برترین 23 برنامه مشابه به Osho Quotes

Osho Quotes 2.0
Learning World
App Features :1. Free Full Version App2. Simple Interface3. Share Text or Image.
Osho Insight 2.4
Osho Insight Mobile Application brings youtheselected and curated Quotes, Jokes, Insights andMeditationTechniques of Osho to your mobile phone. You will getdaily newQuotes, Jokes and Insights on the go.Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was also known as Osho, Acharya Rajneesh,orsimply Rajneesh was an Indian "Mystic." Osho's thousands ofhoursof talks, are now published in hundreds of titles in dozensoflanguages.In these talks, the human mind is put under the microscope asneverbefore, analyzed to the smallest fold. Mind as psychology,mind asemotion, mind as mind/body; mind as moralist, mind asbelief; mindas religion, mind as history, mind as politics andsocial evolution- all examined, studied, and integrated. Thengraciously leftbehind in the essential quest fortranscendence.So what to say of Osho? The ultimate deconstructionist? Avisionarywho becomes the vision? Certainly a proposal to existence- that itis everyone's birthright to enjoy that same oceanicexperience oftrue individuality. For that, Osho says, "There isonly one path,which goes inwards, where you will not find a singlehuman being,where you will only find silence, peace."A conclusion? There are no full stops in the Osho vision, butahelping hand towards understanding ourselves.Our vision is to share the wisdom of our master Osho to theworld.Now Read, Share and meditate on the go. The app featuresthefollowing content:- Osho Quotes: Get Inspire and share the inspiration- Osho Quotes as beautiful wallpapers- Osho Jokes: Your daily dose of Laughter therapy- Osho Insights: Stories, anecdotes, parables and excerpt fromOshotalks which will bring the bliss of spirituality andwisdom- Osho Meditation Techniques: Various meditation techniques foramodern men from Osho. Find your own perfect MeditationTechniqueand start meditating- Daily updation of Quotes, Jokes and InsightsOsho Insight Mobile application Navigation and features:- Share: Share content via Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp andothersocial networks- Favorite: Favorite quotes and pictures can be saved and viewedatany time- Simple and elegant Layout and easy Navigation- Left and right swiping to go to next-previous- Absolutely Free ApplicationDownload app now and starts walking towards your inner self tofindsilence and peace.
Osho Stories Hindi 7.5.0
Manish Sankari
Osho talks Hindi stories. Beautifulstoriesthat change life completely.
Osho Stories English 1.3
Learning World
App has very simple interface. App contains-Osho Stories, Quotes, Jokes, Ten Commandments, Biography.Features.1. Offline read all stories.2. No need to sign in.3. Free Full Version.4. Simple GUI.
Osho Hindi Stories 1.1
Apps Useful
Features1. Large collections of osho stories2. Easy GUI3. Share Stories.
Osho Hindi Quotes 1.1
Apps Useful
Features1. All Quotes are offline.2. Share Quotes.3. Set Favorite Quotes.4. Simple GUI.5. Osho Suvichar in Hindi Language.
Osho Words 1.2
Maitreya Software
Collection of Words of Osho
Osho Stories Hindi 1.1
Full Offline Apps
Features1. Hindi Fonts.2. Offline OSHO Stories.3. Simple GUI.4. Share Stories.
Osho Story 1.2
Spiritual Friend
About Osho Story:- Osho Story features OSHO Speech and information aboutmeditation.OSHO STORY cover a variety of topics includingMeditation,Awareness, Wellness, Relaxation, Love, Relationships,Zen, Yoga,Tantra, Sufism, Taoism; and on Buddha, Krishna, Mahaviraand othermasters; and other aspects of the Inner World……. inHindi.App has very simple user interface and easy to control.Features,1. Hindi Stories.2. Daily Quotes.3. Osho Jokes.4. Adjust Text Size for Better Reading Stories.5. Backgroung Music for Concentrate on Stories withIneerPeace.6. Information about meditation.7. Biography.8. Daily/Weakly Updates
Osho Quotes English 1.0
Full Offline Apps
Features1. Largest Collection of Quotes.2. Share Quotes Directly from app.3. Set Favorite Quotes.
Osho Stories 4.2.0
Manish Sankari
Osho talks stories. Beautiful storiesthatchange life completely.
Osho Quotes Hindi English 1.0
Study Point
Features1. Quotes in Hindi and English.2. Share Quotes.3. Simple GUI.4 Material Design App
Osho Insight - Ad Free 1.0
Osho Insight Mobile Application bringsyoutheselected and curated Quotes, Jokes, InsightsandMeditationTechniques of Osho to your mobile phone. You willgetdaily newQuotes, Jokes and Insights on the go.Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was also known as Osho, AcharyaRajneesh,orsimply Rajneesh was an Indian "Mystic." Osho's thousandsofhoursof talks, are now published in hundreds of titles indozensoflanguages.In these talks, the human mind is put under the microscopeasneverbefore, analyzed to the smallest fold. Mind aspsychology,mind asemotion, mind as mind/body; mind as moralist,mind asbelief; mindas religion, mind as history, mind as politicsandsocial evolution- all examined, studied, and integrated.Thengraciously leftbehind in the essential questfortranscendence.So what to say of Osho? The ultimate deconstructionist?Avisionarywho becomes the vision? Certainly a proposal toexistence- that itis everyone's birthright to enjoy that sameoceanicexperience oftrue individuality. For that, Osho says, "Thereisonly one path,which goes inwards, where you will not find asinglehuman being,where you will only find silence, peace."A conclusion? There are no full stops in the Osho vision,butahelping hand towards understanding ourselves.Our vision is to share the wisdom of our master Osho totheworld.Now Read, Share and meditate on the go. The appfeaturesthefollowing content:- Osho Quotes: Get Inspire and share the inspiration- Osho Quotes as beautiful wallpapers- Osho Jokes: Your daily dose of Laughter therapy- Osho Insights: Stories, anecdotes, parables and excerptfromOshotalks which will bring the bliss of spiritualityandwisdom- Osho Meditation Techniques: Various meditation techniquesforamodern men from Osho. Find your own perfectMeditationTechniqueand start meditating- Daily updation of Quotes, Jokes and InsightsOsho Insight Mobile application Navigation and features:- Share: Share content via Facebook, Twitter, WhatsAppandothersocial networks- Favorite: Favorite quotes and pictures can be saved andviewedatany time- Simple and elegant Layout and easy Navigation- Left and right swiping to go to next-previous- Absolutely Free ApplicationDownload app now and starts walking towards your inner selftofindsilence and peace.
أوشو 1.0
تطبيق اوشوفي هذه المحادثات، يتم وضع العقل البشري تحت المجهر كما لميحدثمنقبل،استنتاج؟ لا توجد مواقف كاملة في رؤية أوشو، ولكن يد العوننحوفهمأنفسنا.رؤيتنا هي لتبادل الحكمة من سيدنا أوشو إلى العالم.الميزات:- تخطيط بسيط وأنيق وسهولة التنقل- تطبيق مجاني تماماتحميل التطبيق الآن ويبدأ المشي نحو الذات الداخلية الخاصةبكللعثورعلى الصمت والسلام.Application OshoIn these talks, the human mind is put under the microscopeasneverbefore,conclusion? There are no positions in the full vision of Osho,butahelping hand towards understanding ourselves.Our vision is to share the wisdom of our master Oshototheworld.Features:- simple and elegant layout and easy navigation- Completely free applicationDownload the application now and start walking towardsyourinnerself to find silence and peace.
Ошо - Осознанность 1.0
Что Вы делаете в данныймомент?Почувствуйтекаждую мысль, каждое движение, каждый отдельныйэлементокружающейобстановки. На первый взгляд, это кажется сложным.Но,когда Вынаучитесь находиться здесь и сейчас, Вы поймете, чтораньшеВыспали. Осознанность поможет Вам выйти из комы и житьполнойжизнью.Ошо предлагает специальные медитации для того,чтобыдобиться этогосостояния. Со временем Вы почувствуетепритуплениетаких чувств,как злость, ярость, а внутри поселятсялегкость икомфорт.What are you doingatthistime? Feel every thought, every movement, every singleelementofthe environment. At first glance, it seems difficult. Butwhenyoulearn how to be in the here and now, you realize thatbeforeyouslept. Awareness will help you come out of the coma, andlivelifeto the fullest. Osho offers a special meditation toachievethisstatus. Over time, you will feel the dulling of thesenses,asanger, rage, and dwell in ease and comfort.
ОШО | О женщинах и мужчинах 10.1
ОШО | О женщинах и мужчинахИзбранные Беседы Ошо — это чистое, непосредственное общение.Этоне проповедь по какому-либо случаю, не фрагментарноевоспоминание,пересказанное и записанное много после того, как самисточникпрекратил свое существование.«Я просто обыкновенный человек, — говорит он. - Как всякийдругой.Если и есть какая-нибудь разница, то она не в качестве, онатольков знании. Я знаю себя, вы нет».«Когда вопрос касается нашего бытия, я принадлежу томужесуществованию, той же экзистенции. Вы дышите тем же воздухом, новыпросто не пытались познать себя. В тот момент, когда выпознаетесебя, разница совсем исчезнет. Теперь же все в точноститак, словноя стою и смотрю на восход солнца, а вы стоите рядом сомной сзакрытыми глазами. Солнце восходит и для вас точно так же,как оновосходит для меня. Оно так прекрасно, так красочно не толькодляменя, но и для вас. Но что может солнце? Вы же стоите сзакрытымиглазами. Вот единственная разница. Велика ли эта разница?-спрашивает Он. — Вас нужно лишь встряхнуть и сказать:«Откройте глаза. Уже утро. Ночь прошла»».Это не святая книга. Не является она и священным писанием. Она—открытое любовное приглашение. Она — приглашение прийти и отпитьизреки, что бежит широко, истинно и свободно.Osho | About women andmenSelected Osho Talks - a clean, direct communication. This isnota sermon on any occasion, not a fragmentary recollection,retoldand recorded a lot after the source itself ceased toexist."I'm just an ordinary man - he says. - Like any other. If thereisany difference, it is not as it is only in knowledge. Iknowyourself, you will not. ""When it comes to our existence, I belong to the same existence,thesame existence. You breathe the same air, but you just did nottryto know yourself. At that moment, when you know yourself,thedifference disappears entirely. Now everything is exactly as ifIstand and look at the sunrise, and you're standing next to mewithhis eyes closed. The sun rises and you just how it goes for me.Itis so beautiful, so colorful, not only for me but for you. Butwhatcan the sun? You stand with your eyes closed. That's theonlydifference. How big is the difference? - He asks. - You justneedto shake and say:"Open your eyes. It's morning. The night passed. '"This is not a holy book. Nor is it scripture. She - openinvitationto love. She - the invitation to come and drink from theriver thatruns well, truly and freely.
Vigyan Bhairava Tantra 3.0
Technique (Tantra) to reach the state beyond(Bhairava)consciousness (Vijnana)
उपन्यास Hindi Books 64.0
Free Hindi Literature offline.
ОШО | Письма и беседы 10.1
ОШО | Письма и беседыИзбранные Беседы Ошо — это чистое, непосредственное общение.Этоне проповедь по какому-либо случаю, не фрагментарноевоспоминание,пересказанное и записанное много после того, как самисточникпрекратил свое существование.«Я просто обыкновенный человек, — говорит он. - Как всякийдругой.Если и есть какая-нибудь разница, то она не в качестве, онатольков знании. Я знаю себя, вы нет».«Когда вопрос касается нашего бытия, я принадлежу томужесуществованию, той же экзистенции. Вы дышите тем же воздухом, новыпросто не пытались познать себя. В тот момент, когда выпознаетесебя, разница совсем исчезнет. Теперь же все в точноститак, словноя стою и смотрю на восход солнца, а вы стоите рядом сомной сзакрытыми глазами. Солнце восходит и для вас точно так же,как оновосходит для меня. Оно так прекрасно, так красочно не толькодляменя, но и для вас. Но что может солнце? Вы же стоите сзакрытымиглазами. Вот единственная разница. Велика ли эта разница?-спрашивает Он. — Вас нужно лишь встряхнуть и сказать:«Откройте глаза. Уже утро. Ночь прошла»».Это не святая книга. Не является она и священным писанием. Она—открытое любовное приглашение. Она — приглашение прийти и отпитьизреки, что бежит широко, истинно и свободно.Osho | LettersandconversationsSelected Osho Talks - a clean, direct communication. This isnota sermon on any occasion, not a fragmentary recollection,retoldand recorded a lot after the source itself ceased toexist."I'm just an ordinary man - he says. - Like any other. If thereisany difference, it is not as it is only in knowledge. Iknowyourself, you will not. ""When it comes to our existence, I belong to the same existence,thesame existence. You breathe the same air, but you just did nottryto know yourself. At that moment, when you know yourself,thedifference disappears entirely. Now everything is exactly as ifIstand and look at the sunrise, and you're standing next to mewithhis eyes closed. The sun rises and you just how it goes for me.Itis so beautiful, so colorful, not only for me but for you. Butwhatcan the sun? You stand with your eyes closed. That's theonlydifference. How big is the difference? - He asks. - You justneedto shake and say:"Open your eyes. It's morning. The night passed. '"This is not a holy book. Nor is it scripture. She - openinvitationto love. She - the invitation to come and drink from theriver thatruns well, truly and freely.
Ошо Любовь Свобода.Одиночество 1.0
В этой книге Ошо говорит о том,какпо-новомувзглянуть на свою жизнь и установить другие приоритетыдлятого,чтобы внести радость и свежесть в свою жизнь и вотношениясдругими людьми. Ошо также показывает, как человекможетполностьюреализовать себя как в личности, так вобщественнойжизни.In this book,Oshotalksabout how to take a fresh look at your life andsetdifferentpriorities to bring joy and freshness in your lifeandinrelationships with other people. Osho also shows how apersoncanfully realize himself as a person as well as inpubliclife.
Виджняна Бхайрава Тантра 1.6
Kirill Kopylov
Vigyan Bhairav ​​Tantra - 112 meditation techniques, Osho comments.
Life Quotes - Quotes Creator 1.36
Daily Motivational Quotes | Quotes Maker with Images | CreateQuotesand Share
English Quotes 1.2
Makewell Infotech
Get Inspired Each and Every Day!English Quotes app is a collection of over Millions ofcarefullyhand picked quotes from most of famous peoples from allover world.Download it now and get stay inspired whole day. We havebiggestcollection of inspirational quotes that belongs to variousfamiliarpersonalities. All that you need to express or send thatyou feelby brainy quotes. This application is easy to handle and afaster.You need to just select the category then a list of quotesfalls onyour phone screen select your quote and then copy, forwardor shareit direct to social media apps.◉ Features:★ New Motivational Quotes Everyday.★ Smart & User Friendly Interface.★ Totally Free to Use.★ English Quotes Offline Works.★ Easily Pinned to Favorite Quotes.★ Loads Quickly on Any Network Mode.★ Easy to Share/Copy/Forward.★ Categorized Quotes Collection.Available Categories:● Love Quotes: Need help expressing your feelings? Hereisthe best love quotes offline that nail what it really means tobein love.● Friendship Quotes: Looking for the way to tell yourbestfriend how much she means to you? You'll find the perfectsentimentin this collection of friendship quotes.● Life Quotes: A huge collection of only the mostmotivatingquotes on living an awesome and successful life.● Funny Quotes: Sure, these funny quotes were coinedbysomeone else, but go ahead and share their wittywordsyourself!● Hurt Quotes: When we look back, it's usuallysomeone'swords that have broken our heart, but as much as wordshurt, theycan also heal.● Awesome quotes: A huge collection of only themostmotivating quotes on living an awesome and successful life.It'shelped many people so far.● Attitude quotes: Attitude is not what you learnfromschool, it is part of your nature.● Other Quotes by Famous People!: Other Famous PeoplesQuotesof Swami Vivekananda, best thoughts of Acharya Rajneesh(OshoQuotes), inspirational words of Gautam Buddha,suvichar fromAcharyaChanakya, anmol vachan of Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Jobsquotes,international women's day quotes, anmol vichan Jawahar lalNehru,hindi dohe kabir das, mahaveer jayanti, Bhim Rao Ambedkarjayanti,Ram navami, Hazarat Ali's Birthday, Good Friday,VallabhacharyaJayanti, Hanuman Jayanti, Shankaracharya Jayanti,RabindranathTagore Jayanti, Buddha Purnima, Maharana PratapJayanti,motivational thoughts of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam◉ So what are you waiting for? Just Hit the Install and shareourbrilliant quotes collections.