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Shopping Girl Makeup 4.4.4
Shopping Girl Makeup
Lilian newborn brother 4.4.3
Hello, young children need special care, theyare very sensitive and you must be very careful when you have totake care of a baby. If you like small children then you willdefinitely love this game for girls. Through this baby game youwill be able to make new friends and test your abilities. Today youwill be able to help Lilian take care of her little brother, he wasborn recently and you have to take care of him all day. Theirparents will go to work and Lilian needs you to be able to dealwith her brother.Want to help Lilian? If you want to help her you will succeed toprove to everyone that you are a responsible child.Pay attention to the details of this birth game.Follow all instructions of the newborn game.Good luck!- You have to give him some toys;- Fill the tub with warm water and wash well the child;- Use a special shampoo;- Rinse with warm water;- Give him food;- Give him the healthiest foods;- Choose the most suitable clothes;- Be careful what accessories you choose;- Lilian is very happy because you helped her, you are a goodfriend.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us throughthis newborn baby game.Have fun!
Baby Room Decorating Games 5.8.7
Hello, because is approaching the birthday ofour little daughter, we decided to redecorate her room and for thiswe need your help. She must be happy in her new room and for thatwould be good to predominate pastel colors. Do you think you canhelp us to create a perfect atmosphere for the child? If so, thenyou have to start to decorate. You have to choose flooring,wallpaper, carpet, bed, curtain, window shape, closet, nightstand,table with chairs, toys, paintings on the walls and not leastchandelier model, which is very important because our baby sleepwith the light on. Thank you for help, we are sure that the childwill be happy and will have a nice surprise when she will see thenew room.
Princess Party Dress Up 5.6.3
Hello, in this princess game you will meet a beautiful youngprincess who since has received an invitation to the dance, from acharming prince, she does not rest until she succeed to prepare tobe the most beautiful princess. We have thought that only you canhelp us to prepare the princess. First you have to be careful withthe dress that you will choose because she is very pretentious.Then you have to choose her shoes, hairstyle, purse, crown andaccessories not least, those that will make her shine. Sure ourprincess will conquer the prince's heart. Thank you for your help.
Lady Beauty Makeup Games 3.4.3
Hi, autumn is a beautiful season. In this season we can seecolorful rugs including all fallen leaves. Also autumn the fruitsripen and they are very healthy and delicious. Our skin and ourbody need attention. To be healthy you have to eat well and dosport but the girls need a special care. When the temperaturechange all girls hair or skin have problems and therefore theyprefer to go to a spa salon where they can receive a special care.This beauty game will help you know a girl, she is called Emma. Sheis very tired and she needs to relax. Do you want to help her? Ifyou wish to become her friend this makeup game will help you witheverything you need. With this girls games you have the opportunityto own a spa salon but Emma will want to go to her house to helpher with everything she needs. Follow the instructions! 1) For thebeginning you will have to go into her bathroom, there you willfind Emma. She expects you to help her; 2) Apply an exfoliating gelthat will cleanse the skin very well; 3) Apply a mask that willhelp her skin look brighter; 4) Apply a cream and rinse with warmwater after each application; 5) Wash her hair with a specialshampoo and then rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel; 6)Now girl looks good, you helped her bath to relax; 7) To bebeautiful you have to makeup her, apply: lipstick, mascara, contactlenses, cheek powder, eyeshadow and finally choose the mostbeautiful hairstyle; 8) It's time to choose the most beautifulclothes but you should not forget the accessories; 9) Emma looksgreat and it is due to you. Thank you for everything you did, Emmawants to help her daily through this games for girls. Have fun!
Cute Mermaid MakeUp Salon 5.6
Hi, welcome! Here you will get a great surprise, you could verywell have fun with us only through this makeup game with sirens.This game for girls is exactly what you need in this beautiful day,you will really like to know a siren. This is a beautiful young andshe will surely love to become your friend. With this makeup gameyou'll be able to test your many important skills but we must notforget the fact that you will be able to learn some tricks ofbeauty because you will work in a beauty salon. We have opened thesalon recently and we really need a trustworthy person to help usevery day. This game offers the opportunity to prove to everyonethat you are a responsible child who may have an importantfunction. If you will like this dressup game in the future youcould have your own beauty salon. For the end to be the excellentone, please follow all instructions of this salon game for girls.Good luck! - Beautiful mermaid is on the beach; - She is waiting tomeet you; - She found a trove of surprises and is very happy; - Nowyou have to prepare a facial treatment; - Apply an exfoliating gelthat will cleanse the skin; - Apply a mask of fruit; - Rinse withwarm water; - Apply a moisturizer; - Now you have to makeup her; -Apply: contact lenses, lipstick, eyebrow pencil and mascaraeyeshadow; - Young is beautiful; - Now you must give her thefavorite food; - You have to help her to confection accessories; -Choose the most beautiful mermaid tail; - Choose the most beautifulblouse; - You did a good job, you're a wonderful friend. Thank youfor help, please come back every day to help us through this makeup game salon. Have fun!
Baby sitter birth games 4.5.2
Hi, if you are here then you will definitelybecome our friend. We need you to be able to solve a difficultsituation for our friend Margaret. She has a very nice job, she isbabysitter. She takes care daily for two children and today sheneeds to care for Dorothy. Margaret loves children and will soonbecome a mother, she must work until the time comes when her babyis born. Through this game for girls you can have fun but youshould not forget that Margaret needs your help to be able to knowher child. With this baby game you will be able to test your skillsand make new friends.Please pay close attention to the details of this birthgames.Follow all instructions of the game.Good luck!- You have to take care of Dorothy;- Give her toys;- Most likes to play ball;- Then prepare meals;- Dorothy must eat only healthy foods;- Give her some milk and fruits;- Margaret began to have pain, please call the ambulance;- At the hospital you will have to start consultation;- Check if she has fever;- Check heartbeat;- Make ultrasound to see how the child feels;- The baby was born;- Check weight and height;- Give him milk;- Change the diaper;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you are a good doctor.Thank you for your assistance, please come back daily to help usthrough this newborn game.Have fun!
Mommy beauty care salon 4.4.3
Hi, pregnant women need attention. They are very careful about howthey care for them to be able to have a healthy and beautiful baby.If you like kids today you will be able to help our friend, Jane togive birth. She needs the help of a doctor, the help of a friendand after few months after birth but she wants to go to a spa salonto receive all the care she needs. For everything to come out asplanned you will have to prove to everyone that you are aresponsible child. Pay attention to all the details of this girlsgame. Follow all instructions of this beauty care game. Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you will know the beautiful Jane; -This began to have pain and she needs to go to hospital; - You needto consult her; - Check if the girl has fever; - Check heartbeat; -Make ultrasound to see how the child feels; - The child was born; -You will need to consult him; - Change the diaper; - Give him foodand then choose the most beautiful clothes; - Now after a fewmonths you will have to help Jane; - She will come to your salon; -Apply a moisturizer; - Apply a mask to cleanse her skin; - Removestains; - Eliminates dark circles; - Make-up her, apply: mascara,contact lenses, lipstick, eyeshadow and powder for cheeks; - Choosethe most beautiful dress; - Mother and baby feel good, you are agood friend. Thank you for help, please come back daily to help usthrough this beauty game for girls. Have fun!
Princess Hairstyle Show 5.4.3
Hi, all girls like to arrange to be very beautiful. Girls alwayswant to be the center of attention and therefore spend a lot oftime in front of the mirror. For a girl it is important how thehair looks, how they dress, how they makeup, how look the nails andaccessories are very important. If you are a young passionate offashion and beauty you are in the right place because in this gamefor girls you'll meet a girl who wants to change her appearance,she wants a new hairstyle and a new fashion style. Can you helpher? If yes, then this makeover game is awesome, will help you toshow that you have skills in terms of preparing for an importantevent. Follow all instructions beauty of this makeup game forgirls! Good luck and have fun!
High School Girl Dress Up 15.1
Hello, how are you? Today you were at school?If you finished your homework means that these minutes you'll spendhere with us. You will be very happy to see what we have preparedfor you, you will like to know that this game is about fashionclothes at school. As you know girls are very careful about howthey dress, they always read fashion magazines to know what coloror what models are wearing. Today through this make up game you'llbe able to know Chloe, this graduate from high school anddesperately needs the most beautiful clothes. Only you can help herto look perfect in the most important day. You hold most importanttailor shop and the best beauty salon. The young woman wants to bebeautiful and you will have to fulfill the desire. Here you'll beable to test your skills. Surely you will become the best friend ofthe beautiful Chloe.Be very attentive to all the instructions.Success!- You will know Chloe;- She is happy because she will know you;- Help her with anything she needs;- Chloe find that she has to prepare for the last day ofschool;- She wants to go to the spa;- Apply a facial treatment;- Apply an exfoliating cream;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a moisturizer;- Clip the eyebrows;- Wash her hair with a shampoo;- Dry herr hair;- Now you have to makeup her;- Apply: lipstick, lenses, eye shadow and mascara;- Now you have to choose the most suitable clothes;- Do not forget the accessories;- You did a great job.Thank you for help, please come back every day through this highschool fashion dressup game.Have fun!
Cooking Spaghetti Carbonara 5.7.3
Hello, in this beautiful day we thought that it is a good idea toprepare spaghetti carbonara because they are favorites of all. Inthis cooking games you will be able to practice your culinaryskills. For the recipe to come out delicious we need your help. Youhave to respect the ingredients and the instructions: 1) Fry thebacon in olive oil. 2) Cut the cheese. 3) Beat eggs with a whiskand then add pepper. 4) Boil the pasta. 5) Put oil in the pan andadd the bacon, spaghetti, eggs and then stir for a few minutes. 6)Finally you have to put spaghetti on a plate and sprinkle withcheese. Enjoy!
Girl Room Decoration 5.5
Hi, today is very beautiful day, it's a perfect day forredecorating the house. For long time we want to make our home tolook better but we had no time. Today we want to receive your help.Surely your home is very beautiful and know how things should beand therefore we trust you, we know that you will help us witheverything necessary. We know you have many skills and through thisdecoration game you'll be able to prove to everyone that you have aspecial mission. Starting today you are our friend, you'll be ableto play every day with us only through this game for kids. Thisredecorate house game for kids is what you need to feel like doingsomething important. You will love to know that you'll make afamily very happy. For everything to come out as we planned youhave to be careful how you redecorate the child's room. Follow allinstructions of this game for girls. Pay attention to all thedetails of this cleaning game for kids. Good luck! - First you haveto buy everything that you need; - You'll notice that the housedoes not look very good; - You will have a lot of work; - Now youmust collect garbage; - Cover furniture; - Clean the dust; - Paintthe old furniture; - Paint the walls; - Wash ceramic tiles; - Youneed to paint a picture to embellish the room; - Arrange thepicture next to the clock; - Clean the window; - Arrange dresses inthe closet; - You have to buy flowers to beautify the room; - Roomslook great, you're a good redecorate; - You are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day through this girlroom decoration game. This fun game is FREE and safe to use. Havefun!
Cheese Sandwich Maker 5.1
Hi, welcome! What do you like to eat for breakfast? Pancakes withchocolate, milk with cereal, fruit or delicious sandwiches? If youlike sandwiches means that you are exactly where you need namely inour kitchen. Here you can have fun preparing the most deliciouscheese sandwiches with a new maker. We have created a device thatmakes the best sandwiches, you'll be able to amaze your family inthe morning when they wake up and smell a sandwich made with muchlove. If you do not know to cook through this cooking game for kidsyou'll be able to learn much about the culinary arts. You can helpus to prepare the most delicious breakfast and you will surelybecome our best friend. You cook on the beach and you willdefinitely love very much this setting, you'll feel like you're onthe beach, you'll be enjoying the sun and soft drinks. You willhave to respect all instructions and details of this game forgirls. Success! - Our friend decided to spend the night on thebeach; - She slept in a tent; - Now she woke up and wants to dosome exercise; - Then she wants to have breakfast; - You'll have tohelp her to prepare a delicious sandwich; - Spice the chicken; -Then you have to fry the chicken in a pan over low heat; - Addwater and oil; - Cut bread; - Drizzle slices of bread with oliveoil; - Fry the bread; - Cut the cheese; - Add honey, cherries andchocolate syrup over cheese; - Now you need to sit cheese on aslice of bread; - Add chicken and then vegetables; - Sandwich looksvery good but you have to use sandwiches maker; - Wait a fewminutes and this will be ready; - Our friend is happy, you are agood cook. Thanks for your help, please come back every day to cookon the beach with us through this cheese sandwich maker game. Havefun!
Royal Princess Spa Salon 6.8
Hi, we are happy that you have chosen tovisitus, today you will our best friend. You could very well havefunthrough this game with the princesses. Today you'll be able toknowa beautiful princess, it wants to become your friend and youwilldefinitely love to spend all day with her. It is preparing foranimportant event and only you can help her for everything tobeperfect. We know you're a very good kid and a great friendandtherefore we trust you that you will help the beautifulprincessfeel very good. Women go to the spa whenever they want torelax andtoday you'll be able to work on the most important spa intown.Here come a lot women, your first customer will be a princess.Ifyou do well certainly in the future you could have your ownspasalon. You'll be able to prove to everyone that you arearesponsible child and you will learn many tricks of beauty.Success!- In the beginning you'll know the princess;- She wants to prepare for the prom;- Now she goes to the spa;- You have to apply a gel to clean skin;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a moisturizer;- Eliminate acne;- Clip the eyebrows;- Then you have to wash the back with a special gel;- Rinse with warm water;- Clean water with a towel;- Remove stains;- Apply massage oil;- Apply volcanic rocks;- Now you need to take care of her hands;- Remove hair;- Apply a moisturizer;- Now you have to makeup her, apply: contact lenses, mascara,eyeshadow, powder cheeks, lipstick and eyebrow pencil;- Prince wants to look good;- Apply exfoliating gel;- Cleanse the skin and apply a moisturizer;- Choose the most beautiful clothes and accessories;- The two look very good;- You are a good friend.Thank you for your help and do not forget to visit us everydaythrough this game.Have fun!
Prom Night Amazing MakeUp 8.2
Outfit for school ball
Tailor Dresses Design 3.7.0
Hi, before starting school we must take new clothes. It is veryimportant to get our school uniform imposed by our school. Todayyou will meet Ella, this is our friend and now she wants to go to astore that she loves. She wants to buy clothes for school but sheneeds the advice of a friend. Do you want to help her? Do you wantto go shopping with Ella? If you want to be her friend you can doit through this kids games. Ella is a very good kid and for sureyou will understand very well with her. For everything to beperfect, please follow all instructions of the game. Good luck! -Ella will go to the store, please go with her to help her; - Youhave to take measure to know how to make clothes; - Be very carefulwith the measures; - Choose shirt material; - With a pencil youshould make a tailor; - After you cut you have to mow; - Prepareshirt; - Now you have to do for shirt collar; - The skirt is veryimportant and please be careful as you do; - Clothes made by youare very beautiful, Ella is very happy. Thank you for your help,you are the best friend of ours and please come back to help usthrough this tailor games. Have fun!
Kissing Games In Paris 5.2.5
Paris romantic story
Baby Newborn At Hospital 3.3.5
Hey, do you like children? Do you want to havea little brother or sister? Do you think that you can take care ofa child when your parents are not home? Or if you have to help yourmother when she is pregnant, do you think you succeed? If you thinkyou are a very responsible kid then this game is for you. You willmeet through this kids game a young mother who is called Lily, shewill give birth to first child. She is home alone and she needs thehelp of a friend. Do you want to be her new friend? Do you thinkyou can play the role of a good doctor? If you feel that you can doin such a situation you will be able to prove this through thisgame for girls with babies.Follow all instructions of the game.- At the beginning of the game you will need to meet the youngmother;- Help Lily to eat;- On the table you will find everything that she wants toeat;- After you have taken care of her you will have to prepare forthat young mother will give birth;- You will need to consult her;- Check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Check if she has fever;- Give her a pill that will help her to relax;- Now you need to do an ultrasound to see if her child iswell;- The baby is healthy and now you'll have to do anesthesia formother;- The child was born;- Check the length and weight;- Give him milk;- Choose the right clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you are a very brave child.Thank you for helping today. Please come back daily to help usthrough this game for girls.Have fun!
Saltine Toffee Cooking Cookies 4.7.4
Hi, how are you today? Would you like to cook a good cake? If youwant to cook with us then you can do so via this chocolate cakecooking game for kids. Perhaps your mother prepares the bestchocolate cake but definitely you're going to make a very nicesurprise when you manage to cook through this cooking game forgirls. For the cake you will have to use all your culinary skills.This game for children is very simple and if you follow theinstructions you will definitely be able to finish the game ontime. Good luck! - Turn the stove, place a pan over low heat, addbutter and brown sugar. Mix with a wooden spoon; - Mix the biscuitsand add the above composition; - Turn the stove, place a pan overlow heat and then enter the water, brown sugar, chocolate and thenplaced this mixture into pan; - Enter in the oven and wait a fewminutes; - Now you have to prepare the fruits cream. In a bowl mustadd the following ingredients: oranges, blueberries, raspberries,banana and mint. Mix well; - Cream of fruit should be placed overthe cake; - The cake looks great and certainly is delicious; -You're a very good cook. Thank you for your help and please comeback daily to help us through this game for girls. Have fun andgood appetite!
Fairy House Cleaning 4.3.3
Hello, welcome to the land of dreams. Here in this place beautifulevents occur. Last night our friend threw a party and now her housedoes not look very good. She needs the help of a diligent child tohelp her clean up. She is the most beautiful and good fairy as weknow it and you will certainly love to help her with everything sheneeds. This is the home alone and for this reason we have to dowhatever is necessary to make her happy. This game with fairies isexactly what you need in this beautiful day. Today you can have funwith us every day just through this game for girls. This cleaninggame will help you to prove to everyone that you are a responsiblechild. You will be able to test your skills and definitely you willdo the family proud. Pay attention to all the details of this kidsgame. Follow all instructions of this game for girls. Good luck! -Angella awaits her grandmother and you must help her to clean; -The living room is very dirty; - Collect garbage; - Clean the dust;- Clean the window; - Fix the door; - Collect dirty laundry; -Arrange furniture; - Clean the sofa; - Mop the floor; - Washcarpet; - Now you have to clean the garden; - Collect all laundry;- Throw garbage; - The house looks great, it is very clean; - Youdid a great job; - You're a great friend, the fairy is very happy.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help us throughthis clean up game. Have fun!
Wedding Makeup Salon 3.9.5
Hello, the most important day in a woman's life is the day that thewedding takes place. If you like weddings, here in this game forgirls will be able to attend a very important event, namely ourfriend's wedding. This is very happy and wants to help her withwhatever she needs to be beautiful in this beautiful day. This willcome to your salon and you will have to make everything you can tobe able to fulfill all wishes. We are sure that this game will helpyou have fun very well and certainly will give you the opportunityto test some skills. Through this makeup game you will be able toprove to everyone that you are a very responsible child. Payattention to all the details of the wedding makeup salon games.Follow all instructions of this girls game. Good luck! - In thebeginning you will know our beautiful friend; - You have to apply afacial treatment; - Apply an exfoliating gel to cleanse the skin; -Apply a fruit mask to help her skin to look better; - Apply amoisturizer; - Eliminate acne; - Make-up her, apply: lipstick,contact lenses, mascara, eye shadow, powder cheeks and brow pencil;- Choose the most beautiful wedding dress; - Choose the mostinteresting accessories; - Young is beautiful. Thank you for help,please come back daily through this wedding game. Have fun!
Beautiful fairy wedding games 4.9.3
Hello, we are happy because you have chosen to visit us in thisbeautiful day. Certainly you have no idea but we thought weprepared a wonderful surprise namely a wedding invitation. Thiswill be an incredible wedding that will take place in anotherrealm. The place where the wedding will take place is magic, youwill definitely really like the atmosphere and you will returndaily for fun with us through this dress up game with the fairies.Our fairy friend soon will be married, she is very nervous but withyour help she will be able to overcome all problems. You will beable to prove that you are a responsible child and even you will beable to test your specific skills. Pay attention to all the detailsof this makeup game with fairies. Follow all instructions of thismakeover game for girls. Good luck! - Lily has problems with skinand you will have to help her look really good; - Make a facialtreatment; - Apply an exfoliating gel that will cleanse the skin; -Apply a mask that helps skin to look better; - Apply a moisturizer;- Clip the eyebrows; - Eliminate acne; - Make-up fairy; - Apply:lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, powder for cheeks, contact lensesand eyebrow pencil; - Choose the most beautiful dress; - Theaccessories are very important; - Fairy is happy, you did a greatjob and please stick to the party. Thank you for help, please comeback daily to help us through this wedding game. Have fun!
Girl Lollipop DressUp 4.2.3
Hello, you're our friend and that is why we want to please takecare of our young neighbor, she is a very beautiful girl and shewill become your friend. What do you think? Would you like tobecome her friend? If yes, then you can know her through thismakeup game for girls. She expects you to go to her and advises herwhat clothes and hairstyle she should choose for a night out withher relatives. This beauty game is very simple, you will need tofollow all instructions and your new friend will be very happy. Youhave to choose: a dress, sandals, jewelry and finally you'll haveto choose a candy on a stick, because she likes very much. You cancome back anytime you want to help us through this girls games. Wewish you success and fun!
Clothes Shopping Mall 7.1
Hi, welcome! We are very happy that you have chosen to visit us.For a long time we want to meet you and today the dream has cometrue. Certainly you will like what we have prepared for you, thiskids game will help you to have fun. Do you like to go shopping? Doyou like to always be wearing fashionable clothes? If you like tolook good means that you are where you need and you'll be happy toknow that through this game you'll be able to buy the mostbeautiful clothes. We know you're a hard-working kid, we know thatyou will be able to prove to everyone that you are a responsibleand especially child and do not forget that you will be able toprove that you're really good at fashion. Our son is always carefulabout the way he dresses, he always wants to look good and today henoticed that all clothes are old and need other clothes becauseChristmas is coming soon. Now you have to go to the store to buythe most interesting clothes but you have to buy clothes for a roleat school, you will have to go help him with everything he needs.Follow all instructions of this shopping clothes game for girls.Pay attention to all the details of this game. Good luck! - Firstyou will meet Mario; - He has trouble with the new costume forschool; - She has to go and buy a new one; - Help him get to thestore; - You need to buy a suit of knight; - Do not forget theaccessories; - The hat is very important; - You have to buy themost beautiful boots; - Do not forget to pay; - Now the store isdirty, you have to clean the floor; - Clean the dust; - Fix thedoor; - The boy is happy; - You are a wonderful friend. Thank youfor help, please come back every day through this game for kids.Have fun!
Cleaning Bathroom 5.9.4
Hello, today we have a big problem, as we were getting ready to goto work tonight we found out that some relatives come and visit usand our house is very dirty. We have to do the cleaning but we donot have time and for this reason you please help us through thiscleaning bathroom game for kids. Please do clean the bathroom andobserve all instructions of the cleaning game for girls. Foreverything to come out well you will have to be very careful. Youhave to use special detergents to clean thoroughly. The bathroommust shine and we are sure that we will be very pleased with yourwork. Observe all the steps of this game for kids. Good luck! - Youwill notice that the bathroom does not look very good; - You canstart doing cleaning; - Now you have to choose what tools you useand detergents; - Wash tub; - Clean with a special detergent forsink; - Wash the sandstone; - Clean the walls; - Disinfect allbath; - Wash the window; - Collect garbage; - The bathroom is veryclean, you did a great job. Thank you for your help, you are a goodfriend. Please come back to help us through this game. Have fun!
Modern Nail Art And Care 3.1
Hi, for a long time we want to meet you,youare the child that we need to be able to have fun through thisgamefor girls. Here, in this makeup game, you'll be able to haveyourown beauty salon. We know you're a wonderful girl and we'llhelpyou lead the game for kids, you will really likethisresponsibility. With this game you'll be able to make newfriends,you can learn tricks and even you'll be able to prove toeveryonethat you're a very good at doing most beautiful naildesigns. Ifyou make your manicure and pedicure you will manage tomake yourclients very happy. They will return every week.If you want that our salon to become the best in town you willhaveto pay close attention to all instructions of this nailsalongame.Follow all the details and the game will have a nice final.Good luck!- Clean the old nail polish;- Cut nails;- You must choose a form suitable for nails;- Now you have to apply a special treatment for hands;- Apply a moisturizer;- Now you must choose a suitable polish;- Apply nail polish on nails;- Nails look great;- You are a very hardworking and talented young;- Now you must choose the most beautiful nail designs;- You have to take care of toenails;- Now you must choose the most beautiful accessories;- You did a great job.Thanks for help, please come back every day through the beautyofthis game for girls.
Princess Birthday Makeover 7.1
Hello, welcome! You are exactly where you need, here in thismakeover game you'll meet wonderful people you could become thebest friend of a beautiful princess. This is a delightful young andwants to become your friend. You could play with her every day andyou can have fun even very good at the palace. Soon the beautifulprincess will celebrate a great age and wants to prepare a bigparty. To this party will come a lot of people but the mostimportant guest will be a prince that she likes. This princessmakeup game you will like very much, you'll be able to test yourskills and we are sure that you will be able to do everythingperfect. This dress up game for girls gives you the opportunity toprove that you are a good friend. Pay attention to all the detailsof this salon game for girls. Follow all instructions of thisprincess game. Good luck! - It is a very important day, a wonderfulevent party will begin soon; - You'll have to collect all thepresents and give them to the beautiful princess; - Wash her hair;- Rinse with warm water; - You have to prepare creams for the face;- Apply a mask of fruits; - Apply a moisturizer; - Clip theeyebrows; - Eliminate dark circles; - Remove stains; - You willhave to makeup her; - Apply: contact lenses, cheek powder, eyeshadow, lipstick, mascara and eyebrow pencil; - Choose the mostbeautiful hairstyle; - Choose a suitable dress for the event; - Nowyou have to prepare the cake; - For the dough you need a fewingredients that you will find on the table; - Mix all ingredients;- Enter cake in the oven; - Prepares creams; - Decorate the cake; -Everything is ready for the party; - You did a good job, you are areliable friend. Thank you for helping, please come back every dayto help us through this makeover game. Have fun!
Baby Games Danny Feeding 4.9.4
Hello, it is very hard to take care of a child, because he needs alot of attention and love. Our child is called Danny and he is veryloved and spoiled and we can not manage to take care of him.Through this kids game you will be able to take care of our littleboy. You have to feed him and then help him to play with hisfavorite teddy bear. For him to be happy, you have to followcertain steps: 1) First you must attach the bib which will protectthe clothes from stains from food; 2) Then you have to put on thetable what he wants to eat, such as: bread, milk, cake and tea; 3)The dishes are very important, so be careful; 4) After he finishedeating he will go into the living room where he will listen tomusic and play with the bear, but most importantly is that he willwant grapes and you will have to offer. Thanks for your help, Dannyis now a very happy child. Enjoy the game!
Melinda Ironing Dresses 4.8.4
Hi, we all want to look good and therefore we are always verycareful to choose how to dress. Girls like dresses and they lookgreat when they wear. Every girl wants to have many dresses to havebeautiful dresses but we must know how to take care of them. Surelyyou are a responsible child and know how to start washing, how todry clothes and how to iron them. In this ironing game you willhave the opportunity for to help us. This game will help you tohave fun but to make everything right please pay close attention tothe instructions of this game for girls. Good luck! - Melinda needsyour help so please be very careful about what she wants; - Firstyou have to make clean into the room, collect garbage and clean thefloor; - Clean the walls and the ironing board; - Remove dust andgather the cobweb; - Now you have to help Melinda to iron all thelaundry; - Arrange the clothes and put them in the closet; - Youdid a great job you are a very industrious child. Melinda is veryhappy to have help and please come back every day through thisgame. Have fun!
Lemon Cake - Cooking Games 3.8.7
Hi, sweets are all favorites. After every meal we want a wonderfuldessert. Every day we prepare a dessert with fruits and today wewant to do the same. We want to make a cake with lemon because itis our children's favorite. Although we have a beautiful kitchen,very well equipped and have all the ingredients that are listed inthe recipe and we need the help of a very good cook. Do you want tohelp us through this lemon cake cooking game for kids? Do you wantto practice your culinary skills? If you want to prove to everyonethat you can cook very well this cooking game for girls will helpyou. For the cake come out very good, please be very careful in howyou comply with the instructions of this cooking game for children.Remember that you have to respect the time required! Good luck! -At first you have to enter into the kitchen and then you have toget all the ingredients you need; - Now you will have to cut theoranges and then squeeze them to get the best juice; - Next youneed to enter the following ingredients in a bowl: flour, cocoa,milk, eggs, salt, sugar, vanilla extract and mix well; - Now placethe mixture into the forms and enter in the oven for a few minutes;- Decorate the cupcakes as you wish; - Muffins look great andcertainly are very delicious. Thank you for your help you are avery good cook and please come back to help us through this cookingmuffins game for girls. Have fun and good appetite!
Fashion Pet Salon 6.4
Hi, welcome! You are here and that means you're looking for a fungame. Here you can make friends, you'll be able to know us and evenwork with many animals. With this game you'll be cared for animalsin a pet shop and more importantly you'll be able to help a childto care for the dog and his cat. If you have a pet means you are aresponsible child and this will help to solve this great missionthat we have prepared especially for you. You will like to spendtime with us, you will learn many important things and if you haveno pet you can have one after you finish this pet salon game. Yourparents will be very proud of you. Success! - Mia wants a pet andwith her parents go to a pet store; - It wants a cat and a dog; -Now Mia has to prepare breakfast for his two friends; - They wantcake, fruit and ice cream; - The time has come for the bathroom; -The two pets must bathe; - Fill the tub with hot water; - Add foam;- Wash with shampoo for animals; - Cut nails; - Fur dries; - Brushtheir teeth; - Cut the fur and then have to comb; - Mia has to goshopping, she needs a new dress; - It is in the tailor shop; - Thisbuy: colored thread, fabric, buttons, scissors, hat, and purse; -Now you can make the dress; - The dress is very beautiful and Miahas to buy things for her animals; - You must buy: cat food, dogfood, shampoo, glasses and plush toys; - Dog and cat want to playand Mia take them to the park; - Help them to play in a swing; - Inthe park the animals have an accident and now they need medicalcare; - Collect the leaves of fur; - Disinfect wounds; - Make aradiograph; - Check heartbeat; - Apply scar ointment to wounds; -Pets feel better now; - You must prepare beds for dog and cat; -Choose the most colorful beds; - Mia read about a contest anddecide to participate with her friends; - The cat must wear: hat,collar, glasses and necklace; - And the dog must wear: T-shirt,scarf and necklace; - The two animals are ready for thecompetition; - They have done very well and as a reward theyreceive a delicious cake. Mia is very happy because you helped herto care for two animals, you are a wonderful friend and please comeback every day through this animal care game for girls. Have fun!
Dress Up Doll 4.9.4
Dressing with trendy clothes
Beauty Queen Makeover 5.6.7
Make beautiful makeup for girls
Taliyah Newborn Sister 5.8.5
taliyah newborn sister birth games
Dress Up Kitten 5.1.3
Hello, in this kids game you will meet a very playful andnicelykitten. She wants to go fishing with her father in order tocatch afew small fish that her mother will prepare for lunch. Whatdo youthink? Kitty will be lucky? Without your help, she will notbe ableto do what she proposed. You have to choose the mostsuitable andbeautiful clothes, hairstyle, hat that will protect herfrom thesun, shoes, fishing rod, bait and last but not least youneed tohelp her to choose the right place. Of course with your helpourkitten will catch many fish. Thank you for your help.