Top 20 Apps Similar to Coherence Heart Trainer

Cardiac Coherence - Mindfulnes 3.2
Martin Forget
This application helps you controlling your stress and achievefullawareness
Cohérence Cardiaque 1.7
La cohérence cardiaque a pourprincipedecontrôler ses battements cardiaques afin de mieuxcontrôlersoncerveau.Une respiration calme permet de réguler son rythmecardiaqueetson système nerveux autonome. Il est ainsi possible dediminuersontaux de cortisol (hormone-marqueur du niveau de stressexcessif)etdonc, son stress.L'exercice de base, proposé dans cette vidéo, a denombreuxeffetspositifs sur la santé et le bien-être, commefavoriser lerecentrageet stabiliser les émotions. Ses bienfaits sefont sentirpendantenviron cinq heures.Au bout de deux semaines de pratique quotidienne, la chimiedusangchange. Il faut deux mois, en pratiquant trois fois parjour,pourobtenir le maximum des effets bénéfiques.Cet exercice se pratique en position assise, le dos droitetlespieds au sol.Il s'agit de respirer calmement (six respirations parminute)pendantcinq minutes.Pour une efficacité optimale, il est conseillé defairecettepratique trois fois par jour.Bonne pratique et bonne détente :-)Catherine Darbord, formatrice en chant harmonique etsonothérapie:http://www.vibrationwakanda.comMarc Resch, magnétiseur et conseiller enalimentation:'spolicyto control his heartbeat to better control hisbrain.A quiet breathing helps regulate heart rate andautonomicnervoussystem. It is thus possible to reduce itscortisollevels(marker-hormone excessive stress levels) and thusstress.The basic exercise proposed in this video, hasmanypositiveeffects on health and well-being, as promoting focusandstabilizeemotions. Its benefits are felt for aboutfivehours.After two weeks of daily practice, blood chemistry changes.Ittakestwo months, practicing three times a day, to get themostbeneficialeffects.This exercise is practiced sitting, back straight and feetontheground.It is quietly breathing (six breaths per minute)forfiveminutes.For optimal effectiveness, it is advisable to do thispracticethreetimes a day.Good practice and good relaxation :-)Catherine Darbord, trainer harmonic singingandsonotherapy:http://www.vibrationwakanda.comMarc Resch, hypnotist and advisesupply:
Elite HRV: Wellness & Fitness 5.5.5
Elite HRV
Accurate Heart Rate Variability (HRV) for fitness, wellness,andcognition
My Cardiac Coherence 1.1
breathe.... and be zen....
Kardia - Breath Stress Relief 1.9
Labna Sounds
Do you feel stressed, anxious or unfocused?Doyou have trouble falling asleep? A simple deep breathingexercisecan help you in a few minutes.Let Kardia guide your breath with sounds and the smooth movementofthe sphere. Feel your body and mind relax, and your heart ratevaryin harmony with your breath. This powerful and simple exerciseisaccessible to everyone, including kids.Here is what users say:"Very good app. Really! And I've tested several ofthem.Congratulations!" François"Very useful to practice cardia coherence wherever you are.Verysimple to use." Magali"Super app that helps me everyday OlivierUses- Stress relief- Calm down anxiety attacks- Cardiac coherence- Sleep aid: fight insomnia by focusing on deep breathing- Relaxation- Meditation sessions and sophrology exercises- Concentration improvementFeatures- Breathing rate between 5.5 and 6 cycles/min, adapted topacedbreathing for cardiac coherence- Exercise duration between 1 minute and 1 hour.- Usable without looking at the screen thanks toguidingsounds- No ad nor user profilingDuring ten days, try those exclusive features for free:- Large choice of high quality relaxing sounds- Breathing rate between 1 and 15 cycles/minwithinhalation/exhalation ratio- Automatically slow down or speed up breathing rate duringthesession- Advanced mode, with 0.1s precision on inhalation andexhalationdurationsUnlock all those features with a single in-app purchase.HRV, paced breathing and cardiac coherenceWith Kardia, you can practice heart rate variability (HRV)trainingthrough paced breathing. By breathing at a specific rate,around5.5 cycles/min, your HRV increases and becomes regular. Thisstateis known as cardiac coherence, or cardio-respiratorycoherence.Many scientific studies have demonstrated that it hasbeneficialeffects on stress and anxiety level, blood pressure,depression andsleep.The best breathing rate is different for everyone. With Kardia,youcan set very precisely the exercise frequency, so you willjustneed a few tries to find out the value that gives you thebestresults.
Instant Heart Rate+ 6.2.9825
Measure & track your pulse and keep your heart healthy.
HeartRate+ Coherence PRO 3.3.0
SoftArea srl
Biofeedback system to achieve Cardiorespiratory Coherence
Prana Breath: Calm & Meditate 9.5.1_4
Increase mindfulness, improve health, fight stress withbreathing& meditation
Respiroguide Pro 1.1.6
RESPIROGUIDE PRO: THE NEWEST VERSION,MOREPERSONAL“Simple and amazingly effective for better concentration,stressanxiety, ADHD and trauma healing” – Kees L. Blase,medicalphysicist, National Centre for StressManagement,TheNetherlands.Respiroguide PRO is brought to you by Vital-EQ theInternationalInstitute for Stress Management.**********THE ABC of STRESSMANAGEMENTRespiroguide uses the most recent research in neurosciencesandstress management, research that has been condensed into themostconvenient one-touch tool. The knowledge is based on theheart'sresonant frequency which induces heart and breathcoherence.Respiroguide Pro will train the reflexes and so the elasticityofyour vascular system. This will help in lowering blood pressure,iseffective in coping with stress and anxiety, and enhancesbetterconcentration at school and work.Heart rate is a dynamic body function that varies ineachmoment.In an Active state (sympathic activity) heart rate increases,in a Calm and relaxed state heart rate decreases.Cardiac Coherence is the Balanced state of the autonomicnervoussystem in which you feel safe and happy, free from fear andanxietyand overstressed reactions.The body can be brought into the state of Cardiac Coherencethroughguided breathing. Guiding the resonance frequency(RespiroguidePro) can be compared with guiding someone on a swingby pushing atjust the right moment to optimise their swing.Each individual has his or her own personal respiratoryfrequency(resonance frequency) in which cardiac coherence isoptimal. Thisideal respiratory frequency is between 0,06 Hz and0,12 Hz. TheRespiroguide Pro will help you to find your personalresonancefrequency, which depends on the length and width of yourbloodvessels.You can set the guide in four different frequencies:1. Average: F6: 6 breaths a minute = 0,1 Hz2. Average: F5: 5 breaths a minute = 0,083 Hz3. Slow: F4: 4 breaths a minute = 0,066 Hz4. Quick: F7: 7 breaths a minute = 0,118 HzTo find your resonance frequency it’s important to experienceallfour breathing frequencies and notice:-which one provides the most balanced feeling-which one can be comfortably sustained for a period of at least5minutes-which one gives a maximum amplitude in Heart Rate Variability.Thislast function requires access to a HRV-biofeedback instrumentwith aCardiac Coherence Coach.Cardiac Coherence Coaches can be found and,Asea).The Respiroguide Pro is a medical tested safe device. More than20years of research showed positive effects:loweringbloodpressure,less anxiety, enhancing performance, coping withstress, effectivetreatment of trauma.Take care: do not inhale toodeeply, thisoccasionally make you dizzy. Focusing on the exhale isthe mosteffective way.QUICK START: press the play button and just breathe in andoutwith the yellow dot. Breathe in as the dot goes up, breathe outasit goes down.The default setting is a 3 minute long exercise. This is whatittakes to lower your level of stress.You can gradually increase the exercise lengths, but remembertoexercise three times every day. Over one week of exercisingyouwill notice the effects in your body.Probably the best investment you will ever make. If youuseit!Other options:1. Turn the sea wave sounds on and off (the waves aresynchronizedto the specific 0,1Hz frequency)2. Choose the duration of the exercise; remember that the secrettostress relief is practicing several times every day, so makeitsimple, use the Respiroguide!For details access the following websites:- in English- and in Dutch- in French************We do appreciate your feedback!Vital-EQ, the International Institute for Stress Management.
URGO Feel Pro 1.7.0
Learn to manage your stress with URGO Feel Pro!
ithlete -Train.Recover.Perform 4.0
HRV Fit Ltd.
Know when to train, how hard to train, when to rest tooptimisefitness & health
VitaPulse - Heart Rate Monitor 2.3.5
VitaPulse: express diagnostics of the humanorganismstate«VitaPulse» — diagnostic mobile app that allows anypersonwithoutusing expensive medical equipment independentlycontrolhis/herfunctional health state, learn level ofhealthassessment,adaptability of organism, level of stress,balanceexpenditure /recovering energy, as well as improve thequality oflife andreduce the risk of unexpected health problems.Algorithmsapp andinterpretation of obtained results are based onnumerousscientificstudies and recommendations European SocietyofCardiology and theNorth American Society of PacingandElectrophysiology. Appsupports (full version only)Holtermonitoring - a method by whichdiurnal monitoring offunctioning ofheart. It uses wearable heartrate sensor (eg. PolarH7, Mio Link),which provides registrationand transfer ofinformation on the workof the heart in asmartphone. DemonstrationHoltersession: How does it work? Mobileapppulsediagnosis «Vita Pulse» real-time monitors changes inheartrhythm.This does not require any expensive special sensorsordevices,because the heart rate registration performed usingonlythebuilt-in camera of your smartphone (there issynchronizationmodewith the heart rate sensors). App with using thecamera readsbloodcirculation in finger, which gives necessaryinformation onwork ofheart. After pulse being detected, theregistration oftheinterpulse intervals and recording of thecardiointervalogramareconducted. The duration of each cardiac cyclediffers fromtheprevious and app is estimated with an accuracy ofonemillisecond.Sequential change durations cardiac cycles formsacomplex rhythmthat is analyzed by app. After finishingexaminationprogramautomatically generates health-physiologicalconclusionandcalculates parameters of functional state, based onheartratevariability (HRV) - a modern method for researchoffunctionaldiagnostics. Why the need «VitaPulse»? 1.Regularmonitoring of thehealth status of all family members. Allowsyou tostop waitingwhen the disease was coming suddenly, and respondinadvance.Typically, first clinical manifestation of diseaseandtreatment,respectively to the doctor preceded by a longincubationperiod,when the disease is hidden matures. «VitaPulse»revealsthebeginning of the disease process in a timely manner.Booked -isforearmed and can take action. 2. Stress control. Themainreasonfor most of the diseases of modern man - it's stress.«Alldiseasesof the nerves» - there is a narrow-minded view. And inmostcasesit is absolutely true. «VitaPulse» help control thecurrentlevelof stress and live a long life. Information about whatthestresslevel is dangerous, has been well studied by scientistsandisexpressed as a clear digital indicators. These scientificdatahavebeen developed and are now available to any user«VitaPulse».3.«VitaPulse» easily integrated into many methods oftreatmentandself-medication. Massage, wellness exercises,physiotherapy,herbalmedicine, yoga, fitness, medication, etc. - allthisrequiresmonitoring. Regular monitoring of the functionalstatusbefore andafter the procedures will evaluate theeffectiveness oftheselected method and, if necessary, correct it.4.«VitaPulse»applies in sports practice for early detectionofproblems organismadaptation to physical stress andovertrainingstate,implementation of immediate control over theprocess ofphysicaltraining with a view to optimization, which isaprerequisite forachieving high results. App is compatiblewithPolar H7, Mio Linkand other heart rate sensors BluetoothLowEnergy, and also abuilt-in heart rate sensor samsung.Visitofficial site or helpsection in app for moreinformation.Demonstration: Attention!App isintended forpersonal review only and is not intended toreplaceprofessionalmedical advice.
SweetBeat HRV 2.1.11
The next big trend in bio-hacking is understanding therelationshipsbetween different metrics. By analyzing HRV andStress in real-time.SweetBeat HRV provides a deeper dive intohealth and providesinsight into what activities you engage in thateffect the healthmetrics you care about. IMPORTANT: SweetBeat HRVrequires externalhardware: A tested Bluetooth Low Energy HeartRate Monitors alongwith Android version 4.4 or greater. While theywork well for heartrate, wrist worn heart rate monitors are notaccurate enough for HRVand so are not supported. NOTE: - Thisversion does not link toTrainingPeaks presently but it is comingsoon. - There is no on-linecalendar support for this version. -There is no sharing throughemail, Facebook or twitter. - There isno food or correlationfeature. •Please visit www.BeatHealthy.comfor a list of compatibleHeart Rate Monitors. SweetBeat HRV has twomain components: •MonitorStress •HRV for Training Monitor Stress:With SweetBeat HRV, you cansee your stress levels in real time,giving you the ability to takeaction to reduce stress. SweetBeat’sRelax screen prompts you with adeep breathing screen that includescalming images. The monitorstats screen more widely referred to asthe “geek” screen, shows allthe metrics being measured. HRV ForTraining: In competitive sports,improved performance is oftenaffected by alternating periods ofintensive training with periodsof relative rest. SweetBeat HRVmeasures HRV, an objective measureof your body’s response to eachworkout and provides trainingrecommendations based on the morningreading. SweetBeat Features:•Save and upload sessions to yoursecure account •View your raw RRs, Stress,HRV, HR and HRVfor Training graph with pinch and zoom graphs.•Watch in real-timeyour HRV, HR, LF, HF, Stress Score along withsession quality.•Measure your HRV every morning using HRV forTraining and receiverecommendations on your recovery state.•Capability to viewsessions both saved on the server and on yourdevice.
Zen&Relax 1.0.0
Zen&Relax va vous permettredecontrôlervotre respiration afin de réguler votre stressetvotreanxiété.Le contrôle se fera par l'intermédiaire du principedecohérencecardiaque.Le principe est très simple, il vous suffiraderéglerl'application jusqu'à atteindre le contrôle devotrerythmecardiaque.Grâce à une respiration posée, nous pouvons obtenirunefréquencecardiaque plus régulière et réduire les signesdetension.En travaillant sur la respiration, il serait doncpossibledecontrôler ces variations de la fréquence cardiaqueetdoncd'uniformiser le fonctionnement du cerveau. L'objectifdelacohérence cardiaque est de rendre les battements de cetorganeplusréguliers, afin de rendre la personne qui lapratiqueplussereine.La cohérence cardiaque pourrait finalement permettre degéreretde contrôler son stress, ce dernier étant provoquéparundéséquilibre. Pour cela, la personne doit apprendreàrespirercalmement, en rythme, et à contrôler sa respiration.Zen & Relaxwillallowyou to control your breathing to regulate yourstressandanxiety.The control is done through cardiac coherence principle.The principle is very simple, you just have toadjusttheapplication to achieve control of your heart rate.With a calm breathing, we can get a more regular heartrateandreduce the signs of tension.By working on breathing, it would be possible tocontrolthesevariations in the heart rate and thus to standardizethebrainfunction. The aim of cardiac coherence is to make the beatsofthisorgan more regular, to make the person who practicesthemostserene.Cardiac coherence could finally afford to manageandcontrolstress, the latter being caused by an imbalance. Forthis,theperson must learn to breathe calmly, pace andcontrolhisbreathing.
Cardiac Coherence for kids 1.0
Martin Forget
This application helps children to calm down and controltheirstress .
Kardia+ Deep Breathing Relaxat 4.3.1
Deep breathing exercise for stress relief, relaxation,yoga,meditation & sleep
Meditation Timer & Log 3.1.4
Completely free, easy to personalize meditation timer with ahistorylog
IntelliSense HRV 17
Enlighten your senses! Find the balance between your heart andmind!
Paced Breathing 2.3.3
Improve your breathing for yoga & meditation.
Bioforce HRV 2.6
Morpheus Labs
Please Note: BioForce HRV requires the purchaseofadditionalhardware from BioForceHRV for the app to work. It isnotintendedto be a free app that will work with any HRM, it is partoftheBioForce HRV system that includes book, web app, mobileapp,etc.Please visit for more info BioForce HRVisarevolutionary and simple way to measure your readiness totrainona daily basis in order to eliminate the guesswork andmaximizetheresults of your fitness program. The BioForce HRV systemusesheartrate variability technology to measure the amount oftrainingyourbody is prepared to handle each day and over time,allows youtoevaluate the effectiveness of your program and makechangesasnecessary to optimize your results. HRV has been usedformanyyears by some of the biggest sports teams andorganizationsfromall over the world, but BioForce HRV is part ofthe nextgenerationof HRV technology that's mobile, affordable for more info.