1.0.2 / December 26, 2016
(4.4/5) (362)


◇◇¡¡Puedes disfrutar de esta historia en formagratuita!! ◇◇
◇◇¡¡Esta App de Drama te llevará a un mundo de diversos cuentos dehadas que incluyen el de la Sirenita y el Minotauro!!◇◇
◇◇¡Tú eres la heroína! ¡¡Experimenta un romance con un príncipe deun mundo de cuento de hadas!◇◇
Has vivido en esa torre desde el día en que naciste.
Muchas historias existen dentro de los libros de esa torre.
Un día, tú, que nunca has visto el mundo exterior, conoces a unmisterioso hombre llamado Ornit.
Te pregunta: "¿No quieres conocer el mundo fuera de estatorre?"
Así, conoces el mundo exterior.
El mundo que se extiende más allá de la torre essorprendente.
Te transformas en la heroína de ese mundo y emprendes una travesíapara encontrar tu propia felicidad.
◆ Ornit
"Sólo existo para ayudarte."
Edad: 27 Altura: 175cm
Ornit es un cuenta cuentos y un apoyo extraordinario.
Su trabajo es mostrarte otros mundos, ayudarte cuando tengasproblemas y acompañarte durante tu historia.
Es una persona calmada y amable, pero a veces se deprime cuando tusintentos por encontrar tu propia historia son infructuosos.
Dice que no es más que un observador y causa algunos problemas parahacer tu historia más interesante, pero siempre está a tu ladocuando las verdaderas dificultades aparecen.
"No te mataré siempre y cuando me entretengas."
Edad: 30 Altura:189cm
Asterious es el hijo de una humana y una bestia.
A causa de una profecía que indica que un día matará al rey, fueencerrado en un laberinto subterráneo.
Te encuentra cuando entras a su laberinto con órdenes deenvenenarlo.
No confía en ti ni en nadie, y disfruta de verte endificultades.
A medida que la historia progresa, empieza a mostrar su faceta máshumana y dolorosa, lo que te ayuda a entenderlo mejor.
"No me dejes."
Edad: 28 Altura:185cm
Alain es el segundo príncipe de un reino ubicado junto almar.
Te salva cuando te ve flotando en el océano, y te protege cuandodescubre que no eres del todo humana.
No tiene derecho al trono, pero siempre ayuda a su hermano mayor agobernar, a pesar de que sus métodos suelen ser considerados fríosy eficaces. Esto hace que gran parte de la población le tema.
Es capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por su querido hermano, inclusomancillar su propio nombre.
Intenta parecer frío e inalcanzable, pero su pasatiempo favorito esvisitar la ciudad de incógnito y estar con su querido pueblo.
"... Tenerte aquí conmigo es un sueño."
Edad: 23 Altura: 183cm
Renard es un caballero que fue transformado en uncascanueces.
Es muy amable, pero increíblemente talentoso en el combate.
Es la clase de persona que dice cosas muy dulces sin darsecuenta.
Renard es un filántropo y siente que te debe mucho por haberloayudado cuando lo transformaron en cascanueces.
Es un buen hombre, pero a veces demuestra actitudesposesivas.
¡Puedes elegir de entre todos estos personajes basándote en tuspreferencias!
¿... Con quién descubriras los misterios de ese mundo?

■■Recomendado para las siguientes personas:
"Omnibus Princess" está recomendado para aquellos que:
Amen los libros, las películas, los mangas, el anime y las novelasque tengan el romance como tema principal.
Amen las historias juveniles.
Quieran disfrutar de la alegría de la juventud.
Quieran experimentar una cultura diferente a la suya.
Amen las historias de ciencia ficción.
Estén interesados en las historias de amor, pero no en aquellasorientadas específicamente a otakus.
Amen los juegos de romance, de amor, los otome y las apps de dramaromántico.
Quieran disfrutar de una buena historia completa.

◇◇ 'You can enjoy thisstory for free !! ◇◇
◇◇ 'Drama This App will take you to a different world of fairytales including the Little Mermaid and the Minotaur !! ◇◇
◇◇ You are the hero! 'Experience a romance with a prince of a fairytale world! ◇◇
■■ ■■ Synopsis
You have lived in that tower from the day you were born.
Many stories exist within the books of that tower.
One day, you who have never seen the outside world, meet amysterious man named Ornit.
Asks: "Do not you want to know the world outside this tower?"
So, you know the outside world.
The world that extends beyond the tower is amazing.
You become the heroine of that world and embark on a journey tofind your own happiness.
■■ ■■ Characters
◆ Ornit
"I only exist to help you."
Age: 27 Height: 175cm
Ornit is a storyteller and superb support.
Your job is to show other worlds, help when you have problems andaccompany you during your story.
It is a calm and kind person, but sometimes depresses when yourattempts to find your own story are unsuccessful.
He says it is merely an observer and causes some problems to makeyour story more interesting, but it is always by your side when thereal difficulties arise.
◆ Asterious
"I will not kill you as long as I dawdle."
Age: 30 Height: 189cm
Asterious is the son of a human and a beast.
Because of a prophecy indicates that one day kill the king, wasimprisoned in an underground labyrinth.
You find when you walk into the labyrinth with orders to poisonhim.
Does not trust you or anyone, and enjoys seeing you introuble.
As the story progresses, begins to show its human and painfulfacet, which helps you understand it better.
◆ Alain
"Do not leave Me."
Age: 28 Height: 185cm
Alain is the second prince of a kingdom located by the sea.
You save when you see floating in the ocean, and protects you whenyou discover that you are not quite human.
You have no right to the throne, but it always helps his olderbrother to rule, even though their methods are often consideredcold and effective. This makes much of the population wouldsubject.
It is able to do anything for his beloved brother, even sully hisname.
Try seem cold and unapproachable, but his favorite pastime is tovisit the city incognito and be with his beloved people.
◆ Renard
"... Having you here with me is a dream."
Age: 23 Height: 183cm
Renard is a gentleman who was transformed into a nutcracker.
It is very friendly, but incredibly talented in combat.
It's the kind of person who says very sweet things withoutrealizing it.
Renard is a philanthropist and feel that you owe much for helpinghim when he was transformed into nutcracker.
He is a good man, but sometimes shows possessiveness.
You can choose from all these characters based on yourpreferences!
¿... Who will discover the mysteries of this world?

■■ Recommended for the following:
"Omnibus Princess" is recommended for those who:
Amen books, movies, manga, anime and romance novels have as itsmain theme.
Amen youth stories.
They want to enjoy the joy of youth.
They want to experience a different culture to yours.
Amen science fiction stories.
You are interested in love stories, but not those aimedspecifically otaku.
Amen games romance, love, the otome and my romantic drama.
They want to enjoy a good full story.

информация о приложении Omnibus Princess(Esp)

  • Имя приложения
    Omnibus Princess(Esp)
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    December 26, 2016
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
  • Количество установок
    10,000 - 50,000
  • Цена
  • Категория
  • Разработчик
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Зеркальная Алиса 1.0.1 APK
◇◇Вы можете наслаждаться этой игрой с началадо конца бесплатно!! ◇◇◇◇В основе этой истории лежит сказка об Алисе в Странечудес!!◇◇◇◇Вы - главная героиня! Вам предстоит стать Червонной Королевой ивступить в бой бок о бок с рыцарями, поклявшимися защищать вас!◇◇■■Сюжет■■Вы отправились в туристическую поездку в Англию.Но серия странных событий приводят вас в неизвестный мир.Со временем вы понимаете, что это - тот же мир, что и в книге"Алиса в Стране чудес".И жители этого мира уверены, что вы - Червонная Королева.В довершение Алиса вторгается в королевство Сердец!Почему все принимают вас за королеву?И почему вам приходится сражаться с Алисой?В этом мире, где загадки приводят лишь к новым загадкам, вы найдётесвою любовь.■■Персонажи■■◆【Добрый и надёжный жених королевы】 Квентин“Я не могу состоять в отношениях без любви.”Возраст: 24 Рост: 187Герцог Страны Чудес. Он правая рука королевы и сильнейший рыцарьв королевстве.Квентин заботится обо всех государственных делах вместо вас.Он очень серьезен и решителен, но бывает неловок в выражении своихчувств.Порой об бывает настолько серьёзен, что окружающие неправильнопонимают его слова и действия.Иногда он устраивает вам выговоры.Однако он не задумываясь пожертвует своей жизнью, чтобы защититьвас.В тайне он обеспокоен тем, что не разбирается в модных тенденциях.Его хобби - рисование, но у него нет к этому таланта.Его магия - управление огнём.◆【Придворный художник с тёмным прошлым】 Теофилас“Ты с самого начала отличалась от остальных. Ты смотрела только намоё искусство, невинно и бескорыстно.”Возраст: 27 Рост: 182Теофилас - самый модный художник королевства.Он любит красивые вещи и предметы искусства.Теофилас недолюбливает всех женщин. Будучи сыном куртизанки, онсвоими силами выбился в высшее общество.Его ноги слегка повреждены.Он - хранитель королевского гардероба, ответственный за ваши платьяи аксессуары.Он считает герцога врагом искусства. Он может использовать магиюпрочности.(Никто не знает об этом, но он может использовать магию, так какего отец - дворянин.)◆【Сильнейший воин в Стране Чудес】 Генри“В последнее время моё сердце начинает биться сильнее каждый раз,когда я вижу тебя. Наверное, я болен.”Возраст: 22 Рост: 178Генри - граф и ваш личный доктор.Он очень опытный рыцарь и уверен в своих навыках.Его семья и семья герцога дружны уже не первое поколение, из-зачего они знакомы с детства.Они друзья детства, поэтому хорошо ладят друг с другом.До этого он работал как военврач в Ордене Рыцарей, поэтому непривык лечить женщин.Но Генри пользуется большим уважением. Он любит сладкое, и обычноест что-нибудь.Приходится королеве молочным братом, но не видел её долгоевремя.Он использует магию призыва (его зверь - кролик).◆【Старейший житель Страны Чудес, которому известны её секреты】Чешир“Может, мне стоит наказать глупцов, которые пожелали навредитьтебе?”Возраст: ?? Рост: 168Он принимает форму мальчика, подчёркивая свой нейтралитет.Он учит и направляет вас, так как вы незнакомы со Страной Чудес, ноиногда намеренно запутывает и сбивает с толку.Чешир выглядит по-детски, но его личность как у пожилого человека.Никто не знает его истинный возраст.Он единственный, кто знает, что вы не настоящая королева, и всегдаподсказывает, что делать.Он называет вас "Мнимая королева", и старается вернуть вас назад вваш мир.Чешир всё время высмеивает всех вокруг, включая вас.Однако он заботиться о вашей безопасности. Он - глава библиотеки иКоролевского архива. Вы можете выбрать любого персонажа!…Кто это будет?◇◇ You can enjoy thisgame from start to finish for free !! ◇◇◇◇ At the heart of this story is the tale of Alice in Wonderland !!◇◇◇◇ you - the main character! You will become the Queen of Chervonaand to fight alongside the knights sworn to protect you! ◇◇■■ ■■ StoryYou went on a tourist trip to England.But a series of strange events lead you into an unknownworld.Over time, you realize that it's - the same world as the book"Alice in Wonderland".And the inhabitants of this world are sure that you - the Queen ofHearts.To top Alisa invades Kingdom Hearts!Why all take you for a queen?And why did you have to fight with Alice?In this world, where the mysteries of the lead only to new puzzles,you will find your love.■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Good and reliable groom Queen】 Quentin"I can not be in a relationship without love."Age: 24 Height: 187Duke Wonderland. He is the right hand of the queen and thestrongest knight in the kingdom.Quentin takes care of all public affairs for you.He is very serious and determined, but it is awkward to expresstheir feelings.Sometimes on it is so serious, that others misunderstood his wordsand actions.Sometimes it suits you reprimands.However, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life to protectyou.In secret, he is concerned that not versed in fashion trends. Hishobby - painting, but he does not have this talent.His magic - fire management.◆ 【court painter with a dark past】 Teofilas"Are you from the very beginning was different from the others. Youonly looked at my art, innocent and disinterested. "Age: 27 Height: 182Teofilas - the most fashionable artist of the kingdom.He loves beautiful things and art objects.Teofilas not like all women. As the son of a courtesan, he pullshis own high society.His legs slightly damaged.He - the keeper of the royal wardrobe, responsible for your dressesand accessories.He thinks Duke enemy of art. He can use magic strength.(No one knows about it, but he can use magic as his father - anobleman.)◆ 【strongest warrior in Wonderland】 Henry"Recently, my heart starts to beat faster every time I see you.Probably, I'm sick. "Age: 22 Height: 178Henry - Count and your personal doctor.He is a very seasoned knight and confident in his skills.His family and the Duke family friendly is not the firstgeneration, because of what they know from childhood.They are childhood friends, so get on well with each other.Prior to that, he worked as a surgeon in the Order of the Knights,so not used to treat women.But Henry is highly respected. He loves the sweet, and usually eatsanything.We have to foster brother to the queen, but did not see her for along time.He uses magic appeal (its animal - a rabbit).◆ 【The oldest resident of Wonderland, which is known for itssecrets】 Cheshire"Maybe I should punish the fools who wanted to hurt you?"Age: ?? Height: 168It takes the form of a boy, stressing its neutrality.He teaches and guides you as you are unfamiliar with the Land ofWonders, but sometimes intentionally confusing andmisleading.Cheshire looks like a child, but his personality as an elderlyperson. No one knows his true age.He is the only one who knows you're not a real queen, and alwaystells you what to do.He calls you "Imaginary Queen", and tries to take you back to yourworld.Cheshire All ridicules all around, including you.However, it is to take care of your safety. He - the head of theRoyal Library and Archives.You can choose any character!... Who will it be?
Life Is Beautiful(Voltage Max) 1.1.8 APK
◇◇This is an emotionally moving and tearinducing App drama with "Miracles" as the main theme.◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroineexperiencing an emotionally driven story.◇◇◇◇Altogether, there are three stories for you to enjoy! This is thenewest work released by Genius!◇◇Three stories involving death make up this APP: "Death andResurrection", "Death and Hope", "Death and Memories".In all three, "Miracle" is the theme that paints the backdrop ofthis story about the unfortunate fate your childhood friend and youshall face.Your childhood friend, Ryohei Otonashi, and you have been raisedtogether like siblings.In time, the two of you gradually grew awareof the other as a member of the opposite sex. Then, one day duringyour high school years Ryohei confesses how he feels to you.However, directly after his confession, Ryohei gets involved in anunforeseen accident and never returns... Seventeen years havepassed since then, when Ryohei appears in front of you looking likehe did as a young boy!?You were from a town in the middle of nowhere. Your favoriteactivity at the time was to listen to your childhood friend SusumuMukai play the violin under the starry sky. After that, Susumusurpassed his father's opposition to pursue a future playing theviolin. You decided to follow Susumu down his path.A decade or so has passed since that time. Susumu was working as anapprentice repairing violins. You had a daughter together withSusumu, but no matter what you do, she cannot take pride in herfather's work...You were the baseball team's manager in high school. You weredating one of the baseball team members, Eito Gamori, and wereliving a very satisfied high school life. That is until the day youboth graduated and Eito was scouted for his baseball skills toattend a college far away. You continued to stay in contact withEito, but one day all contact with Eito stopped... You thought youwould never see him again, but you bump into Eito again in theplace you work. Not to mention, he remembers absolutely nothingabout you now…!?...What story will you choose to live?■How to Play■This game is very easy to play!1. Start up the game App and press “Prologue”.2. Read the prologue.3. Choose the character that appeals to you.4. As you proceed through the story, you can pick choices to bringyour characters closer.5. Each path has two different endings! Whether you reach a Good orHappy ending is dependent completely on your choices!※You can play until the end of the game for free by using thestory tickets given to you each day.※You can also purchase the story tickets so you can read throughthe story all at once.■ Recommended if you… ■“Life Is Beautiful” is recommended for you if…・You like movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels that are aboutromance・You're interested in romance games but dislike how nerd-centricthey can be...・You like romance games, love games, girl games, or romance/dramaapps like Voltage or Arithmetic.・You like entertainment and fiction based on Miracle.・You like Japanese contentAside from what's on this list, there is a lot of content for allwomen to enjoy!!■■ About GENIUS, developers of this app ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops, and sells "App Dramas",story-based content that can be casually enjoyed on smartphones.Their mission is to produce App Dramas in various different genresand turn this new form of entertainment into another form of art inline with manga and anime.We will continue to distribute high quality content in English, andhope that you'll look forward to it.
Meu Estranho Amado 1.0.1 APK
◇◇Você pode desfrutar deste jogo até o fim degraça!! ◇◇◇◇Este é um doce e comovente Aplicativo de Drama Romântico quetraça uma história de amor com os misteriosos companheiros de casaque moram na mesma casa partilhada que você!!◇◇◇◇Você é a heroína! Você assume o papel de heroína e experimenta umromance com homens-fera!◇◇■■Sinopse■■Você estava procurando por um lugar para se mudar depois deconseguir um emprego em um novo lugar.Você foi apresentada a uma estranha casa partilhada por uma agênciacorretora de imóveis que conheceu ao acaso.Lá você conhece os quatro misteriosos moradores: Shin Kamiya, MaoNekomiya, Hyouko Suzuki, e Tasuku Ichinose.Todos eles parecem ser bons homens, mas há uma misteriosa aura emtorno deles...Quais são suas verdadeiras identidades?E o que virá no seu destino depois de escolher viver nesta peculiarcasa partilhada?■■Personagens■■◆【Lobo Narcisista】Shin Kamiya“Está tudo bem se eu apenas ter um gostinho, certo?”Uma fera que tem o sangue de um lobo e ativamente perseguemulheres.Ele é uma celebridade que é o vocalista de uma banda popular.Ele tem mais orgulho em ser uma fera do que os outros, e estáirritado com seu tipo sendo caçado pelos Espectros.Seu sangue de lobo age nas noites de lua cheia, fazendo-o afirmaraleatoriamente sua dominância sobre as mulheres que estãopróximas...Ele parece ter uma vaga ideia de que você é humana.◆【Gato Gentil】Mao Nekomiya“Você sabe... Eu quero beijar você...”Uma jovem fera que tem o sangue de um gato.Ele ainda é uma fera inexperiente, então ele não pode esconder suaverdadeira forma na noite de lua cheia.Suas orelhas de gatos aparecem durante uma lua cheia por causa dasua inexperiência.Ele é um estudante universitário com uma personalidade calma eamável, e também é o único colega de casa que é mais novo quevocê.Ele absolutamente não tem ideia que você é humana.Ele é incrivelmente popular com garotas por causa da sua belaaparência.◆【Raposa Perfeita】Hyouko Suzuki“Você cheira bem... como uma humana.”Uma fera que tem o sangue de uma raposa, e não tem interesse emperseguir ativamente mulheres.Ele tem uma disposição incrivelmente fria e desinteressada, emuitas vezes não mostra suas emoções.Ele tem um olfato muito bom, que faz dele hábil em seguir o rastrode Espectros e humanos.Ele é habilidoso suficiente para ser um executivo de empresa, emuitas vezes evitado por seus colegas.Ele tem um ódio intenso contra si mesmo por ser uma fera.Seu olfato faz com que ele logo suspeite da sua naturezahumana...◆【Unicórnio Maduro】Tasuku Ichinose“Se você chegar a me amar, eu lhe amareiincondicionalmente.”Tasuku é o calmo e sensato líder da casa partilhada, e o maisvelho colega de casa o qual tem o sangue de um unicórnio.Ele é um professor universitário e é incrivelmente popular com seusestudantes por causa da sua personalidade calma.Ele percebeu logo que você é humana, mas deixou você morar na casapartilhada sem nunca dizer nada sobre isso.Ele é alvo dos Espectros porque os unicórnios são uma das maisraras feras.■Como Jogar■Para jogar é muito fácil!1. Carregue o Aplicativo do jogo e aperte o botão “Prólogo”.2. Leia o prólogo.3. Escolha seu personagem favorito.4. Faça suas escolhas enquanto lê a história e fica mais perto doseu personagem escolhido.5. Há dois finais no total para esta história! Suas escolhas irãodeterminar se você chegará ao Final Feliz!※A história para este Aplicativo pode ser lida completamente degraça usando bilhetes de história que serão dados para você tododia.※Você também pode comprar todo o cenário se você gosta de ler ahistória sem ter que esperar.※ Além disso, você pode obter bilhetes de história de graçaassistindo vídeos e cumprindo condições específicas.※No entanto, você precisa dos Bilhetes de Finais para poder ver osfinais e não será possível ver os finais sem cumprir osrequerimentos primeiro.◇◇ You can enjoy thisgame to the end for free !! ◇◇◇◇ This is a sweet and touching Application Drama Romantic mappinga love story with the mysterious fellow home living in the sameshared house you !! ◇◇◇◇ You are the hero! You assume the role of heroin and experiencean affair with man-beast! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisYou were looking for a place to change after getting a job in a newplace.You were introduced to a strange house shared by a real estatebrokerage that met at random.There you know the four mysterious residents: Shin Kamiya, MaoNekomiya, Hyouko Suzuki, and Tasuku Ichinose.They all seem to be good men, but there is a mysterious aura aroundthem ...What are their true identities?And what will come to your destination after choosing to live inthis peculiar shared house?■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【】 Wolf Narcissistic Shin Kamiya"It's okay if I just have a taste, right?"A beast that has the blood of a wolf and actively pursueswomen.He is a celebrity who is the lead singer of a popular band.He has more pride in being a beast than the others, and is angrywith his type being hunted by the Wraith.His wolf blood acts on full moon nights, making it randomly asserttheir dominance over women who are close ...He seems to have a vague idea that you are human.◆ 【】 Gentle Cat Mao Nekomiya"You know ... I want to kiss you ..."A young beast who has the blood of a cat.It is still an inexperienced beast, then he can not hide his trueform in the full moon night.Your cat ears appear during a full moon because of hisinexperience.He is a college student with a calm and friendly personality, andis also the only housemate who is younger than you.He has absolutely no idea that you are human.It is incredibly popular with girls because of its beautifulappearance.◆ 【】 Perfect Fox Hyouko Suzuki"You smell good ... like a human."A beast that has the blood of a fox, and has no interest inactively pursuing women.He has an incredibly cold and disinterested disposition, and oftendoes not show his emotions.He has a very good sense of smell, which makes him able to followthe trail of Specters and humans.He is skilled enough to be a business executive, and often shunnedby his colleagues.He has an intense hatred against himself for being a beast.Your smell makes him immediately suspect of his human nature...◆ 【】 Maduro Unicorn Tasuku Ichinose"If you get to love me, I will love you unconditionally."Tasuku is calm and wise leader of the shared house, and theolder housemate who has the blood of a unicorn.He is a university professor and is incredibly popular with hisstudents because of his calm personality.He soon realized that you are human, but let you live in sharedhouse without ever saying anything about it.He is the target of Wraith because unicorns are one of the rarestbeasts.■ How to Play ■To play is very easy!1. Load the game application and press the button "Prologue".2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Make your choices as you read the story and is closer to yourchosen character.5. There are two final total for this story! Your choices willdetermine whether you will arrive at the Happy Ending!※ The story for this application can be read full story for freeusing tickets that will be given to you every day.※ You can also buy the whole scenario if you like to read the storywithout having to wait.※ In addition, you can get free tickets history watching videos andfulfilling specific conditions.※ However, you need the Finals tickets to see the end and you cannot see the end without fulfilling the first requirement.
Love and Conspiracy 1.1.6 APK
◇◇You can enjoy the story until the end forfree!◇◇◇◇ “Love and Conspiracy” is a completely original story! Whatsecrets lurk in the peaceful Kingdom of Seridia?!◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroine andexperience a romantic drama with the princes and knights ofSeridia!◇◇■■Synopsis■■You are the former princess of the Kingdom of Elbert.The Path to Azul Incident seven years ago was the cause of yourkingdom’s destruction.You were chased out of your own country and eventually decided tolive the rest of your life as a mercenary.One day, a suspicious man hidden in the shadows of the night calledout to you while you walked through a town in the Kingdom ofSeridia.“Don’t you want to know the truth behind the Path to AzulIncident?” he asked you.Determined to learn the truth, you head for Seridia’s castle, wherethe king and people responsible for the destruction of your kingdomlive…What is the shocking truth you will learn about the incident fromseven years ago?!■■Characters■■◆【A Free Spirit and Platoon Leader】LucaHeight: 179cm (5’9”) Age: 27“I don’t want to babysit some princess.”He is the commanding officer of the castle guard’s FirstPlatoon.He has a free spirited and uncontrollable personality, but hisskills with the sword are extraordinarily.He remains neutral when it comes to the castle’s faction split overwho supports Prince Ren and who supports Prince Juriy.He has been searching for the truth behind the Azul Incident forsome time and ends up searching with you…◆【A Blond Hair, Blue Eyed Ideal Prince】RenHeight: 178 cm (5’8”) Age: 26“Even if this castle has no need for you, I need you.”Ren is one of Seridia’s princes.On top of being a nice guy, he has blond hair and blue eyes. He istruly the living definition of an ideal prince, but the truthis—He is under constant attack, so you are assigned as his privatebodyguard.◆【Cool and Mysterious Prince】JuriyHeight: 175 cm (5’7”) Age: 21“It doesn’t matter what anyone says. I want you by my side.”Juriy is Seridia’s other prince who is on opposing sides withRen.He has silver hair and blue eyes and is very mysterious.He never shows interest in anything, but what is it that brings anoccasional look of sorrow to his face?He is called the puppet of the current King, Carlo.◆【Strongest Soldier in the Kingdom】GilbertoHeight: 185 cm (6’1”) Age: 32“Don’t worry. I will protect you no matter what happens.”Gilberto is the Lieutenant Commander of Seridia’s castle guard andis their strongest fighter.His subordinates’ deep trust in him is evidence of his skill asLieutenant Commander. He is also Ren’s friend and confidant.You end up looking into the Azul Incident at his suggestion.You can choose various characters based on yourpreferences!...Who will you fall in love with?■■ Recommended if you… ■■“Love and Conspiracy” is recommended for you if…・You like movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels that are aboutromance・You're interested in romance games but dislike how nerd-centricthey can be...・You like romance games, love games, girl games, or romance/dramaapps.・You like entertainment and fiction.・You like Japanese contentAside from what's on this list, there is a lot of content for allwomen to enjoy!!■■ About GENIUS, developers of this app ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops, and sells "App Dramas",story-based content that can be casually enjoyed on smartphones.Their mission is to produce App Dramas in various different genresand turn this new form of entertainment into another form of art inline with manga and anime.We will continue to distribute high quality content in English, andhope that you'll look forward to it.◇◇ You can enjoy thestory until the end for free! ◇◇◇◇ "Love and Conspiracy" is a completely original story! Whatsecrets lurk in the peaceful Kingdom of Seridia?! ◇◇◇◇ You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroine andexperience a romantic drama with the princes and knights ofSeridia! ◇◇■■ Synopsis ■■You are the former princess of the Kingdom of Elbert.The Path to Azul Incident seven years ago was the cause of yourkingdom's destruction.You were chased out of your own country and eventually decided tolive the rest of your life as a mercenary.One day, a suspicious man hidden in the shadows of the night calledout to you while you walked through a town in the Kingdom ofSeridia."Do not you want to know the truth behind the Path to AzulIncident?" He asked you.Determined to learn the truth, you head for Seridia's castle, wherethe king and people responsible for the destruction of your kingdomlive ...What is the shocking truth you will learn about the incident fromseven years ago ?!■■ Characters ■■◆ [A Free Spirit and Platoon Leader] LucaHeight: 179cm (5'9 ") Age: 27"I do not want to babysit some princess."He is the commanding officer of the castle guard's FirstPlatoon.He has a free spirited and uncontrollable personality, but hisskills with the sword are extraordinarily.He remains neutral when it comes to the castle's faction split overwho supports Prince Ren and who supports Prince Juriy.He has been searching for the truth behind the Azul Incident forsome time and ends up searching with you ...◆ [A Blond Hair, Blue Eyed Ideal Prince] RenHeight: 178 cm (5'8 ") Age: 26"Even if this castle has no need for you, I need you."Ren is one of Seridia's princes.On top of being a nice guy, he has blond hair and blue eyes. He istruly the living definition of an ideal prince, but the truthis-He is under constant attack, so you are assigned as his privatebodyguard. ◆ [Cool and Mysterious Prince] JuriyHeight: 175 cm (5'7 ") Age: 21"It does not matter what anyone says. I want you by my side."Juriy is Seridia's other prince who is on opposing sides withRen.He has silver hair and blue eyes and is very mysterious.He never shows interest in anything, but what is it that brings anoccasional look of sorrow to his face?He is called the puppet of the current King, Carlo.◆ [Strongest Soldier in the Kingdom] GilbertoHeight: 185 cm (6'1 ") Age: 32"Do not worry. I will protect you no matter what happens."Gilberto is the Lieutenant Commander of Seridia's castle guard andis their strongest fighter.His subordinates' deep trust in him is evidence of his skill asLieutenant Commander. He is also Ren's friend and confidant.You end up looking into the Azul Incident at his suggestion.You can choose various characters based on yourpreferences!... Who will you fall in love with?■■ Recommended if you ... ■■"Love and Conspiracy" is recommended for you if ...· You like movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels that are aboutromance· You're interested in romance games but dislike how nerd-centricthey can be ...· You like romance games, love games, girl games, or romance /drama apps.· You like entertainment and fiction.· Like Japanese contentAside from what's on this list, there is a lot of content for allwomen to enjoy !!■■ About GENIUS, developers of this app ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops, and sells "App Dramas",story-based content that can be casually enjoyed on smartphones.Their mission is to produce App Dramas in various different genresand turn this new form of entertainment into another form of art inline with manga and anime.We will continue to distribute high quality content in English, andhope that you'll look forward to it.
My Memorial Lover 1.0.4 APK
◇◇Story Ticket System! You can enjoy all thestories for free!◇◇◇◇ “My Memorial Lover” is a completely original story aboutstarting a relationship over again with one of your pastboyfriends!◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroine andexperience a romance with your appealing ex-boyfriends!◇◇■■Synopsis■■After graduating from community college, you obtained your nurseryteacher’s license and began working at a nursery in the city thatyour community college introduced you to.Your daily life passes you by without anything changing betweenyesterday and today.You feel there is nothing ‘flowery’ about your life since not onlyhave you not been in any relationships lately, but you have barelytalked to any men.“But even I have—“You have had an average love life until now.You recall the days you spent with your ‘Ex-boyfriends’.You feel nothing but regret about how things turned out, butthere’s nothing you can do about it now. But, one day, somethinghappens that greatly changes your fate. It happened on your wayhome from the train station.■■Characters■■◆【Ex-boyfriend who has to take over the Family ImportBusiness】EijiHeight: 178cm Age: 25“Isn’t that obvious? You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.”Eiji was your first boyfriend who you met in your third year ofmiddle school.You were a young couple swayed by youthful feelings.However, he chose to break up with you so he could focus on gettingahead in his studies in order to take over his father’sbusiness.◆【Ex-boyfriend who is a Musician】KeisukeHeight: 170cm Age: 20“I’ll make you my number one fan.”Keisuke is a boyfriend you had in high school who was two yearsyounger than you.He confessed his feelings to you at the school festival and youstarted dating, but he ended up abruptly breaking up with yousaying he was going to study abroad in the United States in orderto become a rock musician.◆【Ex-boyfriend who is 17 Years Older than you and has a Wife andDaughter】NakamuraHeight: 180cm Age: 38“I might not be a man to you, but you are a woman to me.”Nakamura is the boyfriend you met at the ballroom dance lessons youattended as a hobby.He’s seventeen years older than you. You had common hobbies, andgot along well together.Before you knew it, you were spending a lot of time together.However, not only does he have a wife, but a daughter the same ageas you…These circumstances led to you breaking up.◆【Ex-boyfriend of Mixed Heritage who has a RefreshingSmile】AtsuyaHeight: 179cm Age: 23“Hi.”Atsuya is the boyfriend who made an impression on you at a mixerwith his refreshing smile, fashionable style, and mixedheritage.He taught you all about a kind of love you would only see in themovies, one that you never knew before meeting him.Your relationship was so wonderful any woman would lose herself init, but your previous bad relationships made you incapable oftrusting him, which led to your breakup.You can choose from a variety of characters based on yourpreferences!…Who will you fall in love with again?■How to Play■It’s very easy to play!1. Load the game’s App and press the “Prologue” button.2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Make your choices while reading the story and become closer toyour character of choice.5. There are two endings total for this story! Your choices willdetermine if you will make it to the Happy Ending!※The story for this App can be read completely for free by usingstory tickets that will be given to you every day.※You can also purchase the entire scenario if you would like toread the story without having to wait.※ Furthermore, you can obtain story tickets for free by watchingvideos and fulfilling specific conditions.※However, you need Ending Tickets to be able to view the endingsand you will not be able to see the endings without fulfilling therequirements first.
My Memorial Lover(Esp) 1.0.0 APK
◇◇¡Sistema de Tickets de Historia!¡Puedesdisfrutar de todas las historias de maneragratuita!◇◇
◇◇ “My Memorial Lover” es una historia completamente originalsobreel inicio de una nueva relación con uno de tusantiguosnovios!◇◇
◇◇¡Tú eres la heroína! ¡Cumplirás el rol de la heroínayexperimentarás un romance con uno de tusatractivosex-novios!◇◇■■Sinopsis■■
Luego de graduarte de la universidad, obtuviste una licenciaparatrabajar como maestra en un jardín de infantes en la ciudad enlaque estudiaste.Tus días transcurren de una manera completamente rutinaria.Sientes que no hay nada “romántico” en tu vida, ya que no sólonohas estado en una relación durante mucho tiempo, sino queapenashas hablado con hombres durante ese período.“Pero incluso yo...”Tu vida ha sido muy poco interesante hasta ahora.Recuerdas bien los días que pasaste con tus “Ex-novios”.Te arrepientes de la manera en la que terminaron esasrelaciones,pero ya no hay nada que puedas hacer al respecto.Entonces, un día,sucede algo que cambiará tu vida para siempre.Sucede justo en elmomento en que regresabas a tu casa desde laestación de tren.■■Personajes■■
◆【Ex-novio que se ha hecho cargo del negocio deimportacionesfamiliar】Eiji
Altura: 178cm Edad: 25
“¿Es que acaso no es obvio? Eres la única mujer queheamado.”Eiji fue tu primer novio y lo conociste antes de entrar alasecundaria.Eran una pareja jóven llena de ilusiones.Sin embargo, decidió romper contigo para concentrarse ensusestudios y hacerse cargo de la compañía de su padre.◆【Ex-novio que se ha convertido en músico】Keisuke
Altura: 170cm Edad: 20
“Haré que seas mi fan número uno.”
Keisuke es un novio que tuviste durante la secundaria y es dosañosmás joven que tú.Confesó sus sentimientos por ti en el festival de la escuelaycomenzaron a salir juntos, pero rompió contigo abruptamente ytedijo que se iría a Estados Unidos para convertirse en un músicoderock.◆【Ex-novio que tiene 17 años más que tú y tiene una esposa yunahija】Nakamura
Altura: 180cm Edad: 38
“Tal vez para ti no sea un hombre, pero para mi tú eresunamujer.”
Nakamura es un novio que conociste cuando asistías a clasesdebaile.Tiene diecisiete años más que tú. Tenían mucho en común ysellevaban muy bien.Antes de darte cuenta, pasabas casi todo el día con él. Sinembargo,no sólo tiene una esposa, sino que también tiene una hijade tuedad...Estas circunstancias hicieron que se separaran.◆【Ex-novio con padres extranjeros y unasonrisaencantadora】Atsuya
Altura: 179cm Edad: 23
Atsuya es un novio al que conociste en una fiesta y cuyoestilo,apariencia y sonrisa te atrajeron inmediatamente.Te enseñó un tipo de romance que sólo creías que existía enlaspelículas y que nunca antes habías experimentado.La relación era tan maravillosa que cualquier mujer hubierahechocualquier cosa por tenerla, pero tus inseguridades, basadas entusdecepciones anteriores, hicieron que tengas problemas paraconfiaren él y llevaron a la separación.¡Puedes elegir de entre todos estos personajes basándote entuspreferencias!
¿... De quién volverás a enamorarte?■Cómo jugar■
¡Jugar es muy fácil!
1. Abre la App del juego y presiona el botón de “Prólogo”
2. Lee el prólogo.
3. Elige tu personaje favorito.
4. Toma las decisiones durante la historia y acércate alpersonajeelegido.
5. ¡Hay dos finales para cada historia!¡Tus decisiones determinarán si tienes o no un Final Feliz!
※La historia de esta App puede ser leída en su totalidad demaneragratuita usando los tickets que te daremos cada día.
※Si no quieres esperar, también puedes comprar lahistoriacompleta.
※ Además, podrás obtener más tickets de manera gratuitamirandovideos y cumpliendo con ciertas condiciones.
※Sin embargo, necesitarás Tickets de Final para poder verlosfinales y no podrás hacerlo hasta que hayas cumplido conlosrequerimientos.◇◇ TicketingSystemHistory! You can enjoy all the stories for free! ◇◇◇◇ "My Memorial Lover" is a completely original story aboutthebeginning of a new relationship with one of your oldboyfriends!◇◇◇◇ You are the hero! You You will give the role of heroinandexperience a romance with one of your ex-boyfriendsattractive!◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisAfter graduating from college, did you get a license to work asateacher in a kindergarten in the city in which you study.Your days pass in a completely routine.You feel that there is nothing "romantic" in your life, becausenotonly has not been in a relationship for a long time, butyou'vejust spoken to men during that period."But even I ..."Your life has been very little interest so far.Remember well the days you spent with your "Ex-boyfriends."You regret the way in which those relationships ended, butthere'snothing you can do about it. Then one day, something happensthatwill change your life forever. It happens right at the timeyoureturned to your home from the train station.■■ ■■ Characters◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who has taken over the family businessimportsEiji】Height: 178cm Age: 25"Is it not obvious? You're the only woman I ever loved. "Eiji was your first boyfriend and I met before enteringhighschool.They were a young couple full of dreams.However, he decided to break up with you to concentrate onhisstudies and take over the company from his father.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who has become】 musician KeisukeHeight: 170cm Age: 20"I'll have to be my number one fan."Keisuke is a boyfriend you had during high school and is twoyearsyounger than you.He confessed his feelings for you at the festival of schoolandstarted hanging out together, but abruptly broke up with youandtold you he would go to America to become a rock musician.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend who is 17 years older than you and has a wifeanda daughter】 NakamuraHeight: 180cm Age: 38"Maybe for you is not a man, but to me you're a woman."Nakamura is a boyfriend who knew you when you attendeddanceclasses.She is seventeen years older than you. They had much in commonandgot along very well.Before you know it, you spent almost all day with him. However,notonly he has a wife, but also has a daughter your age ...These circumstances made separate.◆ 【Ex-boyfriend with foreign parents and a charmingsmile】AtsuyaHeight: 179cm Age: 23"Hello."Atsuya is a boyfriend she met at a party and whose style,appearanceand smile attracted you immediately.You taught a kind of romance that you thought only existed inmoviesand had never before experienced.The relationship was so wonderful that any woman would havedoneanything to have, but your insecurities, based on yourpreviousdisappointments, did you have trouble trusting him and ledto theseparation.You can choose from all these characters based onyourpreferences! ¿... Who you'll never fall in love?■ How to Play ■Playing is easy!1. Open the App of the game and press the button "Prologue"2. Read the prologue.3. Choose your favorite character.4. Make decisions throughout history and approach thechosencharacter.5. There are two endings for each story!Your decisions will determine whether or not to have ahappyending!※ The history of this app it can be read in its entirety forfreeusing tickets that will give you every day.※ If you do not want to wait, you can also buy the fullstory.※ In addition, you'll get more free tickets watching videosandmeeting certain conditions.※ However, you need Final Tickets to see the end and you can notdountil you have met the requirements.
Reverse Genji Romance(Esp) 1.0.0 APK
◇◇¡¡Puedes disfrutar de este juego hastaelfinal totalmente gratis!! ◇◇◇◇¡¡Este juego está repleto de tradiciones japonesas, ya queestábasado en la novela Genji Monogatari!!◇◇◇◇¡Tú eres la heroína (Hikaru Genji)! ¡Prepárate paraexperimentarel amor con la nobleza!◇◇■■Sinopsis■■¿Cómo es posible que una bella emperatriz rodeada dehombresatractivos se enamorara de uno de origen humilde? Todos losnoblesse pusieron celosos y trataron de separarles, pero su amorfuecapaz de romper las barreras de las clases sociales yacabaroncasándose. De esa unión nació una adorable princesa. Sunombre eraHikaru Genji (el nombre de la heroína). Con el paso delos años sevolvía cada vez más y más hermosa. Pronto, y sindesearlo, se vioenvuelta en una intensa lucha por su mano.■■Personajes■■◆Aoi“¿Y esa cara de tonta?”Edad: 24 Altura: 172cmAoi es tu prometido.Es un noble de clase alta. Su atractivo y su inteligencia hacenquesea difícil encontrarle defectos. Sin embargo, es muy orgullosoyactúa fríamente contigo. Como vuestro compromiso fue decididoporotros, él no te acepta como su prometida.◆Rokujo“Me conformo con poder estar a tu lado”.Edad: 27 Altura: 180cmRokujo es un hombre sereno e inteligente, que siempre mantienelacalma. Un adulto atractivo, con una buena posición social ymuyeducado. Se podría decir que tiene dos personalidades y que esmuyceloso. Es por eso que se está convirtiendo en unfantasmavengativo sin ni siquiera darse cuenta.◆Murasaki“Siempre acabas en peligro. Te protegeré”.Edad: 20 Altura: 177cmMurasaki es tan amable, inteligente, elegante y guapo queeresincapaz de encontrar ningún fallo en él. Es tu amigo delainfancia, como un hermano pequeño para ti. Su perfección atraeamucha gente y le granjea numerosas amistades. Solo muestrasuverdadero lado infantil cuando está con alguien que le conocetantocomo tú.◆Akashi“Eres brillante… Soy feliz con solo verte”.Edad: 18 Altura: 168cmAkashi es un joven educado y amable cuyas acciones son laeleganciapersonificada. Es más joven y de constitución más débilque los quele rodean, lo que refuerza el complejo que sufre porpertenecer aun estatus inferior. Nadie le gana a la hora de tocarla flauta oel koto. También es un maestro del dibujo y de las artesengeneral.¡Puedes elegir entre una variedad de personajes dependiendo detuspreferencias!¿De quién te enamorarás...?■■Recomendado para:Recomendamos “Reversed Tale of Genji” si:Si te gustan las películas, dramas, manga, anime onovelasrománticas.Si te gustó Genji Monogatari.Si disfrutas con las historias de amor tradicionales.Si quieres sumergirte en una cultura extranjera.Si te interesan los juegos románticos no tan enfocados alpúblicootaku.Si te gustan los juegos de romance o que tratan sobre el amor,losjuegos otome o las apps de drama romántico.Si quieres disfrutar de una historia completa.¡Seas quien seas, esta historia es para ti!◇◇ 'You can enjoythisgame totally free to end !! ◇◇◇◇ 'This game is packed with Japanese traditions, since it isbasedon the novel Genji Monogatari !! ◇◇◇◇ You are the heroine (Hikaru Genji)! Get ready to experiencelovewith nobility! ◇◇■■ ■■ SynopsisHow could a beautiful empress surrounded by attractive men fallinlove with one of humble origin? All nobles became jealous andtriedto separate them, but his love was able to break the barriersofsocial class and eventually married. From this union he was bornanadorable princess. His name was Hikaru Genji (the name oftheheroine). Over the years he became more and more beautiful.Soonand unwillingly, I was involved in an intense battle forherhand.■■ ■■ Characters◆ Aoi"And that stupid face?"Age: 24 Height: 172cmAoi is your fiance.It is a noble upper class. Its attractiveness and intelligencemakeit difficult to find fault. However, he is very proud andactscoldly you. As your commitment was decided by others, he doesnotaccept you as his bride.◆ Rokujo"I'll settle to be by your side."Age: 27 Height: 180cmRokujo is a serene and intelligent man, who always keeps calm.Adultattractive with good social position and very polite. Youcould saythat has two personalities and is very jealous. That'swhy it isbecoming a vengeful ghost without even realizingit.◆ Murasaki"You always end up in danger. I'll protect you".Age: 20 Height: 177cmMurasaki is so friendly, intelligent, smart and handsome youareunable to find any faults in it. It's your childhood friend,like alittle brother to you. His perfection attracts many peopleandgarners numerous friendships. Only shows his true childishsidewhen you are with someone who knows you as you are.◆ Akashi"You're brilliant ... I'm happy just to see you."Age: 18 Height: 168cmAkashi is a polite and friendly young man whose actions aretheepitome of elegance. He's younger and constitution weakerthanthose around him, reinforcing the complex suffered forbelonging toan inferior status. Nobody wins when playing the fluteor the koto.He is also a teacher of drawing and arts ingeneral.You can choose from a variety of characters depending onyourpreference!Who you fall in love ...?■■ Recommended for:Recommend "Tale of Genji Reversed" if:If you like movies, dramas, manga, anime or romance novels.If you liked Genji Monogatari.If you enjoy traditional love stories.If you want to immerse yourself in a foreign culture.If you are interested in not so focused on public otakuromanticgames.If you like games that deal romance or love otome games orappsromantic drama.If you want to enjoy a complete story.You Whoever you are, this story is for you!
My Traditional Princes 1.4 APK
◇◇ This is a sweet and heartrending "Love AppDrama" that depicts your love with Traditional Japanese ArtsCelebrities!◇◇◇◇You are the heroine! You take on the role of the heroine and getto experience a romantic drama with the sons of famous JapaneseTraditional Arts families.◇◇◇◇In this game you can enjoy romancing these celebrities from thepoint of view of a teacher who was just assigned to Saionji Academyor as a student who recently entered the school!◇◇■■Summary■■This story focuses on the celebrity school Saionji Academy,which is renowned as a famous Japanese traditional arts school.Saionji Academy is a school where the sons of families’ famed fortheir backgrounds in: the Way of the Tea Ceremony, FlowerArrangement, and Noh Plays gather. You end up entering thatcelebrity academy's general course as a teacher or astudent*.(*In this game, you can enjoy the story from either the perspectiveof a student or a teacher!)You are only a normal person in a completely different world forcelebrities.Even in a world of celebrities, there are some who stand out aboveall the rest.They are:The Genius of The Way of Tea, the narcissist, ShiryuSaionji.The Prince of the Flower Arrangement World, the gentleman, AkihitoNanjo.The God of Noh, the passionate and enthusiastic Ren Tojo.You will see the story unfold once you choose one of these threeappealing men.What will be the fate of your love story!?◆【Narcissist + Sadist】Shiryu Saionji【Tea Ceremony 】Height: 5 ft 10, Age:18, Blood type:B"I'm not bored enough to waste time with you."Shiryu is the oldest son of the Saionji Family,earning their livingthrough the Way of Tea, all things involved with the traditionalJapanese tea ceremony.The Saionji Familyis said to be the pillarthat supports the tea ceremony world.Shiryu is the only son of Shizuto Saionji, the headmaster ofSaionji Academy. He holds a unique view towards women and aone-track personality. He is easily provoked and hates to lose.◆【Gentleman + Casanova】Akihito Nanjo【Flower Arranger】Height: 6 ft 2, Age:26, Blood type:AB"I can't help but feel it's fate when I am able to be with you likethis."Akihito is the youngest son of the Nanjo Family who make theirliving as renowned flower arrangers. He is a natural born geniusand is overwhelmingly considered a genius at everything he does.Consequently, always being treated as a genius has caused him toharbor a sense of emptiness!◆【Passionate + Good-Humored】RenTojo【Noh Actor】Height: 5 ft 8, Age:35, Blood type:O"I will support you completely if you run into any problems!"Ren is the head of the Tojo Family, who earn their living in thefield of Noh plays. He has recently taken on the stage name"Ichisuke Tojo". He is in charge of the classes involving Noh andis very popular with his students. He usually has a passionate andgood-humored personality, but he appears to be a completelydifferent person on the Noh stage!■■ Recommended if you… ■■“My Traditional Princes” is recommended for you if…・You like movies, dramas, manga, anime, or novels that are aboutromance・You're interested in romance games but dislike how nerd-centricthey can be...・You like romance games, love games, girl games, or romance/dramaapps like Voltage.・You like Japanese traditional arts (Noh, Tea celemony, FlowerArrangement)・You like Japanese contentAside from what's on this list, there is a lot of content for allwomen to enjoy!!■■ About GENIUS, developers of this app ■■GENIUS is a company that designs, develops, and sells "App Dramas",story-based content that can be casually enjoyed on smartphones.Their mission is to produce App Dramas in various different genresand turn this new form of entertainment into another form of art inline with manga and anime.We will continue to distribute high quality content in English, andhope that you'll look forward to it.