Peacemakerv Приложения

Just-a-Menu 0.2
Just a menu application based on your pre-selected WEB-pageaddress:full-screen simple WEB-browser application.* Electronic menu for public institution: restaurant,coffeehouse, bowling, billiards...* Main setting is just an URL of HTTP web-server page; alsoadmin'spassword* Menu database: your HTML web-page or even web-server,locatedlocally in your WLAN, or in the internet. End-user shouldmakechoice among your production price-list for ordering.* Pseudo Kiosk-mode option: auto application restart, if itwasclosed by end-user (pseuso as Android does not supportfullKiosk-mode)* EN and RU interface now
JustFishingSim 1.51
Starting v.1.1 the game is made more simple,no constant online-map using Internet connection any more.It may be a kind of the educational app for the ice and feederfishing.All should be intuitively simple: tap objects and use popupmenu. And system Android menu (under MENU button).In whole, imagine youself on a real ice fishing where all should bemade by the fisher - watch, remember, replace: you can choose theplace, trolling there making a play with the rod, checking andreplacing baits, rods with lines, lost lures, having time forshopping.1) Now it is only offline game - no server anymore, it wasunpopular.2) This app is just for fun - waste you time, if you need.3) Set the map scale to see the position well.4) For feeder at least hooks and a sinker are required (sure,normally the ground mix and feeder tray are needed)5) The rod should be controlled like in the reality - by bothhands: finger is on the wheel and the line is pulled by screenswipes up and down to the hole (note the finger skin sensitivity isimportant for fast line control). But there is alternate controlway.6) Hooking strike if a fish is biting is required to hook it,fish's self-hooking is probable, as in reality, but not sooften.7) Troll lures do not need bait, if not on the bottom - wait forpredators8) Point of fishing is important: pits (> 15m) or slopes to apit are better than shelves (up to 6m depth).9) Do not forget to sell your fish (manu on any base), to getcoins: all things cost moneyAlso there is the Simple control in the ice fishing dialog menu:by screen buttons (not by phone accelerometer vibro sensor), thehooking strike is not required, playing the indicator is possibleby just his tapping.The fishing base on a shore is needed, as usual, for restockingthe baits, lures, equipment.Fish behavior in the app is already realistic: better biting, ifthe lure is animated, bait is fresher, line is thinner; if the lineis thick - biting is more rare, but fish is bigger, chance to breakthick line, sure, is lower. Fish can go away any time, and moreoften, if the lure is small for the fish. The line break (and lureloss), of course, is real, the bigger fish the much probably, andfor sure if the fish is very big for your line currently chosen.The fish resists pulling the line into the ice hole: the biggerfish, the faster pulling - if line is pulled out up to the doublebottom length - it is broken.Small licensed fish (of limited size allowed to caught) can makeyou a poacher, be ready for fine on the base, if such fish notreleased, but ... all the time, if you're lucky.Summer fishing: if the weather is warm in the chosen point - thefishing will be either in a boat (by winter rods, if you are on thewater), or by the feeder tackle (bottom) on a shore. As in thereality for the feeder fishing - go to the water shore very near.Do not forget to purchase on any base the needed equipment: hooks,feeder trays, feeding ground mix. Next select tackle parts, mix,load the tray by the mix. For casting - tap the handle and use reelto out. Cast out by the screen swipe towards the water depth - thecasting is calculated phisically very realistic for the 3 m rod(cast rod speed, angle, flying time, distance, time for the tacklesinking).Calculation of the caught fish weight is based on realstatistics, by the special formula, the system app menu has thisfunction to manually calculation.
OsteoAlarm Free 0.6
This app is tracking your posture tilt by 4 sides and warns bysound or\and vibration if your body inclination angles are outsidethe selected limits. For tracking your correct posture: 1) Choosethe alarm and sensor settings (see Menu) 2) Save correct (initial)posture angles: tap button and place (fix) this Android deviceduring next 10 seconds on your body (pocket, phone case) at thecorrect comfort posture. 3) Start the tracking service App dialogcan be closed now, info is in the notification area. Warning:Android sleep is blocked, be noted higher battery discharge.Internet permission is for Media-player that plays sound alerts.---------------- Paid app version has max tilt angles to becontrolled up to 75 degrees. This app can be useful for Androidusers being operated on the backbone, with intervertebral hernia,scoliosis. App may be useful instead of separate sensorscontrolling the posture, like Lumo Lift.
При-Кормки 0.4
Global Catalog and Online Store of fishing baits
Банк Рефератов.kz 0.3
Web-client without advertising the site
StopEarTap 0.5
Background screen locker for PDA not having aproximity sensor.Blank program screen is shown on receiving an incoming call (or atoutgoing call also starting version 0.3): stop tapping screen bythe ear :-)Use BACK button to hide the program, unload by the menu.
VuLEDmeter Shareware 1.0
Music discotheque stroboscope, visualizer forAndroid devices (HTC, Samsung, some SE, Acer were tested).ROOT access rights are required !Application provides:* capturing the wave table of being played musiс* data processing for LEDs control* writing the data to the system "brightness" file (ROOT isrequired)* vibro-music !* alerting about missed call or unread SMSThere are many "brightness" file path variants:* /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/brightness (buttonsbacklight)* /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness (displaybacklight)* /sys/class/leds/flashlight/* /sys/devices/platform/leds-pm8058/leds/button-backlight/* /sys/devices/platform/flashlight.0/leds/flashlight/BUT NOTE: no warranty that app can work on your any device, itdepends on manufacturer's model firmware.YouTube demonstration:Video1:
TouchTableMenu Light 0.6
* Electronic menu for publicinstitution:restaurant, coffee house, bowling, billiards...* Designed for landscape screen orientation, mostly tablets:mainscreen is auto adjustable for any resolution* Ordering system via WiFi-chat (a common WLAN with aDHCP-server):tablets can be at kitchen, music DJ, halladministrator..., on anytable(now only common chat is ready,privates are planned). Networknickname is set by the admin, bydefault - IP-address.* Settings - secured by admin's password (by default, passwordis"admin", lower case).* Menu database: a set of .csv files with ";" as fieldsdelimiterand the headings, files to be saved with UTF8 charset.Files aresaved into the internal memry (import from a memory cardand deletefunctions are available), so a flash memory card is notrequired,just for updating menu files. Two demo menu .csv filesarebuilt-in: restaurant menu and music playlist.* Top-left corner: status for the end-user* Kiosk-mode option: auto restart, if application closedbyend-user* Search within menu: scrolling the menu list up to the nextfoundtext being searchedBusiness owners are welcome to order custom version for theexactbusiness
GpsEmailTracker 0.65
GSM\WiFi and GPS tracker sending reports to Email
How4What 0.4
A specification generator for youridea,project, system to be developed.Any project to be developed should be fully specified andwelldescribed to the engineer, programmer, designer. It means thatallterms of the project, parts, elements, their propertiesandfunctions must be exactly listed and explained.This application may help to invent such specification ofyouridea.You will need to create the lists of project results,initialinfo and functions that the system should have owing to thework ofdevelopers.* Project results: what useful should be made by the system.Saya map with the found object you need to visit. Or somecalculationresult.* Initial info: text, numbers, measuring requirements, files,infotables, samples, screen-shots...In whole: data going to the input of the system.* Functions: algorithms, calculation order, formulas,circuitdiagrams, drawings...It seems, this is the most complex and unclear subject tobedescribed for the developers: these are those things to bereleasedby the system to get its results. Maybe these things arenotpossible in principle :-)To be simple, it's released so: separate dialogue forthecreation of the results and source info, and thefunctions(accordance of the results and source info). And otherproperties,including pictures - in another more complexdialogue"Detales".Long tapping objects is used for deletion and adding newitems.Single tap is, as usual, for selection and edition.Now the app has the template forAndroid-applicationspecification order. Any other template can becreated, ifrequired. Result fields and source info fields of thetemplatecannot be renamed or deleted.Please, inform about any error before making negativereview:it's just new app.
Recon Roadbook 1.0EN
GPS roadbook for rally racers
Тренер реакции спортсмена 3.1
Программа-тренажер формирует сигналыдляупражнений на быстроту реакции и быстроту ответных действийвразных видах спорта (единоборства, игровые виды и т. п.).Функциональные возможности программы:- подача цветовых сигналов (вспышка) в случайный моментвремени(двух цветов);- подача звуковых сигналов (звук) с задержкойотносительновспышки.- так же и вибрация.Вспышка появляется через время гарантированногомолчания(интервал паузы) во время гарантированного появлениявспышки(интервал сигнала). Чтобы исключить монотонное повторение,винтервале сигнала вспышка появляется в случайный моментвремени,один из двух заданных цветов.Упражнение состоит из серий, каждая серия имеетзаданноеколичество сигналов. Каждая серия начинается звуком старта(задайтев настройках). Конец упражнения так же можетсопровождатьсязвуком.Настройте программу так, чтобы интервал паузы позволялуспеватьвернуться в исходное положение, а задержка звука позволялауспеватьвыполнить нарабатываемое действие от вспышки до подачизвука.Для простоты рассмотрим наработку скорости реакции искоростиодиночного удара в боксе, в положении стоя на месте.Закрепите смартфон, так, чтобы наблюдение за вспышкойбылоудобным, а сам смартфон был недоступен длямеханическоговоздействия, например, на верхней части боксерскогомешка.Интервал паузы -1,0 сИнтервал сигнала - 1,5 сДлительность вспышки - 0,4 сЗадержка звука - 0,6 сКоснитесь экрана для запуска программы. Начните действие(удар)сразу после появления вспышки. Старайтесь, чтобы вашедействиепроисходило как можно скорее после появления вспышки допоявлениязвука или одновременно с ним. Если удается стабильно«попадать взвук», через какое-то количество занятий немногоуменьшите задержкузвука и стремитесь заканчивать действие уже заменьшее время.При написании программы предполагалось, что- систематическое выполнение действий принудительно (посигналу)позволяет научиться мгновенно приводить организм вбоевуюготовность (с быстрым выполнением действий) независимо оттого, вкаком состоянии он находится (напряжения отдельныхмышц,расположение центра тяжести, наличие или отсутствие движениявсеготела или отдельных его частей и т. п.) на моментпоявлениясигнала.- результаты упражнений с программой (отличная реакция,резкиедвижения, быстрые действия, малое время отклика)постепеннопереносятся в условия реальных спортивных состязаний.Выполняя действия в ответ на сигналы многократно,необходимостремиться к появлению быстрого (мгновенного, резкого)ответногодействия на сигнал в виде устойчивого рефлекса.На практике программа применялась для увеличения скоростиреакциина тренировках по контактному каратэ и настольномутеннису.Результат - положительный.Programsimulatorgenerates signals for the exercises on the speed ofreaction andspeed of response in different sports (martial arts,game types,and so on. N.).Functionality of the program:- Submission of color signals (flash) in a random time(twocolors);- Sound signals (sound) with a delay with respect totheflash.- And also vibration.The outbreak appears through time guaranteed silence(pauseinterval) during the guaranteed appearance of the Flash(signalrange). To eliminate the monotonous repetition, in the rangeof theflash signal appears at a random point in time, one oftwospecified colors.The exercise consists of a series, each series hasapredetermined number of signals. Each series begins soundstart(set in settings). End of Exercise can also be accompaniedbysound.Configure the program to keep pace with the pause intervalisallowed to return to its original position, and the audiodelayallowed to have time to perform accumulating effect of theflash tothe input sound.For simplicity, consider the time between the reaction rate andthespeed of a single pin in the box, in a standing position ontheground.Secure your smartphone, so that an outbreak of observationwascomfortable, and the smartphone has been available forthemechanical action, for example, on top of the boxing bag.Pause interval -1.0 tosignal interval - 1.5 toFlash duration - 0.4 secondsAudio Delay - 0.6Tap the screen to start the program. Start the action(kick)immediately after the outbreak. Try to keep your action tookplaceas soon as possible after the onset of the outbreak beforetheadvent of sound, or simultaneously with it. If you canconsistently"get into the sound" after a number of lessons slightlyreducesound delay and seek to end the action has in less time.When writing the program assumed that- The systematic implementation of the action force (on asignal)allows you to learn how to quickly bring the body on alert(withquick implementation of actions) regardless of the state inwhichit is located (the voltage of individual muscles, centerofgravity, the presence or absence of movement of the whole bodyorindividual parts and so on. n.) at the time of occurrence ofthesignal.- The results of exercise program (a great reaction,suddenmovements, fast action, short response time) isgraduallytransferred to the conditions of real sports.Performing actions in response to signals many times, itisnecessary to strive for the emergence of rapid (instant,sharp)responsive action to a signal in the form ofsustainablereflex.In practice, the program was used to increase the speedofreaction to the contact karate training and table tennis.Theresult - a positive.
NewPaper 0.2
Compare two photos before you makeyourchoice.Tool was made for new wallpapers selection:* you make a photo of your walls with old design (tap thescreenfree space)* start the app when you are at the shop: you can see oldwallpaperas the background picture and ...* the new walpapper sample is visible over old one throughthecamera "hole" eye.Move the camera "eye" by tap and holding over yourolddesign.So, check and compare new walpapers samples and make yourchoice!New app features requests are welcome.I guess, may be planned:* the camera "eye" size can be adjustable* saving the pictures variants between shops isalsopractical...Any more ?
on-togglesound 0.2
Just activates the sound.Another utility "off-togglesound" toggles the sound, activatesthesilent (vibro) mode.It's useful as a simple "sound on" command by CyberonVoiceCommander.Screenshots just show that sound mode is toggled, noanydialogs.
StatDecider Light 0.7
Internet-oriented every-day decisionmakerapplication.You need to make choice?You need to know the fact ?Or correct answer among testing variants ?No need to call friends or read Internet-forums - just inputyourSEVERAL variants and correct answer is found.Having an Internet connection, the program can help you to findastatistically most popular answer on the Internet.Application can be used for comparing things, education(checkingfacts), searching review, resume of goods,products,trademarks...It's really working practically useful program, not a"magicball" with random reply.--------------------------Full version supports up to 5 sentences checking by up to5facts.
off-togglesound 0.2
Just activates the silent (vibro) mode.Another utility "on-togglesound" toggles the sound again to be on.It's useful as a simple "sound off" command by CyberonVoiceCommander.Screenshots just show that sound mode is toggled.
WavSlices 0.5
Microphone voice recorder by 2 min slices
StatDecider 0.7full
Internet-oriented decision makerapplication,not a joke with a random answer.Having an Internet connection, the program can help you to findastatistically most popular answer\choice to your request ontheInternet . Application can be used for comparing things,education(checking facts), searching review, resume of goods,products,trademarks...Functions:* Setting list of sentences (words, phrases...) that are tobecompared* Setting list of criteria (facts, properties, features...) aretobe checked redarding the sentences* Button that starts searching info on the Internet andcalculatingthe result* If Internet connection is problemless, and reply exist - themostpopular on the Internet sentence and criterion areredcolored* Saving entered texts for future pre-selectionAgain: it's really working practically useful program, nota"magic ball".
Электронный отвес 0.8
Plummet - the sensor vertically with remote control
Casting Emulator 1.0
Emulator casting fishing rod (feeder, spinning)
tracKMLer 1.2
GPS-tracker and editor points and routes for navigation in KMLformat, UPOI, XLS
All2Mapp 0.6
Map markers sharing app
SensorEmailTracker Light 0.7free
Tracker and sensor info logger to email
OsteoAlarm 0.6
Service to prevent osteopathic complications (unlimited version).
BeBack 2.3full
GPS voice navigation utility economizing the battery charge.
MotorOilHour 1.0
Motor-hours calculator for car engine oil replacement.
SensorEmailTracker 0.7
Sensor info logger to email
GpsEmailTracker Light 0.66free
GSM\WiFi and GPS tracker sending reports to Email
SpellReadTeacher 2.0
Russian language spelling read teacher
Barofisher 0.9
Погодный информатор и сборщик статистики для рыболова и лентяя -смотрите погоду за окном, не подходя к окну. Идея вынашиваласьдавно из-за постепенно растущего количества андроидфонов с датчикоматмосферного давления: барометром. Данное бесплатное приложениесоздается ради исследовательской цели - изучение зависимости клёварыбы от погодных условий. Это ваш автоматизированный рыболовныйдневник. Программа: 1) Показывает текущую реальную погоду (непрогноз) в вашем районе (в зависимости от разрешенного методаопределения координат) 2) Сохраняет эту погодную статистику,выводит на график 3) Измеряет реальное атмосферное давлениебарометром вашего телефона, если он есть 4) И главное: длядостижения цели нужна ваша честная информация о клёве рыбы сегодня,если вы были на рыбалке. Никакой выдачи ваших "клёвых" мест, простостатистическая информация как сегодня клевало - "хорошо", "таксебе" или "плохо", привязанная к погоде. Требования: GoogleServices для определения координат всеми доступными способамиИнтернет-соединение для получения погодных данных Датчик-барометрочень желателен, но необязателен: из-за него и затеена разработка.Пишите замечания, пожелания: Программабесплатная, и значит должна быть удобная, чтобы не раздражатьвплоть до желания удалить с устройства. Иначе статистику несобрать. Вот главный вопрос - что еще полезного могла бы делатьпрограмма, чтобы её не было желания удалить. Особенно длярыболовов. И второй вопрос - как сподвигнуть рыболовов честноответить на простой вопрос "Как сегодня клевала рыба ?". Ведьпроверить эти данные нет никакой возможности, а изучить научныйвопрос о клёве рыбы в зависимости от погоды - очень хочется.
SoundPulse 1.01
Heart rate monitor with audio
PollTests 0.8
Adjustable poll application. Questions\answers are loaded fromXMLfile. RU interface only now, sorry, XML can be of anylanguage(email if needs english interface). Localization,functions, outputis to be customized for your requests, email tome.
Я водитель - Работа водителем такси Метеорит
On-line registration of drivers in taxi services
TopMos.t 0.5full
Topmost icon of various info
Всем, кто дома 0.193free
WiFi-intercom - voice communication at home or in the office
Рязань 0.3
Каталог заведений Рязани и близлежащих городов садресами,телефонами и возможностью посмотреть на карте. * Удобныйрубрикаторс возможностью поиска по названию заведения, рубрики,адресу,ключевым словам. * Также найдете: скидки Рязани, новостиРязани,акции Рязани, телефоны такси, расписание сеансов кино вкинотеатрахРязани.
BeBack Free 3.7free
A GPS voice navigation utility economizing the batterycharge.Suitable for hunters, fishers or other adventure finders:allows towalk straight to the target point with free handsaccording to thevoice pointers, having your PDA in a pocket withthe switched offscreen and saving the battery charge on the way.Stupid looking atthe display on the way is not really neededanymore: just selectthe target, switch the PDA off (screen off) andwalk to the targetfollowing the voice prompts. A navigation isprovided not by GPS'scourse info that needs to run rather quicklyto understand theactual course, but via calculation of the coursefrom your currentpoint to the target point just by the GPScoordinates. Screen canbe off that saves battery's charge, extrafeature is: periodicalGPS connection each 2 mins, not permanent -walking allows suchrare updating the coordinates that will savebattery charge aswell. Option: * speed in miles per hour, distancein yards (metersare by default) * auto-calculation of the alertperiod according tothe speed * Sending SMS with the current GPScoordinates * Sendingall target points by email * Accelerometersignal for voice alert:is used only during navigation mode to thetarget, PDA is blockedfrom sleep mode. NOTE: may not work with somePDA, and note thebattery discharge * In-app full access paymentfunction, via GoogleWallet(Internet connection required) *navigation along the track,if the target names are with suffix 001,002, ...999 (tap the firstor the latest target with such digit)Application with the paidfull access is unlimited by distance,saving targets qty, alertperiod range and others.
Дневник кающегося 1.51
Database to prepare for confession
AndrOrder 1.2
Developer calculator for Android programmers.
TradingDroid 1.9
Invoice creator and exporter to .XLS using an externalprice-listand supplier\customer simple editable database. Only RUinterfacenow, sorry. * Import *.csv price-list (3-column table:group of theitem, item description and price. For national font isto be UTF-8encoded) * Currency option for invoice texts * Selectionofsupplier\customer\invoice assembler\date * Editable invoiceitemstable with the ordering quantity and total sum of the invoice*Export to an printable SD-card .xls file (Excel97-2003),optionally openable on PDA Free version creates invoicewith up to1 item, but now added: * Sending invoice by email (paidversion) *Creation\edition and sending of the .csv price-list (paidversion)* In-app billing for unlimited paid version
What to nosh? 0.8
Reminder what dish to cook
Генератор техзадания 2 0.72
Generator technical specifications of the project.
Internet Image Picker 0.3full
Fast Internet picture picker