16 Похожие Calisthenics Workouts Plan

Calisthenics 4.0.1
bouazzaoui coder
Calisthenics are a form of exercisethatconsists of a variety of gross motor movements, oftenrhythmical,generally without using equipment or apparatus, thus inall essencebody-weight training.Calisthenics is intended to increase body strength, bodyfitnessand flexibility through movements such as pulling orpushingyourself up, bending, jumping, or swinging, using only one'sbodyweight for resistance.In addition to general fitness, calisthenic exercises areoftenused as baseline physical evaluations for manymilitaryorganizations, such as the U.S. Army Physical Fitness Testand theU.S.M.C Physical Fitness Test.You will find Calisthenics workouts in categories such as:Shoulders, Chest, Back, Abs, Legs, Arms, Full body,Beginnerfriendly, Indoor, No equipment, Cardio andExplosiveness.HOW TO USE :- Open the app- Choose any WORKOUTS you want: Shoulders, chest...- Select workout, don't forget to read description, ithaseverything about workout: how many cycles, workouts details andhowmuch rest between excercices.- Hit Add bouton, and select the day you want to dothisworkout- Go back to PROGRAMS, and choose any date you like- START workoutDISCLAIMER :If you have any disability or any health issue such asheartissue please don't use the application until you seeyourdoctor.We built this app with Calisthenics routine to help any kindofperson to get the physic and shape he seeks.Note that this version has only workout, you won't findmealplan, but we are planning to build a versioncontainingcalisthenics workouts plan & meals or evencaloriescalculator.Have fun transforming your body.
TrainingPal Lite 1.2
Learn all the best calisthenics, bodyweight, street workout skills!
Calisthenics Workouts 1.0
bouazzaoui coder
Calisthenics Workouts have thebestcalisthenicsworkout plan & calisthenics routine.Calisthenics are a form of exercise that consists of avarietyofgross motor movements, often rhythmical, generallywithoutusingequipment or apparatus, thus in allessencebody-weighttraining.Calisthenics for beginners is intended to increasebodystrength,body fitness and flexibility through movements suchaspulling orpushing yourself up, bending, jumping, orswinging,using only one'sbody weight for resistance.In addition to general fitness, calisthenics are oftenusedasbaseline physical evaluations for many militaryorganizations,suchas the U.S. Army Physical Fitness Test and theU.S.M.CPhysicalFitness Test.You will find workouts such as : Pull ups, Chin ups,Pushups,Muscle ups, Squats, Tough Core, Abs and a lot more.We built this app to help any kind of person even beginnerstogetthe physic and shape they seek.Note that this version has only workout, you won'tfindmealplans, we are working to build a version containing mealplansandcalories calculator.HOW TO USE:- Open the app- Chose the workout you want / type of musclesyouaretargeting- Read description and details of the routine- Start the workoutI hope you will enjoy changing your bodies and having funatthesame time.But advanced movement won't let you have fun but yougetsatisfactioninsteed.DISCLAIMER:If you have any physical issue or disability, pleasecheckwithyour doctor before doing any exercice.
Calisthenics Routine 1.0
bouazzaoui coder
Calisthenics Routine has themostwantedcalisthenics workouts & calisthenics workouts plan.Calisthenics Routine generally does not use equipments, yougettouse only your own body weight.Calisthenics Routine is intended to increase bodystrength,bodyfitness and flexibility through movements such aspullingorpushing yourself up, bending, jumping, or swinging,usingonlyone's body weight for resistance.In addition to general fitness, calisthenics are oftenusedasbaseline physical evaluations for many militaryorganizations,suchas the U.S. Army Physical Fitness Test and theU.S.M.CPhysicalFitness Test.You will find calisthenics workouts such as : Push ups,Pullups,Chin ups, Muscle ups, Legs, Cardio, Abs and a lot more.We built this app to help any kind of person even beginnerstogetthe body and shape they are seeking.Note that this version has only calisthenics workouts plan,weareworking to build another app containing meal plansandcaloriescalculator.HOW TO USE:- Open the app- Chose the workout you want / type of musclesyouaretargeting- Read description and details of the routine- Start the workout- You can add workouts to each dayI hope you will enjoy changing your bodies and having funatthesame time.But advanced movement won't let you have fun but yougetsatisfactioninsteed.DISCLAIMER:If you have any physical issue or disability, pleasecheckwithyour doctor before doing any exercice.
Calisthenics Magazin 1.0.1
Street Workout NRW - Das deutscheCalisthenics& Street Workout Szene Magazin.Interviews, News, Übungen, Workouts, Tipps, Street WorkoutParks,Shop und vieles mehr erwarten euch in unserer App. Bleibeimmer aufdem Laufenden mit den neusten Artikeln über OutdoorFitness,Bodyweight Training, Fitness Training, Wettkämpfe undandereEvents.Street Workout NRW -TheGerman Calisthenics Workout & Street Scene magazine.Interviews, news, exercises, workouts, tips, StreetWorkoutparks, shop and much more await you in our app. Stay alwaysup todate with the latest articles about Outdoor Fitness, BodyWeightTraining, Exercising, competitions and other events.
Wespot - Parkour & Workout Map
Wespot est la 1ère application pourtrouverdesspots autour de toi et savoir qui prévoit de s'y rendre.100% gratuite et 100% pratique :► GEOLOCALISATION DES SPOTS : Trouve les spotsdeParkour,Freerunning et Street Workout pour aller t'entraîner► SPOTS VÉRIFIÉS : Visualise en un instant touslesspotsofficiels.► SPOT ALERT : Abonne-toi à tes spots favoris poursavoirquiprévoit d'aller s'y entraîner► E-REPUTATION : Propose tes propres spots à la communauté.Situes le premier à proposer ce spot et s'il est utiliséparlacommunauté, nous passerons le spot en "Vérifié" et ilgarderatonnom en tant que créateur du spot.► ORGANISATION DE SESSIONS GROUPEES : Experts,associationsetprofessionnels, bénéficiez d'un profil vérifiéetdefonctionnalités avancées pour organiser vos sessionsgroupées.Pourplus d'info, envoyez-nous envoyez-nous unemailàcontact@wespot.frQue tu sois débutant, intermédiaire ouexpertpassionné,l'application te permet de trouver des athlètesettraceurs motivéspour t'entraîner et progresser gratuitement surlesmeilleurs spotsde Street Workout, Calisthenics, ParkouretFreerunning.Télécharge vite l'appli et motive toi, c'est 100 % gratuit !#SportMotivated #WespotTrainingWespot isthefirstapplication to find spots around you and know who planstoattend.100% free and 100% practical:► GEOLOCALISATION SPOTS: Find spots of Parkour,Freerunningandstreet workout to go train yourself► AUDITED SPOTS: Visualize in an instant alltheofficialspots.► SPOT ALERT: Subscribe now to your favorite spots to seewhoisplanning to go train there► E-REPUTATION: Propose your own spots in the community.Ifyouare the first to offer this spot and if it is usedbythecommunity, we will pass the spot by "Checked" and it willkeepyourname as the creator of the spot.► ORGANIZATION OF SESSIONS GROUPEES: Experts,associationsandprofessionals get a profile checked and advancedfeaturesfororganizing your sessions grouped. For more info, send ussend usanemail to contact@wespot.frWhether you're a beginner, intermediate or expertenthusiast,theapplication allows you to find athletes and plottersmotivatedtotrain you for free and advance to the best spots ofstreetworkout,Calisthenics, Parkour and Freerunning.Download the app quickly and motivates you, it's 100% free!#SportMotivated #WespotTraining
TrainingPal 1.2
Learn all the best calisthenics, bodyweight, street workout skills!
Calisthenics Parks - Home of t 1.6
Find calisthenics, outdoor fitness and street workoutspotsworldwide!
Calisthenics Body 2.0
I Will give you the most effective workoutplanthat suits your own body and your goals , it's so simple justfillthe details and click order now , and you will receive theworkoutplan within 48 hours .
Calisthenics Home Workout 1.0.1
Zumzet Workouts
6 REASONS to start training:1. Build yourself a smashing fit body - because there isnogreater feeling than looking in the mirror and simply justlovewhat you see.2. Brag around about your toned muscles - low body fatlevel,noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significantmusclesize3. Keep your heart strong and healthy - because your heart isamuscle also and it gets stronger and healthier if you liveanactive life.4. A clear and beautiful glowing skin - you don't have toworryanymore about celulite when you're half naked on the beach. Nomoredimply skin coming out of your swimsuit.5. Reduce stress, anxiety and fight depression - regulartrainingis the key for your head just as it is for your heart andwill relaxyou, making you calmer, fighting depression anddissipatestress.6. A happier soul and a bigger smile - you will feel that youarefinally doing something for yourself.BONUS: Improve your live life! you know exercise is good foryou,but do you know how goof? It boots your energy and improvesyourmood and exercising regularly puts the spark back into yourlovelife.
We're Working Out - Al Kavadlo 1.6.9
Agens AS
Fun, challenging, full-body workouts and bodyweight exercises todoanywhere.
StreetBarz - Street Workout 0.44.8
Streetbarz - Street WorkoutThis application is to spread the street workout movement intheworld. With park locators, rankings and championships, allathletesfrom the world get together. We'll gonna have some streetworkoutchampionships too, with battles, all using the app.StreetBarz has the following sections:FeedAccess to your friends and community workouts and routines.Workouts / Routines100+ workouts to help you achieve the body that you want.Learnmovements, increase strength, flexibility and resistance withourworkouts. You can even save/create your customized workouts anduseour system to improve yourself!Exclusive WorkoutsFind workouts to improve your performance in Gymnastics,JumpRoping, Street Workout and Calisthenics using bodyweightexercises,rings, bars, p-bars and TRX.ExercisesA complete guide to exercises, showing progressions, tips andvideostutorials to master every movement!Statistics - Your ProgressCheck your progress in movements repetitions, time holding,bodyweight and body fat.Get SocialShare your workouts on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, checkyourfriends status and get motivated and stronger together.
Home Workout MMA Spartan Pro - 50% DISCOUNT 4.3.12-fp
Diamond App 💎 Group LLC
Get fit with Spartan Bodyweight , no equipment required!Ittakesjust minutes a day to build muscle and lose belly fat athome.Weoffer high quality simple workout routines forbeginnersandathletes. Spartan Home Workouts has been awarded the“App ofTheDay” by MyAppFree." Each workout is video followed, withsetofmuscles involved instructions. There are two typesofworkouts,with timer and reps. -The timer workout contains atimerthat willinform you when the round/rest starts andfinishes.Alsothere is asound that marks the end and start of theround/rest.-The repsworkout type work by pressing Done on thebottom oftheexercise,and when you want to start the exercise to topressbegin.The exercises contain 48 exercises that will show themusclegroupthat it targets. Major muscle groups that the workoutshit:-Abdominals - Back - Biceps - Calf - Chest - Forearms -Legs-Shoulders - Triceps The aim of this app is to bring you atthebestshape possible at home.No equipment is required for doinganyofthe workouts. These workout circuits are going to helptobuildyour body at home. So there is no need for GYMroutines.Workoutsare pure insanity to lose the belly fat and forpumpingyour ironmuscles. With these workouts and exercises, youwill getfunctionalstrength, explosiveness (explosive power) anddefinedbody. Mixthose workouts to improve your stability, stamina,agilityandcoordination. App is based on HIIT (HighintensityIntervaltraining) regimen, which will improve your cardioand fastup yourfat loss. Chromecast support: Watch all exercisevideos onyour PCor TV screen via Chromecast. Main function of thisapp iscardio,bodyweight and aerobics - better fitness, bodyhealth,fastmetabolism for fat burning with a workout planandexercisetraining program. Everything packed in workout thesemixes.
Calisthenics Trainer 1.52
The market is full of calisthenics apps.Someof them claim to get you up to a hundred pushups and charge you2USD for just that one exercise! Calisthenics Trainer features8exercises to give you a full body workout. At thecompetition'sprices that is a 16 USD value. But the value doesn'tstop there.Because unlike those other apps which add reps to yourworkoutbased on some predefined formula, Calisthenics Trainer basesyournext workout's rep count on the last set of the currentdaysworkout. If the program is under working you, it will work youhardthe next day. If you are already over worked, it will back offandlet you build your muscle. After a few workouts it will findtheperfect groove for you.And talk about a workout! Calisthenics Trainer's rep counterisslower than most people do their exercises, packing moremusclebuilding work into smaller rep sets.Every 30 days days you will be required to take a test foreachof the fitness categories to see how many reps you can do.Afteryou finish the test, the app will remind you how many you didonthe last test so you can gauge your product.The app features the following 8 exercises, and includes ahelpsection to help explain how the program works and how toperformeach of the exercises. It is highly recommended that you atleastread the 'instructions' section of the help screen.Push UpsTriceps Push UpsChin Ups (palms toward you)Pull Ups (palms away from you)Sit UpsLeg LiftsSquatsFrog JumpsIdeally, you should do all 8 exercises at least 3 times aweek,but the program doesn't lock you into any given workoutschedule.It lets you work out when it is convenient for you.
Lift Time 1.0
Hi i'm Felix! This is myfirstandroidapplication, I invite you to visit the code on Githubtokeeplearning. Thanks for your time!Codehttps://github.com/calibre93/LiftTime/
Gym Suédoise 2.5.0
Gym Suédoise
Toute la Gym Suédoise à portée de main !Välkommen* dans la nouvelle application Gym Suédoise qui vouspermetde suivre en temps réel, où que vous soyez, toutes lesinformationsindispensables à la bonne pratique de la Gym :actualités des cours,horaires, intensités, forfaits, salles,réservations, nombre deplaces disponibles et événements !Vous pourrez accéder rapidement à vos requêtes, enregistrer etgéreren toute simplicité vos favoris : salles, animateurs etintensités.La géolocalisation vous permettra également de trouverle cours leplus proche !Bonne Gym!*Bienvenue en suédoisAll the GymSwedishhandy!Välkommen * in the new application Gym Swedish allowing youtofollow in real time, wherever you are, all theinformationnecessary for the successful practice of the Gym: Newscourses,schedules, intensities, packages, facilities, bookings,number ofavailability and events!You can quickly access your queries, store and easily manageyourfavorites: rooms, animators and intensities. Geolocation willalsoallow you to find the nearest course!Good Gym!* Welcome to Swedish