Download★ User friendly interfaceWe hope that you will enjoy using this app.Don't forget to rate and review us.Please note that this application does not createdbyoriginalcreator of Monster High. It is an unofficial fan madeappfor fansto learn how to draw their favorite cartooncharacters.
How to Draw Shopki Cute 1.0
Awesome Lab
Let's Learn How to Draw Shopki Cute !FEATURES OF THIS APP:★ Easy to use★ Collections of drawing/sketches of cute food, things,stuff(Strawberry, Cupcake queen and more )★ Can be used as mobile phone wallpaper background★ Video tutorial★ Have sharing function★ 100% FREE Download★ User friendly interfaceWe hope that you will enjoy using this How to DrawShopkiCuteapp.Don't forget to rate and review us.Please note that this application does not createdbyoriginalcreator of Shopkins. It is an unofficial fan made appforfans tolearn how to draw their favorite cartoon characters.
Learn to Draw Flowers 1.1
ElMurjee Studio
Learn to Draw Flower is an application which provides you manyideasof how to draw many kind of flowers in easy step. The Ideasthat wepresent in this app such as: Draw Roses step by step DrawLilyFlower Tutorial Draw Daffodil Draw Quince Flower Draw LilacFlowerDo you jump at the chance to draw Flower? On the off chancethat youask me, I will say, yes I like it in particular. Luckily,you likeit as well. It is a truly engaging movement. You canexpress yourinclination through your creation. You can makenumerous pictures onyour paper. It is about your greatinclination. You can makecreatures, human face, blossoms, andnumerous items. Drawing FlowerTutorial For the learner, you don'tneed to be in rush. You need todo it regulated and all together.You can't do it in a split secondin a brief time frame. Yourequire process. It is bad when youimpersonate individuals' work.You need to make it taking intoaccount your own perspective. DrawFlower Step by step DrawingFlowers can fill anybody's heart withjoy and there isn't a solitaryindividual who can say that theyabhor blossoms. Pretty much anyyoung lady likes roses and thefollowing best thing to getting ayoung lady a rose is to draw it.Figuring out how to draw a rose notjust lets one demonstrateanother the amount they are welcomed, it'sa work of adoration thatcan have a few craved implications. DrawRoses tutorial Every oneof us would comprehend what red roses looklike however there are afew who don't know that this lovely blossomcomes in numerous huesand assortments. The initial phase infiguring out how to attract arose is to know precisely what kind orvariation of rose that willbe attracted and to get no less than aphoto of it. How to drawroses Roses can be drawn freehand and oncewe comprehend whatvariation we are going to draw, it's a greatopportunity to makethe diagram. The layout does not need to beitemized; in certaintyit can comprise of 2 circles to speak to thebloom itself,semi-blended lines to speak to the stem, and generallyportrayedclears out. How to draw Flower Three fundamentaltechniques thatought to be instructed in each workmanship classframe the centerof sound drawing aptitudes. The deductive techniquefor attractingis to change a general picture to a particular one.The inductivetechnique is the inverse. The third technique joinsboth deductiveand inductive strategies and makes up a free and verymuchestablished methodology. Drawing Tutorial For Beginner A coupleoffundamental guidelines apply when you make your first drawing.Theyare intended to keep your attention on your venture. At thepointwhen talking about your drawings, there is no wrong or right.Inany case, perhaps you need to push a specific part of yourdrawing.Draw Flower Pencil Sketch of Flowers is critical inthisappreciation. How about we take an illustration on the offchancethat you need to draw a field with a wishing great in it, youneedto begin by putting the bloom field in context. Next you needtoconvey the wishing great to the frontal area.
Learn to Draw Celebrities 1.0
Aldian Mobile
For all Super Drawing Celebrities Fans!Haveyouever thought to draw and paint on your device?If you answered yes, you are in the right place to offeryouanexclusive application in Google Play "Learn toDrawCelebrities"you a complete training and is fully “how todrawCelebrities”.This Apps is a step by step instruction which will teachyoulearnto draw Celebrities. Like a personal art teacher, itwillteach youhow to draw Drawings (Step By Step) ofdifferentpictures. Itincludes a large collection of drawingsclassified bylevel ofdifficulty.In simple steps allow you to perform fantastic drawings,justtakea paper and a pencil, choose the Celebrities you likeandfollow stepby step instructions. It is very easy to use.Features:• On Screen Draw Mode: Now you can step by step drawonyourscreen• Starting from a Step By Step(swiping Next orPreviousButton),you’ll end up with a complete picture• Black Pencil is Default Color• Color Picker-Choose Different Colors• Strokesize-Choose Different Size of pencil• Editor Tools:Pencil,ColorPicker,Strokesize,Eraser,Clear• Save Drawing• Share Drawing• Easy to follow step-by-step instructions for each Drawings• Beautiful UI and Easy to Customize
How to Draw Ever After Hi 1.0
Awesome Lab
Let's Learn How to Draw Ever AfterHigh!FEATURES OF THIS APP:★ Easy to use★ Collections of drawing/sketches of characters (RosabellaBeauty,Raven Queen, Darling Charming, Briar, Apple White,Poppy andmore)★ Can be used as mobile phone wallpaper background★ Video tutorial★ Have sharing function★ 100% FREE Download★ User friendly interfaceWe hope that you will enjoy using this How to Draw EAHapp.Don't forget to rate and review us.Please note that this application does not createdbyoriginalcreator of Ever After High. It is an unofficial fanmadeapp forfans to learn how to draw their favoritecartooncharacters.
Learn to Draw Doraemon 1.2
Khaizaa Apps
Learn to Draw Doraemon contains akindofanime characters from Japan called Doraemon. inadditionenthusiasmto each edge of the world will be a tooncharacter, thenmade anapplication that shows a wide assortment ofpictures ofDoraemon. .How to Draw Doraemon Doraemon, Nobita,Giant,Suneo,ShizukaFigure out how to draw Doraemon and Friends characters.Pickfromour rundown and see the well ordered Doraemon andFriendscharactersand perceive how to effortlessly draw them.superlegendsDoraemonand Friends are magnificent, now you can figure outhow todrawDoraemon and Friends like an expert.How Draw Doraemon and Friends Hero isastraightforwardapplication that helps you to figure out how todrawDoraemon andFriends legend characters effectively by ouritemizedwell orderedaides and instructionalexercises.tutorials.Instructions to Draw Doraemon and Friends Characters isforallDoraemon and Friends significant others to have thecapacitytodraw their most loved character.Are you a devotee ofallDoraemonand Friends character, as : Doraemon , Nobita,Suzuka,Giant andSuneo ? at that point this application is for youto helpyou drawyour most loved Doraemon and Friends character.Download and Happy Drawing!!!
Learn How to Draw Super Cars 3.0.2
Learn to Draw Step by Step Lessons
If you like car games, car racing andcarparking games then Learn to draw amazing Vehicles with HowtoDraw cars! is perfect for you. Like a personal drawingteacher,it will teach you how to draw lots of different objects andcreateamazing pictures. If you like cars for sale then this appisperfect to draw your sale car.Drawing and painting are completely free. Take pencil and paperwithgood examples! Adults Youngsters and small toddler love todraw.This develops their motoric skills. Nothing is better forthem thanto how to draw Vehicles with good examples and step bystepinstructions.Now available - your brush, full color, colored pencil, eraser andamagnifying glass like zoom.Your children can paint, draw, doodle and color cars orwheneverthey want to like Doodling, coloring, painting and drawingcars wasnever so easy and funny. Let your kids be creative bydownloadingthis free game for kids with many pictures of Vehicleslike racingcars, sport cars, muscle car, police cars, ambulance,convertiblecars, fire engines, off road, pickup trucks, toy carwhich can bedrawn, painted, colored or doodle.It is Very simple to draw used cars for children age 5 up to10years old. They will enjoy the simple interface withstep-by-stepinstructions.To learn drawing a car, Children only haveto slide tosee the next instruction.Each Vehicles drawing isdivided into 5 or12 steps, and it is easy to follow.This application lets you and young kids to learn how todrawVehicles using some easy, step-by-step instructions thataresimple, but very cute and elegant.It provides helpful diagramstoguide you in drawing these playful Vehicles.The kids and youalsowill find that these Vehicles are easy to draw and also cute.Thesteps are in bite size chunks for everyone to keep up.Car Draw for kids is an educational game for stimulatingcreativityof toddlers and preschoolers. If your little boy or girlloves tocolor, paint and loves a racing car, try this! It's funnyand muchmore creative than a math or alphabet car. It's like Carscoloringbook fits perfectly within the category: Kids games free 4yearsold.How to Draw Super Car for tulips of all ages. Kids can use ourstepby step illustrations to discover how to draw all sorts ofVehiclesand build up their skills and confidence in the process,plus theyare just good fun!It is very satisfying to be able to draw something freehand.Thislearn to draw Vehicles takes you through, step by step, untilyouhave your completed picture!This is one of the easiest free car games for kids.Let your kids be creative by downloading this free app:FEATURES:- Work fine when offline.- If you not have any skill to draw you can use this appforself-learning.- It contain lot of Vehicles like Draw Airplane, DrawAmbulance,Draw Bicycle, Draw Bike, Draw Bus, Draw Car, Draw DumpTruck, DrawFire Truck, Draw Helicopter, Draw Moped, Draw PickupTruck, DrawPolice car, Draw Scooter, Draw Taxi, DrawTrain.- It is very easy to learn with step by step instruction.- Develops art skills of kids- Like your very own art teacher anytime, anywhere.- Using this technique you will be able to draw anything aftersomepractice.- This app made for only kids so parent can give this app totheirkids.DISCLAIMER:we are using all images those are publicly available on internetifyou feel that make any violence then please inform usoninfo@vasundharavision.com with your image and link of website.Wewill remove those images.
Draw Graffiti 1.0.5
Do you want to learn to paint graffiti? Then installthisapplication, "how to draw graffiti"! Many simple and clearlessonsfor the beginner in the drawing area. With its easy andinterestinglessons, step by step we will teach you to create yourown uniquemasterpieces from scratch and teach how to draw graffiti!
Draw Flowers 1.01
Magic Colors
Are you bored and you do not know what todo-then we know how to entertain you! We suggest you takeafundrawing with a new mobile application "Flowers". We teachyouhowto draw flowers and do it perfectly beautiful, youshouldonlyinstall the app on your phone or tablet. The applicationworksinsuch a way that after installation, you will have accesstoanextensive catalog of images, choose the flower that youwanttodraw, and to transgress fun drawing right here and now.Youcanchoose which flower you draw first, it may be aster,rose,violet,or something else, in our choices. After selectingyourfavoriteflower you get a step by step tutorial on drawing,drawingon thelesson contains about 10 "steps", each of them again,and yougetthe perfect card Inca flower! And your drawing willbesuccessful.Even if you draw the first time in your life, wewillteach you howto do it perfectly beautiful! Be sure that you do,infact all thatyou need - is to repeat sketches, which havealreadydrawn ourartists for you. Draw flowers, petals and leaves asdo therealartists, and it will not be a problem for you.Developyourcreativity with the mobile application «Flowers», andmaybeyouwill become the next Michelangelo! You can draw and developitallwith one simple mobile application for drawing. And younolongerneed to spend time and money on boring lessons inartstudios. Nowyou can learn how to draw a flower just sitting athomeor at work!The application has a simple interface that, evenkidsfrom 4 yearsold can use it! Step by step drawing - a modern waytoget a newskill, because in an era of technologicalprogressapplicationshave become ideal teachers. Mobile applicationsfordrawing workonly when you are comfortable, you can draw at yourownpace anddraw exactly what you prefer. Learn how to draw a rose,howto drawdaisy, how to draw a cactus easy and confidently!Clickon"Download” and start your exciting drawing right hereandrightnow!
Learn to Draw Dogs 1.0
Aldian Mobile
For all Super Drawing Dogs Fans! Have youeverthought to draw and paint on your device?If you answered yes, you are in the right place to offer youanexclusive application in Google Play "Learn to Draw Dogs" youacomplete training and is fully “how to draw Dogs”.This Apps is a step by step instruction which will teachyoulearn to draw Dogs. Like a personal art teacher, it will teachyouhow to draw Drawings (Step By Step) of different pictures.Itincludes a large collection of drawings classified by levelofdifficulty.In simple steps allow you to perform fantastic drawings,justtake a paper and a pencil, choose the Dogs you like and followstepby step instructions. It is very easy to use.Features:• On Screen Draw Mode: Now you can step by step draw onyourscreen• Starting from a Step By Step(swiping Next or PreviousButton),you’ll end up with a complete picture• Black Pencil is Default Color• Color Picker-Choose Different Colors• Strokesize-Choose Different Size of pencil• Editor Tools:Pencil,ColorPicker,Strokesize,Eraser,Clear• Save Drawing• Share Drawing• Easy to follow step-by-step instructions for each Drawings• Beautiful UI and Easy to Customize
Draw a cartoon superhero 3.10
Zo Tools
All fans of the draw, I propose to drawyourfavorite cartoon characters! For this you need a pencil and apieceof paper! 373ef6eaeb
How to Draw Warrior Cats 1.0
Awesome Lab
Let's Learn How to Draw Warrior Cats !FEATURES OF THIS APP:★ Easy to use★ Collections of drawing/sketches of cute animal cats(Graystripe,Yellowfang, Longtail and more )★ Can be used as mobile phone wallpaper background★ Video tutorial★ Have sharing function★ 100% FREE Download★ User friendly interfaceWe hope that you will enjoy using this How to DrawWarriorCatsapp.Don't forget to rate and review us.Please note that this application does not createdbyoriginalcreator of Warrior Cats. It is an unofficial fan madeappfor fansto learn how to draw their favorite catsanimalcharacters.
Learn to Draw Cats 1.0
Aldian Mobile
For all Super Drawing Cats Fans! Have youeverthought to draw and paint on your device?If you answered yes, you are in the right place to offer youanexclusive application in Google Play "Learn to Draw Cats" youacomplete training and is fully “how to draw Cats”.This Apps is a step by step instruction which will teachyoulearn to draw Cats. Like a personal art teacher, it will teachyouhow to draw Drawings (Step By Step) of different pictures.Itincludes a large collection of drawings classified by levelofdifficulty.In simple steps allow you to perform fantastic drawings,justtake a paper and a pencil, choose the Cats you like and followstepby step instructions. It is very easy to use.Features:• On Screen Draw Mode: Now you can step by step draw onyourscreen• Starting from a Step By Step(swiping Next or PreviousButton),you’ll end up with a complete picture• Black Pencil is Default Color• Color Picker-Choose Different Colors• Strokesize-Choose Different Size of pencil• Editor Tools:Pencil,ColorPicker,Strokesize,Eraser,Clear• Save Drawing• Share Drawing• Easy to follow step-by-step instructions for each Drawings• Beautiful UI and Easy to Customize
Learn to Draw Anime 1.0
Aldian Mobile
For all Super Drawing anime Fans! Have youeverthought to draw and paint on your device?If you answered yes, you are in the right place to offer youanexclusive application in Google Play "Learn to Draw anime" youacomplete training and is fully “how to draw anime”.This Apps is a step by step instruction which will teachyoulearn to draw anime. Like a personal art teacher, it will teachyouhow to draw Drawings (Step By Step) of different pictures.Itincludes a large collection of drawings classified by levelofdifficulty.In simple steps allow you to perform fantastic drawings,justtake a paper and a pencil, choose the anime you like andfollowstep by step instructions. It is very easy to use.Features:• On Screen Draw Mode: Now you can step by step draw onyourscreen• Starting from a Step By Step(swiping Next or PreviousButton),you’ll end up with a complete picture• Black Pencil is Default Color• Color Picker-Choose Different Colors• Strokesize-Choose Different Size of pencil• Editor Tools:Pencil,ColorPicker,Strokesize,Eraser,Clear• Save Drawing• Share Drawing• Easy to follow step-by-step instructions for each Drawings• Beautiful UI and Easy to Customize