2.2 / February 20, 2015
(3.9/5) (35)


Semana tras semana, tu bebé crece rápidamente;sus necesidades cambian. ¡Hay tantas cosas a gestionar! : sualimentación, su vida diaria,... Por ello Nestlé te ofrece unaaplicación para facilitar la vida con tu bebé, vigilar sulactancia, con buenos consejos nutricionales adaptados a cada edad,y otras sorpresas útiles para el crecimiento de tu pequeño. ¿Cuálesson las necesidades nutricionales de mi bebé? ¿Qué nuevos alimentosle tocan según su edad? ¿Qué cantidad de leche materna por toma?Nuestro equipo y nuestros especialistas en nutrición responden atus preguntas y te ofrecen menús, recetas, e instrumentos prácticosadaptados a los niños de 0 a 2 años.
Week after week, yourbaby is growing rapidly; their needs change. There is so much tohandle! : Their food, their daily life ... Therefore Nestléprovides you an application to facilitate life with your babymonitor its infancy, with good nutritional advice tailored to eachage, and other useful surprises for the growth of your child. Whatare the nutritional needs of my baby? What new foods by touchingher age? What amount of breastmilk per feeding? Our team and ournutritionists answer your questions and offer menus, recipes, andpractical tools tailored for children of 0-2 years.

информация о приложении NESTLÉ Bebé

  • Имя приложения
    NESTLÉ Bebé
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    February 20, 2015
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
  • Количество установок
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Цена
  • Категория
    Health & Fitness
  • Разработчик
  • Google Play Link

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Nestlé Bébé 2.1 APK
Retrouvez des outils,recettes et conseils nutritionnels adaptés àl’âge de votre nourrisson.Des conseils  pour les parents dèsla naissance de bébé pour suivre  sonéveil et son développement.L’application guide les papas et mamans tout au longde l’évolution de bébé grâce à :- Un suivi quotidien du développement et de la croissance de votrenourrisson grâce à un carnet de bord. L’application permet degérer son allaitement, ses biberons,son alimentation, ses petits bobos, ses couches… ensomme sa vie quotidienne !  - Pour toute question sur la nutrition ou l’alimentation devotre enfant, l’application propose une mise en relationavec une diététicienne ainsi que desquestions-réponses.- Des conseils personnalisés suivant l’âge de vos enfantsdepuis l’allaitement ou les biberons jusqu’àla diversification alimentaire (purée, compote,…). Des recettes conçues parnos nutritionnistes pour répondre aux besoins spécifiquesde votre bébé, mois après mois.- Tous les ingrédients du quotidien de bébé peuvent être ajoutés àvotre liste de course et partagés par email.Findtools, recipes and nutritional advice tailored to the age of yourbaby.Advice for parents when the baby is born to follow his awakeningand development.The application guide dads and moms throughout the baby'sdevelopment through:- Daily monitoring of the development and growth of your babythrough a logbook. The application allows to manage breastfeeding,his bottles, his diet, his minor injuries, its layers ... in shortdaily life!- For questions about nutrition or feeding your child, theapplication provides a linking with a dietician as well asquestions and answers.- Personalized advice depending on the age of your children frombreastfeeding or bottle to food diversification (puree, compote,...). Recipes designed by our nutritionists to meet the specificneeds of your baby, month after month.- All baby everyday ingredients can be added to your shopping listand shared by email.
Nestlé TV 3.0 APK
Bienvenido a Nestlé TV, la primera televisiónen tu móvil para todos los gustos que te ayudará en los aspectosfundamentales de tu vida y la de tu familia.Selecciona el canal que más te interese y se adapte a tusnecesidades concretas desde donde quieras y siempre que lonecesites.Podrás descubrir qué fácil es cocinar a través de prácticasvideorecetas y videotrucos, encontrarás consejos para mimar ycuidar a tu bebé, ideas para el bienestar y la nutrición de tufamilia, recomendaciones sobre hábitos y cuidados para tu mascota yconocerás todos los productos y promociones de la marca Nestlé.También podrás realizar tus búsquedas, seleccionando los vídeosmás vistos, los más nuevos, los más votados y los favoritos que túhayas seleccionado previamente.Desde la aplicación puedes visualizar un vídeo, votarlo,reenviarlo o añadirlo a tu lista de favoritos.¡Que la disfrutes!Versión 2.0. Desarrollado por MUBIQUO Mobile MarketingSolutionsWelcome to Nestlé TV, thefirst TV on your mobile for everyone that will help in thefundamental aspects of your life and your family.Select the channel that most interests you and suits yourspecific needs from anywhere and whenever you need.You will discover how easy it is to cook through practices andvideotrucos video recipes, find tips to pamper and care for yourbaby, ideas for wellness and nutrition of your family, habits andcare recommendations for your pet and meet all products andpromotions Nestle brand.You can also make your searches by selecting the most viewedvideos, the newest, top rated and favorites that you havepreviously selected.From your application you can view a video, vote on it, forwardit, or add it to your favorites list.Enjoy!Version 2.0. Powered by MUBIQUO Mobile Marketing Solutions
Aprender a Brincar 1.4 APK
Aprender a Brincar é a nova aplicação daNestlé Nutrição Infantil. Porque os primeiros 1000 dias sãodeterminantes para o desenvolvimento futuro do seu bebé, criámostambém uma coleção de jogos e atividades para bebés até aos 3 anosde idade. Desenvolvida para educar e estimular o desenvolvimento dacriança até aos 36 meses, capta a atenção do bebé pela suasimplicidade visual e pelos objectivos de cada desafio, colocadospelo nosso Ursinho Azul.PRINCIPAIS CARACTERÍSTICAS# 6 jogos e atividades;# Memória, Puzzle, Colorir, Labirinto, Descobrir e Falar;# Presença do Ursinho Azul em todos os jogos e atividades;# Níveis de dificuldade que se adaptam ao progresso do bebé;# Música de incentivo e reforço no final de cada nível.JOGOS# Encontrar os pares e conhecer as frutas;# Completar as peças do puzzle e descobrir os animais;# Escolher as cores e pintar os meios de transporte;# Percorrer o caminho certo e encontrar a papa CERELAC;# Preencher os espaços vazios e explorar as estações do ano;# Falar para o Ursinho Azul repetir as palavras.APRENDIZAGEM# Memória# Motricidade fina# Raciocínio lógico# Perspicácia# Comunicação# Expressão artística# e mais...POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDADE PARA CRIANÇAS# SEM publicidade;# SEM compras automáticas/adicionais;# NÃO recolhe qualquer informação pessoal sobre o bebé.Learn to Play is a newapplication of Nestlé Infant Nutrition. Because the first 1000 daysare crucial for the future development of your baby, we have alsocreated a collection of games and activities for babies up to 3years old. Designed to educate and stimulate the child'sdevelopment up to 36 months, captures the attention of the baby byits visual simplicity and the objectives of each challenge, posedby our Blue Teddy.KEY FEATURES# 6 games and activities;# Memory, Puzzle, Coloring, Labyrinth, Discover and Talk;# Presence of Blue Teddy in all games and activities;# Difficulty levels which adapt to the progress of the baby;# Music of encouragement and reinforcement at the end of eachlevel.GAMES# Find the pairs and know the fruits;# Complete the puzzle pieces and find the animals;# Choose the colors and paint the means of transport;# Step through the right path and find the Pope Cerelac;# Fill the empty spaces and explore the seasons;# Talking to Blue Teddy repeat the words.LEARNING# Memory# Fine mobility# Logical ReasoningInsight ## Communication# Artistic Expression# And more ...PRIVACY POLICY FOR CHILDREN# WITHOUT advertising;# WITHOUT automatic / additional purchases;# DO NOT collect any personal information about the baby.
Nestlé Trainer la plataforma de Nestlé que tepermite medir y hacer seguimiento de tu actividad física, hábitossaludables de forma fácil y personalizada. Nestlé Trainer tepropone además, retos para que entrenes tu Salud y Menú Plannerpara ayudarte a planificar tus menús de forma equilibrada.Trainer Nestle Nestleplatform that allows you to measure and track your physicalactivity, healthy habits easy and personalized way. Trainer Nestléalso offers you, challenges you train your Health and Menu Plannerto help you plan your menus in a balanced way.
n-Receitas Nestlé 2.1 APK
n-Receitas é a aplicação NESTLÉ para quemgosta de cozinhar, partilhar e conhecer novos truques edicas.Aqui encontra receitas para todas as ocasiões, nunca esquecendo olado saudável e nutricional da cozinha. Encontre receitas diferentes para todos os dias, modo depreparação em vídeo, truques e dicas, informação sobre nutrição(alimento da semana) e um conjunto de funcionalidades pensadas parafacilitar o seu dia a dia.FUNCIONALIDADESPara que se concentre apenas em tornar cada prato o mais apetitosopossível esta app traz um conjunto de ferramentas que lhesimplificam a vida:- Timer, lista de compras, conversor de medidas, medidor deesparguete- Informação nutricional de cada receita.- TOP 10 para que encontre mais facilmente as receitas preferidasdos nossos utilizadores.- Agenda de refeições: onde pode associar receitas a cada dia dasemana e criar a sua agenda de refeições para partilhar noFacebook, sms ou email.- Pesquisa por ingrediente, tipo de refeição, época e modolivre.- Favoritos – a forma mais fácil de ter as suas receitas favoritassempre à mão.PERSONALIZARJuntámos a esta aplicação a componente social que lhe permitecolocar o seu “twist” em cada receita e seguir os utilizadores comquem se identifica mais.PARTILHARFotografe os seus melhores pratos e partilhe-as no instagram com a#nestlecozinhar.Porque o mundo das receitas não tem fim estamos sempre a criaratualizações à app n-Receitas. Não se esqueça de ativar os alertaspara estar sempre a par das novidades.n-income NESTLÉapplication is for those who like to cook, share and learn newtricks and tips.Here you will find recipes for all occasions, never forgetting thehealthy and nutritional side of the kitchen.Find different recipes for everyday mode of preparation onvideo, tricks and tips, information on nutrition (food of the week)and a set of thoughtful features to facilitate your daily life.FEATURESFor just focus on making each dish as appetizing as possible thisapp brings a suite of tools that simplify your life:- Timer, shopping list, measurement converter, meterspaghetti- Nutritional information for each recipe.- TOP 10 for you to find more easily the favorite recipes of ourusers.- Schedule Meal recipes which you can associate each day of theweek and create your schedule meals to share on Facebook, sms oremail.- Search by ingredient, meal type, time and freely.- Favorites - the easiest way to have your favorite recipeshandy.PERSONALIZEWe put together this application the social component that allowsyou to put your "twist" in each recipe and follow users with whomyou most identify with.SHAREShoot your best dishes and share them with the instagram #nestlecozinhar.Because the world has no end of recipes are always updates theapp to create n-Recipes. Do not forget to enable alerts to be keptup to date with the news.
Nestlé Devenir Maman 2.5 APK
Devenir Maman est un véritable journal de bordde suivi de votre grossesse qui vous accompagnera pendant toutecette aventure jusqu’à l’arrivée de votre bébé !Accédez à pleins d’infos et d’astuces sur votre grossesse:- Semaine après semaine, suivez l’évolution de votre grossesseainsi que le développement de votre bébé jusqu’à votreaccouchement- Faites le plein de conseils pour une alimentation équilibrée ettrouvez votre recette du jour parmi une liste de recettes adaptéesà la femme enceinte.Découvrez des outils pratiques :- Un outil de calcul de votre date d’accouchement.- Une courbe de poids pour suivre sans stress jour après jour votrepoids.- Un outil de mesure de vos contractions à l’approche del’accouchement. Contraction après contraction, mesurez leursintensités, leurs fréquences et leurs durées.- Des listes pense-bêtes complètes et personnalisables pour ne rienoublier avant de partir à la maternité pour préparer votre valiseet celle de votre bébé.- Un guide de prénoms original et malin ! Vous cherchez un prénomrare ou star, cosmopolite ou classique, ... ? Vous trouverez sansaucun doute LE bon prénom.- Un calendrier de suivi d’ovulation pour mettre toutes les chancesde votre côté pour tomber enceinte.Partagez vos nouvelles :- Plutôt euphorique ou affamée ce matin ? Partagez vos humeurs defemme enceinte jour après jour.- Une bonne nouvelle à annoncer ? De l’annonce de votre grossesseau faire-part de naissance de votre bébé, créez votre cartepersonnalisée et envoyez-la à vos proches.- A chaque jour sa photo ! Réalisez le film de votre grossesse enstop motion en vous photographiant jour après jour, mois aprèsmois.NESTLÉ vous fait profiter de son expertise et sa connaissance dela femme enceinte pour vous aider à préparer sereinement cetheureux évènement.Astuce : devenez membre du Club NESTLÉ Bébé pour profiter au mieuxde toutes les fonctionnalités de l’application Devenir Maman etprofitez de conseils, services et bons plans personnalisés.Becoming Mom is a reallog monitoring your pregnancy to accompany you throughout theadventure until the arrival of your baby!Go to full information and tips on pregnancy:- Week after week, follow the progress of your pregnancy and thedevelopment of your baby until your delivery- Fill tips for a balanced diet and find your recipe of the dayfrom a list of recipes suitable for pregnant women.Discover practical tools:- A tool to calculate your due date.- A weight curve to follow day after day without stress yourweight.- A tool to measure your contractions when approaching childbirth.Contraction after contraction, measure their intensity, frequencyand duration.- Lists reminders comprehensive and customizable to not forgetanything before leaving the maternity prepare your suitcase andyour baby.- A guide to original and clever names! Looking for a rare name orstar, cosmopolitan or classical ... ? No doubt you will find THEgood name.- A calendar of ovulation tracking to put all the chances on yourside to get pregnant.Share your news:- Rather euphoric or hungry this morning? Share your moods pregnantwoman day after day.- Good news to announce? The announcement of your pregnancyannouncement birth of your baby, create your personalized card andsend it to your loved ones.- Every day a photo! Make the movie of your pregnancy stop motionphotographing you day after day, month after month.NESTLÉ makes you enjoy its expertise and knowledge of thepregnant woman to help you prepare serenely this happy event.Tip: Join the Club NESTLÉ Baby to take advantage of all thefeatures of the application and enjoy Mom Become advice, servicesand good custom plans.
Nestle Baby 1.2 APK
Nestlé Baby is een applicatie voor papa enmama om de voeding en ontwikkeling van jullie baby vanaf degeboorte bij te houden. De app biedt je de beste adviezen van onzevoedingskundigen. Alles over voeding en de ontwikkeling van je babybinnen handbereik.De applicatie Nestlé Baby verandert met jou en je baby mee vanafde geboorte tot het 3e levensjaar en geeft advies op maat overgroei en ontwikkeling.Als nieuwe ouders van een baby moet je zoveel bijhouden:borstvoeding, flesvoeding, luiers, kwaaltjes… alles voor het nieuwedagelijkse leven!De Nestlé Baby applicatie ondersteunt je in je nieuwe leven metje baby en zal een antwoord geven op al je vragen: Wat zijn devoedingsbehoeften van mijn baby? Welke nieuwe voedingsproducten kanik geven op welke leeftijd? Hoeveel melk mag ik geven pervoeding?De inhoud van de app:• Recepten voor elke leeftijd: Van ontbijt tot diner, kleinegerechten en menu’s speciaal ontwikkeld voor baby’s. De receptenzijn ontwikkeld door onze voedingskundigen om in de specifiekebehoeften van je baby te voorzien, van maand tot maand.• Borst- en flesvoeding bijhouden: Voeding na voeding. Nestlé Babyhelpt je om borst- of flesvoeding bij te houden. Hoeveelheid, tijd,type melk, deze tool is onmisbaar om de groei van je kind bij tehouden.• Voedingskundigen: Heb je een vraag over voeding? Ben je op zoeknaar informatie? Neem gemakkelijk contact op met één van onzevoedingskundigen, Nestlé Babyvoeding staat voor je klaar.• Een handige boodschappenlijst: Om er zeker van te zijn dat jeniks bent vergeten.Belangrijke informatie voor moeders: deWereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) beveelt aan om exclusiefborstvoeding te geven gedurende de eerste 6 levensmaanden. Nestléstaat hier volledig achter. Borstvoeding is de beste voeding, biedtde beste bescherming tegen ziektes en is het voordeligst. Het isniet mogelijk terug te komen op je beslissing om geen borstvoedingmeer te geven. Raadpleeg altijd je consultatiebureau of artsalvorens bijvoeding te introduceren of over te gaan op(gedeeltelijke) flesvoeding. Heb je vragen over flesvoeding?Raadpleeg je consultatiebureau of arts. Of bel met onzeconsumentenservice: 0800-0230131. Met vriendelijke groeten, NestléBabyvoeding.Nestlé Baby is anapplication for mom and dad to keep the nutrition and developmentof your baby from birth. The app offers you the best advice fromour nutritionists. Everything about nutrition and the developmentof your baby within reach.The application Nestlé Baby changing along with you and yourbaby from birth to 3 years of age and gives advice on growth anddevelopment.As new parents of a baby you should keep as much: breastfeeding,baby formula, diapers, ailments ... all for the new daily life!The Nestlé Baby application supports you in your new life withyour baby and will answer all your questions: What are thenutritional needs of my baby? What new food I can give at what age?How much milk should I give a power supply?The content of the app:• Recipes for every age: From breakfast to dinner, small dishes andmenus designed specifically for babies. The recipes have beendeveloped by our nutritionists to meet the specific needs of yourbaby, from month to month.• Breast and bottle feeding track: Nutrition after feeding. NestléBaby helps you to keep breast or bottle feeding. Quantity, time,type of milk, this tool is essential to keep up with the growth ofyour child.• Power Professionals: Have a question about nutrition? Are youlooking for information? Please easily contact one of ournutritionists, Nestle baby food awaits you.• A handy shopping list: To make sure that you're not forgetanything.Important information for mothers: the World Health Organization(WHO) recommends giving exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6months of life. Nestlé supports this position. Breastfeeding is thebest food, offers the best protection against disease and is mostadvantageous. It is not possible to go back on your decision not tobreastfeed longer. Always consult your clinic or doctor beforeintroducing supplementary feeding or about to go on a (partial)formula. Do you have questions about bottle feeding? Consult yourdoctor or clinic. Or call our customer service department: from0800 to 0,230,131. Sincerely, Nestle baby food.
Diventare Mamma 1.01 APK
"Diventare Mamma è un vero e proprio diariodella gravidanza che ti accompagnerà lungo questo meravigliosoviaggio fino alla nascita del tuo bambino!Non perderti tanti consigli e curiosità pensati per la tuagravidanza:- Settimana per settimana, segui lo sviluppo del tuo bambino e icambiamenti del tuo corpo durante tutta la gravidanza fino algiorno del parto.- Fai il pieno di consigli per un'alimentazione equilibrata e trovala tua ricetta del giorno tra tutte le nostre ricette pensate perle donne in gravidanza .Scopri tanti strumenti pratici :- Calcolare la data del parto.- Segui giorno dopo giorno l'evoluzione del tuo peso.- Misura le tue contrazioni prima del parto. Contrazione dopo lacontrazione, potrai registrare la loro intensità, frequenza edurata.- Tante liste personalizzabili per non dimentacare nulla: cosaportare in ospedale e come prepararsi all'arrivo del bambino.- Scopri quali sono i giorni più propizi per concepire un bambinograzie al calendario dell'ovulazione.- Con il ""video della mia gravidanza"", crea un filmato della tuagravidanza in stop motion direttamente dallo smartphone.""Becoming Mom is a realpregnancy journal that will accompany you on this wonderful journeyto the birth of your baby!Do not miss the many tips and trivia designed for yourpregnancy:- Week by week, follow the development of your child and thechanges of your body throughout pregnancy until the day ofdelivery.- Get your fill of tips for a balanced diet and find your recipe ofthe day among all our recipes designed for pregnant women.Discover the many practical tools:- Calculate your due date.- Follow day after day the evolution of your weight.- Test your contractions before the birth. Contraction aftercontraction, you can adjust the intensity, frequency andduration.- Many customizable lists for non dimentacare nothing: what tobring to the hospital and how to prepare for the arrival of thebaby.- Find out which are the most auspicious days to conceive a childthrough ovulation calendar.- With the "" video of my pregnancy "," create a movie of yourpregnancy in stop motion directly from your smartphone. "