8 Похожие Write&Sing Japanese Folk Tales

絵本の読み聞かせ・森のえほん館 5.2.2
Enjoy your favorite picture books with the picture bookstorytellingapp
Write&Sing Japanese Folk Tales 4.0
Over Zero.inc
The definitive edition of this appforchildren!A picture book with recorded narration where youcanpracticewriting hiragana, listen to songs and sing theminkaraoke!!"Write&Sing Japanese folk tales" vol.1includes“Momotarou”and “Urashima Tarou”.•This picture book app lets children listen to Japanesefolktalesnarrated just like a parent or a grandparent woulddo.•When you turn the recorded narration off, you can read toyourchildyourself.•When you tap characters on the screen, they will pop up.•Various playback modes are possible: you can play it fromthestart,from the middle or listen from start to end, and youcanturn thepages with a touch of your finger.•You can listen to the sample recorded songs.•Turn the singing voice off, and you can practice the songinkaraokemode.•When you choose a hiragana character from the text of thestoryinthe picture book, a sample animation will show you how towriteitstroke by stroke, so you can practice writing ityourself.•When you choose a hiragana character from the Japanesesyllabary,asample animation will show you step by step how towriteit.•An educational app for young children which allows themtolearnJapanese culture and hiragana writing throughfolktales.•This app includes two folk tales.The definitive edition of this app for children!A picture book with recorded narration where you canpracticehowto write hiragana, listen to songs and sing theminkaraoke!!"Write&Sing Japanese folk tales" vol.1includes“Momotarou”and “Urashima Tarou”.The whole family can enjoy them!This app may not function properly on certain devices.
Read Unlimitedly! Kids'n Books 3.5
Unlimited access to all of our kid's books! Get your FREE trial!
おやすみ絵本(3~6才向けの動く絵本/読み聞かせ) 1.0.4
Perfect for reading aloud picture book before going to bed isfiverecording has been 3 to 6 years old apps.
Over 80 popular old stories and fairy tales are recorded!
世界のおはなし動く絵本 1.0.2
グリム童話、イソップ物語など世界で有名な読み聞かせ絵本が4つ収録されたアプリです。 【楽しみ方】1.楽しみたい作品をタップします2.ナレーション音声の「有り」か「無し」を選択します 「無し」は、パパママが読んであげてね。【収録作品】 ・三匹のこぶた子ブタたちは自分の家を作ります。 最後までオオカミに家を壊されなかったのは誰が作った家でしょうか?・ブレーメンの音楽隊ロバ、犬、猫、にわとりが新しい生活のために旅に出るお話です。 ・金の斧銀の斧欲張って嘘をつくと、失う代償が大きいことを教えてくれています。 ・北風と太陽力ずくで相手を動かそうとしてもうまくいきません。北風と太陽が旅人の服を脱がそうとするお話し。親子で仲良く楽しみましょう!※広告はTOP画面右上の「広告非表示」ボタンを押すと非表示(有料)にできます。親子向けサイト「ゆめある」http://www.yumearu-ehon.com/
0~2才向けの動く絵本 for Baby(読み聞かせ) 1.0.4
Storytelling Baa not not picture book and stomach are fiverecordinghas been 0 to for 2-year-old app.