16 Похожие The Sequin Closet

My Fashion Assistant - Closet 2.0
Showcased in INSTYLE MAGAZINE, GLAMOUR &USWEEKLY...Critics Agree...My Fashion Assistant is a MUST HAVE!My Fashion Assistant is a closet organizer, style managerandshopping companion created by industry experts.Import your clothes, mix, match, layer and accessorize tocreatemagazine-style outfits. Plan what to wear and track what youhaveworn with the interactive visual-calendar. Window shoponline,compare and share it all. Get the most out of your closet -it'sfun, it's easy, it's time!MFA FEATURES* CLOSET: add images of your own clothes* FITTING ROOM WISH LIST: add images of clothes you want* BACKGROUND REMOVAL TOOLS: clip your clothes on the fly foreasylayering* MIX & MATCH: slide through tops, bottoms & shoes* LAYER & ACCESSORIZE: move, size, resize & layer on anopenfree-flow canvas* VISUAL CALENDAR: plan what to wear or track what youhaveworn* WEATHER: real-time weather and your local weekly forecast* WINDOW SHOP ONLINE: visit your favorite stores, importandcompare* INSPIRATIONAL IDEAS: a place for all of your personalinspirationsincluding displays, trends, store windows, articlesand more* SEARCH: search your wardrobe for keywords, category, color,sizeor season* SHARE: share items, outfits & inspirations with friendsbye-mail, Facebook or Twitter* SYNC & BACKUP: protect your images and data by safelybackingup or restoring with mfaCloud* HELP: Informational tips included to help you get the most outofMy Fashion Assistant* E-MAIL SUPPORT: for help, contact support@myfashionassistant.com* FEEDBACK: to tell us what you want, contact info@myfashionassistant.comVisit MyFashionAssistant.comMy Fashion Assistant has dozens of features to manageyourwardrobe and get the most out of what you own.MFA is the closet organizer, style manager and shoppingcompanioncreated to help you design and oversee your wardrobe soyou can lookpositively wonderful every day. It is our goal to helpyou to getthe most out of what you already have and assist inhelping you findand blend in new pieces.The basic idea is very simple, mix, match, layer andaccessorizewhat you own, find and compare potential new piece towhat you havein your closet, visually plan and keep track ofoutfits, share withyour friends and save all of your inspirationalfashion ideas inone convenient place to develop and maintain yourown personalstyle for years to come.And everyone knows, a little time on the front-end can save youalot of time on the back-end!Powered by YOU!
My closet 3.0.2
Organize your closet and your outfits soyoualways know to wear.Now you can store on your mobile phone the outfits you haveinthe closet to look for then in every occasion. To work,dinner,partying, rain, season, etc.By using tags you can sort your outfits and find themmoreeasily.You can check which items you usually put up with, forexample,shoes or pants that you like most,Always have the reference dates that you wore certain set.With this app you can:* Take pictures to joint indicating the day you since you havetoremind* See a calendar to get what you weared that date* See the weather in your city the day you are searching whattowear* Reuse elements of the sets that have already been recorded.Thisway you do not have to do new photos and you will see the setsyouhave, for example, with some shoes.* Powerful search tool (for labels or in parts)In short, a whole app to fully manage your clothes withminimaleffort.
Wardrobe 1.2.2
Wemir Apps
Tired spending much time to selectperfectoutfit?How often do you face the problem, when the closet is fullofclothes, but you don't know what to wear? Or when you have toofewtime for dressing and you have to spend it trying on whole bunchofclothes in search of perfect combination for specific case? Hadyouever find good dress in your closet after the end of season,whichyou never wore?"Wardrobe" app will solve this problem quickly and easily! Allyouneed it's just to make photos of your clothes and add themintoapplication. You also can use built-in templates forthatpurpose.With "Wardrobe" application you can:- Group and sort your clothes by convenient categories and tags(forexample "shirts", "dresses", "for work" and so on)- Create perfect combinations of clothes (Looks) for any case- Prearrange your outfit for any day in calendar- Create multiple wardrobes, for example main and forsummercottage. You can also create wardrobe for suitcase and putinto itclothes for vacation- View gallery of best outfits and read interesting articlesaboutfashion and styleWith "Wardrobe" app you will always know what to wear!Install"Wardrobe" right now to look stylish in every situation!
MyStyle - Closet Orgnizer 1.0
RC Social
Get the most out of your closet - withoutanyprice, you could have a closet assistant for life!MyStyle has many fantastic features to help you curateyourcloset and get more out of what you own!Import your actual clothes, create magazine-style outfits,planwhat to wear, and discover how other people make their outfits- inthis totally customizable app!MyStyle is an expert wardrobe organization and closetmanagementtool.FEATURES• CLOSET: Add images of your own clothes• BACKGROUND REMOVAL TOOLS: Cut out your clothes foreasycollaging• LAY OUT OUTFITS: Layer and resize clothing on afree-formcanvas• NO LIMITS: Add unlimited clothing, accessories and inspirationstoyour outfits• BACKUP: Protect your clothes and outfits by uploading• CALENDAR: Plan what to wear in advance• INSPIRATION LIBRARY: Track and save your style inspiration• SHARE: Share outfits and clothes with friends via e-mail,Message,Facebook, Twitter or Instagram• BE FEATURED: Follow the official account of MyStyle on FacebookorInstagram, send us your outfits to get featured.• E-MAIL SUPPORT: If you need help, contact us via rcplatform.help@gmail.com.
Closet Organizer Ideas 1.0
Without delving into any psychobabblehere,it’s safe to say that a messy closet does not contributetoanyone’s happiness. Conversely, an organized closet can bringfortheuphoric joy — or, at the very least, a sense of relief atfinallyfinding that long-lost sweater or pillowcase.Here are four easy closet organizing steps you can takethisweekend to get your closet in tip-top shape.1. Take stock of what’s currently in your closet. Yes, we’veheardmany an organizing expert on TV blather on about this, butit’strue. A closet can’t ever be truly organized if it’s hidingitemsthat haven’t been touched since the Bush administration.As painful as the process may sound, unloading a closetentirecontents will give you an honest account of what lurks intherecesses. Donate or toss as necessary and start from scratch.Thissingle act will liberate you from having a bunch of uselessstuffweigh you down and crowd out what you do value.Once you know exactly what you want to keep, adjust any shelvesasnecessary, as in this hall closet system created by SanFranciscoOrganized Interiors. Towel bars (see step 2) affixed tothe doorprovide greater efficiency, as do baskets that keep smalleritemsfrom getting lost.2. Make use of empty wall or door space. Empty sections ofwallsor the insides of doors are prime real estate for towel bars,hooksor dowels, like this artistic example of a tie collectioncreatedby Cantoni Design.Tip: Hardware doesn’t have to be elaborate to work. You mightevenhave everything you need already in your garage. Just make surethehardware is appropriately sized to bear the weight of theintendedload.3. Add lighting. Lighting is key to finding anything in acloset,though so often there’s not enough of it. Newer homes mayhave asingle overhead light that is minimally helpful, while olderhomesmay not be equipped with any light at all. Having anelectrician addshelf lighting would be optimal, but it isn’tcheap, and it’s amomentum killer. Instead, use stick-on orscrew-in battery-operatedLED lights on each shelf to achieve thesame results for a fractionof the cost.4. Corral like items together. Think of your bedroom closetasyou would your desk files. If those files weren’t organized insomesort of comprehensive fashion (by date, client name, orderofurgency etc.), you’d never accomplish anything at work.The same is true for the closet, but with slightlydifferentobjectives. The closet needs to provide you with the toolsto lookgood and get you out of the house as efficiently aspossible. Thebest way to accomplish this is by grouping like itemstogether(colors, styles, uses, occasions) to speed up the morningoutfithunt.
Bedroom Closet Organizer 1.0
The bedroom closet is often one partofthehouse that not many people ever bother much about. Afterall,younever entertain guests there. Neither do you lounge orrelaxinyour closet. For many people, it is simply a placewheretheydeposit their clothes and shoes. When you need somethingfromthecloset, you just pay it a quick visit. So, if this is thecase,whywould you even think about bedroom closet organizers?cheapbedroomfurnitureChildren bedroom furniture - Sometimes, it pays tohaveawonderfully organized closet. It can be bothersome to havetolookat such a disorganized closet. It is simplydistractingandirritating. Moreover, an improperly organized bedroomclosetcanmake it harder for you to look for clothes and footwearthatyouneed in a hurry. This is especially true if you tend tokeepmoreand more items each year like every other human onearth.storage cabinets - Fortunately, there are manydifferentbedroomcloset organizers out there that can help you puteverythingintheir proper place. Never again do you need to diveinto a moundofmixed items. You will always have a specific spot forexamplejustfor hard to find items like ties, socks and underwear.Thegoodthing about many organizers these days is that they comeinmanydifferent and wonderful styles to complement your tasteandyourbedroom. Although they may cost a little morethanordinaryorganizers, there is nothing like looking at a workofbeauty.Closet organizers come in a wide range of styles anddesigns.Youcan easily find one that you like that will fit yourbudget.You canhave a very simple basic one or a highlycomplicated,multi-stackedor layered organizer. Some of the moreexpensive oneshave specificstorage areas for every conceivablepiece of clothingor accessory.Some organizers even have bonusstorage spaces forobjects or thingsin the house that need to bekept. These aregreat for items thatshouldn't exactly be kept in agarage or anattic. garagestoragewardrobe designs - Since there are many differentdesignsofbedroom closet organizer, you have the option ofredesigningyourentire bedroom design - bedroom closet space just toget theonethat you really like. This is only really possible thoughifyouhave a considerable budget for remodeling. For manyaveragewageearners, remodeling may not be a very practicalproject.closetsystemsIt is therefore a good thing that there are alsoclosetorganizerdesigns that do not require you to redo part ofyourbedroom. Theseorganizers have been designed to fit yourclosetspace as if theywere really made for your bedroom closetalone.You can even choosenot to install some sections of yourbedroomcloset organizer aslong as you conform to the safetyguidelines ofyour product manual.bedroom furniture setsYou should take a look at your closet now. Maybe it isabouttimethat you get a good organizer for you. When you do pickone,makesure you consider more than just your personal taste. Takeagoodlook at the price, durability of the product and thespacerequiredto include all its good features. A good choice ofthemany bedroomcloset organizers available may be the next bestthingthat willever happen to you.
Closet.M 1.0.1
클로짓.M 런칭 이벤트도 참여하셔서 디자이너 미니백과 팔찌도 받으세요~!당신의 옷장 속 패션 아이템, 잘 정리되어 있나요?스마트폰으로 나의 옷장을 정리할 수 있다면 정말 좋겠죠 ?클로짓.M은 스마트폰에서 정리하는 또 다른 나의 옷장입니다.클로짓.M에서 당신의 패션아이템을 새로운 방식으로 정리하고 관리해보세요.당신의 옷장 속 패션아이템 정리, 클로짓.M이 체계적으로 도와드립니다.!정리하기 / 공유하기 / 사고, 팔기1. 마이클로짓에서 당신의 패션아이템을 종류별로 정리하고 관리하세요.2. 오픈클로짓으로 당신의 멋진 패션아이템을 사람들과 공유하고 이야기를 나눠 보세요.3. 안입거나 버리기 아까운 아이템이 있다면 플리마켓에서 판매도 하고 구입도 해보세요.4. 내일은 무얼입어야 할지 고민될 땐 마이코디룩에서 코디를 해보세요.5. 마음에 드는 아이템이 있다면 당신의 버킷리스트에 담아보세요.당신의 패션 아이템에 대한 고민, 이제 클로짓.M이 당신에게 작은 해법을 제시합니다!문의하실 곳은 closetm.team@gmail.com 입니다.http://closet-m.com----개발자 연락처 :#318, Acroprime, 751-16, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KoreaCloset. M launcheventalsoinvolved a mini bag and bracelet also get your designer!Fashion item in your wardrobe, well organized is this?My smartphone is really a thought if you can organizeacloset?Closet. M is another smartphone clean up my wardrobe.Closet. M items in your fashion try new ways toorganizeandmanage.Organize a fashion item in your wardrobe closet.Msystematicallyhelp!To organize / share / Spirituality, sell1 item in my closet by type of fashion you organizeandmanageyour2 Open your closet and share great fashion item andshareyourstory.3, or dumping waste anip If the item is sold at the fleamarketalsotry purchasing.4 What to wear tomorrow when I will be contemplating whethertotryto coordinate the look my coordination.5 - Choose the perfect item if you do put on your bucket list.Worry about your fashion, closet now. M presents to youalittlesolution!It is where you contact the closetm.team @ gmail.com.http://closet-m.com
BonRack - Your virtual closet. 2.4.3
Your virtual closet to share withyourfriends.- closet:Add clothes to closet by take picture or gallery.- outfit:Recommender outfit system, pick up items from yourowncloset. And match your clothes with your friend's closet.- chat:Chat with your friends.- runway: Your best outfit to show.In BonRack, it is a place we can share the closet with friends,pickup friend’s clothes from their closet, share your styles andaskingother people's suggestion.If you cannot find suitable clothing, you can also pick upotherpeople's closet. You don't need to wait for your friends tocome toyour house to discuss what to wear.You don't need to search your closet before you go outside anddon'tneed to envy those well-dressed men and women.Thera are so many interesting ideas we will put it in thisplace.Virtual outfit model, virtual try on, recommend outfits andsoon….**********We have web site, login with social network account.Check your items, Anywhere.Web site: http://BonRack.com**********
Closet Organization Ideas 2.1
This Application contains ideas how to organize your closet
ClosetQueen - Outfit planer
You can now have your closet in ourpocket.This virtual wardrobe app is designed to give you anopportunity toorganize your clothes and plan your daily fashionoutfits. Thisportable closet let you take pictures of your clothesand organizeand categorize them into an appropriate category underthe section"Closet". In addition, you can put your clothestogether, createyour favorite dresses online and store them underthe navigationsection "Outfits". You can also share your favoritedresses withyour friends via different social media channels. Forinstanceshare your virtual shoe rack with everyone you like. Usethecalendar functionality to match your virtual outfits to thedateyou want to wear it. With this closet organizer app it feelslikewalking in your real closet anywhere and everywhere.
Pocket Closet Free 2.2
An app for the female audience. . .Pocket closet allows you to take your wardrobe with you.It can help you shop, plan what to wear on the go, etc.. .Pocket Closet is a very simple to use app. Noconfusingsettingsor configurations to mess with.Enter your closet items with images and color.You are able to randomize an outfit.Daily outfit - Log what you wear each day. Take a pic ofyourselfand log it with date.First take all your photos. The app will delete each photoforyouas it is added to the closet.
w closet公式アプリ 1.0.3
「wcloset」アプリは、対象店舗にて会員証としてご利用いただけるだけでなく、最新のお知らせや、オンラインショップでのお買いものが便利にご利用いただけるアプリです。獲得したポイントは対象となる店舗やオンラインショップでの商品購入にご利用いただけます。<CARD>・会員証バーコード(店頭でご購入の際にレジでご提示ください)・ポイント照会 ・ポイント履歴 ・購入履歴<BLOG>各店のブログをご覧いただけます。 <SHOP LIST>直営店舗の情報をご覧いただけます。<ONLINESHOP>オンラインショップの最新情報やお買いものをいつでも手軽にご利用いただけます。 <MORE> ・SHOPNEWS・Twitter・Facebook ・Instagram ・会社概要 ・規約 ・お問い合わせ■ご利用上の注意アプリの新規登録とONLINESHOPの新規登録は同時に行われますので、アプリで登録したメールアドレスとパスワードでONLINESHOPもご利用いただけます。既にONLINESHOP会員の方は、ONLINESHOP登録時のメールアドレスとパスワードで、アプリにログインができONLINESHOPのポイントを利用したり貯めたりできます。当アプリの各機能・各サービスは通信回線を使用致します。通信回線の状況によっては、ご利用いただけない場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。
Smart Closet LITE 1.62
SmartCloset - your personal wardrobemanagerappfor AndroidFeatures:- Easy to administer: Make a photo of things you wear, tag themforafast search option, and here you have it, wardrobe inaphone.- Easier to check: Take a click at blouse you liked in theshopandcheck if it fits anything you have.- Easier to know: Check up statistics on what items youwearthemost, or which aren’t up to credit.- Ask a friend: Unsure which top should you wear with thatskirt?Ormake it shorts? Ask a friend over MMS, e-mail.- Plan it through: A business meeting at lunch, Romanticdinnerinthe evening and an all-night party with a friend? Don’tpuzzleover– plan it. In diary with notes for events and item’stowear.- More features coming up…If you like the app, please, rate it.
Honua 2.1.0
Nexora Solutions S.L.
HONUA allows you to create yourfashionuniverse to share your style, to create fashion trends andtoorganise all your garments in a digital closet by tagging them inafast and funny way.Looking outfits in other HONUAS and sneaking into theirclosets,you will find new ideas and clothing as you can access tothewebpage of several items directly and buy them!Complete your HONUA while our stylists and personal shoppersarehelping you. HONUAS will be amazed at your style!Download the app and check all the advantages in this video.
DIY Storage Design Ideas 3.0
Storage -- you never have enough of it,andhalf the time the drawers, closets and cupboards need a goodclearout to make room for more stuff. Plan a storage room toaddressyour most pressing wardrobe, off-season, prized collectionorpersonal possessions excess, and be inventive if a lack ofspacethreatens to cramp your style. It helps to clear the areaofeverything, evaluate your needs, and put back only what hasaplace.Who needs a guest room when your wardrobe has taken overthebedroom floor, chairs, dresser top and prime real estatethroughoutthe rest of the house? Flip that spare bedroom into apersonalboutique and offer the rare overnight visitor your high-endsleepsofa. Bedroom or walk-in closet -- think like a boutiquedesignerfor a display of accessible threads and accessories. You'llneedhigh- and low-hanging bars to accommodate coats, dresses,suits,shirts, and separates: shelves for folded sweats, sweaters,activewear, jeans and T-shirts; more shelves for clear plasticboxes tohold shoes and boots, and shelf dividers to keep handbagsseparate;drawers or closed cupboards for baskets of socks,underwear, andother small items that need to be grouped. A foldingthree-waymirror and good lighting are non-negotiable; a steamer andarolling cart for hanging selected outfits and travel clothesareutilitarian luxuries.The awkward space under the stairs is a giant tansu chest,acompact storage room, and valuable square footage in needofserious organizing. Side-opening doors make even thepizza-sliceback angle accessible. Paint the space a light color andinstallshelves measured to accommodate luggage, clear plastic binsforoff-season clothing and sports gear, holiday decorationsandseasonal accessories. Add lighting that keeps everythingvisibleand label every box and chest clearly. The trick to makingacompact storage area work is to customize it for the specificitemsthat will live there. Avoid double-stacking on shelves andincubbies, which hides half the things you store and forces youtounpack and repack shelves to put stuff away. If theunder-stairspace is deep, rolling shelves pull out for easyaccess.When you can't expand, go up; build a vertical "room" tohouseyour storage and your life. In a tight space, the wall definesthestoreroom, with a scaffolding of sturdy shelves and supportsthathold large labelled bins for every sort of household goodandpersonal item, hanging bars for clothes, open shelves fororderlyracks of shoes or grab-it-and-go sports clothing andT-shirts. Aceiling-hung curtain pulls across the entire wall tohide it fromview, and a library ladder on a track moves easily toreach the topshelves. Treat the organized wall like a museumexhibit, withcurated goods placed in identical bins so the symmetrycreates asense of order and expansiveness. House office supplies,books andmedia on a window wall with cupboards and shelvesbuiltfloor-to-ceiling on either side of the window, flanking acushionedseat that lifts up to reveal more storage space.What you have to store comes in a bottle and isn't happy inthecupboard under the sink. If your wine collection is spilling outofclosets and cabinets, create a storage room to keep it atacomfortable temperature and welcome you and your guests foratasting or a meal. At least one wall should be anilluminated,temperature-controlled series of enclosed shelves forrestingbottles, and a few wall-hung bottle holders can displayinterestingvintages as decor.
Storage And Closets Ideas 1.1
Codero Apps
Best Storage And Closets Designs IdeasAPPwithbest HD images, this application offers the mostbeautifulandamazing Storage And Closets pictures,there is hundredsofpicturesclassified in several categories such asModernContemporaryTransitionalTropicalMidcenturyCraftsmanif you have an idea about your house or interior,thisapplicationcan guide you.the app has a high-quality photos, You can save and shareallStorageAnd Closets decoration images.Application Features:- Application is Fast- A hundred pictures of Storage And Closets decorating ideas- You can save all pictures to sdcard.- You can share all images to others.- You can set all pictures as wallpaper.- Easy to use- Performance is Very Good- Friendly User interface