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Exterior Architecture House 1.0
A while back my husband and I decided tomoveto our favorite vacation destination in the mountains. But inorderto make this dream of ours happen we had to sell our cityhome. Weput our house on the market and started to make plans tomove asquickly as possible.Sadly, things did not go as we hoped. Our house didn't sellandaccording to our realtor the problem was our kitchen. Itdidn'tmatch the exterior of our house. Our house was a Cape Codstylewith rock around the front door and dormers on the secondfloor. Itwas very traditional and pretty cute.Buyers who saw the exterior expected to see something similarinsideand they did to a point. The interior included a fancy trimpackage,two fireplaces with over mantels and a beautiful diningroom witheven more fancy trim. The dormers upstairs had windowseats withstorage underneath. All in all it was in fact a verytraditionalhouse with an excellent location and a good marketprice.There was just one problem and it was a big one for people wholikedthe character of the exterior.The kitchen was very modern with flat cabinet doors made ofmelaminewith oak trim. The cabinets were nice custom cabinets andwellorganized but they did not go with the rest of the house.People wholiked the house hated the kitchen. Because of this oneproblem thehouse didn't sell.We were determined to make our plans come true so we took thehouseoff the market, refaced the kitchen with raised panel doors,over40 doors and drawers. We painted them to match the creamytrimcolor of the whole house. It cost us about $1,200 and lots ofworkover one weekend work marathon.After we were finished we put the house back on the market. Itsoldimmediately for the asking price and it closed withinamonth.We knew when we bought the house that the kitchen wasn't rightforthe house, but it was a nice kitchen for me, a dedicated cook.Thestyle of the doors didn't work, but we thought most peoplecouldlook past the doors.Well, we were wrong. The doors were a deal breaker.We learned a hard lesson.There are many examples of this same problem. Imagine a housethatis a hard modernist structure with clerestory windows and lotsofangles having country kitchen with flowered wallpaper.Another possibility could be a Georgian or colonial stylewithmodern decorating inside. The décor does not meetpeoples'expectations.Potential buyers who look at homes generally have styles inmindwhen they are shopping. It's wise to make sure they seewhateverthey are likely to expect.To make your home feel more comfortable and work better atresale,decorate it to blend harmoniously with the exteriorarchitecture ofyour home. Keep finishes and décor consistentthroughout the house,both inside and outside.Whether your house is a Victorian, a craftsman bungalow, aclassicfarmhouse, a mid century modern, an adobe or any otheridentifiablearchitectural style, it's advantageous for resale tomatch yourinterior design to the architectural character oftheexterior.It insures that buyers who like the exterior of your home enoughtoview it will also approve of the interior. It's aboutfulfillingtheir expectations.For all your Palm Springs area real estate needs, visit ourwebsiteat Palm Springs Area Realtor or Palm Springs RealtorwhereBroker/Realtor Hannes Jim Scherber can take care of all yourneeds,whether buying or selling residential or commercialproperties. Jimis also an REO specialist to help you find greatvalue in aproperty.
Crochet Amigurumi Animal 1.0
Crochet animals are very popular in theUnitedStates and some Asian cultures, particularly Japan where itisknown as amigurumi They are valued because of their cutefeaturesand the versatility/ variety in which they can be made. Aperson islimited by their own creativity in the craft of crochet,because itis possible to use your crochet hook and the yarn to makealmostanything!The beginnings of crochet are really rather hazy. It is likelytohave come from Asia or South America. Fortunately, itsrealpopularity within the western world very likely resulted fromtheIndustrial Revolution, when inexpensive pre-spun yarn turnedinto acommonly accessible commodity. It became particularly popularinIreland throughout the Irish Famine where it ended upbeingproposed as a method to reduce unemployment. Congrats to theIrishfor giving us Irish Lace!Now on to my favorite topic--crochet animals!I have seen many different pictures of crochet animals and learnedalot about them. In fact, there are places where you may be abletofind people offering free patterns for their stuffed animalsandsome people may offer their patterns for a price if they aremorecomplex. It is amazing to see the variation that can resultfromone type of animal. For example a simple crochet dog resultmightlead you to several different dog breeds that have beencreated,or, you may find that some animals simply are uniqueartist'sinterpretations of the original animal.Yes, I do consider crochet to be a form of art. It is possibletogenerate unique forms of expression based on the artist'smood,thoughts, and intended outcome. It can be a way to freelance anewcreation or it can be a way to alleviate some tough stress. Allofthese feelings are immortalized in the piece of crochet andeachis, be it amigurumi or one of the many other forms ofcrochet,unique to the individual that created it. So anyone up foraddingcrochet to the fine arts colleges?!I'm being facetious of course, I am just willing to share withyoumy love of crochet and also to guarantee that everyone whoiscurious is aware of the fact that crocheting can be accomplishedbyanyone and everyone. It is very flexible and additionallycanproduce numerous utilitarian items along with other itemsmoregeared toward fun, like crochet animals. I hope which Icanencourage somebody to become a crochet enthusiast.
DIY Furniture Projects 1.0
Creating wonderful wood furnitureprojectsquickly and easily is within your grasp all you need tohave is agood set of plans, they are your guide to success. I havebeenwoodworking for a long time and I can attest to the fact thatawell-designed woodworking plan leads to a high-qualityfinishedproduct. None of us want to take our valuable time to buildthingsand not have them turn out as well as we expected.All projects require a good set of plans and all good planshavecertain qualities you should look for. They should be clearandconcise with instructions that are easy to understand andfollow.There should be a number of detailed diagrams that depictdifferentstages in the construction process so you can see what theprojectis supposed to look like at each stage of construction. Amaterialslist is another must, which gives the number anddimensions of eachpiece required. This saves time duringconstruction because you canset up and cut all similar pieces atthe same time. It also savescash because you only purchase thematerial required for theprojects you are going to build. A toollist is nice to so you canget all the tools out you need for thewood furniture projects andorganize your shop in the most efficientway. I've built woodfurniture projects for a long time now and Ihave found using thematerial and tool list together will makebuilding your ownprojects easier and quicker.Over the years I have used a great number of sources toacquireplans for my wood furniture projects, book's, magazines andotherwoodworkers. Books and magazines are a good source, but I findinmany cases the plans are just too small to be read easily andtheolder I get the harder they are to read. Other woodworkers areagreat source because over the years, they tend to accumulatealarge variety of plans for wood furniture projects. However,ifthey are like most of us, you will have to look through a pileofprints a half mile high and in no particular order. It couldtakeforever to find the particular wood furniture projectsyou'relooking for.The best place though that I have found is the Internet. Thatiswhere I found great plans for wood furniture projects. I havefounda package of 16,000 plans that will accommodate both thebeginnerand the expert woodworker.. They meet all the criteria wehave setout for clarity and ease of use. They also come with thelot ofextra features. There are a number of very helpful videosthatguide you through different wood furniture projects. These arejustgreat for the beginner. I like the idea that all the plansaredownloadable to my computer and available to me anytime Iwantthem. I can pull them up if I'm having a problem with any ofmywood furniture projects and zoom in on any part of thewoodworkingplan and print it out so that I have more detail. What agreatfeature this is.
Best Tiny House Plans 1.0
There are a number of ways to designsmallhouse plans to maximize the amount of space available.Theseapproaches are particularly important in urban areas wherespace isvery limited. Most architects who design plans for smallhousesknow the tricks of the trade needed to make the rooms andspacelook larger. However, a homeowner should also be educated onthedifferent approaches and techniques for the interior design tomakethe best use of their tiny house plans.A common characteristic of small house plans is an attempt tomakethe room seem like it is bigger than the actual footage oftheroom. One of the ways architects compensate for the squarefootagein small home plans is to build high ceilings, therebymaking thespace feel larger regardless of the actual squarefootage.There a number of design tools a homeowner can apply to accentthisfeature. The owner can create a horizontal border across theroomand paint the lower half a slightly darker color and top halfalighter color. This creates a visual illusion of moreheight.Homeowners can also compliment their small home plans bybuyingsmall paintings that are similar in size and hang them inavertical line in a prominent area on the wall. This also createsanillusion and draws the focus to the vertical height rather thanthelength or width.Another facet homeowners must consider when deciding how tousetheir small house plans is the placement of furniture. Acommonmistake made by interior designers for small house plans isusinglarge furniture that does not fit the space.A huge, overstuffed couch may be a beautiful piece, however inasmall space it becomes overbearing. It is important tounderstandabout these plans that every inch is important.Homeowners mustavoid over decorating the rooms to compensate forthe size, as theover decorating can emphasize the smallness of thearea. The bestapproach to design for tiny house plans is to keepthe furnitureand decorations minimal.The furniture should also range in height. A large lamppost nexttothe couch will make the couch look less cumbersome. Instead ofaheavy bookcase that takes up space, homeowners should useshelvesfor their books that vary in height, thus saving space andcreatinga visual illusion.
Hand Embroidery Designs 1.0
Which do you prefer? The laborious handmadedesign or the easy to make machine embroidery patterns? Nomatterwhich type you choose, the intricacy and complexity ofembroiderystyles and designs can still be a stand out, especiallyif youchoose the right threads and fabric. These are the factorsthatdetermine the beauty and elegance of the finished embroideredworktogether with the pattern and the design.Before you decide, let's have an overview of the two methods usedinmaking embroidery design.Hand embroidery is undeniably difficult since it requirescleareyesight and careful manipulation of the thread and fabricusingthe fingers and hands coupled with imagination andcreativity.Other materials can also be added to come up withvariety indesigns or patterns. There are different types of handembroiderydesigns, which include ribbon and lace embroidery, crossstitch,and canvas work.Ribbon and lace embroidery has been used during the old timestoproduce floral designs. It is a good choice for starters sinceitis easy to do as compared with other types. Cross stitchiscommonly used and is even the most famous type of embroiderythatinvolves counted X shaped stitches to form various typesofpatterns and designs. It can also be made easily although itmayrequire careful attention to the number of X stitches to followthedesired design. Canvas work uses yarns and canvas fabric, whichmaynot be too easy for beginners.Machine embroidery designs are used in almost any type offabric,including a handkerchief, towel, t shirt, skirt, cap, or inanytype of cloth or fabric. Machine embroidery is obviouslymucheasier, especially when it comes to intricate designs andpatterns.The design it produces can range from simple to complex.It ispreferable to use computer controlled embroidery machines whenyouopt for complicated designs and patterns. However it must firstbeconverted into digitized form which must be inputted tothecomputer's system.
Folding Origami Animal 1.0
Origami started in the 17th century inJapan.It makes geometric folds on a piece of paper to makedifferentobjects. It basically uses small folding patterns.In the earlier Japanese days, origami was given as gifts orgoodluck tokens in ceremonies. Origami has come a very long waysincethis then. It is now considered an international art. And amilliondifferent patterns have already been created throughouttheworld.Origami is like practical geometry, with paper as thebasicmaterial. Any parallel material can be used for folding. Anormalpaper for simple folds can weigh 70-90 g/m² or 19 to 24pounds.Heavy paper of 100g/m² can be wet-folded. The techniqueallows arounded sculpting of its replica which becomes firmwhendried.There is a Japanese paper called kami which is lighter than acopypaper. It is sold in prepackaged sizes of squares that rangefrom2.5 centimeters to 25 cm. The two sides have white andcoloredversions that can be used for changing model colors.A foil-backed paper is another option. It is a thin sheet foilgluedto a thin sheet of paper just like a tissue foil in themarket. Itshould be handmade to make it suitable for complexmodels.Washi is another kind of paper in Japan used for origami. Itistougher than an ordinary paper. Washi is made from gampi treewoodpulp used in traditional arts.Another strong paper used in insect models is the artisan papersuchas lokta, kozo, unryu, hanji and saa. They have thin longfibers andoften back-coated with methylcellulose (wheat paste)beforefolding.Paper money is also a popular material in making origami. Itiscommonly called moneygami. Some prefer to use folding bonelikenails to aid with creasing and sharpening the edgeswhilefolding.The most well known form of origami is the paper crane. Itbeginswith a square sheet of paper with different colors on thesides.You can also make a finger ring, shirt and a dime from apaperbill. Children like to create origami animals like a snake,rabbit,frog and a dog face.Origami covers moving objects also. Action origami can be movedinsmart ways. It requires inflation to fly and uses handkineticenergy to move. Japanese flapping bird was the first actionorigamithat appeared.To get you started, start with a square sheet of paper. Itvariesfrom one project to another. You can make your own sheet ofpaperor buy sheets at the craft stores. Origami paper is muchexpensivebut will produce better results. If you are usingnon-origamipaper, make sure it is crisp to avoid tearing.Get clear instruction, one easy for you to understand. Startwithsimple projects, then work your way up to morecomplexdesigns.Know the basic kinds of folding. It is the basis of even themostcomplex designs you will encounter. You may not be able to getitin your first try, but be patient. With continued practice,youwill become more familiar with the basic folds.Origami is requires patience, creativity and imagination.
Origami And Craft Ideas 1.0
Origami, the ancient Japanese art ofpaperfolding, might have actually originated in China. Papermakingwasdeveloped in China and some of the oldest surviving examplesoffolding paper models are from there.However, Japan embraced origami and, in most peoples' minds, theartis distinctly Japanese. In its traditional form, a square pieceofpaper is formed into an endless variety of shapes, using asmallnumber of different folds. Cutting and pasting are not part ofthetraditional practice.Besides China, other countries have also taken up paper folding.InSpain and France, starting in the 16th Century, documents,probablybaptismal certificates, were folded into little birds,known as"Pajarita" in Spain and "Cocotte" in France.Origami designs can be simple hats or airplanes, or can becomplexstructures such as animals or buildings, which can takequite awhile to fold. Sometimes the more complex shapes are made offoilrather than paper, since the foil can be folded more times,whilecreating less bulk.Standard origami paper is generally a 6" (15 cm) square.Standardfolds are used to create bases, the most common of whichare thekite, fish, bird and frog.Once the base is shaped, other folds are added to create almostanyshape.One of the most famous Japanese origami shapes is the crane.TheJapanese consider the crane auspicious. Legend has it thatanyonewho folds a thousand paper cranes will have their heart'sdesirecome true. The origami crane has since become a symbol ofpeace inJapan.In the 1920's and 30's, Joseph Albers began to create spiralandcurved shapes in his origami works. Later, Akira Yoshizawainspiredthe modern revival of the art using even more intricatedesigns andintroducing new techniques such as wet folding, so theorigamipaper holds its shape better.To show off the versatility and originality that can beorigami,every year for the past 30 years, the American Museum ofNaturalHistory in New York has erected a Christmas tree solelydecoratedwith many different origami shapes such as crabs,lobsters, birds,turtles and dinosaurs. It's truly amazing tobehold!There are many books on origami available for beginners tothosewith more skill. One of the best is "The Complete Book ofOrigami:Step-by-Step Instructions in over 1000 Diagrams with 37OriginalModels", by Robert Lang.The first part of this book is an excellent introduction intothebasic skills needed to do origami. Each model is designed toletyou practice one skill several times. This book is a wellknowsource of origami instructions.You can also buy kits complete with illustrated instructions andthematerials you need to get started.It is truly amazing what can be created from a simple pieceofpaper. All but the youngest children can make these miniatureworksof art. It is a craft worth exploring.
Easy Origami 3D 1.0
Origami is an art of paper folding,thereforeall you should need is a piece of paper and you can startfoldingaway without any problems, right? Well, almost. You mightneed afew other things that we will talk about in thischapter.Aside from the materials, we are also going to show you some ofthebasic folds, and how to read the directions of many of thepatternsthat you can find.MaterialsIn origami, you might not just need paper - it always depends onhowfar you want to take your creations. Here are some of the toolsinyou should have in the toolbox:PaperFoil BackingScissors or bladesGlues and paints and other craft goodsPaperYou can almost use any type of paper in any color that youwant.But, in order to make your origami fun and not frustrating,itmight be best to use standard printer paper. If you usethinnerpaper, you might tear or wear out the sheets. If you useheavierpaper, it might not be the easiest to work with, and thefolds getmore difficult to make as the paper folds overitself.Some of the different kinds of paper you might want touseare:Colored bond paper (standard printer paper in a color)Colored construction paperNewspaperPlain white paperCommercial origami paperColored and plain white bond paper can be bought inexpensivelyforjust a few dollars and most of your basic origami creations canbemade with this paper. You can also use construction paper, butitis heavier, and you won't have a lot of luck doingwetfolding.Many experienced origami enthusiasts will use commercialorigamipaper. This kind of paper is slightly lighter than standardbondpaper, but it is actually more durable than itsbondcounterpart.One of the other advantages of using commercial origami paper isthefact that it is only colored on one side. The opposite side ofthisorigami paper is white. This is extremely helpful if youaredesigning or building dual-colored pieces like a zebra,forinstance.Foil backingThis isn't a major item in origami, until you get intomoreintricate designs. Many experienced origami artists use foilbackpaper for certain items that you aren't going to be able tofoldwith regular paper. These items might include: antennae oninsectdesigns, and possibly small legs on any of the othercreatures thattickle your fancy.You can usually find foil backed paper in a craft store and itcanquite expensive. Some people make their own (quiteinexpensively)but it can be messy, as it involves using craft glueand aluminumfoil wrap along with tissue paper to give you the samekind oflook.Scissors and bladesAlthough traditionalists might have a problem with usingscissorsand blades to help cut paper, it does have to happensometimes.With that said, it rarely has to happen when you aredoing theactual design of the origami piece.Many of the origami patterns call for a square piece of paper,andunless you get commercial origami paper, you might have to cutyourown to size. A good pair of scissors or an artist's blade andastraight edge will do the trick.
Classy Wedding Ring Design 1.0
Traditionally speaking, not having aweddingring or band to present when proposing to your significantother isa practice that is frowned upon. For most part, theengagement ringis simply a symbol, which is then replaced by theactual weddingring. Many couples choose to keep the same ring inboth cases, andso it is necessary to have a wonderful wedding ringdesign. Eventhe simplest of wedding bands comes with a smallflourish of designthese days, and that is what one mustdecide.Over the years, there are certain wedding ring design ideasthathave become the most popular. Leading these are the diamondringsand platinum wedding bands. When you visit a jewellery store,youwill find many dozens of such rings in varying designs.Whenpicking out the perfect wedding ring, there are two ways togo.First of these is to choose from the variety of designspresentedto you at the store. The other is to customize the designas peryour taste and have a brand new wedding ring. Whencustomizing, youcan also change the design of a family heirloomring. The choice isyours.When the choice has been made, you can start thinking ofdesignideas. It does not matter if you are picking a ready-made oneasthey too come in many cuts, sets and designs which have tobeselected in advance. It may not sound very romantic, but whenyousee the smile on your partner's face on seeing theperfectlydesigned ring; it will definitely be worth all of theeffort. Butfirst, you should know of the best wedding ring designto buyfrom.Thinking Of Ring Design IdeasMost of us have seen the wedding rings that our parents havebeenwearing for many years and remember those as the designs.Othershave a family ring belonging to their grandmothersorgreat-grandmothers that they wish to present. However, all ofthesedesigns are many years old as of now and there many modernones inthe market. Before you decide upon any wedding ring design,makesure that your significant other prefers one style over theother.Usually, the choice is between the classic designs, thevintagedesigns and the modern ones.In the last ten years, many young couples have found thattheyprefer unique ideas when it comes to picking out a weddingringdesign. Pop culture, video gaming and various other interestshaveinfluenced the designing process and many jewellersprovideservices in customizing the ring into various shapes andthemes.Certain rings can be made in a way that they look incompletewhenworn separately and as a full design when kept together.However,if you prefer that your wedding ring design be of theclassic sort,you need not worry as there many such rings easilyavailable.Picking out a wedding ring design also depends on yourbudget.Certain designs may cost an upwards of $5,000 to fullycustomizeand create apart from the original cost of the diamond. Toget abeautifully designed ring on a considerably smaller budget isnotextremely difficult, but it will take some effort to getexactlywhat you have been looking for without any compromise.What Are The Best Ring Designs For Women?Finding a wedding ring that your girlfriend will love at firstsightis both one of the easiest and the most difficult things todo. Tobegin with, having a diamond ring is the safest way to gosincethere are few women that will not appreciate one on theirfinger.From there on, you will have to decide the design in whichthediamond will be set. Here, it is possible to get the wrongweddingring design. But there are certain ring designs for womenthat willnever lead you wrong. To get them, you will first of allhave to getthe correct ring size for her. When you get that, youcan moveforward.
Drawing Dragon Tutorials 1.0
Therefore, it's easy for an artist to lethisor her imagination run wild an create a dragon that'snotacceptable for the audience.Basically, there're two types of fantasy dragons that you wanttotake note of. Eastern dragons and western dragons lookverydifferent. Somehow, through the ages, people have come toacceptdifferent images of the dragon. What's the difference betweenthetwo?Eastern dragons have evolved into a slender looking creaturewithshort legs. The head is often the area of focus withmajesticlooking hair and feelers. It has short legs, and usuallyseem to bejust floating around. It'll be hard to find a picture ofan easterndragon walking on the groung.Western dragons appear more stout and powerful with theirmuscularbodies. They look more logically built with wings and fourlegsthat they use to walk on. Also, they don't have as much hair onthehead compared to an eastern dragon.Both eastern and western dragons have scales and are able tobreathfire.The back drop for eastern dragons is usually clouds, whilethebackground for western dragons is usually mountains.When drawing dragons, the key essence is to make the dragonlookpowerful and majestic. So you can play around with the hair,thewings, and the eyes to achieve a fierce and magnificentlook.The scales are optional, but if you have the time, try drawingthescales to give the body a shiny coat of armor, especially forthewestern dragon. That's because a western dragon are well knownfortheir fighting ability, while the eastern dragon are morewellknown for their magical powers.Whichever type of dragon you're drawn to, keep in mind thatdragonsare mystical creatures. That means you're allowed to pushtheboundaries sometimes and experiment with different looks.Nobodycan tell you that your dragon looks wrong!
Drawing Cartoons 1.0
Drawing cartoon faces is a fun hobby to do.Ithelps you develop your creativity and your imagination increatingparticular characters. Today, this hobby can even help youearnsome money. If you are serious about making cartoon, you can beagreat cartoonist. Animation has progressed rapidly andanimatedmovies have successfully attracted audiences' attention.People whohave talent in this field can take benefits from therapid progressof animation industry.Drawing cartoon is not an easy task since it involves creativityandimagination in creating the expressions. However, you don'tneed toworry if you don't have the skill of drawing. There arealwayschances to learn. You can start allocating some hours a dayto learnthe basic of drawing. As time goes by, your skill willincrease andyou can create more creative characters on yourcartoon. To beginthe learning process, you can check theexplanation below.Guidelines on Drawing Cartoon Faces1. Before drawing any cartoon faces, the first thing that youneedto understand is the basic shapes. It is essential for you tolearnthe simple geometric shapes like triangular, circle and oval.Inaddition, you are also required to have the skill in drawinglineswhether it is straight, curved, slanted or curly. Once youhavemastered the art of drawing basic shapes and lines, now youcanmove to the next step of drawing cartoon faces.2. The second thing to learn is proportions. Generally,cartoonfaces consist of head, eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows and ears.Sincethese features are common, you need to keep them in mindwhendrawing cartoons. You can start drawing crossed lines in ordertokeep the facial features well-balanced. Commonly, cartoonfaces'eyes are half way down the face as well as the mouth.3. Now, you come to the intriguing aspect of drawing cartoon:faceshapes. In drawing cartoon faces, there are no strict rulesthatyou should use. On the other hand, a cartoonist is required tobeas creative as possible to create the face. You can combinesomedifferent shapes to create unique characters. Commonly,cartoonheads are not always circular. Squarish or triangular headscan beused to create unique faces.4. Once you have created your cartoon head successfully, now youcanadd its hair. Make sure that you draw the hair after drawingtheears. For a better result, the hair should not be complicated.Youcan use simple lines to make a cool hairstyle.5. If you expect your cartoon to be different from theexistingcartoon characters, try to create unique expressions. Thisgoal canbe achieved by altering three factors of cartoon facenamely mouth,eyelids and eyebrows. You can create differentexpressions likeshock, anger, anxiety or joy by linking the eyes,eyebrows andmouth position. Accessories like sunglasses can beadded for a coollook.Drawing cartoon can be an easy task to do if you know thebasics.Once you have mastered the basic rules, you can develop yourideasas creative as possible in order to achieve the uniquecharacters.It is a good idea to browse the existing cartoonexpressions tofind inspirations.
Crochet Bag Patterns 1.0
Crochet is a wonderfully relaxing activitythatis being enjoyed by a lot of people, women in particular. Youcancreate a lot of things using crochet - bags, wallets, purses,cellphone holders, laptop sleeves, and even curtains! You can usetheusual stitch, but to make your creation more interesting, youcanalso use different crochet patterns. There are a lot of themthatyou can choose from.If you are looking for a crochet pattern for something that youareplanning to make, there are many sources from which you cangetideas from. Let me tell you all about themCrochet Patterns OnlineThere are a lot of websites that you can go to for crochetpatterns.The Internet is a great place where you can get a lot ofideasinvolving crochet patterns. You could also order yourcrochetmaterials online if you want to!Buy a BookYou do not need an expensive, new book to tell you allaboutcrochet. We all know that crochet is a craft that hasbeenpracticed many years before. Your grandmother surely knows howtocrochet, and maybe even your grandmother's grandmother too! Anyoldbook concerning crochet can be bought at discount book stores.Youmight even find them at the local library.As your GrandmotherI'm serious! Your grandmother might just be the best person toteachyou how to create new and wonderful crochet patters. Thatway, youwould also be able to ask her to review your stitches ifit needsany improvement.Once you have established the kind of design you would want togowith your creation, you can begin making then as soon aspossible.Crochet is a wonderful hobby that you can do while talkingto yourfriends, having a cup of tea, or watching television. Theprocessis pretty repetitive, and you really do not need to put in alot ofmental activity while doing the task.To get you started, here are some very popularcrochetstitches:Basic stitch - you would probably already know how to make abasiccrochet stitch. If you don't it's about time you learn. Thesebasicstitches are important for you would be beginning and endinganypatter with a basic stitch.Cluster stitch - this kind of stitch is very interesting and hasawonderful texture. It is great to look at, especially when youusemultiple colors.Lace stitch - now this is something wonderful to make. This kindofstitch imitates the look of lace, looking like patterns withholesin it. Using a white tread, you could easily pull off thelacelook. This would look great as a lining for curtains and lendsafeminine feel to almost anything.Other than crocheting, knitting is also another activity that alotof people enjoy. Unlike crochet, knitting is faster because ithasbigger knitting stitches. You can make scarves, sweaters andawhole lot more with knitting.So, jump-start a new hobby now! Look up look up crochetingorknitting on the Internet. I'm sure you'll find a lot ofsourcesthere.
Drawing For Beginners 1.0
If you want to learn how to draw, youcanactually learn this skill and start practicing your hand withsometechniques and tips to be able to make your drawing morerealisticand more impressive. If you are a beginner in this skill,read onfor tips and tricks in drawing for beginners.Some people may be born as great artists but do not lose hopejustbecause you don't find yourself a great artist. Take time tolearna few tips and tricks and you will eventually improveyourdrawings. Here are some use things that you might find usefulinyour quest to learn drawing.- Do not attempt to draw every little detail that you can findinthe photograph. You don't have to be that detailed to get abetterdrawing. Keep in mind that the larger details in the picturescountmost than the finer details and keep in mind as well that youcaneasily get lost with the finer details, so take time to focusmoreon the larger forms first than going for the finerdetails.-Have a goal in mind if you are drawing. Visualizing yourdrawingcan be a good start in trying to make better drawings thanjuststarting to focus on the details too soon. Having a picture inmindwill also guide you in achieving the output of your drawingaswell.- Even before you start your drawing, make sure that you havemappedout the proportion of your drawing according to theavailable spaceyou have. One of the common mistakes in drawing isnot having enoughspace for the entire drawing and that can end upto your failure ofhaving the entire image in your availablespace.- Familiarize your drawing materials. It is important that youknowwhat to use to create finer lines and broader lines, lighterordarker highlights or what you need in shading. Indeed, havingagood grasp of what you will use to create certain effects onyourdrawing can be helpful.- Do not judge your drawing even before you are finished. If youarejudging your drawing too much even before it has beencompleted,this may discourage you and may even lead you to giveupearlier.- Learn how to vary the weight of your lines in drawing. Youcanmake certain lines darker by using other pencils or bypressingdeeper, add finer lines by lifting your pencils a bit.Usingvarying weights with your pencil will allow you to makebetterdrawings than drawing with uniform line weights.- Learn some techniques and master them. The hatching techniqueandcontour drawing technique are just among the techniques thatyoucan learn to help you master drawing as well.Of course, practice is essential. Even with just beginner tipsandtricks or even if you start learning a few lessons on drawingforbeginners, you will eventually learn to master them one by oneandlearn how to draw better.Carolyn Anderson loves to learn drawing and painting. If you wanttolearn how to draw cars fast, check out Draw Cars Fast. Alsocheckout Instructional Drawing Videos, a video tutorial that canhelp youlearn how to draw different objects step-by-step.
Drawing A Cars Tutorials 1.0
Everybody wants to be an expert atalmostanything. However, there are those who are talented and thusdo notrequire a lot of effort. None-the-less, this one is not areasonwhy those who are not talented not to perfect theirexistingskills. You can actually learn how to draw a car just liketheexperts do. All you need is to have the will and patiencerequiredso as to realize your goals. In these modern days, you canfind anarray of tutorials that offer guidance on this matter. Theyhaveclearly highlighted instructions on how to draw a car and somewilleven include examples of how your drawing will look like afterafew steps along the way.Videos on how to draw a car are also available so you do nothaveany reason why you should not draw a quality car. Learningthebasics is usually the first step and once you are throughwiththis, a few tries will guide you in classifying your self. Thefactthat learning how to draw a car is much simpler nowadays thanitwas makes the experience worth trying.Understanding your arts and drawings may be a big plus but mostofthe tutorials are easy to understand for almost everyone.Everyexpert at anything always has to pass through the basics andso youhave to be patient in learning how to draw a car at thisstage intime. The first step that most potential car drawingexperts needto learn is basically the use of shapes and how toapply them.Shapes form the basis of any drawing and the faster yougrasp theaspect of using shapes, the faster you will have theability todraw like an expert.
DIY Photo Frame Ideas 1.0
It is not just adequate to take agoodphotograph nowadays. You need to work on the basic photographforquite sometime after it becomes a complete work in itself andisfit for exposure. One of the most important steps in creatingthefinished product is the editing of the photograph. You needtoadjust the color, the light and the size of the photo.Another very crucial aspect of the photograph is its frame. Whenwelook at digital photographs, the frames tend to have an impactuponus. You must have seen that often, even a good photographfeelsincomplete. Although one is not able to pin point the reasonbehindthis, one is left with a sense of lack after looking atthepicture. In most cases that this happens, the photo does nothave aproper frame.So when you are working on your photograph, one of yourprimaryconcerns should be putting the photograph on a properdigital framethat enhances the look and the feel of thephotograph.There are many ways in which you can create your own digitalframe.You can use many programs and software that are available inthemarket to create your own digital frames. Creating your ownframesis a very good option. However, digital designing of framesis nota cakewalk for those who have no idea about how certainprogramswork.An effective way to create digital frames is by using Photoshop.Youcan use the pen tool to create the shape of the frame and thenaddlayers on it to give the colors and the effects to the frame.Butcreating frames through Photoshop is quite a difficult taskforthose who are new to Photoshop and those who are not aware ofhowexactly the tools in Photoshop work.
New Embroidery Patterns 1.0
There are all sorts of different places thataperson can go to for finding embroidery patterns. These areplacesthat can easily stir one's muse. Here are a few options toconsiderwhen finding patterns. They are all places that can offerpatternsthat can be handled by people of all types of skills andabilitiesin the world of embroidery.The first thing to do is to consider a hobby magazine. Ahobbymagazine can include all sorts of different ideas with regardstoembroidery patterns. These are things that feature details onallsorts of different types of patterns. These can includepatternsthat work with specific colors and thread types. The greatthing tosee about these resources is that many magazines canfeaturetracing paper materials. These can be used to ensure thatone'sembroidery pattern can be traced onto a fabric so that it willbeeasier for a person to work with creating the best possiblepatternfor one's material.Next a person can look online for different ideas. There aremanydifferent places to go online with regards to differentembroiderypatterns. Many websites can have different types ofpatterns thatdeal with all sorts of new trends. Many sites can evenallow peopleto work to create their own personalized patterns.These are greatpatterns to use when it comes to making embroiderybecause of howit is easy to get whatever one is looking for online.Any tracingpaper that would be used for any of these patterns willhave to bemanually prepared by the person who is getting theembroiderypattern handled though.Another thing to see involves checking with other people. Therearemany different types of people that one might know whoisinterested in working with embroidery patterns. A goodembroideryclub in one's area can offer all sorts of pieces ofinformation andsupport with regards to getting embroidery materialshandled. Thisis perfect for those who are interested in embroideryand want tomake their patterns look as good as possible.The packaging and manual for any embroidery materials that onehascan work as well. Many embroidery threads, fabrics and otheritemscan be packaged with unique instructions on how to workwithdifferent types of patterns. This can be a good thing to seebutmany of the patterns that will be available are going to beonesthat are strictly for beginners. A person who is moreexperiencedin embroidery may end up wanting something more out ofone'spatterns.These are good places to go when it comes to handlingembroiderypatterns. These are places that can work with a varietyofdifferent types of options for all sorts of interests. Thesearegreat for people of all embroidery skill levels as well. Thereispractically no limit as to how many patterns one can find aslongas a person looks to find them in all of the rightplaces.Uncover a secret library of embroidery resources that showyouexactly how to create your own stunning embroidery piecesusingsimple to follow techniques.
Creative Envelope Design 1.0
A personalized greeting card is such asweetgift to give and to receive. It is a unique way to show howyoufeel in a very simple but exciting and sincere way as youexpresshow you truly feel about the recipient. While the card ismostimportant, the envelope should also be given importance sinceit isthe first thing that the receiver will see when you handyourgreeting card. You can make your envelope fun and creative asyourgreeting card as well.You can always draw some designs in your envelop which matchesthedesigns that you have in your card. Envelopes fromdifferentcolored papers is also a nice idea, you can also put yourpictureas the giver and the picture of the recipient in front oftheenvelope. A caricature of the recipient on the envelope willalsogive a surprise to the one who will receive the card. You canalsoput the some of the receiver's favorite cologne or perfume intheenvelope and greeting card. A glued dry flower or leaf foranenvelope is one of a kind.Other ideas like putting your letter in the bottle hand paintedwithcolorful designs. Rather than putting your card in aconventionalenvelope why not put it in a box with chocolatesinside, which wouldbe sweet literally! it is also nice to giveyour cards with thefirst three or four lines of your messagewritten in the front ofthe envelop and the rest of the messagewill be written inside thegreeting card.There are many ideas that you can think of to make not just foryourcard but also the envelope. There is no limit on what you cando onthis things to make it more especial and one of a kind. Allyou needto have is your creativity to work and be inspired by theperson towhom you will give your card. The recipient of the cardwill surelytreasure an extraordinary gift that you have givenbecause of thetime and effort that you have spent not just withthe card, themessage but also with the envelope that goes with it.Your giftwould be more than an expensive present that is boughtfrom thedepartment store because it could not be found anywhereelse and itis made especially for the recipient alone.Home based greeting card business will give you extra incomewhileyou are in the comfort of your own home. There are many Homebasedgreeting card ideas, that you can think of to make yourbusinessunique and salable to the public.
Mens Kurta Fashion Design 1.0
Gone of the days, when women wereonlyconsidered as the show stoppers. Nowadays, men can also becometheshow stoppers in any of the parties. The Indian weddings&functions are just incomplete without the rich Indian ethnicwears.These are basically the most popular outfits that perfectlymatchesthese occasions. One of the most famous varieties of theseis thedesigner kurtas. These are considered as the best outfits formenas these can easily offer them the royal looks.The designer kurtas are basically the long tunics that arewornalong with the pajama. In addition to this, the men also haveachoice to wear stylish Nagra shoes along with the matchingstole.This is basically a traditional wear, but the rapidlychangingfashion trends have also transformed these into stylishoutfits.Nowadays, the designers are offering their collection inappealingdesigns & shades in order to meet the exactrequirements of thebuyers. The designers are creating their designsas per the latestprevailing fashion trends of the ramp in order tomake theircollection flawless.Some Of The Most Popular Varieties Available In The MarketLong KurtasThese are basically the long tunics. These are specially createdindifferent colors so that these can perfectly matchfestiveoccasions. These are available in the knee-length & areperfectto wear along with the pajamas. The designers are creatingtheircollections in appealing designs & colorful shades. Thedrasticchanging fashion trends have also changed the designingpatterns ofthe pajamas. Nowadays, these are created in the pant cutformat inorder to offer a modern touch to the collections.Short KurtasThe designer kurta collections are available in variedlengths.These are perfect to wear on normal occasions. These can beworn onthe pajamas, dhoti-pants, pant cut pajamas or even atjeans.Kurta ShirtsThese are very beautiful creation of Indian designers. Thesearespecially designed in the shape of the t-shirts in order toofferamazing looks to the wearer. These can perfectly match thetheme ofevery occasion & offer full comfort to thewearer.The designing patterns of the designer kurtas have beenchangeddrastically with the evolution of new fashion trends.Previously,these were only offered in the conventional colors but,now buyersprefer colorful patterns. The designers are usingdifferent colorsextensively in order to make their collectionsexclusive &unique.Apart from this, in some of the most appealing designs ofthedesigner kurtas, heavy artistic work is also used. Inthesecollections, the fascinating motifs are created usingdecorativeitems like sequins, beads & stones. One can wearthesecollections on the normal as well as on theauspiciousoccasions.
Drawing Eyes Tutorials 1.0
Drawing Eyes is one of the vitals of ahumanimage or a human facial image. Eyes are one of the mostimportantparts of a human body, as they have the Sense of Sight& helpus see and distinguish between various shapes &colors. Otherthan performing their basic, visionary function, Eyesare alsoconsidered the mirror of the soul. Eyes can reveal a lotabout aperson. They are a reflection of a person's inner self,includingher or his expressions, emotions, personality, thinking,etc. Forthis reason, most artists pay special emphasis to Eyes,whilepainting a human figure. If drawn properly, Eyes can impart alifelike touch to an inanimate character or face. Drawing Eyescanconvey most of the expressions, the artists wants to, throughtheirpaintings of human or facial images.Owing to the complexity of expressions and feelings involved,Eyesmay turn out to be one of the most difficult features to bedrawnin a human face, though they are the most interesting one ofalltoo. The ensuing discussion talks about some simple stepsfordrawing Eye. Lets have a look.o Observation. Before you begin drawing Eyes, take a good lookattheir frame and shape. Note every small detail of Eyes such as,theshape of the Eyeball, Iris, Eye Lids, Eye Brows, andsurroundingSkin to name some.o Drawing Outline. Draw a light sketch of a pair of Eyes. Justkeepthem simply at a basic Oval shape.o Eye Corners. Draw a rough sketch of the Eyes over the Ovalshape.Fill their Inner and Outer Corners.o Pupil. Draw the Pupil of the Eyes. Place it properly inthedirection you want the Eyes to look at.o Skin Texture. Pay attention to small details around the Eyessuchas, Wrinkles, Lines, etc., and draw them appropriately, as itcouldenhance their overall look.o Shading. Depending on the light source, start shading theregionin and around Eyes. Finally shade the areas around the Eyesto makethem look more realistic. Darken the Eyeballs slightlytowardstheir Left and Right curves. This would give themuch-neededroundness to the Eyeball.o The Hairy Part. For more lifelike image of Eyes, add EyelashesandEyebrows.Drawing Eyes right is vital for the soul of a painting. DrawingEyetakes a lot of practice, but as they say, "practice makesyouperfect," therefore, have fun practicing and perfection shallsoonbe yours.
Cake Decorating Tutorials 1.0
One of the fastest growing hobbies todayiscake decoration. Yes people are getting involved withcakedecorating in record numbers. Due to the influx of TV showsaboutthe subject, all of the sudden it seems as if there is amassiveamount of people who want to get involved with the activity.Andthat is a good thing. It is a very fun activity to do andmostpeople seem to enjoy it. No matter what their skill level isthereare thousands of people who make cakes everyday with thesolepurpose of trying to create a piece of art.While some people just look at it as a hobby and as somethingtopass the time away, there are quite a few people who arereallygetting into it. While they may have started off cakedecoratingjust to have a good time, they find that they have a realpassionfor the activity and they want to be able to take it to thenextlevel. They want to see if they have the skills necessary tobeable to compete with the people that they see on TV. And thatmakesa lot of sense. An activity like cake decorating helps youscratchan artistic itch that many other activities do not allow youto do.If you are someone who works nine to five in an office,cakedecorating allows you to be creative for a few hours a week. Soifyou want to take cake decorating a little bit more seriously,hereare a few tips that will help you become better at thecraft.Tip one is to make sure that you cook and decorate cakes all ofthetime. You do not want to go weeks at a time without decoratingacake. At the very least not in the beginning when you arefirstgetting started. This is a good way to forget everything thatyoulearned the last time you decorated a cake. While you do nothaveto bake and decorate a cake everyday of the week at least trytomake sure you do it at least once every two weeks.Tip two is to read or watch a few general design tutorials.Mostpeople who start off in the cake decorating world just readcakedecorating tutorials and that is it. And while that is fine tohelpyou get started, if you want to truly get your creativejuicesmoving then you are going to have to go past that. You aregoing tohave to read a few books that talk about color, designaesthetic,and perspective. All of this will help your designs lateron downthe road.Tip three is to make sure that you learn about the ingredientsthatyou are using. If you want to become better at the craft ofcakedecorating then you have to make sure that you learn thematerialsthat you use. You have to learn how to manipulate boththick andthin frosting. You have to learn how to keep a cake fromcrumblingwhile you are working on it. Learning about the strengthsandweaknesses of the sugarcraft products that you are using will goalong way in making you a better cake decorator.Overall if you want to become better at any craft then you havetopractice. But you cannot just practice the same thing over andoveragain. Learn the different aspects of your art and you willsoonbecome a master.Cakes by Deborah are pleased tooffer any support in the form ofCakedecorating tools and supplies to people looking to becomeexperts inthe field of sugarcraft, we also provide tuition at ourstore inLeicestershire for anyone looking to get into the hobby orlookingto improve their piping skills or make the perfectsugarcraftarrangement.
Icing Cake Decoration 1.0
When it comes to cake decorating, icing isyoursecret weapon. Not only can you cover up many bakingboo...boos, butyou just can't decorate a cake without icing. It'sthe glue thatholds everything together and the sweet stuff thatmakes it alltaste so good. Three of the most commonly used typesof icing arebutter cream, royal icing, and fondant. Here is aquick look at thethree different kinds of cake decorating icingand their uses.The Basic IngredientsAll cake icing is basically created from a combination ofsugar,butter, egg whites, and flavoring. Here is a quick and easyrecipefor simple cake icing.Butter CreamButter cream icing is probably the most commonly used form oficingused in cake decorating. Butter cream icing is creamy, lightandeasy to work with. It is usually used as the base layer offrostingon a cake or what is called a crumb coat. It is easy tomake buttercream thick or thin by adding more or less of your wetingredients.Simply add coco powder or orange extract to the recipebelow andyou'll have an easy to make home-made butter cream recipethat canbe used for any occasion.Butter Cream Recipe:6 cups powdered sugar1 cup milk1/2 cup very soft butter3 tsp vanilla extractJust mix together the above ingredients and add food coloring&flavorings of your choice. Will cover two 9x11 cakes.Royal IcingAnother popular icing used in cake decorating is royal icing.Royalicing is usually made with meringue powder and has a verysweettaste. It is much different from butter cream icing becauseitdries faster and has a firm texture. It is great fordoingintricate lace work, piping flower designs. It is great forholdingparts together. A gingerbread house is a perfect example ofa greatuse of royal icing.Royal Icing Recipe:4 tablespoons of meringue powder5 cups of confectioners' sugar7 tablespoons of warm waterMix all ingredients for about 10 minutes with a hand-held mixeronhigh-speed, or until icing starts to form peaks. Add more orlesswater for your desired consistency.FondantIf you ever watch any of those cake decorating shows ontelevisionthan you are familiar with the use of fondant. Fondanthas theconsistency of molding clay and is commonly used to makefigurinesand is easily shaped into fun characters. Fondant can alsobe usedto cover and entire cake when it is rolled out flat witharolling-pin. It is soft and pliable and provides a great andstablebase for your cake decorations. I recently used fondant tomakesome sesame street characters for my grandson's secondbirthdayparty and he went wild. Now you can actually buy fondantthat ispre made or you can make it your self and just add foodcoloring toget the colors you want.Fondant Recipe:2 Tbsp of unflavored gelatin1/2 cup of cold water2 tsp of almond extract1 cup of light corn syrup2 Tbsp of glycerin4 lbs confectioners' sugar1 tsp of vegetable shorteningAdd the gelatin to cold water in a bowl and let it stand untilsoft,put in microwave for 30 seconds and add almond extract. Next,mixcorn syrup and glycerin until smooth & clear. In a largebowladd the sugar, make a hole in the center and add liquidmixture,stir with a spoon until sticky. On a smooth work surfacesprinkledwith confectioners' sugar kneed the fondant until itbecomes smoothand pliable. Rub the shortening onto thumbs andkneed intofondant.Well there you have it. The three most popular types ofcakedecorating icing I sincerely hope these tips were helpful andwishyou all the best in your cake decorating adventures.
Cross Stitch Pattern 1.0
If you are an avid cross stitcher thenthechances are that at some stage you will probably want apatternthat you cannot find. In this case one way you can overcometheproblem is by using cross stitch pattern making software tocreateyour own pattern based on a picture that you have seen oreven bydrawing the pattern yourself. Unfortunately there arealsodisadvantages to cross stitch pattern making software and wewillconsider both the advantages and disadvantages inthisarticle.Cross Stitch Pattern Making Software Has Made Pattern MakingMuchQuicker and EasierIn the past cross stitch patterns were often made using pencilsandgraph paper. This was very time consuming and tedious work andonethat I am sure not many people today would enjoy. Fortunatelycrossstitch pattern making software has speeded up the processmaking itpossible to create your own cross stitch patterns a lotquicker andmore easily.Scanned Pictures May Require Some AdjustmentsWhat I have noticed when using cross stitch pattern makingsoftwareis that if you are scanning a picture into your computerthen youwill often need to make certain adjustments to the colorsto get itjust right. I also prefer to use less colors as I find itgets toocomplicated when using as many colors as the picture wouldcommonlycome out at. Although these adjustments can be more timeconsumingthey are still nothing compared to having to draw it allout ongraph paper.Cross Stitch Pattern Making Software Allows You to Make YourOwnFree PatternsThe greatest advantage of cross stitch pattern making softwareisthe flexibility that it provides to create any pattern thatyouwish to create. You can use any picture or even draw outanythingthat comes into your mind and turn it into a cross stitchpatternand you do not need to be limited by the patterns thatareavailable on the market.Cross stitch pattern making software is a great tool for anyavidcross stitcher and allows you to make a wide range of crossstitchpatterns yourself. You may need to make some adjustments tothepattern or take a little extra time on it but in the end thisisworth it.