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عرش الملوك 1.0.8
عرش الملوك هي أول لعبة ديابلو بنظام ثلاثيةالأبعاد في العالم العربي، وتعد اللعبة الثانية في العالم العربيباللغة العربية بعد لعبة"حرب القبائل".لعبة عرش الملوك بها ثلاث شخصيات بطولية مقسمة وفقاً لوظائفهمكالتالي: المحارب، الساحر و الصياد. بها أكثر من عشر مهارات رائعةتتغير باستمرار، ومليئة بالكثير من نماذج القتال المتعددة (المدينة،برج المئة طابق، الحلبة، حرب النقابات، معركة الاضطرابات، استلاموتسليم المهام، قتال الخراف الهاربة .. إلخ، كل هذه النماذج تخلق عالمشاسع من السحر والخيال، كما يمكن للاعب أن ينشأ نقابة قوية ويقوداللاعبين المنضمين للقتال معه.مزايا اللعبة:√ الصوت الإنساني: بأسلوب ثلاثية الأبعاد جميل لشخصيات أوروبيةوأمريكية، تم دبلجتها إلى اللعة العربية لكثير من الشخصيات.√ نظام المهارات: مهارا رائعة، وشعور قتالي مميز بالإضافة للمشاهدالقتالية الواقعية.√ نظام الزي: مليئة بالكثير من الملابس الخاصة المميزة، ويمكن للاعبأن يشتري الكثير من الملابس المختلفة تجعله مختلف عن غيره.√ نظام المهام: نظام مهام متعدد وهائل؛ يحتوي على مهام اساسية ومهامفرعية، مهام المكافئات، مهام التوصيل، المهام اليومية ..وغيرها.√ نظام النقابة: يتيح للاعب تأسيس نقابة، وقودك لقتال اللاعبينالأخرين، وتصبح في أقوى تحالف.√ شات: التحدث مع آلاف اللاعبين في مختلف أنحاء العالم.The throne of kings, isthe first game Diablo three-dimensional system in the Arab world,and is the second game in the Arab world in Arabic after game"Tribal Wars".Game throne of kings, the three heroic figures divided according totheir functions as follows: Warrior, Magician and fisherman. Withmore than a dozen superb skills are constantly changing, and fullof a lot of multi-fighting models (city, percent Tower Floor,fenugreek, war guilds, battle disorders, receipt and deliverytasks, fighting sheep fugitive .. etc., all these models create avast world of magic and fantasy , as the player can be establisheda strong union and leads players joined to fight with him.   Advantages of the game:√ humanitarian Sound: beautiful three-dimensional figures ofEuropean and American style, has been dubbed into Arabic Allah formany of the characters.√ skills: great skills, and a sense of combat as well asdistinctive combat scenes realism system.√ uniform system: filled with lots of distinctive clothing, and theplayer can buy a lot of different clothes to make it different fromthe other.√ system tasks: tasks and massive multi-system; contains basictasks and sub-tasks, tasks equivalents, conduction tasks, dailytasks .. and others.√ union system: Allows the player establish a union, your fuel tofight other players, and become stronger in the alliance.√ chat: talk with thousands of players around the world.
Clash of Lords 2: حرب القبائل 1.0.114
مميزات اللعبة:ـ الإبداع: يمكنك التحكم على كافة الأطراف للعبة حسب تصرفاتك وإطلاقمهارات الأبطال تلقائيا، وعملية القتال الاستراتيجي متنوعةومتغيرة.ـ الحماسة: يقترن البطل بجنوده اقترانا كاملا ويمكنك أن تذوق حركةالفيلق العسكرية بين يديك. لا حاجة إلى تدريب الجنود، فحاربْ كما تشاءإذا عاش بطلك.ـ التكوينات: يمكنك اختيار بطلك من عشرات الأبطال والنمط من النمطين:هناك التحارب بين الأبطال، وأيضا التحارب بين الفيالق. كما يمكنك أنتفوز بالبطولة بتنظيماتك الإستراتيتجية العديدة مع أبطالكالأقوياء.ـ الأنماط الثلاثة: المسابقة بين القادة، والحرب لنهب الموارد، وأيضاحرب النقاط فرديا. فهذه الأنماط الثلاثة ستأتيك بشتي المتع.ـ لعب مجاني: يمكنك المشاركة في هذه اللعبة دون أن تصرف فلسا! إسحبالأبطال عند تسجيل الدخول اليومي,وهناك بعض الجواهر القيمة تنتظركأيضا.ـ النقابات: يمكنك أن تلعب مع أصدقائك من إنشاء نقابة في اللعبة أوالمشاركة في احدي النقابات الجاهزة.تقدموا معا وانسحبوا معا!اجعلوانقابتكم أقوي نقابة في عالم اللعبة بجهودكم!سجل اعجابك بالفيس بوك :بريد خدمه العملاء : harbalqabayil@outlook.comThe game features:Creativity: You can control on all sides of the game by youractions and automatically launch the heroes skills, and the processof fighting a variety of strategic and variable.Enthusiasm: Hero coupled with his soldiers in conjunction with afull and you can taste the military corps movement between yourhands. No need to train soldiers, fought against as you like if youlived your hero.Configurations: you can choose your hero of dozens of heroes andthe style of the types: There Warring between heroes, and alsobetween the Warring corps. As you can win the championshipPtnzimatk Alastrutetjh with many powerful heroes.The three styles: Competition among the leaders, and the war toplunder resources, and also individually war points. These threetypes Static Pesti pleasures.Free play: You can participate in this game without being actedfils! Pull the heroes when recording daily access, and there aresome gems await value also.Unions: You can play with your friends from a trade union in thegame or participate in a trade union Gahzh.tqdmoa together andpulled together! Make your union strongest union in the world ofthe game your efforts!Log much you like with Facebook: Service Mail:
Clash of Fortress 1.1.8
DOWNLOAD CLASH OF FORTRESS FOR FREE. TheMOSTSTRATEGIC AND OPERABLE game for the Android in 2015!Raise your kingdom, Arm your heroes, challenges the authorityofGod In castle warfare.Being the lord, to protect your homeland, you have to survivewithyour unbeatable castle, advanced artillery, trusted heroes,toresist the aggression from evil creatures.Features1. Exclusive combat experience with castle building strategy,epichero raising and tower defense system.2. Customized Castle with barracks, bonus rooms anddefenseconstructions, Infinite number of possibilities andendlesspotential for your own castle;3. 3D physics destruction with gravity sensing system, bringsactualcombat experience;4.10 different efficacies of cannons involves in thecastlefighting;5.19 Heroes from history and the myths story, stand alonewithSparta, Paladin to fight with Zeus in heaven, Anubisfromunderworld, rules your own destiny.6.Upgradeable cannon, bonus room, soldiers, evolvableheroes,develop the strongest fighting capacity through differentfightcombination;7. Fight with lords around the world and with your friends.8. Original music from Top level Asia music studio GAMEMUSIC.9. Distributed server architecture guarantee bestuserexperience;CampaignsThree campaigns spanning 27 battle sand the beginner guidancehasbeen integrated.1. Sunset Forest– The rise of Lord (9 battles)2. Forbidden land – The Viking’s brutality (9 battles)3. Desert of relics–The Pharaoh's Curse (9 battles)Clash of fortress realize download for free, players can getthegems through the continuous landing, achievement accumulation,starawards from each campaign, however to better maintain hegemonyofthe Lord, better accumulate advantage compared with otherplayerssome in-game items i.e gems, gold, power will requirepayment andcan be purchased as in-app purchases. eanwhile, thereareexchanging codes in game and we are responsible for items tobesent but not AppleStorm Fortress Online Activities★ Double Gems would be rewarded for the 1st purchase;★ To celebrate clash of fortress on line, ultra amazing giftwouldbe rewarded with any amount of gems purchase for the firsttimefrom now on: Gold x 50000, Food x 50000, Wolfman x 1;★ Landing Award: get prize for consecutive landing per day★ Ten times reward: Accumulated 300GEMS top up would berewarded3000GEMS during promotion period.
Doom Dunes 1.16.0
Make friends and enemies with players from all over the world inthis new action packed strategy hit! Doom Dunes lets you take onthe role of a noble prince with big ambitions! Form alliances withinfluential princes and develop your humble castle into a bustlingempire. Collect riches from faraway lands, hunt wild creatures andtrain an elite army to fight opponents on the battlefield!Features: 1. Strategic gameplay: reinforce your army throughresearch and recruitment. Know when to lie low and when to attack!2. Teamplay goes global: be part of an international alliance whereyou can research, hunt and fight side by side! 3. Real-time 3Dcombat: follow PvP battles in real-time, send reinforcements andsupplies! 4. Build, train & prosper: Build up your base,collect resources, bulk up your army & build a mighty empire!5. Conquer the world: Vanquish roaming monsters for the treasuresthey hold. Attack other players’ castles to plunder their resources& climb to the top! Visit official sites:
Saga of Sultans 1.13.2
Unique Middle East themed Kingdom War RPG with many playersonlineand fighting for glory! Choose your Kingdom and fight to ruletheworld! *Five mighty Kingdoms for you to choose from! Experiencethemajesty of the vast Glorious Continent and create your ownlegacyof war! *Saga of Sultans is a unique battle-based 3D KingdomWarRPG with many players online! *From lowly warrior to mightysultan,from unknown tribe to powerful kingdom, come and write agloriousnew chapter in the history of Arabia! Game features: 1.UniqueKingdom War gameplay: Fly the flag of your kingdom as you dobattlewith other players in real-time and set out to conquer theworld!2. Thrilling battles and breathtaking scenes: Immerseyourself inexquisitely crafted Arabian scenes; experienceexhilarating battleswhere you really feel like you're on thebattlefield itself! 3.Socialize using voice messaging and fightside-by-side withfriends: Real-time instructional broadcasts; makenew friends andfight alongside them! 4. Grow your character andrise to rule aKingdom: Raise your rank, learn skills, keep up withthe latestfashions, strengthen your equipment, rear a formidablemount, andfind a thousand ways to keep on developing! 5. A hugeworld with awide variety of quests: Escort caravans, slay monsters,rescuecaptives, discover hidden treasure - a broad variety ofgameplayoffers even greater fun! If you need any assistance, don'thesitateto get in touch with our support team andwe'll do our best to help! You can alsocheck out our Facebook pageat
Sultan Forces
★Game Introduction Immerse yourself in the fantasy world of TheOneThousand and One Nights. Recruit Ala Aldeen to youralliance,summon the Djinn of the Lamp, employ battle-winningtactics, andwin the day! In a land of djinns and demons, whereinvadersthreaten to plunge the world into darkness, anddifferentcivilizations are locked in the chaos of endless war, thelongforgotten One Thousand and One Nights could be your key tosavingmankind! Will you prove yourself worthy of wielding the powerofthe Kingdoms of Sand, Oceans, and Air by leading vast armiesofdemon thieves, carpet riders, and gunners into battle? Can youleadthe Sultan Forces to everlasting victory? Don't hesitate, takeupthe challenge and show the world your might! ★Game Features※ThreeCivilizations The Kingdoms of Sand, Oceans, and Air each comewiththeir own unique characteristics and beautifulartwork,demonstrating the glory and prosperity of the ancientMiddle East.Gather resources, train troops, and display the awesomepower ofyour civilization for the whole world to see! ※TacticalBattles Arich selection of troops types and formations offerendlesscombinations. Combine powerful military research, strongbonds withyour allies, and well-considered diplomacy to resist yourenemiesand emerge triumphant from realistic battles! ※Hero DungeonsAllowloyal Ali Baba, quick-witted Ala Aldeen, and valiant Sinbad toleadyou on a wondrous adventure, standing side by side with you asyouface numerous treacherous challenges. Each hero has theirownunique skills to offer, and learning who to use, and when, willbean important lesson in your struggle to defeat the finalboss!※Raising Djinns Sand, Water, Fire, Wood, and Wind, these arethefive elemental djinns that will help you on your way toworlddomination! ※Alliance Wars Ally yourself with players from alloverthe world to form mighty alliances and take on your foestogether!★Contact Us ★Facebook:•Instagram:•Youtube:•Twitter: •PrivacyPolicy: •Terms ofService:
Rise of the Kings 1.9.40
Lead legions of elves and men in epic battles! Crush enemies! Seizethe throne!
Days of Empire 2.77.001
Solve Puzzles to expand your empire.
War Eternal-Divine Battlefield 10.0.156
Civilization - Empire of the Dragon Available Now
انتقام السلاطين 1.16.38
Arabian Themed War Strategy Game
Frontier Justice 1.390.001
Duel Outlaws, Claim Bounties, and Become a Living Legend in theWild West!
Revenge of Sultans 1.11.32
Enter the ultimate battle arena of this epic RTS MMO in a quest forsupremacy.
King's Choice
Rule your own empire! You're a king! The kingdom is in your hands!
Mafia Crime War
Tap the link below and follow us on Facebook. Stay tuned for moreinfo! ★☆Tap thePre-registration button to claim a pack worth $30 for free☆★ ※Thepack mentioned above will be sent out in 7 days upon the officiallaunch of the game Mafia: Crime War is a mafia-themed MMO strategiccard game. You'll play the role of an FBI agent from a mafiafamily, whose father was assassinated by the syndicate, a new andupcoming criminal organization that has invaded your familyterritory. At such a crucial moment, you have returned to safeguardand revive your family, recruiting a variety of gangsters,committing crimes, and crafting business strategies, all to removethe obstacles in your way and seek revenge for your father,becoming the new godfather in the process. Take Control, DominateAll As the new godfather, you have to make crucial decisions forthe development of your crime family, run its criminal businesses,and expand your territory. Use cunning strategy to change the fateof your once great family. Money, Power, Sex, Lust, Anything YouFantasize Operate your dirty underworld businesses, earn loads ofrevenue from criminal jobs, collect luxury cars and street racinglegends, gather your arms, and date hot women. All sorts ofintimacy and interaction await you. This life of luxury willfulfill all your gangster dreams. Crimes of Violence, LiberatedOutlaws Join in hardcore wars between gangs, street fights, bankrobberies, turf battles, the destruction of your competitors'businesses, and take on the syndicate itself. Carry out these gooddeeds in the darkness, and you will establish a new empire of evilin the city of sin. Recruit Heroes, Align Legions Recruit legendaryheroes from the shadowy underworld to assist you. Arrange yourexclusive legion of heroes and defeat your opponents in battle,applying devious strategy and clever formations along the way. FreeExploration, Realistic Thrills You will freely explore throughoutthe realistic settings of L.A., New York, Sicily, Tokyo, etc.Experience the genuine thrills of gangster life. Freedom to Sin,Lush Visual Effects The card battles in this game areuser-friendly. Enjoy a life of crime with ease. Refined charactermodels along with awesome 3D battle effects will offer you theultimate gaming experience in a wide variety of settings. FamilyRevival, Establishment of A New Order Upgrade your villa, operatebusinesses, expand your territory, recruit heroes, date hot women,collect luxury cars, counter your fatal enemies. You will resurrectyour family, seek revenge for your father, and establish a newunderworld order led by you, the Godfather. ==Contact Us== OfficialSite: ==Tech Support== Any inquiries pleasecontact: Privacy Policies: User Agreement:
少女廻戦(国際) 1.1.0
The next-generation RPG idle card game masterpiece! Travel throughtime and space, save the world, and join hands with beautiful girlsto embark on a fantasy adventure. More surprises are waiting foryou to discover~
Modern Dead 1.24.000
Modern Dead is a combination of an open-ended RPG andareal-time strategy game set in a post-apocalyptic world. InModernDead, you can manage different Alphas - rare heroes that youmustrecruit - while using different kinds of weapons to fightmutantsand Outcasts, all to ensure the survival of your strongholdand itspeople. Find cunning strategies to face hordes of zombies.Theterror of dungeon exploration, gory survival stories, funbattlemodes, and unlimited base construction all await you. Clashwithgruesome mutants, shooting your way through a circus of horror.Setup a Coalition and carry out operations with other survivorsfromall around the world. Above all, endure. ●Open-endedExplorationwith Wild Third-Person Combat Trapped between waves ofzombies bornof a terrible virus, and a host of other enemies, youwill need tofind a way to navigate this treacherous world andrebuildcivilization, founding an ark for all those that havesurvived.Deploy your Alphas carefully to explore the world,collectresources, upgrade equipment and carry out sensitivemissions in aworld full of horror. ●Free March, Strategical VictoryIn ModernDead, you'll experience the real, post-apocalyptic world,and theself-immersed marching game play. Leading your battalions,in thewide, barren land of the apocalyse, to explore newterritories andcapture the fortresses, and fight against themutants and vie forcontrol of the land with others. The strongestsurvives. In theorder of the post-apocalyptic world, use yourstrategy to prosperat will. ●Rich Gameplay and Storytelling in anImmersive WorldThrough a lush story mode, scary expeditionchallenges, and tensePvP action between players, you'll encounter ahorde of mutants andOutcasts. Along with the rest of your fellowplayers, you'll needto summon every bit of cunning at your disposalto survive thisgauntlet. ●Specialized Alpha System Overcome bloodyterrorthroughout the Warren System, rescuing and recruiting Alphas-unique heroes that have survived in the aftermath of agreatcataclysm - to bolster your number. Some will be strong,agile, orswift, others possessed of strategic brilliance. Lead themondaring assault missions or rescue efforts. ●Global War onOneServer Join others to form coalitions and engage survivorslikeyourselves, all vying for Coalition territory. Immerse yourselfina thrilling, unique battlefield with players from around theworld.●Open-ended Construction System Rebuild your base, the lastark ofhumanity, at will, customizing the layout and theme to yourliking.In addition, you can enter the shelter of your buildings totriggerunique missions. Developing your base will mean eliminatingnearbymutants, expanding your territory, and constructing morebuildingsto accommodate ever larger armies.
少女廻戦 時空恋姫の万華境界へ 1.0.88
It’s a next-gen idle RPG phone game that will take you on a journeythrough space and time to save a new world and bring beautifulgirls to an endless future adventure! A world full of surprisesawaits you in this action game.
Palace & Puzzles - Dog Rescue 1.10.2
Fairytale Romance and Adventure
Lama - 3D Ludo & Baloot
App Description Lama is the first 3D casual game that combinesLudoand Baloot. Not only can you play Ludo with your friends inreal 3Dscenes, but you can also voice chat in real time within thegame.In addition, you can also create your own 3D avatar, interactandmake friends with players from all over the world. Keyfeatures:-Group voice chat Talk with players via voice chat at anytime,meet new friends, and enjoy the game! -Play with friendseasilyMake friends all around the world. Also can search nearbypeople tomake friends! -3D character creation You can customizetheappearance of your character as you wish. Even you can have petsinthe game! We will continue to give our best shot to provideyouwith more fun games that will enrich your daily life. TermsofService: Page:
Glory of Sultans 0.1
Unique 3D Kingdom War Game
少女迴戰:少女play,放置不累 1.6.51
Lord, don't do anything wrong! Love Ji of the Three Kingdomsassembles for expedition! April 20th hot opening! In the firstweek, you will get 200 consecutive draws, 40,000 ingots, and ssrand ur beautiful girl characters!
King's Choice
Rule your own empire! You're a king! The kingdom is in your hands!
少女迴戰 1.5.7
Girls play, don't get tired of placing them! Whileenjoyinggentleness, you also need to expand your strength~
소녀세계:소녀 PLAY 방치 EASY 1.9.18
Achieved 2 million cumulative reservations! 3.10 officialrelease!300 consecutive draws and UR hero gift immediately afteropening!
King's Choice: EA
Rule your own empire! You're a king! The kingdom is in your hands!