برترین 22 برنامه مشابه به Intonation Ear Trainer

Intonatio 1.0
Daniel Portillo
Intonatio is a mobile app designed to help you improveyourintonation. The app provides you with a series of exercisesandgames in which concentration, hearing and memory are essential.Toimprove our sense of pitch, it is important for us toexperienceand recall sensations, both while we’re playing and whenwe’relistening without playing. Intonatio has 3 main sections:lessons,games and audio. Lessons and Games: -In tune, sharp orflat.-Unison in tune. -In tune with the chord. In the “Audio”section,the musician can select the desired tuning (A-440, 442 or445) andchoose between major or minor chords in various keys topracticetone and tuning exercises (sustained notes, arpeggios,intervals,etc.) accompanied by the audio clips. By hooking themobile deviceup to a set of speakers, users can even practiceplaying as if tothe accompaniment of a piano.
English Pronunciation 2.2.1
English Pronunciation for Beginner. Pronounce English likenativespeakers
Perfect Ear: Music & Rhythm 3.9.56
Crazy Ootka Software AB
A music school in your pocket: solfège, ear training,rhythmtraining exercises.
Functional Ear Trainer 3.7.7
Kaizen9 Apps
Ear training is easy and fun with Functional Ear Trainer. Playmusicby ear.
MyEarTraining - Ear Training
myrApps s.r.o.
Ear training with interval, chord, scale and solfège(functional)exercises
Duran: The Ear Training App 1.0.4
Erick Durán
This app was created with theobjectiveoflearning to distinguish each note from a scale, byhearingthefirst chord of the tonality and then the note. Whenclicking onthe"Play" button, you can here the audio with thementionedcontent.Then you can select the corresponding degree anditsquality inrelation to the scale. You can submit your answerbyclicking"Submit". Some exercises (in level 2 and 3) requiremorethan oneanswer, use the submit button as necessary. Watch thevideofor ademo.There are just 3 levels available right now, more willbeuploadedsoon.
Piano Ear Training Midi Fix
Learn To Master
Ear training app with exercises to get perfect pitch and learntoplay by ear.
Ear Training 6.3
Joshua Yuan
An ear training app for Royal Conservatory of Music exams.
MiReDo Ear Training 1.2
Playing by ear is something every musicianhaveto master. This app helps you to learn to recognize smallmelodiesthat makes sense musically.- Learn to recognize common intervals true melodies.- Learn to recognize common patterns.- 30 LevelsIf you need help with melodic dictation, this is the appforyou!Playing by earissomething every musician may have to master. This app Help Youtwolearn two Recognize small melodies That makes sense musically.- Learn to Recognize common intervals true melodies.- Learn to Recognize common patterns.- 30 LevelsIf you need help with melodic dictation, this is the appforyou!
Perfect Ear Trainer 1.0
Dyabolykyl Studios
Train your musical ear with this easy to use ear training app!
Interval Recognition-Ear Train
Ear training for intervals,clusters(harmonic), phrases, modes / scales, tuning andperfectpitch.High quality sampled piano plus midi sounds.Listen feature to compare the question to all possible responsesinorder to find and understand the right answer.Helps to associate intervals with common melodies to makethemeasier to learn and remember.Extensive options including tempo, instrument, note velocity,pitchrange, rhythm plus responses to correct and incorrect answers.Verycustomisable questions - from a phrase using eg only perfect4thsand 5ths to a cluster using eg Dorian on F#.Continuous Play - repeat question a set number of times thendisplaythe answer before moving on to the next one. Optional textto speechfor announcing the root note and answers. Basic speechrecognitionfor entirely hands free use.This is the free ad-supported version - there is also aDonateversion available which does not contain ads.
Precise Pitch 1.0
Improve your playing andintonationwithdetailed feedback. This tool will help you withproblem areaswithyour intonation.Precise Pitch requires cello students' patience andattentionwhenplaying scales. Both teacher and student willdefinitelynoticeimprovement in scales and left hand extensions.Use therandom optionto push students even further and closertounderstanding theirstrength and weaknesses with intonation.Precise Pitch will help your intonation on your cello!
Ear Trainer Aurora 2.0
Red Aurora Code
Improve your absolute pitch andrelativepitchwith this ear training app.Features:- Identify ascending intervals, from note C(Do)tosomenote.- Identify descending intervals, from some note to noteC(Do).- Identify specific Intervals (2 notesareplayedsequentially).- Absolute pitch. Identify specific notes (random notesareplayedindividually).- Identify series of notes (up to 5 random notesareplayedsequentially).- High quality sounds of 8 instruments.Keywords:perfect pitch, intervals recognition, auralskills,pitchtraining
Prima Vista Sight Singing 23.0
Rene Grothmann
Learn Sight Singing
Chord Trainer Free 1.01
Box Metaphor Studios
Learn how to hear and spell classical, jazz, and popular chords.
Ear Training 4.6.3
Your musical sensitivity expands still. Let's ear training.
Music Theory: ScaleNet 1.1
Unison Design
ScaleNet: New ways to listen within an intuitiveear-trainingenvironment.
Sing perfect Carnatic notes and Master Notes recognition by ear.
Piano Ear Training Pro Improved Smoothness
Learn To Master
Exercises to achieve perfect pitch and play music by ear. Beabetter musician.
영어발음 훈련 - 텅트위스터 1.3.5
- 본 앱이 지원되지 않는 기기로 변경 후, 이미 사용한 앱에 대해서는 환불,AS,기타 보상이 불가합니다.- 최신 해상도에서 이용이 원활하지 않습니다. (G3, 노트4, 갤럭시S6 포함 2014년도 이후 기종 모두)지원 해상도를 확인한 후 다운바랍니다.------------------------------------------------------------------------★ 영어 발음 학습앱 No.1 텅트위스터.SBS 아나운서가 된 그의 발음 비결을 파헤쳐본다!!★ 국내 토종 발음 국내파를 영어 뉴스 앵커로 만든 획기적인 영어 발음 훈련 프로젝트★ 듣기, 보기, 말하기를 동시에 진행하는 놀라운 애플리케이션!!★ 영어 뉴스 앵커 출신인 저자가 직접 강의한 동영상 강의까지 제공!!** 워밍업 동영상 재생 과정에서 문제가 있으신 분은 아래 주소를 참고해 주세요.http://help.waterbear.co.kr/2012/03/blog-post_29.html■ EBS에도 소개된, 획기적인 영어 발음 교정 프로그램 ■* 란 우리말의 ‘간장 공장 공장장…’처럼 ‘비슷하거나 발음하기 힘든 발음을 조합하여 만든 문장’을 말합니다.한문장에 헷갈리는 자음과 모음이 모두 들어 있어 소리 내어 따라 읽기만 해도 발음뿐 아니라 단어의강세(stress)와문장의 억양(intonation)까지 한방에 잡힙니다.* 실제로 미국 초등학교에서도 발음 훈련 프로그램으로 사용하고 있으며, 미국 방송사들의 뉴스앵커들도 발음을교정하기위해 사용하는 ‘가장 효과적이고 검증된 발음 훈련 프로그램’입니다.* TOEIC Speaking, OPIc 등 스피킹 시험이나 영어 인터뷰를 앞두고 있는 취업 준비생,어학연수를준비하는 대학생, 발음이 부끄러워 영어로 말하기가 두려운 성인은 물론 혀가 굳기 전에 네이티브 발음을 갖고 싶어하는초등학생, 중학생에게도 효과적인 영어 발음 교정 프로그램입니다.■ 소리 내어 읽기만 해도, 영어 발음 문제가 한방에 해결된다!*듣기, 보기, 말하기를 동시에!!오디오를 듣고, 동영상 강의를 보고, 내 발음을 녹음한다!! 듣기?보기?말하기를 동시에 진행하는놀라운애플리케이션입니다. 특히 네이티브의 발음을 듣고, 내 발음을 녹음해 즉석에서 문제점을 찾아낼 수 있습니다. 영어뉴스앵커 출신인 저자가 직접 강의한 동영상 강의와 함께, 매일 한 단락씩만 순서대로 따라 하세요. 나도 모르는 사이에내영어 발음이 놀랍게 향상됩니다.* 영어 발음, 고칠 수 없을까?우리나라는 영어에 대한 관심이 높아서인지 평균 영어 실력이 우수한 편입니다. 그런데 한국인이 영어 학습에서 유독그중요성을 간과하는 부분이 있습니다. 그것은 바로 발음입니다. 실제로 대부분의 영어 학습자들은 성인이 되면 발음을 고칠수없다고 생각하거나 발음에 부담을 느껴 중도에 발음 교정을 포기하곤 합니다.* 소리 내어 읽으면 발음, 강세, 억양이 한꺼번에 잡힌다!=====================================- 동영상 및 음원 다운로드는 안정적인 와이파이 망을 이용해 주세요.- 음원 및 워밍업 동영상 다운로드 시 90% 이후에서 지체되는 현상은정상적인 동작이니 시간을 두고 기다려 주시기 바랍니다.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 마포구 서교동 467-9호 (주)도서출판길벗 (121-842)02)332-0931
earTastic Pro 2.0.5
Jonas Krug
Pro-Version is AdFreeEartastic helps you to train your musical ear!With earTastic you can easily practise for tests, such ashighschool, or academic examinations.But also for private study this app is perfect.Keywords: ear training, ear, education, Perfect Ear
English Grammar and Phonetics 7.7.3
TeacherApp English
Learn English Grammar and Phonetics. Vocabulary,Skills,Pronunciation, Rules