Polemics Applications Приложения

Pocket Keys and Scales 1.0
Pocket Keys and Scales displays the music andkey signatures for major, minor, pentatonic, and blues scales. Alsoincluded is a thirds exercise and an arpeggio exercise in everymajor and minor key.Pocket Keys and Scales is great for developing musicians thatneed a quick reference for major, minor, pentatonic, or bluesscales in every key. It can be used to simply identify keysignatures or as a way to display the written music for scales.Includes:- 15 Major Key Signatures (12 Chromatic and 3 Enharmonic) withthe written music for the scale, thirds, and arpeggios foreach- 15 Minor Key Signatures (12 Chromatic and 3 Enharmonic) with thewritten music for the scale, thirds, and arpeggios for each- Written music for pentatonic scales starting on all 12 chromaticnotes- Written music for blues scales (minor pentatonic) starting on all12 chromatic notes- Treble and Bass clef included for all of the above- Additional information on playing harmonic and melodic minorscales
Army Basic Training 1.1
This Army Basic Training app is a referencebook and guide for anyone about to enter the U.S. Army. All contentis unclassified for unlimited distribution. Content is a blend ofwhat you will see and experience at basic training as well as tipson how to survive.Topics cover the three phases of Basic Training:Phase I Red Phase "Patriot"-Drill and Ceremony-Army Values-Physical Fitness Test-Chemical Defense-Combatives-Map Reading-Obstacle Courses-First Aid-Pugil Sticks-Gas Chamber-Basic Rifle MarksmanshipPhase II White Phase "Gunfighter"-M4/M16 Rifle-M203 Grenade Launcher-M240B Machine Gun-M2 Machine Gun-M249 SAW-M9 Pistol-BayonetsPhase III Blue Phase "Warrior"-Field Training-Urban Assault-Final Fitness Test-10K Foot March-15K Foot March-RecoveryAdditional reference material include:-Rank Guide-The Army Song-Soldiers Creed-Getting Smoked (of course)-Basic Smart Card
Army Tactics & Doctrine 1.0
Army Tactics & Doctrine is for allSoldiers that want to understand how the Army works. Words meanstuff. The Air Force has jets, the Navy has ships, Marines havehard heads and the Army has Doctrine. Tactics are the specific waysin which we carry out operational tasks.Presented here:A doctrine list of 107 most popular termsA list of dead terms you are probably still using butshouldn'tThe random term trainerA list of tactical termsHand drawn classic tactics:AttackRaidAmbushBreak ContactMovement FormationsHand & Arm signalsComes with an optional Membership to the New School Army, anorganization to help all Soldiers become the positive change theywant to see in this Army.
New School Army 1.0
All U.S. Army Soldiers put down your chemlight batteries, raise your non-firing hand and purchase this app!Celebrate Army culture with the New School Army~ This app is packedfull of Army humor, good to know stuff, calculator tools andpolemic philosophy. Our goal is to enable New School Soldiers to bethe change they want to see in this Army. This is a study guide forthe school of life. If you want a promotion board study guide thenget your eyeballs to some other app. From A to Z we offer the bestArmy entertainment we can muster for those times you are forced tohurry up and wait.Content includes:Army Dictionary of Soldier Terms (What is an 11 Bang Bang?)APFT Test Verbiage3 New School WorkoutsA Random Exercise Generator7 Philosophical ArticlesThe Barracks Lawyer (Humor)CadencesArmy DivisionsRank GuideFacts, Myths & LegendsGeneral OrdersArmy HistoryFirst Aid (Inglorious Bandages)Job Search HelpKeep Up The Fire (A list of crappy-awesome Army Experiences likethe oh so fun small pox shot)Lists of Stuff to Memorize (like 8 troop leading procedures)MarksmanshipNickname Generator (for your battle buddy!)Our Next War Zone (speculation on whose next)Pay Charts (bling!)QuotesRibbons Study GuideRibbons Quiz GameSafetyRisk Calculator18 U.S. Weapons14 Threat WeaponsXXI ExperimentsTrash talk and praise for 12 Army programsZombie Survival SOPRight now you are probably asking yourself, "What makes the greengrass grow?" The answer to this question and more can be foundwithin the app. This App is unclassified for unlimited distributionto Enlisted, NCO, ROTC, OCS, and Commissioned Officers, students ofwarrior leader course (WLC) and Air Assault.
Army Runner 1.0
This App is specifically designed for U.S.Army Soldiers to embrace the running culture in the U.S. Army. Wehave searched far and wide to find all the best workouts, runningprograms, and articles for this App. The purpose of running is toimprove the overall conditioning of the Soldier by developingendurance. Endurance spans a continuum between aerobic andanaerobic systems. We've got everything you need to build a runningprogram for you or your troops. Note, this is not a GPS runningapp; it includes information on U.S. Army running programs.Features:- 13 Different Running Workouts- 6 Articles on Running- 5 Specialized Running Programs (including programs designed forRanger, Sapper, Air Assault, and Airborne Schools)- Random Motivational Quote Generator- APFT Verbiage- Body Fat Calculators
Soldier Cardio Fitness Trainer 1.0
Hello Soldiers and Fitness Nuts!This app helps you create a cardio routine and shouts outexercises as you perform them. The basic idea is to perform arandom set of exercises from your selection for a number of roundswith a rest period between rounds. We track your time, rest periodsand callout your next exercise. The exercises come from the ArmyPhysical Readiness Training manual.Your workout is completely customizable including:-Your choice of 23 exercises-Number of rounds-Number of exercises in a round-Number of seconds performing each exercise-Number of seconds rest between roundsBonus Reference Section: Our 23 exercises come from the ArmyPhysical Readiness Training manual. Don’t know what an AlternatingQuarter Turn Jump is? No problem, check out our section withpictures, descriptions and performance points.
Xcode Academy 1.0
Interested in programming iOS apps? Then youwill need Xcode. Xcode is the program used to develop iPhone andiPad apps. This App was developed with the absolute beginner inmind. Whether you are looking to move your apps from otherplatforms over to iPhone, or if you are a brand new programmer,this app will show you the basics of Xcode and how to performseveral common tasks. This is the beginning of a series of apps toteach the beginning programmer how to work with Xcode and ObjectiveC. Our motivation came from buying expensive books and outdatedapps. Our app is verified for iOS 6 use. Stick with us and youwon't be caught flat footed.Programming apps is difficult to begin, there is a criticalpoint of time when new programmers either break through and fly ontheir own or they quit. You can browse your local book store andspend $40 - $60 on a book that may be out of date or contain a lotof non essential information, or you can spend $1.99 to get thetutorials listed below that provide functions that almost all Appprogrammers will need to know.Note: You will need an Apple computer (iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook)to download Xcode (free) and start programming; this App is a guideto programming with Xcode.This is Xcode Academy 101, content includes:Xcode InterfaceNavigatorStoryboardUtilitiesA Dictionary with 27 common Xcode termsCreating your first appadding Buttons, images and backgroundsTable viewsTab bar controllersIntro to Objective CCreating a Webviewcreating a Scrollview iOS 6.0Pinch and PanPlaying sound filesText Fields and the assistant editorSwiping Gestures
JavaScript Reference 1.0
JavaScript is one of the world’s most popularprogramming languages. In honor of this Polemics Applicationscreated this study guide for new programmers. JavaScript Tutorialand Flashcards is a basic introduction to JavaScript syntax. Thisapp displays the most common JavaScript Syntax for beginners andquick reference. We display the material in several different waysto aid in memorization, study and quick use. In this app you’llfind:- A syntax dictionary with 30 entries in full color coveringtopics like arrays, functions, objects, and console logging.- Flashcards displaying a JavaScript statement followed by thepurpose of the statement.- A JavaScript Glossary with 24 terms- The 32 page Wikipedia article on JavaScrip syntax for furtherstudy
ROTC Reference 1.0
ROTC is a reference guide for any Army ReserveOfficer Training Corp or Officer Candidate School student who wantsto carry required information in their pocket. MaterialIncludes:- Troop Leading Procedures- OPORD Format- Risk Assessment- Extensive Acronym List- Small Unit Tactics - Attack, Ambush, Break Contact, Raid- Movement Formations- Hand and Arm Signals- METT-TC- OCOKA- GOTWA- ROTC Creed- Army Values- Army Song- New School Army Samples
Army Warrior Tasks 1.0
Hail to the New School NCO! This app has all65 Army Warrior Tasks from STP 21-1-SMCT dated September 2012. Thisis not just a .pdf manual in app form. Our app lets you search yourtask by category (shoot, move, communicate, survive and adapt) andquickly view standards and Go / No Go criteria. Never be withouthip pocket training material again.This is a New School Army app, therefore we have the best advicefrom NCOs on how to plan, prepare, conduct and assess training.Purchase of this app comes with a free (optional) membership intothe New School Army.What’s Inside:9 SHOOT Tasks18 MOVE Tasks6 COMMUNICATE Tasks22 Survive Tasks10 ADAPT TasksAll performance measures, pictures and assessment standardsyou’ll find in the manual.
OCS Reference 1.0
This app is the New School reference guide forany Officer Candidate School student who wants to carry requiredinformation in their pocket. Purchase of this app includes a free(optional) membership to the New School Army. The New School Armyis your guide to navigating a successful career. Why carry littlepaper smart cards when you can have an entire library in yourpocket?OCS Guide Material includes:Complete Federal OCS HandbookSmall unit tacticsAttackRaidAmbushBreak ContactTroop Leading ProceduresOperations OrdersRisk AssessmentsOCS Alma MaterOCS Honor codeThe Army SongMETT-TCOCOKADOTMLPF
88M Motor Transport Operator 1.0
Greetings distinguished 88M MotorOperators!This is the app on Google Play for your profession. Youare themost numerous profession in the Army and we at the NewSchool Armyproject thought we would honor you with this tool.Inside you'll find:- Every common task for the 88M found in the 88MSoldiersManual- Hand & Arm Signal Flash Cards- Excerpts from ATP 4-11 and FM 4-01
EFMB Expert Field Medic Badge 1.0
The EFMB guide is a resource for all medicstohave every EFMB task in their pocket. We've got all tasksfromAMEDDCS PAM 3-50-10 with conditions, standards, Go/No-Gocriteria,and lane instructions. Prep for lane training! Every taskis in itsown .PDF file that you can easily email to anyone forreference andquick printing. Content includes 12 excerpts from theEFMB Manualand all 49 EFMB tasks in individual PDF files.
Math Symbols and Terms 1.0
Math Terms and Symbols is the BEST wayforstudents and professionals to quickly learn the numerousmathsymbols found across several schools of math. Within thisappyou'll see math terms and symbols presented in a numberofdifferent ways. Our goal is to create several differentlearningscenarios to maximize learning, memorization, or just quicklookup.In this app you’ll find:189 Math Symbols with browsing, flashcards, and a quiz240+ Math Terms with browsing, flashcards and a quiz32 Mathematical Logic Terms explained with flash cards andaquizA Greek Alphabet Guide30 page PDF of statistics terms22 page Wikipedia article on Math SymbolsProbability Distributions including Normal, Uniform,Exponential,Binomial Poisson, and GammaThis app is a part of our structured self development line.Doplease check out our other apps at www.polemicsapps.com
Army Airborne School 1.0
Greetings Airborne Warriors (or soon tobeAirborne Warriors!). This app is designed to knock a little bitofthe mystery out of Airborne School for any current orfutureAirborne Soldiers. Polemics Applications has put thisinformationin app format for your quick reference. We do thisthrough the goodgraces of Ft. Benning cadre and the Department ofthe Army who haveplaced this information in open source documents.Provided here:*11 Articles on Admin requirements to know before going toAirborneSchool.*The published PT schedule for every day of all 3 weeksofschool.*The daily training schedule for every day of all 3 weeks.*Flashcards for your study.Quick Reference Information for the following:*PLF Technique*Mock Door*Two Foot Platform*34 Foot Tower*Suspended Harness*Swing Landing Trainer*Lateral Drift Apparatus*250 Foot Tower*Five Points of Performance*MalfunctionsThis app is a tribute to the best Army in the world, andthecream of the crop- THE AIRBORNE!
Army NCO Guide 1.5
The Army NCO Guide is running on its secondyear of providing awesome content to the Soldiers and NCOs of theU.S. Army.If this is your first Polemics app consider this fair warning.If you've searched for other army apps on the app store you'veprobably found a lot of copy-pasted information from regulationsand manuals. Developers at Polemics take a different road tohelping Soldier's be Army Strong. The Army must be politicallycorrect in all of its writing. We give you the truth in reallanguage.Consider this a New School NCO Philosophy. This app blendscurrent experience you can use and quick reference material fromthe manuals.Whats Inside:-Flashcards on NCO Topics-15 Smart CardsRisk Assesment MatrixSALUTE ReportLACE ReportCall for FireCBRNE 1 Report9 Line UXO/IED9 Line MEDEVACEvaluate a Casualty5 S' of EPW HandlingOCOKAGOTWAMETT-TCOPORD FormatSITREP Format-Counseling Tips-Suicide Prevention Literature-PMCS-NCOERs:SAMPLE BulletsDuty Descriptions-8 Step Training Model-Assessment of Training-7 Principles of Training-NCO Creed-TLPs-ASU Inspection Pictures-The Way of the Gun Philosophy
Python Reference 1.0
Python is one of the world’s mostpopularprogramming languages. In honor of this PolemicsApplicationscreated this quick study guide as a quick reference fornewprogrammers. Python Reference is a basic introduction toPythonsyntax. This app displays the most common Python Syntaxforbeginners (or intermediate programmers) to use as reference.*A syntax dictionary with 37 entries in full colorcoveringtopics like lists, sets, key words, and consoleprinting.*Flashcards displaying a syntax statement followed by theactualsyntax in action.*A Glossary & Key Words in the All Terms section*The 17 page Wikipedia article on JavaScrip syntax forfurtherstudy
Army Fitness 1.0
Greetings Warriors of the U.S. Army! Thisisapp is first a workout companion. We call out the exerciseandcadence, you perform the reps (too easy!). Second this app istoteach you how the new Army PRT system works with indepthreference. This app is targeted to the seasoned NCO that needstolearn the new system and the young Specialist bucking to go toWLC.In March of 2010 the Army finally released TC 3-22.20 thelongawaited revision to FM 21-20. Although badly needed we werelittleprepared for the massive overhaul of the old PT system. We'vegot ahost of new exercises to learn, cadence structures, and a thenewphilosophies of Progressive Readiness.Learn each of the new exercises with pictures anddescriptionsfrom the text. Once you have a good grasp of themechanics you canjump into the exercise drills. We'll call theexercise and countthe cadence for you.Note, the workout sessions are designed from TC 3-22.20. Wedon'tknow your readiness or fitness level so participate at yourownrisk. Reference Chapter 5 of TC 3-22.20 for a detailed guide onhowto plan workout sessions with the new model.Good luck, (Drink Water!)
EIB Expert Infantry Badge 1.0
The EIB guide is a resource for all gruntstohave every EIB task in their pocket. We've got overall tasksfromUSAIS PAM 350-6 with conditions, standards, Go/No-Go criteriaandlain instructions. Prep for lane training! Every task is in itsown.PDF file that you can easily view for quick reference.Contentincludes excerpts from EIB manual and all 48 EIB tasksinindividual PDF files.
Air Assault School 1.1
This app is for any Soldier attendingAirAssault School. We help you get your wings by arming you withthebest information from the course. It's a blend of opensourceinformation, personal experience and extracts from the AirAssaultHandbook. If no one told you before there is a LOT ofmemorizationyou must do to pass Air Assault School. Let this app beyour guide.Contents include:Day 0 Every obstacle you face on the course, the 2 mile runandthe equipment inspections.Day 1-3 Combat Assault PhaseDay 4-6 Sling Load PhaseDay 7-9 Rappel PhaseDay 10 12 Mile RuckReference material for your study use includes:Rated Capacity QuizAirframe Quiz14 Hand and Arm signals10 Sling load inspections13 Helicopters and their critical data20 Rated CapacitiesDemerit points and how to get rid of themPacking List for all Phases of air assault School
ACFT Army Combat Fitness Test 1.0
Polemics Applications
Calculate your score on the Army Combat Fitness Test
COGAT Trainer Grade 5 1.0
Polemics Applications
Train for gifted and talented testing. This app is designedtoincrease reasoning and problem solving skills for kids in thefifthgrade. Specifically the exercises within are for masteringtheCOGAT FORM 7 (Level 11) test. Inside you'll find a full testforthe language and visual test portions and hundreds of questionsforthe number/math type areas of study. Within you'll find all 9areasof study: Verbal Analogies Sentence CompletionVerbalClassification Number Analogies Number Puzzles Number SeriesFigureMatrices Paper Folding Figure Classification We present aquiz of16-22 questions from a bank of questions stored in the app.You geta score and the number right/wrong as well as indication ofcorrectanswers then tapped. A full length practice exam can run you$30 inpaper form, this app is presented at a tenth of the costandfeatures enough questions to make multiple practice exams. Ourmathsections in particular have over 400 questions in the bank.Let'salso mention that this app is in full color unlike yourexpensivepaper based exams. This is important as the real COGATtest usescolor in the Figure Matrices and Classification.
COGAT for Kindergarten 1.0
This app is designed to increase reasoning, problemsolving,vocabulary, and mathematics skills for kids inKindergarten.Specifically, the exercises in this app are meant tobe used inpreparation for taking the COGAT FORM 7 (Level 7) testthat isoften used by school systems for gifted and talentedtesting. Thisapp contains a full test for the language, visual,andnumber/mathematics portions of the test. There are 9 areasofstudy: Verbal Analogies Sentence Completion VerbalClassificationNumber Analogies Number Puzzles Number Series FigureMatriciesPaper Folding Figure Classification
COGAT Trainer Grade 3 1.1
Polemics Applications
Designed to increase reasoning and problem solving skills for gradeschool kids.
COGAT Trainer Grade 2 1.0
Polemics Applications
Designed to increase reasoning and problem solving skills for gradeschool kids.
Army Leader Smart Cards 1.9
Polemics Applications
Army Leader Smart Cards is a free app for all Soldiers to gettostandard information in a hurry. It is an introductory appforSoldiers to see what kind of apps we produce (StructuredSelfDevelopment, WLC, NCO, Air Assault, etc). All informationisunclassified for unlimited distribution. Content includes:UniformStandards Manual Excerpts Risk Matrix Troop LeadingProceduresSALUTE Report SALT Report LACE Report Call for Fire CBRNE1 Report9 Line MEDEVAC 9 Line UXO/IED Report Evaluate a Casualty 5S's ofHandling EPWs OCOKA METT-TC GOTWA OPORD Format SuicidePreventionNew School Army Humor New School Army Philosophy
Autogenic Drainage 1.0
Polemics Applications
Provides timers and voice commands to aid in doing autogenicdrainage.
Psychology Terms Study Guide
Polemics Applications
A study guide for psychology related terms - dictionary, flashcards, quiz
COGAT Trainer Grade 4 1.2
Polemics Applications
Practice reasoning and problem solving skills for gifted andtalented testing.
COGAT Trainer Pro 1.0.1
Polemics Applications
Train for gifted and talented testing for grades K - 8
COGAT Trainer Grade 1 1.0
Polemics Applications
Train for gifted and talented testing - designed for students infirst grade.
COGAT Trainer Grade 6 1.0
Polemics Applications
Increase reason and problem solving skills in preparation forgifted testing.
Army DLC & SSD Study 1.1.1
Polemics Applications
Reference guide and practice for the Army Distributed Leader Course(DLC1).
Ukraine Safety Alerts 1.0.1
Polemics Applications
Alerts about hazardous conditions in Ukraine
Aerospace Engineering Terms 1.0.0
Polemics Applications
A quick reference aid for aerospace engineering students orenthusiasts
COGAT for Grade 7 & 8 1.0
Polemics Applications
Train for gifted and talented testing. Nine areas of study.