برترین 13 برنامه مشابه به Classeur Autisme

Language Therapy for Children 9.4.5
ImagiRation LLC
Early intervention language therapy for children with languagedelayand autism
Touch-Emotions 1.3.0
Special iApps
Specifically designed for children who mayhavedifficulty interpreting facial expressions, such as autism,Downsyndrome and other visual learners. Helping them tounderstandemotions and react appropriately in social situations.Also promotes:• Word recognition• Independent learning• Language acquisition• Fine motor skills• Cause and effect understandingIncludes 9 languages:• English (US)• English (UK)• Catalan• Croatian• French• German• Norwegian• Polish• SpanishConsists of specifically designed images of 8 faces,withmatching written and spoken words with a choice of lower oruppercase letters.Designed to be used alongside the other apps in our Touchseries:Touch-Words, Touch-Colors, Touch-Shapes, Touch-AnimalsandTouch-Numbers.Children can then progress to our highly configurable andeasilypersonalized follow-on apps, Special Words and SpecialStories.Designed for tablets and smartphones. Contains no ads,in-apppurchases or external links, collects no data, and doesn’trequirean Internet connection.Special iApps is a multi-award-winning nonprofitsocialenterprise that specializes in creating apps for thosewithlearning disabilities and additional needs.
PictogramAgenda 3.4
Lorenzo Moreno
Autism. Visual Schedules with your pictures and 15000+ Pictograms.
Autimo - AMIKEO APPS 3.9.3
Autimo™ helps children with autism understand emotionswithenjoyable activities
Communication Boards TFAPlugin 1.0
!!IMPORTANT!! This is not a standalone application: you needtoinstall Tools For Autism (2.0 or greater) to use this module.Youcan install Tools For Autism for Freehere:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.csp.t4a.toolsforautismThismodule allows creating and displaying Communication Boards iea setof symbols (photographs, pictures, line drawings, letters andwords)that enables verbal and non-verbal autistic people to comeback tothe expressed communication. ** HOW TO USE ** Install themodulefrom the Play Store (search for "TFAPlugin") or directlywrom withinthe Tools For Autism app (enter in operator mode, pressmenu andselect the "Published modules list" button) Onceinstalled, themodule will be visible directly on the main screenof the Tools ForAutism app. If you cannot see the module in themain screen (it mayhappens if you installed the module from thePlay Store), select the"Published module list" as described beforeto refresh the list ofinstalled modules. ** KEY FEATURES ** [•]Support for switchingamong communication boards [•] It’s possibileto use custom images,drawings or pictures available on user’sdevice [•] Large set ofpictograms (more than 8500, created byARASAAC) can be freelydownloaded from the main screen of the app[•] Import and exportfunctions, allows to easily perform backupand restore operations,as well as to share communication boardsbetween users and ordevices [•] Supported languages: English,Italian [•] Text To Speechfunctionality to play communicationboards contents (v1.3+); thelanguage of the speech corresponds tothe device language (ifavailable)**************************************** Note: thedefault passwordto enter in "operator mode" is "1234" withoutquote.********************************************************************************DOWNLOAD THE COMPLETEUSERGUIDEhttp://rd.csp.it/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ToolsForAutism1.pdf********************************************************************************Credits: GiuliaDall'Aglio: software development. Francesca Brunero:Userinteraction and psicological/therapeuticfeatures.**************************************** ***** Keywords:autism,Tools for Autism, Touch for Autism, t4a, TFA, SocialStories, TaskAnalysis, Communication Boards, AAC, plugin, TFAPlugin
Autism Smart App 1.4.3
Takamul Smart Technology
The Autism Smart App initiative aimsatspreading awareness among the society about the AutismSpectrumDisorder. The app includes information necessary tostimulate earlydiagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders that couldcontribute toraising the effectiveness of the treatment.App Sections:News: This section includes news & seminars of AutismSpectrumDisorder in Saudi Arabia.About Autism: Everything you need to know about AutismSpectrumDisorder from specialized and credible references.Child Autism Survey: 20 questions that will assist earlydiagnosesof Autism Spectrum Disporder under the supervision of aspecialist.This tool is developed using the Child Autism DisorderSurvey(M-CHAT) that was developed & published by Dr DianaRose.Events: a list that includes the date & location ofAutismrelated events as well as other information.Rights & FAQ: Autistic kids rights and frequentlyaskedquestions.Video library: a selection of videos related to Autismandevents.Autism Centres: a list of Autism centres in Saudi Arabia alongwithcontact information.Q&A: Here you are able to ask a question and receiveanswersfrom Autism Disorder Specialist. You can also, readthroughquestions and answers published in the past.
التوحد الاشياء 01
Abed Rabu R Hanouna
Autistic Children: Application of a tutorial forchildren,especially autistic children to introduce them to thesurroundingenvironment
Autism Speaks Survey 1.0
The Community-based SkillsAssessmentSurvey(CSA)The challenges associated with the transition fromschoolservicesto adulthood for individuals with autism arewelldocumented. Everyindividual with autism is different and asaresult, there is no "onesize fits all" plan for the pathtoadulthood. The most importantfactor in creating a plan is tofocuson the individual. His or herstrengths, needs, challengesandpreferences will play a criticalrole in ensuring asuccessfultransition process.To help with the transition planning process, AutismSpeaksworkedwith Virginia Commonwealth University'sRehabilitationResearch andTraining Center to design the Communitybased SkillAssessment Survey(CSA), which aims to help parentsandprofessionals assess thecurrent skill levels and abilitiesofindividuals with autismbeginning at age 12 and continuingintoadulthood in order to developa comprehensive plan.The CSA is the first tool to assess needs in theareaofcommunity-based living, from transportation tofinancialmanagementto peer relationships and more. The tool isdivided intothreelevels based upon the age of the individual beingassessed.Eightcritical areas of functional life skills will beassessed:Career path and employmentSelf-determination/advocacyHealth and safetyPeer relationships, socialization and social communicationCommunity participation and personal financeTransportationLeisure/recreationHome living skillsThe assessment uses both a criterion-basedobservationandinterview-based process to measure theindividual'sknowledge,skills and behaviors.This application was developed by Identifor and provided asafreeservice to Autism Speaks and the broader community.Thisautomatesthe survey process and enables easy use of the toolbyprofessionalsand individuals with autism. The Autism SpeaksandVirginiaCommonwealth University Logos are used with permissionoftherespective institutions.
Piktosaac. Symbols for Autism 1.5
It is a free application to downloaddirectlytoyour Tablet or Smartphone the ARASAAC symbols library.Symbols for Autisms Free (Piktosaac) is not an interactiveApp.Ifyou are not familiar with the world of Autism,CerebralPalsy,Education, Augmentative Communication etc., please donotdownloadthe App.This is a resource for teachers, parents,specialistsandtherapists of people with special educationalneeds.The APP simply downloads more than 10.000 symbols ofArasaacfromour server to your device. To do not depend oninternetconnectionin the future.STEPS:1) Simply select your preferred language and downloadthesymbolslibrary.2) Check in your notifications; download progressbarwillappear.3) A folder "Home / Piktosaac / ... " will be createdinyourTablet.ATTENTION: The process can may take several minutes,thousandsofimages will be downloaded.Be patient :-) please.Pictographic symbols used are apropertyofCATEDU(http://catedu.es/arasaac /) under CreativeCommon’sLicenseand they have been created by Sergio Palao.
Autism Parent Supports - Free
The JM Autism FoundationBehaviorSupportProgram is designed to provide guidance for parentsinworking withtheir children who have Autism.Materials have been obtained from actual assessmentsusingtheVB-MAPP©, functional assessments and behavior supportplanscreatedby therapists and used by the JM Autism Foundation.This information contained in this app is to be usedforbasicparent guidance only, not for therapeutic purposes.The designer is a parent of a child with AutismandreceivesBehavior Supports such as ABA Therapy, but could notfind aguideto help the family deal with many every day situationsathome.This app will assist you with potty training,interactiveplayactivities, and provide you with creative ways toengageyourchild. It is designed to tell you "what to do and whatnot todo".It will also provide you with some preventivestrategiesforvarious situations.Feel free to contact the designer to ask for apersonalizedappfor your child based on his/her officialassessment.Protocol in each category was derived from actualbehaviortherapyprogramming for children with Autism and providedas acourtesy fromthe parents.ABA Therapy (Applied Behavior Analysis) is the most commonformofbehavior therapy.
GreenDay - Autism Behavior 1.6.5
Applied Autism
New timeout timer and token economy apptohelpyour children have a GreenDay!Using this application can assist you in implementingabehaviorplan for your children with or without autism.Not just a token economy, GreenDay makes it easier toimplementanABA behavior plan by encouraging breaks and usingreinforcementforup to three children. Helps keep the child'sattention bymakingsounds and speaking their name. Includes a"timeout" timerforputting the child on yellow and red and keepstrack of tokensbanked.Provides detailed history for the past 31days in acalendarview.This application helps you implement and trackthereinforcementthat enables you to change your child'sproblembehavior.We developed this application with input from theABAtherapistthat we hired. Our family has been using theapplicationfor a yearnow, prompting UI improvements andfeaturedevelopment.Although this application and the behavior plan wasdevelopedfora child with autism, it also works on our child thatdoesn'thaveautism.IMPORTANT: Selecting an image icon for a child can cause anoutofmemory error, depending on the memory available in yourdeviceandthe size of the image. The optimum image icon is 72 x72pixels.Features:The application supports up to three children.Flick the child's picture icon up toward their bank to givethematoken, and the app congratulates your child and tells themhowmanytokens that they have earned.Long press on the child's bank to add or subtract moneyastheyearn bonuses or make purchases.Drag the child's picture icon to yellow to put thechildinyellow, and the app warns the child to stay calmandfollowdirections.Drag the child's picture icon to red to put the child inred,andthe app lets the child know that they're on red.Theappautomatically puts the child into yellow when the red timerisup,and tells the child to apologize and restoretheenvironment.Press the child's bank to view a calendar of the past 31daysandview details for each day.Press the child's red timer to have the phone suggest abreaktoprevent a meltdown.Long press on the child's red timer to pause the timer,ifthechild leaves the designated area. Long press again tounpausethetimer.Suggestions:Enter your child's name phonetically, so thatthetext-to-speachengine speaks your child's name correctly.Enter a list of breaks from the settings screen.Create family rules that when broken will put yourchildonyellow, or that will put them directly on red. Create alistoffamily goals that will earn them tokens.The Behavior Plan:My wife and I have blogged about how we use theapplicationtoimplement our behavior plan, but you may want to talktoyourapplied behavior analyst to help develop a behavior planforyourchild.http://www.appliedautism.comJoin our Google+ Community or e-mail us if you havequestionsorproblems:https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/111409172468981400329Unfortunately there's no way for us to reply to youthroughtherating system.Implement a behavior plan for your children. Help them tohaveaGreenDay!Previous Versions:Version 1.6.1* Bugfixes for TextToSpeech on ICS.* Going on yellow now asks child to "calm down" insteadof"remaincalm".Version 1.6* Added log detail feature to record moredetailedbehaviorinformation.* Updated to Android Holo Theme.* App no longer gives praise, which should be given byparentorguardian.Version 1.5.1* Fix for ImagePicker on some devices.Version 1.5* Child's status no longer changes until the imageiconisreleased. This ensures that on larger displays, thestatusdoesn'tstick on yellow when going directly from green to red.Thisalsoallows the adult the chance to change his or hermindbeforereleasing the image icon.
Color Find - Lite Autism 1.0.4
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device beforelaunchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Airfrombelowlink.http://goo.gl/XQL3pWApp best viewed in landscape mode.♦ What comes in your mind when you hear the word Red? Howdoesthecolor Blue look like? Now paint your world by identifyingallthebeautiful colors with the help of Color Find - LiteAutism.Thisapp, with the help of small cartoon characters, isdesignedbyWebTeam Corporation in order to teach children onthespectrumabout different colors and how they look like.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per weekofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been citedbymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success.TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizestheskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA programas:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbestpractices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,includingmethods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning,incidental teaching, assistivetechnology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation oftheenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and theeffectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems ingeneralizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need fortraining inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrumdisorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associatedwith autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardationand severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make theneed fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the experteducatorsandresearchers from the Autism industry and are based onABAtherapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment forchildrenwithdevelopmental disabilities, special education needsorautism).This app records score information for progresstrackingandanalysis purposes. Recorded scores are also usedforcustomizationof the assignment of the new educationalmaterialdelivered throughthe app as the user progresses with thetargetedskills.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation isaSomerset-basedmobile application development firm thathaspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management programcomprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’sABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts,researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage theentirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood andemployment.By developing apps for autism intervention,WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices,therebymakingthese necessary services available to theunder-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lackthe expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in acost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietarytechnology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 PowerfulAnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and sharedataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that willultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growingdevelopmentaldisorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
scook 1.9.1
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH
Buch vergessen? Schulranzen zu schwer? Die scook App fürdasiPhoneund iPad macht den Schulalltag leichter und bietetZugriffauf mehrals 1.000 Bücher der Cornelsen Schulverlage,DudenSchulbuch,Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag, Volk & Wissen oderdemVerlag ander Ruhr. Zudem bietet die scook App die Möglichkeit,mitdeminteraktiven Arbeitsheft die Aufgaben aus demCrossoverWorkbookganz einfach und intuitiv auf dem Tablet oderSmartphonezubearbeiten. Ob auf dem Schulweg im Bus oder inderFreistunde,online oder offline: Die Bücher undinteraktivenArbeitsheftelassen sich nun komfortabel überall auf demSmartphoneoder Tabletlesen.