1.1 / August 15, 2013
(5.0/5) (2)


Application is in Italian only!
In this huge set of more then 1600 riddles, logicalpuzzles,crosswords and tricky questions everyone can find somethingtospend a time with benefit and pleasure.
Puzzles and riddles are organized into 18 categories:Rompicapi,Indovinelli vari, Indovinelli logici, Indovinellimatematici,Indovinelli con trabocchetto, Indovinelli per bambini,Indovinellisugli animali e piante, Indovinelli molto divertenti,Nomi famosi,Frasi da indovinare, Indovinelli su geografia,Indovinelli sustoria, Indovinelli su oggetti, Indovinelli suimestieri,Indovinelli di Diritto, Enigmi famosi, Domande per uncruciverbaand Storia del cinema.
Application has easy-to-use navigations, "bookmarks" and"favorite"features. In user interface we reflected Italianculturalcolouring: warm colors, national flag, silhouettes offamousarchitecture masterpieces in header and footer etc.
Italian Riddles Pro can be used by all Italian speakers and bywhosewho learning Italian as well. As a casual relaxation intransport,as a party game and as an entertainment for kidsevents.
Stay tuned - we are about to enrich the collection on aregularbasis.

информация о приложении Italian Riddles Pro

  • Имя приложения
    Italian Riddles Pro
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    August 15, 2013
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
  • Количество установок
    100 - 500
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
    Visit website Email info@a5.ua
    61120 Ukraine, Kharkov Traktorostroiteley 79/42A 15 Olga Korokhina
  • Google Play Link

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English Proverbs 2.0.0 APK
This huge set of more then 3 500 English sayings and proverbs mustbe the bigger collection ever released on mobile! You can markproverbs as "Favorite" and filter them by some text. Applicationremembers your settings including scrolling position betweensessions for your convenience.Application has adds, after "Upgrade" in-app purchasing made ads goaway and you are able to share sayings and proverbs to Twitter,FaceBook or send them to mail address. Allow the push-notificationsfor this application to get the daily proverb pushed to you.Shake device to sort/shuffle the list and get random proverbpopped.Have a good time with "All English Proverbs" from A5
Hipster vs Yobs 0.6 APK
This game is as good as the real life: you're the young Hipster andyou're on your way back from Italian Speaking Club, or afterAnonymous Crocheters meeting, no matters. What does matter is thatyou aren't the only one wondering these streets this Saturdaynight, God damn you aren't! Streets are full with Yobs and you needto pass another 69 blocks to get home... Use whatever you can tofight your principals: Muffler, Vinil, Selfy-stick, devices andeven Mr. Cat. 11 types of weapons, next even more fun to use thenprevious- use them against 4 types of enemies. Drink Coffee to getfaster and eat Muffin to get stronger. Game is an endless runnerwith hidden and open achievements- compete your friends all overthe world. All content in this game is legal, either created by A5Mobile Development team, either ordered on Fiverr.com or bought onmusic stocks so your Karma is fully safe while your enjoyingbringing culture and progress into prols life. Do not hesitate tocontact us over info@a5.ua. May the force be with you!
Японская поэзия (Хокку, Танка) 2.1 APK
Наверняка, со школьной скамьи вам известнытакие жанры классической японской поэзии как Хокку (или Хайку) иТанка. Каждый из жанров имеет свою древнюю историю формирования какискусства, уходящую в глубь веков. Эти ёмкие и содержательные песни(как называют их японцы) нашли отклик в сердцах многих людей. Ипроверка временем это только доказывает.Японская поэзия основана на чередовании определенного количестваслогов. Рифмы нет, но большое внимание уделяется звуковой иритмической организации стихотворения.Хокку (начальные стихи) - жанр японской поэзии: не рифмованноетрехстишие из 17 слогов (5+7+5). Искусство писать хокку - этопрежде всего умение сказать многое в немногих словах. Генетическиэтот жанр связан с танка.Танка (короткая песня) - древнейший жанр японской поэзии (первыезаписи - 8-й век). Не рифмованные пятистишия из 31 слога(5+7+5+7+7). Выражает мимолетное настроение, полно недосказанности,отличается поэтическим изяществом, зачастую - сложнойассоциативностью, словесной игрой.В нашем приложении вы найдете коллекцию более чем из 1200стихов. Вы познакомитесь со стилем и биографией таких известныхпоэтов как Басё, Исса, Акико Ёсано, Рёкан и других, живших вразличные эпохи.Также мы добавили несколько мелких улучшений, которые помогут вамболее комфортно пользоваться приложением:- чтобы ознакомиться с биографией автора следует нажать на его имяна странице просмотра стихов.- чтобы перейти к конкретному номеру стиха, нажмите на текущемномере страницы и введите нужное число.- используйте кнопку в виде цветка лотоса под текстом стиха, чтобыдобавить или убрать произведение из раздела Избранное.- используйте закладку (в верхнем правом углу), чтобы быстровернуться к месту, на котором закончили читать.Приятного времяпровождения.Certainly, at school youknow genres such as classical Japanese poetry Haiku (or haiku) andTank. Each genre has a long history as an art form dating backcenturies. These comprehensive and meaningful songs (as theJapanese call them) have found an echo in the hearts of manypeople. And the test of time it just shows.Japanese poetry is based on the alternation of a certain numberof syllables. No rhyme, but great attention is paid to the soundand rhythmic organization of the poem.Haiku (opening verses) - a genre of Japanese poetry is notrhymed tercet of 17 syllables (5 +7 +5). Art of writing haiku - isprimarily the ability to say much in few words. Genetically linkedto the genre of the tank.Tanka (short song) - the oldest genre of Japanese poetry (thefirst recording - the 8th century). Not rhymed pyatistishiya of 31syllables (5 +5 +7 +7 +7). Expresses a passing mood, full ofinnuendo, different poetic grace, often - difficult associativity,a verbal game.In our application, you will find a collection of more than1,200 poems. You will get acquainted with the style and backgroundof the well-known poets such as Basho, Issa, Akiko Yosano, theriver, and others, who lived at different times.We also added a few small improvements that will help you morecomfortable using the application:- To read the biography of the author should be to click on hisname on the preview page of poetry.- To go to a specific number of the verse, click on the currentpage number and enter the number.- Use the button in the form of a lotus flower under the text ofthe verse to add or remove a product from the Favoritessection.- Use the tab (top right corner) to quickly return to the placewhere finished reading.Enjoy your time.
Chess Clock Free 1.02 APK
Free version of our Chess Clock app!Love to play chess at a time?This application is what you need.Nice design, easy to manage. Nothing will annoy you and will spendtime playing with enjoying.Features:- choose most spread game mode (from 2 min - 60 min)- lite sound settings- possibility to pause game
Mighty Python 1.0 APK
Classical "Snaky" game, we bet you had it when you were a kid! Andwe did everything for bring you the pure feeling of that old-goodplastic box, buttons and 8-bit sounds.
Italian Riddles 1.03 APK
Application is in Italian only! Free version of our application"Italian Riddles Pro", this application contains Ads and shortencontent. In this set of riddles, logical puzzles, crosswords andtricky questions everyone can find something to spend a time withbenefit and pleasure. Puzzles and riddles are organized into 9categories: Rompicapi, Indovinelli vari, Indovinelli logici,Indovinelli matematici, Indovinelli con trabocchetto, Indovinelliper bambini, Indovinelli sugli animali e piante, Indovinelli moltodivertenti, Nomi famosi and Frasi da indovinare. Application haseasy-to-use navigations, "bookmarks" and "favorite" features. Inuser interface we reflected Italian cultural colouring: warmcolors, national flag, silhouettes of famous architecturemasterpieces in header and footer etc. Italian Riddles Pro can beused by all Italian speakers and by whose who learning Italian aswell. As a casual relaxation in transport, as a party game and asan entertainment for kids events. For bigger collection of riddlescheck our Italian Riddles Pro application!
English Riddles Pro 1.00 APK
We all like guess riddles, ask tricky questions and laugh as kids.Everyone is able to play this fun and easy game- along in a trafficjam, on a party with friends, as a quiet game with children. Ourapplication also can be helpful to everyone learning English as asecond language. There are so many riddles, and there are all newand fresh. In our application we gladly offer you a big collection(more than 2000) serious, tricky and funny riddles on severalcategories (Animals, Classic, Kids, Letter, Medical, Number,Paradox, Ridiculous, Word, Work, Christmas, Amusing, Funny, Logic,Crimies, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving, Sporting), international aswell as typical for UK and USA. Graphical user interface, designedin the style of the Victorian era, will take you for a while inEngland of XIX century. Spend a fascinating leisure with friends orgive to your children cheerful evening, and maybe a few minutes inclass to your pupils. We do plan to replenish the collection, sostay tuned. Also, we value your feedback to make the program moreuseful and relevant. Tell us what you would like to see in the newversions.
Японская поэзия Pro 1.1 APK
Этот ПРО версия, в которой нет рекламы ибольше стихов.Наверняка, со школьной скамьи вам известны такие жанрыклассической японской поэзии как Хокку (или Хайку) и Танка. Каждыйиз жанров имеет свою древнюю историю формирования как искусства,уходящую в глубь веков. Эти ёмкие и содержательные песни (какназывают их японцы) нашли отклик в сердцах многих людей. И проверкавременем это только доказывает.Японская поэзия основана на чередовании определенного количестваслогов. Рифмы нет, но большое внимание уделяется звуковой иритмической организации стихотворения.Хокку (начальные стихи) - жанр японской поэзии: не рифмованноетрехстишие из 17 слогов (5+7+5). Искусство писать хокку - этопрежде всего умение сказать многое в немногих словах. Генетическиэтот жанр связан с танка.Танка (короткая песня) - древнейший жанр японской поэзии (первыезаписи - 8-й век). Не рифмованные пятистишия из 31 слога(5+7+5+7+7). Выражает мимолетное настроение, полно недосказанности,отличается поэтическим изяществом, зачастую - сложнойассоциативностью, словесной игрой.В нашем приложении вы найдете коллекцию более чем из 1200стихов. Вы познакомитесь со стилем и биографией таких известныхпоэтов как Басё, Исса, Акико Ёсано, Рёкан и других, живших вразличные эпохи.Также мы добавили несколько мелких улучшений, которые помогут вамболее комфортно пользоваться приложением:- чтобы ознакомиться с биографией автора следует нажать на его имяна странице просмотра стихов.- чтобы перейти к конкретному номеру стиха, нажмите на текущемномере страницы и введите нужное число.- используйте кнопку в виде цветка лотоса под текстом стиха, чтобыдобавить или убрать произведение из раздела Избранное.- используйте закладку (в верхнем правом углу), чтобы быстровернуться к месту, на котором закончили читать.Приятного времяпровождения.This PRO version, with noads and more poems.Certainly, at school you know genres such as classical Japanesepoetry Haiku (or haiku) and Tank. Each genre has a long history asan art form dating back centuries. These comprehensive andmeaningful songs (as the Japanese call them) have found an echo inthe hearts of many people. And the test of time it just shows.Japanese poetry is based on the alternation of a certain numberof syllables. No rhyme, but great attention is paid to the soundand rhythmic organization of the poem.Haiku (opening verses) - a genre of Japanese poetry is notrhymed tercet of 17 syllables (5 +7 +5). Art of writing haiku - isprimarily the ability to say much in few words. Genetically linkedto the genre of the tank.Tanka (short song) - the oldest genre of Japanese poetry (thefirst recording - the 8th century). Not rhymed pyatistishiya of 31syllables (5 +5 +7 +7 +7). Expresses a passing mood, full ofinnuendo, different poetic grace, often - difficult associativity,a verbal game.In our application, you will find a collection of more than1,200 poems. You will get acquainted with the style and backgroundof the well-known poets such as Basho, Issa, Akiko Yosano, theriver, and others, who lived at different times.We also added a few small improvements that will help you morecomfortable using the application:- To read the biography of the author should be to click on hisname on the preview page of poetry.- To go to a specific number of the verse, click on the currentpage number and enter the number.- Use the button in the form of a lotus flower under the text ofthe verse to add or remove a product from the Favoritessection.- Use the tab (top right corner) to quickly return to the placewhere finished reading.Enjoy your time.