1.0.7 / January 11, 2018
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Asseco OTP is token application used for authentication toAsseco'sinternal services and other publicly availableservices.Application generates One Time Passwords forauthentication. Togenerate One Time Passwords application doesn'tneed Internetaccess.

информация о приложении Asseco OTP

  • Имя приложения
    Asseco OTP
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    January 11, 2018
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 4.4 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    Asseco SEE
  • Количество установок
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
  • Google Play Link

Asseco SEE Ещё...

m-ba APK
Asseco SEE
m-ba is a quick, safe, user-friendly andpractical service of UniCredit Bank, which provides you withfull-scale supervision over your personal finances:- checking account balances and list of transactions for all youraccounts, including accounts which you are authorised tooperate,- checking expenses and limits of your cards,- payment of utility bills and other invoices,- funds transfer to accounts of your choice,- set-up and payment of e-orders,- foreign exchange within your accounts,- creating templates and ordering payments with future valuedates,- checking the Exchange Rate List,- Bank contact details...m-token is an application which serves for client identificationand transaction verification via Internet banking (e-ba). It isused for the same purpose as a physical token – the only differenceis that m-token is installed in your mobile device, which makes itmore practical and available.
NLB mKlik Srbija APK
Asseco SEE
NLB mKlik vam omogućava da putem vašegmobilnog telefona bilo kada i bilo gde obavljate sve svojefinansijske transakcije na računima u NLB banci:• plaćanje računa bez ograničenja uz minimalnu proviziju• plaćanje obaveza u banci• transfer u okviru svojih računa• uvid u stanje na računu• menjačnicaBanka na klik.NLB mKlik allows you viayour mobile phone anytime and anywhere conduct their financialtransactions on the accounts of the NLB bank:• paying bills without limitation the minimum fee• payment of liabilities in the bank• transfer within their account• insight into the state of the account• Currency exchangeBank of the click.
Kombank mBank 1.3.7 APK
Asseco SEE
Kombank mBank je nova usluga koja omogućava dapreko mobilnog telefona u svakom trenutku i na svakom mestu na brz,jednostavan i potpuno siguran način obavljate sve finansijsketransakcije.Kombank mBank servis vam omogućava:• Proveru stanja i prometa po tekućim računima, računima dinarske idevizne štednje i platnim karticama• Obavljanje svih vrsta bezgotovinskih transakcija• Interni prenos sredstava sa jednog na drugi dinarski ili devizniračun• Izmirivanje obaveza po platnim karticama• Menjačke poslove, kupovinu i prodaju deviza• Uvid u kursnu listu*Napomena – Nakon inicijalnog preuzimanja aplikacije, pre početkakorišćenja, istu je potrebno I aktivirati. Za aktivacioni kodobratite se vama najbližem šalteru Komercijalne Banke ADBeograd.Kombank mBank is a new service which enables you to carry out alltypes of financial transactions using your mobile phone, at anymoment and at any place, in fast, simple and completely safeway.Kombank mBank service offers you the following options:• To check balance and turnover on your current accounts, your RSDand foreign currency savings accounts and your payment cards• To perform all types of non-cash transactions• To make internal transfer of funds among RSD or FX accounts• To discharge liabilities on your payment cards• To perform FX exchange operations• To gain access to exchange rate list*Note – After the initial installation of the application, beforeusage, the activation is necessary. For the activation code pleasevisit the nearest branch of Komercijalna Banka AD Beograd.
HPB mToken 1.0.1 APK
Asseco SEE
HPB mToken je aplikacija koja se koristi zaidentifikaciju korisnika prilikom pristupa HPB Internet bankarstvute za autorizaciju transakcija.Nakon instalacije aplikacije mToken, istu je potrebno aktiviratiunosom aktivacijskog koda.Aktivacijski kod se izdaje u poslovnici prilikom izdavanjamTokena.Nakon unosa aktivacijskog koda, potrebno je definirati PIN(Personal Identitification Number).Nakon definiranja PIN-a, prikazuje se asocijacija za PIN koja sesastoji od naziva države i prikaza njezine zastave.PIN asocijacija služi nam kao pomoć prilikom pokretanja aplikacijemToken kao podsjetnik na PIN koji je definiran prilikomaktivacije.Prilikom aktivacije mToken aplikacije, potrebno je osiguratipristup Internetu.Za korištenje aplikacije nije potreban pristup Internetu (osim kodpromjene PIN-a).SIGURNOST:Aplikacija HPB mToken je SIGURNA jer korisnik koji je koristitreba unijeti PIN koji je poznat samo njemu. On se ne pohranjuje namobitel, čime je omogućena tajnost podataka.DESCRIPTION:HPB mToken is an application used for user identification whenaccessing HPB Internet banking and for authorizing paymenttransactions.After the instalation, the mToken application needs to be activatedusing an activation code.Activation code is issued in any branch office of the Bank when themToken service is being activated.After entering the activation code, the user is asked to define aPIN number.During PIN definition, a PIN association is displayed and consistsof a random state name and flag.After starting the HPB mToken application, PIN association is usedfor help as a reminder of a PIN that was defined duringactivation.When activating the mToken application, a user is required tosecure the Internet connection.For the use of HPB mToken application, Internet connection is NOLONGER required (except in the case of a PIN change).SECURITY:mToken application is SAFE because the user is the only one whoknows the PIN, and the PIN is not stored on the phone itself wichensures data secrecy.
HPB-mBanking 1.2.1 APK
Asseco SEE
Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d. izradila je za Android korisnikeaplikaciju mobilnog bankarstva, HPB mBanking. Aplikacija omogućujekontroliranje Vaših financija putem mobilnog uređaja, jednostavnaje za upotrebu i dostupna svim korisnicima koji imaju Androiduređaj.SVOJSTVA I FUNKCIONALNOSTI APLIKACIJEPutem HPB mBanking aplikacije za Android možete:•provjeriti informacije o stanju i prometima računa,•steći uvid u stanje kredita,•steći uvid u detalje i promete kartica,•provesti naloge za prijenose i plaćanja, kao i zadatipredloške•unijeti naloge u najavi,•kupiti GSM bonove,•izvršiti kupoprodaju deviza,•provjeriti tečajnu listu i konvertirati valuteSIGURNOSTKorištenje HPB mBanking aplikacije za Android je potpuno sigurno.Korisnik koji je koristi treba unijeti PIN koji je poznat samonjemu. On se ne pohranjuje na mobitel, čime je omogućena tajnostpodataka.-------------Hrvatska poštanka banka dd has developed a new mobile bankingapplication for its Android users, HPB mBanking. It allows you tocontrol your finances with your mobile phone, it is easy to use andavailable to all users who are using the Android device.FEATURESBy using HPB mBanking application for Android you can:•verify information on the status and transaction details of youraccounts,•get insight into your loan accounts,•check details and transactions on debit and credit cards,•conduct transfer orders and execute pre-prepared bankassignments,•enter orders with the possibility of execution on date in thefuture,•buy GSM vouchers,•buy and sell foreign currencies,•check exchange rates and convert currencySECURITYUse of HPB mBanking application for Android is completely secure.The user is the only one who knows the PIN and the PIN itself it isnot stored on the device itself wich ensures data secrecy.
mBiznisBankar ProCredit Srbija 1.1.50 APK
Asseco SEE
Banka na dodir prsta
CA m-Banking (LeBankmobile) 1.3.1 APK
Asseco SEE
CA m-Bank (LeBankmobile) application of Crédit Agricole Srbija is agreat solution for managing your finances on your mobile phone.This application can only work with the active internet connectionof any mobile operator or a wireless connection.CA m-Bank (LeBankmobile) is available for both resident andnon-resident clients.After downloading the application and before starting its use, itis necessary to activate it at the nearest branch office of CréditAgricole Srbija.Application can be used for:• Checking your account balance in dinars or in foreign currency inreal time• Payment to any account• Fx operations – buying or selling the foreign currency• Savings account balance (term and a vista, in dinars or inforeign currency)• Account balance for credit cardsAdvantages of m-Banking (LeBankmobile):• 24/7 working hours• Saves time – no need to go to the Bank for basic and most commonservices and information• Saves money – transactional fees are lower for e-paymentorders• You create the access PIN CODE using the Activation code obtainedby the Bank in closed envelope• Creating the template payment orders available for later use
ASEE Token 1.0.0 APK
Asseco SEE
ASSECO SEE Token generates one-timepasswordsfor CRM authentication.SECURITYUse of ASSECO SEE Token for Android is completelysecure.Application automatically locks itself after three minutesofinactivity.Keywords mToken, mBanking, ASEBA, asseco,token,VPN token