برترین 46 برنامه مشابه به Sleep Cure : Treat Insomnia

Sleep School for Insomnia 5.6.6
Sleep School
The Sleep School are global experts in chronic insomniaandhavespent over 15 years helping thousands of clients to sleepwellonceagain. The Sleep School App delivers their 100%non-drugbasedapproach via their highly effective proprietarytoolsandtechniques - ensuring you can learn how to sleep well,everynight.It has been created to help insomniacs . . . - Learn howtoretraintheir brains how to sleep well again, naturally - Createanewrobust sleeping pattern - Understand all they need toknowabouthow their insomnia started, what keeps it fuelled and howtostopit The Sleep School App contains thefollowingfunctionality:Insomnia Survey - To help you understand theseverityof yourinsomnia and where to focus your attention withinthe app sothatyou can recover quickly and effectively. 75+ guidedfilms - Dr.GuyMeadows will teach you how you can overcome yourinsomnia 5 xSleepSchool Tools - Including 6 series of guided audiotracks tolistento help you fall to sleep more quickly Interactivequiz - toteachyou everything you need to know about your insomniaand sleepAboutour Subscriptions: The Sleep School for Insomniaappcontainsin-app purchases allowing you to subscribe tospecificcontentwithin the app. - Our auto-renewable subscriptionsallowaccess toall educational content and sleep tools within thisappduring yourselected subscription period - Subscriptionsauto-renewmonthly orannually - Payments will be charged to GooglePlayaccount atconfirmation of purchase - Subscriptionswillautomatically renewsunless auto-renewal/ you cancelyoursubscription at least 24 hoursbefore the end of the currentperiod- Your Google Play accountwill be charged for renewalwithin24-hours prior to the end of thecurrent period, and identifythecost of the renewal - You canmanage your subscription andswitchoff auto-renewal after purchase- Any unused portion of a freetrialperiod, if offered, will beforfeited when you purchaseasubscription TermsofUse:https://thesleepschool.org/website_legals/termsPrivacypolicy:https://thesleepschool.org/website_legals/privacy
Sleep sounds, white noise 5.0.1-40211
Limoni Audio Sounds
Nature Sounds for sleep, deep relaxation, meditation and relax
BRAINAURAL Binaural Beats
Binaural Beats programs to increase focus, relax, aid luciddreamingand more.
Hipnose Dormir Bem 1.0
App Studio24
Tudo nas nossas vidas depende de termos sono de qualidade,masquandovocê sofre de insônia, você pode se pegar rolando nacamadurante anoite inteira e acordando cedo demais com frequência,outendodificuldade em voltar a dormir. Sono de máqualidadecausairritabilidade, sensação de letargia durante as horasacordadoeproblemas de concentração. Quando nossos corpos e mentesnão têmosono que eles precisam, nossas vidas sofrem porcausadisso.Podemos prejudicar aqueles que amamos, afastar pessoasdasnossasvidas e cairmos em uma depressão de auto piedade. Por quenãofazeralgo sobre isso de uma maneira segura e eficiente comonaforma dehipnoterapia! Com a hipnose, você pode aprender arelaxareverdadeiramente se libertar dessas coisas que o impedem deterumsono adequado. Você aprenderá a se libertar dosobstáculos,doestresse e da ansiedade, e aprenderá a simplesmenteextravasarparaque você possa cair em um longo e profundo sono. Aautohipnosepode ser muito recompensadora pois ela fornece ao seucorpotantorefletir meditativamente sobre o que está causandosuainsônia,quanto permite ao seu cérebro a habilidade de sereajustarereprogramar para fazer com que ele funcione corretamente.Àsvezes,tudo que você precisa para superar a insônia éredesenvolverumritmo circadiano normal e em outras vezes vocêprecisaconfrontarseu eu interior e deixar de lado as preocupaçõeseestresse paraviver uma vida mais saudável e melhor. Com sonodequalidade, vocêcomeçará a ver as coisas na sua vidamudarempositivamente e sesentirá mais vivo que nunca.
Get Self-Confidence! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application*** You don’twant tofeel insecure and anxious anymore? You want to build upself-esteemand develop a steady self-confidence? You want tounleash yourstrengths and live up to your full potential? Then tryout “GetSelf-Confidence!” today! „Get Self-Confidence!“ is apowerful toolfor your personal change and empowerment. The hypnoticandrelaxation techniques within this program help you best toreachyour personal goal of a happy and fulfillinglife!******************************* Feedbacks from Users“FantasticApp!” “I have tried out several hypnosis apps – this oneis thebest for me!” “I have downloaded all "Get on Apps" Programsand Ilisten to them every single day! I can recommend all "Get onApps!"Programs are without exception.”******************************* Alow self-esteem is neither innatenor inherited. Also the height ofyour bank account or the PS ofyour car don’t go along with thelevel of your self-confidence.Self-confident people have learnedto accept the way they are. Astrong belief in yourself and theawareness of your own strengths,weaknesses and peculiarities arethe cornerstones of a strong andsteady self-esteem. The hypnosisprogram "Get Self-Confidence" is aneasy-to-use and effectivetraining for your personal growth. "Theunique combination of musicand voice leads the listener into adeeply relaxed, sleep-likestate. Thus change processes can beinitiated quickly and easily",says hypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein.Positive and motivatingsuggestions encourage the listener todevelop new patterns ofbehavior and thinking. By listening to “GetSelf-Confidence!” youwill learn how to rely on yourself and how totackle life’schallenges. Start to feel optimistic and positiveabout your live –start living now! ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN „GetSelf-Confidence!“ wasdesigned by well-known German HypnotherapistKim Fleckenstein. KimFleckenstein is a certified alternativepractitioner inpsychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach.Based in Munich she already published a range ofbest-sellingself-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3s underthe labelGET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and self experienceshave helpedto create the special character and heart of herrecordings.Getting requests from all over the world, she decided topublishher hypnosis programs in english language aswell. Togetherwithprofessional and native speaker Cathy Weber she made itreality!WHAT YOU GET * A highly effective 30-Minute professionalHypnosissession using the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques–suitable for both, beginners and more experienced users. *Theprofessional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leads you intoadeep state of relaxation and change. * A high quality and stateofthe art recording. * Professionally composed background musicforevery program by CSW Music. * Customize your settings anddiscoverother useful features. PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to thisprogramwhile operating a motor vehicle or during any other activitythatrequires your full attention.  This program does notreplace adoctor or any other medical aids.   The best effectcan beachieved by listening to this program once a day over aperiod of 4weeks. GET SELF-CONFIDENCE! IS YOUR PERSONAL COACH!ALWAYS WITHYOU! GIVE IT A TRY, NOW!
Sleep Restore 1.7
Mark Grant
Uniquely designed for stress-related insomnia
Progressive Muscle Relaxation - PMR Pro - English 1.8
SETTING & FEATURES • All exercise forms •SelectBeginner,Advanced or Experienced mode • Set right or lefthanded •Select topractice lying or sitting • Adjust volume ofvoice, music&sounds • Set duration of tension (3-10 sec) • Setbreaksforrelaxation (10-40 sec) • Set a lead time of 10-120 sec •with/without intro • Calculate total runtime • Set timertocontinuemusic / sounds • 5 music tracks & 22 nature sounds•Combine 2nature sounds • Select a gong (sound signal) tostarttensing ABOUTPMR & CONTENT OF THE APP EdwardJacobson'sProgressive MuscleRelaxation (PMR) - also called DeepMuscleRelaxation (DMR) - is ascientifically recognized relaxationmethodthat helps to get intoa state of deep relaxation throughmuscletension and relaxation.PMR is a - scientifically proven -veryeffective relaxationmethod. It is recommended by doctorsandtherapists for manysymptoms that are mostly stress-related,suchas: • tensions •migraine or headache • inner unrest •sleepdisorders • back pain /pain • states of excitement, • anxietyandpanic attacks • highblood pressure • psychosomatic complaints•burnout • stress andmuch more With regular practice, youwillalways find it easier toget into deeper states of relaxation.Onceyou have enough practicewith the long form of PMR (Basic Form:17Muscle Groups), you canswitch to the short forms with 7 and4muscle groups and finally tothe Mental form: Body Scan. Thenyoucan relax your body evenmentally. ALL COMMON 4 FORMS OF PMR •BasicForm (17 muscle groups)• Short Form I (7 muscle groups) •ShortForm II (4 muscle groups)• Mental Form (Body Scan) forBeginner,Advanced and Experiencedare taught and practiced in thisapp. BASICFORM: 17 MUSCLE GROUPS1. Right hand and forearm 2. Rightupper arm3. Left hand andforearm 4. Left upper arm 5. Forehead 6.Uppercheek part and nose7. Lower cheek part and jaw 8. Neck 9.Chest,shoulders and upperback 10. Abdominal 11. Buttocks and pelvicfloor12. Right thigh13. Right lower leg 14. Right foot 15, 16, 17(->left side)SHORT FORM I: 7 MUSCLE GROUPS 1. Right hand,forearm, andupper arm2. Left hand, forearm and upper arm 3.Forehead, cheekpart, noseand jaw 4. Neck 5. Chest, shoulders, back,abdominal,buttocks andpelvic floor 6. Right thigh, lower leg andfoot 7. Leftthigh,lower leg, and foot SHORT FORM II: 4 MUSCLEGROUPS 1. Bothhands,forearms and upper arms 2. Face and neck 3.Chest, shoulders,back,abdominal, buttocks and pelvic floor 4. Boththighs, lowerlegs andfeet MENTAL FORM: BODY SCAN Guided relaxationthrough thewholebody, starting from the head to the feet. Thisguide is thelaststage of the PMR, in which the perception isdirected toindividualparts of the body without tensing them. Therelaxation isnow onlymental. Soothing imaginations will help you.MUSIC TRACKS&NATURE SOUNDS For all exercises, you can selectamong 5relaxationmusic tracks and 22 nature sounds. The volume canbeadjustedindividually. If desired, the music & sounds canalsobe usedwithout voice to relax or fall asleep. FOR SLEEPINGORRELAXING Allexercises can be used to fall asleep or torelax.DURATION OFTENSION & PAUSES FOR RELAXATION Set yourpreferredduration oftension and relaxation between the musclegroups. TIMERFUNCTIONAfter the end of the exercise an unlimitedtime for themusic /sounds can be set so that the soft music /sounds willdeepen yourrelaxation. In very rare cases (may be:Galaxy S6) Ifthere are anysound issues in standby (timeout), pleaseuse theKeepScreenOnmode. This is initially preset and can (should)bedisabled, if notneeded. LISTEN TO A COMPLETE AUDIO SAMPLEAcomplete audio sampleof the entire exercise "Basic Form" with17muscle groups (Beginnerstatus) is available with the app'sdefaultsettings on YouTube -27min:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iJe_5sZ_iM
mySleepButton® 1.0.31
CogSci Apps Corp.
Don't Count Sheep, Shuffle Your ThoughtstoSleep.LifeHacker calls mySleepButton®, "surprisingly effective". TheNYTimes, The Guardian, Forbes Magazine, Government of Canada, TheBCMedical Journal online, and many others havefeaturedmySleepButton. Popular Science says it is "Just better".CoolTools(KK.org) says it "just knocks me out".The purpose of mySleepButton is to help you fall asleep. Andtoreturn to sleep. It's easy: Just push the "Put Me to Sleep"buttonand imagine the rich variety of images that mySleepButtonpromptsyou to visualize. This dreamy stream of images may distractyoufrom your worries and put you in a state that is conducivetosleep. This is known as "the cognitive shuffle", becauseitinvolves shuffling your thoughts.mySleepButton offers three different cognitive shuffle modes.Youcan imagine a variety of "simple things" (like a river,mountainand stars), scenes (like walking on a trail, or watchingsomeoneplay guitar), and even imagine yourself drawing things. It'sasurprisingly pleasant way to fall asleep.mySleepButton is part of a research program led by Dr. LucP.Beaudoin that aims to discover (a) how the brain naturallycontrolssleep onset, (b) how to exploit these mechanisms tofacilitatesleep onset, and (c) the interactions between cognitionandaffect.Getting sufficient sleep can improve your cognitive productivityandoverall well-being. So why not try mySleepButton?CogSci Apps™
Relax Noise 3 - Tinnitus Mask 1.6
Martin Nathansen
Relax Noise 3 masks nerving ambient noise and also yourtinnituswithwhite, pink or red background noise. All three noisesignalsarerandom signals but with different acoustic colours: -Whitenoise hasa flat power spectral density and corresponds tothebackground noiseof electronic amplifiers (thermal orresistorrandom noise). - Pinknoise has a power spectral densitywhich isinversely proportional tothe frequency (1/f). Pink noiseoccurs inelectronic devices (flickerradom noise) and also asambient noisein the nature. It sounds likeleaves rustling orrushing water. -Red or brown noise has like pinknoise a decreasingpower spectraldensity but it is louder at lowerfrequencies (1/f²).In nature itsound similar to waterfalls, heavyrainfalls or to thesounds ofthe sea. Just choose the ambient noisewhich you likemost. Adjustthe sound volume rather low so you canstill hear theenvironmentalnoise. Never use it in road transport orwhile drivinga car!!! Youcan also program the timer to turn offRelax Noise 3automaticallyafter an adjustable period of time.Setting the timerto "00:00"means that the timer is disabled and therandom noisegeneratorruns endless. Relax Noise 3 respects yourprivacy: Ourrandom noisegenerator does not require any internetaccess and isfree ofadvertising banners! Features: - 3 random noisesounds:whitenoise, pink noise - programmable timer (1min–24hours)to turnthenoise generator off - adjustable random noise volume-dimmablebackground
Naturespace: Sleep Relax Focus 3.0.3
Astonishing 3D nature sounds. Sonic therapy for anxiety andstressrelief.
Sleep well • Fall asleep and relax 1.2
Fall asleep and relax with our app and a combinationofpleasantlight and soothing music. The app is free, contains noadand doesnot require any permissions. It has numerous featureswithwhichyou can conjure up your personal feeling of well-beingtofallasleep: * Variable speed of color change *Adjustablebrightness *Different sleep melodies / ambient sounds *Sleep timerwith fadingFurther features are in the works. Pleasewrite to us ifyou haveany wishes or ideas! Relax and sleep well!
Tonal Tinnitus Therapy
Tonal Tinnitus Therapy offers you acousticneuromodulationtreatment.
Chakras Meditation PRO
Self Healing
Chakras are our energy centers. The channels through which andoutofour aura of life energy flows. The task of the chakras istofillphysical body with vivacity and promote the developmentofourconsciousness. Through regular meditation on the chakrasyouwillfind balance and learn to create harmony The music includedinthisapplication : (*) Root chakra : Song composed in the keyofCTribal percussion, ethnic instruments and deep, warmtonesareblended together in this soulful composition that isbothgroundingand soothing at the same time. This gentle musicwillactivate thebase chakra, while preparing the physical body fordeeprelaxation.(*) Solar Plexus Chakra : song composed in the keyof EThe musicof the solar plexus chakra has a brightness to itthatinvokesimages of sunshine and inner radiance. You will noticethatthemusic is very calm, but it is also very "alive"andenergizing.This empowering composition is wonderful forawakeningandcleansing the solar plexus chakra. (*) Heart Chakra :Songcomposedin the key of F I like to think that this heartchakrameditationmusic speaks for itself. This is music of loveandcompassion, pureand simple. (*) Throat Chakra : Song composedinthe key of GVisualize yourself drifting across a clear bluesky,floating likea cloud on the breeze. You are breathingcool,sparkling air deepinto your lungs. These are the images thatcomeinto my mind when Ilisten to this throat chakra music.Openness,freedom of selfexpression and lightness of being areencouraged bythis tranquilcomposition. (*) Third Eye Chakra : Songcomposed inthe key of AThis mystical soundscape does not adhere toany of the“rules” thatmight govern traditional musiccomposition.Intentionallyunstructured – this dreamy, meditativemusic opens thethird eyechakra and frees the listener to exploretheirimagination, theirintuition and the deeper aspects of theirmind.(*) Crown Chakra :Song composed in the key of B Heavenly andsweet,the music of thecrown chakra opens one up to thetimeless,limitless nature of pureawareness. As the music unfolds,melodicbells gradually give wayto a wash of celestial choirsandshimmering chimes that uplift andinspire the listener toanelevated state of consciousness. (*)C.L.Clarke writes abouthismusic ) (**) Royalty free music byC.L.Clarke.
My Safe Zone - Anxiety Attack 1.1.0
RockIT88 (Pty) Ltd
Calm down quicker during an anxiety attack using one of oursimplemethods.
Hipnose Ansiedade 1.0
App Studio24
Você costuma sentir medo e ansiedade, mesmo quando você sabequenãohá nada para se preocupar? São os seus pensamentoseemoçõescontrolando você, ao invés do contrário? A audio hipnoseéumaótima ferramenta de aprender o verdadeiro controleemocionaleajudar a vencer a ansiedade. Esta Audio hipnose paraajudarasuperar o medo e a ansiedade é uma poderosa sessão que vaiajudaralibertar-lo dessa gaiola e ajudar a viver a sua vidacommaisconfiança e otimismo, como já foi capaz de o fazer. Aorelaxareouvir frequentemente esta sessão, muitos pacientes podemsentirosseguintes beneficios: Comece a usar o controleemocionalemsituações cada vez mais diversas Sinta-se muito maisvezesnocomando de si mesmo Aproveite e desfrute a vidamuitomais!Sinta-se como que um grande peso foi retirado deseusombrosEncontre-se visivelmente mais relaxado sobre a vida emgeral
Tinnitus Relief 1.3.2
Develant Technologies AB
Guided exercises, facts and information about tinnitus byHelenaLöwen-Åberg
Lullaby pack Sleep + Mindroid 2.9
Pack of 42 calming lullabies for smooth fall asleep and relaxation
Chakras Opening Pro 9.0
Self Healing
Chakras opening meditation music with bija mantrasandvisualisation.
Sleep Well – sounds, rain, sea 1.3.1
Arrows app
Discover a sound sleep with our sounds of rain, sea, fire,whitenoise and other
myReiki: Reiki Healing Music 1.6
JMH Apps
Following the feedback of some users, we have decided tolaunchthisfull version of myReiki with one time payment, no fees.Thisversionis ad free and contains the same features with someextrasongs andbells. Please make sure you have tried and used ourfreeversionpreviously before obtaining this one in order to ensureaproperfunctionality with your device. · If you have anyproblemwith theapp, please refer to the contact email below.
Ambio - Sleep Sounds 1.8.22
Work. Play. Rest. Create perfect ambienceforyour whole life.Use Ambio to craft the right atmosphere for whatever you'redoing.Choose from hundreds of sounds created just for Ambio, or useyourown sounds to create mixes that are unique to you.Select a mix and listen in the moment, or set an alarm and wakeupto your favorite mix.+ Player Features +• Use Ambio's sound library to create your own ambiencemixes.• Create playlists, play your favorite mixes together, orbuildcomplex ambience progressions.• Use sounds and music from your SD card to createuniquemixes.• Download hundreds of high-quality audio samples made justforAmbio.• Edit mixes as they're playing so that the ambience isjustright.• Mixes keep playing, even when the app is running inthebackground.• Includes sleep timer, crossfade tools, gentle startup, andagorgeous digital clock.+ Theme Edit +• Customize the look of your Ambio Player and Clock• Change foreground and background colors.• Select from three clock layouts: small, large, and none.• Change the font on your clock.+ Content +• Download an unparalleled variety of audio samples.• Includes white, pink, and brown noise.• Sounds of nature, including Wind, Rain, Thunder, Birds, andCat'sPurr.• Urban ambience, including chimes, traffic, and sounds ofthecity.• Meditation sounds.• Synth, ASMR, Beats, and 8-bit sounds.• And much more!+ Alarm Features +• Wake up to the perfect ambience – use your favorite mix,playlist,music, alarm tone, ringtone, or notification.• Use the gradual wakeup feature to emerge gently and naturallyfromsleep.• Make sure you're awake when you shut off your alarm usingoursolve-math-to-dismiss feature.• Set multiple alarms for all the important moments inyourlife.• Preview your alarms to make sure they're just right.+ Premium Features +• Unlock all premium sound mixes!• Ambience that's as unlimited as your creativity -- create asmanyplaylists, mixes, and alarms as you like.• Keep theme changes even when the app restarts.• Use Ambio without ads.+ Available in +Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian,Portuguese,Russian, Spanish, Swedish+ Feedback +We love hearing your ideas. Use our request site to suggestnewfeatures, new content, and more:http://bit.ly/ambio_feedback+ Lightning Bug Users +If you previously purchased and installed content pluginsforLightning Bug on your device, we'll give you credits you can usetoaccess premium mixes. To learn more, launch Ambio, select theMainMenu, and press "Lightning Bug."*** You'll only see the Lightning Bug option if you currentlyhaveplugins installed on your device.+ Refunds +Please review our refund policy before you make anypurchases:http://bit.ly/ambio_refunds+ Permissions +• Google Play billing service. This allows optionalin-apppurchases.• Read, modify, or delete SD storage contents. This is requiredtoallow downloads and storage of sound and image files.• Run at startup. Ambio runs very briefly when your device bootstosynchronize alarms with your system clock. This has minimalimpacton your device startup time.• Full network access & View network connections. Thisenablesdownloading extra content, such as sounds or images.• Control vibration. You can use Ambio to create alarms thatvibrateyour device.• Send sticky broadcast. This creates stability in the primaryaudioand content download systems.• Prevent phone from sleeping. This ensures smooth audioplayback.Your screen will still lock (go dark) to preservebatterylife.
White Noise Sleep Sound Relax 2.2
AwesomeDroid Studio
Help you concentrate at day and easy to fall asleep at night
Sleepy Sounds 7.1.2
Sleepy Sounds helps you or your child fall asleep
Breathe Easy 2.1
Inquiry Health LLC
The simplest way to meditate and relax.
Soothing sounds to go to sleep 5.0.1-40211
Limoni Audio Sounds
Nature sounds for sleep, deep relaxation, meditation and relax
Squishy Magic: 3D Toy Coloring 5.30
Create, Color and Collect Cute 3D Antistress Squishy Toys
Relax Music - Meditation
Sleep, relax and meditate with relaxing sounds of nature, rainorwhite noise
Sleep Sounds - Relax, Meditate 1.22
50+ HD sounds, Mixer, Infinite playback, Timer, Backgroundaudio,Works offline!
Universal Breathing: Pranayama 2.9
Yogic breath training for meditation, health improvement andstressreduction
Sleep Well Hypnosis 2.57
Surf City Apps
Guided meditation to fall asleep fast and sleep deeply allnightlong
Rainy: Rain sounds for sleep 1.0.33
Thunderstorm sounds and rain sound for sleep, rainstorm soundsforrainy mood
Sleep sounds with timer 5.0.1-40211
Limoni Audio Sounds
Nature sounds for sleep, deep relaxation, meditation and relax
Sleeps - Relax & Meditation 4.1.2
Relax and fall asleep to the tunes of rain, water, wind and more.
My EMDR 2.16b
This app is intended to support professional EMDR therapy.
Beltone Tinnitus Calmer 5.2.6
GN Hearing
Beltone Tinnitus Calmer™ - for people with tinnitus
Brain Waves Pro Binaural Beats 8.0.1
MynioTech Apps
Binaural Beats - Fully Customizable Waves - Pure Sound - No Loops
Stress Free with Andrew Johns 1.3-stressfree
Universal Relaxation
This application is a guided meditation that helps you unwindandbeat stress.
Fears & Phobias Hypnosis 2.53
Surf City Apps
Enjoy a freer, more vibrant, more joyful life by letting go ofthepast*
Aprender Rápido 1.0
App Studio24
Learn faster, study less, and get better results.
iSleep Easy Sleep Meditations 2.7
Meditation Oasis
Wide variety of guided meditations to help you fall asleep andsleepdeeply.
Tinnitus Therapy Lite
Sound Oasis
A variety of scientifically developed sounds for relief ofTinnitussymptoms.
Deeply: Free Meditations For Anxiety And Sleep 2.0.1
Netus LLC
✨ Deeply is a 100% Free Meditation App✨ with over 500meditations!Nosubscription. Choose between the different typesofguidedmeditations that Deeply offers: 🧘🏾 Mindfulness - Bestformanagingstress. 🛏️ Body scan - Best for relaxation. 🔆Visualization- Bestto help you to achieve your goals. 🥰Loving-kindnessmeditation -Best to manage anger, conflicts, orfrustration. 🕯️Mantrameditation - A great tool to clear the noiseout ofyourconsciousness. 🧘🏽‍♀️ Breath Awareness - Best toreduceanxiety,improve concentration, and focus. 🌻 Affirmations -Bestforself-empowerment. Other features: 🎶 A collection ofrelaxingmusicand soundscapes. 📈 Track your daily progress withmindfulness.🚀Optimized to jump-start meditation practiceforbeginners.Meditations are proven to help relax the mind, staycalm,reducestress and anxiety. Spend a few minutes per day usingDeeplyappand discover the life-changing benefits. Start today!SUPPORTUSWe’re constantly working on adding more valuable contentto theappto keep your mind healthy. If you have any feedback,please sendusan email at contact@deeplyapp.com. If you 💗 like ourapp,pleasehelp us out by ⭐ rating the app and 💬 sharing it withyourfriends.
Sleep Sounds 1.9.7
Zen Labs Fitness
● Guaranteed to help you sleep better tonight. Don’t wait.Youdeserve better sleep. ● Helping millions improve theirhealth,wellness, and now sleep. ● The healthiest and mosteconomical sleepaid available for free! Doctor recommended onhealthTap.com"Stopped using OTC sleep aids completely and I feelfantastic.Goodbye benedryl, ambien, and lunesta! This app iseverything youneed.” “Love using the white noise while I study. Itsimply works.”Put away your cocktails of sleep meds. Fall asleepnaturally withour hand chosen ambient sleep sounds. Your mostimportant asset ishealth. Sleep better now without the side effectsor the expensivepills. Doctor recommended! ≈ Hand Picked ≈ ◎ Over70 beautifulambient sounds ◎ Full high definition ◎ Doctor approved◎ Pre-setsound combinations under Favorites chosen by us! ◎Millions ofpossible sound combinations You’ll love the ambientsounds. Eachsound was carefully hand selected to ensure the utmostharmony whenplayed together with the other available sounds. ≈Features ≈ ◉Sleep better ◉ Improve studying, yoga, and meditation ◉White noisealso helps babies sleep ◉ Beautiful adjustable clockdisplays ◉Multiple alarms to wake up feeling refreshed to yourfavoritesounds ◉ Sleep timer to help you fall asleep ◉ Save yourfavoritesound combinations ◉ Free Tablet integration Parents: Whitenoiseis also very similar to womb sounds such as your heartbeating,blood flowing, mommy breathing, the muffling sound ofmommy’svoice, etc. These womb-like sounds can be comforting to yourbabyand can also help your infant stay asleep. We hope you enjoytheapp and find it to be a useful training tool. Please leave usanyfriendly feedback, and rate us if you like the app! We plan tohavean active development cycle to keep you sleeping better thanever!Join the community for help, tips, and advice! There areover100,000 amazing and active members willing to lend a helpinghand!Don’t forget to check our blog for great health tips fromourfitness experts. ≈ Connect ≈ Hashtag: #everymomentcounts Jointhecommunity for help, tips, andadvice!http://facebook.com/zenlabsfitnesshttp://twitter.com/zenlabsfitnesshttp://instagram.com/zenlabsfitnessThe Forums are a great place toask all your fitness questions!http://forums.zenlabsfitness.comRead our blog for great healthtips!http://www.zenlabsfitness.com/blog/ Questions/commentsregardingthe app? Please email us at contactus@zenlabsfitness.com,or visitus at www.zenlabsfitness.com. Zen Labs is a proud supporterof theNational Breast Cancer Coalition. We are passionate aboutfinding acure for breast cancer and proudly donate to theircause.www.breastcancerdeadline2020.org Legal Disclaimer This appand anyinformation given by it or by Zen Labs LLC are foreducationalpurposes only. They are not intended nor implied to be asubstitutefor professional medical advice. You should alwaysconsult yourhealthcare provider before beginning any fitnessprogram.
Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson
Put on your headphones and drift to sleepwiththis relaxing guided meditation intended to clear your mindandenable you to get deep restful sleep. Thousands of people haveusedAndrew Johnson's apps on the iPhone and Android to improveandenhance their lives. Try this app to beat insomnia and get agoodnight's rest.
Insomnia - Breathe & Fall Asle 0.1.5
Pink Paradise Health
Use the FAMOUS 4 7 8 breathing technique to relieveyoursleeplessness 😴