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eTipbook Violin and Viola 1.1
The Tipbook Company
This must have app for violinists features afree 50+ page preview of the 225+ page book, direct access to thefull digital version of Tipbook Violin and Viola, and informativerich media brochures. Designed for tablets and smartphones!INSPIRING RESOURCETipbook Violin and viola is a book for musicians who want tounderstand and get the most out of their instrument. The combinedexperience and knowledge of more then thirty violin makers, bowmakers, string manufacturers and musicians helps you to buy theperfect instrument for your style and budget. Written withbeginners in mind, and an inspiring resource for advanced players -even for pros!CREATING YOUR SOUNDTipbook Violin and viola helps you to see, hear, and appreciate thedifference between one violin and the next, allowing you to focuson how it sounds and plays. The book offers extended information onthe different types of strings and their windings, on bows and onrosin, providing you with everything you need to know to make yourinstrument sound like you. And with the interactive Tipcodes youcan even hear what you're reading about.EXTRASLike all other Tipbooks, Tipbook Violin and viola has briefsections on the history, family, and making of the instrument, aswell as a glossary and an extended index. Looking for the manualfor your instrument? Here it is, with no less than a hundredfull-color photos!PRESS QUOTES“As a quick easy reference for violin & viola students andteachers, for general trouble-shooting or simply to add on one'sstore of knowledge, this Tipbook is an excellent resource.” MaryNemet, Stringendo“An extremely useful resource.” Music Educators Journal“… I found myself drawn into the articles on buying aninstrument and how to determine sound qualities from the build ofthe instrument...” European String Teachers Association“Interesting sections on the history and manufacture; Really,it’s all here, and the tips on maintenance are excellent.” FiddleOn Magazine“Comprehensive approach; easy-to-follow layout makes theseTipbooks a joy to read.” Music TradesREADER RECOMMENDATIONS“… provides valuable information about violin history, anatomy, andconstruction. […] tips on buying and maintaining a violin, bow,case, and accessories. This section alone is worth the cost of thebook, if only because you'll understand the technical jargon thatthe luthier throws at you.” Aaron“This book is an excellent thing to tuck into your case for whenyou have a question about something or need a reference.” KirstenH.“Really great. Starts out explaining the anatomy of a violin andviola, a chapter on history and ends the book with some inspirationon how to make practice fun, without drugs.” Bryn S.“… a valuable resource. I am sure will refer to it often oneverything.” KBurley“Excellent.” Carolann RSUBJECTSTipbook Violin and viola tells you about violins and violas,children’s instruments, fractional sizes, learning the violin,violin lessons, violin teachers, practicing, metronomes, recordingyour lessons, master violins, student violins and workshop violins,Stradivarius and Guarnerius, fake labels, flamed backs, bookmatchedplates, antiquing violins, types of wood, French and Belgianbridges, the sound post and the bass bar, the influence of scale,string height, neck angle and other elements on the sound andplayability of your violin, Parisian eyes and eyelets, Hill,tailpieces, practice mutes, wire mutes and other types of mutes,frets, pre-owned violins, the value of your violin, choosing violinstrings, steel strings, synthetic strings and gut strings, woundstrings and string windings, fine-tuners and fine-tuning pegs,auditioning violins, testing bows, rosin, violin stands, buzzingviolins, making a violin, the viola da gamba, electric violins, andmuch more.
eTipboek Muziek op Papier 1.1
The Tipbook Company
Dé app voor iedere muzikant: gratis 50pagina’s preview van het gloednieuwe eTipboek Muziek op Papier,direct toegang tot de betaalde versie van 260 pagina’s, eninformatieve rich-media brochures. Alom geprezen, nu digitaalbeschikbaar voor tablets en smartphones!Muziektheorie makkelijk? Wel met Tipboek Muziek op Papier! Eenideale gids om noten te leren lezen of om even na te kijken wat eentritonus of growling ook alweer was, en hoe je een vermeerderdakkoord speelt. Voor beginners en gevorderde muzikanten in elkestijl. Geen droge theorie, maar lekker leesbare teksten met tallozemuzikale voorbeelden die je direct vanuit de app kunt beluisteren,geschreven door twee enthousiaste muzikanten die het nu eindelijkeens zo wilden vertellen dat iedereen het snaptMAKKELIJKNaast het notenschrift wordt ook het systeem achter die notenuitgelegd, je leert transponeren in een handomdraai, je krijgtinzicht in akkoorden en maakt kennis met harmonieleer, muziekschrijven en notatiesoftware ¬– en nog veel meer.HOOR WAT JE LEESTDe uitgebreide index en de woordenlijst maken het boek tot eenperfect naslagwerk, en met de 63 Tipcodes kun je de meestenotenvoorbeelden uit het boek beluisteren: zo hoor je wat jeleest!AANBEVOLEN DOOR LEZERSZeer waardevol; wordt regelmatig geraadpleegd.Dit boek is fantastisch, het legt super simpel en duidelijk uithoe de muziektheorie in elkaar steekt. Je komt hier dingen tegendie je eigenlijk nooit hebt gesnapt, maar opeens is het heelduidelijk.Ik vind dit boek echt geweldig!AANBEVOLEN DOOR PROFSZelden is zoveel informatie over dit lastige onderwerp zo compleet,zo compact en vooral zo helder in één boek terechtgekomen.(John van der Veer – gitarist, componist, arrangeur)Bondig, duidelijk en veelomvattend. Van harte aanbevolen vooriedere muziekliefhebber - van pop tot klassiek. (Theo Olof –violist, concertmeester Concertgebouworkest 1985-1986)Het heeft lang geduurd, maar het blijkt toch te kunnen: eenmakkelijk leesbaar, overzichtelijk boek over muziektheorie. (HeskeBerkenkamp ¬– docent muziektheorie, Utrechts conservatorium)AANBEVOLEN DOOR DE PERSVerhelderend, nuttig en zeer compleet (Music Maker)Zelden kom je een zo onderhoudend muziektheorieboek tegen alsTipboekMuziek op Papier, dat zijn lezers nieuwsgierig maakt naar elkenieuwe bladzijde. (Kunstzone)Uiterst helder geformuleerd (Muziek & Onderwijs)Een aanrader! Toegankelijk, helder en fraai vormgegeven.(Preludium)Tipbook Music on Paper has got to be the best of the books onmusic theory available on the market – in more ways than one.(Canadian Clarinet Resources)Without a doubt, Tipbook Music on Paper – Basic Theory is oneI’d highly recommend to ALL songwriters. (American Songwriter)The app for everymusician: free 50-page preview of the brand new eTipboek music onpaper, direct access to the paid version of 260 pages, rich-mediaand informational brochures. Widely acclaimed, now availabledigitally for tablets and smartphones!Music Theory easy? But with Tipboek Music on Paper! An idealguide to learning to read music or to just look after what was atritone or growling that again, and how you play a chord plus. Forbeginners and advanced musicians in any style. No dry theory, butnice readable texts with numerous musical examples that you canlisten directly from the app, written by two enthusiastic musicianswho now finally wanted to tell so that everyone understands itEASYBesides the notation is also explained the system behind the notes,you learn to transpose in a snap, you can understand chords andlearn about harmony, music, writing and notation software asplasticizers and more.HEAR WHAT YOU READThe extensive index and glossary the book as a perfect referencebook, and with the 63 Tipcodes you can hear the most musicalexamples from the book: you will hear what you read!RECOMMENDED BY READERSVery valuable; is regularly consulted.This book is fantastic, it puts super simple and clear how themusic theory works. You come here of things that you've neverreally caught but suddenly it is very clear.I think this book really great!RECOMMENDED BY EXPERTSRarely has so much information on this tricky subject as complete,compact and above all as clear fallen into one book.(John van der Veer - guitarist, composer, arranger)Concise, clear and comprehensive. Highly recommended for everymusic - from pop to classical. (Theo Olof - violinist,concertmaster Concertgebouw Orchestra 1985-1986)It took a while, but it appears to be: an easy to read,well-organized book about music theory. (Heske Berkenkamp asplasticizers teacher of music theory, Utrecht Conservatory)RECOMMENDED BY THE PRESSEnlightening, useful and very complete (Music Maker)Rarely do you as an entertaining music theory book as againstTipboekMusic on paper, that his readers curiosity for every new page. (ArtZone)Extremely bright formulated (Music & Education)Recommended! Accessible, clear and beautiful. (Prelude)Tipbook Music on Paper HAS got to be the best of the books onmusic theory available on the market - in more ways than one.(Canadian Clarinet Resources)Without a doubt, Tipbook Music on Paper - Basic Theory is oneI'd highly recommend to ALL songwriters. (American Songwriter)
eTipboek Versterkers+ effecten 1.1
The Tipbook Company
Dé app voor iedereen die versterkt speelt:gratis 50 pagina’s preview van het gloednieuwe eTipboek Versterkersen effecten (ruim 300 pagina’s!), direct toegang tot de betaaldeversie, en informatieve rich-media brochures. Voor tablets ensmartphones!GOED KOPEN, SLIM GEBRUIKENTipboek Versterkers en effecten vertelt je alles wat je moet wetenom die apparaten optimaal te kunnen gebruiken, de juiste spullen tekiezen als je apparatuur gaat kopen, en om te snappen waar jegeluidstechnici het over hebben. Ja, behoorlijk wat technischeinformatie dus, maar dan wel zo geschreven dat iedereen hetsnapt.VOOR WIE?Tipboek Versterkers en effecten is er voor gitaristen en zangers,door drummers en blazers, en voor alle andere muzikanten. Geeft hetboek je ook nog antwoord op al je vragen over dit soort spullen –zelfs op vragen waarvan je nog niet wist dat je ze had.MEER DAN VERSTERKERSHet boek, geschreven in samenwerking met meer dan dertig experts enmuzikanten, heeft ook uitgebreide hoofdstukken over kabels endraadloze systemen, kleine PA’s en mixers, microfoons en elementen,en over het onderhoud van je spullen. Zelfs een hoofdstuk over degeschiedenis ontbreekt niet.ACTUEEL EN IN KLEUReTipboek Versterkers en effecten is de digitale versie van hetsuccesvolle papieren Tipboek. De verschillen? Tientallenverhelderende kleurenfoto’s, actuele informatie, informatievebrochures, en een aanzienlijk lagere prijs. Doe er je voordeelmee!DE PERS OVER TIPBOEK VERSTERKERS EN EFFECTENVan bekabeling tot het ontcijferen van technische specificaties,niets blijft onbelicht; solide en begrijpelijk uitgelegd.(Interface)Duidelijke illustraties, praktische tips; informatie waar je noglang gebruik van zal maken. (Meet Music Magazine)Lof gaat uit naar de hoeveelheid items en onderwerpen, en naarde illustratieve voorbeelden op internet door middel van Tipcodes.(Gitarist)Ook ervaren muzikanten kunnen hier nog een hoop van opsteken.Met recht dé complete gids. (Music Maker)Annoteer extremely comprehensive Tipbook, providing exactly theright amount of information on every conceivable topic. (MusicMaker - US)This book works well for teachers, beginner and intermediatestudents, even specialists in guitar amplification. (Vintage GuitarMagazine)LEZERSREACTIESIk ben een redelijke gitarist en ben door dit boek bevestigd in dedingen die ik meende te weten maar doe ik veel meer kennis op in demeer complexere zaken. Niet alleen voor mijn eigen set-up, maar ookhet geluid voor de band. Een goed leesbaar boek, erg uitgebreid(300 blz.) met een goede prijs, goed gedocumenteerd, veel relevanteonderwerpen en verwijzingen naar geluidsfragmenten.ONDERWERPENIn eTipboek Versterkers en effecten lees je onder meer overA-B-boxen, actieve equalizers, akoestische versterkers,basversterkers, keyboardversterkers, gitaarversterkers,buizenversterkers, hybride versterkers, comboversterkers,transistorversterkers, analoge effecten, digitale effecten,effectpedalen, multi-effecten, amplitudemodulatie,audio-interfaces, luidsprekeremulatie, aardliftschakelaars,de-essers, expressiepedalen, stompboxen, full stacks en halfstacks, slanted cabs, 410 en 210 kabinetten, brom, aarding,latching en non-latching schakelaars, impedantie (ohms) enfrequenties, panning en parallelle loops, seriële loops,handbedrade versterkers, modeling versterkers, voorversterkers(preamps), buizen, staande golven, ongebalanceerde kabels,XLR-pluggen, Speakons en banaanpluggen, wah-wahs en wattages,notchfilters en grafische equalizers, richtingskarakteristieken,crossoverfilters en choruspedaaltjes, reverbeffecten en decibels,samplingrates en semiparametrische equalizers, nominale niveaus enomnidirectionele microfoons, en nog veel meer.The app for anyone whoplays strengthened: free 50-page preview of the brand new eTipboekAmps and Effects (over 300 pages!), Direct access to the paidversion, rich-media and informational brochures. For tablets andsmartphones!GOOD BUY SMART USETipboek amps and effects, tells you everything you need to know tomake the best use those devices, choosing the right stuff when yougo to buy equipment and to understand what you're talking aboutsound engineers. Yes, a lot of technical information so, but thenwritten so that everyone understands it.FOR WHOM?Tipboek amps and effects feature for guitarists and singers,drummers and brass, and all the other musicians. And the book youalso answer all your questions about this kind of stuff - even toquestions you did not even know you had.MORE THAN AMPLIFIERSThe book, written in collaboration with more than thirty expertsand musicians, also has extensive chapters on cables and wirelesssystems, small PAs and mixers, microphones and components, andmaintenance your stuff. Even a section on the history notlacking.NEWS AND IN COLOReTipboek amps and effects is the digital version of the successfulpaper Tipboek. The differences? Dozens illuminating color photos,current information, informative brochures, and a significantlylower price. Take it to your advantage!THE PRESS ABOUT TIPBOEK AMPS EFFECTSFrom cabling to decipher technical specifications, nothing remainsunexposed; solid and understandable explained. (Interface)Clear illustrations, practical tips; information that you willlong use. (Meet Music Magazine)Praise goes to the amount of items and topics, and theillustrative examples on the Internet through Tipcodes.(Guitarist)Even experienced musicians can still find a lot of light. Justlycalled the complete guide. (Music Maker)Annotate extremely comprehensive Tipbook, providing exactly theright amount of information on every conceivable topic. (MusicMaker - US)This book works well for teachers, beginner and intermediatestudents, as specialists in guitar amplification. (Vintage GuitarMagazine)READERS COMMENTSI'm a fair guitar player and am confirmed by this book in thethings I thought I knew but I do a lot more knowledge in the morecomplex cases. Not only for my own set-up, but also the sound forthe band. A very readable book, very extensive (300 p.) With a goodprice, well documented, many relevant topics and references tosound clips.TOPICSIn eTipboek amps and effects look includes AB boxes, active EQ,acoustic amplifiers, bass amplifiers, keyboard amplifiers, guitaramplifiers, tube amplifiers, hybrid amplifiers, combo amplifiers,transistor amplifiers, analog effects, digital effects, effectspedals, multi-effects, amplitude modulation, audio interfaces,speaker emulation, ground-lift switches, de-essers, expressionpedals, stompboxes, full stacks and half stacks, slanted cabs, 410and 210 cabinets, hum, grounding, latching and non-latchingswitches, impedance (ohms) and frequencies, panning and parallelloops, serial loops, hand wired amplifiers, modeling amplifiers,preamplifiers (preamps), tubes, standing waves, unbalanced cables,XLR plugs, Speakons and banana plugs, wah-wahs and wattages, notchfilters and graphic equalizers, directional characteristics,crossovers and chorus pedals, reverb effects and decibels, samplingrates and semi-parametric EQ, nominal levels and omnidirectionalmicrophones, and more.
eTipboek Elektrische gitaar 1.1
The Tipbook Company
Dé app voor gitaristen en bassisten: eengratis 50+ pagina’s dikke preview van eTipboek Elektrische gitaaren basgitaar, direct toegang tot de 250+ pagina’s tellende betaaldeversie, en informatieve rich-media brochures. Voor tablets ensmartphones!ALLES OVER JE INSTRUMENTDit Tipboek vertelt je alles over je instrument. Van aanschaf enluistertips tot onderhoud, van elementen tot snaarkeuze enafsteltips – en het boek beantwoordt zelfs de vragen waarvan je nogniet wist dat je ze had. In 14 hoofdstukken krijg je hier toegangtot de gebundelde kennis en ervaring van meer dan dertiggitaristen, (bas)gitaarbouwers, snarenmakers, docenten en anderedeskundigen. In glasheldere taal, zowel voor beginners als voorgevorderde spelers. Zelfs profs zijn er blij mee. ‘Een compleetnaslagwerk dat maar heel weinig vragen onbeantwoord zal laten’,schreef Gitarist al.AKKOORDEN EN TIPCODESNet als in alle andere Tipboeken vertellen korte hoofdstukken jehet nodige over de geschiedenis, de familie, de productie en demakers van je instrument, en ook een woordenboek en een completeindex ontbreken niet. Zo kun je alles makkelijk terugvinden! Dehuidige editie biedt je daarbovenop ook nog ruim veertig pagina’smet speelklare informatie over akkoorden en honderdenakkoorddiagrammen. Zo kun je met dit boek ook muzikaal direct aande slag. De Tipcode-videos zijn direct vanuit het boek af tespelen.IN PRINT EN DIGITAALDit eTipboek is de digitale versie van het gedrukte boek(verschenen in 7 talen), en altijd actueel met nieuwe informatievekleurenfoto’s.WAT ZEGGEN DE PROFS• ’t Is heel simpel: ik had gewild dat dit boek er al geweest wastoen ik m’n eerste gitaar kreeg. (Jan Akkerman)• Een hele berg informatie, waar je anders pas na jaren achterkomt. Nuttig, helder en voor iedereen te begrijpen. (GeorgeKooymans – Golden Earring)• Met dit lekker leesbare boekje haal je een stuk meer uit jeinstrument. (Wim Dijkgraaf – Candy Dulfer e.v.a.)WAT ZEGGEN DE LEZERS• Wie alles wil weten hoe een gitaar in elkaar zit en bij deaanschaf van een nieuwe gitaar weet waar hij/zij op moet letten isdit een zeer geschikt boek.• Dit boek is echt heel erg handig. Het is dé handleiding voor eenelektrische gitaar.• Wou beginnen met gitaarspelen, en dit met een elektrische gitaar.Om me een beetje in te lezen dit boek gekocht. Halverwege het boekliep ik tegen een elektrisch gitaar aan, heb deze gekocht, ja enals beginner mis je toch een handleiding, zeker als er niet zo'nuitvoerige bij je gitaar wordt geleverd. Maar gelukkig had ik er aleen gekocht in de vorm van het Tipboek. Hierin wordt duidelijk eneenvoudig uitgelegd hoe een elektrische gitaar is opgebouwd, werkten waar de knoppen voor dienen. Een echte aanrader.WAT ZEGT DE PERS• Een compleet naslagwerk dat maar heel weinig vragen onbeantwoordzal laten. (Gitarist)• Wat iedere (bas)gitarist moet weten, overzichtelijk op een rijgezet en helder uitgelegd. (Ntb Muziekwereld)• ... highly desirable, and highly pocketable; Packed with plentyof concise, relevant information; Written with the absolutebeginner in mind, it's comprehensive enough to appeal to pros too.(Guitarist)ONDERWERPENGitaarlessen, gitaarmodellen, tweedehands gitaren, solidbody’s,solid-bodygitaren, jazzgitaren, basgitaren, klankkasten,houtsoorten, positieholtes, bindingen, massieve bovenbladen,toetsmaterialen, halsprofielen, intonatie, mensuur, short-scale,long-scale bassen, toetsradius, ideale actie of snaarhoogte,stemmechanieken, zadels, bruggen, topkammen, locking nuts,tremolo’s, whammy bars, elementen, humbuckers, single coils, coiltaps, actieve elementen, actieve bassen, tuners, pick-ups,piëzo-elementen, snaren opzetten, vervangen, stalen snaren,omwikkelde snaren, snarensets, snaren reinigen, stemmen,flageoletten, open stemmingen, True Temperament frets, Fretwave,Buz Feiten, plectrums, de gitaarband, onderhoud, schoonmaken,afstellen, dubbelhalsgitaren, gitaarbouw, gitaarakkoorden,grepentabellen.The app for guitaristsand bassists a free 50+-page preview of eTipboek Electric guitarand bass, direct access to the 250+ pages of paid version,rich-media and informational brochures. For tablets andsmartphones!ALL ABOUT YOUR INSTRUMENTThis Tipboek tells you everything about your instrument. Ofpurchasing and listening tips for maintenance elements to stringselection and tuning tips - and even the book answers the questionsthat you never knew you had. In 14 chapters you get here access tothe combined knowledge and experience of more than thirtyguitarists (bass) guitar builders, strings makers, educators andother experts. In crystal-clear language, both beginners andadvanced players. Even pros are happy. "A complete reference thatvery few questions will go unanswered," wrote guitarist al.AGREEMENTS AND TIPCODESAs in all other Tipboeken short chapters tell you needed to knowabout the history, the family, the production and the makers ofyour instrument, and also a dictionary and a complete index are notlacking. So you can easily find everything! The current editionalso offers you on top of more than forty pages with playableinformation about hundreds of chords and chord diagrams. So you canuse this book musically right away. The Tipcode-videos can beplayed directly from the book.IN PRINT AND DIGITALETipboek This is the digital version of the printed book (publishedin 7 languages), and always up to date with new informative colorphotos.WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY• It's very simple: I would have liked that this book had beenthere when I got my first guitar. (Jan Akkerman)• A whole bunch of information, where else comes only after manyyears. Useful, clear and understandable for everyone. (GeorgeKooymans - Golden Earring)• This nice readable book you get a lot more out of yourinstrument. (Wim Dijkgraaf - Candy Dulfer e.v.a.)WHAT READERS SAY• Who all wants to know how a guitar is all about and in thepurchase of a new guitar knows where he / she should pay attentionto this is a great book.• This book is really very convenient. It is the manual for anelectric guitar.• Wish started playing guitar, and this with an electric guitar. Tome a bit of reading bought this book. Halfway through the book, Iran into an electric guitar, bought this one, even as a beginnerand still miss a guide, especially if there is not provided suchdetailed with your guitar. But fortunately I had already bought inthe form of the Tipboek. This clearly and simply explains how anelectric guitar is built, operates and what the buttons do. Highlyrecommended.WHAT DOES THE PRESS• A complete reference that very few questions will go unanswered.(Guitarist)• What Every (bass) guitarist should know clearly put in a row andclearly explained. (Ntb Muziekwereld)• ... highly desirable, and highly pocketable; Packed with plentyof concise, relevant information; Written with the absolutebeginner in mind, it's comprehensive enough to appeal to pros too.(Guitarist)TOPICSGuitar lessons, guitar models used guitars, solid body's solid-bodyguitars, jazz guitars, basses, sound boxes, woods, positioncavities, bindings, solid tops, key materials, neck profiles,intonation, scale, short-scale, long-scale basses, fingerboardradius, ideal action or string height, tuners, saddles, bridges,nut width, locking nuts, tremolos, whammy bars, elements,humbuckers, single coils, coil taps, active elements, activebasses, tuners, pickups, piezo elements, strings up, replace steelstrings, wrapped strings, string sets, clean strings, voices,harmonics, open tunings, True Temperament frets Fret Wave, BuzFacts, picks, guitar strap, maintenance, cleaning, adjusting,double neck guitars, guitar building, guitar, fingering charts.
eTipboek Akoestische Gitaar 1.1
The Tipbook Company
Een onmisbare app voor gitaristen: gratis 50pagina’s van het gloednieuwe eTipboek Akoestische gitaar (250pagina’s), direct toegang tot de betaalde volledige versie eninformatieve rich-media brochures. Boordevol informatie over allesoorten akoestische gitaren. Voor tablets en smartphones!Goed en volledigeTipboek Akoestische gitaar vertelt je alles over je instrument.Van aanschaf en luistertips tot onderhoud, elektro-akoestischegitaren, snaarkeuze en gitaarbouw – en het boek beantwoordt zelfsde vragen waarvan je nog niet wist dat je ze had. In 15hoofdstukken krijg je hier toegang tot de gebundelde kennis enervaring van meer dan dertig gitaristen, gitaarbouwers,snarenmakers, docenten en andere deskundigen. In glasheldere taal,zowel voor beginners als voor gevorderde spelers. Zelfs profs zijner blij mee. ‘Goed en volledig,’ schreef Gitarist al!Tipcodes en akkoordenEen woordenlijst, een overzicht van websites, tijdschriften enboeken, een uitgebreide index en ruim veertig pagina’s metspeelklare informatie over akkoorden (inclusief honderdenakkoorddiagrammen) maken het boek af – en met de interactieveTipcodes kun je zelfs horen waar je over leest.In print en digitaaleTipboek Akoestische gitaar is de digitale versie van het gedrukteboek, dat in zeven talen te koop is. Belangrijkste verschillen? Hetdigitale boek is altijd actueel, vrijwel alle zwartwit-illustratieszijn vervangen door informatieve kleurenfoto’s, de Tipcodes zijndirect vanuit het boek af te spelen, je krijgt er informatieverich-media brochures bij, en je bespaart ook nog een flinke handvoleuro’s.Testimonials• Een prachtig overzicht; je kunt het hout van de gitaren bijnaruiken... Harry Sacksioni• Om deze informatie bij elkaar te krijgen, moest je tot nu toeminstens twintig boeken door. Olaf Tarenskeen• Erg leuk om te lezen. Er staat nog net niet in hoe jewereldberoemd kunt worden... Erik Vaarzon MorelDe pers over Tipboek Akoestische gitaar• ... een goed en volledig overzicht van alles wat voor eengitarist wetenswaardig is. Gitarist• ... niets beters dan Tipboek Akoestische gitaar. GitaarPlus• Na het lezen van dit boek kun je je een echte gitaarkennernoemen. Stage• … an incredibly thorough tome that covers everything from theacoustic’s basic anatomy to the proper care and feeding offingernails. Frets• No more than one needs to know or remember, but enough to provideessential information. These guides really hit the mark forefficiency. Vintage Guitar MagazineOnderwerpenIn Tipboek Akoestische gitaar lees je onder meer over gitaarlessen,gitaarmodellen, steelstrings, de klassieke gitaar, klankkasten,houtsoorten, positieholtes, bindingen, massieve bovenbladen,zangbalkjes, scalloped bracing, toetsmaterialen, halsprofielen,intonatie, mensuur, toetsradius, de ideale actie of snaarhoogte,stemmechanieken, zadels en topkammen, gecompenseerde bruggen,tweedehands gitaren, elektro-akoestische gitaren, voorversterkers,notchfilters, tuners, pick-ups, piëzo-elementen, akoestischeversterkers, snaren opzetten, snaren vervangen, nylon snaren,stalen snaren, snarensets, snaren reinigen, stemmen, flageoletten,open stemmingen, True Temperament frets, Fretwave, Buz Feiten,plectrums, nagels, gitaaronderhoud, gitaar schoonmaken, Antonio deTorres Jurado, C.F. Martin, akoestische basgitaar.dubbelhalsgitaren, resonatorgitaren, reisgitaren, gitaarbouw,bookmatched bladen, gitaarakkoorden en grepentabellen.An indispensable app forguitarists: Free 50 pages of brand new eTipboek Acoustic Guitar(250 pages), direct access to the paid full version and informativerich-media brochures. Packed with information on all kinds ofacoustic guitars. For tablets and smartphones!Good and completeeTipboek Acoustic guitar tells you everything about yourinstrument. Of purchasing and listening tips to maintenance,electro-acoustic guitars, string selection and guitar building -and the book even answered questions that you never knew you had.In 15 chapters you get here access to the combined knowledge andexperience of more than thirty guitarists, luthiers, stringsmakers, educators and other experts. In crystal-clear language,both beginners and advanced players. Even pros are happy. "Good andcomplete," wrote guitarist!Tipcodes and chordsA glossary, a list of websites, magazines and books, acomprehensive index and forty pages with playable information aboutagreements (including hundreds of chord diagrams) make the bookdown - and with the interactive Tipcodes you can even hear whatyou're reading about.In print and digitaleTipboek Acoustic guitar is the digital version of the printedbook, which is available in seven languages. Main differences? Thedigital book is always up to date, almost all black and whiteillustrations are replaced by informative color photos, theTipcodes directly from the book to play, you will be informativerich-media brochures in, and you also save a large handful ofeuros.Testimonials• A beautiful view; you can almost smell the wood of the guitar ...Harry Sacksioni• To get this information together, you had until now at leasttwenty books by. Olaf Tarenskeen• Very fun to read. There's just not how you become famous ... ErikMorel VaarzonThe press Tipboek Acoustic Guitar• ... a good and complete overview of all that is worth knowing fora guitarist. Guitarist• ... nothing better than Tipboek acoustic guitar. GuitarPlus• After reading this book you can call yourself a real guitarconnoisseur. Internship• ... an incredibly thorough tome That covers everything from theacoustic's basic anatomy to the proper care and feeding orfingernails. Frets• No more than one needs to know or remember, but enough toprovidence essential information. These guides really hit the markfor efficiency. Vintage Guitar MagazineSubmitIn Tipboek Acoustic guitar look includes guitar lessons, guitarmodels, steel strings, classical guitar, cabinets, wood, positioncavities, bindings, solid tops, vocal bars, scalloped bracing, keymaterials, neck profiles, intonation, scale, key range, the idealaction or string height , tuners, saddles and nut width, offsetbridges, used guitars, electric acoustic guitars, amplifiers, notchfilters, tuners, pickups, piezo elements, acoustic amplifiers,strings up, strings replace nylon strings, steel strings, stringsets, strings cleanse, tone, harmonics, open tunings, TrueTemperament frets Fret Wave, Buz Facts, picks, nails, guitarmaintenance, clean guitar, Antonio de Torres Jurado, CF Martinacoustic bass guitar. double neck guitars, resonator, travelguitars, guitar building, bookmatched sheets, guitar chords andfingering charts.
eTipbook Electric Guitar 1.1
The Tipbook Company
This must have app for all guitarists includesa free 50 page preview of the 250+ page book, informative richmedia brochures, and direct access to the full digital version ofTipbook Electric Guitar and Bass Guitar. A highly informative guidefor musicians at all levels, featuring numerous tips on auditioningand buying an instrument, choosing new strings, maintenance andtuning, and much more. Based on the combined knowledge andexperience of thirty plus musicians, luthiers, teachers and otherexperts, this book even answers questions you didn’t think ofasking. Great stuff for beginners, an inspiring resource foradvanced players, and a useful reference for pros.Designed for tablets and smartphones!“Written with the absolute beginner in mind, it's comprehensiveenough to appeal to pros too.” (Guitarist magazine)YOUR FAVORITE INSTRUMENTTipbook Electric Guitar and Bass Guitar helps you to make aninformed purchase, explaining the effects of different types ofwood on the sound of the instrument, neck profiles, cambers, fretshapes and sizes, different types of bridges, pickups, stringmaterials and windings, and more. Gigbags, straps, and picks arediscussed as well, and there are dedicated chapters on tuning,maintenance and guitar adjustment - and the unique Tipcodes allowyou to hear what you're reading!CHORD DIAGRAMS AND MOREAs a generous extra, the book offers brief sections on theinstrument's family, history, and production, as well as an index,a glossary, a musical introduction to chords, and no less than 35pages filled with chord diagrams, including barre chords, movablechords, and more. Enjoy!PRESS QUOTES• .. highly desirable, and highly pocketable items; Packed withplenty of concise, relevant information; Written with the absolutebeginner in mind, it's comprehensive enough to appeal to pros too.(Guitarist magazine)• A great gift, easy to read, convenient to carry, and pricedright; Boiled down to the absolute basics…; No more than one needsto know or remember, but enough to provide essential information.These guides really hit the mark for efficiency. (Vintage GuitarMagazine)• A wealth of information in a very compact form. (GuitarDigest)• … an incredibly thorough tome that covers everything from theacoustic’s basic anatomy to the proper care and feeding offingernails. (Frets)• Each Tipbook is not only an excellent place for a beginner tostart, it’s also an outstanding refresher course for musicians andsongwriters at any level! (American Songwriter)• Comprehensive approach; easy-to-follow layout makes theseTipbooks a joy to read. (Music Trades)PRINT EDITIONeTipbook Electric Guitar and Bass Guitar is the digital edition ofthe print book of the same name, available in seven languages. USprint edition by Hal Leonard.TOPICS explained:ActionActive EQActive pickupsAdjustmentArchtopBindingBookmatchedBoutBridgeBridge pickupBridge saddlesCoilCoil-tapCutawayDouble-locking tremoloD-tunerDual-coil pickupƒ-Hole guitarFingerboardFlat-wound stringsFloatingFour-conductor wiringFretboardFretsHard-tail guitarHardwareHollowbodyHumbuckerIntonationLocking nut, lock-nutLocking tuning machinesMachine headsMIDINeckNeck pickupNutOpen tuningPassive instrumentsPhasePickguardPickupPickup selectorPiezo pickupPlain stringsPosition markersPot, potentiometerRadiusReverse headstockRound-wound stringsSaddlesScaleSemi-hollow, semi-solidSeriesSingle-coil pickupSoundboxStaggered pickupsStaggered tuning machinesStop tailpiece, stopbar tailpieceString heightString pullString treeString winderTailpieceThinlineThrough-neckTilted headstockToggle switchTremolo systemTrim potTruss rodTunerTuning machinesVibrato, vibrato unitWaistWhammy, whammy barWound stringsZero fret
eTipboek Keyboard en dig piano 1.1
The Tipbook Company
Dé onmisbare app voor iedere toetsenist:gratis 50 pagina’s preview van eTipboek Keyboard en digitale piano,direct toegang tot de betaalde versie van 224 pagina’s, eninformatieve rich-media brochures. Voor tablets en smartphones!Van plan om een keyboard of een digitale piano te kopen? Wil jealles uit je instrument halen wat erin zit? Tipboek Keyboard endigitale piano vertelt je alles wat je weten moet. Zo kies jemoeiteloos het keyboard of de digitale piano die het best bij jouen je budget past. Cor Bakker zei het al: 'Op dit boek heb ik langgewacht.' Een ideale gids voor beginners, en een handig naslagwerkvoor iedereen die al langer speelt. Tip: in toekomstige editieswordt de inhoud van het eTipboek opnieuw geactualiseerd.HOOR WAT JE LEESTAan Tipboek Keyboard en digitale piano werkten niet minder dantwintig toetsenisten mee. Samen vertellen ze je alles wat je wiltweten over het instrument zelf, over hoe je begeleidingsautomatenen klanken beoordeelt, over alle mogelijke aansluitingen en wat jeermee kunt doen, over midi en over het onderhoud van je instrument.Interactieve Tipcodes laten je bovendien horen wat je leest!SPELENNet als alle andere Tipboeken biedt ook deze editie jeachtergrondinformatie over de geschiedenis, de familie, deproductie en de makers van je instrument. Met de woordenlijst en deuitgebreide index vindt je alles wat je zoekt razendsnel terug. Alsextraatje vind je in dit Tipboek bovendien meer dan dertig pagina’smet een glasheldere uitleg over de opbouw van akkoorden en tallozeakkoorddiagrammen. Veel plezier ermee!AANBEVOLEN DOOR PROFSPrima Tipboek. Een goede gids die je stap voor stap door dejungle van de elektronische toetsinstrumenten leidt. Hier heb ikzelf ook jaren op gewacht. (Cor Bakker)Eindelijk een boek dat je duidelijk vertelt welk toetsinstrumenthet best bij je past en wat er allemaal mee kan. (Jasper van ’tHof)Wat wil je nog meer... Alles over toetsen: zwart op wit, en opeen rijtje! (Robert Jan Stips)AANBEVOLEN DOOR DE PERSEen niet te missen gids voor iedereen die toetsen speelt.(Interface)Bomvol met alle mogelijke tips; veel informatie voor weiniggeld. (Keyboards & MIDI)Onverminderd actueel; waar voor je geld! (Keys & Chords)Leesbaar, uiterst begrijpelijk (knap!) en kundig. Een must voorelke toetsenist! (Music & Art)This guide has successfully achieved the difficult task of beingrelevant for both beginners and experts. (Music EducatorsJournal)A comprehensive and superbly organized effort; comfortable tohandle, visually attractive, and eminently readable.( short, "how-to" manual always runs the risk of being shallow;Tipbooks avoid that pitfall adroitly and consistently. We highlyrecommend this series. (Dr. William Leland)INHOUDTipboek Keyboard en digitale piano vertelt je alles overtoetsinstrumenten, verschillen soorten toetsen (waterfall keys,pianotoetsen, synthesizertoetsen), upper manuals, lower manuals,multitimbrale keyboards, polyfone instrumenten, pianopedalen,expressiepedalen, baspedalen of basklavieren, sequencers, splits enlayers, aanslaggevoelige toetsen (velocity sensitivity), touchsensitivity, release sensitivity, polyfone aftertouch, physicalmodeling, gewogen klavieren (graded hammer actions, weightedkeyboards, semi-weighted keys), transponeren, ribbon controllers,assignable controllers, controller keyboards, recorders ensequencers, pitchbend- en modulatiewielen, begeleidingsautomaten,regsitratiegeheugens, aansluitingen, midi-protocollen, drawbars,oplossend vermogen (resolutie), multitracking, standard midi files,samplers, effecten, vocoders, keyboardversterkers, concentrischespeakers en nog veel meer.The indispensable app forevery keyboardist free 50-page preview of eTipboek keyboard anddigital piano, direct access to the paid version of 224 pages,rich-media and informational brochures. For tablets andsmartphones!Planning to buy a keyboard or digital piano? Want to get themost out of your instrument what's inside? Tipboek Keyboard anddigital piano tells you everything you need to know. So you caneffortlessly choose the keyboard or digital piano that best suitsyou and your budget. Cor Bakker said it: "In this book I havewaited a long time." An ideal guide for beginners, and a handyreference for anyone who has been playing longer. Tip: in futureeditions of the contents of the eTipboek be updated again.HEAR WHAT YOU READOn Tipboek Keyboard and digital piano worked no less than twentykeyboardists it. Together, they tell you everything you want toknow about the instrument itself, guidance on how to assessmachines and sounds, all possible connections and what you can dowith it, about midi and maintenance of your instrument. InteractiveTipcodes let you additionally hear what you read!PLAYLike all Tipboeken This edition also provides backgroundinformation on the history, the family, the production and themakers of your instrument. The glossary and an extensive index willfind everything you're looking for in a snap. As a bonus, inaddition you will find in this Tipboek more than thirty pages witha crystal clear explanation about the structure of chords andnumerous chord diagrams. Have fun with it!RECOMMENDED BY EXPERTSPrima Tipboek. A good guide that leads you step by step throughthe jungle of electronic keyboards. Here also I have waited yearsfor. (Cor Bakker)Finally a book that tells you clearly what key instrument bestsuits you and what can be done with it. (Jasper van't Hof)What more could you want ... All about keys: black on white, andone by one! (Robert Jan Stips)RECOMMENDED BY THE PRESSAn unmissable guide for anyone who plays keys. (Interface)Loaded with all possible tips; lots of information for money.(Keyboards & MIDI)Without date; value for your money! (Keys & Chords)Readable, highly intelligible (clever!) And knowledgeable. Amust for every keyboardist! (Music & Art)This guide HAS successfully Achieved the Difficult task or beingrelevant for both beginners and experts. (Music EducatorsJournal)A comprehensive and superbly organized effort; comfortable tohandle, visually attractive, and eminently readable.( short "how-to" manual always runs the risk of being shallow;That pitfall Tipbooks avoid adroitly and consistently. We highlyrecommend this series. (Dr. William Leland)CONTENTTipboek Keyboard and digital piano tells you all about keyboards,different types of keys (waterfall keys, piano keys, keyboardkeys), upper manuals, lower manuals, multi-timbral keyboards,polyphonic instruments, piano pedals, expression pedals, basspedals or basklavieren, sequencers, splits and layers, velocitysensitive keys (velocity sensitivity), touch sensitivity, releasesensitivity, polyphonic aftertouch, physical modeling, weightedkeyboards (graded hammer actions, weighted keyboards, semi-weightedkeys), transpose, ribbon controller, assignable controllers,controller keyboards, recorders and sequencers, pitch bend - andmodulation wheels, automatic accompaniment, regsitratiegeheugens,connections, midi protocols, drawbars, resolving power(resolution), multi-tracking, standard midi files, samplers,effects, vocoders, keyboard amplifiers, concentric speakers andmore.
eTipbook Vocals 1.1
The Tipbook Company
This must have app for all vocalists offers afree 50+ page preview of the 220+ page book, informative rich mediabrochures, and direct access to the full digital version of TipbookVocals – the Singing Voice. A highly informative guide for singersat all levels, helping you to understand and extend thepossibilities of your voice, and to appreciate and evaluate inputfrom voice teachers and coaches. A perfect tool for beginners, asource of inspiration for advanced singers in any style - fromclassical to rap and jazz. Really.Designed for tablets and smartphones!HEAR WHAT YOUR READTipbook Vocals was written in close collaboration with classicaland non-classical singers and teachers, therapists, and otherexperts. They introduce you to singing in tune, breathingtechniques, singing loudly without hurting your voice, and a hostof other subjects. The book also sheds a light on various singingmethods, it explains the concept of registers (and why some expertsreject that very concept), and provides dozens of handy tips onvoice care, memorizing lyrics, and pronunciation. InteractiveTipcodes even let you hear what you're reading about!EXTRASNon-classical singers will appreciate the chapter on microphoneselection and technique, while a chapter on reducing stage frightwill be helpful for singers in all styles, at all levels. Aglossary and an extended index allow you to easily find what you'relooking for, turning the book into a handy reference guide.THE PRESS ON TIPBOOK VOCALSI loved [Tipbook Vocals] and it’s a book I’d have been proud tohave written myself. (Jayne Comins, The Singer)Even for the well-trained professional this Tipbook may offer analternative view or serve to refresh a stale bag o’ tricks. (BellaVoce)Factual content presented in a clear, concise manner. (Journalof Singing)Useful information in an extremely well-condensed, abbreviatedand accessible form. The opinions expressed in the book […]generally reflect high-quality standards of practice acceptedthroughout the international community of voice experts. (Journalof Voice)An adequate source for singers and a solid foundation on whichto build. (Notations)[This] book should be in every teacher’s and professional’slibrary as well as the advanced student’s. I’m happy to recommendit. (Australian Music Teacher Magazine)A convenient guide for singers in any style of music and at anylevel or age with easy to grasp chapters. The book's Tipcodes are abig help in understanding the many new concepts you'll learn.(Music Connection)SUBJECTSTipbook Vocals covers subjects including learning to sing, breathsupport, articulators, the aspirated onset, belly breathing,breathy attacks, castratos, chest resonance and head resonance,chest voice and head voice, registers, the break or the passagio,Complete Vocal Technique (CVT), Estill Voice Training (EVT),sopranos, altos, tenors and baritones, Curbing, Overdrive andBelting, diphthongs and triphthongs, dynamic microphones andcondenser microphones, microphone technique, vocal effects, falsevocal folds, grunting, vocal fry and the bell register, glottalattacks, formant tuning and the singer’s formant, the InternationalPhonetic Alphabet (IPA), the larynx (voice box). high belters andlow belters, messa di voce, microphone modeling, mixed voices,overtone singing, singing in tune, phantom power, pickup patterns,pitch correction or auto tune, pop filters, vibrato, vocal nodesand vocal cords, voiced and unvoiced consonants, vocalese, rappingand scat singing, warming up and cooling down, voice teachers,voice trainers and vocal coaches, stage fright, beta blockers andyoga.
eTipbook Piano 1.1
The Tipbook Company
This must have app for pianists features afree 50+ page preview of the 224 page book, direct access to thefull digital version of Tipbook Piano, and informative rich mediabrochures. Designed for tablets and smartphones!“A comprehensive and superbly organized effort; comfortable tohandle, visually attractive, and eminently readable.” Dr. WilliamLelandINSPIRING RESOURCETipbook Piano makes buying a (grand) piano much less of anadventure, and it tells you everything you should know abouttuning, maintenance, and silent practice, while preventinginformation overload.Based on the knowledge and experience of over thirty pianotechnicians, makers, teachers and musicians, the book is a greatguide for beginners and an inspiring resource for advanced players¬¬– even for pros!YOUR BEST INSTRUMENTTipbook Piano focuses on making an informed purchase, finding theinstrument that best suits your style, taste, and budget. Topicsrange from cabinet styles and soundboard construction to differenttypes of strings and stringing, and piano accessories. Theknowledge brought to you on these pages allows you to focus on thesound and performance of the instrument, aided by a chapter onAuditioning Pianos. Separate chapters are dedicated to silent andhybrid pianos, maintenance (what you can do yourself) and tuning(what you'd rather not do yourself), while interactive Tipcodesgive direct access to supporting videos and audio files.EXTRASBrief sections introduce you to the history, the family, and themaking of the instrument. A glossary and an extended index turnthis owner's guide into a handy reference book. As an extra, thisTipbook also offers you a musical introduction to chords, and 22pages worth of chord charts. Enjoy!PRESS QUOTES“An excellent and convenient reference tool. It is valuable to bepresented with a range of differing opinions on so many aspects inthese chapters, obviously the fruits of collaboration with manyexperts. A worthwhile addition to any pianist’s library.”Australian Music Teacher Magazine“Clearly written and well illustrated.” Faye Caley, MusicTeacher Magazine“Technical information presented in commendably easy tounderstand language; totally recommended; amazingly comprehensive.”Jazz Journal“The Tipbook series is a splendid addition to the music field.The most striking characteristic, to this reviewer, is the way inwhich the material combines conciseness with solid content."How-to" manuals always run the risk of being shallow; Tipbooksavoid that pitfall adroitly and consistently. We highly recommendthis series.” Pianoeducation.orgSUBJECTSTipbook Piano tells you all about pianos and grand pianos, silentpianos, the differences between small and tall pianos, spinets andfull-size uprights, piano models, piano lessons, piano teachers,metronomes and metronome apps, piano finishes, the role of thesoundboard, different types of actions, piano styles, soft-falllids, types of wood, key dip and key length, direct and indirectblow action, drop action, repetition mechanisms, hammers, dampersand strings, scale designs and string lengths, pinblocks andbridges, pressure bars and agraffes, duplex scales and aliquotscales, practice pedals and moderator stops, the sostenuto pedal,auditioning pianos, hybrid pianos, player pianos, silent pianos anddigital pianos, artist benches and stools, piano lamps, pianotuning, piano tuners and piano technicians, equal temperament,moisture control, piano regulation and voicing, the history of thepiano, the family of the piano, piano brands, piano prices, andmuch more.
eTipbook Keyboard & Dig. Piano 1.1
The Tipbook Company
This must have app for keyboard and digitalpiano players features a free 50+ page preview of the 220+ pagebook and direct access to the full digital version of TipbookKeyboard and Digital Piano. Informative rich media brochures areincluded. Designed for tablets and smartphones!KNOW YOUR INSTRUMENTWeighted keys, midi, layers and splits, arpeggiators, sequencers,expression pedals and multiswitches... Just a few of the many termsyou get to deal with as a keyboard player. Tipbook Keyboard andDigital Piano explains them all to you, allowing you to make aninformed purchase and get the most out of your instrument. Easilyaccessible for beginners, a great resource for advanced players.This eTipbook is a digital rendition on the 2009 print book. Buynow; updates to follow.HEAR WHAT YOU READTipbook Keyboard and Digital Piano offers you the combinedexperience and knowledge of some twenty professional keyboardplayers. They tell you all about these extremely versatileinstruments, and they have loads of great tips on how to find thekeyboard that works best for you. Tips on amplification, midi,connections, and maintenance are of course included, and theinteractive Tipcodes allow you to hear what you're readingabout!REFERENCEA book you can play
Brief sections introduce you to the history,the family, and the making of the instrument. A glossary and anextended index turn this owner's guide into a handy reference book.As an extra, this Tipbook also offers you a musical introduction tochords, and 22 pages worth of chord charts. Enjoy!PRESS QUOTESA comprehensive and superbly organized effort; comfortable tohandle, visually attractive, and eminently readable. The Tipbookseries is a splendid addition to the music field. (Dr. WilliamLeland, guide has successfully achieved the difficult task of beingrelevant for both beginners and experts. (Music EducatorsJournal)Comprehensive approach; easy-to-follow layout makes theseTipbooks joy to read. (Music Trades)Technical information presented in commendably easy tounderstand language; totally recommended; amazingly comprehensive.(Jazz Journal)SUBJECTSTipbook Keyboard and Digital Piano tells you all about the mainfeatures of these instruments, different types of keys (waterfallkeys, piano-style keys, synth-style keys), upper manuals, lowermanuals, multitimbral keyboards, polyphonic instruments, pianopedals, expression pedals, continuous pedals, bass pedals, pedalswitches, sequencers, splits and layers, velocity sensitivity,touch sensitivity, release sensitivity, polyphonic aftertouch,graded hammer actions, weighted keyboard, semi-weighted keys,transposition, ribbon controllers, assignable controllers,controller keyboards, recorders and sequencers, pitch bend andmodulation wheels, auto accompaniments, keyboard connectors, midiin, midi out, harmonics, drawbars, quantize resolution,multitracking, standard midi files, samplers, effects, vocoders,keyboard amplifiers, and much more.
eTipboek Piano en vleugel 1.1
The Tipbook Company
De must-have app voor pianisten: gratis 50pagina’s van het gloednieuwe eTipboek Piano (236 pagina’s), directtoegang tot de betaalde versie en informatieve rich-mediabrochures. Voor tablets en smartphones!Goed en volledigeTipboek Piano vertelt je alles over je instrument. Van aanschaftot onderhoud, van stemmen en reguleren tot intoneren en verhuizen,met een glasheldere uitleg van begrippen als diepgang en opgewicht,spatiëring en omgehaalde besnaringen. Dat extra inzicht maakt jeniet alleen tot een volwaardig gesprekspartner als je op zoek bentnaar een nieuw of gebruikt instrument, maar het geeft ook meerinzicht in de piano die je nu bespeelt – en daar kun je alleen maarnog beter door gaan spelen.De 14 hoofdstukken van het boek bieden toegang tot de gebundeldekennis en ervaring van meer dan vijfentwintig pianisten,pianotechnici, docenten en andere deskundigen. In glasheldere taal,zowel voor beginners als voor gevorderde spelers. Zelfs profs zijner blij mee. ‘Breng zo’n ingewikkeld instrument maar eens zoduidelijk in kaart. Geweldig!’ zei Louis van Dijk al.Tipcodes en akkoordenEen overzicht van websites, tijdschriften en boeken, eenwoordenlijst en een uitgebreide index maken het boek af – en met deinteractieve Tipcodes kun je zelfs horen waar je over leest.In print en digitaaleTipboek Piano is de digitale versie van het gedrukte boek, dat inzeven talen te koop is. Belangrijkste verschillen? Het digitaleboek is altijd actueel, vrijwel alle zwartwit-illustraties zijnvervangen door informatieve kleurenfoto’s, de Tipcodes zijn directvanuit het boek af te spelen, je krijgt er informatieve rich-mediabrochures bij, en je bespaart ook nog een flinke handvoleuro’s.TestimonialsOnmisbaar voor serieuze pianoliefhebbers! (Ronald Brautigam)Breng zo’n ingewikkeld instrument maar eens zo duidelijk inkaart. Geweldig – en ik weet voor de rest van m’n leven dat eenpiano bakstukken heeft… (Louis van Dijk)Zeer informatief, met veel gevoel voor de praktijk. Onmisbaarvoor beginners, pianotijgers en klavierleeuwen. (MichielBorstlap)De pers over Tipboek PianoEen welgemeend compliment waard! Biedt in eerste instantiebasiskennis maar gaat in veel opzichten ook een heel stuk verder,zodat ook gevorderde muzikanten er hun voordeel mee kunnen doen.(Pianowereld)Toegankelijk en overzichtelijk. Onmisbaar naslagwerk vooriedereen die de aanschaf van een nieuwe of tweedehands pianooverweegt. (NRC Handelsblad)An excellent and convenient reference tool. It is valuable to bepresented with a range of differing opinions on so many aspects. Aworthwhile addition to any pianist’s library. (Australian MusicTeacher Magazine)A comprehensive and superbly organized effort; comfortable tohandle, visually attractive, and eminently readable.( information presented in commendably easy to understandlanguage; Totally recommended; amazingly comprehensive. (JazzJournal)OnderwerpenIn Tipboek Piano lees je onder meer over pianolessen, piano spelen,klavieren, de werking van het mechaniek, het belang van de groottevan de zangbodem, het verschil tussen kleine en grote piano’s,pianopedalen, het sostenutopedaal of Bach-pedaal, oefendempers,piano kopen, piano leasen en piano huren, huurkoop, de NPMB,politoeren, houtsoorten, soft-fall en soft-close klavierkleppen,ivoor versus kunststof, ivoplast en ivorite, de mensuur,pianobesnaringen, drukstangen en agrafen, het aliquotsysteem vanBlüthner, de duplex scale van Steinway, de extra toetsen vanBösendorfer en de langste vleugel van Fazioli, Dampp-Chasers,digitale piano’s, elektrische piano’s en automatische piano’s,Silent piano’s en hybride piano’s, multimbraliteit en polyfonie,pianobanken en hygrometers, de evenredige stemming ofgelijkzwevende temperatuur (eindelijk helder uitgelegd!), degeschiedenis en de familie van de piano, en nog veel meer.The must-have app forpianists free 50 pages of brand new eTipboek Piano (236 pages),direct access to the paid version and informative rich-mediabrochures. For tablets and smartphones!Good and completeeTipboek Piano tells you everything about your instrument. Frompurchase to maintenance, voices and-regulate intonation and move,with a crystal clear explanation of terms such as depth andexperience weight, spacing and brought down besnaringen. Thisadditional insight is not only a full-fledged partner if you arelooking for a new or used instrument, but it also gives insightinto the piano that you play now - and you just better to playon.The 14 chapters of the book provide access to the combinedknowledge and experience of more than twenty-five pianists, pianotechnicians, teachers and other experts. In crystal-clear language,both beginners and advanced players. Even pros are happy. "Takesuch a complicated instrument once again so clearly identified.Great! "Said Louis van Dijk already. Tipcodes and chordsA list of Web sites, magazines and books, a glossary and anextensive index make the book down - and with the interactiveTipcodes you can even hear what you're reading about.In print and digitaleTipboek Piano is the digital version of the printed book, which isavailable in seven languages. Main differences? The digital book isalways up to date, almost all black and white illustrations arereplaced by informative color photos, the Tipcodes directly fromthe book to play, you will be informative rich-media brochures in,and you also save a large handful of euros.TestimonialsIndispensable for serious piano enthusiasts! (Ronald Brautigam)Bring such a complicated instrument once again so clearlyidentified. Amazing - and I know for the rest of my life with pianocheeks ... (Louis van Dijk)Very informative, with a lot of practice. Indispensable forbeginners, piano keyboard tigers and lions. (Michiel Borstlap)The press Tipboek PianoWorth a sincere compliment! Provides initially knowledge but inmany respects also a lot further, so that their advanced musiciansthere can benefit from them. (Piano World)Accessible and clear. Indispensable reference for anyoneconsidering purchasing a new or second-hand piano. (TVNZ)An excellent and convenient reference tool. It is valuable to bepresented with a range of Differing opinions on so many aspects. Aworthwhile Addition to Any pianist's library. (Australian MusicTeacher Magazine)A comprehensive and superbly organized effort; comfortable tohandle, visually attractive, and eminently readable.( information presented in commendably easy to understandlanguage; Totally recommended; amazingly comprehensive. (JazzJournal)SubmitIn Tipboek Piano read your subconscious more about piano lessons,piano, keyboards, operation of the mechanism, the importance of thesize of the soundboard, the difference between small and largepianos, piano pedals, sostenuto or Bach pedal, practice dampers,piano buy, piano lease and rent piano, hire purchase, the NPMB,polishes, wood, soft-fall and soft-close keyboard valves, ivoryversus plastic ivoplast and ivorite the scale, pianobesnaringen,push rods and agrafen, the aliquotsysteem of Blüthner, the duplexscale Steinway, the additional keys of Bösendorfer and the longestwing of Fazioli Dampp-Chasers, digital pianos, electric pianos andautomatic pianos, Silent pianos and hybrid pianos, multimbraliteitand polyphony piano benches and hygrometers, the proportionalballot or equal temperament ( finally explained clearly!), thehistory and the family of the piano, and more.
eTipbook Drums 1.1
The Tipbook Company
This must have app for drummers includes afree 50+ page preview of the 250+ page book, informative rich mediabrochures, and direct access to the full digital version of TipbookDrums. A highly informative guide for musicians at all levels,featuring numerous tips on auditioning and buying acoustic enelectronic drums, cymbals and hardware, sticks and drumheads.Maintenance, tuning and muffling are covered as well. Want to getthe best out of your instrument? Read the book! Designed fortablets and smartphones.BEGINNERS AND PROSBased on the combined knowledge and experience of thirty plusdrummers, drum and cymbal makers, eTipbook Drums even answersquestions you didn’t think of asking. Great stuff for beginners, aninspiring resource for advanced players, and a handy reference forpros.‘Probably the most important $ 6.99 a drummer will ever spend.’(John Newey, Music Mart)YOUR MANUALTipbook Drums also sheds a light on the history, the family, andthe making of drums and cymbals. An extended index and a glossaryare the icing on this percussive cake, rounded off by the classicrudiments and over a hundred basic drum beats in a wide variety ofstyles. The manual on your instrument? Here it is - and you caneven play it!GREAT DRUMMERS ON TIPBOOK DRUMSThis book should come as standard equipment with every drum setsold. It spells out all of the fundamentals of this contraption wecall the Drum Set, and I recommend it to all drummers. (SteveSmith)I love this book. It has something for everyone – and you canteach an old dog new tricks! (Adam Nussbaum)READERS ON TIPBOOK DRUMSIf you are just starting to play the drums or if you have beenplaying for years this is a great book to have. It coverseverything. Drums, cymbals, stands, sticks, how drums are made. Thelist goes on. You will not be disappointed. A must have book if youare a drummer.These books of Mr. Hugo Pinksterboer are very useful. One canlearn new things, even if you think that you don't need additionalinformation.I've been playing drums for about 14 years now and this bookhelps me out a little more, goes into detail about certainproducts, it even is up to date on a lot of the new equipment thatis out. I strongly suggest this book to anyone that wants more infoon drums, and the functions of certain products. I’m serious,drummers need this book to add to their collection, or better yetto start their collection.PRESS QUOTESComprehensive approach; easy-to-follow layout makes these Tipbooksa joy to read. (Music Trades)Probably the most important $ 14.95 a drummer will ever spend.Absolutely loaded with insider tips and detailed drawings. (MusicMart)Every drum shop should have this book on their counter. It wouldsave everybody a lot of time. (Percussive Notes)Accurate and up-to-date information. If I were a beginningdrummer, I would devour this book cover to cover. (ModernDrummer)Each Tipbook volume is small in size but rich in information,suitable for student andprofessional. (Muzik Etc)SUBJECTSeTipbook Drums tells you all about drum lessons, drum teachers,practice pads, hearing protection, the influence of shellthickness, shell material, shell construction, and hardware on thesound of drums; it covers tension hoops, snare mechanisms (throwoffs), lugs, tension rods, RIMS, bass drum pedals, double pedals,hi-hat pedals, double-braced hardware, drum racks, drum heads,mylar, drum sticks, brushes, mallets, ride cymbals, crash cymbals,splashes, china cymbals and flat rides, rivets, drum tuning,muffling drums, pre-owned drums, K. Zildjian cymbals, electronicdrums, mesh heads, pads, drum modules, hybrid drums, making drums,making cymbals, and a lot more.
eTipbook Amplifiers & Effects 1.1
The Tipbook Company
This app features a free 50+ page preview ofthe 300+ page book, informative rich media brochures, and directaccess to the full digital version of Tipbook Amplifiers andEffects. An entertaining and highly informative guide for musiciansat all levels, telling you everything you should know to make aninformed purchase and get the best out of amplifiers and effects,microphones and pickups, sound systems, cables and wirelesssystems. Technical information, presented in a non-technical way,for guitarists, vocalists, bassists, and all other musicians.Designed for tablets and smartphones!BEGINNERS AND PROSBased on the combined knowledge and experience of thirty plusmusicians and amp experts, eTipbook Amps and effects even answersquestions you didn’t think of asking. Great stuff for beginners, aninspiring resource for advanced players, and a handy reference forpros.INDEX AND TIPCODESThe free preview offers the full seven-page index, showing you indetail what the book is all about – and the Tipcodes in the bookeven allow you to hear what you’re reading!PRESS QUOTESAnother extremely comprehensive Tipbook, providing exactly theright amount of information on every conceivable topic. (MusicMaker)Written in a concise, yet accessible and in-depth form, the bookoffers lots of information in a handy portable package. It workswell for teachers, beginner and intermediate students, evenspecialists in guitar amplification. (Vintage Guitar Magazine)Tipbook Amplifiers and Effects would seem to be a book writtenexclusively for electric guitarists, but it ain’t. Sure, it has allthe electric-guitar info you would expect, but it also has chapterson acoustics amps, P.A. systems, mics and pickups, and effectprocessors, all of which apply to the acoustic. Topics such asacoustic-amp speakers, phase relationships, feedback, and amptesting are all covered. A ton of info, and there’s a littlesomething for everyone! (Frets)Comprehensive approach; easy-to-follow layout makes theseTipbooks a joy to read. Music TradesREADER RECOMMENDATIONSDear Tipbook Authors, thank you for an excellent book! I thoroughlyenjoyed it: from the easy to understand explanations, to themultitude of detailed drawings, to the audio effects that I couldaccess through the internet. Your book is great for beginners, aswell as experts who would like to refresh their knowledge or wouldlike additional in-depth information. (George K., engineer)The book is useful and informative and every musician needs tohave a such a book in his library (Krist, Amplifiers and effects tells you about A/B boxes, activeEQs, AFL controls, alnico verses ceramic and other speaker magnets,ambient effects, amplitude modulation, audio interfaces, auxinputs, backplates, bit depth, British and American amps, cabemulation, cardioid patterns, channel faders, compressors andchorus effects, combo amps, courtesy outlets, de-essers, digitaleffects, diversity and non-diversity, ducking, dynamic microphones,expression pedals, fixed-bias amps and full stacks, ground liftswitches and hard knee settings, hum and hybrid amps, integratedamplifiers, latching switches, master effects, modeling amps,multi-effects units, nominal levels and notch filters, octavers andohms, panners and parallel loops, parametric equalizers, passiveand active DI boxes, point-to-point wiring, preamps, rackequipment, reverb units, serial loops, slanted cabs, speakeremulation, standing waves, transients, tube amps, unbalancedconnections, wahs and watts, XLR plugs, Y-cables, and more.
eTipboek Viool en altviool 1.0
The Tipbook Company
De must-have app voor alle violisten: devertrouwde Tipboek-gids voor je instrument! Met gratis 50 pagina’svan het vernieuwde eTipboek Viool en altviool (224 pagina’s),direct toegang tot de betaalde versie en straks ook totinformatieve rich-media brochures!ALLES WAT JE WETEN WILTAlles weten over jouw instrument? Tipboek Viool en altviool verteltje het hele verhaal, van aanschaf tot onderhoud. Leer deverschillen tussen de ene viool en de andere zien en horen, leeswaar je naar moet kijken en luisteren, en begrijp wat halshoek,mensuur, snaarhoogte, een kielhoutje, je staartstuk en zelfsfijnstemmers kunnen betekenen voor de klank en de bespeelbaarheidvan een viool. Ook aan stokken, hars, snaarkeuze en het stemmen enonderhouden van je instrument wordt ruim aandacht besteed.VAN BEGINNER TOT PROFTipboek Viool en altviool is de ideale gebruiksaanwijzing bij jeinstrument, aangevuld met vier hoofdstukken over de geschiedenis,de bouw, de bouwers en de familie van de viool. Een boek voor elke(alt)violist, van beginner tot prof, met talloze praktische tipsvan meer dan twintig binnen- en buitenlandse violisten, bouwers,docenten en andere experts, en met enthousiaste aanbevelingen vanIsabelle van Keulen, Nello Mirando en Theo Olof.TIPCODES EN FOTO’SAls extra's biedt het nieuwe boek twee uitgebreide hoofdstukken metoefentips en tips om met podiumvrees om te gaan, en meer danhonderd kleurenfoto’s naast de bekende, helderelijnillustraties.AANBEVELINGEN“Een absolute must; niet alleen voor amateurs, maar ook voorprofessionals!”Isabelle van Keulen“Heel goed, heel compleet, heel duidelijk en heel eenvoudig. Envooral ook heel nuttig.”Nello Mirando“Voortreffelijk, en in weinig woorden allesomvattend.Complimenten!” Theo OlofDE PERS OVER TIPBOEK VIOOL“Het compliment van Theo Olof zegt meer dan genoeg.” Music &Art“… een Tipboek voor elke violist, van beginner tot prof, dus ookvoor mij. Ik smulde van alle wetenswaardigheden en dingetjes die iknog niet wist.” Muziek & Onderwijs“… boordevol goede informatie. Ondanks de genoemde kritiek zouiedere (alt)vioolliefhebber het moeten hebben." ARCO“As a quick easy reference for violin & viola students andteachers, for general trouble-shooting or simply to add on one'sstore of knowledge, this Tipbook is an excellent resource.”Stringendo“An extremely useful resource.” Music Educators Journal“… I found myself drawn into the articles on buying aninstrument and how to determine sound qualities from the build ofthe instrument...” European String Teachers Association“Interesting sections on the history and manufacture; Really,it’s all here; Tips on maintenance are excellent.” Fiddle OnMagazineONDERWERPENIn Tipboek Viool en altviool lees je over violen en altviolen,kinderviolen, de belangrijkste onderdelen van een viool, vioolleren spelen, viool spelen, viool kopen en viool huren, Chineseviolen, Duitse violen, meesterviolen, studieviolen enatelierviolen, Stradivarius en Guarnerius, nagemaakte etiketten,gevlamde achterbladen, patineren en schwarzen, houtsoorten,ebbenhout, Franse en Belgische kammen, de stapel (de ziel!) en debasbalk en wat ze doen, Parijse ogen, Hill en andere staartstukken,fijnstemmers en stemsleutels met versnellingsbak, frets enstroppen, gebruikte violen, de waarde van je viool, stalen snaren,kunststof snaren en darmsnaren, omwikkelde snaren, het kiezen vaneen strijkstok, hars, het beoordelen van een viool, het testen vaneen strijkstok, vioolstandaards, koffers en kisten, sourdines,speciale stemapparaten, tuner-apps, sleutelzeep, snaren vervangen,zomer- en winterkammen, rammels, violen bouwen, de viola da gambaen de elektrische viool, de Hardanger fele en nog veel meer.The must-have app for allviolinists: the familiar Tipboek guide for your instrument! Withfree 50 pages of the new eTipboek violin and viola (224 pages),direct access to the paid version and soon also to informativerich-media brochures!ALL YOU WANT TO KNOWKnow everything about your instrument? Tipboek Violin and Violatells you the whole story, from purchase to maintenance. Learn thedifferences between one violin and the other and hear, read whatyou have to look at and listen to, and understand what neck angle,scale, string height, a keel own, you tailpiece and even finetuners can do for the sound and playability of a violin. Also onsticks, resin, string selection and tuning and maintaining yourinstrument is given ample attention.FROM BEGINNER TO PROTipboek Violin and Viola is ideal for use with your instrument,plus four chapters about the history, construction, builders, andthe family of the violin. A book for every (alto) violinist, frombeginner to pro, with numerous practical tips of more than twentydomestic and foreign violinists, builders, teachers and otherexperts, and with enthusiastic recommendations of Isabelle vanKeulen, Nello Mirando and Theo Olof.TIPCODES AND PHOTOSAs extras, the new book two extended chapters with training tipsand hints to deal with stage fright, and more than one hundredcolor photographs next to the familiar, clear line art.RECOMMENDATIONS"An absolute must; not only for amateurs, but also forprofessionals! "Isabelle van Keulen"Very good, very complete, very clear and very simple. And aboveall very useful. "Nello Mirando"Amazing, and in few words encompassing. Compliments! "TheoOlofTHE PRESS ABOUT TIPBOEK VIOLIN"The compliment of Theo Olof says more than enough." Music &Art"... A Tipboek for any violinist, from beginner to pro, so forme. I feasted on all the facts and things that I did not know."Music & Education"... Packed with good information. Despite these criticismswould every (alt) violin lover must have it. "ARCO"As a quick easy reference for violin & viola students andteachers, for general trouble-shooting or simply to add on one'sstore of knowledge, Tipbook this is an excellent resource." StringEndo"An extremely useful resource." Music Educators Journal"... I found myself drawn into the articles on buying aninstrument and determining how to build from the sound qualities ofthe instrument ..." European String Teachers Association"Interesting sections on the history and manufacture; Really,it's all here; Tips on maintenance are excellent. "Fiddle OnMagazineTOPICSIn Tipboek Violin and viola read about violins and violas, childrenviolins, the main components of a violin, learn to play the violin,violin buy violin hire, Chinese violins, German violins, masterviolins, study violins and workshop violins, Stradivarius andGuarnerius, counterfeit labels, flamed back sheets, patination andschwarzen, wood, ebony, French and Belgian combs, the stack (thesoul) and the basbalk and what they do, Parisian eyes, Hill andother outdrives, tuners and tuning keys with gearbox, frets andslings, used violins, the value of your violin, steel strings,synthetic strings and gut strings, wound strings, choosing a bow,rosin, judging a violin, testing a bow, violin stands, cases andboxes, sourdines, special tuners, tuner apps, key soap, replacestrings, summer and winter combs, beatings, build violins, theviola da gamba and electric violin, Hardanger fele and more.
eTipboek Saxofoon 1.1
The Tipbook Company
Dé app voor saxofonisten: een gratis 50+pagina’s dikke preview van het gloednieuwe eTipboek Saxofoon,direct toegang tot de 230 pagina’s tellende betaalde versie, eninformatieve rich-media brochures. Voor tablets en smartphones!ALLES OVER JE INSTRUMENTWat is het verschil tussen een saxofoon van 500 en eentje van 5.000euro? Met Tipboek Saxofoon in je hand kun je dat horen, voelen enzien. Geschreven in samenwerking met saxofonisten, reparateurs,docenten en andere deskundigen, in glasheldere taal, voor beginnersen profs.VAN PLAKKERS TOT BINDERSHet boek vertelt je alles wat je moet weten om de beste sax voorjouw budget, stijl en smaak te kopen, en alles eruit te halen waterin zit. Extra kleppen, polsters, materiaalkeuze; alles komt aanbod, en dat geldt ook voor rieten (types, selectie, rietbewerking),mondstukken en halzen. Zelfs het klinkende effect van rietbinderswordt niet vergeten. En met de direct vanuit de app af te spelenTipcodes kun je zelfs horen wat je leest!GREPENTABELLEN EN MEER...Verder biedt het boek informatie over stemmen en onderhoud, over degeschiedenis, de familie, de productie en de makers van jeinstrument, en dertig pagina’s met grepentabellen, samengestelddoor saxofoongoeroe Leo van Oostrom.IN PRINT EN DIGITAALeTipboek Saxofoon is de digitale versie van het gedrukte boek, datin zeven talen te koop is. Belangrijkste verschillen? In hetvernieuwde digitale boek zijn de meeste illustraties vervangen doorinformatieve kleurenfoto’s, de Tipcodes zijn direct vanuit de appaf te spelen, je krijgt er informatieve rich-media brochures bij,en je bespaart ook nog een handvol euro’s.WAT ZEGGEN DE PROFS?• Handig, doordacht, makkelijk leesbaar en heel compleet. (HansDulfer)• Normaal wil m’n vader nog wel eens wat overdrijven, maar over ditTipboek heeft hij helemaal gelijk. (Candy Dulfer)• Dit boek hoort in elke saxkoffer thuis: praktisch, informatief enoverzichtelijk. (Leo van Oostrom)WAT ZEGGEN DE LEZERS?• ... duidelijk antwoord op alle vragen...• Zeer duidelijk omschreven en simpel te begrijpen; ook gevorderdenkunnen er nog nuttige dingen uit halen.• .... duidelijke uitleg en tips die mijn leraar niet geeft.Tipboek is Top!WAT ZEGT DE PERS?• Zinvolle aanvulling op het saxofoononderwijs. Eindelijk: degebruiksaanwijzing bij mijn instrument! (LVSD-Bulletin)• Een aanrader, zowel voor beginners als voor profs! (MusicMaker)• Good, sound, well-written advice that is free of equipment orstylistic politics. Recommended for saxophone teachers andstudents, regardless of level. (The Saxophone Journal)• Excellent for either quick reference, trouble-shooting or top-upinformation for the most hardened saxophone devotee. (Winds)• A really delightful surprise. (Sax on the Web)ONDERWERPENIn Tipboek Saxofoon lees je onder meer over sopraansaxofoons,altsaxofoons, tenorsaxofoons en baritonsaxofoons, het mechaniek ofde applicatuur van de sax, kleppen, naaldveren, de octaafklep,pearl keys en pinkplateaus, zijkleppen en trillerkleppen, JeanMarie Londeix, de quick F of de front F, toptones, transponerendeinstrumenten, Bes-instrumenten, Es-instrumenten, saxofoon lerenspelen, Adolphe Sax, polsters en resonansplaatjes, rolledtoneholes, rieten, rietbinders en ligaturen, rib construction,ribbed construction, de Gis-automaat en de articulated G-sharp,palm key risers en spatula keys, thumb savers, kangoeroeleer, deSelmer Mark VI en andere vintage saxofoons, ebonieten (hardrubber)en metalen mondstukken, tipopeningen en kamergroottes, tip en siderails, baffles, baanlengtes en facings, zware en lichtemondstukken, French files cuts en Amerikaanse rieten,carborundumsteentjes, reed rush, schuurbies of Dutch rush enrietknippers, klevende polsters, de Sax-o-phone, de C-melody en desaxello, de EWI en andere windcontrollers, midi, Arundo Donax ennog veel meer.The app for saxophonists:a free 50+ page thick preview of the brand new eTipboek Saxophone,direct access to the 230-page paid version, rich-media andinformational brochures. For tablets and smartphones!ALL ABOUT YOUR INSTRUMENTWhat is the difference between a saxophone 500 and one of 5,000euros? With Tipboek Sax in your hand, you can hear, feel and see.Written in collaboration with saxophonists, repairers, teachers andother experts in crystal-clear language, for beginners andpros.With stickers TO BINDERSThe book tells you everything you need to know to buy the best saxfor your budget, style and taste, and everything to get what youcame for. Additional valves, pads, materials; everything comes intoplay, and the same goes for wicker (types, selection, caneprocessing), mouthpieces and necks. Even the resounding effect ofligatures is not forgotten. And play with the app directly from theTipcodes you can even hear what you read!HANDLES TABLES AND MORE ...Furthermore, the book provides information on tuning andmaintenance, the history, the family, the production and the makersof your instrument, and thirty pages with fingering charts,compiled by sax guru Leo Oostrom.IN PRINT AND DIGITALeTipboek Sax is the digital version of the printed book, which isavailable in seven languages. Main differences? In the new digitalbook most informative illustrations have been replaced by colorphotos, the Tipcodes directly from the app to play, you getinformative brochures with rich media, and you also save a handfulof euros.WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY?• Convenient, smart, easy to read and very complete. (HansDulfer)• Normal want my father sometimes to exaggerate, but this Tipboekhe's absolutely right. (Candy Dulfer)• This book belongs in every home saxkoffer: practical, informativeand clear. (Leo van Oostrom)WHAT READERS SAY?• ... clear answer any questions ...• Very clearly defined and easy to understand; also advanced skierscan get out there useful things.• .... clear explanations and tips that gives not my teacher.Tipboek's Top!WHAT DOES THE PRESS?• Useful addition to the saxophone education. Finally: the manualfor my instrument! (LVSD-Bulletin)• Highly recommended for both beginners and pros! (MusicMaker)• Good, sound, well-written advice that's free or equipment orstylistic politics. Recommended for saxophone teachers andstudents, regard less or level. (The Saxophone Journal)• Excellent for upkeep quick reference, trouble-shooting or top-upinformation for the most hardened devotee saxophone. (Winds)• A really delightful surprise. (Sax on the Web)TOPICSIn Tipboek Saxophone look includes soprano saxophones, altosaxophones, tenor saxophones and baritone saxophones, the mechanicsor the applicatuur the sax, valves, needle springs, the octave key,pearl keys and little plateaus, side flaps and trill flaps, JeanMarie Londeix, the quick F or front F, capped ones, transposinginstruments, Berry instruments, Es instruments, saxophone learn toplay, Adolphe Sax, pads and resonansplaatjes, rolled tone holes,reeds, ligatures and ligature, rib construction, ribbedconstruction, the Gis automatic and articulated G -Sharp, palm keyrisers and spatula keys, thumb savers, kangaroo leather, the SelmerMark VI and other vintage saxophones, ebonite (hard rubber) andmetal mouthpieces, tip openings and room sizes, tip and side rails,baffles, facings and veneers, heavy and light nozzles, French jamscuts and American branches carborundumsteentjes, reed rush, reedrush of Dutch rush and cane cutters, adhesive pads, theSax-o-phone, the C-melody and Saxello, the EWI and other windcontrollers, midi, Arundo Donax and much more.
eTipboek Fluit en piccolo 1.1
The Tipbook Company
De must-have app voor fluitisten: gratis 50pagina’s van het gloednieuwe eTipboek Fluit en piccolo (268pagina’s), direct toegang tot de betaalde versie en informatieverich-media brochures! Geschikt voor tablets en smartphones.ALLES WAT JE WETEN WILTAlles weten over jouw instrument? Het compleet vernieuwdeTipboekFluit en piccolo vertelt je het hele verhaal, van aanschaf totonderhoud. E-mechanieken, open of dichte kleppen, zilveren koppen,buizen en mechanieken, gizmo's, en B-voeten? Het komt allemaal aanbod. Dat maakt het makkelijker om jouw perfecte fluit te kopen enje instrument werkelijk te begrijpen. Ook aan stemmen en onderhoudwordt natuurlijk aandacht besteed.VAN BEGINNER TOT PROFTipboek Fluit en piccolo is de ideale gebruiksaanwijzing bij jeinstrument, aangevuld met vier hoofdstukken over de geschiedenis,de bouw, de bouwers en de familie van de fluit. Een boek voor elkefluitist, van beginner tot prof, met talloze praktische tips vanmeer dan twintig binnen- en buitenlandse fluitisten, reparateurs,docenten en andere experts, en met enthousiaste aanbevelingen vanEleonore Pamijer, Abbie de Quant en jazzfluitist Peter Guidi.GREPENTABELLEN EN TIPCODESAls extra's biedt het nieuwe boek twee uitgebreide hoofdstukken metoefentips en tips om met podiumvrees om te gaan, een complete seriegrepentabellen met alternatieve en basisgrepen, en 20 Tipcodes: kunje ook nog horen wat je leest! Bovendien telt het nieuwe boek meerdan 80 kleurenfoto’s, naast de bekende lijntekeningen.AANBEVELINGEN“Inspirerend, handig en overzichtelijk. Een aanrader voor amateur,conservatoriumstudent en professional.” Eleonore Pameijer“Een échte gids: professioneel, zeer toegankelijk eninspirerend.” Abbie de Quant“Een schat aan waardevolle informatie, en zinvolle tips van eenhele rij experts. Niet alleen nuttig, maar ook nog lekkerleesbaar!” Peter GuidiDE PERS OVER TIPBOEK DWARSFLUIT EN PICCOLO“Een aanrader voor elke fluitist.” Flutonicon“Vooral gericht op geïnteresseerde amateurs, maar biedt ookprofessionele fluitisten een goed overzicht van alles wat huninstrument aangaat.” Fluit magazine“Clearly written, concise and accurate information; A veryuseful reference book for students and teachers alike.” LarryKrantz Flutepages“Highly recommended for flute players of all levels.”FlutewiseONDERWERPENIn Tipboek Dwarsfluit en piccolo lees je over fluiten en piccolo’s,basfluiten en altfluiten, de onderdelen van een fluit, fluitlessen,fluit spelen, fluit oefenen, metronomen, apps, opnemen, fluit lerenspelen, transponerende instrumenten, fluiten voor kinderen, plasticfluiten, fluiten kopen, fluit huren, tweedehands fluiten,verzilverde fluiten, zilveren fluiten, vergulde fluiten, houtenfluiten, houten piccolo’s, kunststof piccolo’s, het fluitmechaniek,kleppen en polsters, verborgen stelschroefjes, open en dichtefluiten, een G in lijn of een uitgebouwde G, E-mechanieken endonuts, gesoldeerde toongaten en getrokken toongaten, Fransekleppen, G/A-trillerkleppen en andere speciale kleppen, fluitstemmen, fluitonderhoud, versterking, de geschiedenis en de familievan de fluit, oefentips en tips om met plankenkoorts om te gaan, ennog veel meer.The must-have app forflutists free 50 pages of brand new eTipboek Flute and piccolo (268pages), direct access to the paid version and informativerich-media brochures! Suitable for tablets and smartphones.ALL YOU WANT TO KNOWKnow everything about your instrument? The completevernieuwdeTipboek Flute and piccolo tells you the whole story, frompurchase to maintenance. E-heads, open or close valves, silvercups, tubes and heads, gizmos, and B-feet? It's all covered. Thatmakes it easier to buy your perfect flute instrument and you reallyunderstand. Also on tuning and maintenance of course attention.FROM BEGINNER TO PROTipboek Flute and piccolo is ideal for use with your instrument,plus four chapters about the history, construction, builders, andthe family of the flute. A book for every flutist, from beginner topro, with numerous practical tips of more than twenty domestic andforeign flutists, repairers, teachers and other experts, and withenthusiastic recommendations of Eleonore Pamijer, Abbie de Quantand jazz flutist Peter Guidi.TABLES AND HANDLES TIPCODESAs extras, the new book two extended chapters with training tipsand hints for dealing with stage fright, a complete range ofhandles and base tables with alternative handles, and 20 Tipcodes:you can also hear what you read! Moreover, the new book includesmore than 80 color photographs next to the famous linedrawings.RECOMMENDATIONS"Inspiring, convenient and clear. A must for amateur, conservatorystudent and professional. "Eleonore Pameijer"A true guide: professional, very accessible and inspiring."Abbie de Quant"A wealth of valuable information and useful tips from a row ofexperts. Not only useful, but also nice to read "Peter GuidiTHE PRESS ABOUT TIPBOEK flute and piccolo"Highly recommended for each flute." Flutonicon"Especially aimed at interested amateurs, but also providesprofessional flutists a good overview of everything concerningtheir instrument." Flute magazine"Clearly written, concise and accurate information; A veryuseful reference book for students and teachers alike. "LarryKrantz Fluttering Pages"Highly recommended for flute players of all levels." FlutWiseTOPICSIn Tipboek Flute and piccolo read about flutes and piccolos,basflutes and altfluiten, the parts of a flute, flute lessons,flute, flute practice, metronomes, apps, recording, flute learn toplay transposing instruments, flutes for children, plastic whistle,whistle buy, flute rent, second whistle, silver whistle, silverwhistle, plated flutes, wooden flutes, wooden bell, plastic bell,the whistle mechanism, valves and pads, hidden set screws, open andclosed flutes, a G line or an extended G E-mechanics and donuts,soldered tone holes and drawn tone holes, French valves, G / Atrill valves and other special valves, flute voices, flute repair,reinforcement, the history and the family of the flute, practicetips and tips with stage fright to go, and much more.
eTipbook Clarinet 1.1
The Tipbook Company
This must have app for all clarinet playersfeatures a free 50+ page preview of the 240 page book and directaccess to the full digital version of Tipbook Clarinet. Designedfor tablets and smartphones!“In terms of broadening one’s outlook on the clarinet, I thinkthis book is an excellent buy.” Clarinet & SaxophonemagazineBEGINNERS AND PROSThe more you know about your instrument, the easier it is to selectthe clarinet that perfectly suits your sound, your style, and yourbudget. Tipbook Clarinet is the ultimate source of information foraspiring clarinetists, advanced players, and even pros. No wonder:the book brings you the combined expertise and knowledge of overthirty clarinet makers, barrel and mouthpiece experts, reedprofessionals, and musicians. The result is an easy read on thisfascinating instrument. Educational basics for beginners, aninspiring resource for advanced players, and a handy reference forpros.MAKING THE DIFFERENCETipbook Clarinet tells you all about the differences between woodand plastic instruments, and French and German clarinets. Itexplains the influence of bore size and shape on the sound, ithelps you to see and appreciate different types of toneholes, keys,and levers – and much more. Separate chapters are dedicated onmouthpieces, ligatures and barrels, and on reeds and reedadjustment. The included Tipcodes even allow you to hear whatyou’re reading about.FINGERING CHARTSThe final chapters shed a light on the history, the family, and themaking of the instrument. A glossary and a extended index turn thisowner's guide into a handy reference book. A complete set offingering charts is the icing on this musical cake.PRESS QUOTES… a revolutionary book on the instrument. (Meri Dolevski, CanadianClarinet Resources)Technical information presented in commendably easy tounderstand language. (Jazz Journal)A truly thorough source of information for beginners, advancedplayers, and teachers. (Music Educators Journal)This book will enlighten players of all standards and teacherswill find it an invaluable resource. (Australian Music TeacherMagazine)READER RECOMMENDATIONSNice reference book with fingering charts. Well worth the money.(Veritas)This is a great introduction to the clarinet and should be amust read for all new clarinet players. Clearly written andillustrated. Would definitely recommend. (G. Donnald)This is a very easy to read, and covers the most importantaspects on Clarinet themes. A must to read. When is the Editorgoing to publish the Organ tipbook? (Juan B. Rosales Raya)SUBJECTSTipbook Clarinet tells you about the different clarinet voices,E-flat clarinets, B-flat clarinets, alto clarinets, bass clarinets,contra bass clarinets, the basset horn and other woodwindinstruments, the key mechanism, transposing instruments, theclarinet register, the clarion register, the acute register, the12th key or speaker key, concert pitch, French and Germanclarinets, junior clarinets, metronomes, renting clarinets, woodand plastic clarinets, ebony and grenadilla, clarinet bores, dualtapers and polycilindrical bores, polyconical bores, tenon rings,raised toneholes and register tubes, undercut toneholes, ventholes, ergonomic thumb rests, French-style keys, power-forged keys,the crow foot, offset trill keys and in-line trill keys, forkedfingerings, articulated trill keys, pads, German clarinets, the Aclarinet, full Boehm clarinets, mouthpieces and mouthpiecematerials, mouthpiece comparison charts, tip openings, facings,beating reeds, chambers, bores and baffles, mouthpiece cushions,adjustable barrels, ringless barrels, clarinet necks, ligatures,clarinet reeds, German reeds, Austrian reeds, French cut reeds,adjusting reeds, reed trimmers, plastic reeds, tuning yourclarinet, clarinet maintenance, clarinet history, making aclarinet, and more.
eTipboek Klarinet 1.1
The Tipbook Company
Dé app voor klarinettisten: gratis 50 pagina’spreview van het gloednieuwe eTipboek Klarinet, direct toegang totde betaalde versie van 240 pagina’s, en informatieve rich-mediabrochures. Voor tablets en smartphones!‘Een zeer compleet en prettig te lezen boek voor iedereen diealles over de klarinet wil weten. Een regelrechte aanrader!’ (LuteHoekstra)HET BESTE UIT JE INSTRUMENTAlles weten over jouw instrument? Tipboek Klarinet vertelt je hethele verhaal, van aanschaf tot onderhoud en stemmen. Houten enkunststof klarinetten, speciale tonnetjes en tussenringen, deboring en de beker, offset en in-line zijkleppen, ondersnedentoongaten, verstelbare duimsteunen en speciale mechanieken? Hetkomt allemaal aan bod. Geschreven in glasheldere taal, voorbeginnende en gevorderde klarinettisten: dé gebruiksaanwijzing bijje instrument!MONDSTUKKEN EN RIETJESLees hoe je je instrument kunt verbeteren met een ander mondstuk,speciale tonnetjes en zelfs met een betere rietbinder. Rietjesspelen natuurlijk een belangrijke rol, dus ook daar wordt eenhoofdstuk aan gewijd. Leer je meteen hoe je je rietjes heeleenvoudig zelf kunt bijwerken. De interactieve Tipcodes laten jedaar zelfs korte filmpjes van zien.GREPENTABELLEN EN MEERNatuurlijk besteedt Tipboek Klarinet ook aandacht aan het stemmenen het onderhoud van je instrument, en er zijn korte hoofdstukkenover de geschiedenis, de familie, de productie en de makers van jeinstrument. Met de uitgebreide index vind je alles wat je zoekt, enmet de grepentabellen achter in het boek kun je direct aan deslag.AANBEVOLEN DOOR DE PROFSEen zeer compleet en prettig te lezen boek voor iedereen die allesover de klarinet wil weten. Een regelrechte aanrader! (LuteHoekstra)Een uitstekend en noodzakelijk boek dat klarinettisten in elkestijl en op elk niveau helpt de weg te vinden in de wereld van deklarinet. (Herman Braune)Beknopt, nuttig en vlot geschreven; warm aanbevolen voor elkeklarinettist. (Walter Boeykens)DE PERS OVER TIPBOEK KLARINETVoor wie nog overtuigd moet worden: op de achterkant van het boekjevind je aanbevelingen van niemand minder dan Herman Braune, LuteHoekstra en Walter Boeykens. (De Klarinet)Alles komt aan bod, van heel elementair tot de verschillendeklarinetscholen, boringen en het bewerken van rieten. (LVSD)Goed en actueel; aanbevolen door topmusici. (De Dirigent)Ongetwijfeld het beste Nederlandstalige klarinetboek dat op ditmoment verkrijgbaar is. De Klarinet… a revolutionary book on the instrument. (Canadian ClarinetResources)Technical information presented in commendably easy tounderstand language; Totallyrecommended; amazingly comprehensive. (Jazz Journal)This book will enlighten players of all standards and teacherswill find it an invaluable resource. (Australian Music TeacherMagazine)INHOUDTipboek Klarinet vertelt je alles over klarinetstemmen,Bes-klarinetten, Es-klarinetten, altklarinetten en basklarinetten,het mechaniek, ringen, ringkleppen en extra kleppen, deregisterklep of de duodecimeklep, het chalumeauregister en andereklarinetregisters, de Bes-verbinding, klarinet kopen, klarinethuren, tweedehands klarinetten, houten klarinetten, kunststofklarinetten, klarinetboringen, cilindrische boringen, conischeboringen, de reverse cone, dual tapers en polycilindrischeboringen, bekerringen en tapringen, tussenringen, de registerhuls,wipkleppen, ergonomische duimsteunen, offset trill keys, Fransekleppen, Fis-trillers, full-Boehm klarinetten, polsters,kangoeroeleer, A-klarinetten en Duitse klarinetten, mondstukken,eboniet, baffles en boringen, de snavelhoek, mondstukplakkers,tonnetjes en halzen, rietbinders, rieten selecteren, rietenbijwerken, rietknippers, klarinet stemmen, klarinetonderhoud, groteen kleine beurten, en nog veel meer.The app for clarinetists:free 50-page preview of the brand new eTipboek Clarinet, directaccess to the paid version of 240 pages, rich-media andinformational brochures. For tablets and smartphones!"A very complete and enjoyable read for anyone who wants to knoweverything about the clarinet. An outright winner! "(LuteHoekstra)THE MOST OF INSTRUMENTKnow everything about your instrument? Tipboek Clarinet tells youthe whole story, from purchase to maintenance and votes. Wooden andplastic clarinets, barrels and special washers, the bore and thecup, offset and side-line, undercut tone holes, adjustable thumbrest and special mechanisms? It's all covered. Written incrystal-clear language, for beginning and advanced clarinetists:the ideal manual for your instrument!MOUTH PIECES AND STRAWSLearn how you can improve your instrument with a different nozzle,special barrels and even better ligature. Straws of course play animportant role, so too there is a chapter devoted to. You learnright away how you easily can update your own straws. Theinteractive Tipcodes show you even short movies from there.TABLES AND HANDLES MOREOf course devotes Tipboek Clarinet also focus on tuning andmaintenance of your instrument, and there are short chapters aboutthe history, the family, the production and the makers of yourinstrument. With the extended index you'll find everything you'relooking for, and the fingering charts back of the book you canstart immediately.RECOMMENDED BY THE PROSA very complete and enjoyable read for anyone who wants to knoweverything about the clarinet. An outright winner! (LuteHoekstra)An excellent and necessary book that clarinetists in any styleand at every level help to find their way in the world of theclarinet. (Herman Braune)Concise, useful and written fluently; highly recommended for anyclarinetist. (Walter Boeykens)THE PRESS ABOUT TIPBOEK KLARINETFor those who still believe to be: on the back of the booklet youwill find recommendations from none other than Herman Braune, LuteHoekstra and Walter Boeykens. (Clarinet)Everything is covered, from very basic to the various clarinetschools, drilling and processing cane. (LVSD)Good and timely; recommended by top musicians. (TheConductor)Arguably the best Dutch clarinet book that is currentlyavailable. Clarinet... A revolutionary book on the instrument. (Canadian ClarinetResources)Technical information presented in commendably easy tounderstand language; Totallyrecommended; amazingly comprehensive. (Jazz Journal)This book will enlighten players of all standards and teacherswill find it an invaluable resource. (Australian Music TeacherMagazine)CONTENTTipboek Clarinet tells you all about the clarinet voices, Bbclarinet, E-flat clarinets, altklarinetten and bass clarinets, themechanics, rings, ring valves and additional valves, the registercover or duodecimeklep, the chalumeauregister and other clarinetregisters Berry connection, buy clarinet, clarinet rent, usedclarinets, wooden clarinets, plastic clarinets, clarinet drilling,cylindrical bores, taper bores, the reverse cone, dual tapers andpolycilindrische bores cup rings and tapringen, washers, theregistry sleeve, wipkleppen, ergonomic thumb rests, offset trillkeys, French valves , Fis-trills, full-Boehm clarinets, pads,kangaroo leather, A-clarinets and German clarinets, mouthpieces,hard rubber, baffles and drilling, the beak angle, nozzle patches,barrels and necks, ligatures, select reed, cane update, canecutters, clarinet vote clarinet maintenance, major and minorintervals, and much more.
eTipbook Drums DE 1.0
The Tipbook Company
Die „Must-have App“ für Schlagzeuger! Einekostenlose Leseprobe mit über 50 Seiten, direkter Zugang zurVollversion von „Tipbook Drums“ (250+ Seiten) und zu kostenlosenRich-media-Kataloge.Alles Wissenswerte kurz und bündigVon Drum-Experten geprüftFür Anfänger und FortgeschritteneVom Probespiel bis zum FeintuningMit Mini-Lexikon und PreisangabenDu spielst schon länger Schlagzeug oder hast gerade damitangefangen? Du möchtest mehr über dein Instrument erfahren? Duüberlegst, dir ein Drumset oder Zubehör zu kaufen? Dann ist dieserPraxis-Guide genau das Richtige für dich. Hier findest du Tipps zurWahl eines geeigneten Instruments, Hinweise zur perfekten Stimmungsowie zu Pflege und Wartung. Du kannst dich über die Geschichte unddie Bauweise deines Instruments informieren und erfährst alles überdie wichtigsten Hersteller, Zeitschriften, Bücher und Websites. Mitden im eBuch enthaltenen Tipcodes kannst du zusätzliche Infos ausdem eBuch heraus abrufen.EINHALTKapitel 1. Ein DrummerKapitel 2. SchnelldurchgangKapitel 3. Spielen lernenKapitel 4. Der SchlagzeugkaufKapitel 5. Gute DrumsetsKapitel 6. HardwareKapitel 7. FelleKapitel 8. StöckeKapitel 9. BeckenKapitel 10. Stimmen und DämpfenKapitel 11. Aufbau und PflegeKapitel 12. Zurück in der ZeitKapitel 13. Die Percussion-FamilieKapitel 14. In der FabrikKapitel 15. MarkenKapitel 16 Setups: von Jazz bis Rock+ Lexikon+ Tipcodes+ Rudiments und DrumbeatsEMPFEHLUNGEN„Ein prima Handbuch – und witzig noch dazu! Hier wird allesWissenswerte auf den Punkt gebracht. Tipps und Tricks für wirklichjeden Drummer.” Holger Hälbig, Autor Drummer’s ABC, LeiterPercussion & Drum School„Ein beachtliche und fundierte Sammlung an Wissen – und dazunoch witzig geschrieben. Hier erzählt einer wirklich aus demDrummer-Nahkästen. Alle Achtung!” Peter Giger„This book should come as standard equipment with every drum setsold. It spells out all of the fundamentals of this contraption wecall the Drum Set, and I recommend it to all drummers.” SteveSmith„I love this book. It has something for everyone – and you canteach an old dog new tricks!” Adam NussbaumTHEMENTipbook Drums erzählst du über Drumsets, Becks, Stative und Pedale,Schlagzeug spielen lernen, Schlagzeuglehrer, üben, Übungssets,Übungspads, Ohrstöpsel, Metronome, der Kauf eines Schlagzeugs,Kesseltiefe, Kesseldicke, Birke oder Ahorn, Kesselkonstruktionen,beschichtete Trommeln, Lack oder Wachs, Spannreifen und Böckchen,Dreiflanschreifen und Gussspanreifen, Snaredrums, Abhebungen,Bassdrums, Toms, Power Toms, Tomhalterungen, Gebrauchtinstrumente,Hardware, Hi-Hat-Maschinen, Drop-Lock Halterungen, Racks undHocker, Schlagfelle und Resonanzfelle, Doppelschichtige Felle,Stöcke und Besen, Multi-Rods und Schlegeln, Ride-Becken,Hi-Hat-Becken, Crash-Becken und Effekt-Becken, Drums stimmen unddämpfen, Stimm-Grundlagen, Aufbau und Pflege, uvm.The "must-have app" fordrummers! A sample for free with over 50 pages, direct access tothe full version of "Tipbook Drums" (250+ pages) and free richmedia catalogs.Everything you need to know in a nutshellTested by experts DrumFor beginners and advancedFrom audition to tweakingWith Mini-dictionary and pricesHave you been playing drums longer or have just begun? You wantto know more about your instrument? You wonder, you buy a drum setor accessories? Then this practical guide is just the thing foryou. Here are some tips on choosing an appropriate instrument,hints perfect mood as well as care and maintenance. You can putyourself on the history and inform the design of your instrument,and learn all about the main producers, magazines, books andwebsites. With the Tipcodes contained in the eBook you can getadditional information from the eBook out.ONE STOPChapter 1. A DrummerChapter 2. Quick passageLearn Chapter 3. PerformanceChapter 4. The drums purchaseChapter 5. Good DrumsetsChapter 6. HardwareChapter 7. fursChapter 8. sticksChapter 9 BasinChapter 10 votes and vaporsChapter 11. Building and maintainingChapter 12. Back in timeChapter 13. The percussion familyChapter 14. People at WorkChapter 15 brandsChapter 16 setups: from jazz to rock+ Lexicon+ Tipcodes+ Rudiments and drumbeatsRECOMMENDATIONS"A great guide - and funny too! Everything you need to know is in anutshell. Tips and tricks for really every drummer. "Holger Hälbig,author Drummer's ABC, head Percussion & Drum School"A substantial and in-depth collection of knowledge - and towritten yet funny. Here one really told from the drummer-Nahkästen.Well done! "Peter Giger"This book Should come as standard equipment with every drum setsold. It spells out all of the fundamentals of this contraption wecall the Drum Set, and I recommend it to all drummers." SteveSmith"I love this book. It has something for everyone - and you canteach an old dog new tricks "Adam Nussbaum!THEMESTipbook Drums you tell about drum sets, Becks, tripods and pedals,learn how to play drums, drum teacher, practice, practice sets,Practice, earplugs, Metronome, buying a drum set, cup depth, ShellThickness, birch or maple, boiler constructions, coated drums,paint or wax , and hoops, Dreiflanschreifen and die-cast hoops,snare drums, withdrawals, bass drums, toms, Power Toms, Tom Mounts,hand tools, hardware, hi-hat machine, Drop-Lock brackets, racks andstools, batter heads and resonance heads, Double layered skins,poles and Broom, Multi-Rods and mallets, ride cymbal, hi-hatcymbals, crash cymbals and effect cymbals, vocals and drums dampenvocal fundamentals, construction and maintenance, and muchmore.
eTipboek Cello 1.0
The Tipbook Company
De must-have app voor cellisten: devertrouwdeTipboek-gids voor je instrument! Gratis 50 pagina’s vanhetvernieuwde eTipboek Cello (226 pagina’s), direct toegang totdebetaalde versie en straks ook tot informatieverich-mediabrochures!ALLES WAT JE WETEN WILTAlles weten over jouw instrument? Tipboek Cello vertelt je hetheleverhaal, van aanschaf tot onderhoud. Leer de verschillen tussendeene cello en de andere zien en horen, lees waar je naar moetkijkenen luisteren, en begrijp wat halshoek, mensuur, snaarhoogte,eenkielhoutje, je staartstuk en zelfs fijnstemmers kunnenbetekenenvoor de klank en de bespeelbaarheid van een cello. Ook aanstokken,hars, snaarkeuze en het stemmen en onderhouden van jeinstrumentwordt ruim aandacht besteed.VAN BEGINNER TOT PROFTipboek Cello is de ideale gebruiksaanwijzing bij jeinstrument,aangevuld met vier hoofdstukken over de geschiedenis, debouw, debouwers en de familie van de cello. Een boek voor elkecellist, vanbeginner tot prof, met talloze praktische tips van meerdan twintigbinnen- en buitenlandse cellisten, bouwers, docenten enandereexperts, en met enthousiaste aanbevelingen van QuirineViersen,Anner Bijlsma en Julian Lloyd Webber.TIPCODES EN FOTO’SAls extra's biedt het nieuwe boek twee uitgebreide hoofdstukkenmetoefentips en tips om met podiumvrees om te gaan, en meerdanhonderd kleurenfoto’s naast de bekende,helderelijnillustraties.AANBEVELINGEN”Geweldig: alles over mijn lievelingsinstrument op een rijtje, enerzoveel jaar spelen ook nog van alles over leren!”QuirineViersen“Handig boek! Gewoon op de plank leggen - komt er zekervaakvanaf.” Anner Bijlsma“De Tipboek-serie is bewonderenswaardig informatief.Uitstekendmateriaal voor iedereen die meer over z'n instrument wilweten!”Julian Lloyd WebberDE PERS OVER TIPBOEK CELLO“Koop dat boek. Ook goede informatie voor de gevorderdespeler.”Arco, tijdschrift voor viool- en cellodocenten“Alles wat je wilt weten staat erin!” Akkoord“Helder geschreven, overzichtelijk en vooral heel ergpraktisch.”Muziek & Onderwijs“Tipbook Cello provides access to the kind of knowledgeaprofessional cellist would accumulate over theyears.Comprehensive, concise and written in straight forwardlanguage.”Catherine Milligan, StringendoONDERWERPENIn Tipboek Cello lees je over cello’s, kindercello’s,debelangrijkste onderdelen van een cello, cello leren spelen,cellospelen, cello kopen en cello huren, Chinese cello’s,Duitsecello’s, meestercello’s, studiecello’s enateliercello’s,Stradivarius en Guarnerius, nagemaakte etiketten,gevlamdeachterbladen, patineren en schwarzen, houtsoorten,ebbenhout,Franse en Belgische kammen, de stapel (de ziel!) en debasbalk enwat ze doen, Parijse ogen, Hill en anderestaartstukken,fijnstemmers en stemsleutels met versnellingsbak,frets enstroppen, gebruikte cello’s, de waarde van je cello, stalensnaren,kunststof snaren en darmsnaren, omwikkelde snaren, hetkiezen vaneen strijkstok, hars, het beoordelen van een cello, hettesten vaneen strijkstok, cellostandaards, koffers en kisten,sourdines enwolfdoders, speciale stemapparaten, tuner-apps,sleutelzeep, snarenvervangen, zomer- en winterkammen, rammels, deviola da gamba en deelektrische cello, de Hardanger fele en nogveel meer.The must-have appforcellists: the familiar Tipboek guide for your instrument! Free50pages of the new eTipboek Cello (226 pages), direct access tothepaid version and soon also to informative rich-media brochures!ALL YOU WANT TO KNOWKnow everything about your instrument? Tipboek Cello tells youthewhole story, from purchase to maintenance. Learn thedifferencesbetween one cello and the other and hear, read what youhave tolook at and listen to, and understand what neck angle,scale,string height, a keel own, you tailpiece and even fine tunerscando for the sound and playability of a cello. Also on sticks,resin,string selection and tuning and maintaining your instrumentisgiven ample attention.FROM BEGINNER TO PROTipboek Cello is ideal for use with your instrument, plusfourchapters about the history, construction, builders, and thefamilyof the cello. A book for every cellist, from beginner to pro,withnumerous practical tips of more than twenty domestic andforeigncellists, builders, teachers and other experts, andwithenthusiastic recommendations of Quirine, Anner Bylsma andJulianLloyd Webber.TIPCODES AND PHOTOSAs extras, the new book two extended chapters with training tipsandhints for dealing with stage fright, and more than one hundredcolorphotographs next to the familiar, clear line art.RECOMMENDATIONS"Great everything about my favorite instrument in a row, and somanyyears also play all about learning!" Quirine"Handy book! Just put on the shelf - there will certainlyoftenfrom "Anner Bylsma."The Tipboek series is admirable informative. Excellentmaterialfor anyone who wants to know more about his instrument"JulianLloyd WebberTHE PRESS ABOUT TIPBOEK CELLO"Buy the book. Also good information for the experiencedplayer."Arco magazine for violin and cello teachers"Everything you need to know is in there!" Chord"Clearly written, organized and above all very practical."Music& Education"Tipbook Cello biedt access to the child or knowledgeaprofessional cellist would accumulate over theyears.Comprehensive, concise and written in straightforwardlanguage."Catherine Milligan, String EndoTOPICSIn Tipboek Cello read about cellos, children cellos, themaincomponents of a cello, cello learn to play the cello, cello buyandcello hire, Chinese cellos, German cellos, master cellos,studycello and workshop cellos, Stradivarius and Guarnerius,counterfeitlabels, flamed Back covers, patination and schwarzen,wood, ebony,French and Belgian combs, the stack (the soul) and thebasbalk andwhat they do, Parisian eyes, Hill and other outdrives,tuners andpegs with gearbox, frets and slings, cellos used thevalue of yourcello, steel strings, synthetic strings and gutstrings, woundstrings, choosing a bow, rosin, assessing a cello,testing a bow,cello stands, cases and boxes, sourdines andwolfdoders, specialtuners , tuner apps, key soap, replace strings,summer and wintercombs, beatings, the viola da gamba and electriccello, theHardanger fele and more.
eTipbook Acoustic Guitar 1.1
The Tipbook Company
This must have app for guitarists includesafree 50 page preview of the 250+ page book, informative richmediabrochures, and direct access to the full digital version ofTipbookAcoustic Guitar. A highly informative guide for acousticguitaristsat all levels, featuring numerous tips on auditioning andbuying anacoustic guitar, choosing new strings, maintenance andtuning, andmuch more. Based on the combined knowledge andexperience of twentyplus musicians, luthiers, teachers and otherexperts, this bookeven answers questions you didn’t think ofasking.Designed for tablets and smartphones!YOUR GUITAR MANUALeTipbook Acoustic Guitar deals with both steelstring andclassicalguitars, as well as with electro-acoustic instruments.Separatechapters are dedicated to strings and their characteristicsandmaintenance, and to picks and nails. Looking for yourinstrument'smanual? Here it is - and the interactive Tipcodes evenallow you tohear what you're reading about.TIPCODES AND MOREAs a generous extra, the book offers brief sections ontheinstrument's family, history, and production, as well as anindex,a glossary, a musical introduction to chords, and no lessthan 35pages filled with chord diagrams, including barre chords,movablechords, and more!PRESS QUOTES• Highly desirable, and highly pocketable items; Packed withplentyof concise, relevant information; Written with theabsolutebeginner in mind, it's comprehensive enough to appeal topros too.(Guitarist Magazine)• A great gift, easy to read, convenient to carry, and pricedright;Boiled down to the absolute basics…; No more than one needsto knowor remember, but enough to provide essential information.Theseguides really hit the mark for efficiency. (VintageGuitarMagazine)• A wealth of information in a very compact form.(GuitarDigest…)• an incredibly thorough tome that covers everything fromtheacoustic’s basic anatomy to the proper care and feedingoffingernails. (Frets)• Each Tipbook is not only an excellent place for a beginnertostart, it’s also an outstanding refresher course for musiciansandsongwriters at any level! (American Songwriter)• Very useful background information; […] of benefit toallguitarists. (Classical Guitar Society Western Australia)• Comprehensive approach; easy-to-follow layout makes theseTipbooksa joy to read. (Music Trades)UP TO DATEeTipbook Acoustic Guitar is the digital edition of the print bookofthe same name, available in seven languages. US print edition byHalLeonard.SUBJECTSeTipbook Acoustic Guitar tells you all about guitar lessons,guitarteachers, guitar models, steel-string guitars,nylon-stringguitars, soundboxes, types of wood, tonewood, cutaways,solid tops,laminated tops, neck profiles, frets, scallopedbracing,fingerboards, intonation, scales, cambers, the perfectaction andstring heights, tuning machines, saddles and bridges,compensatedbridges, used guitars, electro-acoustic guitars,preamps, notchfilters, pickups, piezo pick-ups, acousticamplifiers, changingstrings, cleaning strings, nylon strings, steelstrings, tuningguitars, guitar tuners, picks and nails, guitarmaintenance,Antonio de Torres Jurado, C.F. Martin, acoustic bassguitars,doubleneck guitars, resonator guitars, travel guitars,makingguitars, luthiers, bookmatched tops, bookmatched backs,guitarchords, chord diagrams, and more.
eTipbook Music on Paper 1.0
The Tipbook Company
The must-have app for allmusicians,songwriters, and singers in any style of music: a free50+ pagepreview of one of the finest audio-enhanced books on MUSICTHEORY,and direct access to the full 250+ page version of the book.Music Theory Made Easy. That’s what eTipbook Music on Paperisall about. Teach yourself to read music, refresh your memory onhowto play an augmented chord, look up what a tritone is, or gettounderstand transposition and the system behind sharps andflats:eTipbook Music on Paper has it all – and more. Essentialstuff forbeginners, and an inspiring reference for advancedmusicians,written with an open mind towards all styles of music.With thesole purpose of helping you to understand what music theoryis allabout: MUSIC!HEAR WHAT YOU READMore than 60 Tipcodes allow you to hear what you’re readingabout.Play them directly from within the app and make the book cometolife.PRESS QUOTES“Tipbook Music on Paper has got to be the best of the books onmusictheory available on the market – in more ways than one.”CanadianClarinet Resources“I would certainly recommend this volume to my students,frombeginners to those at advanced level, for its clarityandcomprehensive coverage.” Music Teacher Magazine“Without a doubt, Tipbook Music on Paper is one I’dhighlyrecommend to ALL songwriters.” American Songwriter“An attractive introduction to music theory.” AustralianMusicTeacher Magazine“A handy, portable reference to freshen up or expandyourknowledge of music theory, starting at the very beginning butalsodealing with advanced subjects such as transposing and oddtimesignatures. Thoroughly recommended.” New Zealand FluteSociety“Marvelous ... The book easily negotiates the gulfbetweenpopular culture and heritage music theory which is still amajorproblem with many of the offerings in this crowded field.There isso much universal information, encompassing the widestrange ofmusical styles, in such a concise and easy to read form.”Music inAction“A wealth of information in an easy-to-access format;accurateand clearly explained; the use of layman’s terms, a casualwritingstyle, and effective graphics make the book accessibleformusicians and non-musicians alike.” Music Educators Journal“Very well organized and easy to read; a solid and cleartheoryfoundation.” Online Trombone JournalSUBJECTSeTipbook Music on paper tells you all about reading music,notenames, note values, ledger lines, keys, time signatures andkeysignatures, counting units, beams, rests, triplets andothertuplets, pickup bars, sharps and flats, clefs, accidentals,dynamicmarkings, metronomes and metronome markings, beats perminute(BPM), articulation and ornamentation, ghostnotes anddu-wahs,marcato, legato and portato, scoops and falls, trills anduppermordents, da capo al fine, segnos and repeat signs, thecoda,rhythm changes, AABA, major and minor scales, enharmonicscales,modulation, the circle of fifths, intervals, harmonicintervals,melodic intervals and complementary intervals,intervalrecognition, perfect pitch and absolute pitch, melodicminor andharmonic minor, church modes and non-diatonic scales,transposinginstruments and transposition techniques, odd timesignatures,swing and the clave, the movable Do and the fixed Do,chords, chordinversions, substitute chords, harmony, tabs, chorddiagrams, drumnotation, the percussion clef, Klavarskribo, musicnotation,notation software and apps, and much more. Downloadablescalewheel, chord pointers and scale pointers included!