Top 11 Apps Similar to uQrl

Splashtop Add-on: Samsung 3.8.2
Turn on remote control capability for your Samsung device withKnoxsupport
LLScript - MultiTool 2.17.3
This is a Companion app for Lightning Launcher. ThisrequiresLightning Launcher to beinstalled: - Animation: Scroll Animations for LLcontainers - AppDrawer: Add an App Drawer in any LL container -Automatic Backup:Automatically backups your LL setup - Badge: AddBadges for any appin LL - Gesture Launcher: Launch apps usingcomplex gestures in LL -Launcher Script: Collection of smalluseful LL tools - Music Widget:A music component for any musicplayer in LL without the batterydrain of a normal widget - ScriptManager: Organize, prettify andmanage your LL Scripts
Route Chart - Nuzlocke Tracker - No Ads 2.21
**The paid version of Route Chart contains no ads** **DataCANbetransferred between the free and paid versions** Use RouteCharttokeep track of all your Nuzlocke challenges. Noneedforspreadsheets or written notes. Route Chart lets you: -Selectfromany game (Gen. 1 - 8) - Enter encounters for every route-Nicknameencounters - Mark encounters as dead or alive -Markencounters aslost if an attempt to capture failed - Add notestoeach encounter- Add custom routes - Create & customize yourownregions -Save custom regions as templates for use in allyourNuzlockes -Mark your Nuzlockes as either 'failed' or 'success'-Have multiplefiles
NumSys 2.1.1
Number Systems Converter and Calculator with solution.
Prime Calc 0.6
PrimeCalc - free scientific symbolic calculator - 70functions,20mathematical constants and up to six variables - Newfunctionsandconstants can be defined by the user - Supports complexnumbers-Matrices, vectors, sets and calculations on them -Solvesthemathematical equations - Calculate the integrals andderivatives-Step-by-step calculations - And many moreSupportedfunctions,operators, and mathematical constants:Arithmetic:Operators +, -,×, ÷, % x^n - nth power of x √(x) -Square root of x√(n, x) - nthroot of x ln(x) - Natural logarithm ofx log(x) -Logarithm of x tobase 10 log(n, x) - Logarithm of x tobase n∑(f(x), imin, imax) -Summation of f(x) from imin to imax∏(f(x),imin, imax) - Productof f(x) from imin to imaxMathematicalanalysis: ∫(f(x)) -Indefinite integral of f(x) ∫(f(x),xmin, xmax)- Definite integralof f(x) from xmin to xmax ∂(f(x)) -Derivativeof f(x) lim(f(x), c)- Limit of f(x) when x approaches cEquationsolving:Representation of polynomial - x^2+3x-2=0 = -Polynomialequationoperator Numerical Functions: m mod n - Remainderof m ÷ ngcd(m,n) - Greatest common divisor of m and n lcm(m, n) -Leastcommonmultiple of m and n abs(n) - Absolute value of nround(n) -Integerclosest to n frac(n) - Fractional part of nfloor(n) - Floorvalueof n ceil(n) - Ceiling value of n Complexnumbers:Representation -5+2i re(c) - Real part of complex number cim(c) -Imaginary partof complex number c Statistics: median([a]) -Medianof [a]gmean([a]) - Geometric mean of [a] amean([a]) -Arithmeticmean of[a] randi(n) - Random integer from 0 to n randr -Randomreal from0 to 1 Number theory: harmonicN(n) - nthharmonicnumberCombinatorics: n! - Factorial of n binomial(n, k)-Binomialcoefficient multinomial(n1, n2, ...) -MultinomialcoefficientcatalanN(n) - nth Catalan number fibonacci(n)- nthFibonaccinumber Trigonometric functions: sin(x), cos(x),tan(x)sec(x),csc(x), cot(x) asin(x), acos(x), atan(x),acot(x)Hyperbolicfunctions: sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x)arsinh(x),arcosh(x),artanh(x) Matrixes: Representation -[[1,2],[3,4]][m1]⋅[m2] -Product of [m1] and [m2] tran([m]) -Transpose [m]ctran([m]) -Conjugate and transpose [m] inverse([m]) -Invert [m]det([m]) -Determinant of [m] tr([m]) - Trace of [m]mpow([m], n) -nth matrixpower of [m] Number sets: Representation -[1,2]union([a1], [a2])- Union of two sets intersec([a1], [a2])-Intersection of two setsmax([a]) - Largest element of [a]min([a])- Smallest element of[a] Constants: π - Number Pi e -Euler'snumber i - Imaginary unit∞ - Infinity γ - Euler–MascheroniconstantG - Catalan's constant A- Glaisher–Kinkelin constant φ -Goldenratio κ - Khinchin'sconstant C₂ - Twin prime constant ζ₃ -Apéry'sconstant B₄ - Brun'sconstant for prime quadruplets B₂ -Brun'sconstant for twin primesEB - Erdős–Borwein constant δ -Feigenbaumfirst constant α -Feigenbaum second constants BL -Legendre'sconstant M₁ -Meissel–Mertens constant
AIO REMOTE NEO - Smart Home 1.87.3
The manufacturer-independent Smart Home App of mediola® AIOCREATORNEO
EasyAccess 2.0 2.16.11
EasyAccess 2.0 is a remote access tool for your machineorindustrial HMI.
SMS plugin for Yatse 2.6.0
Forward your SMS to your Media Center
Finger Timer Full 1.0.5
Omega Studio
Finger Timer is aspeedcubing/speedstackingtimer in your pocket!It's a simple and elegant timer app that you must have![HOW TO USE]1. Put your fingers on the left and right pads, and hold.2. When the red and green lights are both on, the timer isready,and then you can release your fingers to start thetimer.3. When you want to stop the timer, put your fingers back ontheleft and right pads.4. If you want to restart the timer, press "RESET" and do thesteps1 to 3.[DISPLAY CONNECTION]1. Connect your Timer device (with this app) and Display device(anycomputer or mobile device with a web browser) to the sameWi-Finetwork. (Sometimes Internet also works.)2. In Timer device, tap the top-right icon, and check "Allowdisplayconnection" checkbox.3. In Display device, enter the Timer address into the addressbarof your browser, and then press "START".4. Enjoy it!Full version:> The maximum time is 60 minutes.> Display connection. (max 60 mins)> Scramble for cube 2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, and 5x5x5.> No ads, no distractions!Like us on Facebook for the latest news:
ProcessMAP Mobile 23.1.03
Environmental Health Safety (EHS) Sustianability (SCM)LearningCompliance (ELC)
Equatex AG
By having it at your fingertips you cankeepyourself up to date with its value and you will never missanyplan-related events or opportunities again.Our app is designed to provide multi-channel capabilities to youasa participant of employee compensation plans. It offersinnovativeways of displaying your portfolio – whether you want tosee itstructured by product types, allocation years etc. A furtherplusis the comprehensive overview of all relevant andplan-relatedevents including cash distributions, vesting andexpiration dates,and many more.Download our app today and login immediately by entering thesamelogin details (user ID and password) you use for thewebapplication EquatePlus. Support is offered by our experienced24/7call center which can be directly contacted from within the apporvia its login screen.Requirements:• The access to your account via the mobile channel shouldbepermitted by your company• You should have valid login details used for the webapplicationEquatePlusWe aim to provide app features that flex to meet your needs. Thatiswhy we are constantly working to improve Equate Mobile. Socheckback soon – more will follow.For feedback or input, please contact