7 Похожие Smart 1RM Calculator

oneRM - 1 Rep Max Calculator 1.5.0
AJ Trainingapps
oneRM helps you to calculate your 1 Repetition Maximum from 2-20maxeffort performed Repetitions. It uses most common formulastoestimate your 1RM. 'Go grab a Barbell and try it in your Gymoryour local CrossFit Box' Highlights: - Simple modern UserInterface- 1 RM calculation - Custom exercises - Logbook -Listview: 5-3-1basic Wendler training - Listview: 125% - 40% ofyour 1RM weight -Listview: 1RM to 15RM - Imperial and Metric weightunit - Exportexercise logs as CSV - Export/Import exercise logsfrom device todevice Formulas to choose from: - Epley - Brzycki -Lander -Lombardy - Mayhew et al. - O'Conner et al. - Wathendefaultexercises: - Benchpress - Deadlift - Front Squat - BackSquat -Overhead Squat - Strict Shoulder Press / Military PressSafetyprecautions The calculations performed in oneRM are basedonvalidated formulas, still they can be only estimations of therealweight you might be able to handle and should be used asaguidance. Measuring your 1RM can put your body under greatstress,so be sure to perform it under safe conditions. Studiesrevealedthat no more than 10 repetitions should be used in linearequationsto estimate your 1RM. We included the possibility tocalculate your1RM also for 10 to 20 repetitions, please be awarethat any 1RMcalculation that result from values over 10 repetitionscan only beconsidered as rough estimation.
1 Rep Max Calculator
Looking for Material design?Download theBeta:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.DBomb.OneRepMaxBeta1RM is a must have for any Bodybuilder, Fitness Fanatic, orGymJockey. Using popular formulas, it can accurately estimate your1Rep Max for Bench Press, Squats, Deadlift, or any other exerciseinyour workout routine. It works for barbells and dumbbells.It works by estimating with data you already know. You enterthereps and weight you were previously able to successfullycompleteand it will estimate your 1 rep max!This app helps keep you safe by giving you an estimate on howmuchyou can lift before actually attempting it yourself. This helpstoprevent muscle and body damage so you can keep your healthandcontinue to build your strength.1RM also has a percentage chart for those who are doingworkoutswhich require knowing the percentage of your 1 repmax.This app works best when the reps used are less than 12. Irecommendusing the reps between 3 and 10 for highest accuracy. Forthisreason, I recommend you do not use this to calculate maxesforexercises such as push ups sit ups or crunches.1RM will undoubtedly supplement any bodybuilders lifting regimenandcan help you achieve more effect sets so you can buildmoremuscle.ALWAYS USE A SPOTTER. APPLICATIONS LIKE THIS ARE DESIGNED TOMAKEWEIGHT LIFTING SAFER BUT CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR NOR ANYONEELSE'SSAFETY. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE ONLY ESTIMATES AND CANBEINACCURATE.
RM Calculator 4.0.10
RM Calculator uses the seven best formulas for calculating yourmaxreps (Lombardi, Brzycki, Epley, Mayhew, O'Conner, Wathan,Lander),you can choose one of them, or find an average for themostaccurate result of possible max reps. Knowing how manyrepetitionsyou should be doing and could be doing is important todeterminehow strong a person is at a certain time and is usefulforcompeting in certain sports such as weightlifting orpowerlifting,planning routines, both strength and hypertrophy, andmore! 1RM(One Repetition Maximum) in weight training, is themaximum amountof force that can be generated in a maximalcontraction. Onerepetition maximum can be used to determine themaximum strength ofa person and is the method to determine thewinner in sports eventslike powerlifting. 1RM also be used todetermine the desired loadfor an exercise (as a percentage of 1RM).The repetition maximum(RM) can be calculated directly by testinghighs, or indirectlyusing submaximal estimate. It is preferable touse submaximalestimate because it is safer, faster and lessconfusing forinexperienced athletes.
droidBuilding - 1RM 2.7
Get your 1RM with droidBuilding!
Weight Lifting Calculator 2.0.1
Connor Becker
Calculates 1 rep max and powerlifting totals, compares totalstolifting classes
OneRM 1.1.1
Do you need an accurate way to calculate your 1 rep max ( 1RM)?Ever wonder what the weight is for your 1RM in benchpressordeadlift? OneRM is all you need to calculate your 1RM as quickandeasy as possible and then save the result. This appusescoefficients from the formula know as the most accurate forreallifters. ( Of course it's possible to use your own coefficientsifyou have an formula that you think it's the best one. ) Features:*Calculates 1RM with coefficients from the most accurateformulaused by real lifters. * Calculates the values for 95% to 50%of 1RMin step of 5%. * Calculates the values for 2RM to 10RM. * Useowncoefficients for the calculation if not satisfied withdefaultcoefficients. * Possibility to save calculated valuestogether witha date and an exercise name. Note: Even if the formulaused is asknown as the most accurate as possible, the values arecalculated,which means that it can differs from your real measured1RM.Therefore the values shall only be used as a help to estimatetheweight used in training. Note about permissions: Thepermissionabout to write on external storage (sd-card) is only usedfor thepossibility to move the application to the sd-card insteadof beingstored in the internal memory.
1 Rep Max Calculator - 1RM
Calculate your bench press, deadlift, squat,orany other lift one rep max. Simply tell one rep max calculatorhowmuch weight you lifted, how many times you lifted it, and youronerep max will be calculated. One Rep Max Calculator willhaveaccurate one repetition maximum calculations for almostanyweightlifting exercise no matter the type of lift youaredoing.Do you have a unique lift you want to track? Create custom liftsandtrack your one rep max for any exercise. Get a visual of yourhardearned progress with graphs.Calculating your one rep max before attempting it can help keepyousafe. Attempting a heavy back squat without knowing your limitcaneasily lead to injury. This app provides you with astrengthestimate before you attempt your heavy lifts.We've also included a weight percentage quick reference guide.Thisapp is great for powerlifters, olympic weightlifters,andCrossFitters.All one rep max calculations performed using the Epley Formula.Theaccuracy of the one rep max calculations can vary depending ontheweight training experience and muscular composition of theathleteusing the calculator. This calculator is designed towardsseasonedstrength trainers, and those with lesser experience mayfind theiractual one rep maximum is much lower because your nervoussystemcannot handle the stress of a high weight.Lift responsibly. Heavy weightlifting should be performed withaspotter for safety.