a5.ua Приложения

English Proverbs 2.0.0
This huge set of more then 3 500 English sayings and proverbs mustbe the bigger collection ever released on mobile! You can markproverbs as "Favorite" and filter them by some text. Applicationremembers your settings including scrolling position betweensessions for your convenience.Application has adds, after "Upgrade" in-app purchasing made ads goaway and you are able to share sayings and proverbs to Twitter,FaceBook or send them to mail address. Allow the push-notificationsfor this application to get the daily proverb pushed to you.Shake device to sort/shuffle the list and get random proverbpopped.Have a good time with "All English Proverbs" from A5
Chess Clock 1.0
Love to play chess at a time? This application is what you need.Nice design, easy to manage. Nothing will annoy you and will spendtime playing with enjoying. Features: - choose most spread gamemode (from 2 min - 60 min) - lite sound settings - possibility topause game
Японская поэзия Pro 1.1
Этот ПРО версия, в которой нет рекламы ибольше стихов.Наверняка, со школьной скамьи вам известны такие жанрыклассической японской поэзии как Хокку (или Хайку) и Танка. Каждыйиз жанров имеет свою древнюю историю формирования как искусства,уходящую в глубь веков. Эти ёмкие и содержательные песни (какназывают их японцы) нашли отклик в сердцах многих людей. И проверкавременем это только доказывает.Японская поэзия основана на чередовании определенного количестваслогов. Рифмы нет, но большое внимание уделяется звуковой иритмической организации стихотворения.Хокку (начальные стихи) - жанр японской поэзии: не рифмованноетрехстишие из 17 слогов (5+7+5). Искусство писать хокку - этопрежде всего умение сказать многое в немногих словах. Генетическиэтот жанр связан с танка.Танка (короткая песня) - древнейший жанр японской поэзии (первыезаписи - 8-й век). Не рифмованные пятистишия из 31 слога(5+7+5+7+7). Выражает мимолетное настроение, полно недосказанности,отличается поэтическим изяществом, зачастую - сложнойассоциативностью, словесной игрой.В нашем приложении вы найдете коллекцию более чем из 1200стихов. Вы познакомитесь со стилем и биографией таких известныхпоэтов как Басё, Исса, Акико Ёсано, Рёкан и других, живших вразличные эпохи.Также мы добавили несколько мелких улучшений, которые помогут вамболее комфортно пользоваться приложением:- чтобы ознакомиться с биографией автора следует нажать на его имяна странице просмотра стихов.- чтобы перейти к конкретному номеру стиха, нажмите на текущемномере страницы и введите нужное число.- используйте кнопку в виде цветка лотоса под текстом стиха, чтобыдобавить или убрать произведение из раздела Избранное.- используйте закладку (в верхнем правом углу), чтобы быстровернуться к месту, на котором закончили читать.Приятного времяпровождения.This PRO version, with noads and more poems.Certainly, at school you know genres such as classical Japanesepoetry Haiku (or haiku) and Tank. Each genre has a long history asan art form dating back centuries. These comprehensive andmeaningful songs (as the Japanese call them) have found an echo inthe hearts of many people. And the test of time it just shows.Japanese poetry is based on the alternation of a certain numberof syllables. No rhyme, but great attention is paid to the soundand rhythmic organization of the poem.Haiku (opening verses) - a genre of Japanese poetry is notrhymed tercet of 17 syllables (5 +7 +5). Art of writing haiku - isprimarily the ability to say much in few words. Genetically linkedto the genre of the tank.Tanka (short song) - the oldest genre of Japanese poetry (thefirst recording - the 8th century). Not rhymed pyatistishiya of 31syllables (5 +5 +7 +7 +7). Expresses a passing mood, full ofinnuendo, different poetic grace, often - difficult associativity,a verbal game.In our application, you will find a collection of more than1,200 poems. You will get acquainted with the style and backgroundof the well-known poets such as Basho, Issa, Akiko Yosano, theriver, and others, who lived at different times.We also added a few small improvements that will help you morecomfortable using the application:- To read the biography of the author should be to click on hisname on the preview page of poetry.- To go to a specific number of the verse, click on the currentpage number and enter the number.- Use the button in the form of a lotus flower under the text ofthe verse to add or remove a product from the Favoritessection.- Use the tab (top right corner) to quickly return to the placewhere finished reading.Enjoy your time.
Японская поэзия (Хокку, Танка) 2.1
Наверняка, со школьной скамьи вам известнытакие жанры классической японской поэзии как Хокку (или Хайку) иТанка. Каждый из жанров имеет свою древнюю историю формирования какискусства, уходящую в глубь веков. Эти ёмкие и содержательные песни(как называют их японцы) нашли отклик в сердцах многих людей. Ипроверка временем это только доказывает.Японская поэзия основана на чередовании определенного количестваслогов. Рифмы нет, но большое внимание уделяется звуковой иритмической организации стихотворения.Хокку (начальные стихи) - жанр японской поэзии: не рифмованноетрехстишие из 17 слогов (5+7+5). Искусство писать хокку - этопрежде всего умение сказать многое в немногих словах. Генетическиэтот жанр связан с танка.Танка (короткая песня) - древнейший жанр японской поэзии (первыезаписи - 8-й век). Не рифмованные пятистишия из 31 слога(5+7+5+7+7). Выражает мимолетное настроение, полно недосказанности,отличается поэтическим изяществом, зачастую - сложнойассоциативностью, словесной игрой.В нашем приложении вы найдете коллекцию более чем из 1200стихов. Вы познакомитесь со стилем и биографией таких известныхпоэтов как Басё, Исса, Акико Ёсано, Рёкан и других, живших вразличные эпохи.Также мы добавили несколько мелких улучшений, которые помогут вамболее комфортно пользоваться приложением:- чтобы ознакомиться с биографией автора следует нажать на его имяна странице просмотра стихов.- чтобы перейти к конкретному номеру стиха, нажмите на текущемномере страницы и введите нужное число.- используйте кнопку в виде цветка лотоса под текстом стиха, чтобыдобавить или убрать произведение из раздела Избранное.- используйте закладку (в верхнем правом углу), чтобы быстровернуться к месту, на котором закончили читать.Приятного времяпровождения.Certainly, at school youknow genres such as classical Japanese poetry Haiku (or haiku) andTank. Each genre has a long history as an art form dating backcenturies. These comprehensive and meaningful songs (as theJapanese call them) have found an echo in the hearts of manypeople. And the test of time it just shows.Japanese poetry is based on the alternation of a certain numberof syllables. No rhyme, but great attention is paid to the soundand rhythmic organization of the poem.Haiku (opening verses) - a genre of Japanese poetry is notrhymed tercet of 17 syllables (5 +7 +5). Art of writing haiku - isprimarily the ability to say much in few words. Genetically linkedto the genre of the tank.Tanka (short song) - the oldest genre of Japanese poetry (thefirst recording - the 8th century). Not rhymed pyatistishiya of 31syllables (5 +5 +7 +7 +7). Expresses a passing mood, full ofinnuendo, different poetic grace, often - difficult associativity,a verbal game.In our application, you will find a collection of more than1,200 poems. You will get acquainted with the style and backgroundof the well-known poets such as Basho, Issa, Akiko Yosano, theriver, and others, who lived at different times.We also added a few small improvements that will help you morecomfortable using the application:- To read the biography of the author should be to click on hisname on the preview page of poetry.- To go to a specific number of the verse, click on the currentpage number and enter the number.- Use the button in the form of a lotus flower under the text ofthe verse to add or remove a product from the Favoritessection.- Use the tab (top right corner) to quickly return to the placewhere finished reading.Enjoy your time.
Chess Clock Free 1.02
Free version of our Chess Clock app!Love to play chess at a time?This application is what you need.Nice design, easy to manage. Nothing will annoy you and will spendtime playing with enjoying.Features:- choose most spread game mode (from 2 min - 60 min)- lite sound settings- possibility to pause game
Scherzi e Barzellette 1.1.0
Questo enorme insieme di più di 2 000 dettischerzi e barzellette italiani deve essere la collezione più grandemai rilasciato sul cellulare! È possibile contrassegnare colmi come"preferito" e filtrare in un testo. Applicazione ricorda leimpostazioni, tra cui la posizione tra le sessioni di scorrimentoper la vostra convenienza. L'applicazione è aggiunge, dopo"upgrade" annunci di acquisto made ​​in-app andare via e si è ingrado di condividere detti e lazzo di Twitter, FaceBook o inviareloro per posta all'indirizzo.Lasciare che il push-notifiche per questa applicazione per ottenereil colmo quotidiano spinto a voi.Agitare dispositivo per ordinare / mischiare la lista e ottenerescherzo casuale spuntatoAvere un buon divertimento con "Scherzi e Barzellette" dallaA5!This huge set of over2000 pranks and jokes Italians said to be the largest collectionever released on the phone! You can mark filled as a "favorite" andfilter in a text. Application remembers the settings, including thescroll position between sessions for your convenience. Theapplication is added after "upgrade" announcements made in-apppurchase to go away and you are able to share these and lasso toTwitter, FaceBook, or send them by mail to the address.Allow the push-notifications for this application to get the fulldaily pushed to you.Shake the device to sort / shuffle the list and get random jokepoppedHave a lot of fun with "Jokes Jokes" from the A5!
Hipster vs Yobs 0.6
This game is as good as the real life: you're the young Hipster andyou're on your way back from Italian Speaking Club, or afterAnonymous Crocheters meeting, no matters. What does matter is thatyou aren't the only one wondering these streets this Saturdaynight, God damn you aren't! Streets are full with Yobs and you needto pass another 69 blocks to get home... Use whatever you can tofight your principals: Muffler, Vinil, Selfy-stick, devices andeven Mr. Cat. 11 types of weapons, next even more fun to use thenprevious- use them against 4 types of enemies. Drink Coffee to getfaster and eat Muffin to get stronger. Game is an endless runnerwith hidden and open achievements- compete your friends all overthe world. All content in this game is legal, either created by A5Mobile Development team, either ordered on Fiverr.com or bought onmusic stocks so your Karma is fully safe while your enjoyingbringing culture and progress into prols life. Do not hesitate tocontact us over info@a5.ua. May the force be with you!
Italian Riddles for Kids 1.1
Gently selected content only!Our application "Indovinelli per bambini" is made for our verysmallbut very valuable players, for our kids. This collection ofalmost1000 riddles is proven not to content any equivocal orcoarseriddle, you can leave your little clever chap read and guessriddleson his own or enjoy every single moment playing withhimtogether.Riddles in this application thoroughly reviewed and approvedtwicefor suite high parental standards, sorted in 16categories:"Rompicapi per bambini", "Indovinelli per giocare aNatale","Indovinelli logici", "Indovinelli matematici", "Personeemestieri", "Indovinelli vari per bambini", "Indovinellisuglianimali e piante", "Indovinelli sul cibo", "Indovinellidellascienza", "Frasi da indovinare", "Indovinelli sugeografia","Indovinelli su storia", "Indovinelli su oggetti","Indovinelli suimestieri", "Indovinelli de'Arte, Musica eLiteratura" and"Indovinelli di parole".Thank you for choosing this application for your children, formoreriddles check out full application version, Indovinelli perBambiniPro!
Italian Riddles Pro 1.1
Application is in Italian only!In this huge set of more then 1600 riddles, logicalpuzzles,crosswords and tricky questions everyone can find somethingtospend a time with benefit and pleasure.Puzzles and riddles are organized into 18 categories:Rompicapi,Indovinelli vari, Indovinelli logici, Indovinellimatematici,Indovinelli con trabocchetto, Indovinelli per bambini,Indovinellisugli animali e piante, Indovinelli molto divertenti,Nomi famosi,Frasi da indovinare, Indovinelli su geografia,Indovinelli sustoria, Indovinelli su oggetti, Indovinelli suimestieri,Indovinelli di Diritto, Enigmi famosi, Domande per uncruciverbaand Storia del cinema.Application has easy-to-use navigations, "bookmarks" and"favorite"features. In user interface we reflected Italianculturalcolouring: warm colors, national flag, silhouettes offamousarchitecture masterpieces in header and footer etc.Italian Riddles Pro can be used by all Italian speakers and bywhosewho learning Italian as well. As a casual relaxation intransport,as a party game and as an entertainment for kidsevents.Stay tuned - we are about to enrich the collection on aregularbasis.
Watch Dog Free 1.0
Watch Dog is a service-application makingafrontface cam screenshot every time someone makes an attempttounlock your device.Photos will be placed to your device storage(/mnt/sdcard/WatchDog/)and sent to an email (in full version only,in full version you willalso get an info about your device currentgeo-location)You don't have to root your device to install and useit.Recommended for 2.3+ Android version.We all know that security is quite important thing inourdays.The Watch Dog application is your Android-pet which does not havetobe feed and stay silent all the time.But in the same time it carries out a heavy burdenofguardian.Use it and be sure you will always be know who dared touchyourdevice.
The Ball of Rage 1.0
Classical "PingPong" table tennis game -diveinto your childhood and don't forget your tablet with you!Features:- three levels of complexity- controlling via accelerometer- customize ball and table colors- the simplest sound settings- gyroscope mode!Recommended for devices with 1280x800 resolutions.
Little Discoverer for Kids PRO 1.0
We all come from childhood. And always nicetoremember that exciting feeling when you learn something thefirsttime. How many wonders of the world awaited us when we werestillquite little.This application - a unique find for young parents andgrandparents.Give your baby this a magical feeling of the pioneer.With just alight touch your baby will plunge into the wonderfulworld of floraand fauna, hear its sounds. But this is not all.Also he is awaitedthe world of music and achievements of ourcivilization.This application - a winning choice for all. While the childishaving fun, adults have the opportunity to rest a fewminutes:).Enjoy!In free edition of the app you will find more then 160 ofuniqueimages and sounds. In PRO - more 530.
All Italian Proverbs 2.1.0
This huge set of more then 3 500Italiansayings and proverbs must be the bigger collection everreleased onmobile! You can mark proverbs as "Favorite" and filterthem by sometext. Application remembers your settings includingscrollingposition between sessions for your convenience.Application hasadds, after "Upgrade" in-app purchasing made ads goaway and youare able to share sayings and proverbs to Twitter,FaceBook or sendthem to mail address.Allow the push-notifications for this application to get thedailyproverb pushed to you.Shake device to sort/shuffle the list and get randomproverbpopped.Have a good fun with "All Italian Proverbs" from A5!
Mighty Python 1.0
Classical "Snaky" game, we bet you had it when you were a kid! Andwe did everything for bring you the pure feeling of that old-goodplastic box, buttons and 8-bit sounds.
Der Die Das 1.0.2
This application is in German only!This is the classical "Der Die Das" game presented by a5.ua.Themain idea is to help you learn genders of German nouns in a funandcompetitive way. Almost 6000 nouns are splitted in 10categories,first 4 go for free, another 6 "open" after the in-app"Upgrade"purchase made. In a free mode application has ads, whichare alsogo out after "Upgrade" purchased.You can play in one of three modes: fast, long and "relax"modewithout time limit.In time-limited modes points are calculated (depend of awordcomplicity). Points, high scores as well as another statisticsareavailable for sharing to FaceBook, Twitter and email at the endofa game session.This is the alpha-version and may contain errors. We kindly askyouto contact us concerning any issues on info@a5.ua.
French Riddles 1.01
This application is in French only! We all like guess riddles evenfrom childhood. Everyone is able to play this fun and easy game.There are so many riddles, and there are all new and fresh. In ourapplication, you will find not unique, but the bulk collection(more than 900) riddles on a variety of topics. It has ads - formore riddles and no adds please purchase our "Frensh Riddles Pro".Graphical user interface, designed in the classical and lighweightFrench style, will give you refreshing experience of a Frenchvocation. Spend a fascinating leisure with friends or give to yourchildren cheerful evening, and maybe a few minutes in class to yourpupils. We plan to replenish the collection, so stay tuned. Also,we value your feedback to make the program more useful andrelevant. Tell us what you would like to see in the new versions.
Little Discoverer for Kids 1.0
We all come from childhood. And always nicetoremember that exciting feeling when you learn something thefirsttime. How many wonders of the world awaited us when we werestillquite little.This application - a unique find for young parents andgrandparents.Give your baby this a magical feeling of the pioneer.With just alight touch your baby will plunge into the wonderfulworld of floraand fauna, hear its sounds. But this is not all.Also he is awaitedthe world of music and achievements of ourcivilization.This application - a winning choice for all. While the childishaving fun, adults have the opportunity to rest a fewminutes:).Enjoy!In free edition of the app you will find more then 160 ofuniqueimages and sounds. In PRO - more 530.
English Jokes and Gags 1.0.1
This huge set of more then 2 000 Englishgagsand jokes will become your best time-consuming friend! You canmarkjoke as "Favorite" and filter them by some text.Applicationremembers your settings including scrolling positionbetweensessions for your convenience.Application has adds, after "Upgrade" in-app purchasing made adsgoaway and you are able to share jokes and gags to Twitter,FaceBookor send them to mail address. Allow the push-notificationsfor thisapplication to get the daily gag pushed to you.Shake device to sort/shuffle the list and get randomjokepopped.Have a good time with "English Jokes" from A5!
Italian riddles for Kids Pro 1.1
Gently selected content only!Application content is in Italian!Our application "Italian riddles for Kids Pro" is made for ourverysmall but very valuable players, for our kids. This collectionofalmost 1000 riddles is proven not to content any equivocalorcoarse riddle, you can leave your little clever chap read andguessriddles on his own or enjoy every single moment playing withhimtogether.Riddles in this application thoroughly reviewed and approvedtwicefor suite high parental standards, sorted in 18categories:"Riddles for kids", "Riddles for Christmas Play","Logicalriddles", "Mathematical riddles", "mystery persons","Differentriddles for kids", "Riddles about animals and plants","Riddlesabout food", "Riddles about science", "Guess a phrase","Riddlesabout geography", "Riddles about history", "Riddles aboutobjects","Riddles about professions", "Riddles about art, musicandliterature", "Riddles about words", "Riddles about sport"and"fill-ins".Thank you for choosing this application for your children!
Witze und Gags 1.0.1
Das ist eine "Witze und Gags" Samlung von a5.ua vorgestellt. Wirhaben mehr als 2 000 Witze und Gags heir! Sie können Witze wie"Favoriten" markieren und filtern sie durch einen Text. Anwendungmerkt sich Ihre Einstellungen, einschließlich Scrollen Positionzwischen den Sitzungen für Ihre Bequemlichkeit. Anwendung fügt nach"Upgrade" in-App-Kauf gemacht Anzeigen weg und Sie können Gags undWitze auf Twitter, Facebook zu teilen oder sie an Mail-Adressesenden sind. Lassen Sie die Push-Benachrichtigungen für dieseAnwendung erhalten die Tageswitze geschoben zu Ihnen. SchüttelnGerät zu sortieren / schlurfen die Liste und erhaltenZufallssprichwort aufgetaucht. Haben Sie eine gute Zeit mit "Witzeund Gags" von A5!
French Riddles Pro 1.01
We all like guess riddles even fromchildhood.Everyone is able to play this fun and easy game. Thereare so manyriddles, and there are all new and fresh.In our application, you will find not unique, but thebulkcollection (more than 900) riddles on a variety of topics.Graphical user interface, designed in the classicalandlighweight French style, will give you refreshing experience ofaFrench vocation.Spend a fascinating leisure with friends or give to yourchildrencheerful evening, and maybe a few minutes in class toyourpupils.We plan to replenish the collection, so stay tuned.Also, we value your feedback to make the program more usefulandrelevant. Tell us what you would like to see in thenewversions.
The Pomodoro Technique T. Free 1.0
Free version of our "The PomodoroTechniqueTablets": one pomodoro only.Custom implementation of timer used for Pomodoro Techniquetimemanagement approach invented by Francesco Cirillo. Thisapplicationis recommended for usage on smartphones and has atween-brothernamed “The Pomodoro Technique Tablets” fortablet-sizedevices.Please notice: when you click "Yes!" after session endapplicationwill go to background (close) and restart after longpause (can beset in settings). This is not a bug, this is how itsuppose tobe!The application is easy to use, supplied with nice graphic andsoundelements.
The Pomodoro Technique H. Free 1.0
Free version of our Pomodoro TechniqueforHandsets: 1 pomodoro only.Custom implementation of timer used for Pomodoro Techniquetimemanagement approach invented by Francesco Cirillo. Thisapplicationis recommended for usage on smartphones and has atween-brothernamed “The Pomodoro Technique Tablets” fortablet-sizedevices.Please notice: when you click "Yes!" after session endapplicationwill go to background (close) and restart after longpause (can beset in settings). This is not a bug, this is how itsuppose tobe!The application is easy to use, supplied with nice graphic andsoundelements.
Italian Riddles 1.03
Application is in Italian only! Free version of our application"Italian Riddles Pro", this application contains Ads and shortencontent. In this set of riddles, logical puzzles, crosswords andtricky questions everyone can find something to spend a time withbenefit and pleasure. Puzzles and riddles are organized into 9categories: Rompicapi, Indovinelli vari, Indovinelli logici,Indovinelli matematici, Indovinelli con trabocchetto, Indovinelliper bambini, Indovinelli sugli animali e piante, Indovinelli moltodivertenti, Nomi famosi and Frasi da indovinare. Application haseasy-to-use navigations, "bookmarks" and "favorite" features. Inuser interface we reflected Italian cultural colouring: warmcolors, national flag, silhouettes of famous architecturemasterpieces in header and footer etc. Italian Riddles Pro can beused by all Italian speakers and by whose who learning Italian aswell. As a casual relaxation in transport, as a party game and asan entertainment for kids events. For bigger collection of riddlescheck our Italian Riddles Pro application!
English Riddles Pro 1.00
We all like guess riddles, ask tricky questions and laugh as kids.Everyone is able to play this fun and easy game- along in a trafficjam, on a party with friends, as a quiet game with children. Ourapplication also can be helpful to everyone learning English as asecond language. There are so many riddles, and there are all newand fresh. In our application we gladly offer you a big collection(more than 2000) serious, tricky and funny riddles on severalcategories (Animals, Classic, Kids, Letter, Medical, Number,Paradox, Ridiculous, Word, Work, Christmas, Amusing, Funny, Logic,Crimies, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving, Sporting), international aswell as typical for UK and USA. Graphical user interface, designedin the style of the Victorian era, will take you for a while inEngland of XIX century. Spend a fascinating leisure with friends orgive to your children cheerful evening, and maybe a few minutes inclass to your pupils. We do plan to replenish the collection, sostay tuned. Also, we value your feedback to make the program moreuseful and relevant. Tell us what you would like to see in the newversions.
Funny and Clever 1.1.1
Application is in Italian only!Feel sad and lost? Come on, the two friends - Funny and Clever-will help you on it! Joke from Funny and wise proverb from Clever-this is what you need!We are glad to offer you the huge collection of jokes andwisesayings, formed as playful application "Funny and Clever". Theideais to make your day with small joke and make you stop for amomentand think a bit on life with a proverb at the same time. Lotsof"sweet couples" on board already now and we are not about tostopcollecting them! Hope you will have as much pleasant momentsusingit as we had collecting it. Have fun and turn wise! :)For more content check out the PRO version of FunnyandClever.
All Russian Proverbs 2.0.1
This huge set of 7424 Russian sayingsandproverbs must be the bigger collection ever released on mobile!Youcan mark proverbs as "Favorite" and filter them by sometext.Application remembers your settings including scrollingpositionbetween sessions for your convenience. Application hasadds, after"Upgrade" in-app purchasing made ads go away and you areable toshare sayings and proverbs to Twitter, FaceBook or send themtomail address.Allow application to get push-notifications and get the proverb ofaday.Shake the device for shuffling or sorting list and gettingtherandom proverb.Have a good fun with "All Russian Proverbs" from A5!
Four in Row 1.0
Four in Row - one of those games, where a player have to make aline from a set of his pieces. At its core, the game is reminiscentof Tic-Tac-Toe, Renju (Gomoku), Reversi, etc. Rules of the game aresimple: to make a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) of 4chips. The winner is the player who will do it first. If none ofthe players managed to achieve the result of the game - a draw.Features of our implementation of this game: - Allowed to create upto 5 profiles; - Yet another layer of complexity (it is planned tomake a few); - Player rankings are calculated by the scheme Elo; -Play via Bluetooth (some problems are known, work to resolve); -You can choose from preset avatars as well as from the gallery andthe camera; - Statistics on profiles on the device; - Support forfour languages​​: Russian, English, Deutsch, Italiano. We plan todevelop the game and add new features. Stay tuned, it will beinteresting. Play with pleasure!
Golf Cafe 1.12
Golf Cafe is a system for helping small food-selling businessowners(golf club’s cafe, beach cafe etc.) to provide theircustomers withability to pre-buy food items online, pay and pickup them when theyget into selling point. Golf Cafe is a system ofweb application(hosted on http://golfcafe.eu) and two mobileclients (nativeAndroid written with Kotlin and native iOS writtenwith SWIFT),developed by A5 Mobile Development (a5.ua) andcurrently we’relooking for design clients and some user feedback.We also wouldlike to make some marketing research. So we want topublishapplication and do presentations, send advertisement totargetaudience etc. To secure system we’ve introduced API keyssystem anduser limitations by roles and organizations. Webapplication usersand organization shall be pre-registered by ouradmin, mobileclients can register themselves via mobile client oruse socialnetworks (Google, Facebook) to login. We do not collectand storeany user information but email and full name, full nameand passwordcan be set user of any value, email will only be usedon “passwordforgot” mechanism and shall be unique for a system.
iMolodza 1.0
Приложение хвалит Вас (иногда в ироничной форме) словами"Ай,Молодца". Да-да, это и всё что оно делает. Зато как оно этоделает!
Nine Rush Match 1.0
Are you fast? Are you really-truly fast? Well then, hold on,let'scheck! Match all symbols in 3x3 playground with the oneshownabove. Be quick! Oh no, symbol above changed? Hurry up, bittherecord!
Voice Remover 1.0
Create the audio tracks with suppressed vocals locally onyourdevice. No Internet connection required.
Doubt Solver 1.02
The decisions making and predicting the possible outcomes processisusually confronted with a complex system ofinterdependentcomponents (criteria, resources, desired outcomes orgoal etc) thatyou want to analyze and which entails time-consuming.The proposedapplication is designed to solve multicriteria problemsin acomplex environment with a hierarchical structure. It willbeuseful for modeling problems, including knowledge and judgmentsothat as a result of complex subjects discussed wereclearlyexpressed, evaluated with the establishment of theirpriorities. Atthe heart of this application is a method of analysisofhierarchies. This application does not prescribe to the userany"right" decisions and allows him to interactively find suchanoption (an alternative) that best agrees with his understandingofthe nature of the problem and requirements to its decision.
Romanian Proverbs 1.0.0
This application, developed for you by A5 MobileDevelopment,contains the huge set, over 5000, of Romanian proverbs.Mystery andwise sayings on every day will show you the uniquenessand beautyof Romanian culture and history. Application is inRomanian only!You can mark a proverb as favorite to find belovedonce faster. Oruse filtering in top of the screen. After in-apppurchase "Upgrade"you can share proverbs to social networks andsend via email.Application has ads - it also go away after in-apppurchase. Allowapplication to get the push-notifications and dailyproverbs willinspire of warn you. Enjoy!
Bonbon Crush 1.0.0
Our app contains 16 fun and satisfying levels with clearobjectivesand ability to replay/regenerate level at any time. Playcasual -in a subway, on a boring lectures at school, in a queue toCovid-19vaccination room :) App contains ads - thank you forsupporting ourdevelopers!
All German Proverbs 2.0.1
This huge set of almost 13 000 German sayings and proverbs mustbethe bigger collection ever released on mobile! You canmarkproverbs as "Favorite" and filter them by some text.Applicationremembers your settings including scrolling positionbetweensettings for your convenience. Application has adds,after"Upgrade" in-app purchasing made ads go away and you are abletoshare sayings and proverbs to Twitter, FaceBook or send themtomail address. Shake the device to shuffle/sort the list and gettherandom proverb popped-up. Have a good fun with "AllGermanProverbs" from A5!
2048 1.0
Famous 2048 game with records stored in your Google ProfilePlayclassic 2048 game.
Klug und Lustig 1.0
Application is in German only! This is the free version of "KlugundLustig Pro", application has Ads and less content. Feel sadandlost? Come on, the two friends - Funny and Clever - will helpyouon it! Joke from Funny and wise proverb from Clever - this iswhatyou need! We're glad to propose you the collection of over400pairs of jokes and proverbs paired in this application. The ideaisto make your day with small joke and make you stop for a momentandthink a bit on life with a proverb at the same time. Some jokesarepretty salty or a bit too masculine or racists and canconsideredto be insulting, so we would not recommend thisapplication ifyou're sensitive to these kinds of things. Hope youwill have asmuch pleasant moments using it as we had collecting it.Have funand turn wise! :)
German Riddles 1.00
Application is in German only! Free version of ourapplication"German Riddles Pro", this application contains Ads andshortencontent. In this set of riddles, logical puzzles, crosswordsandtricky questions everyone can find something to spend a timewithbenefit and pleasure. Puzzles and riddles are organized into11categories: Süßigkeiten und Gebäck (Texträtsel),Versrätsel,Lustige Mischung (Scherzfragen), Märchenrätsel,Denksport undKnobelaufgaben, Brückenrätsel, Sprichwörter,Analogien, Laterale(Ja-Nein-Rätsel, Rätselkrimis), Zahlenrätsel andGehirnjogging(Dal-Dal). Application has easy-to-use navigations,"bookmarks" and"favorite" features. In user interface we reflectedGerman culturalcolouring: Bretzels as navigation arrows, chequeredheader andfooter etc. German Riddles can be used by all Germanspeakers andby whose who are learning German as well. As a casualrelaxation intransport, as a party game and as an entertainment forkids events.For bigger collection of riddles check our GermanRiddles Proapplication!
Русские загадки 1.07
Russian riddles for children with otgadka
Funny and Clever EN 1.0
The collection of over 500 pairs of jokes and proverbs paired.
CD Calculator 1.5
CD Calculator is an application for calculating loans and deposits.
Умный и Весёлый Pro 1.0
Joke from Funny and wise proverb from Clever - this is whatyouneed!