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Aikido for Beginners 1.06
Aikido is a Japanese martial art oftentranslated as "The Way of Unifying Life Energy" or "The Way ofHarmonious Spirit."Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attackerand redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing ithead-on. This requires very little physical strength, as the aikidopractitioner "leads" the attackers momentum using entering andturning movements. The techniques are completed with various throwsor joint locks.
Money Secret Law Of Attraction 1.02
MONEY - THE SECRET LAW OF ATTRACTIONWould you like to bring more money into your life? If you havewatched the movie the secret, or read the book, then maybe you arealready familiar with some of the wonderful teachers out there whoare teaching us how we can better use the secret, the law ofattraction, and the power of our minds to completely transform ourrelationship with money and bring more abundance and wealth intoour lives.The Money - The Secret Law of Attraction app pays great respectto these wonderful teachers and their message by helping to spreadthe word. This app accesses public YouTube videos of variousteachers speaking about money, abundance, and prosperity; and howto use the secret – the law of attraction to create more money andwealth in our lives. Our natural state is one of extreme abundanceand perfect fulfillment of every need. When we don’t experiencethis in our lives, it’s because we are blocking it. We are actuallypushing our money and abundance away! Watch these videos every dayto reprogram yourself to attract money.The law of attraction states that like vibration attracts likevibration; and what you think and believe attracts that into yourexperience. Many people get confused on hearing this, thinking “Ihave been wishing for money and focusing on money for a long time.And it hasn’t come.” But there is a trick to this. To use the lawof attraction properly to bring more money into your life, you haveto practice thinking and believing that you already have it. “Ihave” or “I am” I have a new job. I am rich. I have lots of moneyand opportunities. When we practice these thoughts, and the law ofattraction brings us proof, they become beliefs and more powerful.If you think “I want money” or “I need money” like many people,then the law of attraction will bring you more experiences thatmake you feel that you need money. So be careful how you use yourmind.The Money - The Secret Law of Attraction app is FREE! Sodownload it now.And start watching the videos of spiritual teachers as theyteach us about money and the secret, and how to use the law ofattraction, and how to use them to create financial abundance andprosperity. They are truly a gift to our world.Good luck on creating more money, wealth, financial abundanceand prosperity in your life!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Money - The Secret Law ofAttraction app is publicly available on YouTube. We have notcreated it or modified it in any way, nor have we uploaded any ofthese videos to YouTube. The value of this app is that it searchesout, finds, and collects the information for you, providing youeasy and convenient access all in one handy place, so that all youhave to do is download and launch the app. The legwork is alreadydone for you and delivered straight to your mobile device.
Love Secret Law of Attraction 1.02
LOVE - THE SECRET LAW OF ATTRACTIONDo you wonder if there is someone special for you? There is. Andthe purpose of this app is to help you find that special someone –your perfect partner. If you have watched the movie the secret, orread the book, then maybe you are already familiar with some of thewonderful teachers out there who are teaching us how we can betteruse the secret, the law of attraction, and the power of our mindsto completely transform our relationships and bring more love andhappiness into our lives.The law of attraction states that like vibration attracts likevibration; and what you think and believe attracts that into yourexperience. And it is the same with love and relationships. Whenyou love yourself more, you also love others more, and that lovegets reflected into your life in the form of others that come alongto love you.The Love – The Secret Law of Attraction app has two parts. Thefirst part accesses videos of spiritual teachers and law ofattraction teachers and their thoughts on love and how to find loveor your perfect partner or soul mate. In the second part of the apppeople and teachers share techniques you can use to bring love intoyour life and find your perfect partner. These techniques haveworked for many including myself. Please use both parts of the appand apply the techniques with an open mind and you will probably bepleasantly surprised with the results.Don’t give up on love. Please give this app a try.Download the Love – The Secret Law of Attraction app now. It’sFree.Keep an open mind and try the techniques.May you find all the love you are looking for.<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Love - The Secret Law of Attractionapp is publically available on YouTube. We have not created it ormodified it in any way, nor have we uploaded any of these videos toYouTube. The value of this app is that it searches out, finds, andcollects the information for you, providing you easy and convenientaccess all in one handy place, so that all you have to do isdownload and launch the app. The legwork is already done for youand delivered straight to your mobile device.
Nineball Pool for Beginners 1.02
Interested in becoming better at 9-ball? Usethis app to watch tutorial videos that take you through the basicsto more advanced techniques.9-ball is a game played on a pool table with 6 pockets, 9 objectballs, and a cue ball. The 9 object balls are further divided into8 solid balls (numbered 1-8), and a yellow striped ball which isthe 9-ball.In nine-ball, a legal shot consists of striking the cue ballinto the lowest numbered object ball on the table and subsequentlyeither pocketing an object ball, or driving any ball (including thecue ball) to any rail, otherwise the shot is a foul.Object balls do not have to be pocketed in numerical order; Anyball may be pocketed at any time during the game, so long as thelowest-numbered ball is contacted first by the cue ball.Nine-ball is not a call shot game. The 9-ball itself can belegally pocketed for a win at any turn in the game, intentionallyor by chance, including the break shot.Also, a player could potentially pocket all of the object ballsnumbered one through eight during the course of the game and loseafter his opponent pockets only the nine-ball.
Basketball: Shoot Like a Pro 1.02
Basketball: Shoot Like A ProDo you want to learn how to shoot a basketball like the top NBAsharpshooters? Have you ever dreamed of scoring like NBA greatsReggie Miller, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan and Kareem Abdul-Jabbaror current players such as Ray Allen, Dirk Nowitzki, Steph Curry,Kevin Durant, Manu Ginobili and LeBron James?Most basketball shots involve similar mechanics. Square yourshoulders to the basket, place the fingers of your shooting handunder the ball, tuck your elbow close to your body and balance theball lightly with your non-shooting hand. Extend your shooting armtoward the hoop and flick your wrist to release the shot. Shootwith your fingers and generate most of the power with your wrist,not your arm. Follow through directly toward the target with yourshooting hand. You’ll typically aim for a spot above the middle ofthe rim. From close range, aim for a spot on the backboard.Learn some basketball shots (Jump Shot, Free Throw, Layup,Reverse Layup, Hook Shot, and Running Hook Shot) and drills to helpimprove your shooting skills.<><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Shoot Like A Pro app is publiclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified it in anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. The valueof this app is that it searches out, finds, and collects theinformation for you, providing you easy and convenient access allin one handy place, so that all you have to do is download andlaunch the app. We have done the legwork for you and deliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Salsa for Beginners 1.05
Learn some the basics of Salsa Dance moveswith this free app.Watch the videos within this app to help you guide you on yourway to being a Salsa Dancer.Salsa dancing originated in New York in the mid-1970s. Itevolved from earlier dance forms such as Cha cha cha and Mambowhich were popular in New York, and incorporated elements of Swingdancing and Hustle, as well as elements of Guaguanco andPachanga.In many styles of salsa dancing, as a dancer changes weight bystepping, the upper body remains level and nearly unaffected by theweight changes. Weight shifts cause the hips to move. Arm andshoulder movements are also incorporated. The Cuban Casino style ofsalsa dancing involves significant movement above the waist, withup-and-down shoulder movements and shifting of the ribcage.The arms are used by the "lead" dancer to communicate or signalthe "follower," either in "open" or "closed" position. The openposition requires the two dancers to hold one or both hands,especially for moves that involve turns, putting arms behind theback, or moving around each other, to name a few examples. In theclosed position, the leader puts the right hand on the follower'sback, while the follower puts the left hand on the leader'sshoulder.In the original Latin America form, the forward/backward motionof salsa is done in diagonal or sideways with the 3-step weightchange intact.
Hemp Oil 1.03
Curious about Hemp OIl?Hemp Oil has long been recognized as one of the most beneficialsubstances to man, and has been used medicinally to treat a varietyof conditions including multiple sclerosis, HIV, and cancer. In2013 a team of Spanish scientists proved that hemp oil cures cancerwithout any side effects! Quickly get up to speed on this amazingnatural substance - hemp oil!But hemp oil is not hemp oil is not hemp oil. There are varioustypes of hemp related oil products available such as hemp seed oilwhich offer some beneficial health effects, but are actually notthe same product used in the health studies. The hemp oil discussedin this app is the medicinal hemp oil or cannabis oil recommendedby Rick Simpson. Many people first learned about Rick Simpson fromthe movie - Run From The Cure.This Hemp Oil app accessesinformation on Rick Simpsons hemp oil, its benefits, and how tomake it.Some of the questions addressed:Whats so great about hemp oil aka cannabis oil?Whats the difference between hemp oil, hash oil, and hemp seedoil?Why has the medical industry been actively working to keep thisinformation secret?Has it actually been proven that cannabis cures cancer, and a hostof other diseases?Where can it be purchased legally?Is it better to smoke it or drink it?How much is beneficial?How to make it yourself.Also, how to connect with others who are taking advantage ofthis gift of nature and restoring their health.Hemp is a commonly used term for many varieties of the CannabisSativa plant. The hemp plant is refined into many useful productssuch as hemp seed oil, hemp milk, hemp protein, hemp paper, hemptextiles, hemp rope, wax, resin, and fuel.The varieties of Cannabis sativa that contain higherconcentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are usually grow fordrug use as marijuana. But this same component is also largelyresponsible for some of hemps remarkable healing effects.The information shared on this app is not intended to diagnose,treat, cure, or prevent disease. The information provided on thisapp is intended for your general knowledge only. Always seek theadvise of your physician or other qualified health care providerwith any questions regarding a medical condition.
Kendo - The Way of The Sword 1.05
Curious about Kendo? This app will really getyou started.Kendo is a competitive one-on-one martial art where participantswear protective gear and try to strike each other with a bambooswords. To win, participants must strike their opponents withproper form. Modern day Kendo has spread throughout the world andparticipants range from children to seasoned adults.Rooted in the training of the Japanese samurai warriors, wheremastery of the sword was a matter of life or death, Kendo not onlytrains one in physical combat but also in mental discipline.
Haunted House Videos 1.02
HAUNTED HOUSE VIDEOSHave you ever wondered what it’s like to be inside a realhaunted house? Do you want to hear real ghost stories? The HauntedHouse Videos app will take you inside of real haunted houses withreal ghosts, and real people who have real ghost stories fromliving in them!The Haunted House Videos app collects the best YouTube videostaken by real people of their real haunted houses full of realparanormal activity. You will also hear their real-life horrorstories and first-hand experiences with ghosts.Because of the scary nature of the content this app displays, itmay not be suitable for small children. And it may not be suitableeven for some adults, as it may leave you with a chill up yourspine.The Haunted House Videos app has two tabs – one for videosinside of real haunted houses and one for true real-life ghoststories. If you are not careful, this app with totally spook youout. Viewing prior to bed time is not recommended. But if you enjoyhorror and all things scary or paranormal, then by all meansdownload this FREE app, have a look, and enjoy!BOO!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Haunted House Videos app ispublicly available on YouTube. We have not created it or modifiedit in any way, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube.The value of this app is that it searches out, finds, and collectsthe information for you, providing you easy and convenient accessall in one handy place, so that all you have to do is download andlaunch the app. The legwork is already done for you and deliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Muay Thai Fitness 1.03
MUAY THAI FITNESSMuay Thai – also known as Thai kick boxing is a martial art fromThailand that focuses on striking with kicks, elbows, knees, andpunches. Muay Thai has recently become a global sport withparticipants fighting in a ring in front of spectators, not unlikea boxing match.But Muay Thai is not just a martial art and sport, it is also agreat way to get in shape. And the Muay Thai Fitness app will giveyou the all the tools you need to do that. Muay Thai will becomeyour new fitness secret. With the Muay Thai Fitness app, you canwatch videos from YouTube that teach you step by step specific MuayThai exercises that will whip you into shape fast. You will alsowatch and learn the basics of Muay Thai to build a solid foundationfor future progress.Muay Thai Fitness introduces you to a fun and exciting way to getin shape, and learn self-defense techniques at the same time. Learnto kick butt and kick off the weight at the same time!Download Muay Thai Fitness and get started today!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Muay Thai Fitness app is publicallyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified it in anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. The valueof this app is that it searches out and finds the information youneed for you, providing you easy access directly to certain typesof YouTube videos all in one handy place, so that all you have todo is download and launch this easy and convenient app. We do theleg work for you and deliver it straight to your mobile device.
Real UFO News 1.02
REAL UFO NEWSHave you ever seen a real UFO? You will once you download this app,and gain access to pictures and videos of real ufos, everythingthat you need, all in one place. With the Real UFO News app, youwill get the latest on ufo news, ufo sightings, ufo videos, and ufopictures.UFOs (or unidentified flying objects) or sasquatch is the namegiven to a hominid-type creature that many people believe lives inthe forests of the Pacific Northwest area of North America. Peopleusually describe bigfoot as large, hairy or furry, and bipedal likehumans. While many people discount the existence of bigfoot, thereare reports of sightings from around the world, folklore in manycultures about bigfoot, and a large amount of evidence that bigfootactually exist.The Real UFO News app will not only keep you up to date on ufonews, but also put you in touch with a lot of hard-core evidenceand videos that prove that ufo are real.In the Real UFO News app, you will get:- the latest ufo new and ufo sightings- real ufo videos and ufo video footage- archeological evidence of UFOs and ET involvement with ancientculturesAre you ready to be convinced?The recent proliferation of smartphones and handy video recordingtechnology, now allow people to quickly capture on video a ufoencounter or ufo activity when they witness it. In the past, withonly word of mouth, the announcement “I saw a ufo!”, would often bemet with skepticism. Now when we see ufos, we can just record itand upload it to YouTube or Facebook and let everyone judge forthemselves.And that’s just what people are doing. But the interesting thingis, video reports of ufos or ufo activity are now usually quicklyverified by multiple sources all witnessing the same event.Archeology has uncovered mountains of evidence that ufos havebeen interwoven and intimately involved throughout humanity’shistory – cave art depicting humans interacting ufos, and aliens,UFOs, aliens with devices. A large body of ufo evidence that wehave also comes from ufo crashes, that are often photographedbefore being cleaned up, carted off, and denied by localgovernments.<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Real UFO News app is publiclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified it in anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. The valueof this app is that it searches out, finds, and collects theinformation for you, providing you easy and convenient access allin one handy place, so that all you have to do is download andlaunch the app. The legwork is already done for you and deliveredstraight to your mobile device.
XMEN DOFP Fan 1.03
The ultimate X-men Days of Future Past moviefan app. Check latest news, tweets, fan page, and watch videos andtrailers of the 2014 film.The X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the speciesacross two time periods in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Thecharacters from the original X-Men film trilogy join forces withtheir younger selves from X-Men: First Class in a battle that mustchange the past – to save their future.Cast (from imdb)Jennifer Lawrence ... Raven / MystiqueMichael Fassbender ... Erik Lehnsherr / MagnetoNicholas Hoult ... Hank McCoy / BeastPeter Dinklage ... Bolivar TraskHugh Jackman ... Logan / WolverineEvan Peters ... Pietro Maximoff / QuicksilverJames McAvoy ... Charles XavierEllen Page ... Kitty Pryde / ShadowcatAnna Paquin ... Marie / RogueIan McKellen ... Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto - olderHalle Berry ... Ororo Munroe / StormShawn Ashmore ... Bobby Drake / IcemanPatrick Stewart ... Professor Charles XavierBooboo Stewart ... James Proudstar / WarpathLucas Till ... Alex Summers / HavokBingbing Fan ... Clarice Ferguson / BlinkAdan Canto ... Roberto da Costa / SunspotDaniel Cudmore ... Piotr Rasputin / ColossusOmar Sy ... BishopEvan Jonigkeit ... ToadJosh Helman ... William StrykerGregg Lowe ... InkThai-Hoa Le ... General NhuanRobert Crooks ... Nixon's AideLarry Day ... General CarisJason Deline ... Rick / News AnchorAmelia Giovanni ... Elizabeth D. SanchezJaa Smith-Johnson ... Mutant soldier
Alabama Recruiting 1.10
ROLL TIDE!!!!Check out this Alabama recruiting fan page and get the latestrecruiting news for the University of Alabama Crimson Tide. See theplayers that have committed to play at Bama under Coach Nick Sabanand Coach Anthony Grant. Get to know the future Bama players,follow their recruitment, and watch them grow from 5 star recruitsin High School to stars in the SEC.Football Commits:Deionte ThompsonMekhi BrownDesherrius FlowersDallas WarmackLester CottonAnfernee JenningsRichie PetitbonMontrell CustisShawn Burgess-BeckerMinkah FitzpatrickCalvin RidleyChristian BellHale HentgesKeaton AndersonBlake BarnettBrandon KennedyRonnie HarrisonRico McGrawJoshua McMillonAdonis ThomasMatt WomackDaron PayneKendall SheffieldBasketball Commits:Brandon AustinDonta HallDazon Ingram<><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Alabama Recruiting Fan Page app ispublicly available on YouTube. We have not created it or modifiedit in any way, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube.The value of this app is that it searches out, finds, and collectsthe information for you, providing you easy and convenient accessall in one handy place, so that all you have to do is download andlaunch the app. We have done the legwork for you and deliveredstraight to your mobile device.
For Pope Francis 1.02
We dedicate this app to our pope. Everythingyou need to know about Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis),current news, especially his current visit to the differentcountries (e.g. Republic of the Philippines), videos and otherhelpful information that may just make your faith a little bitstronger.We have included tweets, posts, photos, feeds and a lot more upto date information, as-it-happens. Hopefully, you'll find this appuseful and be a part of your routine.Pope Francis is the reigning pope of the Catholic Church, Bishopof Rome and absolute sovereign of the Vatican City State. A beaconof hope, love and peace. He is the new vision of the Catholicfaith. Words like "One cannot provoke, one cannot insult otherpeople's faith, one cannot make fun of faith. There is a limit.Every religion has its dignity ... in freedom of expression thereare limits" are so powerful, thus, you would actually feel Hispresence in him. All changes that he makes, all the new things thathe does, including a hug with the Muslim leader, and all the closerhe became to the people, gave him one of his titles "Pope: A popefor everyone."<><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the For Pope Francis app is publiclyavailable. We have not created it or modified it in any way, norhave we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. The value of thisapp is that it searches out, finds, and collects the informationfor you, providing you easy and convenient access, all in one handyplace, and all you have to do is download and launch the app. Wehave done the legwork for you and delivered it straight to yourmobile device.
Magic Tricks for Beginners 1.02
Magic Tricks for Beginners? You may bewondering, if you can actually learn to do magic tricks yourself?The answer is absolutely YES!!Learn the basics that turned beginners into pros like DavidCopperfield, Doug Henning, Siegfried and Roy, Lance Burton, RickyJay, Mark Wilson, Penn & Teller, Cyril Takayama, HarryAnderson, Jeff McBride, Marco Tempest, David Blaine, Criss Angel,Franz Harary, Mac King, Blackstone Jr., Marvyn Roy & Carol, andmany more.Use the Magic Tricks for Beginners app to watch tutorial videosthat teach you magic tricks step-by-step for beginners. You willlearn how to do magic tricks that will amaze your family, friendsor even strangers. Magic tricks will make you the life of the partyor any other gathering. With this Magic Tricks for Beginners app,and a little practice, you'll quickly find and master the magictricks (illusions, card tricks, mind reading, coins, objects,levitation, etc) that match your unique personality and style.Magic and magic tricks have been popular and used to entertainpeople for thousands of years. And magic is here to stay. Sodownload your copy of Magic Tricks for Beginners and get startedtoday!
Real Alien News 1.02
REAL ALIEN NEWSDo aliens or extraterrestrials really exist? And if so aretheyor have they been on Earth? There is plenty of evidence thesedaysto support a ‘yes’ answer to both of those questions,…if youarewilling to look. The Real Alien News app, you will keep you uptoday with the latest UFO sightings, UFO video footage, evidenceofUFOs, and UFO news.Thanks to the recent proliferation of video capturingtechnologyin smart phones and tablets, people all over the worldare now ableto quickly video whatever they are witnessing. Reportsof aliensightings or are now usually accompanied by videofootage,sometimes multiple videos capturing the same event frommultipleeye-witnesses. And that’s just some of what you will see intheReal Alien News app.Archeology has uncovered mountains of evidence that realalienshave been interwoven and intimately involved throughouthumanity’shistory – cave art depicting humans interacting withaliens, UFOs,aliens with devices, ancient stone carvings in placeslike Angkorwatt with aliens on horseback, elongated skulls (withdoublecranial capacity) found all over the planet, andindigenouscultures that report contact with aliens – and havedetailedknowledge of the stars to prove it.Did an ape really get it on with a pig as postulated bysomefamous geneticists to explain why human DNA is a mixture of apeandporcine DNA? Or were the first humans really geneticallyengineeredby ancient aliens as believed by some and as described intheSumerian tablets? And whats going on on Mars? Who or what islivingon Mars? When you start to did into the facts, you willbesurprised too.The Real Alien News app will set you on the right track andputyou in touch with a lot of hard-core evidence and videos thatprovethat aliens are real, and very much involved in our historyandpossibly daily lives. They may even be here now.In the Real Alien News app, you will get:- the latest alien sightings and news- real alien videos and alien video footage- archeological evidence of aliens in our historyAre you ready to be convinced? Or will you walk away withevenmore questions?<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Real Alien News app ispubliclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified itin anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. Thevalueof this app is that it searches out, finds, and collectstheinformation for you, providing you easy and convenient accessallin one handy place, so that all you have to do is downloadandlaunch the app. The legwork is already done for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Beginners 1.02
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, also known as BJJ, isamartial art, self defense system that focuses on grapplingandespecially ground fighting. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches howasmaller person can defend himself against a larger adversarybyusing leverage and proper technique. While there arestand-upmaneuvers, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is most famous for itsdevastatingground fighting techniques. Gaining superior positioningin orderto apply the style’s numerous chokes, holds, locks andjointmanipulations on an opponent is the key in Brazilian JiuJitsu.With its roots in the Japanese Jiu Jitsu of the late19thcentury, the art found its way to Brazil in 1910, whenMitsuyoMaeda, a Japanese Jiu Jitsu and judo expert, emigrated tothecountry. He became friends with Gastao Gracie, an businessmanwhohelped Maeda establish himself. In return, Maeda taught JiuJitsuto Gracie’s sons, who became very proficient in the artandeventually passing on Maeda’s teaching in their own schools.Theadditions, modifications, and refinements to the art, made bytheGracie family, were tested against other styles with greatsuccess.This success has help to propel Brazilian Jiu Jitsu intothemartial arts world.In this app get the latest news and tweets on Brazilian JiuJitsuas well as some videos on some basic and advancedtechniques.<><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu app ispubliclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified itin anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. Thevalueof this app is that it searches out, finds, and collectstheinformation for you, providing you easy and convenient accessallin one handy place, so that all you have to do is downloadandlaunch the app. We have done the legwork for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Smash Table Tennis 1.02
SMASH TABLE TENNISTable tennis or ping-pong is a game in which two or four people hita lightweight ping-pong ball back and forth using a table tennisracket. Table tennis is played on a hard table divided by a net.After the initial serve, the ball is allowed only one bounce ontheir side of the table before players must return it to bounce inthe opposite side. Points are scored when a player fails to returnthe ball to the opponents side within the playing area. The game isusually fast and requires quick reflexes and reactions. Adding aspin to the ball makes its motion more complex and difficult for anopponent to hit or counter. Spinning the ball therefore increasesthe likelihood of scoring.The Smash Table Tennis app will get your ping pong or tabletennis game up to speed fast.The Table Tennis Federation, a worldwide Internationalorganization regulates table tennis globally. Founded in 1926. TheITTF includes 218 member associations. The ITTF has a handbook thatlays out the official rules for table tennis. Table tennis has beenan official Olympic sport since 1988, and has several eventcompetition categories.Get the skill you need to move your table tennis game to thenext level. The Smash Table Tennis app is FREE!! Download it now!.
Electric Slide & Line Dancing 1.02
Have you ever been to a party or weddingandwanted to join the line dance but were afraid to because youdidn'tknow the steps? This app will assist you with learning thebasicsteps to get you out of your chair and onto the floor.A line dance is a choreographed dance with a repeated sequenceofsteps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines orrowswithout regard for the gender of the individuals, all facingeithereach other or in the same direction, and executing the stepsat thesame time. Line dancers are not in physical contact witheach other.Older "line dances" have lines in which the dancersface each other,or the "line" is a circle, or all dancers in the"line" follow aleader around the dance floor; while holding thehand of the dancersbeside them.Line dancing is practiced and learned in country-westerndancebars, social clubs, dance clubs and ballrooms worldwide. Itavoidsthe problem of imbalance of male/female partners thatplaguesballroom/swing/salsa dancing clubs. It is sometimes combinedondance programs with other forms of country-western dance, suchastwo-step, and western promenade dances, as well aswestern-stylevariants of the waltz, polka and swing.Some of the types of line dancing you will find on thisappare:The Electric Slide - a Disco-based line dance createdandpopularized in the mid-1970s.Boot Scootin' Boogie - Popularized by American country musicduoBrooks & Dunn's single with the same title. This song issaidto have renewed interest in line dancing throughout theUnitedStates.Cotton-Eyed Joe - This dance (inspired by a song with thesametitle) is often danced at country dance venues in the UnitedStatesand around the world.Chicken Walks - a dance move that is most frequently usedinswing dances, such as East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing andjive.Sometimes they can be seen incorporated in samba (where theyareknown as "plaits")The Macarena - a hit line dance based on a Spanish dance songbyLos del Río in the mid-1990s.The Hustle - partner dance done in ballrooms and nightclubstodisco music. It has some features in common with swing danceEach dance is said to consist of a number of walls. A wall isthedirection in which the dancers face at any given time: thefront(the direction faced at the beginning of the dance), the backor oneof the sides. Dancers may change direction many times duringasequence, and may even, at any given point, be facing in adirectionhalf-way between two walls; but at the end of thesequence they willbe facing the original wall or any of the otherthree. Whicheverwall that is, the next iteration of the sequenceuses that wall asthe new frame of reference.Inexperienced dancers should keep the following tips inmind:- Jump into the line and just do it. This is the fastest,funnestway to learn- Once you learn a few basic steps, it will be easier to pick upnewcombinations.- If you attend a country line dancing night at a local bar orothervenue, find out if there will be an instructional period atthebeginning of the event. Reviewing the steps at a slower pacecanmake it much easier to catch every nuance of the dance.The World Line Dancings app is FREE! Download it now andgetpracticing!Join the fun!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the World Line Dance app ispubliclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified itin anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. Thevalueof this app is that it searches out, finds, and collectstheinformation for you, providing you easy and convenient accessallin one handy place, so that all you have to do is downloadandlaunch the app. The legwork is already done for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Eightball Pool for Beginners 1.02
Interested in becoming better at 8-ball?Usethis app to watch tutorial videos that take you through thebasicsto more advanced techniques.8-ball is a game played on a pool table with 6 pockets, 15objectballs, and a cue ball. The 15 object balls are furtherdivided into7 striped balls, 7 solid balls, and a black numbereight ball.After the balls are scattered with a break shot, the playersareassigned either the group of solid balls or the stripes once aballfrom a particular group is pocketed.The object of the game is to pocket the eight ball in acalledpocket after all of the balls from a players assigned grouphavebeen cleared from the table.
Flamenco for Beginners 1.02
Interested in learning more about Flamenco?Usethis app to watch tutorial videos from the basic steps totheadvanced techniques. Also get up to date news feed oneverythingFlamenco.Flamenco originated in the Andalusia region of Spain andiscurrently popular all over the world. This emotionally intensebutbeautiful dance style is famous for its rhythmic handclapping,stomping feet, ballet-like arm movements, and lighteningfastfootwork.Flamenco is also style of Spanish folk music with singingandguitar accompaniment.
Jack Russell Super Dog 1.05
Jack Russell Super DogYou a Jack Russell fan? Me too!Jack Russells are super dogs! And so damn smart! How canyouexplain it to people who just dont get it? You wont have to.Justdownload this Jack Russell Super Dog app and show them. And atthesame time, enjoy photos and videos of Jack Russells.Keep up with the latest Jack Russell news, and enjoy the listoffavorite Jack Russell videos. Even if you dont have a JackRussellyet, you will still thoroughly enjoy the Jack Russell SuperDogapp!! So download it now.
Basketball: Pass Like A Pro 1.02
BASKETBALL: PASS LIKE A PRODo you want to learn how to pass a basketball like the topNBAplayers? Have you ever dreamed of passing the rock like NBAgreatsJohn Stockton, Jason Kidd, Larry Bird, and Magic Johnson orcurrentplayers such as LeBron James, Chris Paul, Steve Nash, RajonRondo,Manu Ginobili and Deron Williams?No matter your position guard, forward or center, passing isanessential and electrifying part of today’s basketballgames.Improving your passing skills will gives you a decidedadvantageover any defensive player. A bad pass is not just a badplay, butcan actually change the possession of the ball. It canlead to theloss of points and could even loss of the game. Tobecome a goodpasser players need to learn to maintain eye contactand be able toanticipate their teammates moves so they can throwthe ball towhere the player will be and not where they are.Passing is the fastest way to get the ball up the court.Passingalso is the best way to move the ball and keep it out oftheopposing teams hands.Learn some basketball passes (Chest Pass, Bounce Pass,OverheadPass, Outlet Pass, No-Look Pass, and Behind the Back Pass)anddrills to help improve your passing skills.<><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Pass Like A Pro app ispubliclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified itin anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. Thevalueof this app is that it searches out, finds, and collectstheinformation for you, providing you easy and convenient accessallin one handy place, so that all you have to do is downloadandlaunch the app. We have done the legwork for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Bachata for Beginners 1.03
Interested in learning more about Bachata?Usethis app to watch tutorial videos from the basic steps totheadvanced techniques. Also get up to date news feed oneverythingBachata.Bachata originated in the Dominican Republic and consists ofahorizontal, three-step movement, with steps on each beat ofthemusic, followed by a tap on the fourth beat. The hips aretheemphasis of this dance, so the knees should be slightly bent sotheperformer can sway their hips more easily. Most of thedancersmovement is in the lower body up to the hips.Unlike Salsa, Bachata dance does not usually include complexturnpatterns, but they have come to be used more and more as thedanceevolves. The leading is done just like in most other socialdances,with hand and arm communication.Bachata music has an accent (the Bass) in rhythm at everyfourthcount. Often, this is when dancers will tap-step & poptheirhips - this is called dancing bachata to the basic rhythm ofthemusic (because the first step after the pop falls on the 1stbeatof the measure). But bachata can be danced to different timingsaswell if its danced to one particular instrument instead. The taporpop is done in the opposite direction of the last step, whilethenext step is taken on the same direction as the tap or pop.Thedance direction changes after the tap or fourth step.
Hanami in Japan 2014 1.04
Hanami!! It is that time of year in Japanwhensakura are about to bloom.This is a guide on what to do during Hanami and how to setupyour own gathering with friends under a beautiful cherryblossomtree. I have even included a map which shows avergae timesof whenthe blossoms are in full bloom so you can prepare and notmiss oneof the most beautiful times of the year in Japan.
Basketball: How to Defend 1.02
Do you want to learn about Man to Man andZonedefenses? Have you ever dreamed of shut down defender likeNBAgreats Michael Jordan, Dennis Rodman, Scottie Pippen andGaryPayton or current players such as LeBron James, Chris Paul,JoakimNoah, Serge Ibaka, and Dwight Howard? Have you ever wonderedaboutthe defenses of NCAA teams like the Syracuse Orangemen,theKentucky Wildcats, the Duke Blue Devils, The Ohio StateBuckeyes,and the UCONN Huskies?Good offense wins games... great defense wins championships.Whenoffenses struggle, a good defense can keep you in the gameuntilshots start falling. How are you going to catch up the secondhalfif you are down 12 at the half? By playing great defense.Scoringmore baskets wont do if you allow the other team to scoreas well.It is necessary to prevent your opponent from scoring byplayinggood defense, allowing your team a chance to get back intothegame.Everyone on the team has to play good defense, because aweaklink will cause the entire defense to fail, and a good offensewilleventually spot the weak defensive player. You need to want toplaygood defense. Defensive skills are fairly easy to learn,unlikesome offensive skills, and everyone can learn to become agooddefender. If you are a poor, non-aggressive defender, you willhurtyour team.It is important to select a basketball defense that bestfitsyour teams personnel, size, quickness, and strengths, and yourowndefensive philosophy. Some coaches stick to the same defenseallseason and try to perfect it. Other coaches will trymultipledefenses, not only throughout the season, but within agame,switching between man-to-man and zone defenses, trying toconfusethe opponent, or trying to stop the offenses strengths. Ihave seencoaches go man-to-man anytime the point guard made thefirst passto the right side, and go 2-3 zone whenever that firstpass went tothe left side. Some coaches will change defenses aftera madefree-throw, or after a time-out, or will call out defensesfrom thesideline. In trying to confuse the offense, you have tomake sureyour own players aren't the ones who become confused!<><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the How To Defend app ispubliclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified itin anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. Thevalueof this app is that it searches out, finds, and collectstheinformation for you, providing you easy and convenient accessallin one handy place, so that all you have to do is downloadandlaunch the app. We have done the legwork for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Skin bleaching, skin whitening, orskinlightening -- is the practice of using certain chemicalsubstancesto reduce the amount of melanin in skin to lighten oreven out theskin complexion or skin tone.Skin bleaching for beauty or skin whitening is popular inmanycountries around the world. Get the latest and besttips,techniques, and information from around the world.Download this app to learn:- natural skin whitening methods- how to whiten your skin- how to lighten or even out your skin tone- which whitening creams and lotions are most effective- how to make your own whitening creams and masks- how to improve your skin complexion and make it lighterandwhiter- tips and tricks to make skin bleaching for beauty easy, safe,andaffordableMany chemical-based skin bleaching or skin whitening products canbeharsh for your skin, instead, there are many veryeffectivehome-made recipes that don't have the negativeside-effects andthat are fairly reliable for lightening skin tone.The videos andtutorials in this app will show you how to make yourown skinbleaching / skin whitening creams and masks; in addition totipsand tricks that have helped many around the world to safelywhitentheir skin.This Skin Bleaching for Beauty app accesses information on howtonaturally whiten skin at home, methods, and tutorials.The information shared on the Skin Bleaching for Beauty app isnotintended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.Theinformation provided on this app is intended for yourgeneralknowledge only. Always seek the advice of your physician orotherqualified health care provider with any questions regardingamedical condition.
Bowling for Beginners 1.01
Informational app about Bowling. Fromhandlingthe ball to actually throwing the ball and getting strikesand/orspares.This app will show you videos which include techniques,tricksand basic knowledge. In addition, it will haveeducationalinformation and local events with regards to the sport.Novice toadvance bowling enthusiasts will find what they need tolearn andunderstand about bowling. In some cases, you will be ableto checkon deals in your area.
Tango for Beginners 1.02
Interested in learning more about Tango?Usethis app to watch tutorial videos from the basic steps totheadvanced techniques. Also get up to date news feed oneverythingTango.Tango has its roots in European and African culture,andoriginated in the lower-class districts of Buenos AiresandMontevido sometime in the 1890s. Tango encompasses a varietyofstyles that evolved and developed as it spread throughthedifferent geographical and cultural regions of Argentina.Thecrowding of venues and clothing also influenced the variousstylesof tango which can be either "close embrace, where thedancersdance chest to chest (Argentine tango), or "open embrace",wherethere is space between the dancers bodies (Internationaltango).The closer styles generally having rhythmic footwork withsmallersteps; and the open styles with long elegant steps withmorecomplex footwork.The dramatic feeling engendered by tango dancing and musicarepart of the reason it is often used in other types ofperformanceslike figure skating and magic shows. It has also beensuggestedthat dancing tango makes you sexier and more relaxed.
Beer Pong For Winners 1.02
BEER PONG FOR WINNERSBeer pong (or Beirut) is a drinking game. In Beer pong,playersthrow a ping pong ball across a table attempting to land theballin a cup of beer at the other end of the table. The game isusuallyplayed with two teams of two players each with 10 cupsarranged ina triangle pattern on either side. Each team takes turnstrying toget ping pong balls into the other team’s cups. Once aping pongball makes it into a cup (this is called a make), theother teamhas to drink the contents of that cup (usually beer) andthe cup isremoved from the beer pong table. Beer pong is won byremoving allof the opponent team’s cups. Beer pong was originallyplayed withpaddles, but has evolved to its current form. Beer pongis rumoredto have been created in the fraternities of DartmouthCollegesometime during the 50s and 60s. The original Beer Ponglooked morelike the game ping pong with a net and cups of beer oneither endof the beer pong table. The paddles were eventuallydropped and thename officially changed to Beer Pong or Beirut.Opinions vary but, Beirut refers to the version of the gamewithoutthe paddles, and Beer Pong to the version with. However,Beer Pongis the more common name for both versions of the game.The Beer Pong For Winners App (not to be confused with the BeerPongfor Drunken Losers App) has everything you need to get yourBeerPong on, except an actual Beer Pong Table. Beer Pongtournaments,beer pong games, beer pong amazing wins, and evenfamous Beer Pongchallenges.The Beer Pong for Winners is also FREE, so download it now!And Happy Beer Ponging!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Beer Pong for Winners appispublicly available on YouTube. We have not created it ormodifiedit in any way, nor have we uploaded any of these videos toYouTube.The value of this app is that it searches out, finds, andcollectsthe information for you, providing you easy and convenientaccessall in one handy place, so that all you have to do isdownload andlaunch the app. The legwork is already done for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
DJ Icy Ice 1.01
Welcome to the official app for DJ Icy Iceofthe World Famous Beat Junkies & Power 106 in Los Angeles.Knowwhere DJ Icy Ice will be performing and receive special invitestobe on his guest lists & you can even book DJ Icy Ice foranevent through your mobile device. Stay updated with Icy Ice’snewmusic, videos, photos, upcoming events, listen to his latestmixes,get exclusive content and more!
Cha-Cha for Beginners 1.02
Interested in learning more about theCha-Cha?Use this app to watch tutorial videos from the basic stepsto theadvanced techniques. Also get up to date news feed oneverythingCha-Cha.Cha-Cha is a popular Afro-Cuban dance that is often dancedatballroom dance events as well as Latin clubs.Cha-cha music is written in 4/4 time and around 30 measuresperminute (120 beats per minute) with a medium-to-fast,syncopatedfeel.Cha-cha is generally done with a partner, which means theleaderwill control the flow of the dance, guiding the followeranddeciding what patterns to do, while the follower will try tomatchthe leader's movements and timing.
Gerry's Grill Artesia 1.03
Gerry's Grill has gone beyond itsexpectedtarget market, from groups of friends unwinding with acouple ofbeers after a hard days work to families sharing qualitytime overlunch or dinner. Indeed, in terms of target market Gerry'sGrillhas come full circle.If you are looking for a place to satisfy your food craving andtochill out with your family and friends then Gerry's Grill istheperfect place of choice. Its menu fits right into any occasionandbudget.
BullDogs 1.03
Do you love bulldogs?Maybe you know everything about them or maybe this is the appforyou. Download for free to get the latest news, tweets, videosandmore about your favorite canine companion.
Funny Cat Videos Time 1.03
Hilariously funny and cute cat videos,news,and pictures from YouTube and Facebook straight to yourmobiledevice daily.Endless hours of laughter and kitty fun!(Before cropping photos by
Hula for Beginners 1.02
Hula for BeginnersInterested in learning Hula? The Hula for Beginners app showsyouhula to get you well on your way to becoming a amazinghuladancer.Hula is a dance form accompanied by chant or song. Itwasdeveloped in the Hawaiian Islands by the Polynesians whooriginallysettled there. The hula dramatizes or portrays the wordsof thechant or song in a visual dance form.There are also two main positions of a hula dance -eithersitting (noho dance) or standing (luna dance). Some dancesutilizeboth forms.Hula dancing is a complex art form, and there are manyhandmotions used to represent the words in a song or chant.Forexample, hand movements can signify aspects of nature, such astheswaying of a tree in the breeze or a wave in the ocean, orafeeling or emotion, such as fondness or yearning. Foot andhipmovements often pull from a basic library of steps includingthekaholo, ka'o, kawelu, hela, 'uwehe, and 'ami.In the Hula For Beginners app, you will learn:- hula basics for beginners- basic hula skills, movements, and techniques- performance routines for beginners- advanced techniques and movements- advanced performance routinesThe Hula for Beginner’s app is FREE! Download it now andgetpracticing!Shake those hips and wow the crowd or your special other!Enjoy!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Belly Dance For Beginners appispublicly available on YouTube. We have not created it ormodifiedit in any way, nor have we uploaded any of these videos toYouTube.The value of this app is that it searches out, finds, andcollectsthe information for you, providing you easy and convenientaccessall in one handy place, so that all you have to do isdownload andlaunch the app. The legwork is already done for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Belly Dance For Beginners 1.02
BELLY DANCE FOR BEGINNERSInterested in learning Belly Dance? The Belly Dance forBeginnersapp shows you belly dance videos and costume ideas to getyour wellon your way to becoming a amazing belly dancer.Belly dancing also known as middle-eastern dance or Arabicdancehas become popular and more widely known from theattentionarresting belly dance performances in restaurants,cabarets, publicdance performances, and television and movies. Theexotic costumesworn by belly dancers during their performances arecolorful andhighlight the hips, belly, and waist area.The Belly Dance for Beginner’s app accesses step-by-stepbeginnerand advanced tutorial videos on YouTube, so that there issomethingfor belly dancers of every level. If you are new to bellydancingand haven’t found a school near you yet, the belly dancingtutorialvideos in this app will take you through the basic steps,movements,and techniques; and you will have everything you need tobecome agreat belly dancer all from the privacy of your own home.Inaddition, belly dancing is a great workout, strengthensyourinternal organs, and does wonders for your midsection.If you are already learning belly dancing in school, thenthevideos in the Belly Dance for Beginners app will allow you tolearnthe skills, and techniques to give you an edge in class;orstrengthen your weak areas. And for dancers who arealreadyadvanced belly dancers, the advanced tab in the app willgive youan opportunity to take your belly dance performance to awhole newlevel.In the Belly Dance For Beginners app, you will learn:- belly dance basics for beginners- basic belly dance skills, movements, and techniques- costume ideas- performance routines for beginners- advanced techniques and movements- advanced performance routinesThe Belly Dance for Beginner’s app is FREE! Download it now andgetpracticing!Shake those hips and wow the crowd or your specialother!Enjoy!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Belly Dance For Beginners appispublicly available on YouTube. We have not created it ormodifiedit in any way, nor have we uploaded any of these videos toYouTube.The value of this app is that it searches out, finds, andcollectsthe information for you, providing you easy and convenientaccessall in one handy place, so that all you have to do isdownload andlaunch the app. The legwork is already done for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Real Bigfoot Tracker 1.02
REAL BIGFOOT TRACKERIs Bigfoot real? You bet. And this app will get you allthebigfoot evidence you need all in one place. With the RealBigfootTracker app, you will get the latest news on bigfootsightings,bigfoot video footage, and bigfoot news.Bigfoot or sasquatch is the name given to a hominid-typecreaturethat many people believe lives in the forests of thePacificNorthwest area of North America. People usually describebigfoot aslarge, hairy or furry, and bipedal like humans. Whilemany peoplediscount the existence of bigfoot, there are reports ofsightingsfrom around the world, folklore in many cultures aboutbigfoot, anda large amount of evidence that bigfoot actuallyexist.One theory even asserts that the bigfoot are a timidevolvingrace whose home planet was destroyed. The bigfoot weretransplantedto Earth to carry out their evolution alongside humans,but due totheir timid nature and high intelligence, they avoidhumans at allcosts. (And rightly so, since a lot of humans carryguns and are ofthe shoot-first-ask-questions later variety. Justlook what humansdo to humans!)Thanks to recent advances in archeology and technology, wearefinding more and more evidence that bigfoot or sasquatch arereal -bigfoot skeletons and bones, bigfoot tracks, and thewidespreadavailability of video cameras has allowed the capturingof morebigfoot video footage evidence.The Real Bigfoot Tracker app will put you in touch with a lotofhard-core evidence and videos that prove that bigfoot orsasquatchare real.In the Real Bigfoot Tracker app, you will get:- the latest bigfoot sightings and news- real bigfoot videos and bigfoot video footage- archeological evidence of bigfoot or sasquatchAre you ready to be convinced? Or will you walk away withevenmore questions?<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Real Bigfoot Tracker appispublically available on YouTube. We have not created it ormodifiedit in any way, nor have we uploaded any of these videos toYouTube.The value of this app is that it searches out, finds, andcollectsthe information for you, providing you easy and convenientaccessall in one handy place, so that all you have to do isdownload andlaunch the app. The legwork is already done for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Curious about Oil Pulling?Oil pulling is an age-old folk remedy that uses natural oilsswishedaround the mouth, primarily to cleanse and detoxify theteeth andgums. Oil pulling is often associated with ayurvedicmedicine, andhas been reported to improve a host of conditionssuch as diabetes,asthma, headaches, and acne, as well as overallsystemdetoxification. Oil pulling also has the added effect ofwhiteningteeth naturally and evidence even shows that it isbeneficial inimproving gums and removing harmful bacteria!Coconut oil is often the oil of choice when it comes to oilpulling,due primarily to coconut oil's antibacterial propertiesand pleasanttaste. Coconut oil itself is turning out to be its ownlittlehealing miracle, with far too many health benefits and usesto listhere and still do it justice. Other healthy oils may beused for oilpulling, such as flax seed oil, sesame oil, ghee, ororegano oiletc. But it is important to note that most people whopractice oilpulling use coconut oil, so it may be that coconut isone of thereasons behind oil pulling's amazing health benefits. Soremember,coconut oil is the preferred oil for oil pulling and sococonut oilis what you want to get at your earliest convenience.Extra virgincoconut oil is the best kind of coconut oil to use forthis.A tablespoon of coconut oil (recommended) or other oil is heldorswished around the mouth for 10 to 20 minutes, and immediatelyspatout without swallowing any of the coconut oil. The oil pulling/swishing process is purported to draw out toxins andotherimpurities from your body into the coconut oil in your mouth.Thisis usually done first thing in the morning upon awakening,andbefore brushing your teeth, but may also be done at nightbeforebed.Get everything you need to know about oil pulling all in oneplace!Download this app now and put the ancient ayurvedic scienceof oilpulling to work for you and watch your healthy improvedaily!Reported Health Benefits of Oil Pulling:- whitens teeth- freshens breath / reduces halitosis- stronger and healthier gums- reduces / prevents plaque, cavities, and gingivitis- improved skin condition, reduces acne- improves diabetes, asthma, headaches- detoxifies the bodyThe information shared on this app is not intended todiagnose,treat, cure, or prevent disease. The information providedon thisapp is intended for your general knowledge only. Always seektheadvice of your physician or other qualified health careproviderwith any questions regarding a medical condition.
Rainbow Loom Charms 1.04
Princess Rainbow Charms (Unofficial App)A brand new and fun way to make a variety of charms withyourrainbow loom.Watch easy step by step tutorial videos for making a multitudeofrainbow loom charms with your rainbow loom.-Mario-Luigi-Yoshi-Totoro-Pikachu-Flappy BirdDownload it for FREE! And share the Rainbow Loom Charms appwithyour friends!Have fun and enjoy showing your friends!****************************PLEASE NOTE: The content in the rainbow loom charms app ispubliclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified itin anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. Thevalueof this app is that it provides you easy access directly tocertaintypes YouTube videos all in one handy place, and saves youthe workof having to do it yourself.
Rainbow Loom Accessories 1.03
Rainbow Loom Accessories (unofficial)A brand new and fun way to make a variety of accessorieswithyour rainbow loom.Watch easy step by step tutorial videos for making a multitudeofrainbow loom accessories with your rainbow loom.Learn to make:-Cell Phone case/bag-Anklets-Barefoot Sandal Straps-Hair Bows-Handbags-PursesDownload it for FREE! And share the Rainbow Loom Accessoriesappwith your friends!Have fun and enjoy showing your friends!****************************PLEASE NOTE: The content in the rainbow loom charms app ispubliclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified itin anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. Thevalueof this app is that it provides you easy access directly tocertaintypes YouTube videos all in one handy place, and saves youthe workof having to do it yourself.
Magic Tricks for Kids 1.02
MAGIC TRICKS FOR KIDSWhy magic tricks for kids? Well, because…we love magictricks.You love magic tricks. Kids love magic tricks. Adults lovemagictricks. Old people love magic tricks. Everybody loves magictricks.So download the Magic Tricks for Kids app, and use it towatchvideo tutorials that teach your kids how to do easy magictricksthat will impress and amaze family and friends. And becausetheyare easy magic tricks for kids, your kids will enjoy learningandpracticing these magic tricks and will grow more and moreconfidentby the day.The Magic Tricks for Kids app can also be used as agroupactivity for spending fun quality family time together. Watchthetutorial videos with your kids and have fun learning andpracticingthe easy magic tricks together. You may even learn atrick or two,yourself! You can also start putting together funfamily magicshows! Imagine how much fun entertaining relativesaround theholidays would be.Some of the cool but easy magic tricks you will learn:- magic card tricks- magic coin tricks- levitation magic tricks- mind-reading magic tricks- vanishing magic tricks- psychic magic tricksOnce your kids have started to master the easy magictrickscontained in the Magic Tricks for Kids app, you can getthemcreating fun family magic shows, and maybe even hire them outforbirthday parties.The ability to do magic tricks is an entertaining skill thatisalways in demand, and magic tricks are welcome everywhere.Magictricks brighten people’s days. Magic tricks cheer up the sickanddepressed. They are also fun for you, fun for the kids, fun forthefamily, make your kids more sociable and confident, plusit’smagic!!. What on earth are you waiting for?Quick! Download the Magic Tricks for Kids app right now beforeitdisappears.
Pull Ups King Workout 1.02
PULL UPS KING WORKOUTPull ups, Pull ups, Pull ups. No, they are not fun todo,especially when you’re just starting out. But pull ups areking,because they have the ability to completely transform yourphysiquein an amazingly short amount of time. Plus no specialequipment isneeded to do pull ups, just a pull up bar. You don’teven need togo to the gym.This is a simple app, no fancy bells and whistles, just asimplebut highly effective pull ups workout, The Pull Ups KingWorkout isa 10-week workout, designed to take you from beginner toeasilyknocking out over 35 pull ups. That’s right. That’s only 2and ahalf months until you enter the elite circle of men who areable todo over 35 pull ups. You will then become recognized bywomen andyour peers, no only because you will be able to easily dopull upsfar beyond any normal mortal, but also because you willhave aback, lats, and biceps that befitting one who is able to doso.Skinny guys, listen up. This is one of the three keys (pullups,push ups, and ???) to you easily and totally transforming yourbodyand growing bigger and more muscular in the shortest timepossible.Forget all of the weight gain shakes, the high-caloriegainerdiets, and the kidney straining protein supplements. Youdon’t needthe any of that stuff. If you work out properly, and eata littlemore at the right times, you will get bigger and behealthier atthe same time. From the privacy of your own home, withvery littleequipment, working out 30 to 40 minutes a few times aweek for amere 2.5 months. Again, the Pull Ups King Workout App isnotpretty. It doesn’t have any fancy counters, and it doesn’ttrackyour workouts, but it does tell you exactly how to workout,when toworkout, when to rest, and when to eat big. That’s all youneed toknow. If you follow the Pull Ups King Workout, two and ahalfmonths later, you will be turning heads. I know because I diditmyself.Are you ready to become a pull ups king?______________________NOTE: The information in the Pull Ups Kings Workout app isnotintended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.Theinformation provided on this app is intended for yourgeneralknowledge only. Doing pull ups can be physically taxing onthebody. Always check with your physician or other qualifiedhealthcare provider before beginning your pull ups workout if youhaveany existing medical conditions, questions, or concerns.
Interested in becoming better at pool? Usethisapp to watch tutorial videos that take you through the basicsof howto play pool or billiards to more advanced techniques.The Pool Billiards for Beginners app will show you thatit'spossible to learn how to play pool or billiards pretty wellwithonly an hour or so worth of the right practice, even if you’reabeginner. First as a pool billiards beginner, you willquicklylearn the basics - pool lingo, the equipment used in thegame ofpool, and the rules of the game of pool. Next you learn howtostand properly, how to hold the cue stick, and how to striketheball smoothly and with follow through. Finally, you will learnhowto aim properly, make angle shots, and how to position the ballforyour next shot.Pool billiards for beginners will have you sinking shots in notime!Your pool lesson, billiard lessons begin now!Pool or billiards is a game played on a pool table with 6pockets,15 object balls, a cue ball, triangle, and a cue stick. The15object balls are further divided into 7 striped balls, 7solidballs, and a black number eight ball. The 15 balls are "rackedup"with the triangle; and one of the players shoots firstand“breaks”, starting the game. The players take turns strikingthewhite cue ball with the cue stick, attempting to knock a coloredorstriped ball into a pocket. To win in pool, the goal is to"sink"the black number 8 ball into a pocket, after all of yourotherballs have been sunk in. Players switch turns when no shot ismadeor when the cue ball is knocked into a pocket. If youaccidentallyknock the black 8 ball into a pocket early, youautomatically losethe game.The game of pool is easy, once you learn the basics,thefundamentals of pool billiards. Learn the tricks and skillsneededso that you can call the shots, hold the cue stick right, andsinkthe ball in every time, just like magic. Impress your friendsthenext time you play pool. Download the Pool Billiards forBeginnersapp and you'll be well on your way to semi-pro.
Hooking Up 1.02
Hooking UpMeeting and succeeding with women is not always easy. It’s easierifyou’re rich. It’s easier if you’re an athlete or built like one.Andit’s easier if you look like a male model. But for the rest ofus,it sometimes takes a little more work and the Can I Buy You ADrinkapp has everything you need to succeed with women.GUIDANCE WHEN YOU NEED ITWouldn’t you like for someone who is successful with women toshowyou step-by-step how it’s done? What to say? When to say it?Andhow to say it to get her totally interested in you? And that’sgoodbecause that’s exactly what you’ll find Inside the Can I BuyYou ADrink app:- Step-by-step tutorials- Pick-up lines that actually work and results- How to get phone numbers- And much much more…ARE YOU MOVING TOWARD STUD OR DUD?You’ve heard the expression that there is no standing still. Youareeither moving forward or backward. The Can I Buy You A DrinkApp hasjust what you need to pick up and succeed with girls.IT’S FREENo more lonely nights! The Can I Buy You A Drink App istotallyFREE, so download it now!You’ll be glad you did. And happy hunting!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Can I Buy You A Drink appispublicly available on YouTube. We have not created it ormodifiedit in any way, nor have we uploaded any of these videos toYouTube.The value of this app is that it searches out, finds, andcollectsthe information for you, providing you easy and convenientaccessall in one handy place, so that all you have to do isdownload andlaunch the app. The legwork is already done for you anddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Basketball: Dribble Like A Pro 1.02
BASKETBALL DRIBBLINGDo you want to learn how to dribble a basketball like the topNBA ball-handlers? Have you ever dreamed of having handles like NBAgreats Isiah Thomas, Pete Maravich, Tim Hardaway and Allen Iversonor current players such as Kyrie Irving, Chris Paul, Steph Curry,Rajon Rondo, Manu Ginobili and Deron Williams?No matter your position guard, forward or center, dribbling isan essential and electrifying part of today’s basketball games.Improving your ball-handling skills and dribbling fundamentalsgives you a decided advantage over any defensive player. With alltypes of dribbles it is important to keep your head up so that youcan see teammates when they have scoring opportunities.Learn some basic basketball dribbles (Crossover, Behind theBack, Between the Legs, and Change of Pace) and drills to helpimprove your dribbling skills.<><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Dribble Like A Pro app is publiclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modified it in anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube. The valueof this app is that it searches out, finds, and collects theinformation for you, providing you easy and convenient access allin one handy place, so that all you have to do is download andlaunch the app. We have done the legwork for you and deliveredstraight to your mobile device.
Princess Rainbow Loom 1.04
Princess Rainbow Loom (Unofficial App)A brand new and fun way to make princess charms with yourrainbowloom.Watch easy step by step tutorial videos for making yourfavoriteprincess rainbow loom charms with your rainbow loom.- Princess Elsa charm- Princess Anna charm- Princess Cinderella charm- Princess Snow White charm- Princess Aurora charm- Princess Ariel charm- Princess Belle charm- Princess Jasmine charm- Princess Pocahontas charm- Princess Mulan charm- Princess Tiana charm- Princess Rapunzel charm- Princess Merida charm- Princess Elsa charm- Princess Sofia charmDownload it for FREE! And please share the Princess RainbowLoomapp with your friends!Have fun, and enjoy showing your friends!****************************PLEASE NOTE: The content in the princess rainbow loom appispublically available on YouTube. We have not created it ormodifiedit in any way, nor have we uploaded any of these videos toYouTube.The value of this app is that it provides you easy accessdirectlyto certain types YouTube videos all in one handy place, andsavesyou the work of having to do it yourself.