1.1 / September 1, 2015
(3.5/5) (2)


The menstrual cycle is complex and iscontrolled by many different glands and the hormones that theseglands produce. The four phases of the menstrual cycle aremenstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal phase.Common problems include heavy or painful periods and premenstrualsyndrome (PMS).

A brain structure called the hypothalamus causes the nearbypituitary gland to produce certain chemicals, which prompt theovaries to produce the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone.

Menstruation is the elimination of the thickened lining of theuterus (endometrium) from the body through the vagina. Menstrualfluid contains blood, cells from the lining of the uterus(endometrial cells) and mucus. The average length of a period isbetween three days and one week.

The menstrual cycle iscomplex and is controlled by many different glands and the hormonesthat Reviews These glands produce. The four phases of the menstrualcycle are menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation and theluteal phase. Common problems include heavy or painful periods andpremenstrual syndrome (PMS).

A brain structure called the hypothalamus causes the nearbypituitary gland to produce Certain chemicals, the which prompt theovaries to produce the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Menstruation is the elimination of the thickened lining of theuterus (endometrium) from the body through the vagina. Menstrualfluid contains blood, cells from the lining of the uterus(endometrial cells) and mucus. The average length of a period isbetween three days and one week.

информация о приложении MENSTRUATION SYSTEM

  • Имя приложения
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    September 1, 2015
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
  • Количество установок
    100 - 500
  • Цена
  • Категория
    Health & Fitness
  • Разработчик
  • Google Play Link

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The menstrual cycle is complex and iscontrolled by many different glands and the hormones that theseglands produce. The four phases of the menstrual cycle aremenstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal phase.Common problems include heavy or painful periods and premenstrualsyndrome (PMS).A brain structure called the hypothalamus causes the nearbypituitary gland to produce certain chemicals, which prompt theovaries to produce the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone.Menstruation is the elimination of the thickened lining of theuterus (endometrium) from the body through the vagina. Menstrualfluid contains blood, cells from the lining of the uterus(endometrial cells) and mucus. The average length of a period isbetween three days and one week.The menstrual cycle iscomplex and is controlled by many different glands and the hormonesthat Reviews These glands produce. The four phases of the menstrualcycle are menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation and theluteal phase. Common problems include heavy or painful periods andpremenstrual syndrome (PMS).A brain structure called the hypothalamus causes the nearbypituitary gland to produce Certain chemicals, the which prompt theovaries to produce the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.Menstruation is the elimination of the thickened lining of theuterus (endometrium) from the body through the vagina. Menstrualfluid contains blood, cells from the lining of the uterus(endometrial cells) and mucus. The average length of a period isbetween three days and one week.
Ebook untuk membantu Pasangan yang mengalamiSulit Hamil. Mengulas tentang problem yang biasanya dapatmenghambat kehamilan, baik yang berasal dari pihak Istri maupunSuami. Seperti PCOS, Kista, Myoma, Haid Tidak Normal, KualitasSperma, dll. Serta membahas Solusi untuk mengatasi problemtersebut.Ebook to help couplesexperiencing Difficult Pregnancy. Review the problems which usuallycan inhibit pregnancy, both derived from the wife or husband. Suchas PCOS, cysts, myoma, Abnormal Menstruation, Sperm Quality, etc.And discuss solutions to overcome these problems.
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Tutorial Jilbab Ke Kantor 1.0 APK
Tutorial bagi karyawan atau pekerjadalammenggunakan Jilbab ke kantor atau acara resmi lainnya.Dalam tutorial juga ada gambarnya yang dapat mempermudahbagiJilbaber saat mencoba atau mengaplikasikan Tutorial JilbabKeKantor. Semoga tutorial ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagiAnda.Selain itu juga demi memperbanyak muslimah yang maumenggunakanJilbab pada saat ke kantor.Tutorial for employeesorworkers in the office to use the hijab or otherformalevents.In the tutorial also has a picture that can make it easierforJilbaber when attempting or Hijab Tutorial apply to theOffice.Hopefully this tutorial can provide benefits to you.Addition, inorder to reproduce Muslim women who want to use thehijab at thetime to the office.